Tales of Symphonia FAQ

Tales of Symphonia

FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.23
Author: Alex Eagleson
Began: July 18th, 2004
Completed: July 23rd, 2005
Donations: See legal section

          "Once upon a time there existed a giant tree that 
          was the source of all mana.  A war, however, caused 
            this tree to wither away, and a hero's life was 
           sacrificed in order to take its place.  Grieving 
          over the loss, the goddess disappeared unto the 
           heavens.  The goddess left the angels with the 
          edict: "You must wake me, for if I should sleep, 
           the world shall be destroyed."  The angels bore 
          the Chosen One, who headed towards the tower that 
          reached up unto the heavens.  And that marked the 
            beginning of the regeneration of the world."

---------------------------- This is a 100% spoiler-free walkthrough ---------


The following is a step-by-step guide to not only making your way through
Tales of Symphonia, but getting the most enjoyment out of it as well.  I am 
currently writing this guide as I play through the game for a second time, 
recording events as they happen, with prior knowledge of each situation in 
order to be as clear and concise as I possibly can.  

Also I'd like to note that this was the first walkthrough I ever wrote and it 
carries kind of a sentimental value with it.  While I don't exactly find it to 
be the most aesthetically pleasing of my work, I can look back and say that I 
think I did quite a good job for a first guide, and I hope you enjoy it too.

Version History:

Version 0.5 - Began writing this guide.  Guide is fully complete up to
and including the Tower of Mana. (July 20th, 2004)

Version 0.7 - Completed the walkthrough up to and including the
Toize Valley Mine (July 21st, 2004)

Version 1.00 - At 5:47 a.m. I have finally just completed the walkthrough
for the entire game.  I cannot believe how much work that was... wow.
(July 23rd, 2004)

Version 1.20 - This marks the end of another three days work, every section
in this guide except "Full Walkthrough", "Legal", and "Credits" were done
in the days leading to this update.  1.20 Represents an update of 0.1 for
each day of work.  (July 25th, 2004)

Version 1.21 - Small fixes (spelling etc) (July 25th, 2004)

Version 1.22 - Better titles section, added my email. (August 13th, 2004)

     O===||Field Map----------  )

Control Stick - Move player-controlled character
Control Pad - Open Map
A Button - Enter towns and dungeons
B Button - Cancel/Board Rheaird
         - Embark/Disembark EC
X Button - Mount/Dismount Noishe (Activates long range mode)
Y Button - Open Main Menu
Z Button - Start skit
L Button/R Button - Rotate the camera left/right
Start/Pause - Toggle world map

     O===||Town/Dungeon Map---  )

Control Stick - Move player-controlled character
Control Pad - Rotate player controlled character 45 degrees (only while
               standing still)
A Button - Action (Speak, Examine, etc.)
X Button - Use Sorcerer's Ring
Y Button - Open Main Menu
Z Button - Start skit

     O===||Battle-------------  )

Control stick - Move player controlled character/Item selection
Control Pad - Select strategic orders
A Button - Attack
B Button - Perform a magic or technique
C Stick - Magic and technique shortcut
X Button - Guard/Cancel magic technique
Y Button - Open Battle Menu
Z Button - Initiate Unison Attack
L Button - Delay magic or technique
R Button - Change target (hold to select a target)
Start/Pause - Pause

Table of Contents:

*I have separated the Walkthrough into numerous parts just to be
more organized, neither these parts nor there names actually appear
anywhere in the game.*

1. Characters --------------------------------------------------- Ctrl+f /1
2. General Information/FAQ -------------------------------------- Ctrl+f /2
3. Full Walkthrough --------------------------------------------- Ctrl+f /3
	Part I - The Precursor (Disk 1)
		i - Iselia Village
		ii - Martel Temple
		iii - Iselia Village
		iv - Iselia Forest
		v - Dirk's House
		vi - Iselia Village
	Part II - The Journey Begins
		i - Triet
		ii - Sylvarent Base
		iii - Triet
		iv - Seal of Fire (Triet Ruins)
		v - Campfire
		vi - Triet
		vii - Ossa Trail
		viii - Izoold
	Part III - Across the Sea
		i - Palmacosta
		ii - Hakonesia Peak
		iii - Palmacosta
		iv - House of Salvation
		v - Palmacosta Human Ranch
		vi - Palmacosta
		vii - Thoda Dock
		viii - Seal of Water (Thoda Geyser)
		ix - Campfire
		x - Hakonesia Peak
	Part IV - Well On Your Way
		i - Asgard
		ii - Seal of Wind (Balacruf Mausoleum)
		iii - Campfire
		iv - Luin
		v - Asgard Human Ranch
		vi - Luin
		vii - Hima
		viii - Asgard Human Ranch
		ix - Hima
		x - Tower of Mana
		xi - Campfire
		xii - Lake Umacy
		xiii - Thoda Geyser
		xiv - Lake Umacy
		xv - Hima
		xvi -- Tower of Salvation
		xvii - Sylvarent Base
	Part V - Tethe'alla
		i - Fooji Mountains
		ii - Meltokio
		iii- Sylvarent Bridge
		iv - Sybak
		v - Tethe'alla Bridge
		vi - Fooji Mountains
		vii - Meltokio
		viii - Meltokio Sewers
		ix - Meltokio
		x - Tethe'alla Bridge
		xi - Sybak
		xii - Gaoracchia Forest
		xiii - Mizuho
		xiv - Gaoracchia Forest
		xv - Ozette
		xvi - Altessa's House
		xvii - Toize Valley Mine
		xviii - Ozette
		xix - Mizuho
		xx - Temple of Lightning
		xxi - Tethe'alla Base
	Part VI - Skies of Tethe'alla
		i - The Nest of Flying Dragons
		ii - Temple of Earth
		iii - Flanoir
		iv - Temple of Ice
		v - Altessa's House
		vi - Altamira
		vii - Otherworldly Gate
	Part VII - Two Worlds
		i - Palmacosta
		ii - Palmacosta Human Ranch
		iii - Remote Island Human Ranch
		iv - Palmacosta
		v - Sylvarent Base
		vi - Altessa's House
		vii - Altamira
		viii - Temple of Darkness
		ix - Meltokio
		x - Temple of Darkness
		xi - Linkite Tree
		xii - Nova's Caravan
		xiii - Balacruf Mausoleum (Seal of Wind)
		xiv - Triet Ruins (Seal of Fire)
		xv - Dirk's House
		xvi - Linkite Tree
		xvii - Tower of Mana
		xviii - Iselia Human Ranch
	Part VIII - Repercussions (Disc 2)
		i - Iselia Village
		ii - Dirk's House
		iii - Altessa's House
		iv - Sybak
		v - Meltokio
		vi - Altamira
		vii - Sybak
		viii - Mizuho
		ix - Ymir Forest
		x - Heimdall
		xi - Latheon Gorge
		xii - SE Abbey
		xiii - Tower of Salvation
		xiv - Welgaia
		xv - Altessa's House
		xvi - Flanoir
		xvii - Tower of Salvation
	Part IX - The Beginning of the End
		i - Heimdall
		ii - Torent Forest
		iii - Heimdall
		iv - Dirk's House
		v - Tower of Salvation
		vi - Derris-Kharlan
		vii - Welgaia
		viii - Exire
		ix - House of Guidance (Southeastern Continent)
		x - House of Guidance (Southwestern Continent)
		xi - Vinheim
		xii - Finale
4. Tech Attacks/Magic ------------------------------------------- Ctrl+f /4
5. Unison Attacks ----------------------------------------------- Ctrl+f /5
6. EX Skills ---------------------------------------------------- Ctrl+f /6
7. Grade -------------------------------------------------------- Ctrl+f /7
8. Side Quests -------------------------------------------------- Ctrl+f /8
	I - Colette's Dogs
	II - Rebuilding Luin
	III - Meltokio Arena
	IV - Titles
	V - Recipes
	VI - Devil's Arms
	VII - Meteor Swarm
	VIII - Costumes
	IX - Kuchinawa
	X - Hot Springs
	XI - Niflheim
	XII - Sword Dancer
	XIII - Clara
9. Minigames ---------------------------------------------------- Ctrl+f /9
10. Legal ------------------------------------------------------ Ctrl+f /AA
11. Credits ---------------------------------------------------- Ctrl+f /BB
*All walkthrough sections can be quickly accessed with your browser's search
function (quick key ctrl+f.)  Use the Roman numerals simply like this:
If you say wanted to find Iselia Village, it is Part I subsection i, so 
search for "I - i" without the quotation marks, including the spaces, and 
it will send you right there.  Easy.*
1. Characters                                                            /1

I - Lloyd Irving
II - Colette Brunel
III - Genis Sage
IV - Raine Sage
V - Kratos Aurion
VI - Sheena Fujibayashi
VII - Zelos Wilder
VIII - Presea Combatir
IX - Regal Bryant

| Lloyd Irving |

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 128 lbs
Class: Swordsman
Race: Human
Hair: Dark Brown/Short Hair
Build: Average
Weapon: Two single-edged swords
Occupation: Student

The central character of the game, Lloyd was found in the woods with
Noishe when he was an infant.  He now lives with his adoptive dwarf

| Colette Brunel |

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 97 lbs
Class: Chosen
Race: Human
Hair: Platinum Blonde/Long Hair
Build: Slender
Weapon: Chakram
Occupation: Student/Chosen

Colette is the game's heroine and Lloyd's childhood friend.  Though
normally a bit clumsy and seemingly care-free, she has a strong will
and sense of responsibility hidden underneath her soft appearance --
she bears the weight of the world on her shoulders.  She is not the
type who looks to other for protection.  If anything, she is bold and
daring in times of need, always willing to sacrifice herself to help
her friends.

| Genis Sage |

Gender: Male
Age: 12
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 64 lbs
Class: Mage
Race: Elf
Hair: Silver
Build: Slender
Weapon: Kendama
Occupation: Student

This young boy is one of Lloyd's closest friends.  He's a child prodigy
-- not only is he the smartest student in the village, he is a talented
mage as well.  Because of these abilities, he is overflowing with self-
confidence, to the point of looking down upon others.

| Raine Sage |

Gender: Female
Age: 23
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 108 lbs
Class: Mage
Race: Elf
Hair: Silver
Build: Average
Weapon: Staff
Occupation: Teacher

Raine is the teacher of the school Lloyd, Colette, and Genis attend.
She is also Genis' older sister.  She is asked to join Colette on her
journey because of her knowledge of archeology and the magical arts.
Although normally cool and logical, her passion for archeology gets
the best of her at times.

| Kratos Aurion |

Gender: Male
Age: 28
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 172 lbs
Class: Mage/Swordsman
Race: Human
Hair: Dark Brown
Build: Average
Weapon: Double/edged sword
Occupation: Mercenary

Kratos is a mercenary hired to accompany the chosen on her journey of
regeneration.  He is a skilled swordsman -- Lloyd's swordsmanship pales
in comparison.  His cool demeanor and logical approach to handling
situations irritate Lloyd, who tends to handle things completely the
opposite way.

| Sheena Fujibayashi |

Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 106 lbs
Class: Summoner
Race: Human
Hair: Black
Build: Voluptuous
Weapon: Cards infused with magical energy
Occupation: Assassin

Sheena is an assassin sent from the prospering world of Tethe'alla
to stop Colette from succeeding in her journey of regeneration.  If
Colette succeeds in reviving Sylvarent, then Sheena's world will be
ruined.  Similar to Colette, Sheena carries the fate of her world on
her shoulders.

| Zelos Wilder |

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs
Class: Mage/Swordsman
Race: Human
Hair: Red
Build: Average
Weapon: Double-edged sword
Occupation: Chosen of Tethe'alla

Zelos is Tethe'alla's chosen one.  His good looks, his title, and his
smooth charm make him irresistible with most women.  Because of this,
he can be a bit arrogant and egotistical at times.  He doesn't take
things too seriously, and thus has a laissez-faire attitude toward his
duties as the chosen.

| Presea Combatir |

Gender: Female
Age: Looks around 12
Height: 4'6"
Weight: 53 lbs
Class: Axwoman
Race: Human
Hair: Pink
Build: Typical child's build, but slightly small for her age
Weapon: Ax
Occupation: Woodcutter

Presea works as a woodcutter in place of her sick father.  Although
she is small and slender, she manages to heft with ease a heavy ax that
most adults would struggle to lift.  This is possible due to the special
Exsphere she has equipped.  This special Exsphere however, suppresses
Presea's humanity -- she does not display any sort of emotion at all.

**For some reason the art book decided it was no big deal to just put
all this information about Regal, which is essentially just one giant
spoiler.  Read at your discretion.**

| Regal Bryant |

Gender: Male
Age: 33
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 187 lbs
Class: Fighter
Race: Human
Hair: Blue
Build: Large, fairly muscular
Weapon: Greaves
Occupation: Former aristocrat

Regal is a prisoner of the prosperous world of Tethe'alla.  Sent to
capture Colette on behalf of the pope, Regal is extremely quiet and
constantly wears a grim expression.  The few words that escape his lips
are dignified and carefully thought out.  They are perhaps traces of
his aristocratic background.

2. General Information/FAQ                                               /2

I - Battle System
II - Skits
III - Memory Gems
IV - Avatar Character
V - Monoliths
VI - S and T Skills
VII - Multiplayer
VIII - Difficulty Levels

I - Battle System

This game offers a unique battle system, which is one of its primary
appeals to people.  To start with the simplest notes in is a real
time RPG, meaning the battles are not turn based, you character moves
where you control him to.  Some have compared the battle system to that
of Star Ocean, or too broader but less accurate extent, Kingdom Hearts.
Obviously it's best to just understand how it works, rather than
worrying about what other game it's most like.

To start, while this game takes a very three dimensional look to the
battles, when you control it you'll actually notice it's done in a very
clever two dimensional fashion.  Every enemy has its own 2D plane, if
you target an enemy you can run either away or towards it.  At any time
you can press the R button to switch to another enemy, and change the
plane you move on.  So it may seem like you are moving into the background,
but the camera will change and you will still be moving left and right.

Attacking in this game can depend on your character's combat setting,
which you can choose at the beginning of the game.  There are three.

Auto - No control of your character.  The AI will fight for you and
you can sit and watch.  If you enjoy not playing your games, this setting
is for you.

Semi-auto - You have moderate control.  You can still move left and
right.  Pressing A will cause you to run up to the enemy you are
targeting and attack it.  You will also block automatically
sometimes, however you do not have full control of your ability to

Manual - Everything is controlled by you.  A button will cause you to
swing your sword without moving, control with the analog and jump by
pressing up.  I recommend this setting, I find it to be the most
enjoyable to use.

You will also be able to have three other characters accompany you in
battle.  These characters will be set to Auto by default and will
perform actions based on the options you have set in the strategy
section of the main menu.  They can also be instructed what to do
manually through the menu, or by the C stick.

You can also try and perform large combos in battle, they will
begin to count as you repeatedly hit an enemy without delaying
for more than a second of so between attacks.  This combo can
be contributed to by everyone in your party, so practice using
everyone to your advantage.  That is about as far as the basics

II - Skits

Skits are events meant to either further the story, your relationship
with the particular characters, or just entertain you on the whole.

You will know a skit is available when you see the Z button icon
and a name at the bottom left of the screen.  At those times
you can press Z to watch a skit.  They are unvoiced and can move
rather fast at times so keep your eyes sharp.  They can also
be skipped by pressing the start button at any time.  

You can go through the entire game without every voluntarily
watching a  skit, they are entirely optional.

III - Memory Gems

Memory gems are special crystals found in most dungeons.  The majority
of dungeons will contain one save point near the beginning, and one
broken save point near the end.  These broken save points can be
activated by examining them and using a memory gem.  One of the enemies
of the particular dungeon you're in will always be holding the memory
gem, it's your job to find which one.  (I will tell you which enemy
to defeat to receive the memory gem at the appropriate times in the

IV - Avatar Characters

Your avatar character put simply means the character displayed on screen
that you control while out of battle.  To change who this character is
open your menu, press down until you reach the character you want and
press the A button.  You will see a little red flag on that character
in the menu, now they will appear on the map.  Certain events in the
game require certain characters to be the avatar, so make sure you
understand the concept.

V - Monoliths

You will find monoliths scattered all over the world map.  When you
see one approach it and you will be told that long range mode is
now available for that area.  What that means is that you can now
ride Noishe by pressing X on the world map there.  The camera will
zoom out giving you a better view of everything.

VI - S and T Skills

S and T skills refer to your proficiency as either a "Strike" character
or a "Tech" character.  Strike characters will have the ability to hit
with singular, powerful blows.  Tech characters will be able to hit
with multiple, weaker blows.  It will average about to the same in the
end so it comes down to a matter of personal preference.  There are just
a few things you have to understand:

Your characters will learn different magic spells and tech attacks
depending on whether they are S or T.  If you learn some T spells,
but realize you want to S ones you have to "Forget" the T ones first.
To forget a spell or tech, go into the tech menu, and with your
cursor over the tech/spell press X.  You cannot forget techs/spells
which are not influenced by the T/S direction, so don't worry.  You
also cannot ever permanently lose something by forgetting so don't
worry too much.

The other important thing to know is how to go from S to T or vice
versa.  Which direction you go is based on your EX Skills so check
there first.  Hover your cursor over an EX ability and at the top
right of the description is will say either "S-TYPE" or "T-TYPE,"
if your S-TYPE outnumber you T-TYPE you will progress toward S and
vice versa.  

The other way to switch easily to equip an accessory called the
Strike Ring.  It will send you toward S regardless of your EX
Skills, but you will return to whichever is more prominent once
you take it off.  You can learn the skills from one side, and
go to the other, and you will still have them.

VII - Multiplayer

This game is a single player game at heart, but it does offer the option
to play with friends, and it would be a shame not to take advantage of
it at least once.  Actually the real shame is the lack of any concrete
explanation as to how to utilize it, well read on:

To play with more than one person, choose the character you want, for
this example lets say it's Genis in character slot number 2.  Go
to the tech menu, select Genis, then press up once to hover your
cursor over his name.  From here you can press start to change him
from Manual to Semi-Auto to Auto.  Set him to manual.  Now plug a
controller into slot 2 and begin a battle, controller two can move
Genis now.

Here's one more important thing, the controller must be plugged into
the controller port corresponding to the character position.  So if
Genis is your third character on the list, you have to plug controller
2 into the third slot, even if only playing with two people.

This game can be played with anywhere from 1 - 4 people.  Remember
to set the characters back to Auto when your friends leave.

VIII - Difficulty Levels

This game has three difficulty levels:  Normal, Hard and Mania.

Normal and hard can be chosen at the beginning, but you must complete
the game at least once before you can play Mania mode.  To change
the difficulty enter you menu, choose "System" then "Customize"
and there will be an option here to cycle between difficulties.

This can also be done in the customization menu on the title screen,
and again when starting a new game.

3. Full Walkthrough                                                      /3


If you EVER get stuck in this game the number one source of information
is also the number one overlooked feature of this game and that is the
synopsis located as the top right option in your main menu.  It will
tell you almost everything you need to know, check it often.**

** Please note before I begin that the intent of this walkthrough is to 
assist and guide you through the game.  It is purposely written so that
it instructs you where to go, not why you go there which is of course the 
best means to avoid spoilers.  Finally note I will not sacrifice content for
spoilers, so even those who have completed the game once should find
this guide equally as useful as those who have not.  The guide WILL be
written primarily for those who wish to get as much as possible out of the
game, and so I would recommend using it in conjunction with an in- 
depth guide for receiving titles and recipes, however this of course is not 
at all a requirement.**

**Note that people wishing to avoid spoilers, when I say "Do this
and watch the next scene" that implies watching the whole scene
before continuing on to even the next sentence.  It's no big deal,
it's just a helpful tip to those who would like the least amount of
spoilers possible**

**Also one final note before I begin, as much as I appreciated the help
of all the walkthroughs form the JP version, I found myself getting stuck
a LOT, something very easy to do in this game if you don't know
exactly where to go.  So if it seems like I'm being overly detailed at
times, keep a mind that often it may not seem like it, but those details
are likely very important!  My goal is to help people avoid all the 
I went through trying to find the exact insignificant events that allow you
to progress.  Anyway thanks for allowing me to make these notes, 
and with that said, enjoy Tales of Symphonia!!**

*                                  Disc 1                                 *

                         Part I - The Beginning

The game begins with a brief narration.

I - i - Iselia Village


Apple Gel - 100G
Orange Gel - 200G
Life Bottle - 300G
Magic Lens - 10G
Wooden Blade - 700G
Chakram - 200G
Nova - 600G
Soft Leather - 480G
Boots - 100G
Chicken - 120G
Lettuce - 80G
Tomato - 60G
Bread - 70G
Egg - 50G

After the narration you will find yourself in the local schoolhouse.  Here
you will meet many of the game's characters, including your main 
character, Lloyd Irving.  Following an event you will gain control of
Lloyd.  You are free to speak with any of your fellow classmates here,
once you have done so attempt to leave the room.  An event with Genis
will occur.  Choose the option "It's Research" to gather your party.  
Before exiting be sure to examine the hole at the top of the room to 
obtain Colette's title "Klutz."

Once outside you will witness a quick event and be free to roam the
town of Iselia.  You can quickly familiarize yourself with the save point
right above you, the item shop down the path below you, and the house
where you can be fully healed for free to your right.  When you're ready
to progress go past the save point to the north.

Now you encounter you first battle.  Nothing too challenging, use it
to get the feel for combat in this game.  Same applies to the next battle.
leave Iselia and travel the simple path to the Martel Temple.

I - ii - Martel Temple

Watch and event and choose the top option.  Move up to engage
in another battle, and then another, your first boss battle.  Don't
worry if you are having trouble, soon a mysterious stranger will
interrupt the battle.  The stranger has the ability to heal which should 
make this battle much easier.  Another event, choose the top option.

Once you have control of Lloyd again head north to witness a quick
scene, then head down the right path.  Here you will encounter a rock
enemy, which can be quickly disposed of.  You will notice each time
the rock monster respawns and leaves a block.  Defeat another and
push the block through the top centre hole.  Now make another and
push a second one down the top centre hole.  Descend the stairs to
the bottom where you pushed the two blocks.  Push the top block forward
to create a path to the Sorcerer's Ring.  Once you have it go back to where 
the rock golem was.

(Note the Sorcerer's Ring can be used anytime by pressing X.  Not only
does it serve different functions in different dungeons, it also freezes 

From here go up the stairs to the left and follow the path to the three 
boxes.  Once again return to where the rock golem was to find that he's back.
Defeat another to get a box, which should be pushed into the left centre hole.
Next defeat another golem and push the box into the right centre hole.
Descend the stairs and head around the right side of the box on the left you 
pushed down.  Push it left into the slot and continue up the stairs to  Life 
Bottle.  Now defeat one last golem and push that box into the right centre 
Head down and push it into the slot to the right.  Continue up those stairs to 
a Panacea Bottle.  

Now finally, return to the entrance of the temple and head
north to the door which needed the Sorcerer's Ring.  Press X to remove the
seal and enter.  Take the warp and witness an event, and a cutscene.  

Now it's time to exit the temple, and return to the world map.

I - iii - Iselia Village

Head down the path to the right, and into the house for an event.  Afterwards
head over to Genis' house, which is on the right side of town.  You can
get an explanation of cooking, and then ingredients for a sandwich.  Yum. 
Anyway, head all the way south for an event, and exit Iselia.  Take the 
northwest path to Iselia Forest.  (Also I may have missed this but I believe
you can get the title of "Brotherly Love" for Genis by talking to Raine in
the school.)

I - iv - Iselia Forest

After an event, head straight along the path.  Turn left at the fork to
pick up a treasure box.  Go down the right path now to grab the Life Bottle
and continue on for another event.  Save and take the left path.

Head around the left side of the compound to meet Genis' friend.  During
the scene, choose the top option both times.  Afterwards you're told
to find higher ground.  Head to the right this time, up to a raised 
section beside the cliff.  Jump twice, then to the right for an Orange
Gel, and up the left side after.  Now watch another scene, and
a quick, easy fight.  Now save and head north.

At the three way split head up and then left for an Apple Gel, then
to the right for a Leather Glove which should be equipped on Lloyd.
Back at the split, take the middle one for an apple gel and then go 
across the bridge.  Grab the 500 Gald and go up, here you will see
an item sitting on a fallen tree above you.  Simply go under it, loop
around and run across it to get the Orange Gel.  Now leave the forest
to the North.

On the world map, follow the path North to Dirk's House.

I - v - Dirk's House

Now enter the house and talk with Dirk for a long scene.  Choose
the top choice for any option.

Once it's over, run downstairs, save, and talk to Dirk again by the grave
to continue.  You receive numerous items, and will be automatically
taken back to Iselia Village.

I - vi - Iselia Village

Now go to Colette's house (the one on the right where you met with
everyone earlier.)  Prepare for another event.  Leave the house and
head down to the south of the village to continue it.

Fight a battle, watch more scenes.  Now time for a boss battle.  It has
some powerful close range attacks.  These attacks however 
are easy to predict and block.  Keep hitting it hard and fast.  If 
you have the sword rain tech it helps, chain it onto the end of a 3 hit
combo and this boss should go down before you even need to heal.

Finish the event and make your way to the exit of Iselia.  Receive the
title of "Drifting Swordsman" automatically as you head out to start
your journey.

                      Part II - The Journey Begins

Your destination is the desert oasis Triet, located due south of Iselia.  
Along the way you can visit the Nova Caravan and house of Salvation, neither 
of which are of any real importance at the moment.  You will also get a little
tutorial on EX skills.

II - i - Triet

Traveler's Mate:

Apple Gel - 100G
Orange Gel - 200G
Panacea Bottle - 150G
Life Bottle - 300G
Holy Bottle - 200G
Magic Lens - 10G

Heat Storm:

Knight's Saber - 800G
Flying Disk - 880G
Fine Star - 800G
Rod - 800G
Long Sword - 790G

Sand Shield:

Soft Leather - 480G
Leather Guard - 280G
White Clock - 800G
Robe - 600G
Ribbon - 240G
Baret - 200G
Wooden Shield - 600G
Leather Glove - 200G
Gloves - 100G
Cape - 100G

Start by heading to the inn (just up and right of the entrance.)  Inside go up 
the stairs and examine the objects at the end of the hall.  This is the first 
many times you will meet the "Wonder Chef," who is always disguised as a 
object, and will teach you a new recipe each time you find him.  This time
it's Cabbage Rolls.

Now head out and up the left side of town to the shops.  In an automatic
event, choose the top option to learn about customization, and equip
your characters with the best equipment you can afford.

When you're done exploring, head north to the fortune teller in the tent
at the end of the path.  Pay her, listen to what she says and return to the
town exit for an event.

Now for a battle, you'll undoubtedly find it easy if you upgraded Lloyd's
weapon.  Afterwards, another scene.

II - ii - Sylvarent Base

Looks like Lloyd's would up in jail.  To escape, use the X button to hit
the guard with the Sorcerer's Ring.  Examine the panels on the left
of the two cells beside you for a Beast Hide and a save point.  Save and
head down the path to the right.  Grab the chest just ahead to recover
your equipment, and keep going to encounter two more guards.  Easy

In the next room, examine the pedestal to change the function of the 
Sorcerer's Ring.  Once the guards leave, your goal is to use your
Sorcerer's Ring to freeze both the guard robots on the two panels on each
side.  Allow them to chase you to guide them onto the panels, time it right
and you shouldn't have too much of a problem.  Once you've accomplished
this, head into the now unlocked door to the left.

In the door to the left, you'll find numerous enemies.  The one to note is the 
soldier in the corridor to the north.  He holds the memory gem, which works
to unlock save points as described in the general information section above.
Head up the find a treasure chest with a Beast Fang, and the computer
at the upper left works like an item shop.  Go back down, and take the left
path.  Unlock the save point and save your game.  Now for a little puzzle that
seems tricky, but is actually quite simple.

By shooting each of the three pillars with your ring, it moves the circle
around the giant Gamecube by a different number of degrees.  180 for
the top one, 90 for the middle, and 45 degrees for the bottom.  To get into
the door to the North simply shoot the top pillar once, and the bottom pillar 
once.  Head into the now unlocked door at the North and prepare for a

Boss: Botta
Hp: 4200
Tp: 224

Foot Soldier (x2)
Hp: 823
Tp: 0

Exp: 505
Gald: 1526

Not a particularly hard boss.  Be sure to defeat his foot soldiers first, as
like most minions, they can get annoying.  A great combination attack you
should have access to right now is 3 attacks + Sword Rain or 3 attacks +
Tiger Slash.  Both are effective against this boss.  Wail on him with any
combo you have, and block whenever you see him raise his sword.
Kratos should easily take care of any healing you need.

After a short scene, make your way West, back to Triet.

II - iii - Triet

A scene begins right as you enter town.  Once it's over, leave your room
and go upstairs to the first room on the right, to continue it.  Leave the 
and choose the top option.  Watch more.  Leave the room again... watch 

Now it's finally time to go to the Seal of Fire.  You've got Raine in your
party now, so make sure to use her.  May not seem like it for awhile, but
she's the powerhouse healer you'll be needing from this point on.  Do
whatever you need to do and leave Triet.  (You can buy better weapons
and armour for your new characters.)

The Seal of Fire is located West of Triet.  Looks like a bunch of ruins.

II - iv - Seal of Fire (Triet Ruins)

Be sure to save outside first.

After a quick event, and battle with a couple fire elementals, you learn
new defensive skills for everyone.  These can be extremely helpful,
be sure to set them up in the tech menu.  Examine the hole in the ground
for another scene and a new title "Archeological Mania" for Raine.

This is the Seal of Fire, meaning the majority of enemies are
weak to water elemental attacks like Genis' Aqua Edge.

Enter the temple and head up at the first fork.  There is a treasure box
containing the first real "hard" enemy so far.  It's only hard because 
physical attacks can't hurt it, but luckily, you have Genis.  So open it.

Miniboss: Fake 
Hp: 400
Tp: 50

Simply stay close to him while holding the block button the whole time.
Open the menu and continuously command Genis to keep casting
Stone Blast or really any spell he has.  Doing this should give you no 

Now head back and go down at the fork.  You'll see a treasure box 
covered in stones, use your Sorcerer's Ring to uncover it and collect the
Lemon Gel.  Go inside the door just above and fight the enemy, this
is the enemy that holds the memory gem.  Afterward go up the little
stairs and light the torch on the wall after a mini tutorial.  Once the 
platform raises, go down the stairs and light the torch just to the right.
Now leave the room.

Go back up to the fork, and go straight into the door.  Head straight 
down here to pick up and Apple Gel.  Go back and push the lower block
off the edge just ahead of where you entered the room.  Run up the path 
and collect the 1000 Gald and the Mumei (equip for Lloyd) and Savory.
Go back down and grab the upper block, pushing it over the last one, 
so they are beside each other giving you access to another torch.  Light
that torch to raise a platform leading to the broken save point.  Now go
back to the entrance and up to find two treasure boxes containing a Life
Bottle and a Bracelet (equip for Genis.)  Leave the room again.

Head up to where you fought the treasure box and go into the door to the 
left.  Go up and around to a block, which you should drag and put in the 
space beside the treasure box and the torch.  Grab the Stiletto (equip for
Kratos) and light the torch.  Backtrack a little and make your way across
the platform that just raised.  Head up the stairs and follow the path 
and turn right just before the broken save for a Circlet (equip for Colette.)  
Now use the memory gem on the broken save and save your game.  Make
cure Colette is well equipped, even if you don't use her and head into the 
warp portal for an event.

Boss: Ktugach
Hp: 5000
Tp: 50

Ktugachling (x2)
Tp: 180

Exp: 748
Gald: 115

Start off by going to your menu, choosing tech and Genis.  Use Y to turn off
all spells except Aqua Edge.  Now go after those two minions.  You'll have
at least one healer, but the boss can hit pretty heavy so keep in mind your
Hp totals.  The AI is not 100% reliable.  Remember you can hold block
and press down to activate your guardian shield.  Use your best combos 
and when the two minions are dead, go after the big guy.  If you follow 
suggestions he should be dead in no time.

Once this scene is over, Colette will learn a new ability.  Remember to 
turn all of Genis' spells back on.  Exit the ruins, easy task since you've 
already made the path.  Watch a scene.

II - v - Campfire

Talk to people here, choosing whichever options you like.  Then talk
to Colette for a scene.

II - vi - Triet

Return to Triet for a quick scene.  Raine should acquire the title "Sisterly
Love" here.  Rest at the inn and another scene will occur.  Now leave Triet.

Follow the edge of the mountains East, on the right side.  Follow it until you
see a path, this is your next destination, the Ossa Trail.

II - vii - Ossa Trail

Enter the Ossa Trail, and almost immediately an event occurs.  Choose the
top option and be on your way.  Follow the path to the next screen and 
around, going left at the fork to pick up a Battle Staff (equip for Raine.)  
Continue down the path.  Go down the first chance you get and save
your game at the save point and pick up the Apple Gel and Melange
Gel.  Follow the path right.  

Grab the Orange Gel on your way down.  When you reach the bottom
watch a quick scene.

Boss: Clumsy Assassin
Hp: 1800
Tp: 131

Hp: 2000
Tp: 400

Exp: 490 (Approx)
Gald: 378

Take out the guardian first, as it is the more dangerous of the two.
No special weaknesses here, just a good combination of strategic
blocking and offensive attacking is what you need.  Keep an eye
on your Hp totals, but if you have both Raine and Kratos, that
should easily hold your weight when it comes to healing.  Once 
one is dead, the other is a breeze.

