Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel FAQ

             FALLOUT TACTICS

- FAQ V2.5 -
by Guiler (J Novakouski - guilersk@earthlink.net)

This guide may be reproduced only with my permission, for non-profit 
purposes only. You may download, save, modify, or use this for
personal reasons only, but I would appreciate that you send any
suggestions and updates to me, guilersk@earthlink.net to help make
this the best FAQ it can be. If you would like to post a copy of this 
on your fansite, email me at guilersk@earthlink.net. In addition, 
if you do so, I will automatically send you any updates I have made.

FALLOUT TACTICS is (c) 2001 Interplay Entertainment Corp

This is by no means complete, but it ought to help you
play the game. If you know of something that I don't,
drop me a line at guilersk@earthlink.net and I'll
credit you for it. 

Note that while these people get credit for sending stuff in,
they might not want to be badgered with emails, so you're best off
sending questions and suggestions directly to me at:

Special thanx to the following contributors:
"Adam Shahid" mantispid@technologist.com)
Alastair Hutcheson (ali_qzx@yahoo.com)
André Devaux (andre.devaux@iac.unibe.ch)
Andres J. (Orkperson@aol.com)
Andrew Lusk-Hahn (ajlusk@yahoo.com)
Andy (AndiEQ@gmx.de)
"Angus Lai" (sakuragk@home.com)
"Arthur B. Byrne" (abb3w@mindspring.com)
"Ashley K. Lovins" (aklovins@earthlink.net)
Benjamin Winston (lemurking@hotmail.com)
Booga (blaze@cx.net)
Booze Miller (karnovbox@hotmail.com)
brian (brian@natescape.com)
Rafal Kubat (prozacbob@home.com)
chad athey (ice_b_chilly88@hotmail.com)
Chaltione Bonkfriks (chaltione@netcom.no)
Charles J DeVito (rhe1@gte.net)
Chew, Christopher (XSSC SGP) (Christopher.chew@xssc.sgp.xerox.com)
Chris Calvert (darkw0lf@vampirehunter.com)
Chris Lynch (chris_lynch@cyberus.ca)
"Chris Pendergrass" (cpndrgrs@earthlink.net)
Christoph (veitc000@mail.uni-mainz.de)
Clown (zion99@pacific.net.sg)
Colin (colin2@TOOLKITMAIL.COM)
"Daniel Caine" (Dan.Caine@btinternet.com)
Danny Hioe (rajasinga@satumail.com)
David Ng (chemgear@hotmail.com)
David S. (Pyro139989@aol.com)
Dhany Permana (dhany@dhany.com)
"Edward Adams" (eadams_01@yahoo.co.uk)
Ferri (babeh@pacific.net.sg)
Forrest (wee_wee@pacific.net.sg)
Gabriel (arkangyl@bellsouth.net)
Garred Whalen (gfishfunk@hotmail.com)
Garry Upton (unclegarry@cei.net)
Gilkey, Gregory (gsg@lucent.com)
Glenn M. Sanford (sanfordphd@mac.com)
Grev (grevinator1@hotmail.com)
Houston Bruck (hbruck321@hotmail.com)
iweird (iweird77@hotmail.com)
Jason Salem (res06fsh@gte.net)
Jason Wang (darkstrangefox@yahoo.com)
Jeffrey Ross (jwr208@is9.nyu.edu)
Jim "ShowLow" Sorrick (showlo@cybertrails.com)
Joiro Hatagaya (joiro@latnet.lv)
Jonas Karlsson (sweet_jonas@hotmail.com)
Josemaria Hernandez (jmh53@cornell.edu)
Justin Cramer (thinredpaste@yahoo.com)
Kam Fung
Keith Steiger (ksteiger@home.com)
Ken Boren (eeroboren@pacific.net.ph)
Kenny Wong (kenjai@netvigator.com)
Kevin Weiser 
Kulsz (Kulsz@aol.com)
Kyriel (kane255@jps.net)
lobar (lobar@home.com)
Louie Imperial (sfvanguard@yahoo.com)
"Marcus Robinson" (sucramuk@hotmail.com)
Matt (mrbilljoe@yahoo.com)
"Matthew wong" (mattwong48@hotmail.com)
Mike Fletcher (callidus69@hotmail.com)
mike perlewitz (yodawon@yahoo.com)
Pak Chung (pchung@vt.edu)
Paradox (paradox@japan.com)
Patrick Bryan (trickzillion@earthlink.net)
Phil Chermak (philchermak@hotmail.com)
Philip L. McMahon (doorguy@doorbot.com)
Phred (phred@guerro.com)
Rajmohan Rajagopalan (mohan@math.cornell.edu)
Ray Macey (raymacey@hotmail.com)
Rick Schneider (ras501@hotmail.com)
Rob Healy (sparky501@earthlink.net)
Rob Knebel (robdalajara@yahoo.com)
Robert Luong (kays8yrold@hotmail.com)
sean wilkins (showcase74@hotmail.com)
Sean Yeo da Syko
Shane Feather (xcaliber1999@aol.com)
Shen Borbe (internet_sniper@hotmail.com)
Shirwyn Dalgliesh (shirwyn@vcn.bc.ca)
Snyder, Adam (ASnyder@wmsgaming.com)
"Teoh Siang Swee" (drekan40@hotmail.com)
"Tom Carlsen" (TomCarlsen@citywestwater.com.au)
"Tomas "Reveille" Rodriguez, Jr." (reveille@shinyboxofdogs.com)
Uliasea (uliasea@aventa.de)
"Vanni Loriggio" (hakkenshi@hotmail.com)
Wansheng Zhu (wz140@hotmail.com)
"Wright, Stephen J" (Stephen.Wright@unisys.com)

