fortnite first-person mode

Fortnite First-person Mode Discovered in New Datamined Files

A new Fortnite first-person mode has been discovered during the datamining of a new update. A first-person mode has long been requested by players, as the viewpoint is commonly found in other popular battle royales like Call of Duty: Warzone 2 and PUBG. Now it seems like Fortnite will finally be getting an FPS mode.

Fortnite first-person mode leaks

The discovery of the Fortnite first-person mode hidden within in-game files was made by prominent dataminers @ShiinaBR, who was tipped off by @AyeTSG.

It’s worth noting that just because Epic Games has added a first-person mode to the game’s files, doesn’t mean that it will make it into the public build. It’s possible for features like new game modes to be pulled at the last moment. With that said, the FPS mode making its way to the public files is definitely a good sign.

If it does get added, the first-person mode should help assist with tough challenges like this. Third-person is cool and all, but not when players need to be super accurate.

While most players will be happy to see new content being added to the game, there are others who yearn for the old days, when Fortnite was much simpler. This has inspired “Oldnite,” which one creator says they will be launching this year.

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