What's old is new. Sometimes all a tired old franchise needs is a proper reworking and it all seems fresh…
Dynasty Warriors:GUNDAM takes gamers through an intergalactic conflict where the only hope for survival is to annihilate the encroaching opposing forces. It’s a one-versus-many as gamers fight at lightning speed aboard their favorite Mobile Suit, the ultimate weapon of war. Gamers can explore the rich and detailed setting of the Gundam multi-verse from a myriad of perspectives. Assume the role of legendary heroes and villains while strategically enhancing their power, skills, and abilities.
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123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345---------------------------------------------------------------------------Gundam Musou FAQ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Version 1.502 July 2007For PS3by Lee Beng HaiMy lastest email address can be found athttp://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/684.html---------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer---------------------------------------------------------------------------This FAQ is meant…