ygdrasil (ygdrasil@bcc.com.uz)

And extra thanks to KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com)
for all his help on the special encounters and everything
in general!

-Version History
-Character Creation
-Tough Guy Suggestions (NEW! 2.4)
-Weapons Chart (NEW! 2.3)
-Perk Table (NEW! 2.3)
0.10 L33TISTS
0.14 B-1000
0.20 CPF vs. PFC
0.25 MIR
1.1 BUNKER 1
2.1 BUNKER 2
3.1 BUNKER 3
4.1 BUNKER 4
5.1 BUNKER 5
6.1 BUNKER 6
7.1 BUNKER 7
8.1 BUNKER 8
9.1 BUNKER 9
10.1 BUNKER 10
11.1 BUNKER 11
12.1 BUNKER 12
13.1 BUNKER 13
14.1 BUNKER 14
15.1 BUNKER 15
16.1 BUNKER 16
17.1 BUNKER 17
18.1 BUNKER 18
20.0 VAULT 0

1.0- created, missions 1-4 3/25/2001
1.1- added Preoria (mission 5), Macomb mine trick 3/26/2001
1.2- added Quincy (6) and several player suggestions 3/28/2001
1.3- added Mardin (7) 3/30/2001
1.4- added St. Louis 3/31/2001
1.5- added Jefferson 4/1/2001
1.6- added Osceolla and Junction City 4/4/2001
1.7- added Great Bend and Special Encounters 4/8/2001
1.8- added Coldwater and part of Newton 4/8/2001
1.8.5- added a whole bunch of mail and player suggestions 4/11/2001
1.9- added up to the middle of the last mission 4/16/2001
2.0- complete to end of game. Missing bonus mission (soon) 4/17/2001
2.1- added a WHOOOOOOLE lot of suggestions and a littl bit on the
     patch 4/23/2001
2.2- added more suggestions (bonus mission coming soon!) Also started
     marking updates so you don't have to go looking...4/30/2001
2.3- added bonus mission, weapons table, and perks table 5/12/2001
2.4- updates, added 'bandage' note 5/20/2001
2.5- updates 5/28/2001


For all you Fallout people:
Much as Icewind Dale was the combat version of Baldur's Gate, so this 
is the combat version of Fallout. Your silly skills like science, 
repair, and whatnot have little place here. You're much better off 
picking skills that allow you to be killin' stuff, so to speak.

