Rayman 2 Walkthrough


   _______           _____          __     __
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           /  ____  
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                /  /  /             THE - GREAT - ESCAPE
               /  /  /
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            _/  /__/__


| -VERSION 1.1- |
| -dec-10-1999- |
My E-mail:  david_wouters@hotmail.com

CONTENTS                            CONTENTS                        CONTENTS


 0) Contents
 1) Revision History
 2) Introduction
 3) The Story
 4) Rayman's friends and enemies
 5) Objects and magic objects
 6) Walkthough
 7) Codes and Secrets
 8) Frekenly Asked Questions
 9) Credits
10) Some Rules


  |Version 0.1 - nov/03/99|
      -Got the game today!! I started the introduction and the story.
  |Version 0.2 - nov/04/99|

      -So, what have I done today, huh? Well, I have finshed the
       introduction, the story, the friend and enemies, the objects, and the
       walkthrough's first level. I know it may not really help you, but
       keep looking for the second level...
  |Version 0.3 - nov/05/99|

      -Completed the level 2 and 3, updated the introduction, and made some
       spelling and grammatical corrections. Also updated the walkthrough's
       layout; now the YLs and the cages are easyer to find.
  |Version 0.4 - nov/08/99|

      -Levels 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8  completed. Clarified the bonus stages stuff.
       Minor corrections.
  |Version 0.6 - nov/12/99|

      -Levels 9, 10, 11 and 12 completed. (wow, level 10 was so long!! I kept
       working on it until 2 AM, just for you!) More spell-check and minor
       corrections. Updated the Fairy Glade: now you can find the last cage
       and YLs. Found the last cages and YLs in The Cave of Bad Dreams and
       Menhir Hills too. My FAQ is now available at n64cc.com, one of the
       best n64 cheat sites on the web!
  |Version 0.7 - nov/19/99|

      -It snowed for te first time of the year today!! Huh? oh yeah, levels
       13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 completed. Figured out how many YLs you need to
       enter the levels 5 and 10. Level 7's Guardian slope clarifiyed.
       Small update to the Whale Bay.
       Changed e-mail adress. (see introduction)
       I also changed the format. Now there are 78 charactres per line.
       (instead of 100)
  |Version 1.0 - nov/23/99|

      -Walkthrough completed with all the YLs!! Some more minor corrections.
       Found the two last YLs in the level 14.
       I've been experiencing some troubles with my ign mailbox, so if you
       didn't recieve a peply to your mail, don't feel offensed.
       The faq is now available in a french version at www.nintendojofr.com
  |Version 1.1 - dec/10/99|

      -Found out how to get the 100% (see the codes and secret section)
       Clarifyed the Sanctuary of Lava and Fire level.

INTRODUCTION                      INTRODUCTION                  INTRODUCTION


   Rayman, one of the first games on psx, and surely one of the best, finally
comes back more than three years after the psx version. With it's full 3D
graphics, it's one of the best-looking N64 games. Like his predecessor, this
game really rocks. UbiSof has made one of the best 3D platformers ever, among
Banjo-Kazooie and Mario 64. (and soon, DK64). Unlike BK or M64, the worlds
are not composed by one single square area with a few things to do on the
sames place. Rayan is more like traditional old platfofmers: you follow one
path. That doesn't mean the game is more easy or boring, no at all. The
worlds are huge, with many tasks to do. Creativity and imagination are
everywhere. But as every game, Rayman2 isn't perefect. I think there are not
enough ennemies, don't you think so? Anyway, I'll try to make this FAQ as
clear as I can; but if you have any suggestion, correction or comment to do,
just e-mail me at:  david_wouters@hotmail.com

Important notes to the reader:

          * All along the walkthrough, I'll use abreviations. Here they are:

                         MS  : Magic Spheres
                         SOT : Stone Of Thought
                         MD  : Magic Doors
                         PF  : Power Fist
                         YL  : Yellow Lumz
                         SYL : Super Yellow Lumz
                         RL  : Red Lumz
                         PL  : Purple Lumz
                         BL  : Blue Lumz
                         GL  : Green Lumz
                         SL  : Silver Lumz
                         SP  : Sticking Plaster

          * I'm not going to make a special section for the YLs. You'll have
            to reffer to the walkthrough to find them. For making the easy to
            find, I'll write them like this: ==1ST== LY, ==2ND== LY, ==37TH==
            LY, etc...
            And for the cages: ++3RD++ cage, ++5TH++ cage, etc Also, I may
            not find them all myself...If you find one I haven't, don't
            hesitate e-mailing me at david_wouters@hotmail.com

          * You can find the most recently updated version of this FAQ at
            www.gamefaqs.com, www.cheatcc.com, http://vgstrategies.about.com
            and www.n64cc.com . You can also find this FAQ in a French, html
            version at www.nintendojofr.com (translated from the English by

          * I'm using the N64 version of the game, but as far as I know, the
            psx, DC, or PC versions are exalctly the same. However, if you
            find anything different, just tell me, and I may mention it in
            the FAQ.

          * Please forgive my limited Engish vocabulary, I'm Belgian.
            (French being my native language) If a sentence doesn't make
            any sense or a word doesn't exist (that's not funy!), or an
            incoherence, please tell me.

          * I finaly changed my e-mail! I was fed up people called me
            Marc... So I got a free mail boxe: david_wouters@hotmail.com
            You still can send me mails at my real home adress
            (marc_wouters@csi.com), but I wont check it as often as the
            new one.

THE STORY                          THE STORY                       THE STORY


   Panic in the Chamber of the Teensies and the Fairy Council: Robot-Pirates
from deep in space have arrived, deterined to conquer and anslave the entire
world. The time for combat has come. Volunteers froms small resistance groups
and thrown themselves into battle with the evil aggressors. Rayman and his
friend Globox go to the edge of The Great Forest, where the highest number of
pirates are located.

   Rayman jumps from a tree and activates his helicopter for a soft landing
in the middle of a thicket of bushes . "The Pirates are coming straight at
us!", cries Rayman to his friend. "Get ready!" The hearth suddenly begins to
tremble... Several trees collapse, creating a passagaway for an army of
robots. The battle begins! Rayman leaps into action, sending metal monsters
flying with his powerful energy spheres. A little later, Globox, trembling
with fright, desparatly tries to make the robots rust up by creating little
rain storms over their heads. A robot, creaking horribly, crashes to the
ground. "Not bad, Globox!" shouts Rayman with a smile. Globox tries to
answer, but Rayman doesn't hear. The strained face of Ly has just appeared in
hi mind. "Rayman...", begins Ly, in a weary voice, "the pirates have broken
the heart of the world. The energy has scattered. Other than Clark, all of
our brave warriors have been captured..."

   Shocked gy this terrible news, Rayman lets himself be surprised by a
gigantic robot who pins him between it's powerful pinchers. He tries to
create a new energy sphere in the palm of his hand, but to no avail. The
destruction of the Primordial Core has taken away all of his powers...
Desparate, he shouts to his friend... "They've got me, Globox! Save
yourself!" "But...but...what about you?!" "No time to explain! Go find Ly,
she'll tell you what to do!" After a moment of hesitation, Globox dodges
between the feet of the robots, and plunges into the high grass.

   An evil laugh reverberates. Rayman turns and sees Razorbeard, the leader
of the Pirates. "I have you, Rayman! You'll soon be my most obedient
slave...!" Rayman tries to free himself, but the iron grip of the robot
tightens around him. He casts a dark look at Razorhead and shouts defiantly:
"it's over yet, pirate! I'll find a way to escape and then I'll make you wish
you'd never been born!"




   The inhabitants of Rayman's world fall in to two categories: Magilcal
beings, gifted with fantastic powers, and peope...

 > The Magical Beings

   * Polokus: He is the spirit of the world, the creator of all that is and
              will be... His power is sush that his dreams can become
              reality... Long, long ago he went away from this world, and
              only by reunting the four magical masks can he be broought

   * Ly: Ly is a fairy, and like all fairies, she posseses great powers.
         Unfortunately, the expolsion of the Primordial Core by the pirates
         has weakened her. When she has reunited enough energy, she can
         create Silver Lumz, which give amazing new powers to Rayman.

   * The Teensies: Ancient and wise people who lon ago built the Hall of
                   Doors, that magical place where access is given to al the
                   regions of the world. Very old and a little absent minded,
                   they have forgotten which of them is their King, and spent
                   time performing acrobatic dance moves to make the youngest
                   green with envy.

 > The People

   * Globox: Adorable, if a little simple, Globox is Rayman's best friend. He
             has the power to create forceful little rain storms which be can
             used to put out fires or ake plants grow. With the aid of his
             mate Uglette, he has produced a prodigius family: more than 650
             childrens at last count.
   * Clark: A mountain of muscles, Clark is an army all by himself. With one
            mighty blow, he can send an entire regiment of pirates flying.
            His only weak point: a somewhat sensitive stomach. This can cause
            problems, especially when in the heat of battle, he munches a
            robot that's a little too rusty...

   * Murfy: Nicknamed "The Flying Encyclopedia", Murfy helps Rayman by giving
            him loads of hints and advice. For a short reminder of Murfy's
            main explanations, move Rayman next to one of the many Stones of
            Thought scattered around throughout the world. If you would
            rather have Murfy come in-person to give you his detailed
            explanations, stop by a Stone of Thought and keep Buton B

   * Carmen the Whale: A magnificent creature, who's job is to survey the
                       depths of the ocean and deposit the air bubbles which
                       can be the difference between life and death or stray
                       plants and animals. She is sometimes pursued by
                       pranhas with heartburn, who are quite fond of her air

   *Sssssam: This young and spirited sepent is the ferryman for the Marshes
             of Awakening. He helps the inhabitants waterski across the


 * Admiral Razorbeard: The pirate leader, he is famous thoughout the galaxy
                       for reducing over one hundred peacefull planets to
                       cosmic dust. Don't be fooled by his pathetic and silly
                       appearence, his feroity is unmatched. His dream?
                       Overrun Rayman's world and reduce all it's inhabitants
                       to slavery...

 * The Henchemen: These are the pirate's robot invasion force. Totally
                  devoted to Admiral Razorbeard, they enforce a reing of
                  terror by capturing anyone unlucky enough to cross their
                  paths. There exist several different models, each with
                  it's strong and weak point.

 * The Guardian of the Cave of bad Dreams: A terrifying monster who's job is
                                           to guard the subterranian grotto
                                           where the creatures stemming trom
                                           nightmares of Polokus are locked
                                           away. No one has dared to venture
                                           within the Cave of Bad Dreams,
                                           even though it's rumored to
                                           contain an even more precious

 * The Zombie Chickens: We can no longer even keep track of all the sinister
                        resluts provoked by the arrival of pirates:
                        diturbances in overall harmony, the poliferation of
                        piranhas, giant spiders and caterpillars, etc...
                        Terrified by all these events, the hens began laying
                        dead eggs, out of which burst the horrible Zombie

OBJECTS                            OBJECTS                           OBJECTS



 > Cages: The pirates have imprisoned many inhabitants in these little cages
          sealed with vital energy. Breaking 10 cages increass Rayman's Life

 > Kegs: Filled with gunpowder, they explode at the smallest shock. The more
         advanced models can even fly...

 > Shells: Built by the pirates, these are mule headed missiles which can
           only be subdued by extreme patience. Most have legs, some can fly.

 > Plums: These strange fruit have several purposes. You can throw them at
          your enemies, climb onto them and move around by shooting in the
          opposite direction, and even float through lava fields on them...

