A side-scrolling installment in the beloved Kirby series, Kirby: Triple Deluxe uses the 3D features of the Nintendo 3DS to allow Kirby to move not only from left to right, but also from the foreground to the background. Kirby also gets an “inhale everything” ability that can be used in specific parts of each stage to help him clear anything blocking his path. As always, Kirby has the power to inhale his enemies and take on their abilities. Each copy ability can let him do a variety of actions and moves, depending on which buttons are pressed. Kirby: Triple Deluxe includes a huge number of collectibles for players to find, from hidden 8-bit keychains to Sun Stones. The game takes advantage of 3DS StreetPass feature to deliver bonus items to players
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Get it? Because... that's his whole power. Sucking... and blowing. *sigh* The gameplay looks a lot better than it sounds.
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Hey Nintendo, you do know this would have been a nice reveal during this week's Nintendo Direct, right?
That's right. The pink puff ball will be making its three-dimensional debut on Nintendo's portable platform sometime next year.
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