Brink DLC Free For Two Weeks, Launches Early July

Remember back in May, before L.A. Noire hit store shelves? No? Well, sh**. My whole introduction to this post is totally blown. What do I do now? Oh, here we go, this one is for those of you still tallying my remarks to see exactly which fanboy camp I've parked my hoighty-toighty-gaming-journalist butt in:

I liked Brink! The TF2-esque multiplayer shooter was fun and I hope that reflected well in my review. Of course, it helped that I had a copy for the Xbox 360 and could actually play online at the time of release!

[] Ouch! Burn on the PSN! Not like that problem hasn't been fixed by now! High fives for all you 360 fanboys!

Ahhh, dear readers. Isn't it fun when it's just you and me on the weekends? I'm obviously getting a little stir crazy here so let's just get to this piece of news:

Splash Damage detailed the upcoming Agents of Change DLC that's coming free of charge to Brink players fighting on the Ark. The pack comes with the usual online optimizations, AI enhancements, and weapon balances you'd expect in a title update, but there's much, much more. The DLC will also bring players two brand new environments, five new player abilities, two new outfits, and two new weapon attachments. Be sure to download the DLC when it launches in early July because after two weeks, it won't be FREE anymore. You know… maybe you should just download it when it launches if you EVER plan on playing Brink. Here are some screenshots too!

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