 > Magic Spheres: Found on pedestals of the same color, Magic Spheres open
                  the doors to mysterious temples...

 > The Sticking Plasters: Mediocre at best architcetually, the pirates are to
                          reiforce their constructions with sticking
                          plasters. The wooden ones are very fragile but the
                          metal ones will ony yield to an explosive.

 > Switches: The Pirates have cluttered the environment with switches which
             activate strange machines and open various doors. To make it
             work, just shoot at it.

 Magic Objets.

 > The Stones of Thouht: The Stones of Thought provide a telepathic link to
                         Murfy. Whenever Rayman needs a little help or
                         advice, he should approach one of the Stones, and
                         Murfy will appear in his mind.

 > Magic Doors: Present at the begining and the end of a world, they take you
                to the Hall if you go through them.

 > The Power Fist: Having the Power Fist makes Rayman's shots more powerful.
                   Attention: if Rayman dies or gets hit, he loses part of
                   the energy in his Power Fist. After three such losses, his
                   shots go back to normal power.

 > The Four Masks: These magic were hidden inside secret and mysterious
                   sanctuaries. The ancient legends say that whoever can
                   reunite the four can awaken mighty Plokus...

 > The Lumz: Lumz are very powerful shards of energy. Each color has it's own
             special powers...

           * Yellow Lumz: These are the 1000 shards broken from the
                          Primordial Core when the pirates exploded it. When
                          Rayman has collected enough of them, he'll be able
                          to negotiate his entry into new worlds.
                          In addition, they contain precious knowledge. The
                          more Rayman can gather, the more he knows of the
                          secrets of the world. At any moment in the game,
                          just press Button L to read new information
                          provided by the Yellow Lumz.

           * Super Yellow Lumz: Ancient Lumz recognisable by their larger
                                size and big smiles. They are five times more
                                powerful than Yellow Lumz.

           * Red Lumz: Packed with vital energy, they restore Rayman's life

           * Purple Lumz: By shooting them, Rayman can grab onto them and
                          swing from one to another, thereby crossing vast
                          areas without touching the ground.

           * Blue Lumz: Oxigen rich, they restore Rayman's Air Gauge when
                        he's moving under water.

           * Green Lumz: These Lumz are very special. They record Rayman's
                         progress. If he should die, he will appear at the
                         place where he last took a Green Lumz.

           * Silver Lumz: The Silver Lumz are fashioned by Fairies. They give
                          new and amazing powers to Rayman...

WALKTHROUGH                        WALKTHROUGH                   WALKTHROUGH


                   ~ THE BONUS STAGES ~                     

                           -  "Baby Globox and the little fairy"  -

            Help the cute and deffenseless baby Globox to reach the fairy
      before the ugly, evil pirate does!!! To help him, press A then B as
      fast as you can. Don't press them in the same time! Is it just me, or
      the scenery in this area is just splenid? The bonus levels are the same
      for every level, with just some minor variations in the path they take.
      They also get harder in the last levels.

              *  Rayman's Prizes: I depends on the level. It's sad to say,
                                  but the gifts you get are usualy quite
                                  unuseful... Plus, you can get them all in
                                  the game anyway. Most of the time, you get
                                  some Power Fists, and your life bar to the

 Note:  To acces a level's bonus stage, you have to get all the Yellow Lums
 ----   and cages of that level. Aslo, there is no bonus stage for the first

         ---------------LEVEL 1 : THE WOODS OF LIGHT---------------

>Yellow Lumz: 5
>Cages: 2
>Special: Nothing

      After the splendid intro, your good old friend Globox is taken to your
cell by the guards. He brought your a precious Silver Lumz from Ly the
Fairie. Now you can use your super long punch again! Just hit the rusted grid
near you and enter the super hapy sliding party! While sliding, try to get
some Red Lumz and recover your energy. As you reach the end of the slide, the
fat Globox pushes you down the Prison Ship. OOooooooaaaaa... As our hero
wakes up a little bit dizy, he searches for Globox but can't find him... Now
let the adventure begin!

      Walk around to get used to the controls, and stand to the Stone of
Thought, so that Murfy will come to you to give you some hints. Then follow
the stream to reach the very ++1ST++ cage. Hit it two times to open it and
let Murfy tell you what he has to tell. Grab the ==1ST== Yellow Lumz and the
grid on the floor should open.

      Fall down the pit and jump on some platforms to get the ==2ND== YL,
just above a SOT. (see introduction for abreviations) Contine to reach the
==3RD== YL. (These well-designed mosquitos won't hurt you.) Get into the
stream and go behind the waterfall to find the ==4TH== YL. Then get back on
the grass, go up until you reach a SOT, and use your helicopter to reach the
platform on the other side.

      Aaw, now, look at this!: Globox's kids! Aren't they cute? They where
hoping you'd bring their dady back, but as you don't know where he is, you
only can promise you're gona look for him. They also tell you that Ly the
Fairie has been kidnapped and you have to rescue her. Anyway, follow the
tunnel to reach a large room with 2 high rocks. Stand between the rocks and
jump repeatedly to get the ==5TH== and last YL of this world. Yahoo! Continue
up to the submit and hit the ++2ND++ cage to free the Teensies. They tell you
that Ly has been taken to the Fairy Glade. If you have collected the 5 YLs,
they can open the Magic Door to the Hall of Doors. Jump through the twirl to
finish the level 1.

       -------------------LEVEL 2 : THE FAIRY GLADE-------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 7
>Special: Meet Ly and get the PL power.

      As you enter the level, get in the water and search for an uderwater
tunnel. Enter it and go to the end to find the ++1ST++ cage. Hit it to get to
a SYL (1ST, 2ND, 3TH, 4TH and 5TH YLs). Then go onto the platform in the
center of the area and jump on the big muschroom. Booiinng! It will throw you
in the air and you will automatically grab the bridge above you. You also got
the ==6TH== YL. Now move along the bridge to reach a platform. Push A to land
on the solid ground. Follow the path leading to a kind of pond. Don't go into
the water!!; it's piranha infested! Jump on the nenuphars, avoiding the
piranha, up to the other side and then jump onto the platorms up to an
alcove. Follow the path and hit the switch on the other side of the net to
open a door. You are now on the bridge you were hanging on. Take the ==7TH==
YL and go to the other side of the bridge to find the ++2ND++ cage. Hit it to
get the ==8TH== YL. You can fall down and follow a thin path leading to the
door you opened. (Globox's kids are standing there) Follow the path and take
the GL as a checkpoint.
Continue and you'll reach another pond infested by pianhas. Follow the path
until you reach a strange toxer deversing a discuting green slime into the
lake. Walk on the net to cross the tower and jump onto the roof. From there,
you can fly to a small isolated platform on the other side of the pond. Stand
on the barrel, and it will lead you to the ==9TH== YL. Now get back on the
tower's roof and jump on the moving platforms to reach the cave.

      Follow the path leading to an isolated tree and climb the vines that
are on it. Continu and slide down the stream. Follow the path of vines on
your right. Place yourself under some other vines, and jump to grab them.
Continue, avoiding the piranha, and you should reach the ==10TH== YL. As you
go ahead, you should reach an old ship. A Henchmen will try to throw some
Kegs at your face. A least some action! Anyway, ignore him and keep going by
skirting the left wall, and you'll reach an area with a little pond. Take the
==11TH==, ==12TH==, and ==13TH== YLs on the nenuphars. Then continue and
climb the lader to get the ==14TH== YL. On the platform at the top, you can
find the ==15TH== YL and the ++3RD++ cage, in which is a SYL (16th, 17th,
18th, 19th and 20th YLs) Now get back to where the Henchmen was. Stand on the
Sticking Plaster and when the Henchmen throws a Keg, get out of here.
The Keg will destroy the floor, and you'll be able to get down. You also get
a GL. (checkpoint)

      Jump on the floating boxes and get on the platform to the left. Climb
the web, avoiding the falling Kegs. (If you get hit by a Keg, quickly
activate your helicopter, so that you don't fall into the slime). Then punch
the Sticking Plaster to break the door. You'd like to go to the right, but
these lazers prevent you from going on. So you decide to go to the right and
meet Murfy. Keep going and you may have to fight a Henchmen. Just hit him 5
or 6 times to put him KO.
Hint: as Murfy told you, stay from quite a distance to him, and keep pushing
      Z to aim more ealily. (Very similar to Zelda's Z-Targetting)
Keep going, enter the wooden house, and kill another Henchmen. Grab a Keg and
come back on the grass to find a door with a metal Sticking Plaster on it.
Throw the Keg at it to break it and follow the path to find the ++4TH++ cage.
Hit it to get a SYL (21th, 22th, 23th, 24th, 25th YLs.) Now come back to
where the Kegs were.

      Climb up the grid and Rayman will hang on the net above him. Look
around to find the ==26TH== and ==27TH== YLs. Enter the little hole and jump
on the net on the floor with a moving lazer to make some trampoline.
As you're in mid air, try to hit the switch to switch off the lazers.
Now you can enter the other hole. Follow the allway, avoiding the lazers.
There you find a sleeping Henchmen with a switch next to him. Do what you
have to do and switch of the lazers.

      Now follow the opened path, avoiding the lazers. You may think you end
up in a dead-end, but if you look at your left, you see a net with the
==28TH== YL on it. As you climb down, you get the ==29TH== YL. You finally
meet Ly. She's asking for some help!!! So enter the small cave and you
discover the machine that is keeping Ly sealed. Destroy it by throwing Kegs
on it's 3 weak points. Souds easy, huh? Well, not at all... As you try to
approach it, it sends missiles at you. As the missile approaches you, throw
the Keg in the air, hit the missile, and catch you keg. Once you've destroyed
it, Rayman goes chat with Ly. (I love her voice!) She'll teach you more about
Polokus. She will also give you a SL that allows you to grab the PL.

      Climb the net on which you got 2 YLs. Now, use the PL to cross the
broken bridge. Place yourself between the two pipes and jump repeteadly to
get the ==30TH== and ==31ST== YL. You'll end up in front on a giant hole.
Jump and use your helicopter to grab the ==32ND==, ==33RD== and ==34TH== YLs,
before landind on a pipe. Jump and land on another pipe to get the ==35TH==
YL. Jump down to anoter pipe with a Henchman and the ++5TH++ cage. Open it to
get the ==36TH==, ==37TH==, and ==38TH== YL. Fall down on a wooden bridge and
enter the cave to reach an area full of thermal air currents. (That reminds
me Pilotwings...) Murfy should explain you how it works...
In the first current is the ==39TH== Yl. At the bottom of the 2nd one is the
==40TH== YL. At the bottom of the 3rd one is the ==41ST== YL. In the 4th one
(the very thin one) are the ==42ND== and ==43RD== YLs. At the bottom of the
5th one is the ==44TH== YL. At the bottom of the 6th one is the ==45TH== YL.
At the bottom of the 7th one is the ==46TH== YL. And finally, in the 8th one
(the very mall one) are the ==47TH== and ==48TH== YLs.

      From the highest current, hit the PL to get on the wooden platform.
There is the ++6TH++ cage hidden in the little chamber. Hit it to free a
Teensie, allowing him to open the Magic Door to the Hall Of Doors.
The level 2 is over.