Now head inside where the assassin came from.  Go right at the 
3 way split, then down and get the Black Silver.  Go back and 
head left this time, then up and get the Fine Guard (equip for
Colette.)  Now head down the path to the right, and go up at 
the next intersection.  Grab the Beast Fang and EX Gem 
Lv1.  Now it's time to make a choice.  The Sword Dancer
is a very challenging optional boss, you may want to wait if
this is your first time through the game, if not, or if you have
a lot of guts, get ready!  If you are not fighting him, scroll down 
to the three asterisk marker (***).  If you are fighting, talk
to it and choose the top option to begin the battle!

Optional Boss: Sword Dancer 1 (@@@)
Hp: 8888
Tp: 38

Exp: 150
Gald: 2000

This guy is hard, but has a weakness.  I BARELY beat him at
level 14, but keep in mind that is with the Hp bonus purchased
after beating the game.  I'd recommend at least level 18 if you
want to beat him right now.  Make sure to have lots of items on hand.  He
has lots of Hp and his attacks can kill you in one hit but the catch is...
they're super simple to block!  Start the battle by running up to him and 
attacking.  Be sure to use any kind of 3 attack-tech attack combo you
have.  Tiger Slash works good.  Once you've done it hold block 
IMMEDIATELY.  He will always counter attack.  This shouldn't deal
too much more than 200-300 damage if blocked, which Raine and
Kratos can heal back.  Make sure Genis is always casting spells, 
especially mid level spells if you have them, and use those times when
the Sword Dancer is being hit as windows of attack.  Remember to 
keep blocking blocking blocking.  It'll take awhile, but if you're a good
level, and you have lots of Tp healing items, he will go down.  For
defeating him you get the Yata Mirror.


Anyway, regardless of whether you fought the boss or not, leave the
cave, and go down to exit the Ossa Trail.  As you do you will get a
quick guide and Unison Attacks will become available.  These can
be activated in battle by pressing Z when the meter is charged.

Save your game (especially if you defeated the Sword Dancer) and head
Southeast to Izoold.

II - viii - Izoold

Deep Blue:

Apple Gel - 100G
Orange Gel - 200G
Panacea Bottle - 150G
Life Bottle - 300G
Cod - 110G
Squid - 110G
Octopus - 70G
Barley Rice - 60G
Seaweed - 20G

Begin by entering the house just to the right of the Katz expedition 
booth.  Head to the back right and examine the object on the floor.  
This is another Wonder Chef who will teach you the recipe for the Rice
Ball.  Now leave and head right to the docks.

At the lower right side, follow the dock down to talk to a man standing
there.  He'll refer you to Max, the other man standing beside the boat
just up and to the right.  After you talk to him, (he should refuse you
passage.)  Talk to the little boy walking around near the docks entrance.
Now go back and into the house left of the Katz expedition.  Talk to
the girl and her grandmother.  Leave and talk to the man just in front
of their house.  Now go back and talk to the girl again.  This should
trigger an event.  If not, follow these steps again, or talk to more people
at the docks.

When she leaves, head back to Max.  You should see a scene, choose
the top option, talk to him and be on your way!

                       Part III - Across the Sea

III - i - Palmacosta

Walk down and stop at the numerous shops along the way, buying
newer and stronger equipment for your characters.  Now head down
for a scene which is unavoidable.

The shop you're looking for is the larger building, the right-most one
of the two located just East of where it occurred.  The item you're 
looking to buy is the "Palma Potion" for 1000 Gald.  You likely
have enough things to sell, if you don't have the cash, so pick it up
and head back to the group.

Now go to the next map at the far right across the bridge for a quick
scene, then enter the large building at the upper left for another scene.
Now exit and head left and leave the city.

A quick note before leaving the city is to set Colette as your
avatar and find a dog wandering around.  Speak with the dog then
continue on.

The next part can be confusing as it is non linear and can be done in
many different ways.  this may sound good but people have been 
known to find themselves stuck and have no clue where their next
destination is.  You are free to choose your own path, but the guide
will continue on the path I recommend most, leaving you with the 
most amount of experience before a more challenging boss fight.

If you are ready, head all the way North to a place called Hakonesia
Peak.  When I say North I mean NORTH.  It's quite far up, you'll
know you're on the right track if you cross a bridge, and pass another
House of Salvation.  It looks like a path into the mountains, when you 
reach it, enter.

III - ii - Hakonesia Peak

Follow the pass and enter the house.  Speak with the man there for a
quick event and leave.  Once again another event, in which you learn
something new about Palmacosta.  Time to head all the way back there.
(It's to the South in case you've forgotten already)

III - iii - Palmacosta

Quickly enter and head back to the area in front of Dorr's residence
for a scene.  Now for a battle... you'll waste those pathetic underlings.
In the item shop, watch another scene and head back out to the
town square in front of Dorr's residence.

On the right you should see two buildings, well head inside the right-
most one of those two.  During this scene choose the top option.  
When you have control again examine the funny looking pole thing
under the stairs to meet the Wonder Chef and learn to make 
Omelets!  Head up the stairs and into the first door on the right to
for a quick review, I'm not sure if this has any bearing on the test
itself, but it's fun.  Now go to the next room for the test.

If all has gone well, once the test is over the two students should
receive the same grade and Genis' will get the new title "Honor Roll."
Before you leave head to the right-most room on the first floor, talk
to the man behind the counter and answer "Yes" to becoming a 
waitress.  You have to memorize some things here.  I believe
how good you do reflects how much money you make, but
either way Colette should receive the title "Turbo Waitress."

Now leave town and again go towards Hakonesia Peak, but stop 
at the House of Salvation along the way.

III - iv - House of Salvation

Head forward for an event, in which you should choose the top
option, then enter the house for another event, again the top option.

That's all to do here now, but now that you know about Chocolat,
head for the Palmacosta Human Ranch.  If you open your map
(press left or right on the D-pad on the world map), the farm
is located on that blackish splotch on the right side of the continent, 
should be almost directly right of the House of Salvation, however
you must go south a bit in order to get around the mountains.  Just 
follow the Southeast trail from the House of Salvation, and cure around
the mountains to the left.

III - v - Palmacosta Human Ranch

Go up and to the right to trigger a scene.  You do have a choice here
but your best bet is the top option, so choose it.  Now go up,
and battle your way through the gate and into the base.

Examine the pedestal here to change the function of the Sorcerer's 
Ring.  Go into the right door, and use the Sorcerer's Ring.  Examine
the terminal to get a White Silver, and then the pedestal to activate a 
bridge.  Across to your right is a vending machine that can both heal
you full and sell items, be sure to take advantage of it.

Use the Sorcerer's Ring and examine the terminal at the top left for
and Orange Gel, and the pedestal at the top right for another bridge.
It may look like it's a dead end, but activate the Sorcerer's Ring
and pick up the life bottle.  Now go back, if you haven't killed the 
enemy beside the vending machine by now, do so, as he carries
a "Purple Card."  Use your ring again to turn off the upper bridge,
then cross the left one and turn it off as well.  The reason will become
apparent later.  Now go back to the main hall.

Go into the left door and defeat the guard there to receive the memory
gem for this dungeon.  Use the Sorcerer's Ring to find an Apple Gel
in this room.  Activate it again and head down the bottom left path,
you should be able to find two Orange Gels and a Life Bottle in this 
general area.  Now head back to the main hall.

Use your ring to make the warp portal appear above the pedestal, and 
use it.  Now head up, save your game and go into the door on the right.
Activate your ring, and you should see a sparkle with a box near the 
bottom.  Push the box down and grab the item for an EX Gem Lv2.
Be sure the ring is activated and move the box at the top with a sparkle
in it, and grab the Mage Cloak (equip for Genis.)  With the radar on,
examine the pedestal to make a bridge, cross it, go down the stairs and 
watch a quick scene.  You should now have a Red Card.  Go across
the bridge again and deactivate it.  Now head back to the save point.

Take the left door this time for another event and a Blue Card.  Exit
to the right.

Now activate your ring and go into the portal North of the save point,
now you have to deal with a ton of confusing teleporters, the following
is the best route to take:  (Note you may see many sparkles through
this, but the majority are alarms with enemies, it is best not to pick
them up.)  Beginning from the room you end up in after you
use the first portal:

Be sure to activate your ring each time:

1. West Portal
2. North Portal
3. North Portal

Assuming you deactivated all the bridges after you left, there should
be a spiral path leading up to a Panacea Bottle you can see with the
Sorcerer's Ring.  Return, activate the ring and go into the centre portal,
choose to return to the connecting path, save, and use the following 
path (start by entering the portal above the save point.)

1: West Portal
2. West Portal
3. South Portal
4. North Portal
5. North Portal
6. West Portal
7. North Portal
8. West Portal

Watch a scene, easy battle and another scene.  Once it's over, follow
Chocolat and enter the North Portal.  A slightly longer event occurs 
now, another easy battle, and then...

Boss: Magnius
Hp: 8500
Tp: 120

Whip Master
Hp: 2300
Tp: 60

Hp: 2100
Tp: 40

Exp: 739
Gald: 2124

It's probably implied by now, but the subordinates must die first.  They
go down quick and will just get annoying otherwise.  As for Magnius
himself, it's just a matter of slowly beating him down, he's not particularly
hard, he just blocks a lot.  He also has numerous attacks that will send 
flying, keep in mind the block button will land you on your feet when
timed well.  Hopefully Genis has some mid-magic by now, but even if
not, combos and low level magic should take him out in no time.

Following the fight is another scene.  You'll be taken out automatically
so you don't have to worry about backtracking.  Time to return once
again to Palmacosta.

III - vi - Palmacosta

Head into Dorr's residence for an event.  When it's over
go down the stairs for another, longer one.  Once again
get ready...

Boss: Kilia
Hp: 10,000
Tp: 400

Exp: 500
Gald: 500

Another not-too-hard boss.  She casts a lot of magic, but it's just weak
stuff.  Normally I'd recommend a healthy combination of attacking and
blocking, but she rarely blocks, which gives you little reason not to
mash out those attack combos over and over.  Eventually she'll change
forms, but she still has the same weak attacks, except they're physical
instead of magical now, which you can likely defend better against
anyway.  Should be no problem.

Afterwards, an event occurs, choose the top option when prompted.
You will receive a pass that will enable you to cross Hakonesia Peak.

At this point you should be strong enough to take on the Seal of Water,
so your next destination is the Thoda Geyser, accessible via the
Thoda Dock.  The Thoda Dock is located just around the mountain
East of the Palmacosta Human Ranch, on the shoreline.

III - vii - Thoda Dock

This place is very similar to a House of Salvation.  Inside you can go
upstairs to rest and save.  After doing so talk to the women at the
counter to rent a boat, watch a scene and sail away!

III - viii - Seal of Water (Thoda Geyser)

Upon arrival head over, up the stairs on the right side and examine the
pedestal for an event.  

Set Colette as your avatar and speak with the dog wandering around
in this place.

You should now enter the Thoda Geyser.

Even at a decent level, the Thoda Geyser can prove to be quite a
challenge so there are a couple recommendations I'd like to make

Turn off all Genis' spells except for lightning, and thunder blade if
you have it.  Being a water temple most enemies are weak to 
electricity.  Secondly, set lightning for all of Genis' and Kratos'
union attack slots.  When you use Tiger Blade with Lloyd during
a unison attack, it does a powerful finishing combo with the lightning
especially helpful here.  Finally I highly recommend that you
go after the water elementals first in every battle (they're the
magic casting blue spheres) as they're magic can be pretty
devastating.  Now begin.

Go down the stairs and grab the Mermaid's Tear.  Continue down the
stairs and head left-up a bit to grab the Life Bottle and Circlet (do not
examine the pedestal yet.)  Head to the bottom and take the right exit.
Out here grab the Stun Bracelet and fight the fish enemy, as he holds
the memory gem and open the treasure for another Circlet.  Go down
and into the room to the left.  Here you see a box, and a switch under
the door you came in.  Push the box onto the switch and go back out
all the way up to the room with the pedestal.  Now go down the bottom
left door.  

This may be hard to miss but on the right, you can go between the two
large pillars for a White Silver and Orange Gel.  Return left again and
use your Sorcerer's Ring to set the two torches ablaze.  They are
located on each side of the large urn.  Now go back to the pedestal,
and this time change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring.  Once again
head out the bottom left exit.

Now that you can propel water with your ring, notice the scale in front
of the urn.  Shoot water into the right side of the scale, this should bring
down the door, only for it to be thwarted by the box you used to keep
it from closing.  Once that occurs, go all the way back down to where 
you pushed the box.  At the end of the path there is another scale, once
again shoot water onto the right side.  A platform should raise just to
the left of the large urn and torches.  That's your destination so 
backtrack all the way up there again.

Head straight down from the bottom left door of the pedestal room
after you go through, it's hard to see but this is the broken save point.
Use your memory gem and save the game.  Now head up and left and 
go through the warp portal.

An event occurs after you go through the portal.  Watch it and if
Colette is not in your party, make sure to put her there and equip her
(you are automatically given a chance.  Now get ready to fight.

Boss: Adulocia
Hp: 10,000
Tp: 248

Amphitra (x2)
Hp: 2300
Tp: 120

If you think I begin every boss guide with "Ok this fight is easy" this
is where you find out you're wrong.  This fight can be really hard.  You
absolutely MUST defeat her underlings first and you should have
prepared Genis' spells as I described above.  Save all unison attacks for
Adulocia herself.  Start by pounding on the two Amphritas until they
die, you may sustain a lot of damage during this time, remember to 
activate guardian, hold block and press down.  When it gets down
to you and Adulocia, let loose any unison attacks you have built up.
Tempest if a fairly effective tech attack, and thunder blade is a great
spell.  Make sure your healers stay stock with Tp and don't be afraid 
to block.  Despite this probably being the hardest battle yet, it's
no different than any other, in that in due time you attacks will put her
away.  You just may have a harder time keeping your Hp up.

Once she's done away with watch another scene and make your
way back out of the Thoda Geyser and another event.

III - ix - Campfire

Only a quick scene occurs here, you have no control.

When you regain control, you'll be back at the Thoda Geyser exit.  Save 
and jump on the washtub to return to the mainland.  Now with your
pass in hand, and the Seal of Water completed, it's time to head to
Hakonesia Peak.

III - x - Hakonesia Peak

Quickly head up to the gate.  After a quick pass verification you're
on your way to the other side on the continent!

                       Part IV - Well on Your Way

You certainly are well on your way by now.  To your North is another
House of Salvation, follow the path West from there to reach your
next stop, Asgard.  Save before entering.

IV - i - Asgard


Pork - 120G
Beef - 140G
Chicken - 120G
Juicy Meat - 200G
Beef Strips - 80G
Cabbage - 60G
Lettuce - 80G
Mushroom - 60G
Potato - 50G
Onion - 60G
Radish - 60G
Carrot - 60G
Barley Rice - 60G
Panyan - 70G
Roll - 70G
White Satay - 200G
Red Satay - 200G
Black Satay - 200G
Egg - 50G
Cheese - 60G
Kelp - 40G


Masamune - 1500G
Slicer Ring - 1380G
Duel Star - 1180G
Gem Rod - 1550G
Steel Sword - 1380G
Hydra Dagger - 2200G


Ring mail - 1800G
Fine Guard - 900G
Mage Clock - 1500G
Feather Robe - 920G
Iron Helm - 1200G
Iron Gauntlet - 1200G
Kitchen Mittens - 1000G
Paralysis Charm - 4000G


Apple Gel - 100G
Orange Gel - 200G
Panacea Bottle - 150G
Life Bottle - 300G
Holy Bottle - 200G
Dark Bottle - 200G
Magic Lens - 10G
Stone Charm - 4000G

If you're hurt, rest at the inn just to the left when you enter, or if you
prefer to shop around, there's at least three inns in this town.  Don't
forget to stop and shop at the equipment shop located just North
from the top of the first set of stairs.

First things first head up and down the little set of stairs to the right.  
going right onto the next map, and go up the larger set of stairs just to the
North.  On your right should be a large house with a girl named Aisha
inside.  Go in and head upstairs.  Examine the little object beside the bed
and poof, the Wonder Chef appears teaching you the recipe for Meat
Stew.  Now leave the house and head left back to the main area and go
up the large stairs to the North.

Despite my position on having a spoiler free walkthrough, the I feel
obligated to tell you there is a boss coming up.  The reason being that
if any point in the events following those that occur at the top of the
stairs, you so choose the save the game, it is possible to find yourself
stuck in Asgard with a boss to fight and no way to level.  The boss is
not particularly hard, but don't risk finding yourself at too low a level.
Mentioning an upcoming boss in a game like this where they're thrown
at you like candy is no big spoiler anyway, but regardless, please 

After a scene, even while Raine continue to speak you have control of
Lloyd.  Head around behind the large stone structure for another event.
Now return to Aisha's house where you got the recipe (this is also 
Linar's house.  After an event return to the large stairs and ascend.
More scenes for you to watch.  After these scenes, something

Boss: Windmaster
Hp: 10,000
Tp: 220

Exp: 1325
Gald: 800

Be sure to go into your tech menu for Genis' and turn off all wind based
spells, as this is a wind elemental boss.  Use magic like Stalagmite to
pack a good punch, while comboing with Lloyd and Kratos.  His
spinning attack can cause some massive damage, but it's predictable
and blocking it renders it virtually ineffective.  Remember unison attacks
can be a great source of damage, and can really rack the combo meter
up if used at the end of an already large combo.

After the boss is defeated, you will get a scene and a Map of Balacruf.
When you regain control of Lloyd head back up to Linar's house.
After the scene, leave the house and head for the exit of Asgard.

Now that you have the map of Balacruf, it's time to go there.  The path
is pretty much straight East and across a bridge, following the path right

IV - ii - Seal of Wind (Balacruf Mausoleum)

Quick tip before beginning.  There are traps in here that can damage
your party outside of battle.  It's not uncommon to find yourself at
death's door at the beginning of a battle, so be sure to keep track
of your current Hp at all times.

Head in and make an immediate left to the end of that path and grab the
chest containing 1800 Gald.  Now head up and watch a scene to enter
the temple.

Start by going right, try to time it right to run over the spike belt without
being porked.  Head up a bit and ascend the stairs.  There is an enemy
hidden from view on the landing, however you should fight it as it holds
the memory gem.  Now backtrack to the beginning and go right, for a
Beast Fang and the save point.  Unlock it and save your game.  Now go
back to the stairs and head up.

Turn left at the top and light the torch just above the box with your
Sorcerer's Ring, then push the box over the edge.  Go down and push
the box on top of the switch to stop the air from blowing.  Head back
up the stairs and go North this time.  Light the torch and go across the
bridge to the left which will take you back to the beginning.

This time head up past the spike crushers, which are significantly easier
to dodge.  You can try to light the torch at the top but it will blow out.
Go left and follow the path around, lighting the two torches in front
of the door to open it.  Keep on the path down the stairs to the right
and down at the bottom to find another box.  Push it like last time onto
the nearby switch, and grab the Iron Guard and Blue Ribbon.  Afterward
head down to the bottom, grab the Beast Hide and light the torch.  You
can return to light that torch now, however lighting these only serves to
give hints to an upcoming puzzle, if you plan to just read the answer,
you need not bother.  If not, make a big circle and light the torch
now that the breeze is gone.  The hints are on slabs next to the torches.

Anyway when you're ready, head down the stairs below the exit door
and change the function of the Sorcerer's Ring.  Now go through the 
door at the top and watch a quick scene.

Eliminate the two enemies as they will just get in the way.  If you wish
to try the puzzle yourself, please do so, if not, the answer is as follows:

Start with this combination: (Activate them with the Sorcerer's Ring)

1. Red
2. Green
3. Yellow
4. White
5. Blue

This will break the wall on the right side.  Grab the EX Gem Lv2.  Use
the ring on each fan a second time to stop them.  Now turn on the 

1. Blue
2. Red
3. Yellow
4. White
5. Green

Now the left side is open, grab the Blue Ribbon and input this final

1. Red
2. Yellow
3. Green
4. White
5. Blue

At this point I would very highly recommend going back and saving
your game.  It really is worth it.  Once you've done so, return to
this room and exit by the door to the North for a quick scene.  Set
up Colette if you aren't using here, then it's time for:

Boss: Iapyx
Hp: 14,000
Tp: 88

Exp: 1324
Gald: 2000

This boss is similar to the one from the Thoda Geyser as it can be
extremely taxing on your party, and really use a lot of your items.
Hopefully you've got plenty to spare because you'll likely need them.
There is however a helpful tactic to use against him.  You may notice
most of his attacks hit fairly low, well they won't hit at all if you're
spinning yourself high up in the middle of a Tempest tech attack.  Three
swings of your sword followed by a tempest will often have the added
bonus of dodging his attack so keep that in mind.  Also removing
all tech attacks for Colette except Angel Feathers is a wise move.

Once the battle ends, and the scene is over, be sure to heal all your
characters' Hp and Tp using items.  Make your way back towards
the entrance for another surprise event.

Boss: Resolute Assassin (Sheena)
Hp: 4500
Tp: 164

Hp: 5500
Tp: 400

Exp: 550
Gald: 700

Go after the guardian first.  It may have more Hp, but it has the
unfortunate property of having virtually no defense, especially
when targeted by water based attacks.  It should go down
quick, and with it gone, Sheena will soon follow.  The only thing
that makes this battle remotely hard, is that you are forced to 
fight it after another boss battle without the chance to heal.
Hopefully you were able to save a few items from the last fight
and will win this with little problem.

A couple scenes here, just leave the temple.

IV - iii - Campfire

Nothing much to do here but sit and listen.  As soon as you can, exit
to the world map.

Now you should head for the town of Luin.  It's to the North of the 
House of Salvation to head there and use it as a reference point, from
there follow the path North on your map.  If you go over a bridge, it 
means you've gone too far.  (Note I refer to a different bridge than
the one you took to get to Balacruf.)

IV - iv - Luin

There is an automatic event that occurs immediately after you enter
the town.  Proceed on the path leading up and follow it left to the next
map.  An important scene occurs here, and it is very important
that you choose the top option, otherwise you may change the course
of the next section of the game and become completely lost.  

You should now have Sheena in your party.  Exit the town by the
upper left bridge.

The time has come to head to the Asgard human ranch.  It's quite easy
to locate.  Follow the past that leads away from Luin while moving and
facing Northeast.  Within seconds the ranch should be in view,
pathetically attempting to shroud itself in the forest.  When you reach
the ranch, enter it.

IV - v - Asgard Human Ranch

Watch a couple of scenes until you have control of your character.  When
you do, head up to the upper right, and navigate between the boxes for a
treasure chest containing a Beast Hide, then go inside the base.  The
upper right door is blocked, so take the upper left door.  Now for an 

Afterwards, grab the White Robe above you and go down, around left
and save your game.  Proceed onward left, and take the path to the
treasure box containing an Iron Bracelet.  From here get back on the
main path, head up and watch a scene.  Once it ends, leave the farm 
to the left.  Return to the Luin for now.

IV - vi - Luin

Just a short scene here.  Watch it and be on your way.  Go left
and return to the world map.

Time to head to the village of Hima, located across the bridge to the 
West.  Follow the path West until it ends, when it does head due South.
Follow the edge of the mountains around to the right until you see a
dirt path.  That path leads up to Hima.

IV - vii - Hima

Crimson Canyon:

Apple Gel - 100G
Orange Gel - 200G
Panacea Bottle - 150G
Life Bottle - 300G
Holy Bottle - 200G
Magic Lens - 10G
Sinclaire - 2100G
Moon Robe - 1400G
Tartan Ribbon - 1600G
Iron Bracelet - 800G
Leather Cape - 400G

When you enter town, make your way down to the first building, this
is the inn.  Inside head into the room to the right of the save point and
examine the smoking pot at the top of the room.  The Wonder Chef
will appear and teach you to make Risotto.  Now leave and be sure to
buy the best equipment available from the merchant to the right of the
inn.  Now speak with the woman on the stairs for an event.

Leave and head up the path behind the house for another scene.  You
should receive the Desian Orb.  Now that you have the information you
need, head back to the Asgard Human Ranch.

IV - viii - Asgard Human Ranch

When you enter the ranch, examine the large boulder right in front of
you.  Now you'll have access to the ranch, so fight a quick battle and
watch a scene.

Now you'll have to split your party into two teams.  Both will have to
fight at least a bit, but the game makes sure all your party members
are nearly equally leveled, so you shouldn't have a problem splitting
up any way you like.  You would still be better off putting your
more powerful characters with Lloyd, especially a healer.

Now as Lloyd's team, take the upper left door out of the room.  Run
all the way back and pick up the Cleric's Hat.  Then in the next hall
to the left, run back and grab the Pellets and Lamellar Leather.  At
the front of the screen on the left is a terminal, examine it and choose
to shut down.  Now head back to the main room.

Save your game and go out the bottom left door.  Examine the pedestal
to change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring.  Run down and take a
left onto the moving conveyer belt.  See those six glowing cylinders in
the machine to your left?  Well you have to destroy these using your
new more powerful Sorcerer's Ring, so position yourself at the bottom
of the conveyer belt and time your shots as you move along with the
belt.  If you seem to have any problems it can be done rather quickly
by trial and error just pounding the X button and going back to try
until all three are hit.  When done go down around the bottom of the

Go and defeat the soldier walking aimlessly beside the treasure
chest you should have opened last time.  He's holding the memory
gem for this dungeon.

Your goal here is the same as it was on the other side.  Stand on 
the conveyer belt and use your ring to destroy the remaining three 
cylinders.  When finished go up the stairs and then ascend the now 
stopped conveyer belt, grab the hard-to-spot treasure box next to 
the North door for an EX Gem Lv2, and head into the North door.

Use the memory gem to save your game and attempt to go into the
warp portal.  This will prompt the change to your other party.

As the other team, there's an inconspicuous exit at the bottom right
of this room, so go out there.  Fight a battle and make your way
out the door at the bottom.  The guard has moved since your last
visit so squeeze into the tiny opening between the boxes on the right.
Push the first box you encounter two panels right, then move around
it and put it back where it was.  Now grab the upper right box, pull it
down once, then move above it and push it down once more.  Go
to the left of it now, pull it left once, run around to the right and push
it left again.  Now you are free to pull the upper right block down
twice and run up into the door. 

Head right and up.  Grab the Card of Earth from the treasure box. 
Now stand near the panel in the floor and examine it, the door will 
move across.  Go into the room on the left for a quick scene.  Exit
through the door on the left.  Pick up the Stun Charm and activate
this panel as well.  Return to the room on the right, then leave via
the South exit.

From here, go down and around left.  Fight the robotic drone in the
room you opened up, and activate this switch.  Now head back
down and do the same thing, except on the go right at the intersection.
Fight another robotic drone and activate the panel.  Upon completion
you will regain control of Lloyd's team.

Be sure to save, then enter the portal.  Time for a scene, and another:

Boss:  Kvar
Hp: 10,000
Tp: 340

Energy Stone (x2)
Hp: 5500
Tp: 100

Exp: 2280
Gald: 3795

Take out those damn drones.  They will never let you be until they're
dead, so put everything you have into it.  The faster they go down, the
easier the fight.  Kvar will be doing his stupid lightning attack, the only
attack he seems to know besides the occasional Spark Wave.  Luckily
once you defeat the drones, you can slow his attacks down a lot by
pounding his skull in with your best combos.  Being a mage, he rarely
if ever blocks, so use that to your advantage.  The block button won't
have much use in this fight.

When the battle is over, there's a couple of scenes, and then you'll find
yourself in Asgard.  Leave this place, you want to be in Hima so head
to the world map and start your long walk Northwest.

IV - ix - Hima

Enter and go towards the inn for an event and receive the key to the
Tower of Mana.  That's all to do here for now, so leave.  Start by 
doubling back across the bridge in front of Luin, as you cross it, 
assuming you're facing forward you should see some mountains.  These
mountains are blocking the Tower of Mana, your destination, so go
towards them, around the right side, and ahead you should see the
tower.  Enter it.

IV - x - Tower of Mana

When you enter, go in the door and witness an event.  Now choose
someone to go with you other than Colette, Kratos is a good choice.

Run up the spiral stairs a long way.  The second enemy on your way up
holds the memory gem for this dungeon, so be sure to get it.  At the top
grab the Armet Helm from the treasure box and go in the door.  Now
it's puzzle time.

I find the mirror puzzles here to be one of the few fun puzzles to try and
figure out in this game, so feel free to do so.  Of course the answers are
still below.  For this room it's rather simple:

Run up and shoot fire from your Sorcerer's Ring to burn the red curtain.
Push the box into the centre of the room so that it reflects the beam of
light into the beacon on the right and opens the door on the left.  Now
proceed.  Examine the panel just below the doorway in this room.
Afterwards you will have control of the other party.  Another simple
mirror puzzle:

Like the last one, except burn the curtain on the left, and place the
block in the centre to reflect the light to the top.  Follow the beam
of light into the door.  Time for the fun puzzle, if you can't figure it
out here's the solution:

Begin by burning the curtain.  Push the block on the lower right up
once.  This should reflect it into one of the three beacons.  Go up to 
that beacon that is being hit, and move the block one panels above it
left twice, and down enough so that it is resting between the two
remaining beacons.  Remember where this block was, one panel
above the activated beacon?  Take the box at the bottom left all the
way up and put it where this one was sitting.  The light should now
be reflected left.  Finally take the remaining block you haven't touched
yet, and put it two spaces left of the one you just set, so it reflects the
beam downward into the one resting between the final two beacons.
If all has been done correctly it should split both ways and activate
all three.  Here, for your benefit is an ASCII representation:

            |-|>O ^
C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|-|

The panels of course are not to scale, this is just about what it
will look like, with C being the curtain, arrows being the light,
|-| being the boxes and O's being the beacons.  Anyway go North,
grab the Moon Robe, Lunar Guard, EX Gem Lv2 and save your
game and go in the door.  Don't miss the Stinger Ring at the top
right of this room, then enter the East door, and South door in the
next room.  Climb the spiral stairs and enter the door at the top.
Take the West door and pick up the EX Gem Lv2, and the Iron
Mail.  Proceed across the magic bridge to the left for an event and
a switch back to Lloyd's party.

Go up a bit and use the memory gem on the broken save point,
then save the game.  Proceed across the bridge to the left and make
a Z pattern upward to reach the other group.  Once reunited take
the warp portal and prepare for another event.  After which of

Boss: Iubaris
Hp: 16,800
Tp: 1500

Exp: 2650
Gald: 2500

Luckily no drones to take care of this time, just a fairly easy boss
if you picked up all the best equipment in Hima and the tower.  Tempest,
or better yet Psi Tempest if you have it will help, and will pretty much all
of Genis' spells.  He has more Hp than any other boss you've faced so
far, but you should be dealing more damage so it evens out. Keep
hitting him with your heaviest attacks... and there's not much to say,
he'll be dead in no time.

Following the next scene, you are afforded the luxury of running out 
of the tower manually.  The next part however if important.  Whichever
way you choose to get back down, when you reach the main hall, you 
must examine the bookshelf at the upper left corner.  Doing so will
award you the book needed in order to perform the healing.  Leave
the tower for another scene, which you are undoubtedly expecting now
after every seal.

IV - xi - Campfire

Nothing much to do here, but an extremely important scene.

Now you may think it's time to return to Hima, but I'll save you the trip
and single speech bubble telling you the book is not enough, your next
stop is Lake Umacy.

Lake Umacy is located almost directly Southeast of the Tower of Mana.
It can also be easily located by following the main path to exactly half 
way between Luin and Hakonesia Peak and just going Northeast for
a few seconds.  It looks like a small lake hidden between a mountain
and some trees.  It shouldn't be too hard to locate.

IV - xii - Lake Umacy

Enter Lake Umacy to watch a brief scene.  With the new information
you now have it's time to head back to the Thoda Geyser.  If you've
forgotten where it is, bring up your map and check.  You'll have to
head back across Hakonesia Peak and make your way there, so
do so now, head to Thoda Dock and cross by washtub.  It's free
this time!

IV - xiii - Thoda Geyser

This is much easier now that you've already set everything up, all
you need to do is head to where you fought the boss last time you
were here.  Up the magic path, and into the cave to find your way
down to the warp portal you took to the boss last time.  Be sure
to save before you go in, you may also want to be sure Sheena
is optimally equipped.  Go into the warp portal for a scene, after
which there is:

Boss: Undine
Hp: 13,000
Tp: 320

Exp: 2110
Gald: 765

She can be fairly hard is your level is too low.  She uses a lot of  magic
so this is really another one of those fights where it's better to hit harder
and faster than worrying about blocking.  Be sure to turn off all Genis'
spells other than Thunder Blade, and also make sure Sheena is not
equipped with the Card of Water.  I find that this boss' Hp will deplete
quite quickly, so even is she is doing a number on your party,
hopefully Kratos/Raine can keep their Hp up.  (Especially Raine if she
has learned the Nurse spell by now.)

After another scene leave the Thoda Geyser, and now with your
new summon in hand, venture back to Lake Umacy.  Time for
a long trip North.

IV - xiv - Lake Umacy

An event occurs automatically once you enter Lake Umacy.  After
this Raine should learn the Resurrection spell and gain the title of
"Grand Healer."  Now it's time to leave Lake Umacy.

