Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom: Should I Get Heart Containers or Stamina Vessels?

Figuring out whether you should increase your hearts or stamina in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is one of the toughest choices in the game. Figuring out what you should spend your Lights of Blessing on can affect your entire playthrough. The answer is different for everyone, but we’ll give our take below.

Should you prioritize increasing stamina or health in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?

You should prioritize increasing stamina in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. However, at the beginning of the game, you should spend your first few sets of Lights of Blessing on Heart Containers. Once you have around 6-7 hearts total, you’ve got enough cushion that most enemies won’t be able to score a one-hit kill if you’re at full health.

The reason that you should increase stamina is that it’s much harder to regenerate than health. Every food recipe restores at least a heart or two minimum. Recipes that restore stamina are rarer and require specific ingredients. So, you can compensate for having fewer hearts by just cooking everything in sight, which isn’t the case for stamina.

More Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Guides

In Tears of the Kingdom, stamina is an even more vital resource than in Breath of the Wild. Not only will there be a ton of climbing, but you’ll be using the paraglider a ton as well. Unfortunately, if you run out of stamina while gliding, you’ll plummet to your death unless you can quickly gulp down something to restore it.

So, do yourself a favor, start the game by grabbing 2-3 hearts, then start investing heavily in Stamina Vessels. Just keep plenty of food on hand to offset your lower health. Luckily, if you find yourself unhappy with your choices, a way to respect unlocks relatively early in the game.

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