Gauntlet Dark Legacy is the follow-up to Gauntlet Legends and another installment in the long-running Gauntlet series of hack-and-slash action games. As with all the Gauntlet games, you play a medieval fantasy character who, along with allies if you have them, fights his or her way through hordes of evil creatures on the never ending quest for more gold and perhaps even an eventual goal. This version contains the characters and levels from Gauntlet Legends, plus the new characters and levels from the Dark Legacy arcade game, with a few extra levels thrown in. There are eight characters to initially choose from: the mighty Warrior, the deadly Valkyrie, the quick-footed Archer, the powerful Wizard, the spellcasting Sorceress, the stalwart Knight, the valiant Dwarf, and the chaotic Jester. Although there are similarities between characters from the two games, each character looks and plays differently. In addition, there are eight alternative-modes for these characters to unlock, plus dozens of secret characters to obtain. With a multi-tap, up to four players can play, with rules governing how much they can hurt each other. Unlike the original Gauntlets, the levels you’ll face take place in various terrain from forests to mountains to volcanic plains. Many of the monsters are familiar to old fans of the series, but there are some new blood among the ranks of evil, including some rather large foes.
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Gauntlet: Dark Legacy Gamecube Enter the following as your player's name: 10000K 10,000 Gold Per Level QCKSHT Throw Quickly XSPEED…
Cheat Codes: To use any of the following codes, enter them as your player's name. Code Result 10000K $10,000 Gold…
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy Xbox Enter the following as your player's name: 10000K 10,000 Gold Per Level QCKSHT Throw Quickly XSPEED…