For all you Laser Squad/XCOM/Jagged Alliance people:
This is a lot more RPG than you've ever had before. Imagine; you can
actually see the amount of experience you've got, and pick the skills 
you want to increase when you level! Because of this customization,
You shouldn't 'throw away' soldiers on suicide missions, as some of
the games listed above need you to do. It's much better to go 
cautiously and retreat crippled soldiers from the field of battle.

As this game is made for killing, I naturally have some suggestions on
how to make a killer character. We want you to excel at the death-
dealing on high levels, so I suggest working towards the 'sniper' 
and/or 'slayer' perks. On the way you should take Bonus Rate of Fire 
(or Bonus HtH if Slayer), Bonus Ranged/HtH Damage (again, depending on 
Sniper or Slayer), More Criticals, Better Criticals, and Sharpshooter 
(if Sniper). If you can't get these, take Action Boy (essential if 
you don't have max agil), Educated, Flexible, Gain (statistic), Swift 
Learner, Packrat, Strong Back, Ranger, or Explorer.


As of 1.0, sniper is worthless, and Better criticals seems worthless too.
I am in the midst of re-evaluating the worth of the perks. 

"Kenny Wong" (kenjai@netvigator.com) writes:

Bonus moves perk is useless in CTB mode. Duh! I made a 
slayer type char with this thinking he'd close in faster when I 
started with TB mode. But in CTB, nothing seems to change.

However, some of these perks have nasty attribute Requirements, which
is a good reason why you should take Gifted. I also suggest Fast Shot,
as Fast Shot and Bonus Rate of Fire means that it costs 2 points to
fire a weapon; with 10 action points, that's 5 shots a round. Keep in mind 
that targetted shots, which is what you lose for taking fast shot, can be 
mighty useful because they give you an increased chance of critical hit, so 
it's really a trade-off; you get more shots, but you don't have a chance to 
take more effective shots.

I suggest the following attributes (with Gifted on):

ST 6 (8 if a Slayer)
PE 8 (absolute minimum 8 if a sniper)
EN 6
CH 5 (more is helpful)
IN 6 (absolute minimum 6 if a sniper)
AG 10(absolute minimum 8 if a sniper or slayer)
LK 6 (for all those critical-based skills)

"Daniel Caine" (Dan.Caine@btinternet.com) adds:

Charisma seems broken, I designed a sniper character (Pe 10) and set 
my CH to 2 I still get all three recruits (more since the patch on the 
first Bunker) as I did with my previous Character who had CH 5. Those 
extra 3 points come in very useful.

On the other hand, since you won't get sniper until the end, you might
want to be a heavy weapons specialist; Fallout Tactics rewards the
heavy weapons person bigtime in this game with the Browning M2,
easily the best long range weapon in the game. The problem is that
it has a strength requirement of 9 and the ammo is hard to come by
and terribly expensive. So in that case, you still want fast shot
(more rounds out per combat turn) but you want more strength (9) and
a bit less of the other stats (endurance can probably suffer here).


I finally beat the game, and got sniper for the 2nd half of the last
mission. It was totally not worth it; the difference between this and
Fallout 2 is unbelievable; I highly suspect that there is a bug that
prevents sniper from working. None of my guys exhibited any more
critical hits than usual, and far less than I would get with even
targetted shots. Sniper is a crock, and I'm pretty ticked off about
it. So, instead of sniper, take increased critical hits and bonus
rate of fire (bonus rate of fire just might be the best perk in
the game).

The path of melee can be very rewarding. If you get close enough to
hit the enemy without him tearing you to pieces (sneak and cover),
you can really rip it up with them, so to speak. If you're good, you
will likely knock them down and cost them lots of action points, so
many that they will stay down constantly (CTB) or not have enough
action points left to attack you with (TB). This is hard with mutants,
but it can be done.

