Star Wars: Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace

Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace


Warning: The following is a walkthrough of The Phantom Menace. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. You'll ruin the game. Besides, a REAL jedi doesn't need to cheat. You must need more training...


This Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace v1.5  June 26, 1999
Copyright (C) 1999 by Marilyn J. Caylor,
Official Homepage of the walkthrough:

Copyright notice:

This walkthrough may be reprinted on other walkthrough web sites without 
permission, so long as the original content remains UNEDITED AND INTACT,
and proper credit is given to the author (which would be me).  This 
copyright must accompany and precede the actual walkthrough.  If you 
have this walkthrough on your site, then you must agree to also update
to the latest version when I contact you regarding the matter.  Please 
contact me via email, letting me know who you are and the url of your 
site, so I can send you updates when necessary.

You may NOT convert the text version into a html version.  A html 
version already exists, and I put a lot of hard work into it.  You 
are more than welcome to have the most recent version of my html 
walkthrough on your site.  The text file was created for the convenience 
of websites that have text-only walkthrough's or a contain a database.
If you have a special situation for your website, then you must contact
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resold or distributed in any compilation without permission.  Any
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via email.

The text version of this walkthrough can be easily identified (if no
one violated my copyright that is) because it is one long, HUGE file 
and it has a version number.  The html version is broken down into 
chapters, making it easier for reading, printing, and finding specific 
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guaranteed at the walkthrough's official homepage at  If you were kind enough to contact me via 
email before putting this walkthrough on your website (so I know where 
the walkthrough is ending up), then I will always email you the most recent 
version when it becomes available.




The Phantom Menace is a wonderful action/adventure game (heavy on 
the action).  It does take a bit getting used to the odd, overhead 
view (but that can be changed with a cheat).  The beginning levels 
are fairly easy, and allow you to get used to moving your character 
around.  This walkthrough is for the PC version of the game.  As of 
this writing the PSX version has not been released, and it is 
unknown if it will vary from the PC version.  However, since the 
official strategy guide says it covers both the PC and PSX versions, 
I don't think they will differ.

Everything necessary to complete the game is included here.  The 
strategies one can use to fight boss monsters, kill battle droids, 
and complete other actions are endless.  The method in which you 
fight your battles will vary slightly because of who you've talked 
to, what you talked about, how you've moved into enemy territory, 
what weapons you have left, or any number of variables.  Everyone 
will have to complete certain common actions to get through a level.  
But the AI of enemies means that the battleground may be slightly 
different.  Please remember that the strategies given in this 
walkthrough are rough guides to what you can do.  From there, you 
can develop your own strategy.  

I have tried to be as accurate as possilbe in writing this walkthrough.  
However, if I have inadvertantly made an error, please let me know.  
But before you email me, make sure you've read the most recent version 
of the walkthrough at to make sure it has 
not already been updated.

Other Resources

Please keep in mind that I only wrote a walkthrough, and I'm 
just one person trying to help others get a little more enjoyment 
out of the game.  I can only answer your questions about the 
walkthrough or strategies for the game.  As much as I would like 
to help, I am not an information kiosk.  I can't or don't have 
answers to specific questions about tech support issues or other 
programs related to the game.  Please defer your questions to the 
appropriate person.  The following is a list of other resources 
available to help you with other questions you may have about the 
game.  I hope you find it useful.

I can't help you with technical support issues, as I am not 
qualified to do so.  The obvious solution if you are having 
problems with bugs, crashes, video, or sound problems is to 
contact tech support via phone.   You can also try the support 
section of the Lucasarts home page at

Another excellent source is the Phantom Menace Forums at  You can read the forums to see if 
anyone else has the problem you're having, and if there are 
possible solutions.  People often leave messages helping each 
other out with technical problems they are having.  Sometimes 
a developer or designer of the game may even pop in.  You can 
also chat about different battle strategies if you could not 
get through a particular area of the game.

One common video problem is not being able to see through 
the bubbles (they should be transparent) on the Otoh Gunga level.  
You need to fool around with the additive blending in the hardware 
configuration option (on the game's launcher screen).  Please see 
the Phantom Menace Forums for a possible solution.

If you would like to view the cutscenes (the movie sequences) for 
the game, go to and download the BINK 
video tools.  It allows you to view the movies from the game that 
are in the /gamedata/movie directory of your game's cdrom.  It's 
interesting to view them separate from the game.  I had my performance 
options set to low, which meant that the resolution for the video 
wasn't as good as it could be.  I didn't know just how good the 
videos actually look.  Kudos to the graphic artists!




There are several skills you will have to learn to become good at.  
You need to learn the running double jump (run, jump, and jump again 
in mid-air).  This skill is vital to getting onto overhead vines and 
ropes, and jumping onto platforms and pillars.  You can't get through 
the game without learning this skill.  Practice it whenever you get 
the chance.

When vine/rope jumping, you'll know you've succeeded because you'll 
be hanging off the vine or rope.  It's all about timing, and at what 
point your feet leave the ground.  If you hang off the rope for a 
split second, but then flipped over it, it means jumped one too many 
times.  Next time try using the jump key one less time.

You will also need to become good with your saber.  There are times 
when regular weapons won't do.  Learn the overhead saber move, the 
twirling saber move, and the jump and slash technique.  Read your 
manual for more information.  You can also reflect enemy blaster 
shots off your saber and back towards them.  Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan 
move slightly different with their saber moves.  Obi-Wan, being the 
younger of the two, has more athletic flair.

Don't forget that you can roll and hop depending on what character
you're playing.  Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan can dodge blaster fire by 
rolling left or right.  Captain Panaka and Queen Amidala can hop 
from side to side.  This is a useful tactic to employ when taking 
on a group of enemies.

Force push is a convenient weapon sometimes, as it can temporarily 
stun an enemy (but not for very long).  Try using it when you have 
the chance.  It's also handy because you can push enemies off 
platforms.  However, you can't force push enemies unless they are 
on the same "level" as you.  This means that if an enemy is on top 
of the stairs, you can't push him when you're at the bottom.  Force 
push can also sometimes kill enemies if you use it on them several 
times.  Experiment.  And don't forget there's a force push meter 
measuring the amount of "force power" you have.  Using force push 
will temporarily deplete it,but it will quickly rise again.

If your gameplay is slow during battles, try turning off some of 
your performance options.  The game may not look quite as pretty, 
but you'll be able to move around and fight more quickly.  I'm at 
the minimum requirements for the game, and gameplay was a bit slow 
during battles with groups of droids.  I found that I was able to 
kill more efficiently when the performance options were set to low.