Coming from the Echoing Cave (See "enter the Fairy Glade" in level 11
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  walkthrough)

As you just come from the Echoing Cave, you will finaly be able to get these
last cage and YLs. Fall down the pit, follow the path leading to a small
bridge, and hit a Plum to make it fall down. Jump on it and navigate it
following the river. As you reach a metal barrier, jump and hang on the web.
Follow the web path and jump on some columns to hang under another web.
As you advance, kill the black demons and jump on the barrier. Now use some
PLs and jump on the columns to reach a large wooden platform. Stand on the
SP, and when the Henchmen, thows a Keg, move to let the Keg destroy the
planks, allowing you to enter the ship. So enter the small hole under the
Henchmen and kill the sleeping one. In this room, you can hit the ++7TH++
cage at last, and get the ==49TH== and ==50TH== YLs. To return in the Echoing
Cave, fall down the pit in front of the chair.

  -------------------LEVEL 3 : THE MARSHES OF AWAKENING-------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 5
>Special: Entrence to the Cave of Bad Dreams

      This level is mainly composed by water skiing. As you enter the level,
wollow the path on the left until you get the ==1ST== YL. Then come back to
jump on the nenuphars and hang on the net. Go on your lef and jump to get on
the other side of the net and land on the wooden planks. Open the floating
++1ST++ cage to free you friend Sssssam. He doesn't know anything about the
Masks of Polokus, but saw Globox beeing captured by 2 pirates. They took him
beyond the marshes, so Sssssam will help you getting on the other side.

      Now shoot at him, and prepare for some swamp-snaking! At the begining,
jump on the two rocks that stick out of the water to use them as
spring-boards and get two RLs. Continue, continue, avoid the giant axe, and
place yourself on the righ and jump to get a SYL (2ND, 3RD, 4TH, 5TH, and 6TH
YLs), and right after that, hit a switch to make a row of four other YLs
appear: the ==7TH==, ==8TH==, ==9TH== and ==10TH== ones. After the floating
boxes, hit the ++2ND++, ++3RD++ and ++4TH++ cages. In each of them is a SYL.
(11TH, 12TH, 13TH, 14TH, and 15TH YLs, then 16Th, 17TH, 18TH, 19TH, and 20TH
YLs, and finaly 21TH, 22TH, 23TH, 24TH, 25TH YLs)

      Avoid the floating mine and go to the left to jump on a floating box
and land on the wooden planks to get the ==26TH== and ==27TH== YLs. Then you
arrive to a circle of five floating mines. Jump in the middle of them to get
a SYL (28TH, 29TH, 30TH, 31TH and 32TH YLs) Further is another SYL (33TH,
34TH, 35TH, 36TH and 37TH YLs) at the top of a wooden stick. After slaloming
between some sticks, keep your right and jump on a big rock to get the
==38TH==, ==39TH==, ==40TH== YLs. Right after that, you see a fisherman in
his barque. At the end of his rod is a SYL. (41TH, 42TH, 43TH, 44TH and 45TH
YLs). A little farther is the last SYL, bust behind a mine. Jump over the
mine to get the ==46TH==, ==47TH==, ==48TH==, ==49TH== and ==50TH== YLs.

     Then Sssssam poses you on the solid ground and leaves. Hit the ++5TH++
and last cage to free a Teensie that will open the Magic Door to the Hall of
Doors. Level 3 finished.

           ------------------LEVEL 4 : THE BAYOU------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 7
>Special: Nothing

      The level's introduction shows Razorbeard eating on of the YLs. What a
bastard! Now there are only 999 left! (I've allways been very good at
math...) When you enter the level, if you go to the left, Ly suggests you to
enter her racing challenge. But for that, you must have a certain number of
YLs. This "special" level is described later in the FAQ.

      So come back to stand on the floating barrel and punch the bombs that
the airship is throwing at you. When your barrel-trip ends, go to your left
to find the ++1ST++ cage. Hit it to get the ==1ST== and ==2ND== YLs. Stand on
the next barrel and enter the cave to get the ==3RD==, ==4TH== and ==5TH==
YLs. Climb the lader and grab the GL (checkpoint). Go to the edge of the
wooden planks, taking the ==6TH== YL and hit the switch on your left to make
a bridge appear. While jumping onto the new bridge grab the ==7TH== YL.
Hury!! This bridge is very fragile and won't resist a lond time! On the last
part, get the ==8TH==, ==9TH==, ==10TH== and ==11TH== YL. As you climb the
lader, you get a GL. Follow the path, kill the Henchmen, and open the ++2ND++
cage to free a PL. Hit the PL and land on the barrel. As you progress, keep
shooting at the Zombie Chickens and try to grab the ==12TH==, ==13TH==,
==14TH==, ==15TH== and ==16TH== YLs.
At the end, try to jump on the thin bridge to get some RLs and a GL.
Place yourself next to the wall and shoot on the ++3RD++ cage to open it.
Now go on the other side of the bridge to let the ==17TH== and ==18TH== YLs
that were into the cage come to you. DON'T just fall onto the barrel under
you! Instead, jump on the wooden bridge to get the row of ==19TH==, ==20TH==,
==21ST== and ==22ND== YLs. As you land on the bridge you should get a GL.
Quickly run on the bridge to reach the solid ground. There (on  the grass),
take the ==23TH==, ==24TH==, ==25TH== and ==26TH== YLs. Take a look on your
left and you may see a PL. Use it to get into a tree on the other side of the
river and hit the ++4TH++ cage to get the ==27TH==, ==28TH== and ==29TH==
YLs. Then use the PL again to land on the solid planks. Follow the path up to
the entrence of a cave. You should have gotten the ==30TH==, ==31ST==,
==32ND== and ==33RD== YLs. Stand at the entrence of the cave and hit the
++5TH++ cage, hanging on the wooden planks. The ==34TH== and ==35TH== YLs
that were inside will come to you. Then enter the cave.

      Take the ==36TH== YL at the end of th trunk and kill the piranha by
shoting on his teeth. Fly down to your right to grab the ==37TH== and
==38TH== YLs. Follow the path and kill the Henchmen. Then stand on the grid
and shoot at the switch on you right. As the grid extends, grab the GL on the
other side. Contine, avoid the Kegs, continue, and take the GL. Continue and
get the ==39TH==, ==40TH== and ==41ST==  Yls where the falling Kegs are.
Follow the path to a GL, take the ==42ND== YL on your left and hit the switch
to extand the grid. Stand on the grid and hit the PL to cross the pit and
get into the evil tree, getting the ==43RD== YL. As you land into the tree,
a strange fat guy (looks like Obelix!) will run at yo like a dumb.
Jump before he hits you, and he should fall down the pit. Continue and hit
the switch (a kind of red button) to switch of the lazers. Now hury before
the lazers come back! Follow the path and climb down the lader. From there,
you can open the ++6TH++ cage, in which is the ==44TH== YL. To get it, get
back where the rolling barrels were and stand at the end of the tunnel to let
The YL come to you. Now go to the big pipe with two trampolines on it. Jump
on one of the to get the ==45TH== and ==46TH== YLs. Hit the ++7TH++ and last
cage to free the Teensie. Follow him on the trampolines to get the ==47TH==,
==48TH==, ==49th== and ==50TH== YLs, and after dancing the cirtaki with
Rayman, he opens the Magic Door to the Hall of Doors. You've finished the
level 4!

 ----------------LEVEL 5 : THE SANCTUARY OF WATER AND ICE------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 2
>Special: Boss Axel

      In a short cineamtic, Rayman meets the Teensies in their Council
Chamber. If you have gathered 100 YLs, they should let you enter the "new

      Now you really enter the level. Look around to find a kind of acoasting
platform (is that English?) to find the ++1ST++ cage, in which are the
==1ST==, ==2ND== and ==3RD== YLs. Go back on the beach and as you approach
the clif, a Henchmen will come to you. He is not like the Henchmens you' ve
seen before: each time you hit him, he disappears and reappears somewhere
else. Kill him, and while climbing up the cliff, grab the ==4TH==,==5TH==,
==6TH==, ==7TH==, ==8TH== and ==9TH== YLs. Enter the cave and jump into the
water. Dive to the bottom to find a tunnel entrence and a SYL.(10TH, 11TH,
12TH, 13TH and 14TH YLs). Follow the tunnel, taking the ==15TH== and ==16TH==
YLs to end up in a room with the ++2ND++ and last cage of the level. In the
cage are the ==17TH==, ==18TH== and ==19TH== YLs.

     Come back and climb the lader, getting the ==20TH==, ==21ND== , ==22ND==
and ==23TH== YLs. Continue, take the GL, and go on the other side to kill a
Henchhmen. Continue and take the SYL (24TH, 25TH, 26TH, 27TH and 28TH YLs).
Grab a Keg and throw it on the door with a ST just near you. Enter the room
and Murfy will teach you how to use the Magic Spheres. Take this yellow MS,
go stand in front of the yellow base and push B. Then take a Keg again to
destroy the other door. Repeat the opeartion with the blue MS to open the big
blue gate. Follow the path, take the ==29TH== YL, and enter the large,
seemingly empty room. Walk around the room to get the ==30TH TO 40TH == YLs,
and enter the next door.
Slide on the giant bobsleigh and try to grab the ==41ST TO 49TH== YLs.

      BOSS: Axel: As Ly told you, follow the PL (keep shooting on the ice
                  cubes Axel throws at you) and hit the stalactite to make it
                  fall on Axel's head (how cruel!!). Once the job done is
                  done, another PL appears, allowing you to land on the next
                  platform. Instead of going through the waterfall and
                  continuing, walk to the left or right to go behind it and
                  get the ==50TH== and last YL. Now you can continue  by
                  passing through the waterfall.

      Then you get the first Mask, go meet Polokus in dream, and give him the

       ------------------LEVEL 6 : THE MENHIR HILLS------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 8
>Special: Meet Calrk

Part one: Before the Cave of Bad Dreams

      As you enter the level, hit the switch on the menhir located behind the
big tree on which the MD is. Doing this you just opend the trap in between
the three menhirs. Fall down the pit to find the ++1ST++ cage, in which is a
SYL. (1ST, 2ND, 3RD, 4TH and 5TH YLs.) Then come back and climb up the web.
Let a Shell come to you and when it suddenly stops, jump on it to ride it
like a horse. Once you've tamed it, go across the swamp, aim the door on the
other side, and right before hitting the door, jump to let the Shell crash
and break it. That allows you to get the ++2ND++ cage and the SYL that are
into it.(6TH, 7TH, 8TH, 9TH and 10TH YLs). Enter the hallway to get the GL.
kill the two Henchmens and go through the hall between their seats to find
the ++3RD++ cage and another SYL (11TH, 12TH, 13TH, 14TH and 15TH YLs).Then
come back, take the GL, and enter the next door.

      In this area, go behind the tree to get the ==16TH== YL. Then jump on
the mushroom and grab the PL to land on the wooden alcove. There you get the
==17TH== YL and you can hit the ++4TH++ cage to free the ==18TH==, ==19TH==
and ==20TH== YLs. Now go back on the ground, tame a Shell and enter the next
cave. In the tunnel, take the ==21ST==, ==22ND== and ==23RD== YLs. When you
arrive to the wooden bridge, keep your right to grab the ==24TH== YL.
Continue to grab the ==25TH to 31TH== YLs. Once again, jump before hitting
the wall, and let the Shell crash on the door. Right next to the slope, take
a Keg and carry it to the cave down here. Put the Keg on the torch to switch
it on, and cross the large gap. (It's important to look towars the other side
of the gap while switching the Keg or you'll just crash on the wall.) Once on
the other side, take another keg and throw it on the ++5TH++ cage above you
to get the ==32ND==, ==33RD== and ==34TH== YLs. Then come back and enter the
path you opened by making the Sell hit the door and take the ==35TH== YL.
Then kill the Henchmen, and hit the switch to open the metal door.