For Tag skills, small guns is essential, and then later Energy Weapons
and Big Guns if you intend to use stuff like rockets and chainguns.
Big Guns is crucial if you intend to even flirt with the Browning.
Also useful is Lockpick, Unarmed or Melee if you plan to go the Slayer
route, Bartering, and maybe Outdoorsman. Also take Stealth if you're 
the Slayer; you need to get close to kill them, so getting close 
without being seen is the best way, especially if you have Silent 

Rafal Kubat (prozacbob@home.com) wrote in with this sly trick:

If you want a REALLY good final sniper then
Set up your character as follows, it works great for me
ST 5/6
PE 8/9
EN 2 (i'll explain)
CH 8 
IN 9 
AG 8
LK 6
The 2 Endurance will harm you at the beginning of the game, but by 
exploiting a bug in the game you can get it up to 12 without a problem.
When you find the Gas Station Random Encounter (Usually Located 1 
square north, 3 squares west of Bunker Beta), go in there THE FIRST 
TIME with everything possible.  Trade for the Elixir of Life and 
anything else you might find useful, then take the elixir, and put it 
on the shelf where the Tool Box is (also put anything else that you want 
unlimited of in there)
Then exit the encounter, come back in.
Take all that equipment back, and exit the encounter again.
Come back in, and now all those items that you put on the shelf (and 
everything that you sold to the woman, i sold her everything so she cant 
even move) is gonna be there for the rest of the game.  This is great 
cause u can put things such as those much needed shotgun shells and other 
ammo as well as a whole s***load of doctors bags/first aid kits.  I now 
never run out of medical supplies, stim packs, drugs, or elixirs thanks to 
Do this a bunch of times an you'll have 12 endurance from the elixirs, and 
about 200 hps, (you can drink more elixirs just cause they give u 15 hps a 
piece), my guys are invulnerable now, and all this with no official 
Note: you can do this with any encounter in the game. You can even drop 
the items on the ground like this.

(Trickstaar@aol.com) writes:

    I found out something very interesting using a variation of the item 
duplication cheat I found on your FAQ.  If you go to a special encounter 
that allows you to bring your vehicle(s) in, like L33tists, Deathclaw 
Liberation, Merchant, etc., you can leave your vehicle at the encounter 
and then come back over and over again to get more of the vehicle you left,a
just like items.  I tried this with the Tank at CPF Vs PFC and now I have 
two tanks. I unloaded the tank before leaving it, as usually leaving a 
vehicle behind deletes the stuff inside, but I am not sure if it would do 
that in a special encounter or not.  Also I tried to go back with my two 
tanks to get a third, but I had some weird graphics error where the turrets 
for the tanks where floating away from the tanks.  It then kicked me out of 
the encounter, but it did leave a circle showing where I had left my tank. 
That means I now have three (well four, I tried again to go into the 
encounter with two tanks to get a third), but I don't know how to get the 
third and fourth while driving my two tanks.  It should probably be 
suggested to only do this cheat once or at least don't drive two tanks in 
to get a third, you could always stock pile the vehicles to the various 


I tried out the code further and you can leave the vehicle loaded and the 
stuff inside gets duplicated as well.  Also the vehicles function well in 
combat, I ran a fight with my two tanks and it went well (other than not 
having a second good pilot or gunner). 

The duplication bug is DEAD in 1.25, according to several sources.

Kenny Wong (kenjai@netvigator.com) writes:

The mutate! perk will change traits. However, if you don't have a trait
to start with, then you just get a free trait. Not so useful for your main
char, but could be useful for your squadies. Imagine a whole team
of gifted squadies....


The mutate! perk (getting a trait for nothing) still works in 1.25.

I have done this. It rocks. I totally recommend it. Do it around L12 so
your skills won't suffer too badly.

Chris Calvert (darkw0lf@vampirehunter.com) suggests:

Here is a tip I came up with that will provide infinite experience 
points. This works best if you have at least 30% in lockpicks and a set 
of lockpicks as well. Just go to a level with a safe (Rock Falls or 
Preoria for example) and move the char equipped with the lockpicks 
next to the safe and keep hitting '2' (hotkey for lockpick skill) and 
clicking the safe. You will unlock and then lock the safe. Each 
successful locking or unlocking will provide a minimum of 15 exp 
points. The higher your skill (obviously) the more often you will be 
successful. Also you do not always get just 15 points. You can get 
more, and it is partly random and partly based on your skill. I had 
a char with 30% do this and the max he got was 24 points, but my char 
with 80% in the lockpicking skill got a max of 47 points.