When you are protecting a character, make sure you don't stray too 
far from them.  Enemies can show up and try to take them out while 
you're off scouting ahead.  Sometimes when you cross an "invisible 
line", the game will say that the protected character has died, even 
if there are no enemies around him or her.  This is the game's way 
of telling you that you are not to go into this new area without 
that character following behind you.

On the levels where you protect a character, there are certain 
checkpoints in the game where they will automatically stop.  They 
are relatively "safe" at these points if you've cleared the area 
of enemies.  You should always talk to the person when he or she 
stops because you may have something to say, such as "wait" or 
"follow me."  Or they may have something to tell you.

Destroyer droids (the droids that roll around and have personal 
shields) are a pain in the butt.  They have a distinct sound, so 
you know when one is in the area.  The most effective way of killing 
them is using a couple of proton missiles on them.  They are most 
vulnerable when they are rolling around or right after they stop, 
because they don't have their shields up.  Try to get the first shot 
in before they get their shield up.  If you can get in any blaster 
shots or saber thrusts while they are rolling or right after they 
stop, then all the better for you!

Sometimes a non-player character you're travelling with can provide 
cover fire for you.  They can take out destroyer droids or battle 
droids for you,or help you in your battles.  You may occasionally 
run into a soldier or two that will help fight your battles.  Keep 
your eyes and ears open, and observe.  But if they start ducking 
down or screaming, it usually means they need help.

If you come upon a heavy repeating cannon in the game that you 
can use, that usually means that there are destroyer droids and a 
big group of battle droids coming your way.  Definitely make use 
of this wicked weapon.

If you see a battle tank, avoid it at all costs.  You can sometimes 
take them out, but not without wasting a lot of weapons, ammo, and 
time.  It is not necessary to take them out to finish a level.  In 
other words, don't try unless you want to show off.  You should 
preserve the big ammo for the destroyer droids (which you can't 
always run away from) and the boss monsters.  Run away from the 
battle tanks or do what you need to in order to get around it as 
quickly as possible.

One thing I can't say often enough is SAVE YOUR GAME OFTEN!  A good 
time to save is at the start of every level.  This is an action 
game, and you will probably die quite a few times until you've 
learned a strategy for a particular area.  You are given quite a 
few (approximately 100) save game slots, so don't waste all that 
extra empty space.  You will save yourself a lot of time and 
frustration if you have several previous save games you can load up 
where you had more health or you did something a little differently.  
If you die in a certain spot several times, eventually you learn how 
many enemies are in an area and how they move.  Then when you load 
up a save game, you may finally have learned how to beat that enemy.  
And don't forget to save your game before and after you fight a big 
boss monster.  Whatever you do, don't save and resave over one game 
repeatedly.  The quicksave option is fine, but you should 
periodically create normal save games several times throughout the 

Character Moves

The following is a list of some saber moves that both Qui-Gon and 
Obi-Wan can use.  Try practicing them when there are no enemies 
around.  TAP means quickly tapping the keyboard.  PRESS describes 
how you would normally press a key on the keyboard (you hold it down 
slightly longer than you would for tap).  To HOLD a key means that 
you are pressing the key continuously and not releasing it.  A few 
of the moves (such as forward slash and running forward slash) may 
seem sort of redundant.  The twirling saber move and the jumping spin 
attack are pretty fun.  The Cirle Jerk is effective when you're 
trapped in a corner or being gang banged (surrounded) by a group of 
droids.  It's similar to the slash and spin saber moves, except you 
are stationary.  Experiment with other moves.

Normal Slash -- PRESS attack key
Overhead slash -- TAP attack key
Forward slash -- HOLD forward key + PRESS attack key
Reatreat slash -- HOLD back key + PRESS attack key
Slash combo -- HOLD attack key
Overhead slash combo -- TAP attack key, then HOLD attack key
Forward stepping combo -- HOLD forward key + HOLD attack key
Twirling saber combo -- HOLD forward, TAP attack key, then HOLD attack
Retreating slash combo -- HOLD back key + HOLD attack key
Running slash -- Run forward + PRESS attack key
Running double slash -- Run forward + PRESS attack key
Running overhead slash -- Run + TAP attack, release forward key 
Running forward slash -- Run forward + HOLD attack key
Jumping Attack -- Jump, then PRESS attack key
Jumping spin attack -- Jump, then HOLD attack key
Circle Jerk -- HOLD attack key + HOLD left or right movement key


Captain Panaka has a couple of  special martial arts moves that he 
(and you) can use when you have no weapons.  Or you can just have fun 
with it even if you do have some weapons.  It's obviously only useful 
in close combat situations.

Punch -- PRESS attack key
Running punch -- Run and PRESS attack key
Punch-Kick Combo -- HOLD attack key
Roundhouse Punch-Kick -- HOLD forward key + HOLD attack key


Lightsaber -- There's just something about wielding a glowing hot, 
big killing stick that empowers both genders.  For men, it's for 
egotistic reasons, and for women (or at least me), it's sadistic.  
It's a weapon that can put a maniacal grin on an angel's face.  In any 
case, this is as close to becoming a Jedi as any of us will ever get.  
It's an all around useful weapon in both offense and defense.  You 
can deflect laser blasts with your saber.  And it goes without saying 
that you can use it to kill.  It can also cut through some objects.  
The lightsaber can only be used by Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.

Blaster Rifle -- The blaster is an average weapon and each powerup you 
find comes with 250 shots.  It shoots comparatively slow.  It's a 
standard issue weapon for battle droids.  But in a pinch, there's 
nothing like a good blaster at your side, kid.

Light Repeating Blaster -- This is an automatic version of the normal 
blaster.  Powerups come with 300 shots.  It's a better weapon than 
the blaster, but you still have to aim right if you don't want to
waste shots.

Gungan Energy Ball -- You can only find this weapon on Levels 2 and 3.  
It is an explosive energy ball that can be used to temporarily stun 
enemies.  It can also short out some machinery.

Proton Missile Launcher -- This weapon has miniature proton warheads.  
Each powerup comes with 5 shells.  It is the best weapon to use to 
defeat those pesky destroyer droids.  It's great to see in action!  
It can also do a great deal of damage to machinery.  While this weapon 
is excellent in taking out a group of droids, try to save most of 
your missiles for the destroyers.

Thermal Detonator -- Thermal detonators are powerful weapons.  They 
destroy all matter within a 5-20 meter radius.  This means that 
when you use one, run like hell the other way.  You can take damage 
if you're not quick or far enough away.  They are relatively rare 
in the game, so when you find one, you might want to save it for 
a more opportune moment (use your judgement).