At this point you have the option of returning to the Balacruf
Mausoleum and Triet Ruins to obtain two new summon spirits,
Sylph and Efreet.  You will not be able to progress in the game
later unless you have these two spirits so whether you get
them now or later is you choice.  One thing to note is that if
you wait, they actually get harder with more Hp.  It would be
a good idea to get them now.  For boss strategies go to sections
VII - xiii and VII - xiv.  The Hp totals will not be correct for
this point, but you can still read the information based on
getting the summon spirits from these temples.

(Also if you would like quick access to these sections ctrl+f
and search for "~~~" without the quotation marks.  I will
put a marker at that section.)

Also at this point while you are backtracking, you can return
to Dirk's house to receive an EX Gem Lv3.  It's a long way to
go for this item, of which you get many later, but this is the
earliest you can get one.

Regardless of what you choose, after, return to Hima.

IV - xv - Hima

First thing to do when you reach Hima is to go into the inn.  There will 
be an event that occurs in the lone room up the stairs.  Now leave the
inn and go all the way up the hill at the back, and watch a scene at the
top.  Following that you can speak to everyone, but the only person
you actually have to talk to is Colette.  Choose the bottom choice to
proceed and watch another couple of scenes.  You will automatically
receive the Assassin's Ring.  Make absolutely sure to save the
game in the inn, then go up the hill to the back and choose the top
option.  When you reach the top it's a quick scene and you're on your
way.  It doesn't matter who you ride with, just choose someone you

IV - xvi - Tower of Salvation

It's a one way path here, so you won't have any problem.  At the
end of the walkway warp up and prepare yourself for a long scene.
Everything after this sentence is pretty much one big spoiler for the
to be sure to watch all of it before reading past this point.

Boss: Remiel
Hp: 16,000
Tp: 258

Exp: 2795
Gald: 1840

It's a good thing he doesn't block too often otherwise you'd be having
a really hard time with this guy.  He's not too hard to hit, but his attacks
can be devastating.  If you see a magic spell start to form around you
I'd recommend opting to run out of the way rather than take the full
fit of it just to squeeze in a bit more damage on him.  This fight may tax
your remaining items a bit, but use them if you need to.  Keep in mind
Raine just learned the resurrection spell, so if you run out of life bottles
it's still not over.

Another scene here, again I recommend waiting until you're actually
thrust into a boss fight before reading any of this to avoid any possible

Boss: Kratos
Hp: 22,500
Tp: 1500

Exp: 3739 (Approx)
Gald: 2900

Yes, Kratos is indeed your enemy here.  The first thing to note
is that it doesn't matter if you win or lose in this fight.  The events
following will not change.  For those who want to win anyway, it's
definitely possible and you will be rewarded with an EX Gem Lv3.
He's strong and fast, there's no real strategy here.  The higher your
level and how well stocked with items you are will make all the
difference.  This fight is a good example of one where blocking can
make all the difference.

More events, more of the same, and once again:

Boss: Yggdrasil
Hp: 40,000
Tp: 3000

Exp: 0
Gald: 0

Don't waste items trying in vain to stay alive.  As far as I know this guy
can't be beaten.  Anyone playing through with Exp x10 modifier is free
to prove me wrong, but as far as I'm concerned, just put down the 
controller and watch the slaughter.  Following your demise the game
continues as normal.

Long scene here, lots to watch, take it all in.  When all is said and done
proceed to the next section.

IV - xvii - Sylvarent Base

When you have control of Lloyd again, head immediately right and up
and into the door to the right after a battle.  Below you is a vending
machine to stock up.  Then head East, save and go into the door.
Puzzle time.

Start by changing the function of your Sorcerer's Ring by examining the
pedestal.  Now head up the stairs at the lower left and go down.  It is 
possible to do this and miss the treasure boxes, so follow these 

Look at the brown box closest to where you came down the stairs.
Push it one panel left, and pull it one panel down.  Now run to the
right and bring the other brown box over placing it to the right of
the first brown box, and completing a walkway to the grey box above.
Now go up, push the grey box off to edge to the right, and go back
down.  Take that grey box now and push it into the open slot to the
right of the blue panel, between the two treasures and the raised
part below it.  Now one at a time, bring the two brown boxes
and form a bridge between the raised part you can access with
the bottom set of stairs, and the raised part below the two 
treasures.  You should now be able to go up the stairs a walk
right and up to the treasures for a Straw Hat and an EX Gem
Lv2.  Go back down.

Forget the brown boxes, take the grey one out and place it on top
of the blue panel.  This will open stairs that head down to the lower
level.  Before you go down them note where you originally created
the bridge with the boxes, there is a brown square on the floor four
panels in size.  Bring the brown boxes back and put one at the top left
of this square, and the other at the bottom left.  Now go down the
stairs above.

When you go down, there will be a split where the stairs go left and
right.  Go right, and push the block down into the water.  Then go left.
You should see a spinning pillar at the top, use your Sorcerer's Ring
and shoot it with electricity, then go down and operate the terminal
at the bottom left.  It will bring down the elevator which you have
already set up the brown boxes on to make a bridge, so cross.  Now
shoot the spinning pillar in the middle of this section and operate the
terminal just up the stairs.  Proceed up into the now water-less
canal and push the block left onto the panel.  The gate lowers so
shoot the spinning pillar to open the door up the stairs and to the South
so head up and go through it.  Time for another scene.

Now go left and up for another scene.  Watch the scene before reading

                           Part V - Tethe'alla

V - i - Fooji Mountains

Save your game and head down the path.  Pick up the EX Gem Lv2
and continue down and around.  When you reach the next screen take
the two left paths for a Cool Orbit and a Card of Fire, then keep going
right for a scene.  On the world map head straight North and enter the
city of Meltokio.

V - ii - Meltokio


Apple Gel - 100G
Lemon Gel - 1000G
Orange Gel - 200G
Pineapple Gel - 1200G
Melange Gel - 500G
Panacea Bottle - 150G
Life Bottle - 300G
Anti-Magic Bottle - 1000G
Flare Bottle - 1000G
Guard Bottle - 1000G
Acuity Bottle - 1000G
Syrup Bottle - 1000G
Holy Bottle - 200G
Dark Bottle - 200G
Magic Lens - 10
Poison Charm - 4000G
Paralysis Charm - 4000G


Nimble Rapier - 2800G
Ogre Sword - 3000G
Ray Thrust - 3000G
Cool Orbit - 2250G
Silver Sword - 2600G
Card of Fire - 2700G
Card of Earth - 2400G
Francesca - 3200G


Splint Mail - 3000G
Elven Protector - 3000G
Druid Cloak - 2700G
Misty Robe - 2200G
Straw Hat - 1000G
Striped Ribbon - 1400G
Gold Circlet - 1000G
Omega Shield - 1600G
Claw Gauntlet - 1000G
Lapis Bracelet - 1400G
Heavy Boots - 3000G

Enter Meltokio for an automatic event.  This will probably be the first
chance you've had to update your equipment in quite awhile, so head
up the first set of stairs and after a scene, head left to the weapon 
shop.  Once you've made your purchases don't leave yet, examine
the funny cat statue at the back left corner and the Wonder Chef
appears!  It seems he's transcended the boundaries of Sylvarent
to teach you the recipe for Steak.  When you've done that, exit and
go to the opposite side on the right for the armour shop.

Another thing to note is that in this world you can buy more powerful
healing items as well.  They're expensive, but head back down the
stairs and go into the item shop at the right to stock up on whatever
you can.  

Now head up the next set of stairs in the middle.  Turn an immediate
right and go to the next section where there are many mansions.
Enter the second one from the left and go up the stairs.  On the
left side of this hall is an object to examine.  When you do the
Wonder Chef will appear and tech you the recipe for Fruit
Cocktail  Once you do this, leave the house and head back left.

If you're ready to progress then go up to the top and try to enter the 
castle to trigger a scene.  The church is to the left so go there now 
and watch another scene.  Then leave to continue it.

When you're in the castle make your way left, then up two flights of 
stairs and into the door.  Attempt to enter the double door-ed room
for another scene.  Choose the top option.  Now leave the castle
and go left into the church.  Once you have Zelos return to the world

You'll see a large bridge to the North, that's your next destination.

V - iii - Tethe'alla Bridge

Following a scene, begin to run across the bridge.  It's extremely long
and may seem at times like it's looping, but it ends.  On the other side,
go North to the village of Sybak.

V - iv - Sybak

Student Mart:

Apple Gel - 100G
Lemon Gel - 1000G
Orange Gel - 200G
Pineapple Gel - 1200G
Melange Gel - 500G
Panacea Bottle - 150G
Life Bottle - 300G
Syrup Bottle - 1000G
Holy Bottle - 200G
Dark Bottle - 200G
Magic Lens - 10

Student Supplies:

Ogre Sword - 3000G
Kotetsu - 3300G
Ray Thrust - 3000G
Mythril Ring - 3400G
Aqua Brand - 3600G
Battle Ax - 3600G
Pointed Hat - 1300G
Bridal Gloves - 1200G

Quick event here.  There's more shopping to be done at the counter
at the upper left corner.  If you're running low on money, you can
always do the tasteless trick of putting Zelos as your avatar and talking
to all the women for lots of free goodies.  

Anyway, go into the top building.  In between the two bookshelves
on the upper wall is an interesting looking object, examine it and
the Wonder Chef will teach you to make Fried Rice.  Exit the library
and go down to the left, the large building here is the research academy.
Enter it.  Now watch the next scene, during which Colette should
obtain the title "Ill-fated Girl."

The man you have to speak to next is the man just to the left of
the equipment counter.  Speak to him for a quick scene and return
to the research academy.  Talk to the person blocking the door and go
inside.  Now head into the West door and into the second door you
pass in this next hallway for another scene.  With Lloyd, go back to
the front hall.  Now for another event, where you should receive a map.
Take the hidden door out of there.

Time to leave town and head back to the Tethe'alla bridge.

V - v - Tethe'alla Bridge

Begin your long trek back across the bridge and watch the scene at
the end.  After the battle, take your recovered party members and head
for the Fooji mountains (where you first came to Tethe'alla.)

V - vi - Fooji Mountains

After a quick event, follow the path back up the same way you came
down the first time.  Nothing has really changed except the enemies, 
be sure to save your game when you reach the top.  Now go North
and watch the scene.  Then of course...

Boss: Pronyma
Hp: 18,000
Mp: 750

Exp: 3000
Gald: 1500

A fine example of a boss for which an all out offensive does the trick.
If you and Zelos can just keep comboing her, she'll rarely even get the
chance to get an attack off.  Even if she does don't expect much 
damage to come out of it.  One note to make is that she uses the beast
tech so if you're knocked back by it, remember to quickly hit X to
correct yourself and get right back to attacking her.  You really shouldn't
have any problems.

At the end of the next event, once again run down the mountain.  Now
return to Meltokio.

V - vii - Meltokio

This is a just a quick scene, and an introduction to your next destination.

V - viii - Meltokio Sewers

This whole place is one big puzzle.  Start by following the path around
to the pedestal and change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring.  You
now have the ability to shrink.  Those blue panels lying around will 
return you to normal size, and be sure to watch out for enemies when
you are small, obviously it makes them seem a lot bigger.  Anyway
shrink yourself and cross the spider web and go up the stairs.  At the
top be sure to kill the enemy as he holds the memory gem for this

The path takes you around to a split.  Go down the stairs, and around
behind there is a hidden treasure chest that is hard to see.  Open it for
a spirit ring and head back up the stairs and to the right.  There will
be a quick scene, when it's over open the box and take the Ex Gem
Lv3.  Now go up the stairs twice and head forward for another quick

First you may note the little hole in the wall beside the trash compactor,
shrink yourself and go inside.  Watch out for the enemy, grab the Great
Ax and go back out.  When you've bee returned to normal size
examine the controls on the left side of the garbage compactor, and
it will churn out a block.  Grab it and pull it all the way down to the
bottom, you'll have to move around to the other side and push.  Send
it right off the edge at the bottom that it's already aligned with.  You'll
note there is an opening just to the right as well, make another block 
and push it off there.  Finally of the three openings on the left side, push
one final third block off the middle one.

After that go all the way back downstairs until the bottom where you
opened the hidden treasure chest.  To your top right, you can see the
path is now complete with the two blocks you dropped so shrink and
go across it.  Turn the blue wheel to open the blue door and head
back up to go through it.

When you've gone through the door, ahead of you is the save point
which you should unlock and save your game.  Now go left and down
the stairs.  There is a brown box in the water here, get into it and
float back to the first map.  (You have to be shrunk to get in.)  Turn
the red wheel and return.  Instead of going back into the blue door,
go to the top, to the right of the garbage compactor where the red
door opened and head inside.

You are now on the ceiling of the other area.  Start by creating a block
from the new trash compactor.  Start pushing it down the path that
goes over top of the whole map.  Here's the trick to getting it around
a corner:  

Push it right onto the corner panel and shrink yourself.  Run across 
the spider web and touch the blue panel to grow again.  Now pull it 
one panel in the new direction, shrink once again and go back over the 
spider web.  Return to normal size and continue to push it in the new

You only have to do this once until you come to a corner with no
spider web.  Just push it off the edge to the right.  It should land
nicely and connect the previously broken path below.  The get
there, go back through the door to the first map and into the blue door
you previously opened.  Now as you approach the save point, go down
the stairs to the right.  Begin to cross the small walkway on the right
side of the wall, it's a dead end if you go straight so make the first left
turn.  Go up the stairs and shrink to fit between the bars.  Open the
gate to the cage and run back all the way out, and up into the red door
leading to the ceiling again.

A new spider web has appeared where there was none before, so 
create another block and bring it down to where you pushed it off last
time, but now continue to push it up to the next corner, and then right
again once more.  Push it off of this side to the right and it should land
right beside the cage.  As you may have expected, backtrack down
to the cage again (this time just go around the path the right at the save
point since you already opened the door.)

When you reach it, push the block onto the square switch and the
bridge will move across.  Despite this bridge just appearing, you
have to go back up to the ceiling, as the bridge only leads to a broken
path.  Create one final block and push it all the way to the last corner.
Now push it off the right side.  Of course head all the way back 
around to the save point, go right and up past the cage, up the stairs
to where the block is waiting for you.

Before moving it be sure to shrink and go into the little hole in the wall,
grab the EX Gem Lv1 and go back out.  Now push the block off the 
edge that's just south of the blue panel.  Now you can finally cross
the bridge.  Do so, then shrink and walk to the yellow switch, turn it
and head back.  Save your game and proceed up through the yellow
door that just opened.

All you have to do is go left, and open the box for 2500 Gald, then
down the stairs and head up.  There is a path leading under the 
waterfalls that requires you to shrink to cross.  When you reach the 
other side prepare for a scene.  Now for a simple battle with some
smelly convicts.  Another event here, then head up the stairs.  The
chest here is another optional enemy, open it to fight:

Miniboss: Fake
Hp: 2800
Tp: 250

Once again physical attack are meaningless to this thing.  Simply
use your time to command Genis' to use his most powerful spells,
as well as Zelos casting if you're using him, and Raine use Photon.
Lloyd will take a backseat to the action here, but the fight isn't too 
hard.  You receive an Elixir for defeating it.

Now go upstairs and leave the sewer.

V - ix - Meltokio

The laboratory, which is your destination is located just to the right
of the main stairs in town, through the gate.  Inside watch the scene that
occurs.  Now leave and go up the main stairs in town, then the next
ones that lead to the castle area.  Head onto the map to the right with
all the mansions.  Zelos' is the second one from the left.  Go inside for
a scene.  Talk to the butler and choose the first option, and another
event.  Return to the Elemental Research Laboratory and after the
scene, leave Meltokio.

To get out, go back to the sewers.  Fortunately you now have the option
to "Quick Jump" and avoid running through the whole thing again.  Now
when you're back on the world map go to the Tethe'alla bridge again.

Elemental Cargo Control Explanation:

A Button: Move forward
B Button: Embark/disembark (on a dock only)
Control Stick: Tilt  to turn
C Stick: Tilt ^ v to move forward and backward

V - x - Tethe'alla Bridge

When you enter, head to the right for a short event.  Go down the stairs
and talk to Kuchinawa to board the boat.  Now cross the ocean and
dock, then return to Sybak.  The dock if you have trouble finding it,
is just to the right of the bridge.

V - xi - Sybak

After a scene, return to the secret path to the basement of the facility.
It's the manhole at the bottom left of the facility section if you've 
forgotten.  Speak with Kate inside to learn of your next destination.
Leave via the secret exit once again and return to the world map.

The Gaoracchia Forest is located Northeast of Sybak, go there now.

V - xii - Gaoracchia Forest

A quick reminder to keep in mind for this forest, when fighting the
flowers you'll probably get uppercut a lot.  A quick tap of X while
in the air will have you on your feet when you land.  Anyway...

You'll encounter a battle right away.  Afterwards head up and change
function of the Sorcerer's Ring at the pedestal.  The light can be used
to melt vines.  Take the right path at the fork.  Keep heading right, and
go stand in the patch of flowers for awhile.  Notice it charges your light
meter.  When it's full, head up.  You can see the bottom of a treasure
box covered in vines on this path, use your Sorcerer's Ring to burn the
vines and access the Phoenix Rod.  Now go right.  Head down the path
a bit and you will notice a large vine-hump on the right side.  Dissolve
it and get the Witch's Robe.  Now dissolve the vines just above you
and head to the right.  Along the path uncover the treasure box to 
obtain an Angel Bracelet.  Continue down and take the right path.

Recharge your light here, and dissolve the vine that blocks your path.
Be sure to defeat the enemy beside the vine to get the memory gem.
Now head down, and Southwest through the vine.  You'll come to 
another fork head Southeast this time and uncover the chest next to
the path.  It cannot be opened now, but you can come back later to
obtain a powerful weapon.  Continue to go down-right along the path
ignoring the split to the left until you hit the save point.  Now save your 
game and make a decision:  (A decision maybe better made later, 
because it is possible to return, and this boss is hard!  If you're lower
than level 35, don't even consider it.)

Remember the optional boss Sword Dancer on the Ossa Trail?  Well
you can choose to fight the sword dancer two right now.  You can only
fight him if you defeated the first one.  If you wish to do so, go back
up to the fork and head left this time.  Down the trail sits the darkened
skull you may remember.  Speak to it to and choose the top option
to trigger the fight:  If you are not fighting him, scroll down to the 
three asterisk marker (***).

Optional Boss: Sword Dancer 2 (@@@)
Hp: 33,333
Tp: 4444

Exp: 8568 (Approx)
Gald: 15,000

Wow.  He hits hard, and your attacks hit anything BUT that.  You're
pretty much fodder here.  For the first time this game I'd recommend
an All Divide item.  It'll make the battle even longer but it'll negate some
of the massive damage this guy can dish out.  In terms of actual strategy
mine worked pretty well, I didn't use an All Divide, or even that many
items, I just focused on using Genis' magic and unison attacks for the
most damage I could.  I'd recommend a party of Lloyd, Genis', Raine
and Zelos.  Go into the strategy menu for each character and set them
up like this:

Genis - Attack Freely, At Once, Don't Pursue
Raine - Attack Freely, Heal, Don't Pursue
Zelos - Attack Freely, Heal, Skills/Magic

Turn off all spells for Genis' except for Spread.

Now head into battle, everyone will be fine with what they're doing,
Genis' will be casting spread very rapidly and doing good damage with
each one.  As Lloyd you have two main goals.  Build up your unison
meter and keep the other three stocked with Tp.  Hopefully you have
at minimum 10 - 15 Pineapple Gels.  Blocking is very important when
building your unison meter, you will die from a single wave of attacks, 
almost guaranteed.  Predict them and block them, and hit as quickly as
you can.  Lloyd will deal very little damage but that's ok, the main 
power is Genis and unison attacks.  I had the following unison attacks
set up:  Lloyd - Tiger Slash for left and right buttons, Genis - Raging
Mist for all, Raine - Photon for all and Zelos - Lightning for all.  The
lightning and Tiger Slash will finish with a very powerful combo and
the Photon and Raging Mist will deal good damage.  Each of my
unison attacks did an average of 3500-4000 damage.  Keep it up
and you will beat him.  Personally I found him to be rather easy with
the above setup, all my characters were at level 38.

For defeating him you get a Yasakani Jewel and a heck of a lot of
experience points.  Now return to the save point and save your game!


From the save point head down to the next map.  A scene will 
automatically occur.  Then afterwards:

Boss: Convict
Hp: 12,000
Tp: 320

Exp: 2250
Gald: 1500

If you just beat the Sword Dancer 2, you definitely don't even need to
read this, however in the more likely scenario that you did not, he's
still a piece of cake anyway.  His attacks are slow and fairly weak,
and he's hit by your combos far more often than he blocks.  Just
juggle him a bit while Genis' pounds on him with magic, and one or
two unison attacks later, he'll be toast.

After the battle, witness a quick event and take the lower exit to
the world map.  From here Mizuho is really the only place you can
go, a mere few steps from the forest.

V - xiii - Mizuho


Apple Gel - 100G
Lemon Gel - 1000G
Orange Gel - 200G
Pineapple Gel - 1200G
Melange Gel - 500G
Mizuho Potion - 1000G
Magic Lens - 10
Shiden - 4000G
Shuriken - 4000G
Spell Card - 1350G
Card of Water - 1600G
Card of Earth - 2400G
Card of Fire - 2700G
Card of Lightning - 3500G
Card of Wing - 3800G
Manji Seal - 10,000G
Water Spider - 5000G
Drain Charm - 4000G

An event will occur when you enter.  Once it ends head into the house
in the middle of town.  Now for another scene, at the end of which
Lloyd should receive the title of "Gentle Idealist."  Now go back into 
the chief's house and examine the wooden object just up from the door.
The Wonder Chef will appear and teach you the recipe for Ramen.
Now exit the house.

Just left of the path leading to the chief's house is the weapon booth,
be sure to upgrade to all the best stuff you can buy.  Also buy a
Mizuho Potion here.  Just let it sit in your inventory, it'll save you
running all the way out of a dungeon and back here at a later time.

Leave Mizuho and go back into the forest.

V - xiv - Gaoracchia Forest

All you have to do is go up and take the right path onto the world map.

From here cross the bridge and head straight into the village of
Ozette (it's a bit hidden by the trees.)

V - xv - Ozette

Go up the path and to the left.  Head down the stairs to the left and
inside the inn.  Examine the parrot to the right of the counter and the
Wonder Chef will appear to teach you how to make Tenderloin.

The equipment shop is the house at the upper right if you need some
stronger armour.

Make Colette your avatar and find the two dogs in this town.

Now go to the bottom right of town and head down the path.  A scene
will occur.  Once it's over leave Presea's house and take the path out
of town to the left.

Out here the only place you can possibly go, other than back into town
is Altessa's House, so do so.

V - xvi - Altessa's House

All there is here is one scene to watch.  Afterwards leave.  Now your
is to make your way to the mine.  Start by passing through to the other
side of Ozette.  Back on the map again, instead of crossing the bridge
go to the right and follow land around to the Northeast.  You will
eventually come to a dock, when you do board your ship.

Go almost straight North, with a bit of East.  It's easy to locate the dock
on your map, press left or right on the D-pad.  The dock is located at
the tip of the lowest point the land reaches and the bottom right of the
map.  Right at the end of that large peninsula.  You should have no
trouble finding it.

After docking head North, veering left when you approach the
mountains.  The entrance to the mine should easily be visible so head
inside of it.

V - xvii - Toize Valley Mine

Once you enter you're immediately thrust into an event.  Naturally
a problem arises and of course...

Boss: Defense System
Hp: 12,000
Tp: 100

Auto Repair Unit
Hp: 5500
Tp: 0

Orbit (x2)
Hp: 3000
Tp: 500

Guard Arm (x4)
Hp: ??? (unable to target with Magic Lens)
Tp: ??? (unable to target with Magic Lens)

Exp: 4310
Gald: 1600

This is an odd boss, mainly because there's so many things, and it has
been a long time since you've fought a boss with underlings.  Go after
the Orbits and Auto Repair Unit first, as they are the easiest to take
down.  The auto repair unit will revive itself after awhile so deal as
much damage as you can to the Defense system while it's down.  The
guard arms aren't really enemies, just things that attack you while
you're smashing away at the door.  They shouldn't be too much of
a problem though, in fact this whole boss is kind of a push-over.

When it's disabled, turn right around and go back to where you fought
it.  Down on the tracks, hiding behind a mine cart on the lower left is
a hard to see treasure box containing an EX Gem Lv1.  Now go into
the mine.

Up and to the right you will see a switch and a moving platform.  Also
if you stand at the edge you will see a raised platform with a picture of
and arrow pointing to the left.  Your objective is to hit this with your 
Sorcerer's Ring as you pass by it on the moving platform.  Now it will
go up instead of to the right.  Take it and get off at the top.  Be sure to
defeat the enemy in front of the large door here to get the memory gem
for this dungeon.  Now take the elevator below you to the bottom.

Go to the very bottom right of this area to find the pedestal.  Examine it
and change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring.  You now have the
ability to drop bombs.  Be careful as they will hurt you if you are too
close when they explode.  Head up the makeshift wooden ramp on the
left and grab the Saint Rapier.  Then head up further to grab the Sand
Saber.  Now return to the top on the elevator.

When you reach the top head left and drop a bomb beside the large
boulder.  Return to the bottom of the elevator and change the function
of you Sorcerer's Ring back to normal.  Back up the elevator again
you can quickly hop across where the boulder used to be.  Ride the
moving platform and shoot the arrow to change the platform back
to moving across left and right.  Now you need to be able to drop
bombs again so go down the elevator one final time and change the
function of your Sorcerer's Ring again.  Finally go up, hop over, and
ride the moving platform across to the right side and enter the door.
If you know a more efficient way of doing this, by all means please
do so.

In here drop a bomb to blow up this giant boulder as well.  Go forward
and to the left to open a box with Iron Greaves in it.  Continue North
and blow up the next boulder.  Go up and left, then down into the
lower area and activate the switch.  Now head up and destroy this
boulder as well.  Ahead of you are two more boulders, one on each
path.  Destroy them both and go down the middle wooden ramp.
There's a little gnome guy here to talk to.  Give him the Mizuho
Potion I told you to buy, and bypass a long out-of-the-way trek back
here later.  Grab the treasure containing a Silk Robe and go back up
the ramp.

Head left and down the path, keep going down the wooden ramp and
activate the next switch.  We're now in the little pit area just right of
where you entered this room in case you've become lost along the way.
Anyway go over to the right, there's a hidden treasure box containing a
Battlesuit.  Go up the ramp and head right.  Blow up this boulder and
proceed up at the fork.  Once again blow this boulder and head left
to use the memory gem and save your game.  Now head to the right.

There's a little scene here with a large boulder.  The next part is pretty
simple.  To make it easier, be sure to have a EX Gem Lv2 on Lloyd,
and set up the "Personal" EX skill on him.  Now you run faster.  Go
down and around, be sure not to turn the switch off.  There's a weird
spinning block here.  What you have to do is lead it back to the other
path with the boulder.  When you've had it follow you about half way
make a mad dash for the activation panel.  Once you've done that
sprint into the little side area so you aren't hit and watch as the spinning
slab becomes the settled dust.  You can take the elevator, but for a
couple hundred damage, just get hit by the boulder it'll land you where
you want to be, and a lot faster too.

When you land grab the treasure chest for a super pellets.  Time
to obtain your first darkness weapon, simply examine the broken pieces
of the spinning slab.  Now go up, grab the Thunder Cape, and take
the elevator.  Go across to the right, dodging the boulder.  Hit the switch
to deactivate it and continue downward.

When you come to the bridge, head down the stairs and right for
an EX Gem Lv3.  Back up and across the bridge is a quick scene.
A simple tap of X makes short work of these boxes, the ore is in the
ones on the far right.  Collect it and head out of the mine!

On the world map, get in your boat and be on your way back
to Ozette.

V - xviii - Ozette

When you approach the middle of town and scene will begin
automatically.  An easy battle begins here and the scene continues.
Choose the top option when prompted.  

You will now be asked to quick jump.  If you are collecting recipes
choose "no", if not then choose "yes".  If you chose no keep reading.
Enter Presea's house and examine the bear statue at the end of the bed 
in the left room.  The Wonder Chef will appear and teach you the recipe 
for Gratin.  Now leave Ozette via the main entrance and go into the
forest.  Go down past the pedestal and when you're on the world map
again, enter Mizuho.

V - xix - Mizuho

Enter the chief's house and speak with him.  After a scene leave the
chief's house and find Sheena at the Northwest corner of town.  Speak
with her and after the next event, leave Mizuho.

Your destination is the Temple of Lightning, go to the dock you set off
of to go to the mine, and just go straight North.  The Temple of 
Lightning is located on the island directly North from that dock.

V - xx - Temple of Lightning

To start, head up to a split with many paths.  Watch out for the 
electricity, you'll take damage if it hits you.  At the fork you will see
three paths straight ahead out you, take the left path.  At the end
examine the lightning rod to activate it.  Go back down and take the
right path.  Activate this lightning rod as well.  Return to the fork and
take the centre path.  As you step on the button lightning should
strike the pedestal on the right rather than the one in front of you.
Since you can keep moving ahead now, deactivate the lightning rod.
Go back down and deactivate the one on the right.  Now when you
return to step on the switch lightning will hit the left rod since it is the
only one active and destroy the box in your path.  Go back to the left
path and continue on to a pedestal, and change the function of your
Sorcerer's Ring.

Back at the fork in the middle of the room, head East all the way down
to the end.  Now that you can shoot electricity with your Sorcerer's
Ring, you can destroy the two boxes up the North path.  Do so and
avoid the electricity to get the Silver Guard.  Take the West path
at the fork this time and head up to save your game.  Finally now
you can take the middle path up, past the switch in the floor to the next

Before going forward, proceed up either the stairs on the left or the
right to the very top.  There will be three boxes stacked on top, each of
a different colour.  You can destroy the bottom box with your ring, so
do it.  Return to the ground and proceed forward, through the box and
into the door.

In this large room take the stairs up to your left and into the door.  You
will have to navigate slowly here to avoid falling off the edge, but it's not 
too hard.  When you reach the top go in the door, and then into the
next door below you.  Run along to the end of the path but don't
touch the lightning rod yet.  First use your Sorcerer's Ring to break 
open the box floating on your right to drop a treasure chest.  Now 
examine the lightning rod.  When you drop grab the EX Gem Lv3 and
head around to the other side.  Do the same thing here for a Duel Helm.
Before you do it one more time run to the end of the path left to drop
another treasure box down below that you can pick up later.  Now
return and shoot the box, dropping one final time for a Thunder Scepter.
Now activate the lightning rod in the centre, it now attracts the lightning
instead of the one in the bottom of the room.  Now go it the door.

This one's a little more challenging than the last one.  Follow the path
until you come to the point where you go down a set of stairs.  Here,
instead of going up the ones on your left at the bottom, head to the
right and go up to find a hidden treasure box.  Just move slowly until
you see the "Examine" icon at the bottom right of your screen.  Grab
the spirit and then fall off the edge on purpose.

You're now in the room just before the main room, go back into the
door at the North.  Now you can take the stairs down to the bottom
of this room without any risk.  When you get down deactivate the
lightning rod and go up the set of stairs on the right to examine the
pedestal and change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring for a second
time.  You now have the ability to destroy yellow boxes.  Go back up
and head back down and into the door back South out of the room.

In here climb the stairs on the left, and destroy the two yellow blocks
as you go, however don't go in the door.  Proceed to the top again to 
destroy the yellow box now sitting at the bottom of the large stack.  
When you go back down, take the right path and go into the door leading 
East out of the room.  Follow the dark path to the top of the room and exit, 
here you will be able to destroy the yellow block and drop the pedestal
down to a lower section of the room.  Return to the dark room and
fall on purpose.

From here go back to the first hall of the temple.  Run to the West at the
fork again and save your game.  You'll notice below you, you can now
destroy the two yellow blocks and grab the Shining Star.  Once you
have it run all the way back to the large main room, two maps North.

Now if you go up to the right, you'll notice the machine now has a
lightning rod on top of it, examine the machine to activate the rod.
Now head up the stairs on the far left, taking the EX Gem Lv2 from
the treasure box you dropped and navigating through the dark room.
When you reach the top go up the small set of stairs and across the
bridge to the right, then down and into the door.  Once again another
dark room to go through.  When you reach the bottom head up the
path and deactivate the lightning rod there.  This will leave the one on
the machine as the only one remaining, so it will have power restored.
Return to the dark room and make your way back up and out the door.

Now instead of crossing the bridge, take the small stairs and run back
to the machine.  Once you've examined it, do not start the machine
otherwise you'll be struck by a bolt of lightning.  The machine works
by sending a current up that moves along the connectors on the wall.
These connectors are held up by yellow bricks that you can break.
Start by going up the stairs just below you.  Now on this path there is
a set of stairs you can ascend on each level, climb the first and defeat
the enemy to receive the memory gem.  Continue to climb until you are
on the very top row.  Destroy the two yellow boxes on the far left,
then head back down to activate the machine.  Ignore the box that
falls for now.

