In the beginning...
inFAMOUS is a single player open-world action/adventure game that places you in the role of Cole McGrath, a once regular guy who in the aftermath of a horrific catastrophe finds himself not only alive, but developing a fantastic array of superpowers. Going from ordinary to extraordinary overnight isn’t something to take lightly. With these powers does one exact revenge? Protect the innocent? Or perhaps, dabble in a little of both? The choice is yours in inFAMOUS.
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Great games that deserve great film adaptations.
It's time to unleash the apes.
After a month of open-beta access on PS4, Sony has brought its new streaming service to the much broader PS3…
God of War and inFamous to kick it off? It has promise.
Why you make bunny cry?
Sony wraps up free games and asks "Do you still like us? Y/N"
Static Shock is all grown up. There's something alluring about being infamous instead of simply famous. 100 years from now…
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