Flash Grenade -- Flash grenades are sort of a poor man's thermal 
detonator.  They are designed primarily to blind enemies, but it can 
also kill them.  You have to aim it perfectly, so when you toss it at 
an enemy it hits them.  If you miss, you pretty much wasted a good flash 

Heavy Repeating Cannon -- How can anyone not love this weapon?  At 
least, you love it when you're not its target.  Usually you will 
have to commandeer the cannon by killing the droid operating it.  
And when there's a cannon in sight, you can be damn sure that you're 
meant to use it, because about 5 destroyers and 20 droids will be 
coming your way!  To operate the cannon, get behind it and press 
the spacebar (or your "use" key).  You have to align youself just 
perfectly or it won't work.  Remember that you're moving the back 
of the cannon.  This means that if you want to aim up, you have to 
press the down key, and to aim down you have to press the up key.  
Use your left and right keys as you normally would.

Naboo Blaster -- This weapon is only used by Captain Panaka.  It's 
similar to the blaster rifle.  There's absolutely nothing special 
about it, except that it's useful when you have nothing else left.

R-65 Heavy Blaster -- This weapon is only used by Captain Panaka.  
Powerups come with 100 shots.  This weapon is awesome!  It shoots 
twin energy bolts that can bounce off walls and other solid objects.  
In close quarters, this is fun to see.  It's also an important 
weapon in defeating the Coruscant Mercenary on Level 9.  The energy 
bolts can pierce through the Merc's armor, whereas regular blaster 
shots won't.

Droid Stunner -- This is the wimpiest weapon in the game.  It will 
emit an energy pulse that can temporarily stun almost any enemy.  
It's a weapon that only Queen Amidala can use (no one else would want 
to).  Even fists are better than using this baby's toy.  It is a close 
combat weapon with a limited range (one or two feet).  This weapon 
is mostly ineffective because the Queen will get her butt kicked while 
she's trying to run up to the droid to use the damn thing.  It's mostly 
useful for sneaking up behind a droid and suprising it.  It can kill
some droids (short out their circuitry), but with others it will just 
stun them temporarily.




Some people are just not Jedi material.  If your eye/hand coordination 
is a bit on the cross-eyed, three-fingered side, then you'll need these 
cheat codes.  The one complaint I have about the cheats is that the 
health ones are limited in the number of times you can use them.  That's 
a big thumbs down to the person who brainstormed that brilliant idea.  
What the hell is the point in allowing us to cheat, if they are going 
to dictate how many times we can do it?  It really defeats the purpose 
of cheating.  Bah!  Grrrrrrrr!  Pbbbbbttttt!  And you know where you 
can stick that big thumbs down!

Here are some useful, fun, and not-so-useful cheat codes.  I did not 
make the cheats and I have not tested all of them.  Please don't ask
me about them.  They may or may not work, so use them at your own risk.

To enable the cheat, press the BACKSPACE key while in the game, then 
enter the follow codes into the dialog box.  Type in the cheat again 
to return to normal.

happy -- Weapon 3 more powerful
from above -- Top down camera view
naughty naughty -- Camera view from behind
perf -- Wireframe mode
but i feel so good -- Force push color turns red
perfection -- Auto-fire/attack
slowmo -- Slow motion
beyond cinema -- Screen changes to letterbox format
turntables -- Makes Jawas HUGE (this is fun to see!)
i like to cheat -- All weapons and ammo
give me life -- Full health & game difficulty increases (max 5 times)
heal it up -- Full health (max use 5 times)
where is gurshick -- View the end-game credits
rex -- Wire frame menu
iamqueen -- Play as Queen Amidala
iampanaka -- Play as Captain Panaka
iamquigon -- Play as Qui-Gon
iamobi -- Play as Obi-Wan
i stink -- Skill level set to easy
i really stink -- Skill level is set to easy
i rule the world -- Skill level is set to hard
fps -- Displays framerate
60fps -- Displays 60fps frame rate
kill me now -- Instant Death
donttttt -- Instant Death
rrrrright -- Instant Death
drop a beat -- Moving walls
brenando -- "Tech bonus" message appears
oldcode -- "Debug mode 1" message, enter again for "debug mode 2"


You can also get an invincibility trainer for the game.  Please see 
the html version of the walkthrough at to 
download the trainer.  The invincibility trainer can freeze your health 
at 999% (or thereabouts) and shouldn't affect your skill rating after 
you've finished the game.  So what is a trainer you ask?  A "trainer" is 
a small program created by an outside source, and is designed to work in 
conjunction with the game.  It allows you to cheat the game in various 

To use the trainer, unzip the file to whatever directory you want.  
BEFORE you start the game, start the trainer program.  Do NOT close 
the program after it has loaded.  The trainer must continue to run 
in the "background."  Pay attention to the F# function keys or write 
them down.  Then start your game as you normally would.  When you want 
to cheat, just press the F# function key for that particular cheat.  
For example, F7 gives you unlimited health.  So while you're playing 
in the game, you would press the F7 key.
Please remember that the trainer may or may not work with your version 
of the game.  Don't email me about the trainer, as I did not create it.
I can not provide technical support for it (what you see is what you get).  
This trainer is downloadable from this website merely as a convenience 
to you.  All email regarding the trainer (unless it's about a broken link) 
will be deleted.  If you are having problems, please refer your question 
to the Phantom Menace forum to see if anyone 
else has your problem, and if there is a possible solution.

Save Games

Please see the html version of the walkthrough at for a complete list of save games.


Level 1:  Trade Federation Battleship
Mission:  Get to the hangar bay

In this level you play Obi-Wan.  As a droid enters, you notice the 
conference room fill up with poison gas.  You can talk to the droid if 
you want, but do it quickly.  Exit the room, and have your lightsaber 

Kill all the droids in the immediate area (you can also use force push).  
Qui-Gon will help you.  In the room to the left of the conference room, 
you can find a thermal detonator in a compartment ("use" the handprint 
icon).  There is also a full health powerup in the little round room 
(service closet).  In the other room to the right of the conference 
area, the compartment has a blaster with 250 shots.

At the end of the hallway, there is an R2 unit fixing a broken door.  
Be careful, to the right of him are 2 battle droids waiting in ambush.  
Kill them, then go through the service closet and use the control panel 
to open the broken door.  If you need it, grab the full health powerup 
in the compartment to the left of R2 droid.

Go through the newly opened door and you end up in a hallway.  To the 
left is a destroyer droid carousel and a dead end.  Destroyer droids are 
a nightmare!  It is possible to kill the destroyer droids by having their 
shots reflect off your lightsaber and back at them, but this takes practice.  
The thermal detonator will hardly put a dent in them, so don't waste it.  
You really need a proton missile launcher, which you don't have yet.  And 
at this point, you probably haven't had enough practice to take them out 
with your saber.  You don't have to go left, but if you are quick, go 
beyond the destroyer droid carousel to the worker droid, and kill her 
immediately before she can release them. 