Now venture up the second highest floor.  Destroy the two blocks on
the left here as well as the remaining two on the highest floor.  Then
return to the bottom and activate the machine a second time.  Go
down the newly created ramp and up the stairs to obtain a Battle
Cloak from the box you dropped.  Head down two flights of stairs and
into the door to find yourself just above the water section.  Now examine
the pedestal to make the final change to your Sorcerer's Ring.  You can
now destroy red blocks.

Make your way up the stairs and the ramp back to the dark room,
where you should just fall on purpose.  Go out the South door here
and down to the fork in the first room.  Taking the East path this time
will take you to a split with red blocks below you.  Destroy them and
grab the EX Gem Lv3.  Now return to the middle room, where you
landed after falling.

Take the stairs to the left and enter the door that used to have yellow
blocks in front of it.  This is the most challenging darkness room so
take your time.  At the top, destroy the red blocks and take the Power
Greaves.  Go back in the door and fall on purpose.  Now take the
North exit, use your memory gem and save your game.

Your final task in the room South of the save point is to make your way
to the top and destroy the final red block on what used to be a stack of
three.  Activate the lightning rod and prepare for a scene.  Watch the
scene, then of course at the end...

Boss: Volt
Hp: 24,000
Tp: 240

Exp: 3580
Gald: 2800

A lot of people find this boss extremely difficult, so I'll try to be as
helpful as I can.  Begin the fight by turning off all spells for Genis'
except for Spread.  Make absolutely sure Sheena is not equipped
with the Card of Lightning, otherwise she will only heal him with
her attacks, this could make the boss seem very hard if you don't
notice it's happening.  As for the boss fight itself, Tempest techs
work great with Lloyd.  Always be ready with items on hand and 
be sure to keep a close eye on your character's Hp and Tp at all 
times.  There aren't a lot of cheap tricks to use here, your proficiency 
with your characters combos is what makes all the difference, give Volt 
as little chance to attack as possible.

Following this event there will be another scene, and the new title
"Summoner" for Sheena.  Now take your leave of this temple.

Now embark from the dock again and look at your map.  You can
see the large white island surrounded with little islands.  Well your
destination is hidden among all the little islands right about in the
middle of the lower left (Southwestern) side.  Look around and you'll
eventually find it.

V - xxi- Tethe'alla Base

Begin by watching the scene that occurs as you enter.  At any time you
can talk to Orochi to heal yourself and hear the password you've
obtained.  Change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring and leave the

Now go through the door on the right.  Pull (not push) the block down
one panel, then push it one panel to the right to block the laser.  Run to
the end of the hall and go into the room with the guard, he holds the
first password so defeat him.  Leave and push the blue box in front
of the beam, the in front of the beam blocking the upper path and go
up through the door.

In this room, grab the Silver Circlet then push the box at the bottom right
in front of the beam on the left.  After pass by it and pull it left, and push
it in front of the beam above you.  You can now leave through the door
at the upper left.  Pull the blue box down and push it in front of the beam
to the left.  In this room defeat the purple guard to receive another 
passcode.  Go up the small set of stairs at the top and shoot the little
generator with your Sorcerer's Ring.  Down the steps again, examine
the panel at the top right corner of the room to send the elevator up.
Now go all the way back to the main central room, head North to
Orochi and save your game.

Now from the front hall, take the left exit.  Pull and push the block so
it's in front of the beam on your left and run by.  Go into the next two
rooms for an EX Gem Lv2 and a Card of Ice.  Now block the beam to
the path upward at the intersection and head North through the door.
Take the first left and go into the door.  Defeat the blue guard for the
third and final password, then open the chest for an EX Gem Lv3.  Now
head North at the split.

You are above the room where you got the second password, also
where you raised the elevator.  Follow the path up, defeating the robo
guard along the way to get the memory gem for this dungeon.  Drag the
block off the elevator right in front of the stairs, then push it down
through the small opening in the rail.  It will land on the beam generator,
disabling it and allowing you to access the treasure boxes.  Now go
all the way back to the main hall, heal and save at Orochi, then into
the right door.  Follow the path up all the way up, taking a left at the
next split and you'll be back in that room once again.  Now that the
beams are gone you can pick up the Dragon Tooth and Lightning
Sword.  Exit the room and block the beam to the North, then head up
that path into the door.

Use your memory gem here and save your game.  First of all go to
the upper left corner of the ground floor and notice two slots where
two boxes could fix nicely.  Grab two boxes and drag them over, filling
those two spots.  Now ascend the stairs at the lower left corner, then
down again slightly North to cross the path you just created.  Open
the chest for a lavender.  You'll notice there is a generator below the
treasure box but the box blocks your electric shot.  I believe you're
supposed to go back down and build a path so that you can aim straight
and hit it, but if you stand on the brown stationary block, between the
two you set yourself and face Southeast towards the generator, you
can hit it quite easily by shooting diagonally.  So activate it and return
to the ground.

Now take one of the blocks you set and push it onto the elevator just
below the generator you turned on.  Place the block at the upper left
corner, and position yourself on the upper right corner.  From here you
can activate the elevator while standing on it, you need to be on the
elevator when it goes up.  When it does, push the block up one panel
onto the ledge and ride the elevator back down again.  Now run to
your right and up the stairs to get a treasure box containing  a Silver
Mail.  Now go up the stairs at the bottom left and head all the way
up and around to the right, past the guards and down to where you
pushed the block off of the elevator.  Pull it all the way over to the right
side and push it off the edge behind the treasure box you just opened.
Now by walking on top of it you are able to activate the generator
below you by shooting it with your ring.  Once again head back to the
ground floor.

When you reach the bottom, save your game and exit the room.  Go
right back in and the boxes will be reset.  Drag both of them onto the
elevator at the lower right, put them at the bottom left and right corners
of the elevator, then get on it and examine the panel to ride it up.

When you reach the top take one block and push it off of the edge in
front of the treasure box to your North.  Step onto it and get the
Tomahawk Lance.  Grab the other box and drop it a couple spaces
to the right of the last one so that you can walk across to the upper
section.  Before you do so, go back South and take the stairs left of the
elevator.  Run along the path all the way around to the box at the top
containing a Beam Shield.  On your way back activate the generator,
then stand on the elevator with the box and examine the terminal to
go down.  Now you can push this box to the left of the treasure chest
here, and fill the gap allowing you to pick up the EX Gem Lv3.  Now
ride the same elevator back up, head to the right and go North over
the path you already created with your second block.  Ride this
elevator up.

There is a panel beside the door that will ask for the passcode, enter
the following:


The door will open and give you access, it may be a good idea to
ride back down and save, but it's up to you.  Inside the door, a 
scene will occur.  After the scene, you can expect...

Boss:  Yuan
Hp: 16,000
Tp: 652

Hp: 12,000
Tp: 580

Exp: 6570
Gald: 5950

This fight can be rather annoying because no matter who you're going
after, the other will usually be doing a number on the rest of your party.
Neither is really any more or less dangerous than the other, so begin
by focusing your attacks on Botta since he has less Hp.  Blocking will
play a key role when fighting Botta since his attacks can knock you
back and really slow you down.  For Yuan, you won't need to block
quite as much but you will want to run out of the way if you see a large
circle begin to form around your party, you'll have a good bit of time to
move, but if not everyone in the circle will take a good 1500-2000
damage.  Use your strongest combos and unison attacks to defeat them
as quickly as possible.

Another scene occurs and you're on your way.  You won't have to
worry about backtracking out of this place.

                    Part VI - The Skies of Tethe'alla

Rheaird Control Explanation:

- Rheairds can be boarded on the field map by pressing the B Button.
- Control Stick: tilt  to turn and tilt ^ v to control altitude.
- A Button: Press to move forward
- C Stick: tilt ^ v to move forward or backward. tilt  to strafe
left or right.
- L Button and R Button: Rotate the camera
- Press the B Button while hovering over the ground to disembark from
the Rheairds

Personally I recommend flying with the C stick, it seems to be quite
a bit easier.

Anyway, located in the far East of your map, right in the middle,
Southeast from the Tethe'alla base in the sky is the Nest of Flying
Dragons, where you have to head next.

VI - i - The Nest of Flying Dragons

Not a lot occurs here, it begins with a scene.  Then...

Boss: Winged Dragon
Hp: 18,000
Tp: 400

Baby Dragon (x2)
Hp: 12,000
Tp: 800

Exp: 4950
Gald: 2200

This can be an extremely hard fight if you aren't leveled enough.  You
absolutely must defeat the baby dragons first, they are capable of
absolutely devastating you.  The hardest part of this fight if far and away
the beginning while all three are still alive.  You your most powerful
combos and unison attacks right away to eliminate at least one as
soon as you can, it will really make the fight easier.  Tempest techs are
good for damage as well as dodging here.  Once the two baby dragons
are out of the picture you should have no problem taking your time on
the big head.

Another scene follows the battle.  When it is over you fill find yourself
on the world map, right beside your next destination.  Take about two
steps up.

VI - ii - Temple of Earth

Start by changing the function of the Sorcerer's Ring.  From there go up
to the four pillars and get as close to them as you can.  Use your ring to
cause an earthquake and collapse the pillars.  Continue forward to the
little gnome on the bridge.  Speak to him and he will say, since you
helped his brother come back, you may cross.  In the event you did not
buy a Mizuho potion, and give it to the little gnome in the mine, you now
have to venture to both places again and do it, then return here.  Quite
nice not to have to do it though.  Now cross the bridge.  Continue 
forward into the cave.

Across the bridge to your left the is a V shaped split, take the upper
path to a treasure box containing a Bellebane.  Now go back and
speak with the second gnome.  After you hear his request, leave the
temple and fly to Altessa's house.

There's no need for a separate section for this, upon arriving at
Altessa's house all you need to do is go inside and speak with Tabatha.
She will teach you the recipe for Curry.  Afterwards just return to the

Make sure to change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring again.  Now
return and speak with the second gnome again and choose your best 
cook.  By default Genis' pretty much the best cook so your best bet is 
to choose him.  Once you can go through, speak with the next one,
and being a nice guy he'll just move.  Now for a semi-puzzle.

Stand on the far left wooden section and use your ring.  You will fall.
Now stand on this section of wood and use your ring to drop down
one more.  Grab the EX Gem Lv2 and drop down, you'll fall twice.
Grab the EX Gem Lv1 and stand on the wooden section furthest
left and drop to the bottom.  Speak with the gnome to have him move
out of the way.

If you want all the items, do the following:  If you don't want the
items, scroll down to the three asterisk marker (***).

Go into the door where the gnome was standing and head up.
At the top is another gnome, do not speak with him yet, there's still
more (and much better) items to get.  Walk around him and return
to the top to see that all the wooden bridges have respawned.  

Now stand on the middle section and drop down.  Drop again
when you land.  Go left and grab the Ghost Shell and then drop
from the wooden bridge on the right side.  Go to the right and
grab the Ancient Rod.  Now stand on the left section of the bridge
that is closest to the treasure and break it.  Now grab and Bardiche
and drop down to the bottom.  Exit through the same door and
head back up to the top one final time.

This time stand on the right most panel and drop.  Get the EX Gem Lv3
and drop again.  That's the last item so just drop from anywhere until
you hit the ground.  


At the bottom before you go into the door that leads to the top, note the 
large dragon you can fight.  It gives you good experience and 10,000 
gold.  It respawns every time you enter the room and is a great source 
of money.  Fight it if you like, but either way go into the door and back
to the top.  Speak with the gnome that is waiting right in front of you.

He will follow you down the path.  Don't go too far ahead of him.
Always be absolutely sure you defeat the enemies before he reaches
them.  When you get to the bottom, let him go in the door before you 
do.  Speak with the gnome again.

This is pretty simple, just time your uses of the ring with him hitting the
ground.  The game is pretty generous, eve when your timing is off.  The
bridge will collapse soon after.  Head along the path downward and 
grab the Mythril Bracelet.  Return to the bridge and save your game.
Now head up.

There's a scene that occurs here.  Following the scene it's no different
than any other temple...

Boss: Gnome
Hp: 28,000
Tp: 682

Exp: 5890
Gald: 4280

Gnome can be a tough boss if your levels are too low, but she's big,
so there's lots to hit.  Her physical attacks are laughable, it's the
magic that's going to really eat away at your Hp.  If possible try to
dodge ground asher whenever possible.  If you get knocked into the
air by her body slam then just be sure to tap X and correct yourself.
Gnome is really easy to get large combos on, so use that to your 
advantage and be sure Genis' is constantly casting high level magic.
Gnome has a lot of Hp but also takes a lot of damage so it won't be
too long before you defeat it.

After a scene, head up the path and out of the cave.  When you
come to a fork take the bottom path and use your ring next to the
pillar with the box on it.  Grab the Mythril Guard and go along the
upper path now.  At the dead end use your ring to create a ramp
and exit the Temple of Earth.

Your next destination is Flanoir, the snow city up on the Northeastern
continent.  When you reach the city however, do not enter it, that is
unless you need to rest at the inn.  The following event requires you to
have at least three Penguinist Quills.  These are obtained by defeating
the penguins that appear commonly as enemies on the world map in
this area.  Fight until you have at least three before entering the town 
of Flanoir.

VI - iii - Flanoir

Winter Harvest:

Flanoir Potion - 1000G
Juicy Meat - 200G
Beef Strips - 80G
Mushroom - 60G
Potato - 50G
Onion - 60G
Carrot - 60G
Rice - 80G
Pasta - 80G
Bread - 70G
White Satay - 200G
Red Satay - 200G
Black Satay - 200G


Angel's Tear - 7600G
Toroid - 6600G
Northern Lights - 5400G
Rune Staff - 5000G
Gladius - 6400G
Asura - 6400G
Battle Pick - 7000G
Rare Plate - 6000G
Rare Guard - 11,200G
Rune Cloak - 4800G
Holy Robe - 4800G
Rare Helm - 4800G
Rare Gauntlet - 1800G
Holy Circlet - 7200G

Snow White:

Poison Charm - 4000G
Drain Charm - 4000G
Stone Charm - 4000G
Paralysis Charm - 4000G
Talisman - 8000G
Stun Bracelet - 4000G
Heal Bracelet - 4000G
Spirit Bangle - 4000G
Black Onyx - 25,000G
Moonstone - 25,000G

Enter Flanoir and take the path down to the right.  A man will stop you
to talk, when he finishes continue up to the next section.  Follow the
path around to the next section and go up the stairs here.  Enter the
house at the top of the first set and speak with the old man beside
the fireplace.  He will take the Penguinist Quills you collected and fashion
Penguinist Gloves out of them.  Choose yes to give him the quills.
Speak with the woman at the counter to buy accessories, the Black
Oryx and Moonstone are both extremely good, albeit expensive at
this point.  Now leave the shop.  Go up the stairs to your right
and enter the church at the top.  At the upper left there is an odd
object on a cushion to examine, do so and the Wonder Chef will
appear and teach you to make Quiche.  Head back down the
stairs to the left section of town.  

Go down the stairs here and follow the path up to the equipment shop
and buy any weapons/armour you need.  Now leave town.

On the world map, get into your Rheairds and fly directly south until you
reach a location built into the side of the mountains.  This is the temple of
ice, your next destination.

VI - iv - Temple of Ice

When you enter the temple head up a little, and to your left hidden
by the ground in front of it is a treasure box containing a Mythril Shield.
Now run all the way to the right for two treasure boxes with an
Ancient Robe and a Defenser.  Now head North into the cave.

Examine the pedestal and change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring
here.  Follow the path and grab the Ice Coffin, then continue to the
Mythril Gauntlet.  When you come to a point where there's a ramp going
up in the opposite direction you are heading, follow it up to the top. 
Grab the Mythril Armor and go exit the cave.  Approach the gap and
dripping icicles.  You can freeze the drips as they fall to create a bridge.
Follow the path around and into the cave and grab the EX Gem Lv2.
Also note the flower growing near the edge, walk up to it and examine
it.  You now have the "Celsius' Tear."  Go back outside and head
again into the main part of the cave.

Go back down and head to the right this time.  Keep following the path
across the bridge and down until you come to a gap you cannot cross
with a dripping icicle to the right of it.  Use your ring to freeze a drip 
and create a block, then push it into the gap to get across.  Run to
the end of the path and press the A button when the "Examine" message
appears at the bottom.  Now there's a bit of a puzzle here, it's kind of
fun to try, but if you can't figure it out use the following guide:

Begin by standing in front of the left most of the three place you can
enter from.  It's right a step or two right of where you froze everything.
Now standing below it move in the following directions.  (Make sure
the first "Up" actually sends you sliding onto the ice, you don't want to
just stand in one place on the ground facing all different directions.)

1. Up
2. Left
3. Up
4. Right
5. Down
6. Left

You should now be on the section with a treasure box.  Grab the
Rosemary and position yourself just left of the bottom of the three
exits from here that will take you back onto the ice.  Now slide:

1. Right
2. Up
3. Left
4. Down
5. Right
6. Up
7. Right
8. Up

Open the box for an EX Gem Level 3 and continue up.  There are four
pillar here and a slab beside the door saying "The answer lies in
a place with a view."  You are free to try and explore this puzzle
yourself, but if you choose not to the answer is as follows:

1. Top pillar faces left
2. Right pillar faces down
3. Bottom pillar faces right
4. Left pillar faces right

With this combination the door should open.  At this point after all you've
done you may want to consider leaving and saving.  You will have to go
through the sliding part again but it would be a small price to pay to risk
having to do the whole dungeon over again.  Now go through the door
and prepare for a scene.  After the scene...

Boss: Celsius
Hp: 18,000
Tp: 600

Hp: 12,000
Tp: 300

Exp:  7720
Gald: 5800

Go after Fenrir first.  If you set Genis' up so that every spell is turn off
except for Raging Mist it will absolutely dominate these two.  Fenrir has
an annoying spinning attack like Tempest, but just block it if you see it
coming.  At this point you may have the Card of Ice equipped on 
Sheena which isn't a good idea since both of them are of the ice element.
I don't really know what to say other than the really key here is Genis'
Raging Mist.  I did even have time to build up a unison attack bar,
the battle was over in 57 seconds.

Following the battle is a quick scene.  Leave the cave now, you should
have no problem getting back to the other side across the sliding ice
part.  A simple down, right down will have you on your way.  Just
head outside.

When you reach the world map there will be another event.  You will
automatically be taken to Ozette.  Leave through the left exit and go
to Altessa's House.

VI - v - Altessa's House

Run up to the front and speak with Altessa for another scene.  After
head inside Altessa's house and speak with him again for the next
segment.  After a long winded scene, choose the top event and
return to the world map.  You need to fly to Altamira now, it's easy
to find.  It's on the large island to the Southeast of Altessa's house,
you can't miss it.

VI - vi - Altamira

Full House:

Apple Gel - 100G
Lemon Gel - 1000G
Orange Gel - 200G
Pineapple Gel - 1200G
Melange Gel - 500G
Miracle Gel - 3000G
Panacea Bottle - 150G
Life Bottle - 300G
Miracle Bottle - 3000G
Anti-Magic Bottle - 1000G
Flare Bottle - 1000G
Guard Bottle - 1000G
Acuity Bottle - 1000G
Syrup Bottle - 1000G
Shell Bottle - 1000G
Holy Bottle - 200G
Dark Bottle - 200G

Wild Card:

Elemental Brad - 5200G
Defenser - 5000G
Lunar Ring - 5000G
Shuriken - 4000G
Shining Star - 3600G
Ancient Rod - 4200G
Thunder Scepter - 3200G
Flame Dagger - 5400G
Ice Coffin - 5000G
Halberd - 5600G
Bardiche - 5200G
Bear Claw - 5200G
Ghost Shell - 5000G

Aces High:

Mythril Armor - 4600G
Mythril Guard - 10,000G
Mythril Mesh - 4200G
Mythril Circlet - 2200G
Mythril Shield - 2800G
Mythril Gauntlet - 1200G
Mythril Bracelet - 2000G
Cute Mittens - 1800G
Poison Charm - 4000G
Drain Charm - 4000G
Stone Charm - 4000G
Paralysis Charm - 4000G
Stun Charm - 4000G
Thief's Cape - 3000G
Heavy Boots - 3000G
Magic Mist - 6000G

When you enter Altamira, after a scene go up and enter the large hotel
on your right.  Take the elevator to the second floor.  There are many
shops here with better equipment than you've found anywhere else up 
to this point so stock up.  Now leave the hotel.

Once you're out head to the top right of town for a scene in front
of the tombstone.  Once it is over, head over the bridge to the
Southwest, down the elevator and tell the man on the boat to take you
to the Lezareno Company.

Once you're inside, ride the elevator to the Sky Terrace.  Head into
the middle for another event.  Return down the elevator, another scene
occurs.  Speak to the man at the bottom right to take you back to
Altamira and return to the world map.

The Otherworldly Gate you're looking for is on the tiny island directly
East of Altamira, right off the coast of the Southeastern continent.  Go
there now.

VI - vii - Otherworldly Gate

You'll be thrust right into an event upon entering the gate.  During
this time you'll have to fight a simple battle, then continue to watch
the rest of the scene.

                          Part VII - Two Worlds

Once you're back in Sylvarent and have control of your character,
enter Palmacosta which is conveniently right beside you.

VII - i - Palmacosta

Return to Dorr's large residence and watch a scene with Neil to 
learn where to go next.  After leave Palmacosta.

Once you get on the world map again go back to the Palmacosta
Human Ranch.

VII - ii - Palmacosta Human Ranch

Watch a fairly long scene here.  You will have control of you character
once again when it ends, leave and save on the world map.  Now if
you're ready, go back in and speak to Botta.  Choose the top option
and you'll be taken automatically.

VII - iii - Remote Island Human Ranch

Traverse the long tunnel and enter the ranch.  The left and right paths
lead to dead ends so continue straight, and you'll find yourself in front
of another puzzle.  This first is quite easy:

1. Run 3 panels right
2. Run 2 panels up
3. Run 2 panels left
4. Run 4 panels down
5. Run 2 panels right
6. Run 1 panel up

Now cross to the right to the next more challenging version.

1. Run 3 panels right 
2. Run 2 panels up
3. Run 2 panels right
4. Run 2 panels down
5. Run 2 panels right
6. Run 2 panels down
7. Run 4 panels left
8. Run 2 panels down
9. Run 2 panels right
10. Run 4 panels up
11. Run 2 panels left
12. Run 2 panels down
13. Run 2 panels left
14. Run 1 panel up

Now run all the way right into the next room.

In here examine the pedestal to change the function of your Sorcerer's
Ring, then examine the elevator to ride it up.  Exit and circle around
this large structure pushing the four switches, one on each side.  Also
do not miss the treasure boxes cleverly hidden behind three of the 
outside corners you go around for a Stone Charm, Holy Staff and a
Vajra.  Once the prisoners are free, head into the door the guards
came out of and take the elevator up.

At the edge of the path, use your Sorcerer's Ring to summon a platform.
While on the platform, pressing X will change the direction the platform
will take at the next corner.  This is pretty much just a matter of trial
and error and even if I were to write an accurate map of where to go,
it would be almost impossible to read it and react perfectly every time.
Use your discretion to get to the top, you can't be hurt or fall down
the pit or anything.  Also try and avoid the electricity as it causes

When you get off go follow the doors into a large room with coloured
portals.  You can activate your right next to a white portal to change
its colour.  I will try and separate this as much as possible to avoid
anyone getting lost.  

Start by changing the first portal to green and walking onto it.  Open
the treasure here to get a Saffron and return.

Now change it to red and go up, grab the EX Gem Lv2.  Now return.

Change it to blue now and go in it.  You will be in a room with another
white portal.  Change it to red and go in.  Here there is a terminal with
a lock to disengage.  Examine it to disengage "Lock 2" and go back
one portal.

Now change this one to blue and go in.  You will be in a room with
another white portal.  Change it to Red and go in.  Grab the EX Gem
Lv1 from the chest and go back.

Now change the white one to green and go in.  Before going up the
stairs run left for a Holy Cloak.  Now go up the stairs.  At the top you
will find another white portal.  Change it to green and go through. 
Ignore the stairs first and get the treasure box which contains an EX
Gem Lv3.  Now go up the stairs and examine the terminal to disengage
"Lock 1."  Return through the portal.

Change the white portal to blue and go through it and open the treasure
box to receive an EX Gem Lv2.  Now return.  

Change the white portal to red this time and go through.  Head right,
the stairs to find two treasure boxes containing a Minazuki and an
EX Gem Lv4.  Now go up the stairs.  There is another white portal
here.  Change it to blue and go through.

Head below the stairs to find another chest with a Mythril Ax in it.
Go up the stairs to the very top ignoring the white portal to find
the final terminal, examine it to disengage "Lock 3" and head back
down to the white portal.  Change it to red and go through to find a 
treasure chest with an EX Gem Lv3 in it.  Return through the portal.

Change the white portal to blue and go through.  Go below the stairs
and open the chest for a pair of Mythril Greaves.  Proceed up the
stairs and grab the Revive Ring on your way.  Head up the large
staircase, ignoring the green portal and change the white portal to

At this point you should be in a large room with three portals, a big
door and a save point.  There are numerous ways to get here so
if you've become lost over the course of all this, but still managed
to disengage all three locks, then you should still have no problem
locating this room rather quickly by trial and error.  Save you game
and enter the large door to the North.  

Go up the elevator and out the door for a scene at the top.  After the
scenes is over...

Boss: Rodyle
Hp: 35,000
Tp: 500

Exp: 6240
Gald: 5800

Not exactly human in this fight, Rodyle can pack a punch.  Though what
he has in power he lacks in speed, so he's actually not that hard to 
defeat.  He seems to enjoy uppercutting you a lot so correcting 
yourself in the air with the X button is a good tactic here.  Though the
times when he pounds you into the ground can get pretty annoying so
sometimes there's no substitute for good old fashion blocking.  He's
really not a particularly hard boss and I assume that appropriately 
leveled you won't have a problem.

Following the fight is a fairly long scene, but a good one.  Mid-way
through you're thrown into a battle with three of those baby dragons.
You've defeated them before at a lower level, they can be rather
obnoxious, but hardly a problem at this point.  The scene continues
after the battle.

VII - iv - Palmacosta

Watch the scene.  Leave.  When you try to go back onto the
world map you will be asked to automatically quick jump to the
Sylvarent Base.  Do so.

VII - v - Sylvarent Base

More events for you to watch here.

Dimensional transfer using the Rheairds:

- The Rheairds Dimensional Transfer Capability is now operational.  
This will allow you to travel between the two worlds at will.
- Fly above the airspace of the Sylvarent Base or the Tethe'alla Base
to procure energy to cross the barrier of space-time

You'll once again be transported automatically.

VII - vi - Altessa's House

More events for you to watch here.

When you finally have control, go to the world map.  Heed Regal's
words and head to Altamira.

VII - vii - Altamira

Start by going up and taking the boat back to the Lezareno Company.
An event will automatically occur at this point.  Choose the top option
when given the chance and Regal will obtain the title of "El Presidente."

Go down the elevator and return to Altamira on the boat.  Now leave
for the world map.

Your new destination is the Temple of Darkness.  It's South of
Meltokio, in fact right on the Southern tip of that continent.  Go inside
the small cave-like entrance.

VII - viii - Temple of Darkness

There will be a quick scene right when you enter, after which you
have little choice but to leave the temple.  Return to Meltokio now.

VII - ix - Meltokio

Still unable to go through the main gate, make a quick jump through
the sewers.  Head towards the Elemental Research Laboratory on
the right, a couple quick events will occur on the way.  Speak
with the people in the lab and then leave.

Go up one flight of stairs and then left to where the weapons shop is.
This is also the location of the arena.  Go up to the counter and enter
anyone you wish, probably Lloyd.  Speak with the guard at the gate
and tell him you're ready.  Prepare for an easy battle.  When you return
to the room, go in the door and the right and watch another scene.

After a brief trip to Ozette you'll find yourself back where you started,
candle in hand.  Jump through the sewers and on the world map,
return to the Temple of Darkness.

VII - x - Temple of Darkness

Just a quick warning before beginning, this is far and away the most
obnoxious dungeon in the game.  Be sure you're in a patient mood
before continuing.

Follow the path up and get the EX Gem Lv2, then cross the bridge
and go down the ramp.  Here you'll meet the small shadowy figures
that you'll have to guide at the end.  The frustrating thing is not collecting
all the shadows, but the fact that they are stupid and will get stuck on
virtually every corner unless you walk extremely slowly.  Regardless
after the scene, go into the door on the right.

Part-way down the stairs one of the lights is illuminated making sort of
a triangle of light in the wall.  Examine this to go through it.  When you
do use the pedestal to change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring.
Now grab the block that Lloyd automatically shot with the ring, and
pull it out one panel.  Now go back out.

Return up the stairs to where you saw the first shadow.  Walk through
him to have him start following you.  Now use your ring on the light
just to the left of him to turn it off.  Now you can pass this part, as
well a the next block.  Turn off the next light you reach and bring the
shadow down.  At the bottom of the path is another shadow and
two more blocks.  

Shoot the block on the right, and push it into the wall.  This will knock
down a box with another shadow on it.  Now shoot the left block with 
your ring and pull it out once.  Go back up to the stairs that are heading 
down to the right, and descend them.  At the bottom be sure to defeat 
the skull enemy because he holds the memory gem.  

When you reach the bottom of the stairs head left underneath them,
turn off the light and go to the bottom.  Here is where the block with
the third shadow landed.  Push it three panels to the right and then
all the way up.  The shadow will then walk off.  Go up (hopefully the
other two shadows are still following you) and make your way around
to the shadow who just walked off the block.  Now with three of them
following you go right, turn off the light and descend down the large
Southwestern path.  As luck will have it at the bottom you can turn
out the light and leave the three shadows here.  You have to do it one
at a time, make sure there are three separate scenes.  Now you can 
leave the room and they will be here when you return.  Save your game.

Now go back up the large ramp.  At the top on your left is where you
crossed to get the third shadow off the box.  Note that there is one
of the move-able stone things facing out to the right making it so you
can walk across.  You need to push this all the way into the wall.  Now
go back to the save point and exit the room to the bottom right.

Proceed up the stairs, grab the chest hidden under the large stairs to
receive a Headband.  Continue up to the top and go out the door.
You'll notice if you pushed in the other slab that the one below you
after you've gone through the door is now across making it so you
can walk down, get the shadow here and grab the chest containing
a Shadow Dancer.  Guide the shadow back across, you will see a 
little scene of him crossing.  Once you see that scene go back into
the door on your right, head down the stairs to the light on the wall
and enter it once again.

You need to once again pull this stone slab out one panel.  When you
do go back up the stairs to where you left the shadow, he will be
waiting on your side this time.  Guide him along the path to the top,
and do everything you did last time in order to make your way to the
bottom.  Save your game again and head out the door to the bottom

Ascend the stairs and once again examine the light on the wall to enter
it.  For a third time pull this block out one panel and leave.  Head up the
up the stairs and out the door.  By now you should know which block
that one controls, it's the one just across the path to your left here,
beside the main entrance to this room.  This time instead of just walking
past it, you need to grab it and push it all the way into the wall.  Once
you do that go back to the right and into the door.  Head down the
long stairs to the bottom exit and return through there, run up to the
left and you should once again be at the save point.

Head up the large ramp to the Northeast until you reach the light at the
top.  Go up a bit and to the right to find a treasure chest with an EX
Gem Lv3.  Now go back to the left.  Head down under the blocked
stairs past the light and across the slab that sticks out to the right down
to the bottom here.  This should be where you pushed the box with the
third shadow.  There's a path that leads all the way to the right that
goes out from the bottom, run across it.  Assuming you pushed the
large stone slab all the way in near the entrance, this one should be out
far enough for you to cross and get the fifth final shadow.  Walk into
him and have him follow you down to the other four, and save your
game.  Now grab all five of them and run to the North, then down to
the right to a new area.

Follow the path, when you come to the first split ignore it and continue
forward.  At the three way split take the bottom path, and grab the
treasure containing an EX Gem Lv2 at the end.  Now return to the
three way split and go down the right path for a chest and an EX Gem
Lv4.  Return to the three way split and go up.  The path now goes
down a lot of stairs and pretty much one way for quite awhile.  When
you reach the broken save point unlock it and use it.  Take the path
to the left and go pretty much straight until the end.  When you
reach the end watch a scene and after all your hard work...

Boss: Shadow
Hp: 30,000
Tp: 800

Exp: 6320
Gald: 4500

Being of the dark element, Raine's Photon and Ray spells are pretty
effective against this guy.  Luckily this boss isn't even a fraction as
annoying as his dungeon is, he'll give you lots of chances to just
sit there and combo him to your heart's content.  Even if he hits
you with a powerful attack he seems to be nice enough to wait until
you have a chance to heal to make his next one.  Unless you're low
on items here I doubt you'll have any trouble.

There's a scene here for you to watch, soon after you'll have control.
Unfortunately the game deems it necessary to add insult to injury and
have you manually run all the way out of the dungeon yourself, so
do that first.

Your next task is to head to the Linkite tree.  The tree is in Sylvarent
so return there for now.  The tree can be rather hard to find, but the 
following makes it easy.  From exactly where you appear after warping
from Tethe'alla, do not move anywhere just turn your ship until it faces
directly Northeast.  Now fly forward for about 2-3 seconds.  You will
find yourself right on top of the Linkite Tree pretty much.  On your map
it's the little green bit surrounded by mountains on this continent.  Now
go in.

VII - xi - Linkite Tree

Run up to the tree and examine it.  Now leave.

