The Top 8 Coolest Pokemon In Sun & Moon

A completely new Pokemon adventure is hitting 3DS’s everywhere very soon, and with every new game comes a bundle of new collectable monsters to train, breed, and battle. This time around we’re not only getting new Pokemon, we’re getting new versions of older Pokemon from the original games. And as lame as that sounds, a few of them look pretty interesting.

I’ve picked out 8 monsters, both new and semi new, that I’m looking forward to checking out this weekend. Beware, as there are some spoilers below. If you’re looking to go into Sun and Moon completely unabated by details of the new game then don’t read this post!

No matter which Pokemon has you excited, Pokemon Moon & Sun is changing a lot about Pokemon, making it a whole new experience when compared to previous generations. If you haven’t played Pokemon because you’ve seen how little it has changed, now might be the time to jump in.

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