      If you enter the level for the first time, you should meet you friend
Clark. He has kicked some Henchmens's buts, but he doesn't feel very good.
You'll have to find some kind of Life Potion. "It's hidden near the entrence
of the Marshes of Awakening" says Clark. He also tells you the password:
Cave Of Bad Dreams. Then you will automaticaly exit the level. If you haven't
done this part of the game yet, return to the level 3 and reffer to the
walkthrough's next level.

Part two: After the Cave of Bad Dreams

      Return to the place where Clark was and give him the Life Potion. He'll
fell much better and run through a wall. Go through the hole he made and
follow the path leading to a room with a box and some PLs. (Clark should
follow you.) Stand on the box and hit four PLs to reach a platform on which
is the ++6TH++ cage and the ==36TH==, ==37TH== and ==38TH== YLs. Now jump on
a lower platorm leading to a pit. Fall down the pit and activate the switch
to open the grid and let Clark join you. Continue, and wait for Cark to run
through a wall, allowing you to enter the room and going own the stairs.

      Stand on the stick and hit the PL to reach a platform on which the
++7TH++ cage and the ==39TH== and ==40TH== YLs are waiting for you. Look
aroud and find the hole from which the Shells come from. Enter it and climb
the wall on which are the ==41ST== and ==42ND== to find the ++8TH++ cage into
which are the ==43TH== and ==44TH== YLs. Tame a Sell and follow the tunnel,
avoiding the rocks (menhirs?) and taking the ==45TH TO 50TH== YLs. At the
edge of the cliff, Rayman looks down, and jumps into the twirl to finish the
level 6.

    ------------------LEVEL 7 : THE CAVE OF BAD DREAMS------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 0
>Special: Boss: Guardian of the Cave
                Get Clark's Life Potion

      In order to enter this level, you'have to pass through the Marshes of
Awakening. So enter it, and foolow the tree's root on your left to meet the
cave's Guardian. He can read in your mind and see you know the password.
So now you can finaly enter the Cave.

      Follow the long bone and take the ==1ST== YL at the end of it. Then hit
the PL to land on a further platform. Jump on the second platform to get the
==2ND==YL. Jump on the floating skulls and fly the wall of bones on your
right. Then jump on the kulls and get the GL. (Don't be too slow on the
bones, they won't float a very ong time). Avoid the big hand and take the
==3RD== YL. Hit the PL and fly to the ==4TH== YL on the bone-wall. Grad the
==5TH== YL on the bridge and fly to the pillar of bones. Quikly get to the
top and hit the PL. Continue like this up to some solid ground and a GL.
The next hall is full of big hands. In front of them are the ==6TH== and
==7TH== YLs. In the next room, wait for the two bloks to be close and jump
between them to get the ==8TH== YL. On the platform at the top, you get a GL
and two RL.

      Fly to the large platform on the center of the area and get the
==9TH==, ==10== and ==11TH== YLs. Kill the fire breathing zombies to get a
yellow MS. Place it on the base, fall down the pit, and a GL comes to you.
Behind you is a SYL (12TH, 13TH, 14TH, 15TH and 16TH YLs). Continue to reach
a large room with tow bases. (don't bother killing the caterpillars, they
come infinitely.) Look around to find a hall that divides in two ways.
Take the right one. Use the PL to get on the next platform, and jump on the
moving skull to reach a platform on which is the ==17TH== YL. Hit the PL and
fly between the two rocks when they are close, jump a few times and fly up to
the next platform to get a GL. Use the moving skull to get in an area with
six small patforms and a giant caterpillar. Hi the caterpillar a few times
and take the ==18TH==, ==19TH==, ==20TH==, ==21ST and ==22ND== YLs. Stand on
the rising skull to reach the yellow MS and a GM. Grab the MC and throw it
with B on the next platform. Keep doing that until you get back to the room
with the two MSs. Place the yellow MS on it's base and come back to take the
left path.
Jump on the skulls and the second one should raise, allowing you to reach the
rotating platform. From there, jump on the platform on the right of the
entrence to get he ==23TH==, ==24TH== and ==25TH== YLs. Then get back on the
rotatin platform and jump onto the other platform to get a RL. Keep doing
that to reach the blue MS. Bring it back to the bases and place it on it's
pedestal to open the door. (Good luck for throwing it on the rotating
platforms!) Take the SYL (26TH, 27TH, 28TH, 29TH and 30TH YLs) and fall down
the pit.

     Now, as promised, the Guardian challenges you to a little race...a deadly
race...niak niak niak... This race isn't hard when you know how to do it,
altough these green crystals are very hard to see, since they are the same
color as the ground. Anyway, as you approach them, hit the crystals to
destroy them and keep pushing the stick up to go faster. (Don't hit the walls
while jumping!!) Anyway, on the second platform is a SYL (31TH, 32TH, 33TH,
34TH and 35TH Ls.) Farther, you can also ind two other SYLs. (36TH, 37TH,
38TH, 39TH and 40TH YLs; and 41ST, 42ND, 43RD, 44TH and 45TH YLs.)

      When you finaly manage to finish this race alive, you have to fight
that monster in person. He will send you some skulls. If you hit the skulls
he throws et you, it stops moving and stay in mid-air a few seconds. Hit 2
or 3 of them to create a bridge to get on the other side and get a GM. Then
he goes on the platform you were standing at. Rpeat the opeation two times
and hit the PL on your right to reach his pillar and climb at it. Make a
bridge with the skulls to reach the next platform. Jump on the thin platforms
to get a SYL (46TH, 47TH, 48TH, 49TH and 50TH YLs.) Make another bridge and
grab the GL. Then make a last bridge to finish wit him. Follow the path
leading to the TREASURE ROOM!!! GOOOOOLD!!! Tell the Guardian you accept his
present just for the fun... and see Rayman's deam! After that, tell him you
don't want it. Then you awake in the Cave of Bad Dreams and the Guardian gives
you the Life Potion.

     Now go back to the Menhir Hills level.

          ------------------LEVEL 8 : THE CANOPY------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 4
>Special: Rescue Globox
          Get the "power punch" Silver Lum

      This level is quite short and shouldn't cause you many troubles.
Anyway, as you enter it, a giant and powerful spider attacks you. Kill it and
follow it's web path, taking the ==1ST TO 16TH== YLs and get on a higer
platform. In order to hit the ++1ST++ cage hanging under you, jump from the
platform and while flying, hit the cage to get the ==17TH== and ==18TH== YLs.
Then use the PL in the middle of the giant trunk to get faster on the higher
platform. Hit the ++2ND++ cage and jump on the other side, getting the
==19TH== and ==20TH== YLs. Then fall down the pit.

      Continue on your left and jump on the mushroom to get the ==21ST== and
==22ND== YLs. Then stand on the wooden bridge and kill the Henchmen (jump to
avoid his shots). At the end of the bridge, stand on the platform and hit the
switch on the other side to open a door and free your pal Globox. You also
got the ==23RD== YL. Now come back and follow the other bridge to get the
==24TH== YL. On the other side, take the ==25TH== YL and ater some voodoo
dancing, Globox creates a cloud above the lazers.
Electricity + water = new path. Grab the ==26TH== YL, fall down the pit,
and take the GL.
As you exit the tunnel, take the ==27TH== YL on your right. At the far left
you also find the ==28TH== YL. You should find a kind of tree sprout with the
==29TH== and ==30TH== YLs next to it, and Globox makes a little shower on it
to make it grow up. Stand on it and jump to get the ==31TH== YL. As it takes
you on the other side, you get the ==32TH== and 33TH== YLs. Once on the other
side, look around to find the ==34TH== YL. Hit the dead tree's SP to break it
and create a bridge, allowing Globox to go across the gap. Continue, take the
==35TH== YL, and stand next to the fire. Let Globox switch it off and follow
the path to get a GL and Kill the Henchmen. Globox got scaried and went hide
in the little alcove. Talk to him and he gives you a SL. Now can make a more
powerful punch by keeping the A button pushed.

      After the short cinematic in which Rayman gets the ==36TH== and
==37TH== YLs, Globox gets really scaried. Kill the advanced version of the
Henchmen and go take Globox back to make him destroy the lazer barrier.
Continue, grab the ==38TH== YL, kill the Henchmen and go take Globox back
again. Climb on the boxes and hit the PL to hit the ++3RD++ cage while flying
to free the ==39TH== and ==4OTH== YLs. Also, use the PL to get on the
platform above the boor and get a SYL (41ST, 42ND, 43RD, 44TH and 45TH YLs.)
Then take the ==46TH==, ==47TH== and ==48TH== YLs standing next to the
sprout, and let Globox water it. Now hide into the bush, so that the bad guy
won't recognise you and allow you to enter. There you find the ++4TH++ cage
and the ==49TH== and ==50TH== YLs. A Teensie opens the Magic Door to the
Hall of Doors, allowing you to finish the level 8.

           ------------------LEVEL 9 : WHALE BAY------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 4
>Special: Meet and free Carmen the whale

      As you enter the level, jump into the aquarium on your right. Dive,
and, while taking the BLs, try to find the ==1ST== YL, just above a chest.
Continue swiming and emmerge from the aquarium's other side. Hit the switch
to switch of the lazer door. Then enter the new path and walk to the right
to jump on a beam. If you're short of energy, hang on under the net and,
avoiding the piranha, take the RLs. Then continue walking on the beam and try
to get the ==2ND==, ==3RD==, ==4TH== and ==5TH== YLs under the net.
After getting them, come back on the beam and jump on the net to enter a cave
and get a GL.

      As you go ahead, a Henchmen should appear on the ship on the other
side. Two power shots should be enough to put him KO. Go down, and jump on
the barrels to climb on the net and fly to the cabin on the other side.
From there, you can it the switch on the cabin you come from, switching of a
lazer door. Continue and follow the narrow hall to get the ==6TH==, ==7TH==,
==8TH==, ==9TH== and ==10TH== YLs. (Jump on a rolling barrel to get the
highest one.) As you reach the room with some water and an island in the
middle of it, try not to wake the Henchmen up. Go take a Keg on your right,
and throw it at the Henchmen's face! After that, one punch should be enough
to finish him. Take another Keg, use it to destroy the door and reach the
++1ST++ cage. Hit it to free a PL and get a SYL (11TH, 12TH, 13TH, 14TH and
15TH YLs.) Now jump onto the palmtrees to hit the PL and reach the platform
above the broken door.