Fly over to Hakonesia Peak.  Just a bit South and to the East from 
there is Nova's Caravan, this is where you have to collect information, go
there now.

VII - xii - Nova's Caravan

Some long conversations occur here.  Speak with the man, then with
each one of his children individually, and you'll get a Linkite Nut (unless
you got it earlier in the game.)  There will be another long conversation
scene between your party, then talk to the man again and ask him to
show you the memo.  Finally, leave the caravan.

Once you're on the world map, you need to collect the final two
summon spirits.  Luckily you don't have to go through large dungeons
both of them are located in dungeons you've already completed.
Start by going to the Balacruf Mausoleum, also known as the Seal
of Wind.

If you have already obtained Sylph and Efreet by this point, then
scroll down to the three asterisk marker (***).  If not continue

VII - xiii - Balacruf Mausoleum (Seal of Wind)

Follow the path straight to the boss area.  After a brief scene here
Sylph appears...

Boss: Sephie
Hp: 13,000
Tp: 150

Hp: 12,000
Tp: 120

Hp: 10,000
Tp: 450

Exp: 4545 (Depends on your level)
Gald: 6330

Sylph is actually composed of three spirits, the one you should go
after first is Fairess with the shield.  She also casts a lot of magic and
has low Hp so it's good to get her out of the way.  The low Hp total
for each of these bosses means they will go down fast, and the more
you get rid of the easier the boss gets.  After Fairess move onto
Yutis and then Sephie.  Have Raine casting her most powerful 
spells and Genis' casting pretty much any magic he likes, it all
works good against this boss.  Soon the three of them will be defeated.

After the scene, exit and Seal of Wind and make your way to the Seal
of Fire, the Triet Ruins.

VII - xiv - Triet Ruins (Seal of Fire)

Head in and make your way to the boss.  The path there is from the
upper of the three doors if you've forgotten.  Watch a scene and
prepare for...

Boss: Efreet
Hp: 30,000
Tp: 850

Exp: 3900 (Depends on your level)
Gald: 5690

This boss can actually be rather tricky.  He is able to deal a fair bit of
damage to your party in a short amount of time.  With the exception of
Eruption all his magic is pretty devastating, and when he grabs you he
can really shell out huge damage.  Be sure Genis' only spell that is turned
on is Ice Tornado, and that Raine is constantly healing.  Use as many
unison attacks as you can, and be sure that you set up everyone else's
Unisons to be of the ice element if possible.  Not the hardest boss but
can still pose a problem.

After the fight watch the scene and exit from the ruins.  At this point
Sheena will probably acquire the title of "Elemental Summoner."  Once
you leave the ruins head over to Dirk's House.

VII - xv - Dirk's House

Go inside and speak with Dirk.  He'll give you the Exsphere Shard
that you need.  Now leave and return to the Linkite Tree.

VII - xvi - Linkite Tree

Run up to the tree and examine it for a scene.  Once the scene is
over it's time to return to the Tower of Mana.  Head there now.

VII - xvii - Tower of Mana

Head up the tower to the top for an event, then go into the warp
for another event.  After the summon spirit appears...

Boss: Luna
Hp: 18,000
Tp: 720

Hp: 19,650
Tp: 600

Exp: 6730
Gald: 7600

Go after Aska first and get it out of the way, your party should 
adequately be able to hold Luna until you've defeated Aska.
Aska's attacks are slow, weak and extremely easy to predict and
block.  Luna's ray attack is really the only thing she has going for her
and even that won't hit for more than 1000 damage.  It may take
longer because she blocks a lot but if you build up your unison
attacks it won't be long before both of the are down.

Once the fight ends, watch the first animated cutscene since the
game's opening.  Kratos will join your party and obtain the title of 
"Traitor."  Another scene, and when you finally have control of your 
character, head down a bit and save your game.

VII - xviii - Iselia Human Ranch

Go through the main gate and down the stairs into the ranch.  Examine
the pedestal and change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring.  Avoid
those red beams and head up.  You'll need to split your party here, take
your best team to the reactor.  Above you now are two circular 
terminals, the one on the left restores your Hp/Tp and the one one the
right serves as a shop.  In the same room against the lower wall is a
treasure box containing Lovely Mittens.  Now head North.

When you come to the fork, go left.there are three treasure boxes here
containing a Solar Spinner, Cor Leonis and Muramasa.  Now take the
path to the right.  Grab the chests here for a Rune Staff and an Ether
Sword.  Now turn around and head back to the room with the healer
and shop.  On the left door, use your ring to activate both the little
panels on each side of the door to open it.  Go through, avoiding the
beams and onto the next nap.

A scene occurs here.  After a short battle go down the stairs and exit
through the door on the right.  Grab the chest with the Rune Robe
before going up the stairs, then proceed left.  Activate the panels in
front of this door and go in.  There are three treasures here holding
Aqua Greaves, a Rune Shield and a Rune Mail.  Go back down
and go North at the intersection.  Use your ring and open this door
to find a room with three more chests.  Pick up the Rune Guard,
Hairpin and Rune Gauntlet.  When you return to the intersection go

Take the stairs down and into a room with two chests, with a Rune
Circlet and a Rune Cloak.  Go back up and head down the North
stairs.  Go up into the door and take the warp portal.

Watch a quick scene here, and then...

Boss: Forcystus
Hp: 20,000
Tp: 400

Exbone (x2)
Hp: 6000
Tp: 320

Exp: 7100
Gald: 5800

Go after those obnoxious Exbones first.  They don't have too much
Hp so get them out of the way.  Forcystus himself is extremely annoying.
It's not that he deals a lot of damage, he just does not react at ALL to
your combos.  You could get him right when he's most vulnerable but
it still won't stop him from casting a spell at the same time.  In fact about
the only time he reacts and lets you get in a good combo is during a
unison attack, so use as many as you can.  Unless you're extremely
good at timing your blocks you'll just going to have to accept being
hit virtually every time you attack.  Luckily it shouldn't actually bring
your Hp to dangerous levels and you can just take your time.

After this scene, backtrack all the way out of the ranch. Another event
and a nice cutscene will occur.  Watch the following scene and then
it's finally time to switch to disc 2.

*                                  Disc 2                                 *

                        Part VIII - Repercussions

VIII - i - Iselia Village

Some scenes will occur here.  When they finish leave and head over to
the front of the schoolhouse where everyone has gathered.  Witness
the next event and make your way to Genis' house and find Raine.
After go to the South exit of town to meet up with your other party 
members.  You will be take to Dirk's House automatically.

VIII - ii - Dirk's House

There will be another scene when you enter.  Once you have control
of Lloyd go up the stairs and out the door to speak with Colette.  Events
will follow and then it'll be time to leave Dirk's House.

Fly over the Sylvarent Base and warp to Tethe'alla.  Return to
Altessa's House.

VIII - iii - Altessa's House

Just a quick scene here.  The following is completely optional, and
is just meant to expand on the story.  If you do not want to do this,
scroll down to the three asterisk marker (***).

Go back into Altessa's house and examine the red Exsphere on the
table.  Following a scene you will be taken to the Toize Valley Mine.
Run all the way to the waterfall at the end for another event, then
you will be returned to Altessa's house.


Now go to the world map, and set sail for Sybak.

VIII - iv - Sybak

Enter Sybak and head to the library at the North.  Inside there will
be a scene.  Choose the top option.  Leave the library.  There is
another optional thing to do here.  If you wish you can speak
with the man standing next to the dog South of the Research
Facility.  Either way head out of Sybak.

Now go across to Meltokio.

VIII - v - Meltokio

Go into the sewers and do a quick jump, however you won't quite be
out.  Run forward for an event.  Exit the sewers.  Go up the stairs
to the church (left of the castle).  Go into the door at the back left
corner and a scene will commence.  After a fairly long chain of events
Colette will obtain the title of "Spiritua Reborn."  Another scene with
the king.

After you leave his room, go to the right and down the stairs.  Head
into the door on the right for an event in the library.  Exit the library
and go down the stairs, then to the left.  Speak with the queen in the
main room to trigger a scene, and you will receive the King's Letter.

While you're here there is another optional event to further the story
of Presea.  You can speak with the woman standing near the window
in the right most mansion on the upper class side of town.  Choose
the top option when you exit.

Now proceed out of Meltokio.  Don't bother going through the
sewers, the gate is finally open.

Now that you're on the world map it's time to go to Altamira.

VIII - vi - Altamira

Start by heading up and into the large hotel again.  When you
go to stay at the hotel after paying the person will ask if you want
to go out at night.  Answer yes.  You will be taken outside the hotel,
turn around and go right back in.  Now take the elevator to the fourth
floor.  There's a large pumpkin beside the circular stairs, examine it
and the Wonder Chef will appear.  Once you've learned to make
Spaghetti.  If you like cats, enter the room at the bottom left.  Now
take the elevator to the fifth floor.  Enter the large room and examine
the bed to stay for the night.  The next day leave the hotel.

Take the boat to the Lezareno company and go up the elevator to the
president's office.  Speak with the man in the red jacket for a scene.
Speak with him a second time and Regal will get the title of "Eternal
Sinner."  Now go down the elevator to the second floor.

An event will take place here when you step off.  Leave Altamira
and head to Sybak.

VIII - vii - Sybak

Run to the Sybak Research Facility for an event when you get inside.
Afterwards go into the door on the left, and up into the first door you
see.  In here is a treasure box containing the Zircon.  

Now leave Sybak and return to the world map.  The following is
optional, if you do not wish to return for the duel, scroll down
to the three asterisk marker (***).

VIII - viii - Mizuho

Enter the village and the scene will occur automatically.  While speaking
in the chief's hut choose the bottom option.  Leave and talk to Orochi
near the entrance of the village to be taken to the island.

Sheena fights by herself.  You can lose this fight and still continue the
game.  When it's over return to the world map.

Your next destination is the Ymir forest.  The Ymir forest is at the 
Northwestern tip of the Southeastern continent.
VIII - ix - Ymir Forest

Enter the forest and go straight up.  Change the function of the Sorcerer's
Ring at the pedestal.  Jump on the stump to the right and use your ring.
After the event go behind the tree, you won't see anything but the
"Examine" option will be there.  Push A and you will open a chest with
a Resist Ring.  Now go down a bit and take the path to the right.

When you come to a fork, take the path down and jump on the stump
beside the treasure box.  Use your ring and an animal will crash and
unlock it.  Grab the Solar Guard.  Go up the path all the way, there is
another treasure box behind this tree.  Open it to receive a Gladius.
Head down a little and take the path that goes left, and turns up up
the next section.

Take the first left here and jump on the stump.  Use your ring to
have an animal smash into the boulder, not doing much.  Go back to 
the right.

Go up a bit and follow the path all the way right until you see a small
scene.  Jump on the stump then use your ring.  Grab the Blue Seed and
the chest behind the tree containing a Crystal Shell.  Now return to the
pedestal at the beginning of the forest.

To the left of the pedestal is a little fenced off garden with a pink flower.
Examine it and choose "Yes" to plant the blue flower.  Head down and
take the left path.  You can go up the branch of the tree to an elevated
part of the path.  Take this up to the next section.

Go down the tree here and you'll come to a split.  Take the left path
and you'll find a dead end with a water lily.  Jump onto the lily and use
your ring.  Now go right and take the path all the way around, continue
on it until you come to another split up in the tree.  Take the South path
and it will bring you to a save point.  Save your game then grab the chest
behind the tree for a Maid's Hairband, and the one on the lily for a
White Seed.  Return to the pedestal once again.

Plant the white seed this time.  Now head back to the left and follow
the path up to the map you were section recently in.  Follow the path
to the split where you went down to the save point, now go to the right
and onto the next map.

Up this tree on the left, jump on the branch with the white flowers and
use the ring.  Along the path to the right, use your ring on the stump to
smash the boulder.  Head back by using your ring on the white flowers.
Now return to the pedestal again.  

Just above the right path from the beginning of the forest, is a tree you
can run up.  From the top path jump on the branch with the white
flowers and use your ring.  Go up and examine the wooden box.
Choose "Yes" to drop it in the water and return again.

Jump off the branch and go up, then down the tree on the right side.
Head up towards the next section.  Take your first right here again.
Your first left takes you to a dead end off of this path, so take your
second right and go left up the tree.  At the North part of this path
notice instead of going left, you can climb down the tree on the corner,
so do it.  Go to the right, across the box you dropped and jump on
the stump.  Use your ring and fruit will fall.  Now do the following:

Jump off the stump, go left and back up into the tree.  Take the path
South and head up when you get out of the tree.  Jump on this stump
to drop a bug and occupy the fish.  Now go back down and take a
right at the bottom fork, then go up the path to the water lily directly
below the floating fruit.  Jump onto it and use your ring.  Jump off

Return up into the tree and go back down at the same corner again.
To your right will be the path with the box, and to the left will be the
island near the fruit with a stump.  Jump on the stump and use your ring
to knock the fruit down a bit more.  Go up the tree and return South,
down to the other end.  Head back to the bottom entrance to this
section of the forest, but do not leave.  You should be on the part that
has two paths to the left, and one path to the right.  If you go to the
top of this path you'll be almost in arm's reach of the fruit.  Now notice
on your right the water lily with a blue flower on it.  Go down the right
path for a couple steps and press A to jump on the lily.  Use your ring
to call a fish to take the fruit.  Jump off the lily and go a bit left, then
up the path and take the top left exit to the next section of the forest.

You'll get a small scene here, then jump on the water lily.  You must 
wait until the bottom fish is facing up.  The moment his "..." bubble
disappears, use your ring and the fish with the fruit will slip by.  Now
return to the pedestal.

From the entrance to the forest, take the left path and go down at the
fork.  Follow this all the way around to another lily.  Jump on it and use
your ring   The fish will finally bring the fruit within' reaching distance.
Go back to the pedestal area, and just a few steps North of the garden,
jump on the lily and grab the fruit.

Now all you have to do is go to the save point.  Take the path on your
left that goes up the tree and to the North.  Follow it around to the save
point, save your game and speak with the kid.  After a scene head 
North out of the forest.

VIII - x - Heimdall

After the events that occur when you enter, you can head a bit
North to find the equipment shop.  Continue up taking a left at the
stairs in front of the inn to head to another section of the map.

At the top of this section is the Elder's house.  Before speaking with him
enter the door at the back right.  In the upper right corner of this room
is a painting to examine.  Do so and the Wonder Chef appears to teach
you to make Cream Stew.  Now go into the other room and speak with
the elder.

After the scene you will receive the Elf Elder's Staff.  

Make Colette your avatar and find the two dogs in this town.

It is now time to leave Heimdall so exit, perform a quick jump and 
return to the world map.

Your next destination is the Latheon Gorge, directly Southeast of
Heimdall on the same continent.  It's in the side of a mountain.

VIII - xi - Latheon Gorge

With the Elder's Staff you are allowed to pass.  Watch the scene then
head up to grab the treasure box containing an EX Gem Lv4.  Head
down the next path and change the function of your Sorcerer's Ring.  
Now go right and curve up with the path and get the chest with Rare 
Pellets.  Up the hill you have to stand in front of the flower, and time
your use of the Sorcerer's Ring in order to be carried across to the
other side.

Now head up the path to the tree.  Examine it and take a Kirima
fruit.  You can take up to twenty, and you will need a bunch so if
you have the patience take as many as you can.  Return down and
examine the dead flower.  Use a Kirima fruit to revive it and have
it blow you to the other side.  Now head down and follow the path
around and across the bridge.

In this section, take the lower path (but not up the hill) at the fork 
and pick up the EX Gem Lv3.  Continue up the hill to the South
and go left for a treasure containing an EX Gem Lv3.  Now head
to the right up the hill and down the hill to the North.  There is a dead
flower here, give it a Kirima fruit to revive it.  Now double back to
the other flower right at the top where you came up the hill from the
ground.  Use your ring and have it blow you across.  The flower you
revived should send you diagonally onto the next hill.  Follow the
path up to a new tree with purple fruit.  Grab as many Amango fruit
as you can, and proceed North to the next section of the map.

Follow this path up, and grab the treasure chest hidden by the hill (near
the dead flower) on the left for an EX Gem Lv4.  Just up and left from
the chest is a dead flower, use a Kirima fruit to revive it.  Now go back
to the right and make your way up the hill.  Revive the dead flower here
as well.  There's another living flower just South of this one, allow it
to blow you across to the left.  When you reach the other side head up
immediately and ride the wind of this flower to the upper left where it
takes you.

Grab the treasure here containing Flare Greaves, then go around to the
right, open the chest for a Toroid, and head up to revive the dead
flower here.  Now ride the lower left one back to the other side.  There
is a much larger blue flower here, ride it to the next map.

Ahead of you is a five way split.  Go up the hill to the Southeast and
ride this flower across to the upper left.  Examine the flower on the
right of this ledge and give it an Amango.  It will wilt, then ride the
flower on the left across to the South.  Return to the point where
the paths split ad once again go up the same hill to the Southeast.
This time instead of riding the flower, give it an Amango to wilt it.
Now from the split path go straight down and up the hill to the
left.  Examine the flower on the right and give it a Kirima fruit to 
revive it.  Now that the other two flowers are wilted you can ride
this across without being pushed to the side.  Ride it across.

When you land go up the path and revive the flower on the landing
with a Kirima fruit.  Go up the hill to the left and ride the wind of that
flower to the next section of the map.

Now you should find yourself on the ledge of a cliff.  There's only one
flower to ride here so ride it.  Go up the path to the top where you'll
find two flowers.  Ride the wind of the blue one to the right into the
next section.

Ride the only flower you can when you land.  Landing again, revive
the dead flower just in front of you, then be carried along to the left
by the other one.  Be sure to revive this flower before proceeding into
the cave, then enter.  Be warned the treasure box that lies in front of
you is another Fake.

Miniboss: Fake
Hp: 7800
Tp: 350

Nothing has changed since the last two times really except his Hp
total.  He is still impervious to physical attacks, so Genis' is your main
man for this fight.  If Genis has explosion then it's all you need.  With a
single hit it'll probably do around 1500 damage, so it won't take long
to go down, especially with Raine supporting with Photon/Ray.  Your
job as Lloyd is to pretty much hold the block button and force it to 
attack you, not your magic users.

When the battle ends you will receive an Elixir.

Go up the path on your left and head right at the top.  Proceed up
the slope here and defeat the goo enemy at the top, he holds the
memory gem.  Go left and up the path to a chest at the top containing
a Draupnir.  Return back down to the path above the fake treasure
box and take the fork to the left.  There's a fork at the end here too, 
if you're out of Kirima fruit head up to the tree.  Either way go down
and out of the cave afterward.

Revive the flower on this cliff ledge.  Then after landing take the blue
flower.  Now you'll land on another ledge, assuming you've revived
all the plants you were supposed to up to this point, riding this flower
will take you up to a path at the top.  On your left will be a dead flower
you should ignore, on your right will be a path North to the next section.
Go towards the North path, watch a scene and proceed up.

Follow the path all the way along until you find a dead flower.  Revive
it but do not ride the wind, instead cross the bridge and revive the 
flower on that side as well.  Go back across to the right and ride the
first one.  A boulder will drop and you'll be on the bridge again.  GO
left, save, and enter the house.

Inside you will find the Storyteller.  Before speaking to anyone, go
to the back left of the house and examine the big bunny.  The Wonder
Chef will appear and teach you how to make Pescatore.  Now speak
to the storyteller.  Watch a scene then save your game again.

Head down the Southeast path and get the chest containing a Battle
Pick.  Then head down the Southwest path.  After a quick scene,
ride the flower across into the cave (the cave only appears if you
knocked down the boulder, be sure you did.)  Now go inside.

As you approach the flower an event will occur.  Once the conversation

Boss: Plantix
Hp: 36,000
Tp: 400

Exp: 7500
Gald: 1250

This is a pretty stationary boss, and also a large one.  If you're good
at racking up combos you should have a field day with this boss.  While
he can get a few hits in here and there with his flailing tentacles, he's
far too susceptible to tech attacks to get any of those dangerous hits
in very often.  All this not to mention that Genis' Explosion spell will
absolutely devastate him.  Even if you haven't learned it yet, Raging Mist
is just as good.  Turn off all Genis' spells but Raging Mist and throw the
best combos you have at him, and you're looking at a 2 - 3 minute

After the battle there will be a scene and you will receive the Mana Leaf 
Herb you've been waiting so long for.  Now save your game and return
to speak wit the Storyteller.  There will be an event, then you will be
automatically teleported to the bottom of the mountain.  Leave for the
world map.

Head now to SE Abbey.  The Abbey is on the small island at the
bottom right of the map, just Southeast of the Toize Valley Mine.

VIII - xii - SE Abbey

Speak to the two people outside the abbey and then enter.  Go up the
stairs and speak with the girl in this room for a scene.  Afterwards
leave the Abbey.

The time has come to return to the Tower of Salvation, you've been
there before, so head there now.

VIII - xiii - Tower of Salvation

Approach the tower to make the stairs appear.  Proceed up and into
the tower.  Go forward for a scene.  After which...

Boss: Kratos Aurion
Hp: 25,000
Tp: 980

Exp: 7600
Gald: 4800

Kratos' judgment spell is extremely powerful, and he casts it quite
often.  The one thing to keep in mind for this fight is:  Unison attacks
cancel enemies' magic.  Therefore if you build up a unison attack, wait
until he casts judgment and interrupt it, it'll probably save your life.
With the exception of that his only other powerful attack is his sword
thrust lightning attack, which he does more often than any other attack
unfortunately.  Be sure to have a  Black Oryx equipped on Lloyd
because if he's the main attacker he's going to absorb the majority
of the damage.  Use your most powerful combos and unison attacks
to bring Kratos down.

A scene follows.  You will be transported to Welgaia.

VIII - xiv - Welgaia

After the scene, ride the elevator across.  Save your game and use the
warp portal on your left.  A scene will occur and you will gain control
of Colette.  Push the lower block to the left, then pull the upper one
off of the transporter panel.  Now with your full party, teleport up.

Go into the building on the right and speak with the angel.  Following
the conversation you will receive a Mana Fragment.  Leave the building
and go up the conveyor belt at the upper left.

At the split, take the path to the right and across the conveyor belt to
the next section of town.  Go up the small set of stairs.  Up the second
elevator here is a refresher machine, up the last elevator is a shop
terminal.  The terminal on the ground floor at the far right is the 
database, access it and read up on the three topics.  The terminal second 
from the right will activate the portal you need to take.  Once it has
been activated go back to the left, take the lower stairs and get on
the lift just on your right.  Now take the warp.

From this room head out to the left, then save and go down the stairs.

Proceed left down the path, ignoring chances to head either up or
down.  Continue on the path as it curves downward and then 
descend the stairs.  Follow the path until it leads to a set of doors
on your right, and watch a scene.  Now that you are weightless you
find yourself in a puzzle room, similar to the one from the temple of
ice, however much more complicated.  Use the following directions
to get through, from where you start slide:

1. Right
2. Down
3. Left
4. Up
5. Left
6. Up
7. Left
8. Down
9. Left
10. Up
11. Left
12. Down
13. Right
14. Down
15. Right
16. Down
17. Right
18. Up
19. Right

And head into the door.  At the end of this path there is a treasure box
at the bottom containing an EX Gem Lv4, and a red switch at the top.
Examine the switch to disengage the Red Gate Lock.  Now return to
the weightless room.  Find your way to the other door you came in
from and exit.  Now return to the save point just near where you warped
in from the angel city.

Save if you like and head down the stairs.  Proceed up this time.  Ignore
the door and go to your left.  At the bottom of the stairs head down
both paths that lead South to find two treasures containing a Nagazuki
and a Laser Blade.  At the top left of this room is the switch that
disengages the Blue Door Lock.  Examine it to do so.  Now if you
know your way back return to the low gravity room (if not just go
to the save point and follow the first instructions.)

When you reach the weightless room again, follow this new path:

1. Right
2. Down
3. Left
4. Up
5. Left
6. Up
7. Left
8. Down
9. Left
10. Up
11. Left
12. Down
13. left
14. Down
15. Right
16. Up
17. Right

Examine the elevator and select "Yes" to enter it.  When you reach
the top you will find yourself in another similar room.  The directions
to take here are as follows:

1. Down
2. Right
3. Up
4. Left
5. Up
6. Right
7. Up
8. Right
9. Down
10. Right
11. Down
12. Right
13. Up
14. Left
15. Up

Enter the door.  Follow the path up and then to the upper right at the
split to find a chest with Energy Tablets in it.  Now take the path down
and follow it into the same room again.  Don't worry if you don't see
yourself (you're actually in the middle of the right wall) just use the
following directions:

1. Left
2. Up
3. Left
4. Down
5. Right
6. Down
7. Right
8. Down
9. Right
10. Up
11. Left
12. Down
13. Right

Examine the elevator and choose "Yes" to go down.  You will find
yourself in the first weightless room again, use the following directions:

1. Left

Yeah that's it.  Take this elevator up to one new (and thankfully final)
weightless room.  Now go:

1. Left
2. Up
3. Right
4. Up
5. Right
6. Down
7. Right
8. Down
9. Left
10. Down
11. Left
12. Up
13. Left
14. Down
15. Left
16. Up
17. Right
18. Down
19. Right
20. Up
21. Right

Enter the room and grab the treasure chest at the bottom to get the
Holy Circlet.  Now examine the terminal on the right and you will 
obtain the Elevator Key.  Return to the weightless room and slide
your way to the elevator you came from.  After going down, this
time when you slide to the right, instead of going into the elevator
slide up and left to exit the room.  Return to the first room and save
your game.

Now head down the stairs and take the upper path again.  Go into the
door on the right.  Head up and you will find the elevator door.
Examine the slot on the left of the door to unlock it and enter.
Examine the glowing sphere and choose "Yes" to go down.

The path here is straightforward, follow it until you reach a warp portal.
Warp from the large circle at the end, and prepare for a scene.
The scene ends with...

Boss: Yggdrasill
Hp: 40,000
Tp: 3000

Exp: 0
Gald: 0

You do not have to kill this guy, you only have to stay alive for a certain
period of time.  I'd still recommend attacking him of course, it may be
a trigger for the end of the fight, but don't waste resources like unison
attacks or special potions to try and kill him.  Dedicate your time to
trying to dodge his dangerous Holy Lance attack, as well as his equally
powerful Ground Dasher, these spells have the capacity to wipe out
entire parties if you aren't prepared so do everything you can to avoid
being hit.  Hopefully the fight will end before you are too taxed.

More events follow the battle.  Watch the next scene, then head South
and take the warp back, and exit the Tower of Salvation.

Upon leaving you will automatically be taken to Altessa's House.

VIII - xv - Altessa's House

Save your game here and enter Altessa's home.  There are many events
that take place here.  Even if you aren't following the story you may find
it interesting, so sit back and enjoy it.  You'll have to fight a small battle
here but it's nothing compared to what you're used to fighting as of late.

When the fight is over speak with Raine, Yuan and Tabatha.

If you defeated the first and second sword dancers, and feel up to
the challenge it's time to fight the third and final one.  If not scroll
down to the three asterisk marker (***).

Fly to the Tethe'alla base and warp back to Sylvarent.  The third
sword dancer is waiting right in front of you in the Iselia Forest,
when you enter from the same side as Dirk's House.  Save your
game and enter the forest.

Optional Boss: Sword Dancer 3 (@@@)
Hp: 99,999
Tp: 8888

Exp: 15,000 (Approx)
Gald: 30,000

If you have any All Divides in your inventory, now is a very good time
to use one.  There is one thing to note:  When you see the word
"Indignation" appear at the top of the screen, and Genis' isn't casting
it:  RUN!  He can cast many, many spells, and while all of them hurt
you quite a bit, it's just small potatoes compared to this spell.  It has
a huge damage radius, and guarantees about 3000-4000 damage to
everyone in it.  When you see the circle, get out of there!  Secondly,
if you do not use constant unison attacks whenever you have them,
this battle will take forever and you likely tire out before he does.
Hit him with as many combos as you can, but more for the purpose of
building your unison bar, than actual damage.  Hopefully you have
a unison strategy set up that ends with a nice finishing combo.  One
more thing to note is that when he goes below approximately 10,000
Hp he will do almost nothing BUT Indignation.  So at that point you're
going to have to do everything you can to finish him off if you wish to
stay alive.  Personally when I beat him I used a party of Lloyd, Genis
Raine and Zelos.  Raine and Zelos were on non stop heal, and Genis
had every spell turned off except for ground dasher, which did a good
bit of damage.  Everyone in my party was level 65, I used about 10
Life Bottles, 10 Pineapple Gels, 10 Lemon Gels and one or two
energy tablets after I was massively hurt by an indignation.  Good luck
on this guy and don't hesitate to wait until later if you can't beat him now.
Once it's over, if you win you will receive a Kusanagi Blade for Lloyd,
his second best weapon in the game.  Now return to Tethe'alla.


Head over to Flanoir, save on the map and enter.

VIII - xvi - Flanoir

Follow the path to the right and up to the next map.  Enter the
house with people lined up in front of it.  Inside watch the event with
the doctor, now take note of the following:

This is the determining point where either Kratos or Zelos will join you.
It is much easier to get Zelos than Kratos, and if Kratos does not have
a good enough relationship with you, it's is impossible to have him join
at this point anyway.  If you are sure you want Zelos in your party then
do the following:

The first person who knocks on the door, agree to go outside with them.

If you want to attempt to get Kratos back in your party do the following:

Decline everyone's offer who comes to the door.  If you hear a voice
and automatically go outside and see Kratos, it's a pretty sure sign he
can join your party (I'm not positive about this though.)

VIII - xvii - Tower of Salvation

Enter and attempt to go up but your path will be blocked.  Following
a scene you will be taken to another entrance where you can use the
shop and refresher.  After take the warp portal on the left to the top
for a scene.  After the scene the outcome will depend.  If you decided
to keep Zelos use the following, if you went for Kratos scroll down
to the three Asterisk marker:

Boss: Gatekeeper
Hp: 18,000
Tp: 800

Angel Swordian (x2)
Hp: 7480
Tp: 130

Exp: 9352
Gald: 9640

The angel swordians have low Hp so go after them first.  They will go
down extremely fast.  The boss will also die quickly however he like
a couple other bosses has the annoying trait of being impervious to
stagger.  Meaning while being hit, even when not blocking he'll 
continue to go about his business batting you around like a rag doll.  If
it wasn't for the fact that his attacks are pathetically weak he might 
actually pose a challenge to you, however since that is not the case,
waste him.

Scroll to the three plus sign marker (+++) at this point.


For those who chose Kratos, your enemy will be...

Boss: Zelos
Hp: 28,000
Tp: 1200

Exp: 9300
Gald: 9800

Zelos fights a lot like Kratos in past battles, probably because they
use similar weapons and techs.  He's fast and has some powerful
combos, but you have good healers on your side and probably
more powerful combos than he does, not to mention the ability
to interrupt him with a unison attack.  Not a lot of strategy here, just
appropriate levelling with a hefty dose of skillful attack/blocking
combination, and Zelos will be out of your way.


After the scene you will be teleported away.  Save your game and
head up.

Ignore the left and right paths and continue straight.  Use your
Sorcerer's Ring to burn the branch that is in your way, and any others
that follow.  Go in the door.

When you are in this large room move to the right and press A to
jump across.  After sliding down watch the scene and grab the chest
containing a Diamond Shell.  Now go up the stairs at the top and
attempt to jump across for a second time.  This time the path will
slant and you can run across it.  Head into the door on the right.

Make your way South and follow the path to the first split, at which
you should head right, burning the branches.  Beyond them are three
treasure chests with a Southern Cross, a Hanuman's Staff and an
Ogre Ax.  Go back and take the path up this time, following it all
the way down and then up the stairs.

On this floor go left and activate the terminal which will open the
door right beside it.  Now go back North and up the stairs.  Follow
this path to a large area that forks up and down, head down and get
the box for a Heavenly Robe.  Go up and stay in that direction, burning
a branch until you find another chest containing Energy Tablets.  Now
backtrack a few steps and head to the right.  Keep going right until
you see a path down and then one going up.  Take the path up
to find two chests, and grab the Star Mail and EX Gem Lv4.  Now
return to the split and take the bottom path down and into the door.

You are now high above the room with the slanting stone path.  Open
the chest at the bottom to get the Phoenix Cloak and run over beside
the large rock.  Use your Sorcerer's Ring to burn the branches
holding it up and watch it fall.  Leave the room again.

Head all the way back through the next part and down the stairs.  This
time go through the door you opened with the panel and head South for 
a shortcut.  Continue South until you find the save point again, save and
go all the way North until you are back in the room with the huge

Descend the stairs at the North and run up the slanted path.  Now you
will be able to jump onto the higher part of the path.  Run to the back
and examine the chest for a Star Guard, and proceed up the stairs and
into the warp portal.  You will find yourself in a large room, go down
the stairs and watch a scene.  Fight the easy battle and continue the
scene.  After that display of awesome badassedness, your party will
now be one Regal short.

At this point save your game and head South to find a shop terminal
and a chest containing a Shaman Dress.  On the opposite side to the
North there is a lone chest with an EX Gem Lv3 in it.  After this
take the active portal near the save point.  Descend this large spiral
staircase.  At the bottom there is another scene.

