Is there a real Harry Potter wand that can shoot fire

Is There Really a Harry Potter Wand That Shoots Fireballs I Can Buy?

A Harry Potter wand that shoots fireballs is making the rounds on social media. Viewers are curious as to whether the wand is real or just a lie. We looked into the product and found that it’s a little bit of both.

Is there a Harry Potter Wand you can buy that really shoots fire?

Most of the videos we found concerning a Harry Potter Wand that shoots fire concerned a site called Csnoobs. There are several models of wand available for sale on the site. They don’t look half bad, but they don’t actually shoot fire. Instead, they contain a mechanism that can launch nitrocellulose (in the form of flash paper), which will ignite in the air. So, it doesn’t really project fire.

Of course, flash paper can be incredibly dangerous. As shown in the video above, the person testing the wand launches it right next to their drapes. At least one user in the comments said that their wand arrived in a non-functional state, which might also point to quality control issues. We haven’t tested it personally, so we can’t make any testimonials one way or the other.

Unfortunately, since there’s no such thing as magic, you should treat any claims of a wand that shoots fire with a healthy dose of skepticism. For one, wands are made of wood, which is combustible. So, unless a wand was treated with some sort of flame-resistant coating or made from a faux wood substance with a higher ignition point than regular wood, it will not shoot flame. Instead, it’s going to burn up. Even without it actually shooting fire, it probably wouldn’t take a colossal user error to get some flash paper stuck in the Csnoobs wand and have it go up in blazes.

So, as far as we know, there are no Harry Potter Wands on the market that shoot fire.

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