If you chose not to go left, go right, down the hallway, and your path 
is blocked by a locked door.  Go into the open control room on the right 
near the locked door and use the handprint panel.  It will open up a 
hidden area with a battle droid in it directly across from you.  Go 
across and kill the battle droid.  There's a full health in the service 
closet, but it will only open if the R2 unit is in this room with you.  
If he's not already there, go back down the hallway and find the R2 unit 
(he may be hiding behind the destroyer droid carousel or he may have been 
destroyed) and coax him into this room.  He should then open the service 
closet for you.  Then use the handprint panel to unlock the big door.

Follow Qui-Gon and go straight ahead all the way to the next intersection.  
The trade federation viceroy closes the blast doors (you may even get 
a quick glimpse at him), and you are ambushed by more destroyer droids.  
These guys have personal shields and are hard to kill.  So follow Qui-Gon's 
advice:  tuck your tail between your ass, Jedi-boy, and get the hell out 
of there!  Go right, and another locked door blocks your path.  Take the 
small opening to your left.  You run down a long hallway, but the floor 
gives way and you fall into a shaft.  You are separated from Qui-Gon and 
on your own for the rest of this level.

Follow the catwalk into a hangar, and watch as your ship is blown to 
bits.  Keep going down the path.  Maintainance droids are cleaning this 
area, and can electrocute you to death if you're not careful.  Avoid 
walking too close in front of or behind them, or they will zap you.  Use 
your blaster (not your saber) from far away to kill them.

This area is a bit of a maze, but it's not very big.  Keep to the right 
side of the maze until you come to a door with a red, double triangular 
symbol on it.  Face the door.  Then go to the area to the left where you 
will find a handprint panel that opens this door (note the same triangle 
symbol near the panel).  If you find yourself at the ventilation fan (or 
blades in the floor) then you've gone too far.  Just turn around and you 
should see the control panel on the wall.

Use the control panel, and run as fast as you can back to the triangle- 
symbol door you passed earlier.  There is a maintainence droid inside, 
so let him pass first.  Go inside quickly and use the handprint.  Notice 
the double circle symbol -- it opens a door with this same symbol on it.  
Exit the room, go straight until you hit a wall, then right into the 
newly opened door.  The doors are timed so if you don't make it, you'll 
have to do it all over again.  The control panels and two doors are in 
such close vicinity so you can't get lost too easily (I hope).

Follow the new path past the fan into another cramped hallway.  The fork 
to the left will take you to a room with 3 battle droids and a full 
health powerup.  After you're done taking them out, go back down the 
hallway.  There's a grate in the floor.  If you can manage to jump the 
grate, you'll come to a room with a thermal detonator.  Go back, and the 
grate will give way under your feet.  Go straight until you reach an 
intersection with 2 blue doors and a red door.  There are a lot of battle 
droids here to kill.  They'll come out the right door first, then the door 
straight ahead.  After that, look at the hallway behind you for more droid 

Directly across from the red door is a room with two boxes and a 
pit in the floor.  The box on the right has a full health powerup 
hidden inside it.  Push the box into the pit to reveal it, and 
hopefully you'll take out a droid or two in the process.  Jump down 
into the pit and kill any battle droids that are left.  Turn around 
and use the handprint to open up the big doors.  Talk to the Neimoidian 
for background information.  Go into the service closet on the left and 
use your lightsaber or blaster to destroy the power generator (the lights 
will go out).  The red door should now be open.

To get out of the pit, just jump up onto the ledge or wait for the 
small elevator to lower/raise and exit the room.  Fight more droids.  
Go through the red door.  Immediately go to the elevator to the left 
and use it, because there is a starfighter droid (the big one with 
pointy legs) on the ground.  If it's not there, walk forward a little 
bit to trigger its arrival before you get on the elevator.  Kill the 
battle droid waiting for you on the upper platform.  To make the 
starfighter droid disappear, go through the small, open hallway about 
2-3 feet (relatively speaking).  When the starfighter sees that it 
has nothing to kill, it will go away (you can watch him leave to the 
left through the grates).  It should now be gone for good.

Once its gone, exit the hallway and take the elevator back down to 
the ground.  Kill any battle droids that are left.  There is a 
small health powerup on top of one of the crates.  Snatch it.  And do 
you see that bottom crate sticking out?  It's just begging to be touched.  
If you move it, you can find a secret room with a thermal detonator and 
a small health powerup.  In the upper right corner of this room,  you 
can pull out another crate and find a secret room within a secret room.  
This second room has a proton missile launcher with 5 missiles.

If you want a nice view of the hangar bay, exit into the blue tunnel off 
to the side.  Once you're through, go back up the elevator onto the upper 
platform.  (If you missed it earlier, you can use the panel and go through 
the big door to find 3 droids and a full health powerup).  From the upper 
platform, go back into the hallway (where you hid from the starfighter) 
and continue forward until you find yourself on a catwalk.  Keep walking, 
and you'll soon hear Qui-Gon say "Obi-Wan."  He's on the left catwalk 
below you.  Wait for him to speak.  Follow his directions, and find a 
way offplanet.

Keep walking until you reach a dead end where an elevator should be 
(look for the square-shaped metal on the ground).  You need to find a 
way to bring the elevator up to this area.  Go down the path near the 
elevator, and it's time to play the moving catwalk game.  There is a 
purple barrier blocking your path.  Go left, press the control panel 
to move the barrier.  The barrier is now blocking the path that you 
just came from, and freeing the path that was blocked before.  Follow 
the new path until you get to another control panel.  Press it, and it 
will activate a moving catwalk to your left.  Quickly cross it and press 
the control panel at the end.  This control panel calls up the elevator.  
Wait on this catwalk until it moves back into place on the other side.  
Once in place, use the control panel on this catwalk one more time.  
This will move the purple barrier back into its original position.  
Exit, and now you are free to use the elevator.

At the bottom of the elevator, you will find yourself on the lower 
catwalk where Qui-Gon was.  There is only a dead end to the left.  So 
go the other way (right) towards all the battle droid ships.  A couple 
of hovering platforms with droids on it will start rising up towards you.  
You can fight them or just keep running forward.  A platform on your 
left (near the dead end you're coming up on) will have a control panel 
on it.  Walk onto this platform, and the level will end.


Level 2:  Swamps of Naboo
Mission:  Find Qui-Gon

You start this level on top of a mound in the water.  Turn left, and 
start swimming.  There should be a dry clearing between two trees 
on the left.  If you can't find it, just keep swimming along the 
perimeter of the swamp until you do, you'll come upon it eventually.