      Now you enter the wale bay. If you stand near the ST, Murfy comes to
you and tells you that Carmen the whale is trapped in a cage and pirates want
to use her blubber to oil the prison boat's engines. Altough Rayman has no
connection with Greenpeace (I think), he promises to do something to help the
poor whale.
Anyway, dive into the sea and go a few yards on the right of the beach (when
standing on it and looking at the sea) to find a cave entrence. Follow the
tunnel and as you get back to the surface, follow the narrowest hall, fall
down and go to the right. Hit the switch to free Carmen and create a Shell
generator in the previous room. Mount one of them and follow the hall to get
the ==16TH== and ==17TH== YLs. Keep pushing B to go faster and cross the pit.
Jump before hitting the door and the Sell should explode it. Continue, hit
the ++2ND++ cage to get two SYLs (18TH TO 27TH YLs) and you'll end up in the
sea. Find Carmen and follow her, taking her bubbles. In the second part of
your underwater trip, you'll have to be very fast taking the bubble if you
don't want the piranhas to do it before you. (apparently, these bubbles look
more tasteful than you...)
Now you end up in a arge cave with a sunken ship. If you're short of energy,
swim to the sea floor against the wall farthest from where you enter, and you
will notice a BL. If you swim down and get close to it, you will see that
there is a small cave. Swim into the cave and follow it a short ways and you
will surface in a small room with a platform in the middle of the water.
Jump up on the platform, and you will bounce very high, collecting a bunch of
RLs, healing yourself. Then come back to the large cave, and swim in circles
to have you air bar at about 3/4 full, and then enter the sunken ship, taking
the ==28TH== and ==29TH== YLs. As you surface at the end of the tunnel
(still in the sunken ship), take the GL.

      Exit the boat and climb on the net to get on the mast. Then hit the PL
and fly to the watchman's platform to find the ++3RD++ cage and the SYL
that's inside. (30TH, 31TH, 32TH, 33TH and 34TH YLs.) From the mast, jump on
the stream and, while sliding, get the 34TH to 47TH YLs. Then climb down the
net and stand at the enter of the cave. As the obelix dude runs at you, jump
to let him fall into the water. (and drown, hehehe...) Then take the
==48TH==, ==49TH== and ==50TH== YLs. At the end of the tunnel, hit the
++4TH++ cage to free the Teensie, which will open the Magic Door to the Hall
of Doors. Level 9 complete!

     ------------LEVEL 10 : THE SANCTUARY OF LAVA AND FIRE--------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 8
>Special: Get the second Mask - Very long!

      Once again, you have meet the Teensies in their Council, and only if
you have gathered 300 YLs, will they let you pass...

      Look down the crater to perceive a small platform above the lava, and
fly down to it. As you jump on the next platform, you meet an advanced
version of Henchmen. Keep moving and jumping to avoid his shots and kill him.
Then continue and use the net as a trempoline to reach the higher platform.
Follow the foot-bridge and hit the SP to free a PL. Use it to reach a small
platform and get the ==1ST== YL. From there, you also can hit another SP on
the metal antenna. Use the previous PL to get back on the antenna and hit the
new PL to grab the ==2ND== YL and land on the highest platform and get three
Power Fists . (be careful: each time you get hit, you lose one of them...)

      Now use the first PL again to land on the next large platform. Follow
the narrow path, take the GL, and kill the evil Henchen. Continue, go to the
left, and jump on some platforms to find a Plum (this kind of purple tomato).
Shoot it to make it fall on the lava and jup on it. Navigating the Plum is
quite easy: just shoot in the opposite dirrection you want to go. Now that
you are on the plum, navigate it on the lava and come back to where you
fought the second Henchmen. There you may find a narrow path with the
==3RD== YL on it. Jump on this path form the Plum and follow the path, and
end up in an area with one of these invincible Obelix dudes. Take a Plum on
your right and throw it at him! The PLum should stay stuck on his head.
(hehe, don't worry, he won't stifle, that's just a video game...) Now jump on
his head and to reach a higher platform and get the ++1ST++ cage, in which is
a SYL. (4TH, 5TH, 6TH, 7TH and 8TH YLs.) Now come back to the entrence of
that tunnel and jump on the higher platforms to be able to fly up to the
largest one.

      Get back to where you got your first Plum and take another one. Once
again, navigate it to where you come from, and Follow the path until you
reach the antenna area. At the antenna's base, you can find the ==9TH== YL.
Now continue followin the path, enter the narrow tunnel and jump on the
ground, taking a GL. Take another Plum from this kind of palmtree and mount
it. Serious things begin here... The lava in the next pit is very hot, and
the Plum can't float on it. Crossing this pit may seem impossible, but it's
actually very easy. Just take a plum and throw it on the spike in the lava
pit to jump on it and reach the other side. Another way to cross this pit is
to Take a Plum and stand as close as possible from the edge of the pit,
throw the Plum in the air by pressing A, and while it's in mid air, move to
avoid catching it again, and then jump on it. Now shoot in the opposite
dirrection of the pit, and while above the lava, jump on the next platform.
Still alive? Good. Take another Plum and, while standing at the edge of the
cliff, throw it at the metal spike in front of you, and it should stay stuck
on it for a while. Then go stand under it to catch it as it falls, and repeat
the opeartion with the next metal stick. Catch your Plum and tand one yard or
two of the metal pipe, throw the Plum with A. Now stand on it to jump on the
next platform. Follow the tunnel and hit the ++2ND++ cage to get a well
earned SYL. (10TH, 11TH, 12TH, 13TH and 14TH YLs.) That was actually the cage
you could see through the net next to the antenna.

      Now come back again to where you got the first Plum. Hit one to jump on
it, and be able to hang on the spider web. As you progress on the web, take
the ==15TH== YL and keep shooting these black demons. Hit a Plum from the
next generator and navigate it to reach the farther platform.

      After leting Murfy tell you stuffs you already know about the Plums,
take a Plum from the plumtree (hehe, plumtree...) on you right, and navigate
it in the lava stream to the left. When your plum-trip comes to the end, jump
on the solid ground and enter the cave. (I really like these textures í  la
B-K on the ground, don't you?) Now you reach the timing ability section.
Jump on the two small platforms on the lava, and wait for the breath of fire
to be switched off before jumping on the next platform. Continue, avoid the
breath of fire, cross the bridge and jump on the left pillar. Then fly to the
other pillar to reach the ++3RD++ cage and the ==16TH== YL which is inside.
Jump on the platform under you and hit the door three times to destroy it.
Jump on the next platform, and shoot on tho stalactite on you right to make
it fall in the lave, creating a new platform and allowing you to continue.
Follow the path and hit the ++4TH++ cage. Shoot at the stalactite on your
right and, while avoiding the breath of fire, jump on it to reach the farther
platforms and grab the ==17TH== and ==18TH== YLs xhich were in the cage and a
As you continue, hit the column's SP to break it and create a bridge. Do that
a second time and fly to the next platform. Continue, jump over the breath of
fire, and once again, hit the stalactite. Then jump on the round platform,
which will take you on the next area. Jump on some blocks to reach the
++5TH++ cage and the ==19TH==, ==20TH== and ==21ST== YLs which are inside.
Continue, don't worry about the little spiders and hit the PL to cross the
pit and get a GL. Follow the path and jump on the round platform. As you
approach the first breath of fire, hit the stalactite and jump on it before
getting back on the moving platform. Do that a second time and jump on the
Go to the right and you'll end up in a room with three fragile doors. Begin
by breaking the right one to get some RLs and recover your energy. Then break
the middle one to get the ++6TH++ cage and the ==22ND==, ==23RD==, ==24TH==
and ==25TH== YLs which are inside. You can also take the three PFs and some
more RLs. Then break the last door to meet a Giant spider. If you took the
PFs, two shots should be enough to kil it. Follow the path on which the
spider was and take the GL. Now get ready for a super Shell ride!!! Touch the
sleeping Shell and do what you have to do... After the looping, keep pressing
B to go faster and jump over the two pits. The last section of this ride may
cause some troubles, 'cos sometimes, when you jump, you just crash while
landing...that's quite frustrating, but don't give up! Anyway, if you survive
up to the end, breakthe door and enter the path.

      In this area, if you look down the gap, you should recognize this
place... Anyway, cross the gap by walking on the trunk and continue to take
the ==26TH== and ==27TH== YLs. Now you can get down and take a Plum to get
back to where you met Murfy. Now you can continue on the lava, taking the
other path. (Remember, when you arrived there, I told you to take the left
path. Now just take the right one.)

      As you follow the stream, immediatly jump on the platform on the right,
and fall down on the metal foot-bridge. Kill the Henchmen on the other side
and fly to where he was. Then just follow the path to reach the ++7TH++ cage
and get a SYL. (28TH, 29TH, 30TH, 31ST and 32ND YLs.) Now get back to where
you fought the Henchmen and fly to the smallest platform at the end of the
There, if you look down, you can persieve a narrow enter. Fly to it and enter
this new area. There, you may find a strange spider which looks like very
shy. Although it looks like quite congenial and inoffensive, you will have to
kill it... In order to do this crual deed, walk in the opposite dirrection it
is, and it should uncover to follow you. So, quickly turn round and shoot at
it. Do that a few times to kill this poor little thing and get a Plum.
(I killed someone for a Plum !?!) Anyway, take it and place it next to the
enter you couldn't reach because it was too high. Jump on it and enter the
path to reach a very quite canion. Continue, take the ==33RD== YL on the
pillar, and pass through the floor.

      You immediately get a Plum. Stand on it and follow the path of lava
staying on the darker part of it. After a few turns, go as far to the left as
you can to get the ==34TH== YL. A few yards further, right before the
lavafall, jump and fly to get the row of RLs, a SYL (35TH, 36TH, 37TH, 38TH
and 39TH YLs.) and a GL, to finally land on another Plum. Then avoid some
roots coming out from the walls and ceiling.
In the second part, immediatly go to the left and jump on the large platform.
There, place a Plum under the high ==40TH== YL and jump on the Plum to reach
it. On your Plum, continue going down the lava river and keep your left to
get the ==41ST== YL. Then, on the right wall, you may notice a narrow tunnel.
Follow it, jump on the trampolin webs, and follow a web path to reach the
++8TH++ cage, in which is a SYL. (42ND, 43RD, 44TH, 45TH and 46TH YLs.)
At the end of the tunnel, fly down to enter the next door.

      No, the level is still not over... Fly to the platform with the
caterpillar and kill that one. Then take the yellow MS and throw it on the
lower platform. (The one with the rotating breath of fire.) Then take the MS
back, and contiue throwing it down the platforms. As you reach the bottom,
Ignore the PL, and carry the MS down the hallway. NOTE: If your MS falls down
the bottomless pit, go to the lowest platform, and hit the PL which will
carry you back to the top. As you reach a long lava path, pose the MS on the
ground, and hit the Plum on the other side to make it come to you. Then take
the MS, stand on the Plum, and look towards the hall you come from. Now throw
the MS with A, and while it's in mid air, shoot to move to the other side.
Continue carying the MS, and when you enter the next room, go left and pose
the yellow MS on it's base.

     You just opened a new path in this room, and the cinematic showed you
where the blue MS was waiting for you. Go on the other side of the ava sream,
and jump on some blocks to enter a door. Yes, you've already been there, but
another cinematic showed you that a new path at the end of the slope has been
opened. So take a Plum and use it to get down the slope, and enter the fresh
new path. Ohh great; another lava slope! Jump on the Plum and as you approach
the end of it, hit the wall three times to break it and jump into the wall.
Jump on the thin collumns up to the other side and get the GL. Now a bobslake
party! Continuously slow down pulling down the stick, and, after two sharp
bends, try to grab the ==47TH== YL. At the end of the first part, quickly
jump and hith PL to reach the second part of the slope, which is very short.

      You ended up in the room with MS the bases. When looking towars the
center of the room, fly to the blocks on the right to get the ==48TH== YL,
and finaly reach the blue MS. Throw it down and place it on it's base.
You woke Umber up! Also, next to the blue base is a PL. Use it to get back on
the higher blocks. Jump on one of the two highest block, and from there, fly
to Umber's head, taking the ==49TH== YL. Then he begins walking towards the
stairs. Jump on them beore you drown in the lava with him! Then, when you're
upstairs, immediately go to the left to get the ==50TH== and last YL.

