Borderlands Preview

It’s a rat circus out there, and I’m beginning to enjoy it.

[image1]Imagine a FPS set in a Mad Max world (or is it a Fallout world? ~Ed.) with elements from RPGs. While that may be enough to broadly classify Borderlands in and of itself, it does not even touch the surface of this amazing-looking game. There’s a metric ton of guns to be found, each with varying stats and abilities. Your ability to use them properly will be based on your skill level with that particular weapon. You can even swap them with your teammate if you please or just leave them hanging, but the latter is not recommended as co-op play is going to be a huge part of your survival. So remember that if your friend is driving and his (or her) screaming becomes uncontainable, please switch seats and take over the wheel. Friends don’t let friends drive bloodlust.

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