Content Warning Failed to Extract Error

Is There a Content Warning Failed to Extract Error Fix?

The Content Warning failed to extract error is a common problem players are facing. Unfortunately, it’s an error that can persist if you don’t know how to avoid it. Fortunately, there are a few fixes for the failed to extract bug in Content Warning that will help you work around the problem until the devs address it with a patch.

How to fix the failed to extract bug in Content Warning

If you get the failed to extract error in Content Warning, your footage is corrupted, and you won’t be able to turn it in for progress. You can dump it to your disk by pressing F3, but note that it’ll be deleted as soon as you close the game. So, you’ll have to Alt+Tab out if you want to save it.

The only fix for the failed to extract bug is to take preventative measures. If you get the error, you must return to the main menu and host a new lobby. If you stay in the same lobby, you’ll continue to get the bug match after match.

To prevent the failed to extract error from occurring in Content Warning, follow these steps:

  • Designate one player to record.
  • Only turn the camera on when you absolutely need to get footage.
  • Have the person who recorded be the one who turns in the disk at the end of the round.

Fortunately, the devs are aware of this issue and are working on a patch to address it. There’s not an ETA yet, but it’s one of several significant bugs on Landfall Games’ priority list. However, the studio behind Content Warning is made up of only five people, so it might take a bit before they can track down what’s causing the error. In the meantime, the above steps should help lessen the instances of this annoying bug appearing.

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