Booga (blaze@cx.net) suggests:

There's this odd bug that my friends and I managed to find out. Exploiting
the bug will make the game unfun though.

Here's how it goes. First, you need a vehicle...then, before you exit the
map into the world map, make all your character crawl INTO the vehicle then
exit the map. Whenever you come across a random encounter or next mission,
your characters will start standing, but the values for crawling will still
be there (doesn't work when going back to base or some special encounter).
Keep crawling into the vehicle everytime and the values for the crawl will
stack up onto each other. Keep doing this and even without increasing your
gun skills!! However, this only works for your NPCs. I think the
programmers remembered to reset the main character but not the NPCs. Most
of my NPCs have all guns skills above 500% using this method, but remember,
melee skills WILL suck...(reaching -1000%)

blaze@storm.cx.net writes:

As of v1.25, the crawl into vehicle bug doesn't work anymore.

For money problems, (Mach1014@aol.com) suggests:

To help you out with your money problems, simply enlist in the services of 
an amazing gambler. In my game, Stumpy has it tagged and it was already 
high. If you use him a few times and add all his skill points to gambling, 
he should be able to swindle most of the mechanics in the game, the medical 
officer and the quartermaster at the gamma outpost. Its all about trial and 
error, save and load. if you stock up on everything anyone who gambles has, 
and do a decent amount of looting, money should no longer be any issue.

Pak Chung (pchung@vt.edu) adds:

I found some tricks about gambling that really saved me lots of money, in
bunker gamma ( i think ), the quater master will gamble with you. so you
merely can some of the most expensive stuffs from this bunker through
first of all, you dont really need gambling skill, get as much cash as
possible, lets say you want to get the power armor, it cost it 20000 each,
so lets say this is the first time you gamble with this quater master, put
as much money as u can something around 30000, and even without gambling
skill u can still win neartly 100% of the time, but the drawback is,
everytime the quater master lose, he will change the rate, the next time you
bet with him, for a power armor lets say, he will only bet for like 25000 or
so ( the more money u put for betting the higher chance you win, if u put 1
dollars to bet with his power armor u will never win )
I managed to get 4 power armors and 1 advanced power armor before he drop
the rate to a level that i will never win ( like 12000 to bet for stuffs
worth 20000)

Chaltione Bonkfriks (chaltione@netcom.no) adds:

I have noticed a little bug:

whenever you gamble with ANYONE, you can just put in whatever you want 
from them, and put in nothing from your side, and keep clicking on 
gamble. Eventually you'll win the gamble. That way i gambled away 
everything (4000+ lbs) the quartermaster in bunker gamma had with a 
character with only 14% gamble skill and 4 luck. It is still working 
with patch 1.25.

Try it out! you'll end up with loads of stuff that way...

Josemaria Hernandez (jmh53@cornell.edu) adds:

I tried using mentats to see if it would help some npcs get perks 
like sharpshooter. Does not seem to work unfortunately. Still using 
buffouts for your heavy guns guys so they can use Browning's in the 
missions before power armor is not a bad thing esp since they last 
the whole mission.

Leader is a great perk btw. everyone in the squad under the influence 
gets +1 agility and added 5 bonus to armor class (I think).

I would highly recommend just loitering around the wastelands. As 
far as I know there is no time pressure to finish the game and 
its a great way to load up on stuff and XP. For some reason when 
I encounter bots in the waste they are always under gunned, they 
fire one or two rounds then run out of ammo.  They then rush you 

and you can pound them into scrap and get huge XP. One time I ran 
across 2 behemoths and 5 or 6 humanoids. I was lucky enough to 
critical hit both behemoths before they got into range and knocked 
them out. At the end of it all I got 5000 xps for that one encounter. 
I have leveled up around 4 or 5 times just wandering the wastes and 
am still in  Newton but fighting with level 21 characters now. Another 
cool trick is just leaving ctb mode on during these random encounters. 
When encountering mutants and reavers you should be able to get away 
without suffering a hit at all. Pancor's armed with the purple shells 
are great against smaller bots; with bonus rate of fire i can fire 
twice and by the second burst kill 3 or 4 bots.

