Final Fantasy: Record Keeper Android Cheats

Tips and Tricks

If a round goes badly, you can exit the game and then turn off the app. Now, relaunch the app and you'll be asked if you wish to restart where you left off playing. If you accept, you'll resume play from the beginning of the round.

Clear the Daily Dungeons and you'll receive nice Mythril boosts as a reward and sometimes, experience points usually during weekend events.

The bosses you face here are the same bosses from past Final Fantasy games, complete with the usual weaknesses.

When characters are using favorite gear in their home world, that's Synergy. It will help them to deal a lot of extra damage and allow them to fare better in general.

when you have to get rid of your character make the sacrifice and swap out a tired old hero for young blood that can use that fancy new gear.

Balance your party. Make sure that someone in your party possesses healing magic, and try to have a mage.

Before you get rid of an item check for special effects from the equipment menu. Those special effects may be what you need.

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