     In a cinematic, Rayman gets the second mask and gives it to Polokus.

                            LEVEL 10 FINISHED!!!!!!

      ------------------LEVEL 11 : THE ECHOING CAVES-------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 5
>Special: Nothing

      In the level's introduction, you see a Henchmen entering a cave.
If Rayman wants to acces the cave too, he will have to activate four switches
before opening the door. The icon at the bottom right of ths screen shows
the number of switches you have activated.

      Kill the Henchmen that was waiting for you, and go up the stairs
leading to the wooden cabin. There, hit the first switch and stand on the
platform to fly up to a further one and fall down the pit. Get in the water
and swim throughout the under water tunnel to reach the second switch. After
hitting it, come back on the other side of the tunnel, grab a Plum, and throw
it at the Obelix dude's head. Then jump on him and climb up the two nets.
There you get a SYL. (1ST, 2ND, 3RD, 4TH and 5TH YLs.)
Fall down and look around for a large gap and two pillars. Jump on them to
reach the other side and follow the path to find a SYL behind a large tree.
(6TH, 7TH, 8TH, 9TH and 10TH YLs.) Then you can fall down the deep pit.
Kill the Henchmen, and hit the third switch he was sanding next. Go on the
other side and hit the big red button to raise the columns up. Then jump on
the higest one to reach a higer platform and climb up the net. Follow the
path and take the GL. Jump on the first flying platform and wait for it to
raise, before flying to the next one. When the second one is higher, jump
back above the first on to get a SYL. (11TH, 12TH, 13TH, 14TH and 15TH YLs.)
Then continue jumping on the flying platforms to reach the solid round.
There, climb up the net, and as you enter the cabin, hit the red button to
open the door. Hit the fourth and last switch and walk on the wooden bridge
to reach a SYL. (16TH, 17TH, 18TH, 19TH and 20TH YLs.) Now you can fall down
and enter the underground door.

      As you enter the cave, take a Keg and throw it on the door with a SP on
it to destroy it and reach the ++1ST++ cage. Go back take another Keg and as
you look forward the water, light it on by touching the torch. As you're
flying on you barel, try to grab the ==21ST==, ==22ND== and ==23RD== YLs.
Then aim for the ++2ND++ cage at te top of the wooden tower, and jump off the
barrel before hitting it. By opening the cage, you got the ==24TH==, ==25TH==
and ==26TH== YLs. Then climb down the net and jump on the pirate flag to
reach the highest wooden planks and the ==27TH== YL at the end of it.
While falling on a smaller platform under you, grab the ==28TH== YL.

Enter the Fairy Glade:
Now fall on the lowest platform and take a Keg to light it on and use it as a
rocket again. Head for the right o the pillar to get the ==29TH== YL, and
then try to grab the ==30TH TO 35TH== YLs on your path and aim for the small
enter an the top left of the large wall. If you haven't done it yet, fall
down the pit and reffer to the Fairy Glade walkthrough. Then come back to the
enter of the hall and fall down, and then get on the platform on the right.
Stand at the edge of the platform, lLet the Obelix dude run at you, and jump
before he hits you to make him fall in the piranha infested water.
Take a Keg, and as you light it on with the torch, aim for the switch on the
other side and press A before hitting it. Now enter the door you just opened
next to where the Keg was.

      Take a Keg and, while under the ++3RD++ cage, throw it with A to open
it. Once again, use a Keg as a rocket and stay as low as possible to get the
row o three YLs: ==36TH==, ==37TH== and ==38TH== ones. Follow the tunnel and
at the end, hit A to leave the Keg and land on some wooden planks. Kill the
Henchmen and jump on the net to get the ==39TH== YL and hang on an higer net.
From there, you can hit the ++4TH++ cage. Fall down and get back to where you
left the rocket to percive a big red button. Hit it to open to metal gate and
quickly follow the path of wooden planks, taking the ==40TH== YL, and using
the Keg as a rocket. Along the tunnel, you can get the ==41ST TO 47TH== YLs.
Hit A to leave the rocket and hang on the net. Quickly get on the wooden
planks and use a last rocket up to the next platform, taking the ==48TH== and
==49TH== YLs. There, jump on the cabin's roof and take the ==50TH== YL.

You can also hit the ++5TH++ cage to free a Teensie, which will open the MD
and allow you to finish the level 11.

        -------------------LEVEL 12 : THE PRECIPICE-------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 6
>Special: Nothing, really...

      Ok, this level gets my vote for the worst level in the game! It's just
runnig on falling bridges for about 5 minutes! It's so linear, the cages and
YLs are just on your way, and you can't miss them! If you're having some
troubles finding the YLs, just open your eyes!! I tell you! You cant miss
them! Anyway, I'll list the number of YLs and cages you can get in each part
of the level.

      Part one: ++1ST++, ++2ND++ and ++3RD++ cages and ==1ST TO 10TH== YLs.

      Part two (the sinking tower): ++4TH++ and ++5TH== cages and ==11TH TO
                                    25TH== YLs.

      Part three: while flying, grab the ==26TH TO 40TH== YLs. Then kill the
                  Henchmen to open the door and acces the ++6TH++ cage to
                  free the Teensie. Then go to the far left and follow the
                  path to get two SYLs. (==41ST to 50TH== YLs.) Now you can
                  pass through the MD, located where you hit the last cage.
                  Level 12 finished. (Yeah, already.)

    -------------------LEVEL 13 : THE TOP OF THE WORLD-------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 2
>Special: Nothing

      The first part of this level is quite short and linear too. Make the
Obelix dude fall in the gap and sit on his chair. GO! Use the stick to turn
around and, while avoiding hitting something with your head, try to get the
YLs. In this first part of the level, grab the ==1ST TO 33RD== YLs.

      You end up in a hall with a guy in a barrel which electrifys you as
soon as he sees you. In order to kill that one, hit him by making you shots
bounce on the wall. Then continue, taking the ==34TH== YL on your right,
avoid the rolling barrels and climb up the net. Now you reach a room filled
with tons of wooden boxes. Take a Keg on your right and throw it at the
barrel man to kill him earnestly. Then hit the ++1ST++ cage to get the
==35TH==, ==36TH== and ==37TH== YLs. By jumping on some boxes, you also can
get the ==38TH== YL, and jumping over a small pit next to a wall, you also
get the ==39TH== YL. The come back to take another Keg and go to the far left
(as if you were entering the room) to find a room with a large gap and a
moving platform over it. Stand on the platform and as you reach the other
side, throw the Keg on the door to destroy it and enter the next room.
There, you meet a Teensie, which will open the MD for you. You also find the
==40TH== YL and some PFs. Come back to where the gap was and hang on the web
to get the ==41ST== and reach the other side again. The Teensie should show
you the path. So continue and get the ==42ND== YL before climbing up the net.

      Use the first technique again to kill the barrel man and get to where
he was to grab the ==43RD== and ==44TH== YLs. Then follow the hall to reach
another room full of boxes. At the end of it, you may find the ++2ND++ cage.
Hit it to get the ==45TH==, ==46TH== and ==47TH== YLs. Also, jump on the box
next to this cage to get the ==48TH== YL. Jumping on the boxes at the
entrence of this room, you also get the ==49TH== YL. Between them is the
==50TH== one. Then continue and go up the stairs to reach the MD, wich should
have been opend by the Teensie. Level 13 finished.

     ------------LEVEL 14 : THE SANCTUARY OF ROCK AND LAVA--------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 7
>Special: Nothing

      If you go to the left, Ly suggest you to race her a second time race.
This section is described later in the FAQ.

      So follow the bridges and jump on the net to fight a Henchmen.
Then jump on the floating barrel and, after killing some Zombie Chickens,
jump on the wooden bridge to get a GL. Follow the path, avoiding the rooling
Kegs and use the PL to fly up to the window. From there, fly to the path on
the swamp and follow the path to the left (on the right is just a RL),
killing these jelly eyes, to reach some giant turtle shells. Jump on them to
reach a broken bridge. If you turn up, you may find the ++1ST++ cage. Hit it
to free a PL, allowing you to cross the bridge, at the end of which are a GL
and some PFs. After killing the Henchmen and the orde of jelly eyes, move
around to get the ==1ST==, ==2ND==, ==3RD==, ==4TH== and ==5TH== YLs.
Then enter the next door and follow the hall to get a GL. Go up the slopes,
killing the caterpillars, and when upside, jump over the barrier to hit the
++2ND++ cage while flying to get a SYL. (6TH, 7TH, 8TH, 9TH and 10TH YLs.)
Come back upstairs and enter the next door.

      Jump on the platform on your right and after killing the small
caterpillars, jump on the carved wall to hang on it. At the top of it are the
==11TH==, ==12TH== and ==13TH== YLs. Continue to the left and shoot on the
roots to make them go back in their walls. After crossing the lava pit,
turn round and shoot at the ++3RD++ cage. Then continue following the hall to
reach a room with a strange purple flying platform in the middle of it.
After taking the ==14TH==, ==15TH== and ==16TH== YLs, jump on the platform.
As it takes you to some other place, keep sooting at the roots. Right after
the lava pit, the ==17TH==, ==18TH== and ==19TH== YLs that were into the cage
should come to you.
After a while, you enter a large gap in the root-textured ground. Hit the
wall a few times to destroy it, and as the platform is beig engulfed by a
breath of fire, jump on the solid ground to get the ==20TH== YL and a GL.
Jump on the next flying platform and as your platform id once again engulfed,
fly up to the next one. You also got the ==21ST== YL. Destroy another wall
and while shooting on some other roots, get the ==22ND== and ==23RD== YLs.
Then, as your platform disappears, activate your helicopter and, while
flying, get the ==24TH== and ==25TH== YLs before landing on the ground and
getting a GL.

      Then, jump on the floating trunks, and while on the two last ones,
shoot on the ++4TH++ cage hanging under another platform. Then jump on it,
avoiding the breath of fire to get the ==27TH==, ==28TH== and ==29TH== YLs
that were into the cage. Jump on the next platform and follow th path to get
the ==30TH== YL. There, hit the switch on the pilliar in the middleof the
room to create a new platform, allowing you to enter the door on the other

      Jump on the small platform to get the ==31ST== YL before flying to the
large rotating platform and getting the ==32ND== YL. There, keep under a
platform above you to cross the lava fall and jump on a small plaform against
the wall to get the ==33RD== YL. Climb up the carved wall to get the ==34TH==
and ==35TH== YLs to stand on a higher platform and get the ==36TH== YL.
From there, you can hit the ++5TH++ cage, and the ==37TH==, ==38TH== and
==39TH== YLs that were inside should come to you. Then jump on the highest
part of the roating platform to reach two stable ones. Jump on them to get
the ==40TH== YL and shoot on the switch to open the door and enter it.
Then follow the hall, killing the black demons to get the ==41ST== and
==42ND== YLs. Jump over the root-mud filled pit and hit the switch to open
the door in tront of a root and quickly pass through it. Then Turn to your
left and jump off, engaging your helicopter quickly. Once out past the edge,
turn around and you'll find a carving that you can hang on to. Tere, take the
==43RD== and ==44TH== YLs, and climb up to get back on the path. Follow this
path to take the ==45TH== YL. Then jump on the newt platform when the moving
wall is in, turn around to hit the ++6TH++ cage, and as you quickly jump back
on the platform you come from, you get the ==46TH==, ==47TH== and ==48TH==
YLs that were into the cage.
Then continue jumping all kind of platforms to reach a GL. Continue, and
while on the floating trunks hit the switch to wake a small platform appear,
allowing to jump on the one with the moving wall. Finaly, follow the hall to
reach the last room. Behind the two pillars are the ==49TH== and ==50TH==
YLs. Then stand in front of the MD stone, and shoot at it to make you punch
rebound and hit the ++7TH++ cage above you. You just freed (is that an IV?)
the Teensie, which should open the MD, allowing you to finish the level 13.