Once in the clearing, you'll meet up with several battle droids, and 
a blaster with 250 shots.  After you kill the droids, jump into the 
water, go left, and keep going straight until you come to an uphill 
path and find Jar Jar Binks.  Talk to him.  He runs away from the 
"meccaneks."  Follow him by turning around and taking the left path 
(it goes downhill).  You are dumped into the water.  Swim left or 
right (there's a lone droid to the left), and you will come to a 
clearing with Jar Jar high up on a rock pedastal.  In one corner of 
this clearing, there is a full health powerup near two droids.  
After you kill the two droids and grab the health, you can double 
jump onto the nearby rock pillar and snatch the thermal detonator.  
Don't forget to kill the droid patrolling a small ledge near Jar Jar.

To reach Jar Jar, go around the rock he's on and move the big, 
square hollow log to it (the indentation in the grass serves as a 
path showing you where you should put the log).  Don't use force 
push to move objects, it won't work.  The  default "use" key is 
the spacebar, so use the spacebar in combination with the arrow keys 
to move it.  Jump up, cross two logs, and jump up onto higher ground.  
You'll cross a third log, but don't cross it all the way.  There's 
nothing on the other side, except about 10 droids with your death on
their minds.  Instead, turn left, and look down.  You should see Jar 
Jar on the ground below you.

Jump down (grab the gungan energy balls on the rock on the way down 
if you can) and follow Jar Jar.  Have your saber handy, there are 
about 7 more droids to fight.  Jump into the water, and to the right 
there is an alcove with a small health powerup.  Follow Jar Jar out 
of the water (despite what he says there is no safe place!).  And 
watch out for a group of those little round creatures.  In groups, 
and if you stay in one place too long, they'll start munching on you.  
Just run past them quickly and jump over the small stone wall.

From the stone wall, jump into the water.  In the upper right there 
is a small alcove with a full health powerup.  Go back out and 
continue forward.  Kill a couple of droids, and then you'll reach 
a series of staggering earth platforms.  Do what Jar Jar says and 
"jump to the top."  Once on top, you'll see Jar Jar run away from 
the meccaneks (mechanics).

Follow Jar Jar down a small hill, and you'll come to an intersection.  
Now would be a good time to save your game.  The left path will 
lead you to more droids than you can handle, and the right path 
will take you to Jar Jar who's high up on a cliff that you can't 
reach.  You have to find another way to reach him, so take the center 
path, and watch out for the falling trees!  Keep going (relatively) 
straight  until you hit a wall and can't go straight anymore.  From 
here, go left.  You should see a little rock with a small health 
powerup on it.  From this rock, you want to go right (pick up the 
gungan energy balls in the alcove to the left of the rock if you want).

You should now be at a pond with a couple of big (and killer) 
fishies.  If you're unsure about your jumping prowess and are 
worried about falling into the water, use your blaster to kill 
the big fish first (or you'll become fish food).  There are a few 
dry islands sticking out of the water that you'll need to jump 
across.  Your goal is to get to the shore on the far side.  Or if 
you've killed the big fish, you can just swim to the small 
clearing on the right and jump up onto the final platform.

On this last earth platform, there is a rock sticking out 
slightly.  You'll need to make a running double jump off this 
rock to reach the next area.  Once across, continue forward, and 
make another running double jump off the log onto the butte where 
Jar Jar is waiting.  Talk to him, and he'll take off.  

This is an area where a lot of people seem to have trouble.  You'll 
have to make two running double jumps to reach Jar Jar on the other 
side.  But there's a STAP (a droid on a flying machine) attacking 
you from overhead.  It will develop a flight pattern, so just wait 
and watch for it.  You can try to take it out (jump up and whack it 
with your saber) or when it's out of range, you can try jumping or 
taking the vine across.  Be wary of the vine at this point though, 
because if you're hit, you'll get knocked off.  In any case, save 
your game so you don't have to find your way back here again.  To 
find the pond if you get knocked down, turn around, keep hugging 
the right wall and  continue forward.  The pond should be on the 
right and is not very far away.

Once on the other side, follow Jar Jar again.  You'll come to an 
area with a deep pit and a moveable log.  Push the log into the pit.  
Pull and push it to the other side, then jump up.  And here is where 
you need to do a running single jump (or double jump, depending on 
where you're standing) to reach the vines.  Once on the vine, go all 
the way right and press the spacebar to let yourself down again.
Now would be a good point to save your game

You'll meet up with Jar Jar and a buttload of droids.  If Jar Jar 
dies, the level ends (you're near the end in any case).  You can 
kill the droids with whatever weapons and ammo you have, but the 
quick and fun way is to use the heavy repeating cannon to the left.  
Get behind it and press the spacebar.  You have to position yourself 
just right or it won't work.  You can move the repeating cannon left 
or right, and you can also move it up and down.  Remember that you are 
moving the back of the cannon, so if you want to shoot up, you need to 
press the down key.  And if you want to shoot down, press the up key.  

There are destroyer droids hiding inside the two crates on the far 
side, so try not to shoot the crates if you can help it.  Also, try 
not to walk too close to those two crates, because that can also 
trigger the release of the destroyer droids.  Whack the crate next to 
you (near the cannon) and you'll find a blaster.  There is a full health
powerup right next to this crate.  After the battle has ended, follow 
the path on the right side and you'll find Qui-Gon and Jar Jar.  That's 
the end of this level.


Level 3:  Otoh Gunga
Mission:  Rescue Jar Jar Binks

Follow Qui-Gon and Jar Jar by walking straight until you reach Boss 
Nass's chambers.  After the short conversation with Boss Nass, talk 
to Qui-Gon.  Exit the room.  Go left into the next bubble and grab 
the gungan energy balls off the red lounge-couch.  Exit, go straight 
(past the aquarium), and enter the next small bubble.  It's a 
transport bubble, and it looks like a dead end.  Turn around in the 
transport, and to the right of the entrance, you should see a small 
button that looks like a bullseye.  Press the button to operate the 

Exit the transport when it stops, and your only path out of there is 
blocked by guard Gungans who don't like outlanders.  There are two 
ways out of this situation.  You can follow Qui-Gon's advice and not 
kill any of them, or you can go on a shooting rampage.  My first time 
through I went on a shooting spree (the dark side is strong in my 
family), and I took great pleasure in silencing those pesky little 
gungan punks who kept calling me a murderer!  If you want to preserve 
ammo, then take the light side path, because once you kill one Gungan, 
they'll all start coming after you.  

