Starcraft 1 campaign in Starcraft 2

Fans remake StarCraft 1 campaign in StarCraft 2 in StarCraft: Mass Recall mod

Fans have recreated the entirety of the original Starcraft campaign (plus some extras) in Starcraft 2. Starcraft: Mass Recall has been available for a while, but the recently released Starcraft: Mass Recall 8.0 considerably polishes the mod.

Players who want to experience the Starcraft 1 campaign in Starcraft 2 are given many options through the Mass Recall mod. Not only are all the missions, cinematics, and voice acting ported over, but fans can choose between a variety of unit models, portraits, sound effects, and hero options.

How to play Starcraft 1 campaign in Starcraft 2

To play the original Starcraft campaign in Starcraft 2, players first have Starcraft 2 installed. Any version of the game will do, even the free Starter edition. Once that’s done, players will have to download the Starcraft: Mass Recall mod, which comes in several parts.

To install Starcraft: Mass Recall download (here):

  • SCMR Installer
  • SCMR v8.0 – Maps and Mod
  • SCMR Assets v8.0
  • SCMR Localization v8.0
  • SCMR Cinematics English

Once all these are downloaded, move the zipped files to the StarCraft 2 install directory. Then, unzip the installer into the Starcraft 2 install directory and run it. Follow the instructions presented on the screen, and the SCMR installer will automatically place the mod files into the correct directories.

After the mod has been installed, players just need to use the new shortcut on their desktop to run StarCraft: Mass Recall. Players can also optionally install a bonus campaign called Enslavers Redux. This campaign includes 30 missions, which are based on the Enslavers custom maps from the original Starcraft and Dark Vengeance maps from Brood War.

StarCraft: Mass Recall is one of the more expansive custom campaigns for StarCraft 2, but there are plenty of others as well. The SC2Mapster Custom Campaign Initiative has many multi-mission stories available for download, though some are complete and some aren’t. Most of them are just as easy to install as SCMR, so pick one and have fun!

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