Carmageddon TDR 2000 PC Cheats

Hit ~ and type any of the following cheat codes:
Code                 Result 
hereComesTrouble     Enable Cheat Codes 
openLevelsGuv        All Levels 
cash Increase        Money (+$10,000) 
invincible           God Mode 
ai on/off            AI On/Off 
setCar (CARNAME)     Change Your Car to (CARNAME) 
makeai (CARNAME)     Create Opponent (CARNAME)
lastcheckpoint       Completes all the checkpoints except the last one
wasteAll             Waste all the cars
lastlap              start the game with all the laps (except the last one) completed
damage_multiplier X  increase your damage (X= number)

Thanks to Revolution readers Fabkill and Fotis Kotsomitopoulos!

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