To get past the guards the proper Jedi way, use force push or a gungan 
energy ball.  Some guards may still occasionally attack, but just use 
force push on them to keep them at bay.  If you force push them too 
many times you may kill them, so be careful.  And keep in mind that 
there are no health packs on this level.  It's the game's way of 
telling you about the non-violence protocol you should be following 
for this level.

Get past the guard in this first bubble with your preferred method, 
and go down the long hallway and into another bubble.  Shoot or force 
push the guard and go left down another hallway.  In this third bubble 
there is black carpet and a yellow circle pattern on the floor.  You 
may hear Jar Jar say "hey, any help here would be hot."  He's in the 
bubble lift on the right that is closed off to you.  If you walk 
towards it (between the two red couches), the lift will leave.  If you 
haven't pissed off the guards by killing their buddies, you can talk to 
the guard between the red couches and get a key pass.  Despite what 
he says, it is not needed to get through any doors or to complete 
the level.

Continue forward down another long hallway, and you'll come to an area 
with three white circles on the ground.  They are pillars, and once you 
enter the area, two of the pillars will start to rise.  Looking down, 
number the pillars 1 (left), 2 (center),  3 (right).  Pillar 3 (which 
has a slightly different pattern than the other two) will take you back 
up to the starting balcony if you need to start the puzzle over.  

Now, you can do this puzzle the easy way or the hard way.  The easy 
way is to jump down immediately upon entering this area and stand on 
pillar 2.  The pillar will rise, and from here you can double jump to 
the balcony with the two gungan guards on it.  However, if pillar 2 rose 
before you could get on it, then get on pillar 3 and jump back onto the 
balcony you started from.

From the starting balcony, make a running jump to pillar 1, turn 
slightly and make another running jump to pillar 2.  From pillar 2, 
double jump onto the guard balcony.  Once past the guards, you'll 
come to another transport bubble.  Push the button.

Exit, and say your prayers as you walk down this long hallway, because 
you are about to come upon the bubble of pure evil!  This jumping 
puzzle is a problem for a lot of people.  Not only do you have to jump, 
but you have to jump onto the next platform quickly because the one 
you're standing on will sink when you land on it.  There are a couple 
of strategies to make this work, but you will need quick and nimble 
fingers and it will be difficult in any case.  Once you land on the 
first platform, quickly turn slightly and make either a single jump or 
double jump onto the next pillar.  Repeat with the other pillars.  If 
you want to save yourself some frustration (although not much), forget 
about the pillar with the blaster on it, you don't need it that badly.

After you get past this puzzle, continue forward down a ramp.  The 
bubbles on the left and right both have gungan energy balls.  Continue
all  the way to the end and use another transport bubble.

Exit the transport when it stops, follow the left path, and you'll 
come to a timed puzzle.  You need to press the button on the right 
and RUN up the circular ramp to the door (and moving tube) that it 
opens.  If the door is closed when you get there, you'll have to do 
it all over again.  If you fall into the pit below, just move the 
box near the ledge and jump up.  However, if you're too high up when 
you fall, you'll die.  You may wish to save your game before you
attempt the puzzle.

Once through the door, you'll come to a bubble with a Gungan guard 
and a locked passageway.  Talk to him.  Tell him that you need to 
find the detention area, and that you have the security key.  Then 
use your Jedi mind trick to convince him you must be very important 
to have a pass.  He should open the door for you (walk towards it to 
coax him if it's still closed).

In the next bubble, you'll find a locked door with a red swirl 
symbol on the right.  Go left down a ramp and you'll come to a bubble 
with a transparent forcefield in the floor.  It's protecting the 
swirl-shaped control panel beneath your feet.  In this room, there are 
pillars covering 3 corners, but the northwest corner is open (if it's
not, exit the room and re-enter until that pillar lowers).  In the 
open corner is a button up high, but you can't reach it.  Move the 
box to this area and push the button.  Turn around, and you'll notice 
one of the pillars has lowered and revealed another button.  Continue 
the process until all the buttons have been pushed.

Once the forcefield is open, jump on top of the swirl control panel 
in the pit.  It will change from green to red to let you know it's 
active.   Exit, go up the ramp and straight across through the newly 
opened door.

Yet again, here is another timed jumping puzzle.  Jump down into the 
pit, move the box to the pillar with the button on it, then get on top 
of the box.  Press the button, quickly jump on top of the pillar, make 
a running double jump to the far balcony, and go through the door.  If 
the door closes on you, start over.

Once through the door, talk to the Gungan.  He will help you control 
the bubble lifts.  Continue down the path to the next transport bubble.  
Once past the guard, you'll come to a bubble where you can either go 
left or right.  Going right won't do you any good right now (Jar Jar 
will lead you that way when he's released).  To find Jar Jar, take the 
left path, down the ramp, past the guards, and into Jar Jar's detention 
cell.  Talk to him.  Follow him (get out of his way if he's not moving) 
and he'll lead you to another transport bubble.  After you arrive, exit, 
and you'll meet up with Qui-Gon.  End of level 3.


Level 4:  Gardens of Theed
Mission:  Reach the palace gates

Let me start out by saying that this level and the next one are very 
evil!!  There will be lots of killing and dying (yes you will die!).  
I would have cheated on this one but the cheat codes weren't 
available yet when I played the game.

You start the level on the wrong side of the bridge to the palace.  
On the balcony across from you a battle tank is shooting at you.  
You'll come upon this same tank at the end of the level.  But for now, 
you have to navigate the outer gardens in order to reach the palace 
gates that the tank is guarding.

Be careful, there's a huge waterfall to your left that will kill you.  
You can try to take a running double jump onto the big pillar and jump 
down onto the smaller pillars, but I found it easier just to swim.  
Jump into the water, and quickly swim upstream (hug the right wall).  
Eventually you'll reach some steps on the right.  Go up, then you'll 
find a small pond area.  Jump into the water as far away from that 
small waterfall as possible (or it will suck you into it and you'll 
have to swim upstream again).  

There are a couple of concrete blocks in the water that you can jump 
onto for a little bit of relief from the big killer fishies.  Against 
one wall are 3 tiny waterfalls.  Face it.  One the left side of the 
waterfalls is a small ledge and a set of stairs.  That's where you 
want to head.  Once up the stairs and on the ledge against the wall, 
you'll have to jump across the 3 waterfalls.  Once past it, you come 
to a seemingly dead end.  It is impossible to do a running double jump 
onto the next platform.  But there is a tiny release lever (it's 
black/silver) on the platform across from you, slightly to the right.  
Shoot at it or use force push, and it will release a bridge.  

