Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is the seventh installment in the Silent Hill survival horror series, and a stand-alone reimagining of the original Silent Hill video game. Once again, you will cast Harry Mason searching across the haunted town for his missing daughter Cheryl. Through his exploration, Harry will come across objects and recordings that tell some of the history of Silent Hill. New to the series are a depiction of Silent Hill’s demonic alter-dimension as a world of ice, and the removal of weapons from the game: when the monsters come out, Harry must literally run for his life. Between scenes, the game will cut to a psychiatrist’s office, who asks personal questions about Harry and his past experiences. The game will then alter itself based on the player’s responses, changing characters and lines of dialog to something intended to be more personally uncomfortable.
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Unlock UFO ending To unlock the UFO ending, player must complete the game first and save, then reload it, call…
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