When you have control again, go North.  Run until you're at the corner
at the top.  Say we call this open area a room, then head right and not
the next room, but the one after it has a treasure box hidden behind
some debris on the lower left side.  Open it for a Star Helm, then 
keep going down and save you game.  Proceed down the only
path you can which may be visually confusing but actually has no
branches.  At the end warp up using the teleport.  There will be a
scene here.  You'll have to fight a couple of battles but nothing worthy
of note.

Now you're a bit lacking in the character department, but venture on
nonetheless.  Follow the path until the fork.  If you want to save you
can make the long trip down the Southeastern path, after go down
the Southwestern path and keep heading in that direction until you bump
into a treasure box.  Open it to obtain a Star Shield.  Now take the
Northwest path and follow it to the warp portal, and go up.Go down 
the stairs and examine the door for a scene.  Now again with one
less character, continue.

From the portal go Southeast once, Northeast, then Southeast again.
At the bottom of this area is a treasure box containing a Star Circlet.
Go Northeast and save your game.  Now from the save point head
Northeast again then Northwest.  Follow this path until you get to a 
chest with an EX Gem Lv3.  Go now to the top Northeast corner and
you will find the warp portal, don't go in it yet.  Follow the path down
to the bottom and the a bit left to find a treasure box, open it to receive
a Star Gauntlet.  Now go back and into that warp portal.

At the top proceed North and make your first left.  Examine the chest
to get an EX Gem Lv2 run to the right side on the opposite end and
you'll find a Star Bracelet there.  Now continue North.  Watch the next

From this point go down to the Southeast until there is an unblocked
path to the Northeast, and take it.  Follow this around to the left and 
you'll find an EX Gem Lv4.  Now return to the warp portal.  Go up
to the Northeast until you find an opening on your right, follow it down
two rooms and you'll find a chest containing a Spirit Bottle.  Now run
to the Northwest corner of this map and save your game.  (Random
note, this exact save just put my game clock to 100:00... anyway)
Go Southeast to the far right corner of this map and take the teleporter

There's a fun little scene here, then you can save your game... again.
When you're ready examine the sword sticking out of the wall.  Run
through the door for a sequence of events.  Following these events is...

Boss: Pronyma
Hp: 32,000
Tp: 850

Idun (x2)
Hp: 11,000
Tp: 0

Exp: 9400
Gald: 6200

Go after the underlings first as usual, the battle will be much easier with
them out of the way.  Their Hp is low so you should make short work
of them rather quickly.  Pronyma's Prism and Bloody Lance attacks are
her two most dangerous, luckily she doesn't cast them too often.  She will
cast them more often as her Hp depletes, but by the time she starts to
do so, she'll be so close to death you won't notice much anyway.  She
doesn't block too often, and if you've come up with a good combo-to-
unison strategy by now, you can put it to good use on her.

More scenes after this fight.  It's not quite over yet though...

Boss: Yggdrasil
Hp: 40,000
Tp: 3000

Exp: 8320
Gald: 4800

Finally a battle against this guy where you actually have to win.  That's
a bit easier said than done though, he can put up quite a fight.  That's
not to say he's the hardest boss you've fought either, while he is consistent
with his attacks, none of them in particular will be the party obliterating
spells you may fear.  He also doesn't block too much or have
particularly high defense.  If you're able to get in with a couple good
fighters you can actually juggle him for quite a long time, that way you'll
be doing good damage, and won't have to worry about dodging his magic
at all.

Following this battle is yet another scene.  When it is over, leave the
tower of Salvation and return to the world map.

                   Part IX - The Beginning of the End

Now it is time to return to Heimdall.

IX - i - Heimdall.

Do a quick jump through Ymir forest and head into Heimdall.

After an event, go to the inn and spend the night.  Watch a little scene
during the night, then head to the section of the village with the Elder's
house.  At the upper left is the entrance to Torent Forest.

IX - ii - Torent Forest

This place is extremely confusing so pay close attention.  Go up to the
top until you see the little animal.  When he goes in the stump, shoot
it with your Sorcerer's Ring.  Follow him up the path exactly where he
goes and exit North after him.

On this next screen shoot this stump as well and watch him run to the
right.  Go left and up, examine the treasure chest for an Acalanatha.
Now go right after the little animal.  Go up and follow the path right,
grabbing the Angel's Tear on the way.  Head right to the next section
of the forest.

Along the path go up the first fork, and you'll come to a three way split.
Take the middle path and defeat the flower at the end to get the 
memory gem.  Follow the path up, then right, then up, then right and
you'll be right next to another stump.  Use your ring to shoot it and
follow the animal as he runs out.  Follow him back along the path to
the left, and then go up.  (I'm assuming it's the same every time,
regardless of which direction the thing goes follow it.)

On the next map you'll find a left and right fork.  Take the left path
and then go up to get an EX Gem Lv4.  Go back and take the right
path.  At the next split you can go either up or right, go right and then
head North to open the box for an EX Gem Lv3.  Go down again
and to the right.  Use your memory gem to unlock the save point
and save your game.  From the save point go right and get the EX
Gem Lv4.  Go back and then South.  Take the right path at the
fork and follow it around under the waterfall to the two chests
containing a Warlock Garb and a Shield Ring.  Return to the
fork and take the left path.  On the way down, shoot the stump
and follow the animal to the right.

Follow the path, go up and make your first right.  Go to the next screen.
Similar here, follow the path then go up, make your first right and on
the way shoot the stump.  Follow the animal to the East and into the
next section.  

A scene will occur automatically.  Then as usual...

Boss: Kratos
Hp: 12,000
Tp: 1400

Exp: 9990
Gald: 5520

The only difference between this and any other boss fight is that
you're short three members.  No matter, Kratos low Hp total reflects
that.  If you've been using Lloyd primarily through the whole game
this fight shouldn't be too different, except now you have to keep an
eye on your Hp total and use items to refill it, instead of Raine.  He's
extremely easy if you use this tactic, a very simple one:  Get him in
one of the corners.  Block one of his attack-lightning strikes, then send
in a combo of your own to do good damage, then block and repeat.
If he tries to cast magic, start a combo and usually you can interrupt

After the battle there is another scene.  The summon spirit appears and
the trial begins...

Boss: Origin
Hp: 40,000
Tp: 800

Exp: 10,240
Gald: 9870

This guy really doesn't like being hit so if you actually get the chance
to break through his defenses, go nuts.  Genis' magic is a good way to
knock him off guard so you can get in there.  He has a fair bit of Hp
but his attack strengths don't rival those of someone like Kratos or
Yggdrasill, so this is really a test of your endurance.  Be sure Raine
is healing your party every time Origin manages to get a good magic
spell through, and with the help of Genis and Sheena, try and get your
combos as big as you can.  He'll go down.

After the battle watch another event.  After there is a nice big impressive
cutscene.  After that you will be returned automatically to Heimdall.

IX - iii - Heimdall

Begin by running to the left and saving the purple haired elf.  Now
go to the East section.  Cross the bridge in front of the inn and save
the two elves there.  Now return to the West section and run up
past the rubble into the Elder's house.  Speak with him and then
run out of the village.

As you approach the exit, there is another cutscene.  Exit Heimdall
and quick jump.

On the world map, fly to the Tethe'alla base and return to Sylvarent,
specifically Dirk's House.

IX - iv - Dirk's House

Enter the house and watch the event with Dirk.  After you will receive
the "Material Blade" a new weapon for Lloyd.  If you defeated the
third sword dancer then this weapon will be meaningless, but if you
haven't, this new acquisition may be just the help you need.  You're
already right next to the Iselia forest.  Anyway at the end of the scene
leave Dirk's house and return to the world map.

It is now time for the final chain of events.  Head to the
Tower of Salvation.

IX - v - Tower of Salvation

Enter the remains of the tower and run up the stairs.  Across the
bridge there will be a scene.  After the scene Lloyd will acquire the
title of "Eternal Swordsman."  You will automatically be teleported

IX - vi - Derris-Kharlan

Start by going down the path to the South.  Open the chest and take
the EX Gem Lv2.  Head up for a ways and get the EX Gem Lv3.
Of the two paths here take the lower one then go East at the next
split to the next section of the map.

Go straight up and get the Golden Helm from the chest.  Head left
now.  Go for a long ways then make another left.  Keep going and
then go right at the next fork, at the end of this path get the Magical
Ribbon.  Now go back to the second fork an go right (the left
path closest to you leads to a dead end.)  Follow the path right
until you hit a fork and take the North path.  

*Note before the green panel, you can head right and follow it
for about a million miles to get an EX Gem Lv3 and an EX Gem
Lv4... I can't imagine you'd want to though

Step on the green panel and there will be a scene.  Warp up with 
the next portal, then the next one after that.

IX - vii - Welgaia

Head to the split and take the Northeastern path, then follow it to the
right.  Go down the stairs, then one of the elevators and examine the
occupied jail cell.  Watch a lengthy scene.  After examine the broken
glass on the ground. Choose "Yes."

Miniboss:  The Neglected
Hp: 20,000
Tp: 500

No problems here.  Just a miniboss, your strongest attacks will put it
in its place, even if you don't have your best party with you.

Go back up the elevator and run to the left.  Return to the main path
split and go West back to the main part of town.  When you cross the
conveyor belt an event will begin automatically.  After the scene,
examine the green panel in the floor, choose "Yes."

Miniboss:  The Fugitive
Hp: 20,000
Tp: 500

Same as last time, except easier with a fourth party member.

Now go down and take the warp portal.  Save your game and cross
on the lift to the prison cells, then head forward for another scene.
Examine the blood on the floor and choose "Yes."

Miniboss:  The Judged
Hp: 20,000
Tp: 500

Seems he has a few shield like drones around him, however they are
not target-able enemies so don't even worry about them.  Just waste
him like you did the other two.

Take the lift back across and save your game.  Return to the main
splitting path.  A scene will occur at this point.  Take the North path
and obtain the Derris Emblem.  Now you have to make a decision
again.  You can continue up that path, or you can return to the world
map for an optional quest to receive a new summon.  If you choose
not to, skip this next section and scroll down to the three asterisk
marker (***).

Go through the South warp portal and head all the way back until you
are on the world map.

On the world map start by doing the following:  Equip your Aquamarine,
Opal, Ruby and Garnet accessories on your party.  Now you have to
find the floating city of Exire.  I moves around but is easy to locate
most of the time as a dot on your map over a large area of water.  Find
it and fly there now.

IX - viii - Exire

Enter Exire and make your way to the large three story building in the
centre.  From there go to the top and take the path that leads to the next
island on the right.  Here there should be two people standing out front
and a small house you can enter.  Instead of going inside climb the steps
but run around to the right and behind the house.  From here you can
go down the left side and across a long bridge to a monument at the
back.  If you have the right accessories equipped and the Derris 
Emblem then a scene should occur.  After the scene...

Optional Boss:  Maxwell
Hp: 60,000
Tp: 800

Exp: 10,800
Gald: 8250

You'll probably find yourself fighting this guy thinking "Seems like
age got the best of him, he's pretty slow and susceptible to attacks."
And usually that's about the time to old man decides to cast Meteor
Swarm.  "Hold block" is about all the advice I can give and hope
for the best.  Keep him staggering as much as possible to delay
the time between each of his spells so that Raine has time to heal your
party.  He does have a lot of Hp but it'll deplete faster than you think,
just focus on surviving those Meteor Swarms and you'll be fine.

If you've been following the walkthrough up to this point, Sheena will
obtain the title "Master Summoner."  Now return to the three story

On the middle of the three floors there is an odd figurine.  Examine it
and the Wonder Chef will appear.  He will teach you how to make
Shortcake.  Now head back up to the top, go left and depart from

Now head to the House of Guidance on the Southeastern continent,
located just East of Latheon Gorge.

IX - ix - House of Guidance (Southeastern Continent)

Go into the house and to the left to find a chef.  Make Regal the
avatar (go into menu scroll down to Regal and press A.)  Then speak
with the chef.  He will teach you how to make Potato Salad.  Now
leave this place.

Head to the Southwestern continent and find the House of Guidance
located on the coastline, just Northeast of the Fooji Mountains.

IX - x - House of Guidance (Southwestern Continent)

Enter with Regal as the on-screen character again.  Speak with the
chef at the upper right and he will teach you to make Pork Cutlets.
Now leave this place.

If you're ready to go beat the game, then head to the Tower of Salvation,
go all the way through Derris Kharlan again to find yourself in Welgaia.


Head up past where you got the Derris Emblem and enter the portal.
Go up and take the next portal to reach Vinheim.
IX - xi - Vinheim

The following is entirely optional, if you don't wish to partake then
simply scroll down to the three asterisk marker (***).

Begin by heading into the room on the right.  Go around the bottom
of the stairs to find an angel.  Run up to him to start a normal battle.
After the fight you can see a treasure box appear at the upper left.
Go into the room on the right and grab the Energy Tablets, then
leave the room.  Now climb the stairs here and into the door at
the top right.  Behind the couch here you will notice the "Examine" icon
appears, push a to receive a Prism Guard.  Now return to the main room.

From here head into the door at the upper left.  Go right to get a chest
containing a Blue Shield, then start to ascend the spiral stairs.  Skip the
first door, then the second door.  Enter the third and get the Elixir.  Exit
this room, continue to the right and go into the next door.  Fight the
enemy here.  When you defeat it, open the chest at the back to obtain
the Past Stone.  Leave the room and head into the door on the right,
out on to the roof.

Go to the right a bit, then at the corner, head into the little hidden cove
at the top.  There is a hidden treasure box here containing an Elemental
Guard here, and another on the other side containing a Ninja Sword.
Go into the door on the right side.

Begin heading down the stairs to the left and enter the first room you
come by.  Open the chest for a Spirit Bottle and another behind the
couch for a Mortality Cloak.  Skip the next two doors and grab the EX
Gem Lv4 in the hallway.  Now go back to the door you most recently
passed and go in it.

You should be on the bridge over the main hall, cross to the left and
enter the door on the left wall.  Go across this room and into the upper
left door and get the Shield Ring.  Exit and go up the stairs on your
right.  Here you will come to a split path left and right.  Take the right
path and proceed upward into the door.  Run across to the right side
and enter the door.  Now you can open the chest you made appear
awhile ago.  Open it to get the Future Stone.  Now exit through the

Return to the split between the left and right stairs, now take the
stairs to the left.  Go up into the door and grab the Demon's Seal.
Leave the room and go all the way back to the main hall.

When you enter the hall, presumably from the left, the Past Stone will
create a number of boxes, then so will the Future Stone on the right
side.  Now save your game.

The following must be done with the correct boxes of the correct
colours.  You can see the circular emblem on the ground to the
left of the main stairs.  Well start by pushing the Black Box onto
it.  When you teleport you will notice at the bottom right some there
is a railing.  Between these is where you need to push the boxes to
make a bridge to the section on the right.  After pushing the Black Box
over the right edge, return and do the same for the Blue Box, then
for the Red Box.  Now bring the Purple Box, push it across the bridge
and set it into the indentation.

On the other warp, take the Yellow Box first then the Green Box and
finally the Cyan (Light Blue) Box to build the bridge.  Then use the
White Box to put into the indentation.

Your reward for all this hard work is a Sacred Stone.  It may be
difficult to figure out exactly what this does.  Well it allows you
to basically quick jump from this room to the Tower of Salvation
and vice versa.  An interesting reward to say the least.  Anyway
save your game.


When you are ready proceed up the stairs and encounter the enemy...
Choose "Let's Go!."

Miniboss:  Dark Dragon
Hp: 19,000
Tp: 0

Wow, talk about a pushover.  Use your most powerful combos and
magic and he'll never see the light of day again.  Low Hp and defense
really make it hard for him to do anything... at least for very long.

Once you beat him and get the Vinheim Key, return and save your
game if you like.  As of the end of this sentence you may go and
explore the game's extras if you wish, because after proceeding through
that door, there's no heading back.

Head through the door.

IX - xii - Finale

Witness the next event.  Then walk forward and warp.

Watch the scene here.  Nothing much to say, and no reason to
spoil it.  Obviously after some time there has to be...

Boss: Mithos
Hp: 55,000
Tp: 5000

Exp: 8280
Gald: 1690

This guy is hard.  Really hard, even at a high level.  This Holy Lance
spell devastates, and his Judgment spell can eliminate your entire
party if you're not careful.  He also has a lot of Hp and almost
unbreakable defenses meaning this battle will take a long time.
Consider using an all divide if you can't seem to stay alive.  The only
decent ways of damaging him really are unison attacks and high level
magic for Genis like Explosion.  The other thing you need to watch
out for is the Retribution spell which will put adverse status effects
on your entire party.  You absolutely need to command Raine to cast
Nullify after that or you'll find yourself crippled for the rest of the
fight.  Good endurance is the key to winning this battle.

Immediately following that battle... is a second form!

Boss: Mithos
Hp: 60,000
Tp: 1500

Exp: 0
Gald: 0

I will ease your mind right now and tell you compared to the last fight,
this is much much easier.  It's still no walk in the park of course, but if
you can take on his first form, the only reason you have to lose here is
if you ran out of Hp/Tp healing items.  There are only two hard things
about this boss:  First, he still has Judgment, so he is capable of dealing
massive damage to your party.  Be sure Raine is always ready to
Revitalize.  Second is his most powerful attacks are all close range, 
meaning you will likely find Lloyd killed more than a couple of times,
but it won't be your entire party, so it shouldn't pose a problem.  He
seems to have an objection to blocking, because he never does it.  Use
this to your advantage and despite his 5000 Hp gain on his first form,
you'll find he'll probably go down in barely half the time.  Then
that's it.

Now sit back and enjoy the ending.

You beat the game.  Good job!                  


Now there's two things you should do:

1.  Save your completion data in another slot.  When you load it you can
start a new file and purchase bonuses with the grade you accumulated in
your last run.  See if you can save up for the 10x experience modifier
and show every enemy in the game who's boss.

2.  Head to your local Electronics Boutique, or other local video game
retail and preorder Star Ocean 3.  Think how incredible Tales of Symphonia
is, now imagine more dungeons, more side quests, more options, faster 
battles, bigger bosses, bigger spells, dozens of unlockables, 300 challenges, 
and an incredible soundtrack.  Yeah.  GO NOW! (http://starocean.net/dc)

This is the end of the walkthrough, but it's far from the end of the game.
There's tons of stuff to do, the check out the sidequests, or minigames
sections to get all you can out of this game.  Enjoy :)

4. Tech Attacks/Magic                                                    /4

Tech attacks and magic are pretty simple in themselves, but choosing between
a S and a T character can be tricky, as can trying to understand who learns
what.  These are the tech attacks and magic, separated by character:

- Terminology:

Basic Tech: Character learns by level no matter what
S Techs: Must be S type.  Learns at level and after a certain amount of
     uses of a previous skill
T Techs: Must be S type.  Learns at level and after a certain amount of
     uses of a previous skill
Advanced Techs: More than just a level requirement, also a previous
     usage requirement.  Not specifically T/S.
Special Techs: Not gained in battle

| Lloyd Irving |--------------------

Basic Techs:
- Demon Fang
- Tiger Blade
- Sword Rain
- Sonic Thrust
- Tempest

S Techs:
- Demonic Circle
- Fierce Demon Fang
- Heavy Tiger Blade
- Twin Tiger Blade
- Sonic Sword Rain
- Super Sonic Thrust
- Psi Tempest
- Hunting Beast

T Techs:
- Double Demon Fang
- Demonic Chaos
- Tiger Rage
- S.Rain Alpha
- S.Rain Beta
- Hurricane Thrust
- Omega Tempest
- Raging Beast

Advanced Techs:
- Demonic Tiger Blade
- Demonic Thrust
- Raining Tiger Blade
- Tempest Thrust
- Tempest Beast
- Beast Sword Rain
- Rising Falcon

Special Techs:
- Guardian

| Colette Brunel |--------------------

Basic Techs:
- Ray Thrust
- Pow Hammer
- Ring Whirlwind
- Item Thief

S Techs:
- Ray Satellite
- Triple Ray Satellite
- Para Ball
- Torrential Para Ball
- Whirlwind Rush

T Techs:
- Dual Ray Thrust
- Triple Ray Thrust
- Pow Pow Hammer
- Hammer Rain
- Ring Cyclone

Advanced Techs:
- Item Rover
- Grand Chariot
- Stardust Cross
- Toss Hammer
- Ice Hammer

Special Techs:
- Angel Feathers
- Holy Song
- Judgment
- Sacrifice
- Damage Guard

| Genis Sage |--------------------

Basic Techs:
- Aqua Edge
- Fire Ball
- Wind Blade
- Stone Blast
- Lightning
- Icicle

S Techs:
- Aqua Laser
- Flame Lance
- Air Blade
- Grave
- Spark Wave
- Freeze Lancer
- Atlas
- Absolute
- Earth Bite
- Prism Sword

T Techs:
- Spread
- Tidal Wave
- Eruption
- Explosion
- Air Thrust
- Cyclone
- Stalagmite
- Ground Dasher
- Thunder Blade
- Indignation
- Ice Tornado
- Raging Mist
- Gravity Well

Advanced Techs:
- Indignant Judgment

Special Techs:
- Meteor Swarm
- Force Field

| Raine Sage |--------------------

Basic Techs:
- First Aid
- Recover
- Dispel
- Sharpness
- Barrier
- Photon
- Charge

S Techs:
- Heal
- Cure
- Revive
- Restore
- Anti-Magic
- Keenness
- Permaguard
- Holy Lance

T Techs:
- Nurse
- Healing Circle
- Revitalize
- Purify
- Acuteness
- Field Barrier
- Ray

Advanced Techs:
- None

Special Techs:
- Resurrection
- Force Field

| Kratos Aurion |--------------------

Basic Techs:
- Demon Fang
- Sonic Thrust
- Light Spear
- Fire Ball
- Wind Blade
- Stone Blast
- Lightning
- First-Aid

S Techs:
- Fierce Demon Fang
- Super Sonic Thrust
- Light Spear Cannon
- Grave
- Thunder Blade
- Lightning Blade
- Healing Stream

T Techs:
- Double Demon Fang
- Hurricane Thrust
- Eruption
- Air Thrust
- Hell Pyre
- Healing Wind

Advanced Techs:
- Demon Spear
- Super Lightning Blade
- Grave Blade

Special Techs:
- Judgment
- Guardian

| Sheena Fujibayashi |--------------------

Basic Techs:
- Power Seal
- Serpent Seal
- Pyre Seal
- Mirage Seal
- Life Seal
- Spirit Seal
- Force Seal
- Purgatory Seal
- Cyclone Seal
- Guardian Seal

S Techs:
- Power Seal Absolute
- Serpent Seal Absolute
- Mirage Seal Absolute

T Techs:
- Power Seal Pinion
- Serpent Seal Pinion
- Mirage Seal Pinion

Advanced Techs:
- Demon Seal

Special Techs:
- Sylva Seal
- Tethe Seal

Summons Spirits:
- Fire
- Water
- Wind
- Ice
- Lightning
- Earth
- Light
- Dark
- Origin
- Maxwell
- Corrine

| Zelos Wilder |--------------------

Basic Techs:
- Demon Fang
- Sonic Thrust
- Light Spear
- Fire Ball
- Wind Blade
- Stone Blast
- Lightning
- First-Aid

S Techs:
- Fierce Demon Fang
- Super Sonic Thrust
- Light Spear Cannon
- Grave
- Thunder Blade
- Lightning Blade
- Healing Stream

T Techs:
- Double Demon Fang
- Hurricane Thrust
- Eruption
- Air Thrust
- Hell Pyre
- Healing Wind

Advanced Techs:
- Demon Spear
- Super Lightning Blade
- Grave Blade

Special Techs:
- Guardian

| Presea Combatir |--------------------

Basic Techs:
- Destruction
- Punishment
- Infliction
- Devastation
- Beast
- Earth Protection

S Techs:
- Fiery Destruction
- Finality Punishment
- Resolute Infliction
- Mass Devastation
- Eternal Devastation

T Techs:
- Deadly Destruction
- Infinite Destruction
- Dual Punishment
- Rising Punishment
- Dual Infliction
- Endless Infliction
- Finite Devastation

Advanced Techs:
- Fiery Infliction
- Eternal Damnation

| Regal Bryant |--------------------

Basic Techs:
- Crescent Moon
- Spin Kick
- Triple Kick
- Wolverine
- Swallow Kick
- Eagle Dive
- Rising Dragon
- Heaven's Charge
- Healer
- Crescent Dark Moon
- Mirage
- Bastion

S Techs:
- Dragon Dance
- Eagle Fall
- Dragon Rage
- Grand Healer

T Techs:
- Swallow Dance
- Eagle Rage
- Dragon Fury
- Chi Healer

Advanced Techs:
- Super Swallow Dance

5. Unison Attacks                                                        /5

Unison attacks are a special kind of attack you build up by performing
combos.  You don't gain the ability to use unison attacks until leaving the
Ossa Trail.

The bar above your Hp/Tp totals is your unison attack bar.  When it becomes
red you can activate it by pressing Z.  Once you press Z, the four buttons
on the face of your controller become the activation buttons for the tech
attacks and spells you set for everyone in the Unison Attack heading of
the main menu.  Unlike normal techs and spells they do not require Tp to use.

The best time to use a unison attack is either at the end of a really long
combo, to guarantee lots of extra hits, or to interrupt a powerful enemy
spell.  It works well for both.  Although unison attacks are just
combined techs and spells, it is possible with the right combination
to finish them with a special ending attack.

6. EX Skills                                                             /6

EX Skills serve as additional enhancements that are usually unique for each
character.  When you find an EX Gem of either Lv1, Lv2, Lv3, or Lv4 you can
equip it on your character by going to the EX Skill heading in the main

You can put an EX Gem in an empty slot.  Once it has been set you cannot
take it out.  You can put another gem on there but the first will 
disappear.  All levels of EX Gems are extremely common near the end of the
game so don't worry about loosing a high level gem if you need to.

Once the gem is set you can choose between four enhancements depending on
the level of the gem and character.  These are the EX Skills for each

| Lloyd Irving |--------------------

EX Gem Lv1:
Strong - Increases physical strength.  Increases power of physical attacks.
Tough - Increases defense.  Decreases damage from physical attacks.
Taunt - Taunt opponents by pressing Z.  Increases U.Attack gauge.
Sharp-eyed - Increases accuracy and physical attack damage on enemies with 
              low evasion.

EX Gem Lv2:
Dodge - Increases evasion.  Decreases physical damage from enemies with low
Dash - Increases mobility during battle.
Vitality - Increases max Hp.
Personal - Increases mobility in cities and dungeons.

EX Gem Lv3:
Eternal - Combine with other EX skills for different effects.
Spirit - Increases max Tp.
Add Combo - Increases basic attack combo by one.
Guard Plus - Decreases the amount of damage taken while guarding.

EX Gem Lv4:
Immunity - Occasionally avoid receiving status effects from enemy attacks.
Sky Combo - Increases midair basic attack combo by one.
Ability Plus - Follow a special attack with a second special attack
Follow Up - Increases the amount of time an enemy staggers after a hit.

| Colette Brunel |--------------------

EX Gem Lv1:
Strong - Increases physical strength.  Increases power of physical attacks.
Tough - Increases defense.  Decreases damage from physical attacks.
Taunt - Taunt opponents by pressing Z.  Increases U.Attack gauge.
Sharp-eyed - Increases accuracy and physical attack damage on enemies with 
              low evasion.

EX Gem Lv2:
Dodge - Increases evasion.  Decreases physical damage from enemies with low
Magical - Increases intelligence.  Increases power of spell attacks.
Vitality - Increases max Hp.
Personal - Increases the duration of the Holy Bottle effect.

EX Gem Lv3:
Eternal - Combine with other EX skills for different effects.
Spirit - Increases max Tp.
Lucky - Increases luck.
Guard Plus - Occasionally revive automatically.

EX Gem Lv4:
Immunity - Occasionally avoid receiving status effects from enemy attacks.
Stat Boost - Increases the effect of healing and spell-based status boosts.
Angel Song - Decreases the casting time of Angel-type spells.
Sky Combo - Increases midair basic attack combo by one.

| Genis Sage |--------------------

EX Gem Lv1:
Magical - Increases intelligence.  Increases power of spell attacks.
Tough - Increases defense.  Decreases damage from physical attacks.
Taunt - Taunt opponents by pressing Z.  Increases U.Attack gauge.
Dodge - Increases evasion.  Decreases physical damage from enemies with low

EX Gem Lv2:
Spirit - Increases max Tp.
Dash - Increases mobility during battle.
Personal - Increases the effects of cooking.
Guard Plus - Decreases the amount of damage taken while guarding.

EX Gem Lv3:
Eternal - Combine with other EX skills for different effects.
Add Combo - Increases basic attack combo by one.
Rhythm - Press A rapidly while casting spells to decrease casting time.
E. Guard - Increases elemental defense.  Decreases damage from elemental

EX Gem Lv4:
Immunity - Occasionally avoid receiving status effects from enemy attacks.
Speed Cast - Decreases spell casting time.
Spell Save - Decreases casting time of the same spell if the spell is
              interrupted by an enemy.
Spell Charge - Press A while delaying a spell.  Spell activates at the
                end of an attack.

| Raine Sage |--------------------

EX Gem Lv1:
Magical - Increases intelligence.  Increases power of spell attacks.
Tough - Increases defense.  Decreases damage from physical attacks.
Taunt - Taunt opponents by pressing Z.  Increases U.Attack gauge.
Dodge - Increases evasion.  Decreases physical damage from enemies with low

EX Gem Lv2:
Spirit - Increases max Tp.
Neutralizer - Occasionally nullifies received damage.
E. Guard - Increases elemental defense.  Decreases damage from elemental
Personal - Decreases non-battle Tp consumption to 1 at Save Points.

EX Gem Lv3:
Eternal - Combine with other EX skills for different effects.
Add Combo - Increases basic attack combo by one.
Speed Cast - Decreases spell casting time.
Guard Plus - Decreases the amount of damage taken while guarding.

EX Gem Lv4:
Immunity - Occasionally avoid receiving status effects from enemy attacks.
Item Pro - Decreases the amount of time character is unable to move after
            using items.
Spell Save - Decreases casting time of the same spell if the spell is
              interrupted by an enemy.
Happiness - Occasionally increases the amount of Gald and Experience earned
             after battles.

| Kratos Aurion |--------------------

EX Gem Lv1:
Strong - Increases physical strength.  Increases power of physical attacks.
Magical - Increases intelligence.  Increases power of spell attacks.
Taunt - Taunt opponents by pressing Z.  Increases U.Attack gauge.
Dodge - Increases evasion.  Decreases physical damage from enemies with low

EX Gem Lv2:
Spirit - Increases max Tp.
Dash - Increases mobility during battle.
Vitality - Increases max Hp.
Personal - Not quite sure.

EX Gem Lv3:
Eternal - Combine with other EX skills for different effects.
Slasher - Increase basic attack combos to six (not linkable to Special
           Attacks after fourth.)
Super Chain - Able to link Level 1, 2, and 3 special attacks in any order.
Guard Plus - Decreases the amount of damage taken while guarding.

EX Gem Lv4:
Immunity - Occasionally avoid receiving status effects from enemy attacks.
Speed Cast - Decreases spell casting time.
Sky Combo - Increases midair basic attack combo by one.
Spell Charge - Press A while delaying a spell.  Spell activates at the
                end of an attack.

| Sheena Fujibayashi |--------------------

EX Gem Lv1:
Strong - Increases physical strength.  Increases power of physical attacks.
Tough - Increases defense.  Decreases damage from physical attacks.
Taunt - Taunt opponents by pressing Z.  Increases U.Attack gauge.
Sharp-eyed - Increases accuracy and physical attack damage on enemies with 
              low evasion.

EX Gem Lv2:
Dodge - Increases evasion.  Decreases physical damage from enemies with low
Dash - Increases mobility during battle.
Vitality - Slows the reaction time of enemies in dungeons.
Personal - Increases mobility in cities and dungeons.

EX Gem Lv3:
Eternal - Combine with other EX skills for different effects.
Spirit - Increases max Tp.
E. Guard - Increases elemental defense.  Decreases damage from elemental
Prolong - Increases the duration of Card-type spell effects

EX Gem Lv4:
Guard Plus - Decreases the amount of damage taken while guarding.
Add Combo - Increases basic attack combo by one.
Immunity - Occasionally avoid receiving status effects from enemy attacks.
Speed Cast - Decreases spell casting time.

| Zelos Wilder |--------------------

EX Gem Lv1:
Strong - Increases physical strength.  Increases power of physical attacks.
Magical - Increases intelligence.  Increases power of spell attacks.
Taunt - Taunt opponents by pressing Z.  Increases U.Attack gauge.
Dodge - Increases evasion.  Decreases physical damage from enemies with low

EX Gem Lv2:
Spirit - Increases max Tp.
Dash - Increases mobility during battle.
Vitality - Increases max Hp.
Personal - May receive items when Zelos speaks to a female.

EX Gem Lv3:
Eternal - Combine with other EX skills for different effects.
Slasher - Increase basic attack combos to six (not linkable to Special
           Attacks after fourth.)
Super Chain - Able to link Level 1, 2, and 3 special attacks in any order.
Guard Plus - Decreases the amount of damage taken while guarding.