Cross the bridge, go around the corner, and fight a few droids.  
There's a pink forcefield surrounding a dam.  To the left on the 
other side is another control lever that you can shoot/push to release 
the forcefield.  The dam will now be about 2 inches under water 
(relatively speaking).   Jump down onto it, cross it (be careful not 
to fall off) and don't forget the small health powerup once you're on 
the other side.  There's a lone droid patrolling the area as well, 
so blast him.

Follow the path around a couple of corners, and you'll come to an 
area with three Theed soldiers.  You can run up the steps to the left 
and let them take out any droids nearby, or you can help them.  I 
suggest wimping out, as you'll need all your health VERY soon).  
After the shootout is over, a soldier should go up the stairs into 
your hideout (go out and come back in if he needs a bit of coaxing).  
Talk to him and he should give you a light repeating blaster with 
300 shots.

Now is the perfect time to save your game.  You'll thank yourself for 
it in a couple of minutes.

Continue forward, and you'll come to an area that will make you cry.  
A small in-game movie sequence reveals that battle droids, tanks, and 
ships have commandeered the garden.  On the right side there is a 
battle tank, which will make bantha fodder of you in two seconds if 
you try to take it headon.  Instead, you are forced to take the left 
path, and must navigate the garden maze to get back to the right side 
near the battle tank.  There aren't many words of wisdom for this one.  
This is a shoot 'em up sequence!  Either cheat or be quick and nimble 
with the fingers.  

There are 4 quadrants, or 4 main sections to the maze.  Each quadrant 
has a different entrance and exit point.  Quadrants are easy to 
identify because they have green grass.  There is concrete pavement 
between the different quadrants.  The active battle tank and a few 
droids will be patrolling the main path on the side.  You must avoid 
them for now.

After the cut scene, go left, and you'll be attacked immediately 
by 2 droids.  Whack them with your saber quickly.  Go straight, and 
you'll see about 7 droids in a corner area.  If you have any flash 
grenades or a thermal detonator left, now is a good time to use one to 
take out this group (stand as far back as possible).  Use your saber on 
any strays.  If you're out of grenades, use a few gungan energy balls 
to temporarily disable the battle droids while you finish them off with 
your saber.  Or if all else fails, use the repeating blaster the Theed 
soldier gave you.

A disabled battle tank is blocking your path forward.  But to your 
right is the first quadrant with a full health powerup, which you 
probably need very badly at this point.  Follow the maze and you'll 
see the grass turn to concrete.  This is the exit point of quadrant 
one.  To the right is the main path with the active battle tank and 
a few battle droids.  To the left is a disabled battle tank.  You are 
relatively safe from the tank's blaster fire behind the maze walls.  
Cross the concrete pavement to the next quadrant, which is slightly 
off center and to the left (look for the green grass).

In quadrant two, you'll have to fight more droids.  They are spread 
apart so whacking them with the saber should do the trick.  Don't use 
your flash grenades in this area because there are 2 Theed soldiers 
here you want to keep alive.  If you find a downed soldier that is 
alive, talk to him and he will give you the password to open the 
security gate you'll encounter later on.  If he's dead, don't worry 
about it, there's an alternate way into the plaza.  There should be 
a light repeating blaster with 300 shots in the corner near the 
downed soldier.  If he's dead and his body is not there, the weapon 
may or may not be available for you to snatch.

After fighting the battle droids and talking to the downed soldier 
(or finding his body), it is time to exit this quadrant.  The concrete 
pavement you see this time is the main path.  You will be near a corner, 
and the battle tank is patrolling the immediate area.  Directly across 
from you is a white fence.  If you quickly run across and jump over it, 
you can find a small health powerup (and two battle droids).  There are 
also 3 big blocks here.  You can pull the middle block out, and you'll 
find a room behind it hiding a proton missile launcher with 5 shells.

Now, look at the main path that the battle tank is on, and observe its 
patrolling movements.  You want the battle tank to pass you, and when 
it's heading in the opposite direction that you want to go, run like 
hell around the corner.

Continue forward, and there will be a disabled battle tank blocking 
your path straight ahead, and another one to the left.  Your only 
option is to enter the third quadrant, where battle droids are already 
attacking you.  There is a small health powerup in one corner of this 

Cross over to quadrant four.  As you cross the concrete pavement, to 
your right are a bunch of stacked crates, and to the left near the 
entrance to quadrant four are 2 stacked crates.  DON'T go to the right.  
If you walk too close to the crates, it will trigger the release of 
two destroyer droids hiding inside.

In quadrant 4 are a few more battle droids to kill.  Exit the quadrant.  
The path to your left is blocked by rubble.  There is a small health 
pack near the rubble.  Go right, around a couple of corners, and 
you'll come to some stacked crates on the right.  Kill the droids near
the crates.  You are now on the other side of crates the destroyer 
droids are in, so they can't get you from here.  There is a small 
health powerup on one of the crates.  Jump up and get it.  From here, 
you can take out any battle droids ahead of you from afar with your 
blaster (and save some of your health).

All the droids should be dead now.  On your left is a gazebo (the 
little round building) with a small health powerup inside.  Go 
around the corner.    

Continue forward, and you've finally come upon the security gates.  
The soldier will ask you if you know the passcode.  If you do, tell 
him and the gate will open.  Go through it, and you'll be at the dead 
end of an abandoned plaza.

If you don't know the password, he'll show you another way around.  
Follow him around the corner, past the gazebo, and up a set of covered 
stairs.  He'll open a door, but the droids inside will kill him.

Go inside and take out the 2 droids in front of you.  Turn the corner,
and take out 2 more droids.  Before you exit the hallway and go into 
the main hall (look at the change of pattern in the floor) there is a 
secret area on the right wall.  Look for an uneven pattern.  Pull the 
block out and you'll find a full health powerup.  Now go into the main 
hall, and take out the battle droids on the ground.  Once that's done, 
run back to the small hallway for cover.  If you have any flash grenades 
left, run into the main area and force push the droids on the balcony to 
disable them, then take them out with a grenade.  Push the red button 
and a door will open in one corner.

If you're low on health, and have any energy balls left, throw them 
at the droids to stun them (or try force push), quickly use the red 
button, and enter the newly opened door in the corner.  Once you're 
through on the other side, the door will close behind you and the 
droids can't blast you.  You are now in an abandoned plaza.

From the abandoned plaza, follow the only path forward.  To your left, 
you'll see a small walkway that leads to a tiny courtyard with a 
starfighter droid and one or more downed soldiers.  There's also a 
full health powerup that's taunting you.  The starfighter will blow 
up if you get too close.  If you're low on health, you may not survive.  
But if you really need that healthpack, go back outside the walkway.  
As far back as you can (so you're not hurt when it blows up), and with 
the starfighter in sight, use your blaster to shoot it.  When the 
starfighter has been destroyed, grab the healthpack, and say your 
apologies for killing those poor innocent soldiers, you murderer!