Louie Imperial (sfvanguard@yahoo.com) and I have been having a 
discussion about the value of the Divine Favor Perk; while it has a
high ability requirement (CHR of 8), he says it pays off handsomely,
as it increases your highest stat by +1 and reduces the number of
levels it takes to get perks (so if you'd normally get one every 3
levels, you get one every 2 levels instead). I have yet to
experiment with this, but he thinks highly of it, so give it a shot.

shirwyn@vcn.bc.ca suggests:

On the Awareness Perk I've noticed that you only need to have one 
character with it and they all can use it.  The trick is to have 
any of your characters get a line of sight on the enemy then click, 
just once, on the character bar name of the of the one with Awareness 
(even if that charcter is on the other side of the map) and the info 
shows up.  Probably a glitch but enjoy it while it lasts.

"Robert Luong" (kays8yrold@hotmail.com) writes:

Regarding the Bullhorn call/trap (something like that)...

Weird thing w/ this accessory. Just put it on your hands and you gain 
+4 strength and your HP's shoot up to around 7 million(My main had 8str 
initially). You don't need to use it, just put it in one of the weapon 
slots. But you also become addicted to buffouts. I dunno if that had 
any effect cuz it didn't lower any of my stats nor affect my fighting 
Try it out=) You can have a guy w/ a Strength of 3(min to use handgun, 
4 is min for rifles/smg) then after the 1st mission buy this thing at 
the alpha bunker. Then when you get to beta bunker you can do that 
elixer thing for your endurance. Gives you more points to put into 
other stats...if you're careful enough that is..

and later...

Basically all I needed to do was brave thru' the 1st mission. Str. of 3 gave
me the ability to use handguns. I did CTB cuz there were some benefits I
could gain from a high agility. With handguns costing 4AP per turn, you can
shoot 3 times before they even get one off.(AP bar slowly regains 1AP in b/w
shots) With kamakaze I hoped after 3 shots they'd die=) You just have to be
very careful in CTB or it's suicidal.

Anyways, after the 1st mission, go back to alpha bunker, buy the bullhorn,
equip on free slot. Automatic 12 Str., 70million HP, and your small arms
goes into 70million% too. it was crazy=) No one ever misses. Every shot is a
critical. Now, only thing you gotta be careful of is when u're addicted  you
have a random chance of dying. But I went for months with out dying, then
all of a sudden after I complete a mission I die. I just unequip the
bullhorn for a sec everynow and then just to be safe. Sucks, but only if you
didn't save. I guess that's the only drawback.

I haven't patched the game yet either. So what you said with it not working,
could be cuz you patched it already. I'll give you some screenshots I took
whenever I find out how to transfer them to this comp.

I was not able to get this to work, but I've had it independently confirmed
by Paradox (paradox@japan.com), so I'm pretty sure it works. Give this one 
a shot, although it's sort of an in-game cheat.

"Marcus Robinson" (sucramuk@hotmail.com) adds:

Note that if you hold shift when you click the credits button in the main 

menu, just like in Fallout 2 you'll see comments from the makers.

Kam Fung suggests:

The Leadership perk works really well if you have people in you party with 7
(I think...) agility, the +1 your party gains from the perk is enough to
push their action points up to 9/round. This is enough to change stance
twice (up and down) and take a targeted shot, the armour class bonus is
gravy. The thing is, the perk doesn't appear to work when you're in a
vehicle (as of 1.25). Perhaps it doesn't realize your team is in close
proximity when they are in a vehicle?

Here's something to try when you have a whole whack of one item (like AK47's
or SAW's) and they just don't bring home the bacon anymore: don't just sell
them to the quartermaster, the mechanic and the healer will both give you
great prices for items they don't have. It also appears that the
quartermasters at all the bases have the same stuff, so selling to different
bases for more money doesn't appear to work. Similarly, traders will give
you better prices than the quartermasters if they don't have a lot of an
item. I find I can usually sell about 10 of an item before the value starts
to drop a lot.