EX Gem Lv4:
Immunity - Occasionally avoid receiving status effects from enemy attacks.
Speed Cast - Decreases spell casting time.
Sky Combo - Increases midair basic attack combo by one.
Spell Charge - Press A while delaying a spell.  Spell activates at the
                end of an attack.

| Presea Combatir |--------------------

EX Gem Lv1:
Strong - Increases physical strength.  Increases power of physical attacks.
Tough - Increases defense.  Decreases damage from physical attacks.
Taunt - Taunt opponents by pressing Z.  Increases U.Attack gauge.
Sharp-eyed - Increases accuracy and physical attack damage on enemies with 
              low evasion.

EX Gem Lv2:
Rear Guard - Able to guard attacks from the back
Dash - Increases mobility during battle.
Vitality - Slows the reaction time of enemies in dungeons.
Personal - Able to find food items in dungeons.

EX Gem Lv3:
Eternal - Combine with other EX skills for different effects.
Endure - Decrease amount of time needed to recover from a stagger hit.
P. Charge - Hold A to temporarily increase attack power.
Guard Plus - Decreases the amount of damage taken while guarding.

EX Gem Lv4:
Immunity - Occasionally avoid receiving status effects from enemy attacks.
Heavy Hit - Increases probability of stunning enemies.
Savior - Increases stats when alone in battle.
Revive - Automatically recovers some Hp when near death.

| Regal Bryant |--------------------

EX Gem Lv1:
Strong - Increases physical strength.  Increases power of physical attacks.
Tough - Increases defense.  Decreases damage from physical attacks.
Taunt - Taunt opponents by pressing Z.  Increases U.Attack gauge.
Sharp-eyed - Increases accuracy and physical attack damage on enemies with 
              low evasion.

EX Gem Lv2:
Dodge - Increases evasion.  Decreases physical damage from enemies with low
Dash - Increases mobility during battle.
Vitality - Slows the reaction time of enemies in dungeons.
Personal - Price at shops decrease to 90% and sold items increase to 110%.

EX Gem Lv3:
Eternal - Combine with other EX skills for different effects.
Spirit - Increases max Tp.
Add Combo - Increases basic attack combo by one.
Guard Plus - Decreases the amount of damage taken while guarding.

EX Gem Lv4:
Immunity - Occasionally avoid receiving status effects from enemy attacks.
Sky Combo - Increases midair basic attack combo by one.
Guilt - Increases stats when Presea is on the battlefield.
Flash - Impervious to stagger when hit between combo attacks.

7. Grade                                                                 /7

Think of grade as the currency you can't spend.  That's not quite the truth,
you can use it to purchase materials from some vendors, but it's primary
purpose is for buying bonuses you can use during your next time through
the game.  After the ending finishes you will get an chance to save your
game.  Do so (not over your main file if you want to still explore the
world.)  Now continue from that file, a shop-like menu will come up with
the following choices:

Retain Collector's Book data (10 Grade)
Retain World Map data (10 Grade)
Retain all Spells/Techs (1000 Grade)
Retain Battle Strategy data (10 Grade)
Retain Figurine Data (10 Grade)
Retain Cooking Skills (50 Grade)
Retain EX Gems in Inventory (600 Grade)
Retain EX Gems that are Equipped (400 Grade)
Retain Gald (1000 Grade)
Retain Memory Gems (20 Grade)
Retain Minigame data (10 Grade)
Retain Monster List data (10 Grade)
Retain Game Clock Time (10 Grade)
Retain Recipes (50 Grade)
Retain Relationship levels (10 Grade)
Retain Number of Spell/Tech Usage (25 Grade)
Retain Titles (1000 Grade)
Hold up to 30 of each item (500 Grade)
EXP x 1/2 (10 grade)
EXP x 2 (1000 grade)
EXP x 10 (3000 grade)
More EXP from Combos (50 grade)
Raise Relationship Levels (100 Grade)
Receive more Grade in battles (100 grade)
Start game with 500Hp more (250 Grade)
Start with 160Hp in battles (10 grade)

Here are some answers to the more commonly asked questions:

- Any grade you don't spend you carry over
- You cannot retain your levels
- You cannot retain your items/equipment except EX Gems and Memory Gems

8. Side Quests                                                           /8

I - Colette's Dogs
II - Rebuilding Luin
III - Meltokio Arena
IV - Titles
V - Recipes
VI - Devil's Arms
VII - Meteor Swarm
VIII - Costumes
IX - Kuchinawa
X - Hot Springs
XI - Niflheim
XII - Sword Dancer

                           I - Colette's Dogs

Begin by making Colette your avatar (going to menu screen and pressing
the A button on her profile.)  Now head to the following places:

1.  Iselia Village (At end of game) - Find the spotted dog directly
    in front of Genis' house.

2.  House of Salvation (Iselia) - Go to the House of Salvation South of 
    Iselia.  There is a white dog wandering just below the door to the house.  

3.  Triet - There is a brown dog in the North section, just down the 
    path from the fortune teller.

4.  Izoold - There is a spotted dog just directly ahead of you when you 
    enter the town.

5.  Palmacosta - Find the dog in this town.

6.  Thoda Island Dock - Spotted white dog on the path towards the

7.  Thoda Geyser - Find the dog here.

8.  Asgard - The first dog is down the path to the right and up the
    small set of stairs beside the item booth
  - The second dog is a brown and white dog on the East map, wandering
    around near the children at the bottom

9.  House of Salvation (Asgard) - Along the path North find the
    brown and white dog walking around

10.  Luin (Must be Rebuilt) - Find the dog outside the equipment shop

11.  Hima - Speak to the white dog sitting in front of the inn
   - There is another spotted dog in the graveyard up the hill at
     the back

12.  Meltokio - Spotted brown dog at the North end of the slums
   - The second dog is in the upper class section of town, sitting
     in front of the gate of the far right mansion

13.  Sybak - The first spotted dog is sitting outside of the library
     on the right

   - The second is South of the Research Facility, sitting beside

14.  Mizuho - Find the dog next to the equipment booth

15.  Ozette - Find the dog in this town

   - Find the second dog in this town

16.  Flanoir - Right when you enter there is a brown dog wandering
     around at the fork path

   - The second dog is down the right path, to the left of the little
     vending cart

17.  Altamira - At the top of the first section beside the path to the
     monument, there is a brown dog sitting.

   - Stay at the inn and choose "Yes" to going out at night.  Take the
     boat to the Casino.  Ride the elevator up and find the dog sitting
     to the right of the entrance

18.  Exire - Starting from the three story house on the bottom floor
     go one island South and find a white dog sitting beside the
     ruined house.

   - From the top of the three story house, go two islands away
     starting in the Southeast direction.  There is a brown dog
     sitting here.

19.  Heimdall (Before end of the game) - Find the dog in this town

   - Find the second dog in this town

                          II - Rebuilding Luin

It is possible to rebuild the destroyed town of Luin in this game.  If
you wish to do so, enter Luin and speak with Pietro just West of
the entrance.  You will then have the option to donate as much as you
like.  You cannot donate the full amount at once, you must do it in
small increments.  Use these exact values each time you make a donation
to have it cost the least amount of Gald to complete:

1. 5000
2. 12,000
3. 21,500
4. 15,000
5. 20,000
6. 25,000
7. 35,000
8. 40,000
9. 45,000
10. 50,000
11. 75,000
12. 100,000
13. 5000
14. 5000
15. 5000

Each time you pay, leave Luin and go back in before you pay again.
Once Luin is rebuilt it becomes a normal town.

Fighting Spirit:

Paper Fan - 40,000G
Tambourine - 40,000G
Phantasmagoria - 40,000G
Deck brush - 40,000G
Money Bag - 40,000G
Toy Dagger - 40,000G
Baseball Bat - 40,000G
Pow Hammer DX - 40,000G
Glory Arts - 40,000G


Apple Gel - 100G
Orange Gel - 200G
Panacea Bottle - 150G
Life Bottle - 300G
Holy Bottle - 200G
Magic Lens - 10G

                          III - Meltokio Arena

After the events at SE Abbey, the arena in Meltokio becomes available
to register.

Winning the advanced matches for each character individually will
get them their best overall titles.  Winning party mode will
get another title for Lloyd.  You can also continue to battle to
receive some powerful weapons, there are many rewards here.

                              IV - Titles

The following is taken from my Titles FAQ at www.gamefaqs.com.  If you
wish to go more in depth and find out the individual statistical values
for each title, use the Titles FAQ.  That's what it's for.  The
following is a guide to help you obtain each title:

| Lloyd Irving |

Swordsman - Default Title
Drifting Swordsman - Get during main scenario, after being banned from 
Eternal Swordsman - Get during main scenario, after receiving the 
Eternal Sword.
Gourmet King - Master all recipes and talk to the Wonder Chef at the Altamira 
Nobleman - See costumes section
Arrgh, Me Hearties - See costumes section
Beach Boy - See costumes section
Gentle Idealist - Get during main scenario, after going to Mizuho for 
	the first time.
Peeping Tom - With Zelos in the party, talk to the pastor at the Hot 
Spring. Choose 'Females' the second time around or later.
Midlife Crisis - Clear Uncle game in Triet after returning to 
	Sylvarant Base.
Sword of Swords - Complete Advanced Single Mode at the 
	Coliseum using Lloyd.
Tactical Leader - Complete Party mode at the Coliseum with Lloyd in the 
Grand Swordsman - Get after reaching Level 20
Master Swordsman - Get after reaching Level 40
Holy Sword - Get after reaching Level 100
Combo Newbie - Combo over 10 hits (during battle)
Comboist - Combo over 30 hits (during battle)
Combo Expert - Combo over 60 hits (during battle)
Combo Master - Combo over 100 hits (during battle)
Tetra Slash - Get a combo using three different types of 
	normal attacks and then a Lv. 1, Lv. 2, or Lv. 3 Special Attack.
Brave Soul - Clear the battle with Yuan without running away from battles up 
	to that point.
Lone General - Get this title when fighting alone (during battle). The party 
	must contain at least two people.
Boorish General - Use 10 shortcuts during battle.
Gung Ho - Defeat Rodyle with 4 characters whose total 
	combined level is 145 or less.
Eternal Apprentice - Clear the Kilia battle by only using the Wooden Sword up 
	to that point.
Berserker - Fight enemies 256 times in the hard or mania difficulty levels.

| Colette Brunel |

Fledgling Chosen - Default Title
Spiritua Reborn - Get during the Pope chase event.
Klutz - Examine the hole in the classroom wall in Iselia 
	with Genis and Colette.
Charismatic Chef - Master all recipes and talk to the Wonder Chef at the 
	Altamira Cafeteria with Colette as the onscreen character.
Fair Lady - See costumes section
Maid - See costumes section
Mermaid - See costumes section
Ill-fated Girl - When Colette's condition is revealed at Sybak.
Dog Lover - Give names to all thirty of the dogs (Pepe is 
	already set)
Ironing Board - Have Zelos in the party. Talk to the pastor at the Hot Spring. 
	Choose "Females in the second or later conversation.
Turbo Waitress - After the Palma Potion event or after it 
	becomes possible to purchase items at Pepe's Shop. In the Cafeteria at 
	school (if Colette cannot speak then the event does not occur).
Super Girl - Complete Advanced Single Mode at the Coliseum using Colette.
Chosen - Get after reaching Level 20
Tiny Angel - Get after reaching Level 40
Angelic Maiden - Get after reaching Level 100
Little Pickpocket - Use Item Thief and Item Rover a combined total of 400 
Oblivious - Start a battle already affected by Poison and finish 
	it without healing it.
Single-Minded - Use the same Lv. 1 Special Attack ten times during 
	one battle.
Self-control - Finish a battle without using 
Special Attacks (during battle). Colette must be controlled by the player.
Don't Run - Finish a battle without running (during battle). 
	Colette must be controlled by the player.
Friendship First - No party members die until the battle with 

| Genis Sage |

Magic User - Default Title
Honor Roll - Get from sub-event: "Academy Challenge". Before Palmacosta 
	is destroyed and Colette still has her voice. Happens at the 
Friend - Get from sub-event:'Genis and Mithos' Adventure!
Little Chef  - Master all recipes and 
	talk to the Wonder Chef at the Altamira Cafeteria with Genis as the 
	onscreen character.
Easter Sunday - See costumes section
Katz Katz Katz - See costumes section
Beach Comber - See costumes section
Brotherly Love - After completing Martel Temple--talk to 
Raine inside the Iselia School.
Item Collector - Get all items to complete the 
Collector's Book and talk to Koton.
Figurine Collector - Complete the Figurine Book by crafting 
	pellets and talk to Harley in Asgard once it is complete.
Strategist - Visit Grand Tethe'alla Bridge (after it is opened). Beat 
	the red light/green light game.
Ultimate Kid - Complete Advanced Single Mode at the 
Coliseum using Genis.
Mana Master - Get when learning "Meteor Storm" in 
Heimdall after it is destroyed.
Sorcerer - Get after reaching Level 20
Warlock - Get after reaching Level 40
Experimental - Change weapons 5 times or more during 
Study Harder! - Use a magic that the enemy is resistant to 
	10 times or more.
Dependent - Finish a battle without taking damage or attacking 
	(during battle). Player must be in control.
Magic Cycle - Use every elemental spell in one battle (during 
I Hate Gels! - Don't use gels until the first time the party meets 
	Pronyma in Fooji Mountains.

| Kratos Aurion |

Mercenary - Default Title
Traitor - Get when going into Iselia Ranch after Martel loses 
Dad - Get during the skit 'Childhood Memory'
Gourmet Master - Master all recipes and talk to the Wonder Chef at the 
Altamira Cafeteria with Kratos as the onscreen character.
Judgement - Automatically acquired
Conqueror - Complete Advanced Single Mode at the Coliseum using 
Magic Swordsman - Get after reaching Level 20
Battle God - Get after reaching Level 40
War God - Get after reaching Level 100
Tetra Slash - Perform a combo using three different types of 
	normal attacks and then a Lv. 1, Lv. 2, or Lv. 3 Special Attack.

| Raine Sage |

Teacher - Default Title
Archeological Mania - Get from an event at Triet 
Grand Healer - Get from the event where the Unicorn Horn is 
Passable Chef? - Master all recipes and talk to the Wonder Chef at 
	the Altamira Cafeteria with Raine as the onscreen character.
Glamorous Beauty - See costumes section
Maiden - See costumes section
No, Not the Sun! - See costumes section
Sisterly Love - Return to Triet after clearing the Triet Ruins.
Monster Collector - After completing the Monster List talk to 
	the Gypsies. Visit Nova during disc 2 after the sandworm event.
Gladiator Queen - Complete Advanced Single Mode at the Coliseum 
	using Raine
Researcher - Get after reaching Level 20
Professor - Get after reaching Level 40
Wisewoman - Get after reaching Level 100
Item Keeper - Raine uses the same item 5 times or more in one battle.
Crimson Rose - Fight using a party of 4 women.
Never Say Never - Die 5 or more times in one battle.
Survivor - Finish a battle being the only party member alive.

| Sheena Fujibayashi |

Mysterious Assassin - Default Title.
Summoner - Make pacts with the Water and Lightning Summon 
Elemental Summoner - Make pacts with  the Summon 
	Spirits of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, and Lightning.
Master Summoner - Make pacts with all of the Summon Spirits.
You Look Great! - See costumes section
Successor - See costumes section
Queen of the Beach - See costumes section
Master Cook - Master all recipes and talk to the Wonder 
Chef at the Altamira Cafeteria with Sheena as the onscreen character.
Treasure Hunter - Open every dungeon treasure chest, then 
	talk to the sleeping Katz in Katz' Village with Sheena onscreen.
WOW! - Zelos is in the party. Talk to the pastor at the 
Hot Spring. .Choose 'Females' in the second or later conversation.
Rose of Battle - Complete Advance Single Mode at the Coliseum 
	using Sheena
Acrobat - Get after reaching Level 40
Ultimate Summoner - Get after reaching Level 100
Chicken - Run away 50 times with Sheena as a party 
Indecisive - Attempt to escape from battle and cancel the 
	escape 3 times.
Party Comboist - Have Sheena start two Unison Attacks in one 
Combo Conductor - Complete a battle using Unison Attacks only.

| Zelos Wilder |

Magic Swordsman - Default Title
Princess Guard - Get during sub-event: "Princess Kidnapped", after the 
	battle with the Papal Knights in Gaoracchia.
Gigolo - Talk to every woman in the world after 
	equipping the EX Skill "Personal", and then speak with Sebastian in 
Gourmet Prince - Master all recipes and talk to the 
	Wonder Chef at the Altamira Cafeteria with Zelos as the onscreen 
Narcissist - See costumes section
Masked Swordsman - See costumes section
Pickup Artist - See costumes section
Idiot Chosen - Get during the skit "Mizuho, the Mystical 
Grand Champion - Complete Advanced Single Mode at the Coliseum using Zelos
Gleaming Knight - Get after reaching Level 40
Elegant Swordsman - Get after reaching Level 100
Tetra Slash - Perform a combo using three different types of 
	normal attacks and then a Lv. 1, Lv. 2, or Lv. 3 Special Attack.
Casanova - Fight with a party of 3 females (during 
Gilgamesh - Equip Excalibur, Golden Helm, Golden Armor, Hyper 
Gauntlet, or Blue Shield, and Jet Boots and finish a battle.
Commander-in-Chief - Perform over 4 party commands 
	in one battle.
Loudmouth - Hear Zelos' voice many times in one battle.

| Presea Combatir |

Taciturn Girl - Default Title
Mature Kid - Get during sub-event: "A Mature Child," talk to Wells when 
	visiting Ozette for the first time.
Empty Soul - Get during sub-event: "Nebilim Event". Collect all 
	Devil's Arms and battle Abyssion.
Master Chef - Master all recipes and talk to the Wonder 
	Chef at the Altamira Cafeteria with Presea as the onscreen character.
Little Madam - See costumes section
Dream Traveler - See costumes section
First-timer at Sea - See costumes section
Paw Mania - Get during the skit 'Poke Poke'
Deadly Flower - Complete Advance Single Mode at the Coliseum 
	with Presea
Axman - Get after reaching Level 40
Bursting Girl - Get after reaching Level 100
Fragile Shield - Guard Break over 10 times during one battle.
Lone Girl - Form a party with Presea and three other male characters 
	at the start of the battle.
Associate - Form a party with only residents from 
	Tethe'alla at the start of a battle.
Hunter - Battle over 5 times with the same Monster 
	Type. Works in the field or in dungeons.

| Regal Bryant |

Convict - Default Title.
El Presidente - Get it when the members of the party 
	discover he is the President of Lezareno.
Eternal Sinner - Talk to George after defeating 
True Chef - Master all recipes and talk to the Wonder 
	Chef at the Altamira Cafeteria with Regal as the onscreen character.
Dandy - See costumes section
God of The Kitchen - See costumes section
Swimmer - See costumes section
Paw Dandy - Get during the skit 'aw'
King of the Coliseum - Complete Advance Single Mode at the 
	Coliseum with Regal.
Battle Artist - Get after reaching Level 40
Perfect Battler - Get after reaching Level 100
Testosterone - Form a party with four guys and battle.
Potion King- Use potions more than 5 times on Regal during 
Way of the Jungle - Fight against an enemy with over 8 
	levels in difference and win.
Pratfall King - Get knocked down more than 3 times during 
	one battle without air escaping.

* Titles Stats Chart                                     *

Each numerical value here represents how effective that stat
is when you're using a particular title and levelling up.
A stat with a 6 for strength is better than a stat with 4
for strength etc.

|Lloyd              |  HP    TP    STR   DEF   INT   EVA   ACC   |
|Swordsman          |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Drifting Swordsman |   1     0     2     2     0     0     0    |
|Eternal Swordsman  |   7     0     7     6     0     0     6    |
|Gourmet King       |   0     0     0     5     4     5     0    |
|Nobleman           |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Arrgh, Me Hearties |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Beach Boy          |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Gentle Idealist    |   0     1     0     4     4     0     0    |
|Peeping Tom        |   0     0     0     0     5     5     0    |
|Midlife Crisis     |   0     1     0     0     6     0     0    |
|Sword of Swords    |   4     3     4     4     4     4     4    |
|Tactical Leader    |   0     3     0     0     5     5     5    |
|Grand Swordsman    |   4     0     4     3     0     0     0    |
|Master Swordsman   |   5     0     5     4     0     0     4    |
|Holy Sword         |   0     0     0     10    0     10    0    |
|Combo Newbie       |   0     0     3     0     0     0     2    |
|Comboist           |   0     1     4     0     0     0     4    |
|Combo Expert       |   6     2     6     0     0     0     2    |
|Combo Master       |   0     5     0     0     0     0     10   |
|Tetra Slash        |   2     0     2     0     0     0     0    |
|Brave Soul         |   5     0     5     4     0     5     0    |
|Lone General       |   0     0     0     2     0     3     0    |
|Boorish General    |   0     1     0     0     3     0     0    |
|Gung Ho            |   6     2     0     5     0     0     0    |
|Eternal Apprentice |   3     0     2     2     0     4     3    |
|Berserker          |   10    0     10    0     0     0     6    |
|Colette            |  HP    TP    STR   DEF   INT   EVA   ACC   |
|Fledgling Chosen   |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Spiritua Reborn    |   4     0     5     0     0     3     0    |
|Klutz              |   1     0     1     0     0     0     1    |
|Charismatic Chef   |   0     0     0     5     4     5     0    |
|Fair Lady          |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Maid               |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |

|Mermaid            |   3     0     3     0     0     0     0    |
|Ill-fated Girl     |   3     0     3     0     0     0     0    |
|Dog Lover          |   0     0     0     0     4     4     4    |
|Ironing Board      |   5     0     0     4     0     0     0    |
|Turbo Waitress     |   0     0     0     2     2     0     0    |
|Super Girl         |   4     3     4     4     4     4     4    |
|Chosen             |   0     2     0     0     3     0     2    |
|Tiny Angel         |   0     0     4     0     4     0     3    |
|Angelic Maiden     |   10    0     0     10    0     0     0    |
|Little Pickpocket  |   6     0     6     6     0     0     0    |
|Oblivious          |   3     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Single-minded      |   0     1     0     0     0     0     2    |
|Self-control       |   0     0     0     1     1     0     0    |
|Don't Run          |   0     1     0     0     0     1     0    |
|Friendship First   |   3     3     3     3     3     3     3    |
|Genis              |  HP    TP    STR   DEF   INT   EVA   ACC   |
|Magic User         |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Honor Roll         |   0     0     0     0     1     0     1    |
|Friend             |   0     0     4     3     0     0     0    |
|Little Chef        |   0     0     0     5     4     5     0    |
|Easter Sunday      |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Katz Katz Katz     |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Beach Comber       |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Brotherly Love     |   1     0     0     1     0     0     0    |
|Item Collector     |   10    0     10    0     0     0     0    |
|Figurine Collector |   0     0     10    10    0     0     0    |
|Strategist         |   2     0     3     0     0     0     0    |
|Ultimate Kid       |   4     3     4     4     4     4     4    |
|Mana Master        |   0     3     0     0     5     5     2    |
|Sorcerer           |   2     1     0     0     0     0     1    |
|Warlock            |   3     2     0     0     1     0     2    |
|Experimental       |   1     0     1     0     0     0     3    |
|Study Harder!      |   0     0     0     0     0     2     2    |
|Dependant          |   0     0     1     1     0     0     0    |
|Magic Cycle        |   0     1     0     0     2     0     0    |
|I Hate Gels!       |   3     1     3     3     3     3     3    |
|Kratos             |  HP    TP    STR   DEF   INT   EVA   ACC   |
|Mercenary          |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Traitor            |   0     2     0     2     2     0     0    |
|Dad                |   0     0     0     0     3     3     3    |
|Gourmet Master     |   0     0     0     5     4     5     0    |
|Judgment           |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Conqueror          |   4     3     4     4     4     4     4    |
|Magic Swordsman    |   2     1     0     0     1     0     0    |
|Battle God         |   3     0     2     0     1     0     0    |
|War God            |   10    0     0     0     10    0     5    |
|Tetra Slash        |   2     0     2     0     0     0     0    |
|Raine              |  HP    TP    STR   DEF   INT   EVA   ACC   |
|Teacher            |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Archeological Mania|   0     1     0     0     2     0     0    |
|Grand Healer       |   0     1     2     2     0     0     0    |
|Passable Chef      |   0     0     0     5     4     5     0    |
|Glamorous Beauty  |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Maiden             |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|No, Not the Sun!   |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Sisterly Love      |   0     0     1     0     0     0     1    |
|Monster Collector  |   0     3     0     0     10    0     0    |
|Gladiator Queen    |   4     3     4     4     4     4     4    |
|Researcher         |   2     0     0     0     3     0     0    |
|Professor          |   4     0     8     0     4     2     0    |
|Wisewoman          |   10    0     0     0     10    0     0    |
|Item Keeper        |   0     0     0     3     0     3     0    |
|Crimson Rose       |   0     0     0     0     4     4     0    |
|Never Say Never    |   5     0     4     0     0     0     0    |
|Survivor           |   2     1     2     2     2     2     2    |
|Sheena             |  HP    TP    STR   DEF   INT   EVA   ACC   |
|Mysterious Assassin|   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Summoner           |   0     1     0     0     3     0     0    |
|Elemental Summoner |   0     2     0     0     4     0     3    |
|Master Summoner    |   0     3     0     0     5     0     4    |
|You Look Great!    |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Successor          |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Queen of the Beach |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Master Cook        |   0     0     0     5     4     5     0    |
|Treasure Hunter    |   0     0     5     5     10    0     0    |
|WOW!               |   5     0     0     4     0     0     0    |
|Rose of Battle     |   4     3     4     4     4     4     4    |
|Acrobat            |   2     0     3     2     0     0     0    |
|Ultimate Summoner  |   10    0     0     10    0     0     0    |
|Chicken            |   0     1     0     0     2     3     0    |
|Indecisive         |   1     0     0     2     0     0     0    |
|Party Comboist     |   0     0     2     0     0     0     2    |
|Combo Conductor    |   1     0     3     0     0     0     3    |
|Zelos              |  HP    TP    STR   DEF   INT   EVA   ACC   |
|Magic Swordsman    |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Princess Guard     |   0     0     4     2     0     0     0    |
|Gigolo             |   2     1     2     2     2     2     2    |
|Gourmet Prince     |   0     0     0     0     5     4     5    |
|Narcissist         |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Masked Swordsman   |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Pickup Artist      |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Idiot Chosen       |   0     0     3     0     0     3     0    |
|Grand Champion     |   4     3     4     4     4     4     4    |
|Gleaming Knight    |   3     2     2     0     1     0     0    |
|Elegant Swordsman  |   10    0     0     10    0     0     0    |
|Tetra Slash        |   2     0     2     0     0     0     0    |
|Casanova           |   0     0     0     2     2     2     0    |
|Gilgamesh          |   8     1     8     8     0     0     0    |
|Commander-in-Chief |   0     1     0     0     3     0     0    |
|Loudmouth          |   0     0     0     0     3     2     2    |
|Presea             |  HP    TP    STR   DEF   INT   EVA   ACC   |
|Taciturn Girl      |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Mature Kid         |   7     2     0     0     0     0     3    |
|Empty Soul         |   4     3     4     4     4     4     4    |
|Master Chef        |   0     0     0     5     4     5     0    |
|Little Madam       |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Dream Traveler     |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|First-timer at Sea |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Paw Mania          |   0     1     0     0     5     0     0    |
|Deadly Flower      |   3     2     3     3     3     3     3    |
|Axman              |   2     1     0     3     0     0     0    |
|Bursting Girl      |   10    0     10    0     0     0     0    |
|Fragile Shield     |   2     0     0     3     0     0     0    |
|Lone Girl          |   0     0     0     2     2     2     0    |
|Associate          |   0     0     0     3     3     0     0    |
|Hunter             |   0     0     3     0     0     0     2    |
|Regal              |  HP    TP    STR   DEF   INT   EVA   ACC   |
|Convict            |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|El Presidente      |   0     0     5     5     4     0     0    |
|Eternal Sinner     |   0     2     0     0     0     5     5    |
|True Chef          |   0     0     0     5     4     5     0    |
|Dandy              |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|God of the Kitchen |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Swimmer            |   0     0     0     0     0     0     0    |
|Paw Dandy          |   0     1     0     0     5     0     0    |
|King of the Colseum|   4     2     4     4     4     4     4    |
|Battle Artist      |   5     0     5     0     0     0     4    |
|Perfect Battler    |   10    0     10    0     0     0     0    |
|Testosterone       |   0     0     0     0     4     4     0    |
|Potion King        |   0     0     3     3     0     0     3    |
|Way of the Jungle  |   4     0     0     3     0     3     0    |
|Pratfall King      |   2     0     0     4     0     4     0    |

* Title Descriptions                                     *

| Lloyd Irving |

Swordsman - One who trains his body and soul to fight the enemy with all 
	his might
Drifting Swordsman - The boy sets out on a journey, bearing his sins. Do 
	not forget the past.
Eternal Swordsman - The sword promises eternity, and its radiance will 
	transcend time and space.
Gourmet King - A charismatic master of the culinary arts with a golden 
Nobleman - You gotta try on something new. You're always wearing what Dirk 
Arrgh, Me Hearties - The ocean & humanity's first frontier. The title given 
	to one who loves the sea.
Beach Boy - A snorkel, goggles, and flippers. How can you say you don't 
	like the ocean?
Gentle Idealist - The ideals he holds may be unrealistic, but many are 
	moved by his heart.
Peeping Tom - Even if it's a false accusation, it's not good to be a 
	peeping tom!
Midlife Crisis - A title for you who scrutinized the middle-aged men racing 
	across the desert.
Sword of Swords - A gladiator who fights only believing in his victory. His 
	swordplay rallies the crowd.
Tactical Leader - Friendship. Strength. Victory. Trust and teamwork brings 
	ultimate glory.
Grand Swordsman - The lofty spirit that lives by the sword. His skillful 
	attacks could be called art.
Master Swordsman - The demonic thrusts could create a whirlwind. The title 
	represents his strength.
Holy Sword - A man who has reached the pinnacle of battle. He commands 
	respect from all.
Combo Newbie - The title given to those who have completed a 10-hit combo.
Comboist - The title given to those who have completed a 30-hit combo.
Combo Expert - Combo, combo, combo! The title given to those who have 
	completed a 60-hit combo.
Combo Master - He who crosses countless hurdles and completes a 100-hit 
Tetra Slash - Execution of the four combo attack by linking a Special 
	Attack to a normal combo.
Brave Soul - He who does not turn his back on enemies will be awarded this 
Lone General - The title for a lonely warrior who gave orders when no one 
	was there.
Boorish General - Shortcuts to do this, do that&The title for the one who 
	loves giving orders.
Gung Ho - Who cares what level the enemy is! The title for those who love 
	to rush in and fight.
Eternal Apprentice - He who earns this title never doubts the strength of a 
	Wooden Blade.
Berserker - The title given to a true warrior who has an undying lust for 

| Colette Brunel |

Fledgling Chosen - I'm still a fledgling but to save the world&Her smile 
	heals the most wounded of souls.
Spiritua Reborn - The angel of death sent from the heavens bringing death 
	to any who oppose her. Not!
Klutz - The countless miracles come naturally. Is it okay to make a hole in 
	the wall at school?
Charismatic Chef - The ultimate chef, who knows the difference between 
	sugar and salt.
Fair Lady - Gorgeous and brilliant. Wrapped in a silk dress, you're my fair 
Maid - A maid&such a charming occupation. A uniform, such an appealing 
Mermaid - A whit swimsuit and a bright smile! You're the sunshine in my 
Ill-fated Girl - A sacrificial lamb to save the world. Can't allow it even 
	if she chose it herself
Ironing Board - I'm like an ironing board. Or so we hear.
Turbo Waitress - Oriental Rice in the right hand, and BBQ Combo in the 
	left. The waitress is called.
Super Girl - Um, I went boom! And bam!... And then I won!
Chosen - She is the daughter of an angel. With her powers, she sacrifices 
	herself to restore the world.
Tiny Angel - The holy title given to the one who has superhuman power and 
	limitless love.
Angelic Maiden - The title of light given to the goddess who flies through 
	the heavens.
Little Pickpocket - I'm no thief! The enemies just give me items!
Oblivious - Are you alright? It might be a good idea to cure that status 
	abnormality soon.
Single-Minded - Just one absolute belief. The title given to a very single-
	minded person.
Self-control - End a battle without Special Attacks. A title given to 
	someone who is very hard on herself.
Don't Run - Finish a battle without dashing. Always greet with a smile, and 
	don't be late!
Friendship First - Sacrifice none in battle. A heartwarming title for those 
	who value teammates.

| Genis Sage |

Magic User - The first title given to those who study magic. Follow the 
	path of sorcery!
Honor Roll - The brightest student in town. He has three times the normal 
Friend - It's awkward talking about it, but it represents the bond between 
	the two.
Little Chef  - I'm the best at cooking! The best!
Easter Sunday - A new shirt and pants are laid out for this day. You better 
	behave yourself!
Katz Katz Katz - A miracle of love brought by a bit of kindness&A very 
	heartwarming tale!
Beach Comber - Straw hat and sandals. Older women won't be able to resist.
Brotherly Love - You need me, sis. You can't do laundry and your cooking 
	can only be called destructive.
Item Collector - Congratulations, you got all of the items! The Collector's 
	Book is now complete!
Figurine Collector - Congratulations, youve recorded everyone's name! The 
	Figurine Book is complete!
Strategist - Such a young child shouldnt be so good at bargaining and 
Ultimate Kid - The title given to small heroes. His magic can slice through 
	the toughest of foes.
Mana Master - A master of mana and reason. Thats what the people called 
	the boy with godlike powers.
Sorcerer - The title for the one who controls the flow of mana with 
	intelligence and technique.
Warlock - His power pierces the heavens. His strength strikes fear into all 
	living souls.
Experimental - Maybe this, or maybe that&The title given to those who 
	change their weapons often.
Study Harder! - That attack has no effect! A title for one who kept using 
	the wrong elemental attack.
Dependent - I don't want to do anything. A title for one who finished a 
	battle doing nothing.
Magic Cycle - The title given to he who used every kind of elemental attack 
	in one battle.
I Hate Gels! - It's amazing that you've made it this far without using any 
	gels in battles!