Head onward until you come to a small pool with a big fish and a 
set of stairs on the left.  There's a lone droid in the area.  The 
wall on your right (across from the stairs) has a small ledge with 
some weeds (not that kind!) or flowers in it.  Double jump on to it.  
From here, you can jump into the bushes straight ahead.  You'll find 
a proton missile launcher with 5 missiles in this secret area.

Now, go up the stairs, press the button, and this will make the water 
in the pool rise so you can swim to the other side.  Make sure that 
big fishie swims out of the pool through a tiny hole first.  Then jump 
in and swim around the corner.  To your left you can see some stairs 
and a button under water.  Get out of the pool, go up another set of 
stairs, and find another button.  This will lower the water level.  Go 
back down the stairs and a button that was previously underwater is now 
dry and accessible.  Press it to release a bridge nearby.

Go up the stairs, head right, and look at the new bridge.  This is the 
small pond you were at near the beginning of the level.  If you want 
some extra goodies ignore the bridge for now, and keep going past it.  
You'll come to a dead end courtyard with a bench, two balconies, and 
a button.  Press the button, and the windows in the balcony will open.  
Pull and push the bench near one of the balconies and jump up.  Don't 
forget to snatch the proton missile launcher with 5 shells that was 
behind the bench.  

In one balcony, you'll find a thermal detonator (always handy).  Cross 
the vine to the other balcony (or use the bench again), and you'll get 
a proton missile launcher with 5 shells (you need these to kill destroyer 
droids) and a small health powerup.

Go back to the bridge and cross it.  Shoot or force push the release 
lever on the platform across from you to release another bridge.  
Cross it, and watch out for the bomb on the ground (there are more 
like it in the courtyard with the tank).  An alternate way of getting 
to this area with the bomb on the ground is to jump down from the 
secret balcony that had the thermal detonator in it.

Around a couple of corners, there is a battle tank guarding the 
palace gates, so you'll have to be quick. The palace has two gates 
that must be opened before you go can through.  The release levers 
for both palace gates are up high in a window, there's one to the 
left and one to the right of the stairs.  There's also a concrete 
block on each side of the stairs.

For now, run past the tank and cross to the far side of the stairs.  
Jump on top of the concrete block and you should see a release lever 
in the window near you.  Force push or shoot it, but be quick because 
the tank can destroy the block you're standing on.  There is also a 
small path off to the side with a full health powerup.

If you need another full health powerup, there is a low level OPEN 
window to the right of the stairs.  Jump up, kill the battle droid 
inside, and grab the healthpack.

Now you need to move the second release lever.  Go to the right 
side of the stairs.  There are two different ways you can to this.  
The first is to jump up on the concrete block.  Once on the tall 
block, you will have to jump to see the release lever, it's in a 
very high window.  Jump and shoot, or jump and force push to release 
it.  I was very lucky.  The tank managed to shoot the release lever 
as it was aiming at me (because I was jumping up and down trying to 
shoot the release lever). 

The second way to get the release lever is to go into the corner 
to the right side of the stairs (don't step on the land mines).  
There is a closed window to the right that is low, and a closed 
window that is slightly higher up to the left.  You will need to 
jump on the ledge of lower level window, then from there jump on to 
the ledge of the higher level window.  From this higher level window, 
double jump into the open window above you with the release lever.  
Shoot it or force push it, and the last door is now open.  Go through 
the gates, and the level ends.  Whew!


Level 5:  Escape from Theed
Mission:  Protect the Queen; Reach the hangar

In this mission you have to make sure the Queen is not killed, otherwise 
the level automatically ends.  You both need to reach the hanger safely.  
If you are separated from the Queen because you are scouting ahead, 
and you get a message that she has died, next time check back on her 
more often, or don't stray too far from her.

Unless you are following this section of the walkthrough from beginning 
to end, it is impossible to give an exact strategy that everyone can 
use.  That's just the nature of this level and the enemy AI.  Enemies 
can attack unexpectantly, you may have left the queen at a different 
point than I did, or done things in a different order than I've done 
here (which will definitely affect your game).  For this level, I'm 
providing one of the strategies I used to finish it.  Just keep keep 
your eyes (and ears) open, check on the queen often, and protect her 
as best you can from the droids.

You start the level separated from your comrades (how original), and 
the Queen is running from gunfire, so follow her.  Go up the stairs, to 
the right, then left, through a circular room, and down some stairs to 
the garden.  Kill a couple of battle droids along the way.  The queen 
should tell you that there's a secret path behind the statue.  If she 
doesn't lead you to the statue or she's still somewhere behind you, go 
back to her and let her lead you.  Push the statue forward and make 
sure there's a big enough path for her to get through or she won't 
follow you.

Once through, keep going up the stairs until you get to a door that 
is jammed.  You'll have to make a running double jump to the balcony 
on the other side.  But first, force push the droid off the balcony.  
Once across and near the window, jump down to a secret balcony below 
you.  Here you'll find a proton missile launcher with 5 shells, which 
you're definitely going to need.  Jump back up and go through the window 
into the room.  Push the button to let the queen inside.  Listen to the 
queen and take the blaster with 250 shots and a small health powerup 
(you would have done it without her permission anyways).

Exit, make sure the queen is following you, and go down a few steps.  
The queen will tell you that she'll stay there while you scout ahead.  
Remember to come back and check on her from time to time during your 
battles, because even though you can clear the area of droids and go 
a little further, more droids will come back when you're back is 
turned and try to kill her.

Go down the stairs and droids will start attacking you.  Go right, 
and take out a few droids.  Go back to the left path.  You'll be greeted 
by a couple of battle droids.  Kill them, and continue forward until 
you come to a dead end.  There's a door to the right, and an open room 
above you.  First, jump up and grab the ledge above you.  Kill the droid 
and take the light repeating blaster with 300 shots.  Jump back down and 
kill any battle droids you see.  Make sure you check on the queen at 
this point because more droids should be attempting to silence her 
snotty little attitude right now.

After you check on the queen, go back down the left path and through 
the door on the right.  Ignore the boy, jump onto the upper level, and 
grab the full health pack.  Talk to the boy, and tell him it's safe to 
return to his mother.  Follow him to his mother (the door near the 
queen) and you should get another full health pack for saving her son.  
You can save this health pack for later.  

Talk to the queen and take her with you.  Go forward, keep to the left 
side, and you'll eventually come to a courtyard with a big battle tank 
shooting at you.  A locked security gate is to the 
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