André Devaux (andre.devaux@iac.unibe.ch) writes:

1) I've noticed that the starting equipment of your main character depends 
partially on your tag skills. If you tag some skills, you get additional 
items to start with. I haven't tried out every skill yet, but here is 
what I found out:
-Gambling nets you 500 BOS scripts
-Doctor gives you a doctors bag (yay!)
-Throwing adds a few spears, some rocks and one fragmentation grenade
The following skills give no bonus items: Stealth, Lockpick, 
Big Guns, Energy Weapons
2) In answer to Daniel Caine: charisma has no effect on which NPCs 
you can hire. It soley depends on your rank (you can hire NPCs of the 
same or lower rank than you). BUT: Promotions seem to depend on your 
CH score. Higher charisma seems to let you gain ranks quicker. For 
example, my CH 2 character got promoted to senior initiate only after 
the second mission while another one with a charisma score of 7 got 
promoted after the first. I've tried this several times and solved 
the first mission always in the same way.

UPDATE 2.4: The 'Bandaged' Debacle

Now, I have been getting a lot of questions about the 'bandaged' state. I'd
like to write something definitive about it here so I don't get any more
questions about it. If you are bandaged, you must use the doctor bag to 
remove that state. Put the doctor bag in the hand of the character with
the highest 'Doctor' skill. Click on the bag icon (in your hand) and then
click on the poor guy who is 'bandaged'. Note; this can include the doctor

Now, prior to the 1.25 patch, you had to have been damaged; that is, 
missing at least 1 hit point. After the 1.25 patch, this is fixed, and
you may successfully use it on someone who is not damaged.


Andy (AndiEQ@gmx.de) wrote in with some suggestions for Tough Guy mode:

Dont pick a perk until lvl 9 because if u cancel the perk dialog u wont
loose the ability to choose later, so wait until lvl 9 and than look what perks u
want, the best perks are avaible in lvl 6 and 9 and 12, u can easy work
without perks up to lvl 9. Pick the mutate perk first and choose gifted if u want
have some extra perks avaible. If u safed all perks to lvl 9 u will be able
to choose mutate first and than get new perks avaible and still have 2 perks
left to spend.
It is also wise to pick the Fast Shot skill from mutate if your char has
already good stats.

Teams and char buliding: i tryed first play with a full sniper team (high PE
and AGI + Ranged DMG Bonus perks and or sniper perk).... worked well up to
mission 8, but than with all the rocket luncher guys and long range hard
hitting weapons i did loose in that mission over and over and over ...... dont ask
how long i tryed this mission....
finaly i figured that i had spend more points into sneak ... so i had could
sneak behind the hard guys and fire them down at 1 burst... even with 6
sneaking snipers u wont be able to kill 2 rocked guys ... so i started over and
well teh new team was a blast :-)

new team: 4x sneaker (tag skill from lvl 1 and pushed sneak fast to 121)
2 of the sneaker are special in small and 2 in big guns (think of sneaking
with 2 rocket luncher and fire them on a hard guys from back ... no chance
2x long range heavy weapon/sniper combo .. (heavy weapon/small weapon/ maybe
engery as tag skill and high perception or at least with the perk/gifted
trick able to get sharpshooter in 9 and get so to PE 8 or 9.... start with 6 PE
... mutate .. gifted ... get 7 PE + Sharpshooter than 9 PE ... so look for
nice guys with at least 5 LK and 5 Agi/Int and 6 PE + Tag combo)

normal use your 4 sneakes against hard guys and burst them from the back so
they cant even get 1 round or rocket out on u.... pick hit the deck in lvl 12
as perk, because it lower the chance to get killed from rocket guys or
mines. Pick ranged bonus dmg or sharpshooter also for all and awerness this helps
to keep u informed. i also choosed night vision for all in my team, because u
get a big range advantage at night and sneak also work better. Because u
cant save in hard mode, u want realy fight at night so that the chance is bigger
u dont get killed if u run into traps or hidded guys and get killed in first
I did equiped the 4x sneaker team with long range or long range burst
weapons (hunter rifle, ak47, m16, sniper rifle) in primary mode and 2x SAW/rocket
lancher and 2x CAWs for burst mode.
The 2x heavy snipers with 2 SAWs/M2/rocket lancher.

