outriders cross-save

Outriders Cross-Save: Can you transfer progression across platforms?

Outriders cross-save would be a hugely convenient feature for those who own multiple copies of the game. Moving characters and progression from the upstairs PC to the downstairs PS5 would be great, but does Outriders have cross-progression? The answer is complicated. Here’s how to transfer progression across platforms, as well as details on the limitations.

Does Outriders have cross-save progression?

outriders cross-save

Outriders does have cross-save progression between PS4 and PS5 or Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

For those looking to transfer save progress and characters between platforms outside of PlayStation or Xbox console families, there’s bad news: it’s not yet possible to move saves between PC to PS5, PC to Xbox, Google Stadia to PS5, etc.

The only way cross-save works is between last-gen to current-gen consoles within the same family.

While Outriders supports cross-play across all platforms, allowing anyone and everyone to play with one another regardless of what they are playing on, it’s not possible to move progress from one system to another.

Even if users buy two copies of the game on separate systems, there is no way to share progress or characters. Two copies would mean two entirely separate accounts for separate playthroughs.

Of course, developer People Can Fly is supporting the game after launch. We’ve seen many other games add cross-save support after launch, so there’s potential for that to happen with Outriders. For now, though, players’ saves are locked into the platform that they originated on.

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