Hold Alt and type WIN to access Cheat Mode. Now enter the following codes…
At the Colony screen:
Shift + 1 Finish all buildings in city Shift + 2 Town Hall disappears Shift + 4 Get $1000 Shift + 5 100 more of selected cargo Shift + 6 100 more of selection Shift + S Promote colonist Shift + T Add more colonists to city Shift + Space Turn elapses instantly
At the Map screen:
Shift + F1 Make colonists Shift + F2 Show debug info Shift + F4 Full map Shift + F5 Set human player Shift + F6 Kill natives Shift + F7 Advance revolution status Shift + F8 See strategy Shift + F9 See colony site ranking Shift + F10 Test routine
Thanks to Revolution readers Julian, Ramunas Dansevichus, Sam Roberts, ChRiS
MaLzAhN, Luis Alejandro Delgado, Enrique Wiechers, Niko Vuokko and Alan Giffard!