| Kratos Aurion |

Mercenary - He travels the world, trusting only his own powers. His skills 
	are for sale, not his loyalty.
Traitor - A silent warrior who betrayed all trust. No reasons are given to 
	those left behind.
Dad - A name I will never be called, and did not seek, until now.
Gourmet Master - A star of the cooking world with 4000 years of knowledge 
	in the ancient arts.
Judgement - He was the ancient hero of yore. But now, he is one of the 
	enemies of the world.
Conqueror - There is no looking back. There is nothing left for losers, so 
	I must fight on.
Magic Swordsman - His attacks will crush the earth and frighten the evils 
	of this world.
Battle God - He kills all who are in his way. He is beyond beast or man. He 
	can only be called a god.
War God - A powerful force itself. His battle spirit will tear the earth 
	and shake the heavens.
Tetra Slash - Execution of the four combo attack by linking a Special 
	Attack to a normal combo.

| Raine Sage |

Teacher - A work filled with dreams, her job is to teach her students the 
	joys of learning.
Archeological Mania - If there's a ruin in the east, she'll be there. If 
	there's one in the west, she'll be there too.
Grand Healer - Using her energy from within, she can give her allies both 
	salvation and healing.
Passable Chef? - It wasn't that close of a shave! Nobody got sick 
	(according to her).
Glamorous Beauty - The perfect body! The title for a glamorous adult 
Maiden - It's a charming word, part 2. A pity that it's not a white kimono 
	with a red skirt.
No, Not the Sun! - It's better to read under an umbrella. The sound of the 
	waves calms you.
Sisterly Love - The title given to an older sister who is strict but at 
	times, kind as a mother.
Monster Collector - She knows every creature that roams the world. Her 
	research may aid humanity.
Gladiator Queen - A warrior who has trampled every enemy. The audience is 
	astounded by her power.
Researcher - Her dedication has surpassed study itself; she can't stop 
	flaunting her knowledge.
Professor - Her vast knowledge cannot be expressed in words& People call 
	her the Professor.
Wisewoman - The title for the noble one who sees through the laws of the 
Item Keeper - Even if I know it is an important job, it does not mean that 
	I would want it.
Crimson Rose - It blooms beautifully, because it is so close to death. But 
	don't forget, it still has thorns!
Never Say Never - From countless deaths, the Phoenix rises. The title for 
	the one who keeps coming back.
Survivor - Lonely as a castaway alone on an island. The title for the lone 

| Sheena Fujibayashi |

Mysterious Assassin - An assassin who kills in the darkness of twilight 
	with shadows of sorrow in her eyes.
Summoner - A title for one who controls non-humans with the power of 
	amulets and mana.
Elemental Summoner - Title to one who opened the six gates to the three 
	worlds and controls their mighty power.
Master Summoner - The title for the great one who can even summon the 
You Look Great! - Um, uh, Don't make fun of me!!
Successor - The successor of the Igaguri style. She leads the Mizuho to 
	protect their tradition.
Queen of the Beach - She does not seem to be aware of it, but all eyes are 
	glued on her.
Master Cook - Title given to the culinary master who raised home-style 
	cooking to the highest level.
Treasure Hunter - Travel the two worlds, over every terrain in search of 
	new territories and treasures.
WOW! - So glamorous!
Rose of Battle - Countless warriors have been defeated by her graceful 
	magic. People called her.
Acrobat - Confuse the enemy with quick moves, then attack with dead-aim, 
	like an acrobat.
Ultimate Summoner - The title which praises the strength of the one who 
	trains her body and soul earnestly.
Chicken - Never be compliant. Title given to one who knows that strategic 
	retreat is a necessity.
Indecisive - Can't decide whether to run or to fight! The title given to 
	the one who is indecisive.
Party Comboist - Defeated the enemy with a perfectly timed combo. She has 
	won her teammates' trust.
Combo Conductor - Title given to one who loves unison attacks and does not 
	need anything else.

| Zelos Wilder |

Magic Swordsman - His attacks will crush the earth and frighten the evils 
	of this world.
Princess Guard - It is a sword to protect and to guard for one. The knight 
	of the princess.
Gigolo - You talked to every single girl in the world. A title befitting 
	this great accomplishment.
Gourmet Prince - Cultivated in elegant lifestyle, the sight of you making 
	food is truly that of a prince.
Narcissist - You'll get more chicks with beauty on the outside! ...Is that 
Masked Swordsman - As long as it's a self-proclaimed title, its validity 
	cannot be trusted.
Pickup Artist - The ocean and the shores don't matter as long as there are 
	beautiful ladies.
Idiot Chosen - A title given by a friend during the journey. Its not a 
	name given out of spite.
Grand Champion - Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. Its a little 
Gleaming Knight - A title given to the one whose swords edge gleams with 
	the magical light.
Elegant Swordsman - The ray of beauty emanates from him. Your beautiful 
	eyes reflect off his blade.
Tetra Slash - Execution of the four combo attack by linking a Special 
	Attack to a normal combo.
Casanova - It is the man's dream, the ever sought after ambition. A true 
	man will have this title!
Gilgamesh - A hero's title that starts with three Green Slimes. Be careful 
	not to get ZAP.
Commander-in-Chief - A title given to those who love to order people 
	around. Can't you shut up for one second?
Loudmouth - What do you mean 'loudmouth?' I have a beautiful voice, like my 
	face and...

| Presea Combatir |

Taciturn Girl - Her eyes do not reflect anything. She shows no emotions. 
	What has made her this way?
Mature Kid - Her mature expressions represent her hidden, cruel past.
Empty Soul - A huge void in her heart. It is filled not by darkness, but 
	kindness from others.
Master Chef - Silent and devoted, your cooking is supreme. A title well-
	suited for someone like you.
Little Madam - A cute dress that favors her charm. But no words of praise 
	may reach her.
Dream Traveler - The legendary Klonoa that traveled to the moon and the 
	world of four bells.
First-timer at Sea - The heat from the sand is proof that you are alive. 
	But octagonal turtle?
Paw Mania - Poke poke poke poke, I can't stop it, Poke poke poke poke, it 
	doesn't stop.
Deadly Flower - She is a flower that blooms in the Coliseum. But at her 
	feet are numerous corpses.
Axman - It is a raging storm; a steel storm that mows down all. Nothing is 
	left after her battle.
Bursting Girl - Run right and boom! Run left and boom! The ax she wields 
	shakes the earth!
Fragile Shield - A title for the fragile who repeatedly Guard Break.
Lone Girl - The sole flower that blooms in battle. But she's a force to be 
	reckoned with.
Associate - Parties with only those of the same homeland. Is the wall 
	between the worlds too wide?
Hunter - Hunting down the same race of monster over and over. A title 
	befitting a hunter like you.

| Regal Bryant |

Convict - The shackle is the symbol of the crime he committed. Its weight 
	condemns him.
El Presidente - Brought to you by the Lezareno Group, Making life 
	magnificent from birth to death.
Eternal Sinner - The dark wish is fulfilled but it is not the end. He 
	fights for those hurt by Exspheres.
True Chef - All are mesmerized by his cooking. The name makes all gourmets 
	envious of his godly gift.
Dandy - His combed hair, straightened back, and broad chest. His scent is 
	just dandy.
God of The Kitchen - The dark chef approaches! Stand up for the future of 
	cooking and everyone's smiles!
Swimmer - The raging wave calls to him. Beyond the horizon there is.
Paw Dandy - It is a pure, elegant taste. Poke poke poke poke.
King of the Coliseum - All doubted him at first, with his shackles&but he 
	is the true king of the Coliseum.
Battle Artist - Calculated, beautiful battle with no waste. It can only be 
	called art.
Perfect Battler - Each blow crushes the enemy. The word 'perfect' does not 
	even begin to describe.
Testosterone - The pinnacle of masculinity. There has never before been so 
	much man in one place.
Potion King - You get stronger as you drink more&maybe. A title for you who 
	used a lot of potions.
Way of the Jungle - The truly strong go all out, even against the weak. A 
	title for you who showed your will.
Pratfall King - Blown away several times and&fell. A title for the dandy 
	who doesn't soften his fall.

                             V - Recipes

There are many recipes you can learn in this game, each food you
make has a different effect on your party.  You can view your
recipes by choosing "Cooking" from the main menu.  Whenever
you want you can press X to cook the dish in the menu, or after
a battle.  The food under the character's name in the Cooking
menu is the food they will try to cook after battle.

Huge thanks to X Crono X for providing all the information
below regarding locations and ingredients of all recipes.
So much good information, could never quite hold it's own
weight as an In-depth FAQ.

The following is the list of recipes in the order of which they
appear throughout the game:

Town: Triet
Recipe: Cabbage Rolls
Location: At the end of the hall on the second floor of the Inn.
Appears As: Turtle Shell Lamp

Town: Izoold
Recipe: Rice Ball
Location: Back right corner inside the house next to the Katz
Expedition booth.
Appears As: Pelican House

Town: Luin
Recipe:Seafood Stew
Location: Inside the Item Shop to the left of the counter.
Appears As: Huge Pig thing that has steam coming out of it

Town: Hima
Recipe: Risotto
Location: In the room next to the save point inside the Inn.
Appears As: Tea Kettle

Town: Asgard
Recipe: Meat Stew
Location: Second floor of Aisha's house next to the bed.
Appears As: Phonograph

Town: Asgard
Recipe: Paella
Location: Late in the game use Regal as the on screen character, and 
talk to the Chef next to the Wind Mill.
Appears As: N/A

Town: Palmacosta
Recipe: Omelet
Location: Under the stairs as soon as you enter the school.
Appears As: Ball Basket

Place: Dirk's House
Recipe: Miso Stew
Location: Next to Lloyd's bed on the second floor, after the Mana tower
or anytime later in the game.
Appears As: Firebird House 

Town: Meltokio
Recipe: Steak
Location: Inside the Weapon Shop
Appears As: Good Luck Cat

Town: Meltokio
Recipe: Fruit Cocktail
Location: Top of the stairs, in the biggest house in the upper class
part of town.
Appears As: Present

Town: Meltokio
Recipe: Beef Stew
Location: Late in the game after getting the other recipes with Regal, go in
front of the castle with Regal as your on screen character and should get a
little scene (Walk to the left of the stairs leading up to the castle)
Appears As: Wonder Chef, Dark Wonder Chef

Town: Sybak
Recipe: Fried Rice
Location: In between two big book shelves inside the library.
Appears As: Magazine Rack

Town: Mizuho
Recipe: Ramen
Location: Inside the Cheif's hut.
Appears As: Animal Trap

Town: Ozette
Recipe: Tenderloin
Location: Inside the Inn.
Appears As: Parakeet

Town: Ozette
Recipe: Gratin
Location: Next to the bed in Presea's house, after she rejoins the
Appears As: Taxidermist Bear

Place: Altessa's House
Recipe: Curry
Location: Talk to Tabatha after Presea rejoins the group.
Appears As: N/A

Town: Flanoir
Recipe: Quiche
Location: Inside the church in the far left corner.
Appears As: Wood Block

Town: Exire
Recipe: Shortcake
Location: On the middle floor of the 3 floor house, Katz are on the top
floor and a woman is on the bottom floor.
Appears As: Rheaird Model

Town: Heimdall
Recipe: Cream Stew
Location: Next to the bed inside the Elder's house.
Appears As: Painting

Place: Latheon Gorge
Recipe: Pescatore
Location: Inside the Storyteller's house, right behind him.
Appears As: Turtle/Rabbit

Town: Altamira
Recipe: Spaghetti
Location: Stay at the hotel and choose to go out at night.  Then take the 
elevator to 4F
Appears As: Giant Green Pumpkin

Place: House Of Guidance (Southeast continent)
Recipe: Potato Salad
Location: As Regal talk to the Chef inside. After Heimdall is destroyed.
Appears As: N/A

Place: House Of Guidance (Southwest continent)
Recipe: Pork Cutlets
Location: As Regal talk to the Chef inside. After Heimdall is destroyed.
Appears As: N/A


This is a list of all the ingredients needed to prepare each dish:

Sandwich: Recipe 1
Ingredients: Bread
Additional: Beef, Greens, Lemon, Cucumber

Risotto: Recipe 2
Ingredients: Rice, Cheese
Additional: Milk, Onion, Mushroom, Carrot

Ramen: Recipe 3
Ingredients: Panyon, Black Satay, Seaweed
Additional: Beef

Spaghetti: Recipe 4
Ingredients: Noodles, Onion, Tomato
Additional: None

Cabbage Rolls: Recipe 5
Ingredients: Cabbage, Pork
Additional: Onion, Mushroom, Cheese

Fruit Cocktail: Recipe 6
Ingredients: All Fruits, All Fruits
Additional Ingredients: All Fruits, All Fruits, All Fruits

Tenderloin: Recipe 7
Ingredients: Meat, Onion, Tomato
Additional: None

Shortcake: Recipe 8
Ingredients: All Fruits, Egg, Milk
Additional: All Fruits

Rice Ball: Recipe 9
Ingredients: Rice
Additional: Beef, Seaweed, White Satay

Fried Rice: Recipe 10
Ingredients: Rice, Egg
Additional: Beef, Bell Pepper, Carrot, Black Satay

Curry: Recipe 11
Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Red Satay
Additional: Beef, Potato, Carrot, Mushroom

Miso Stew: Recipe 12
Ingredients: Miso, Kelp, Egg
Additional: Beef, Radish, Kunjac

Omelet: Recipe 13
Ingredients: Rice, Egg
Additional: Onion, Beef, Lemon, Cheese

Steak: Recipe 14
Ingredients: Meat, Onion
Additional: Carrot, Cheese, Rice, Black Satay

Quiche: Recipe 15
Ingredients: Egg, Meat
Additional: Shrimp

Cream Stew: Recipe 16
Ingredients: Milk, Onion, Carrot
Additional: Beef, Potato

Meat Stew: Recipe 17
Ingredients: Meat, Kelp
Additional: Radish, Tofu, Carrot, Noodles

Seafood Stew: Recipe 18
Ingredients: Fish, Kelp
Additional: Radish, Tofu, Carrot

Gratin: Recipe 19
Ingredients: Cheese, Pasta, Milk
Additional: Beef, Egg, Potato

Pescatore: Recipe 20
Ingredients: Pasta, Fish, Tomato
Additional: None

Pork Cutlets: Recipe 21
Ingredients: Pork, Bread, Egg
Additional: Greens, Rice, Purple Satay

Potato Salad: Recipe 22
Ingredients: Potato, All Veggies, Purple Satay
Additional: Onion, Cucumber, Carrot

Beef Stew: Recipe 23
Ingredients: All Meat, Tomato, Purple Satay
Additional: None

Paella: Recipe 24
Ingredients: Rice, Fish, Purple Satay
Additional: Fish


The effect of each food dish is as follows:
Sandwich - A lunchtime classic. Restores a small amount of HP.
Cabbage Roll - Juicy morsels of meat wrapped in tender cabbage 
     leaves. Restores a small amount of TP.

Rice Ball - A ball of rice wrapped in seaweed. Simple yet 
     delicious!  Restores a small amount of HP/TP.

Seafood Stew - Succulent stew packed with flavor and nutrition. 
     Restores a small amount of TP. Temporarily increases Defense.

Risotto - A melodic harmony of rice and cheese. Restores a small 
     amount of HP.

Meat Stew - A combo of tender meat and heavenly broth. Restores a 
     small amount of HP. Temporarily increases Attack.

Paella - A divine combination of rice, seafood, and vegetables. 
     Temporarily increases all characters stats.

Omelet - A scrumptious omelet stuffed to the brim. Cures Poison 
     for the party.

Miso Stew - A nutritious and delicious miso-based stew.  Restores 
     a large amount of Hp/Tp.

Steak - A classic comfort food dish. Don't be shy on the gravy! 
     Cures paralysis for the party.

Fruit Cocktail - An assortment of sweet succulent fruit in light 
     syrup.  Restores a small amount of Tp.

Beef Stew - Beef slowly simmered in a rich sauce until fork-tender.
     Cures all Status Effects.

Fried Rice - Rice stir-fried with egg and various vegetables. 
     Restores a small amount of HP/TP

Ramen - An exotic broth-based noodle dish. Restores a moderate 
     amount of HP.

Tenderloin - Steak pan-fried to perfection. Restores a moderate 
     amount of TP.

Gratin - Pasta baked in a rich cream sauce.  Restores a small amount 
     of Hp/Tp.  Temporarily increases accuracy.

Curry - The spicy sauce titillates the taste buds!  Restores a 
     moderate amount of Hp/Tp.

Quiche - A delicate balance of ingredients baked in an egg mixture.
     Cures Curse for the party.

Shortcake - Cake topped with a tantalizing array of fruits.  
     Restores a large amount of Tp.

Cream Stew - Nothing warms the soul like hearty cream stew.  Cures 
     all status effects for the party.

Pescatore - A pasta dish with bounty from the sea.  Restores a small 
     amount of Hp/Tp.  Temporarily increases magic attack.

Spaghetti - Everyone's favorite tomato based pasta dish.  Restores
     a large amount of Hp.

Potato Salad - An essential part of a respectable picnic.  Restores
     a large amount of Tp.

Pork Cutlets - Tender pork dusted with bread crumbs, then fried 
     golden brown.  Restores a large amount of Hp.

                           VI - Devil's Arms

Devil's Arms are special weapons you can obtain in numerous places
throughout the game, primarily in the special black treasure boxes
you find.  At the start you may think they are weak and useless for
having no attack power, but their strength is actually based upon
how many enemies the character has defeated.  You can quickly see
how they become very strong.  If you wish to begin collecting these
do the following:

In the Toize Valley Mine, after crushing the spinning slab with the
boulder, examine the remains to find an "Evil Eye."  This is Colette's
Devil Arm.  Now head to Flanoir.

Go into the city and speak with the man hunched over on the step of
the house in front of you.  After the scene he will give you Nebilim
and Nebilim's Key.  Nebilim is Lloyd's Devil Arm.  The names of
all the Devil's Arms are:

Nebilim (Lloyd)
Evil Eye (Colette)
Disaster (Genis)
Heart of Chaos (Raine)
Fafnir (Kratos/Zelos)
Soul Eater (Kratos/Zelos)
Gates of Hell (Sheena)
Diablos (Presea)
Apocalypse (Regal)

Now to collect them all, look in the following locations:

Lloyd - Received from speaking with Abyssion in Flanoir
Colette - Received from pieces of slab in Toize Valley Mine
Genis - Go out at night in Altamira and head to the Casino.
   Follow the bridge right and offer the buy the item from
   the man on the bridge for 1000 Gald.  The item is a Devil Arm.
Raine - Upon obtaining everyone else's Devil Arm, return to
   Flanoir and speak with Abyssion.  After the scene return to
   Hakonesia Peak.  Enter the hut and speak with
Kratos/Zelos - Black chest near the end of Gaoracchia Forest
Kratos/Zelos - Go to Triet.  Speak with the man beside the
   item shop to hear about a giant worm.  Then go North to
   the next section and talk to the man beside the dog to
   hear about a legend.  Leave Triet and walk to the Northwest.
   Along the mountainside you should see a blue aura (you only
   see it if on foot.)  Go into it to fight the worm and get
   the weapon.
Sheena - Go to Altessa's House and have the Gnome go back
   to the Temple of Earth.  Return there, head past the large
   dragon enemy at the bottom of the bridge-collapsing section
   and proceed past the gnomes to the black chest.
Presea - Open the black chest in the second section to the right,
   across the bridge in Latheon Gorge.
Regal - In Welgaia take the left path at the main split to the main
   area with the two buildings you can enter.  Go into the top one
   then into the door on the left to find a black chest with the
   Devil Arm.

After you have collected all nine Devil's Arms, head to the
Temple of Darkness.  At the bottom watch a scene and then...

Optional Boss:  Abyssion
Hp: 120,000
Tp: 8200

Exp: 8000
Gald: 6800

Abyssion is the hardest boss in the game, and you are not going to
win this fight unless you are at least level 75.  If you don't
have Lloyd's weapon from the Sword Dancer 3, you probably won't
win at any level lower than 80.  This fight is the reason you've
still go All Divides in your inventory.  Use one, either way it's
going to be a long fight.  His physical attacks are brutal, and
while you can try to block them, they are too fast and too often
to block every time.  Also his magic, which can't be interrupted
by comboing him, is just as powerful.  Lower level spells like
Spread and Fire Lance aren't too bad and will give you a chance
to heal.  But he has Indignation, he HAS Meteor Swarm and he will
cast them.  Hopefully you've collected lots of Energy Tablets and
Spirit Bottles because you won't have time to heal individually
after a huge spell.  Forgive me for forgetting the name, but I
believe it was his Prism or Holy Lance spell, very similar
to Mithos' Judgment, that can be just as devastating if not more
than Meteor Swarm.  Have Raine with no spells except Revitalize
and maybe a defense up, but nothing else, you can't afford it.

For attacking him expect him to block 90% of your combos.  Not
only does that make it extremely hard to damage him, it also 
makes it take forever to charge your unison bar.  Try and
get him during a magic spell cast, or better yet, when coming
back to the ground after an uppercut.  If you can time Genis'
magic to be hitting him right when your combo ends, giving you
time to start another while he is still staggering, then you
will have a great opportunity for damage.  Since you will
be struggling to penetrate his defenses, and your other
characters will likely be healing, Genis is actually your
main source of damage here.  Command him to use powerful
spells like Explosion, Indignation, Ground Dasher or
Meteor Swarm if you have it (actually Meteor Swarm doesn't
work to well, he is pretty small.)  With 120,000 Hp this
fight will take a good chunk of time, especially if you're
using an All Divide (which is recommended).  But given that
amount of time, if you can withstand his onslaught, he will

After the battle watch the scene, then Presea will obtain
the title of "Empty Soul."

After defeating Abyssion it is likely that the Nebilim will be
Lloyd's new best weapon for you, and possibly others.  The
strength of the Devil's Arms is based on the number of enemies
you have killed, and the true power is unlocked once you defeat
Abyssion.  Try them out after the battle, the more you fight,
the stronger they get.

                           VII - Meteor Swarm

To obtain Genis' most powerful spell you must first have gone through
the majority of the final dungeon and received the Derris Emblem.  After
you get this head to Heimdall village.  Go North and take a right at
the inn.  Follow the path around and down to trigger a scene with an
Elf and his pupil  After the scene Genis will learn "Meteor Swarm."

                            VIII - Costumes

I - Formal Outfits:

Return to Meltokio late in the game.  Go into Zelos' house and speak with
the butler.  An event will occur requiring you to go to the castle
immediately, so do so.

Go to the Tethe'alla bridge and watch the events.  After you realize
it's a trap and wind up back in Zelos' house again.  Watch the event here
and leave.  Return to the world map.

Enter Gaoracchia Forest from the entrance beside Mizuho.  There will
be an event here and then you will have to fight some simple soldiers.
When it's over after the next scene Zelos will obtain the title "Princess
Guard."  Now you will be returned to Meltokio.

Watch the scene in the castle and gain control of your character again.
Leave and run over to Zelos' house.  Speak with the butler to learn that
Lloyd's outfit did not arrive.  Now return to the castle and watch a quick
scene to obtain the title of "Nobleman."  Choose whoever you like
for the option, then enter the dinner room and speak with your party:

Presea will obtain the title of "Little Madam"
Genis will obtain the title of "Easter Sunday"
Raine will obtain the title of "Glamorous Beauty"
Sheena will obtain the title of "You Look Great!"
Zelos will obtain the title "Narcissist"
Regal can obtain the title "Dandy"

I believe you are only able to get the upper class costumes for five
people.  Lloyd, three you speak to at dinner and whoever you meet on
the terrace.

After the dinner party, leave Zelos' house.

II - Beach Outfits:

Use Zelos as your avatar and enter Altamira, sometime late in the
game.  Speak with the woman standing out front of the hotel.  She mentions
her daughters are lost, so agree to help look for them:

Begin by going left down the stairs, follow the beach south and speak
with the kid so that she agrees to return.  Now head back and
go into the hotel.

Take the elevator to the second floor and speak with the little girl
looking at the bulletin board at the end of the path from the elevator.
Go back down, leave the hotel and take the lift to the amusement park.

Right when you get off the little girl is on your right.  You have to
talk to her again and again and again until she actually disappears
or it won't count.  She's stubborn, after she disappears return to the
city and go back down to the beach where you found the first girl.

At the drink stand is a blue haired girl, talk to her to send the last
girl home.  Now return and speak with the woman in front of the hotel.
After the scene head inside and talk to the person at the desk.  Lloyd
will obtain the title of "Beach Boy"

Now choose someone else you want a swimsuit for, you will get it for that
person and two others who are chosen primarily by your relationship level
with them I believe.

Raine obtains the title "No, Not the Sun!"
Colette obtains the title "Mermaid"
Genis obtains the title "Beach Comber"
Sheena obtains the title "Queen of the Beach"
Zelos will obtain the title "Pickup Artist"
Regal will obtain the title "Swimmer"
Presea will obtain the title "First Timer at Sea"

III - Individual Outfits


Go to Luin after it is rebuilt.  At the Southwest corner on the dock
is a man next to a boat.  Speak to him and agree to buy the boat for
3000 Gald.  He'll run and you realize you've been tricked.  Leave Luin.

Re-enter Luin and go back, speak with him again to make a new contract,
to once again be cheated, but you'll get the new costume for Lloyd
"Arrgh, Me Hearties."  


Head to Meltokio and go up into the castle.  Head right, then up into the
first door.  Speak with everyone in the kitchen, then exit.  Go up the stairs
and find two women standing at the upper left.  Approach them with Colette
as your avatar to trigger a scene.

Watch Colette fall down... a lot.

After that you will receive 100 Gald and Colette's title "Maid."


Head to Meltokio.  If you have done Colette's dog sidequest you have
already scene the beginning of this event.  On the right to the slums,
head there to witness a Katz being chased by a boy.  Following a scene
with Genis go to the item shop.

Speak with the Katz here and he'll tell you to speak with the Elder.
Now go to Sylvarent.

On the top left island is Katz Village, enter it.

Katz' Meow (Shop):

Katz Mittens - 10,000G
Lemon Gel - 1000G
Pineapple Gel - 1200G
Miracle Gel - 3000G
Life Bottle - 300G
Snapper - 120G
Tuna - 100G
Cod - 110G
Squid - 110G
Shrimp - 60G
Octopus - 70G
Bell Pepper - 80G
Cucumber - 70G
Cabbage - 60G
Lettuce - 80G
Radish - 60G
Purple Satay - 200G
White Satay - 200G
Red Satay - 200G
Black Satay - 200G

Follow the path on the right up to the top and speak with the elder.  
Exit Katz village and go back to Tethe'alla.

Return to Meltokio and go to the right, into the slums.  A scene will
occur here.  Genis obtains the title of "Katz Katz Katz"


Your destination is Asgard.  With Raine as your avatar go up the
large steps leading to the large stone slab.

Very easy here, just a scene and you'll get the title "Maiden" for


Make Sheena your avatar and return to Mizuho village.  Speak with
the ninja outside the Chief's Hut.  After a scene go inside and speak
with Tiga.  Following that, with your new information it's time to 
head to the Temple of Lightning.

In the temple, go North to the middle map and up the stairs to
where you met Volt.  After a brief event with Sheena's grandfather
you will be in Mizuho again.

Speak with everyone at the campsite, back in Mizuho Sheena will
obtain the title "Successor."


Beat any difficulty in the arena with Zelos to get the attention
of the butler.  Return to Zelos' house to be mobbed by some women.
Everyone will agree he needs a mask and he will get the title of
"Masked Swordsman."


Make Presea your avatar and head to Altamira.  Take the boat from
there to the Lezareno Company.

Go up to the Presiden't Office for a scene, at the hotel the
new costume will be unveiled.  Presea receives the title of
"Dream Traveler" (A Klonoa costume.)


Head to Meltokio with Regal as your avatar.  On the left of the stairs
up to the castle you will find the wonder chef (unless you've got all
the recipes, and have this costume.)  If not proceed through the scene,
and at the end when you go to exit, Regal will obtain the title of "God of 
the Kitchen."

                             IX - Kuchinawa

For the optional fight against Kuchinawa, return to Mizuho.  Inside
Orochi will speak with you and a scene will take place at the Elder's
house.  Choose the bottom option.  After the scene speak with Orochi
when you are ready.

Take the boat and meet with Kuchinawa.  You can lose this fight and not
get game over.  If you lose you receive Corrine's Bell, if you win
you obtain an Asura weapon for Sheena, as well as Corrine's Bell.

                             X - Hot Springs

Go to the island at the Northwest of Tethe'alla to find the hot springs.
Run to the right and speak with the man to use them.  A scene will follow.

Once you're out, speak to him again and choose "Females" for a humourous

Following it Colette gets the title of "Ironing Board" Sheena gets the
title of "WOW!" and Lloyd gets the title of "Peeping Tom."

                              XI - Niflheim

The following can only be done after you have the Sacred Stone from
the final room in the game before the final boss:

Make your way to the Sybak library.  On the upper right bookcase, there
is a book on the bottom shelf that stands out.  Examine it.  Now leave

Fly to Heimdall and speak with the elf wandering around in the middle of
the Western side with the Elder's hut.  He'll teach you more about the
book and how it must be destroyed, so return to Sybak.  Head into the
library, examine the book and choose to enter:

This place is extremely odd.  Don't let your soulfire reach 0, and almost
all the time you'll have some kind of negative effect to deal with one
floor.  Use your discretion to complete this dungeon, I have yet to
do so myself.

                            XII - Sword Dancer

I covered the sword dancer extensively in the walkthrough.  In case you
are interesting, the Sword Dancer is an optional boss that appears three
different times during the game:

- Ossa Trail
- Gaoracchia Forest
- Iselia Forest

If you want to know more about them individually I have included
a quick search icon with each one.  Simply scroll to the top, press
ctrl+f and search for "@@@" without the quotations.  It will take you
to each of the three sword dancers.

                               XIII - Clara

At the end of the game, return to Izoold.  Go down the wooden ramp
to the beach to trigger an event with Clara.  Choose the top option
and watch the scene.

9.  Minigames                                                            /9

Wouldn't be much of an RPG without mingames.  The following are some fun
little ways to busy yourself mindless and pass some time:


Red Light, Green Light
Location: Tethe'alla Bridge

Location: Palmacosta, speak with the guard

Location: Izoold (Speak with the Katz on the dock)

Uncle Game
Location: Triet

Location: Palmacosta School Cafeteria

10.  Legal                                                              /AA

This guide is copyright (c)2005 Alex Eagleson because I wrote it.

This guide is primarily written for www.gamefaqs.com, however I am willing to 
host it on other sites provided you follow these conditions first:

1. Email me with a link to your site to obtain permission
2. You are not from www.cheatcc.com

This guide may also be viewed at www.ign.com.

I would also like to add an extra note regarding donations, I wish to 
establish that I do not write game guides for a profit, I do it as a hobby to 
benefit not only my fellow gamers, but myself as well because I happen to 
enjoy writing quite a lot.  If you wish to support the continued writing 
process, donations will be construed as appreciative gestures, not as 
compensation, I do now, and always will continue to write guides free to 
distribute online for all to enjoy.  Donations can be made to StarOceanDC(at)
gmail(dot)com via Paypal, if you do choose to donate even a small amount, 
please send an email to that same address so I can thank you personally.  

As a final note I would just like to make mention of something, to date since 
September 2004, I have personally received over 2200 emails all relating to my 
work and while I have done my best to respond to as many as I can, I would 
just like to use this space and take the opportunity to say thank you to 
everyone who has sent me positive feedback or even just general questions 
relating to my work, even if I do struggle to answer them sometimes.  
Oftentimes it's too easy to just take these guides as anonymous free help, but 
there are still those who recognize the blood and sweat that goes into these 
walkthroughs, and those are the people who make it all worthwhile ^_^

For a list of all my work, please visit the following URL:


11.  Credits and Thanks                                                 /BB

- Thank you to GameFAQs for hosting this guide

- Thank you to yokoshima for your wonderful guide for the JP version of the
game which I used myself the first time through, which influenced me to
write this NA guide

- Thanks to X Crono X for providing all the information given about
Recipes and the Wonder Chef

- Thanks to Cat Astrophy for information on Efreet and Sylph, as
well as the earliest EX Gem Lv3

- damieus for getting some helpful information from his sidequests

- DevilLockBoy for that awesome Tech Attack topic

- Angetiger for the topic which helped me find the last few costumes

- r_mage and Dreamwalker for a great Unison Attack FAQ

- Thanks to Sean, Mark and jeremy at University of Guelph

- Everyone reading this of course :)


Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Alex Eagleson!

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