>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 4
>Special: Get the "fly" Silver Lum.

      Aahh, the Teensies again. If you have gathered 475 YLs, they may let
you "enter the new worlds" You also meet your Ly the fairy. She has two news
for you. The good one: she has gathered enough power to give you a Silver
Lum. Now you can fly with your helicopter! The bad new is that your mission
quest harder. (Which I think is not a so bad new...)

      As Ly leaves, you can at last try your new flying stuff! If you're
short of health, fly to the platform on the other side and take the row of
RLs. You may also want to reach the cage you see through a grid. To do so,
fly under the place you met Ly and hit the door to break it. Then just follow
the tunnel, avoiding the root, and you finally reach the ++1ST++ cage. Hit it
to get the ==1ST==, ==2ND== and ==3RD== YLs.
Now come back in the first room and fly through the larg hole in the ceiling.
Then, avoiding touching the partitions and getting hit by a black demon or a
root, follow the tunnel to get the ==4TH== YL and reah some solid ground.
Then fly again to the next tunnel and get the ==5TH== YL above a breath of
fire. (now a powerful fan prevents you from coming back) Right after the
large lava fall, get the GL and continue flying on the right on the tunnel to
avoid the rotating breath of fires, and get the ==6TH== YL behind a root.
Then break the blocks by hitting them. Do that a second time and take the
==7TH== YL on the left of the first lava fall. Then on the two pillars are
the ==8TH== and ==9TH== YLs. A few yards further, hit the ++2ND++ cage
hanging under a bridge to get the ==10TH==, ==11TH== and ==12TH== YLs.
Above the bridge is the ==13TH== YL, and a bit further are the ==14TH== and
==15TH== YLs. Then you find a kind of pillar hanging from the ceiling above
some fragile blocks. Behind this pillar is a SYL. (16TH, 17TH, 18TH, 19TH and
20TH YLs.) Now fly in front of the pillar's nail and hit it to make your
shots rebounb on the fragile ground. When the blocks are broken, fall down
the pit.

      Once again, a fan will make you fly very fastly. When you reach the
lavafalls, go to the right to grab the ==21ST== YL, and a few lavafall
further, the ==22ND== one. After these lavafalls, grab the ==23RD== YL, and
keep flying on the left to get the ==24TH== one above a pillar. Then pass
under the next pillar and try to grab the ==25TH== YL. After getting the GL,
grab the ==26TH==, ==27TH== and ==28TH== YLs. Then, fly as far to the left as
you can to grab the ==29TH== YL and reach the solid ground. At the end of the
tunnel, fly to hit the ++3RD++ and ++4TH++ cages. Into each of them is a SYL.
(30TH, 31ST, 32ND, 33RD and 34TH; and 35TH, 36TH, 37TH, 38TH and finaly 39TH
Now come back to the roots-tunnel and immediately fly to the right to grab
the ==40TH== YL. Some more yards futher, above a root is a SYL. (41ST, 42ND,
43RD, 44TH and 45TH YLs.) A bit furthe is another SYL. (46TH, 47TH, 48TH,
49TH and 50TH YLs.) Then a cinematic shows Rayman entering a large, full of
lava room. While he's looking around, a big lava-rock-monster arises behind
him, and knocks our hero down a deep gap.

     Boss : Foutch: Unuseful to shoot at him. Your only hope is to run away!
            So run as fast as you can and jump to avoid his fire shots.
            In order to kill him, jump on the webs to bounce and shoot at the
            giant stalactits hanging from the bridges to make them fall on
            Foutch's head. (outch!!) Make him eat three of these rocks to
            kill him. As he dies, take the RLs he leaves and jump on one of
            the webs to bounce and hit a PL. Then land on a bridge and enter
            the tower to fall down the gap.

      Follow the hall and watch the cinematic showing Rayman getting the
third Mask and giving it to Polokus. Level 15 finished.

     ------------------LEVEL 16 : TOMB OF THE ANCIENTS------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 51
>Cages: 6
>Special: Get a super secret lums!!
          Rescue Clark

      As you enter the level, go down the giant stairs (no, you can't fly
anymore...), and you may read on a sign that Clark has been captured. You will
have to help him once again. Jump on the platform in the center of that room
to find the ++1ST++ cage, and hit it to get the ==1ST==, ==2ND==, ==3RD== and
==4TH== YLs. In the same room, hit the switch to open the door, allowing you
to enter the swamps. A giant spider should come to play with you.
After showing her who is the strongest, continue and take the ==5TH TO 10TH==
YLs standing around a large gap. Fall down this gap and hit the switch it the
coffin (don't lose your time trying to kill these spiders.) before cilmbing
up the web. Then jump on the block over the mud, avoiding the piranhas,
to fall down a hole. (and stop that annoying music).
Climb up the web and immediately go to the left. As you get on the stone
path, kill the Henchmen and hit the guy into his chest to get on the floating

bones. Then jump to hit the spider standing on the chest and kill it.
When the job is done, fly to the web wall and climb it to the top right to
jump on the mast and hit the switch. Now you can come back to the hall and
get a GL. Continue and go to the right to enter another mud area and follow
the path to reach a cemetery. (avoid touching these ghost fumes; they're so
stinky that you could lose some energy.) Anyway, after killing the Henchmen,
go to the end of the cemetery and hit a switch behind one of the tombs.
Then come back to the hall, climb up the web and follow the hall to get a GL.
Now jump on the floating platforms you raised by hitting the switches to
reach the other side and climb up the web. Instead of just falling down the
pit, place yourself at the edge of the wall, to the left. (when facing the
poisonous pond.) Then fly over the pond and go as far to the left as possible
to find a narrow hall in the wall, and land on the platform. Now go down the
stairs to get a GL. On the other side of this room is a kind of giant skull,
in the eyes of which are two Henchmen. Hit them with some power shots to kill
them and raise the first platform on the poisonous water. As you jump on this
platform, two other Henchmens will appear in the skull. Repeat the operation
to raise the second platform, and kill these annoying two last Henchmest to
finally jump on the web. Then just jump through the left eye of the skull
to get the ==S=E=C=R=E=T== YL, and go down the slope to fall down a gap.

      In this room, repeteadly hit the cogwheels to raise the gate, and
quickly get on the other side to jump on a floating barrel. As it takes you
farther, jump on another barrel to finaly climb up a web and kill a Henchmen.
Then just hit the red button to switch off the electric door and continue to
get a GL. Now run on the fragile bridges and jump on a floating platform.
Wait for the lazer to be up and continue to get on another barrel. Climb on
the web and got to the left to reach a wooden bridge. After lighting a keg
on, try to grab the ==11TH==, ==12TH== and ==13TH==, and land on the wooden
platfom. From there, you can hit the ++4TH++ cage to free a PL. Use it to
come back on the other side, and light a keg on again. This time, for the
narow tunnel at the top left of the wall, and as soon as you entered it,
leave you rocket by pressing A. Then fall down the pit.

      Light a keg on and land on the first wooden platform to follow the web
path a get some RLs. Then light aother keg on to land on the platform on the
other side. Go to the far left of this platform (when facing the wall) to hit
the ++5TH++ cage and get two SYLs. (14TH, 15TH, 16TH, 17TH and 18TH; and
19TH, 20TH, 21ST, 22ND and finaly 23RD YLs.) Then, after killing the
Henchmen, fall down the hole to land on a floating barrel, which will lead
you to a web. Hang on it and, while shooting the Zombie Chickens, go take the
==24TH== YL and get on another barrel. On your way, look for a PL on your
right and use it to hang on a web wall. Climb it up and get on the beam to
find another PL. Use this PL to get on the other side of the beam and hit the
++5TH++ cage, in which are two other SYLs. (25TH, 26TH, 27TH, 28TH and 29TH;
and 30TH, 31ST, 32ND, 33RD and 34TH YLs) Then follow the path of PLs, and
take the row of RLs and get a GL, before climb up the net. A spider was
waiting for you up there... After killing it, hit the cogwheels to open the
grid and fall down the pit.

      Jump on the wooden platform to the right to get a GL and get on the
floating barrel again. Jump to get the ==35TH== YL, and as you approach the
electric wall, hit the red button to switch it off. Then, jump to get the
==36TH==, ==37TH== and ==38TH== YLs, before swithching off another electric
wall, jumping to get the ==39TH== and ==40TH== YLs, switching off a third
electric wall, and finaly reaching another floating barrel. In order to
avoid the kegs the Henchmen is throwing at you, fump from a barrel to
another. When you finaly reach a platform with a GL, climb up the net and as
you enter the next room, kill the Henchmen. (Feel free to throw the kegs at
him; it's very powerful.) Then take a Keg and go up the stairs to detroy the
door and hit the ++2ND++ cage to get two SYLs. (41ST, 42ND, 43RD, 44TH and
45TH; and 46TH, 47TH, 48TH, 49TH and finaly 50TH YLs.) Now you can hit the PL
to hang on the net and climb it to fall down the pit.

      Follow the path and hit the switch to open the metal door.
In a cinematic, we can see the Clark fellow being remotely controlled by a
badie. The evil beeing will make you friend trying to kill you. As Clark runs
to you like dumb, hit the three red buttons to switch a lazer on. Then go on
the other side of it than Clark is, and make him fall down. As he lies on the
ground, hit him to break the recieving set on his back. Once it's destroyed,
Clark comes back to normal and takes you on his shoulders. While you're
there, hit the ++6RD++ cage to free a Teensie, which should open the MD.

Level 16 finished.

      -------------------LEVEL 17 : THE IRON MOUNTAIN-------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 50
>Cages: 3
>Special: Nothing

      For the last time, show the Teensies you have gathered 550 YLs to
enter the new worlds...

      At the begining of the bridge, look at your right to see a PL. Hit it,
and fly to the two other ones to get the ==1ST TO 6TH== YLs. Then continue
following the bridge to enter the large pipe, plish plash in the water, and
climb up the net, and enter one of the most frustrating room of the game...
Anyway, use the PL to get on the rotating platform, and try to get the GL.
Then grab the ==7TH TO 12TH== YLs. Now you are suposed to hti the two
switches to switch off the electric barrier. The problem is that, for some
reason, unlike every other switches or ennemi in the game, one of these two
switches doesn't attract your shot, making it very hard to hit. When you
finaly managed to hit them both (or, as for me, the game buged and let you
pass through the electric door), follow the pipe and land on the grass.

