Far Cry 4 Skill Guide

Skill Guide

The Tiger Skill Tree

Skill Requirement Description
Ammo Wrangler Finish Longinus quest The reload speed for all weapons is greatly increased.
At the Ready 1 point Switching weapons and aiming with Right Click is now much faster.
Breath Control Do two hostage rescue quests Greatly increase your time spent underwater, using oxygen masks, or steadying sniper scopes.
Bullet Sponge Do 3 takedown kills Body armor is much more effective at absorbing damage.
Casual Marksman 2 points Weapon accuracy for most weapons when shooting from the hip is greatly improved.
Chain Takedown Defeat the Retaliation Party Take down multiple enemies in sequence: initiate a takedown with F, then use movement keys as prompted.
Cover Takedown Finish Eye for an Eye quest When hiding behind cover, press F to silently dispatch an enemy.
Death From Above 1 point Jump or fall onto an enemy below you for a deadly takedown.
Death From Below 1 point Press F below one or two enemies on climbing ledges to take them down.
Drag Takedown 1 point Immediately after a takedown, hold F to grab and move the body.
Focused Driving 1 point Vehicles can take more damage before needing repairs.
Grenade Takedown Finish Bomb Defusing quest Initiate a takedown on an enemy, then press the middle mouse button to use their grenade against them.
Handgun Takedown 2 points Initiate a takedown on an enemy with F, then press Right Click to take his gun, and shoot the others.
Heavy Takedown Destroy Pagan's Wrath convoy Press F to perform a takedown on heavy gunners or heavy flame units.
Huntsman Ring two bells of enlightenment in Shangri-La When aiming a bow, sway is greatly reduced.
Knife Throw Takedown 2 points Initiate a takedown on an enemy with F, then Left Click to throw knife at another.
Loot Takedown 2 points Automatically loot an enemy while performing any takedown.
Moving Mountains 1 point The bodies of heavy gunners or flame units can now be mover with F.
Moving Target 1 point Aim and fire and side arm while moving a body.
Non-Stop Get to Karma Level 2 Sprint forever with Home Button, you also move faster when crouched.
Running Reload 2 points Press R to reload a weapon while sprinting.
Soft Landing Liberate two outposts without alerting any enemies. You take reduced falling damage.
Stay on Target 1 point Handguns and snipers can now be reloaded while aiming.
Vehicle Takedown Finish Kyrati Films: Racing quest Pull alongside an enemy vehicle and press F to kill driver and front passenger.

The Elephant Skill Tree

Skill Requirement Description
Capable Strength N/A Gain an additional health slot, for 3 in total.
Dominant Strength Finish A Key to the North quest Gain an additional health slot, for 5 in total.
Duration Boosts Finish Yogi and Reggie quest Keep learning this skill to add +5 seconds to the syringe.
Focus Syringe Level 2 Finish Radio Free Kyrat quest Craft a syringe to run and swim faster and breathe under water longer. Lasts 30 seconds.
Forceful Strength N/A Gain an additional health slot, for 4 in total.
Gadget Training N/A The speed of the repair tool is greatly increased. The camera will show collectibles and let you set a waypoint to them.
Harvester 1 point You are skillful enough to take twice as many leaves from each plant you harvest.
Healing Syringe Level 2 N/A Healing syringes will restore 4 slots of health.
Healing Syringe Level 3 Craft three syringes Healing syringes will restore 6 slots of health.
Hunting Syringe 1 point This syringe highlights animals and enemies. Lasts 30 seconds.
Hunting Syringe Level 2 Finish Truth and Justice quest In addition to the default effects, the syringe also makes you virtually silent when moving and animals will not attack or flee unless provoked.
Improvised Surgery Finish Armed Escort quest When you run out of healing syringes hold a button to manually heal 2 health slots.
Inner Strength N/A Partially drained health bars will regenerate must faster.
Karma Boosts Buy an upgrade from Ghale Homestead Keep learning this skill to add +5 percent boosts to your karma reward.
Overdose Syringe Finish Kyrat Fashion Week quest This syringe lets you deal double damage, but also receive double damage. Lasts 30 seconds.
Rhino Skin 1 point You take reduced damage from fire and explosions.
Survival Syringe 1 point Craft a syringe to reduce physical damage and the chance of being knocked down by the enemy. Lasts 30 seconds.
Survival Syringe Level 2 Purchase a signature weapon In addition to the default effects, you now also take reduced damage from weapon fire.
Trade Agreement 1 point You can buy fire arrows, explosive arrows and sticky explosive upgrades at Trading Posts.
Unyielding Strength Finish Payback quest Gain an additional health slot, for 6 in total.
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