      As you progress, you will have to fight two Henchmens, near a piranha
infested pond. After killing them, jump on the wooden box to get some PFs,
continue on the wooden path, enter the tunnel, and once again, kill two
Henchmens. Then climb up the boxes tower and gran the ==13TH== YL, before
flying up to the large wooden platform. There, jump and shoot at the ++1ST++
cage to free three YLs. Now get back on the grass and climb the boxes tower
again to get the ==14TH==, ==15TH==, and ==16TH== YLs that were into the
cage. Then fly to the wooden platform again, to hit the switch and open the
After killing another Henchmen, climb up the net to get the GL, and get on a
large platform. Look down at your right to see a river and some small
platforms over it. As you reach the first one, power-shoot a few times the
Henchmen to kill it (jump to avoid his shots), and fly to the next platform
on your right. There, jump and shot to hit the ++2ND++ cage, and get the
==17TH==, ==18TH== and ==19TH== YLs. After jumping on some other platforms,
fly to the mongolfier, and land in it. High, high, high in the sky....
Huh, sorry...  Anyway, for some reason I can't explain, Rayman jumps off
the baloon...

      In this area lives a giant mechanical cotcot-chicken (!) (hmmmm,
chicken :). Each time it jumps, the four menhirs raise, and you see a YL
under each of them. Stand onto a wooden box, and wait for it to fump,
allowing you to enter the tunnel and slide down the slope, and enter the
place of our dreams: the reformatory for disturbing children... Anuway,
follow the path to the right, and as you reach the Obelix dude, quickly jump
on the right and let him fall down the pit. Go up the stairs and, wihle on
the bridge, look around to percieve a door with a SP. Hit that SP to break
the door and free some of Globox's kidds. They will help you later.
Now continue crossing the bridge, and hit the ++3RD++ cage to free a SYL.
(20TH, 21ST, 22ND, 23RD and 24TH YLs.). Then continue, go down the stairs,
and stand on another jumping box to reach a tunnel.

      Ok, there we are... The super rocket run. As you exit the tunnel,
instead of just following the arrows, explore the beams to find two SYLs
(25TH, 26TH, 27TH, 28TH and 29TH YLs; and 30TH, 31ST, 32ND, 33RD and finaly
34TH YLs.) and the 35TH YL. Now you can follow the arrows to reach an area
with a large door, a metal bridge, and two switches. Just run on the switches
to activate them and open the door. This stupid chicken may think you're a
worm, or something to eat... So, as he's runing at you, try to make him run
over the four menhirs to make him destroy them, allowing you to get the
==36TH==, ==37TH==, ==38TH== and ==39TH== YLs.  Then, still on your cocket,
look for a metal broken bridge leading to a small mountain. Jump over the
holes on the bridge to enter a new area.

      There, jump onto the floating box to get the ==40TH== YL, and grab a
Plum. Throw your Plum on the grass, and quickly go grab it again to throw it
on the higer platform. Then grab it and place it under the SYL. Now jump on
the Plum and jump to get the SYL. (41ST, 42ND, 43RD, 44TH and 45TH YLs.)
Leave the Plum there, and get back at the water edge to see a PL. Hit it to
get on the pipe, and go on the other side to find another SYL. (46TH, 47TH,
48TH, 49th and 50TH YLs.) Now fly to the small ship, and then to the wooden
bridge. Follow the hall to find another bridge (watch out, these holes on the
bridge are hard to see), to finaly meet Uglette, Globox's wife...
She tells you that her babies have been taken to the mines by the pirates,
to imprison them in cages. The pirates have also captured Glonox to take him
to the Prison Ship.
If you've never piloted a pirate ship before, it's now or never!
As you follow the canion, you first find the south mine. When you reach a
kind of broken ship, shoot at it with B to destroy it completely, allowing
you to continue, and reach a crossroad. Take the middle path to reach the
north mine, and rescue some other babies. Then you arrive the west mine.
When you arrive to the crossroad again, take the middle path and destroy the
broken ship to reach the east mine and rescue the last babies.
Now that you've rescued all the babies (congratullations, you're a great
sailor!), bring them back to Uglette.

     A baby gives you the fourth mask he found in a mine. After giving it to
polokus, he gives you the maximum power! Level 17 finished.

       -------------------LEVEL 18 : THE PRISON SHIP-------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 94
>Cages: 0
>Special: Last "real" level

      The last level already...This is your chance to finaly kick Razorhead's
butt. Well, not really...you will actually have to fight his robot.
But first, let's make this level. The level is mainly composed by bobslake
and rocket flying.

The bobslake: I can't really help you here. Just jump when you have to jump,
              and take the ==1ST TO 21ST== YLs in the first part. When you
              enter the second part, immmediately hit the switch on your
              right to switch off the lazers. After having gotten the
              ==22ND TO 48TH== YLs, hit anoter switch on your left to create
              a new path. Then grab the ==49TH==, ==50HT== and ==51ST== YLs
              before hitting a switch an creating another path. Take the
              ==52ND==, ==53RD==, ==54TH== and ==55TH== YLs, and hit the
              switch and while in the air, quickly hit aother one to land
              on a narrow path. Then continue to reach the end of the slope,
              and stay to the left or right to slide on the round slope the
              get the ==56TH==, ==57TH==, ==58TH==, ==59TH== and a SYL.
              (60TH, 61ST, 62ND, 63RD and 64TH YLs), before falling in the

      Now you enter a very large lava room. Go ahead and as you get on the
metal foot-bridge, iediately fall on the left to get on the rotating trunk's
support. Then place yourself under the foot-bridge and hang under it to get
a SLY. (65TH, 66TH, 67TH, 68TH and 69TH Yls.) As you reach the other side,
get back on the foot-bridge to find the ==70TH== YL at the end of it.
Then slide down the trunk's support to get the ==71ST== YLs, and land on a
lower metal platform to fight against a very advanced version of Henchmen.
Keep hitting him a few time with power shots to kill him and get some RLs.
Then hit the switch at the end of the platform. Now climb up the metal grid
and come back to the entrence of the room. By hitting the switch, you created
a flying shell generator. Now stand at the end of the foot bridge, and as the
shell reach you, jump and land on it to mount it. Wahoo! This is one of the
best parst of the game! Fly ender the three cheminey's foot-bridges to get
the ==72ND==, ==73RD== and ==74TH== YLs. You can also grab the ==75TH
==76THand ==77TH= YLs by flying close to the lava.
Now fly to the other side's foot-brige to grab the ==78H== and ==79H== YLs
and hit the switch to open the door and enter the next part.

The rocket plane: Things get really harder now, but once again, I can't
                  really help you. Just follow the tunnels to quickly get the
                  ==80TH== TO 89TH== YLs.
                  When you reach a hall where you'r being shot
                  by lazers, there are two ways to finish this part of the
                  level. The easy one (which I recomend you tu use) is to
                  just keep moving to avoid the lazer and enter the tunnel
                  at the other side up to the end. The other one (which is
                  harder) is to exit this hall (where the lazers are) by the
                  left and follow the path of RLs to enter a secret tunnel.
                  Well, I said it was tougher, but it actually make the last
                  part of your flight a bit easier. (I think) In this last
                  part, you also get a SYL (90TH, 91ST, 92ND, 93RD and 94TH
                  YLs.) Anyway, as the flight ends you will finally reach the
                  final fight.

       -------------------LAST LEVEL: THE CROW's NEST-------------------

>Yellow Lumz: 0
>Cages: 0
>Special: Defeat Razorhead

      This is actually the final confrontation. It  would have been so good
to kick Razorbeard's butt...but no, instead of that, you only can fight this
stupid robot! This bastard of Razorbeard used Globox to lure you, but don't
worry, he's gonna be allright. Now fight!

Hint: If you want to save, during the battle, press start and select the
----  "Hall of door" option.

Phase one: This first phase shouldn't cause many troubles. Z-triger him, and
           as he fires three bullets, hit them to make the bounce and hit
           him. When he jumps, run to avoid him to land on you. After
           hitting him a few time, he tryes to jump at you, bu heavy as he
           is, he misses you and passes through the floor.

Phase two: Ly saves you from falling into the lava, and bridngs you to a
           flying shell.
           Fly to the end of one of the two tunnels and take the energy ball
           at the end of it. Then quickly make halfway and hit Glorgoth's
           hands by pressing B and make him fall in the lava. Then he gets
           really angry and shots two missiles at you. In order to avoid
           them, fly very close to a wall to make them hit it and explode.
           Then continue taking energy balls and shooting at him until he
           When his robot is out of order, Razorbeard exits it and activates
           the the autodestuction!

After defeating Grolgoth, enjoy the ending sequence (and the endless
credits), you earned it! If you got all the 999 YLs, you will see your name
as "best player in the credits. Isn't that great?!? no? oh...you're right...

Even if you got the secret Lums in the Tombs of the Ancients level, your only
recompence is a "100%" in the game select menu...

                             Game finished!(?)


      These levels can be cosidered as bonus levels. Ly the Fairy challenges
you to a little race. They aren't very hard, since Ly may even wait for you
if you're in some troubles. You actually don't even have to finish before
her... I won't make a walkthrough for the Yls since, they are just on you
path, and you can't miss them.

Walk of life                          
- Acces via The Bayou
- Yellow Lums needed to enter: 60
- Prize: More Energy
- 50 YLs

Walk of power
- Acces via The Sanctuary of Rock and Lava
- Yellow Lums needed to enter: 450
- Prize: More Life Force and Power
- 50 YLs



-Get the 100%-
     I know I already mentionned it in the walkthrough, but if I don't
mention here too, many people will miss it. So yes, there is a way to get a
1000th lum, and no, it's not the one Razorbeard ate!

To find this 1000th lum, go to the Tombs of the Ancients level, and look for
"Instead of just falling..." in the first part of this level's walkthrough.
We have all hoped for a secret level, but unfortunately, the only thing you
get is a "100%" in the game select screen.... quite disappointing huh?

CREDITS                            CREDITS                           CREDITS


   Thanks a bunch to you all guys for helping me making this FAQ what it is


   - Zodi - zodi@roxxthe.net and Kate and Yan Foutz - foutz@fastlane.net :

                Helped me finding the last cage in the Fairy Glade.
                Zodi also helped me clarifying the bonus stage stuff.
   - Anonymous - Mnthon@aol.com : Helped me finding the last cages and YLs in
                                  the Menhir Hills.

   - Mystic Dragon - MysticDrag0n@aol.com : Helped me finding the 1O last
                                            YLs in the Cave of Bad Dreams.

   - Matt - Lordsrelm@aol.com and Paul Lewis - PLewis@pgaero.co.uk :

                Helped me clarifying the Guardian's slope in the Cave of Bad

   - Anonymous - vincenzoag@aol.com : Figured out how many Lums you need to
                                      enter levels 5 and 10.

   - Jeffrey Bradzell - jbardzel@indiana.edu : Gave me a hint for the Whale
                                               Bay level.

   - Mark Johnson - profound_s@hotmail.com : Helped me finding the last YLs
                                             in the Sanctuary of Stone and
                                             Lava level.

   - John - John.Camp@he.wpafb.af.mil : Helped me clarifying the Sanctuary
                                        of Lava and Fire level.


   - www.gamefaqs.com : They accepted to put my FAQ on their site.

   - http://vgstrategies.about.com : Idem

   - www.cheatcc.com : Idem

   - www. n64cc.com : Idem

   - www.ubisoft.com: Helped me findin out how to get the secret lums.

SOME RULES                       SOME RULES                       SOME RULES


    This FAQ is property of me, David Wouters. Don't put it on your site
without clearly mentioning my name. (please ask before doing that!) Don't put
your name instead of mine. Don't sell it or use it by mean of financial
profit or publish it in a magazine. If you transgress any of these rules,
you'd better have a good lawyer...

Copyright C 1999/2000 David Wouters
All rights reserved

Much thanks to Revolution reader David Wouters! 

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