my own char: 

STR: 9 (for use M2 at 5 feet in sneak mode ... hehe)
PE: 7 (to upgrade to sharpshooter + bonus dmg)
EN: 6
CH: 2
INT: 10 (more skills)
AGI: 7 (8 Action points are enough ... fast shot rocks)
lK: 6 (sharpshooter/dmg bonus)

Fast Shot + Gifted

heavy weapons + doctor + sneak

night vision
comprensive (read all books)
bonus ranged dmg/sharpshooter
hit the deck

thats a good start at lvl 12

i choose doctor because there isnt realy 1 nice doc with sneak and usefull
stats, with 10 int u will also be able to get small guns fast up to 114 and
than u can start put more into heavy guns and doc skill... also u need a doc in
first line if sneak fail and u get under heavy fire and your friends get
blinded or crippled.


Thanks greatly to André Devaux (andre.devaux@iac.unibe.ch) for providing
this chart; he did all of it, so all of the credit is his! It's missing
some of the guns later on in the game, but those will be added pretty 

(AndiEQ@gmx.de) writes in with some general observations about weapons:

some infos to weapons and how to compare the dmg/range/ammo

so how u choose the best weapon for your team ?
just by the displayed dmg of the weapon ?  NO !

some infos to weapons in BOS in general:

all weapons with a burst mode arnt so precision like the single shot mode
weapons even if they have the same range !
example: the ak47 or m16 have nice range in single shot mode, but with a
huting rifle u will still get a higher percantage for aiming than with a burst
weapon of the same range ! In burst mode a weapon do much more dmg than it is
displayed. Displayed is always the single shot mode, burst mode need to be
calced !

how to compare single shot and energy weapons:
just by range and dmg that is displayed. But think of the armor types,
normal energy dmg will get more absorb than normal dmg, so normal weapons can do
more dmg against a well armored guy !
It is also a good idea to not compare the max dmg a single shot weapon do,
just compare the minimum dmg.

how to compare burst weapons:
compare the range than the normal burst dmg displayed, now u need calc the
ammo and how many rounds per burst are driven out.
SAW can hold 30 rounds and u can shot 3 times.. ergo 10 rounds per burst of
7.62 mm and 20-30 dmg displayed
Vindicator can hold 100 rounds and u can shot 4 times .. ergo 25 rounds per
burst of 7.62mm and 16-25 dmg displayed
M60 can hold 50 rounds and u can shot 5 times .. ergo 10 rounds per burst of
7.62mm and 18-26 dmg displayed

wich weapon is better now ?
for ammo/dmg the vindicator is best, even if the saw have higer dmg
displayed, but the vindicator get out more than twice of the same ammo than the saw !
Since the M60 and SAW have same ammo/burst rate the saw wins over the M60 in

how to compare ammo:
I did not notice a difference between the ammo types in general if no
special dmg or penetration factor is displayed. The only thing i notice is the
shotgun shells do more dmg than other burst weapons compared for his burst/ammo
mode. Also shotgun shells have a nice area effect in hurt groups. So a CAWs or
a Jackhammer are very deadly weapons on short range and with the special dmg
bonus ammo they can kill 3 low armored mutants in short range at 1 burst
even if only 2.5 shells are pumped out at 1 burst !
I did not notice any difference between ammo types like 50mm, 5.56mm or
7.62mm or .303mm. So just compare the dmg displayed. 9mm ammo is the worst
because the normal ball get dmg and penetration penalty. U should choose your ammo
so that the dmg/penetration is average and/or u have some types of special
ammo avaible for your gun, so the shotgun weapons are the best for
dmg/ammo/burst in short range because u have 3 types of ammo to load and the dmg done
with just 2.5 shells in 1 burst is awesome.

best ranged heavy burst weapons in game:
Gaus Minigun: weapon from hell !!!! (could not test it yet but stats sounds
damm nice)
Vindicator: high dmg / high range / ammo sucker (cant shot in prone mode)
M2: high dmg / high range / heavy like hell
SAW: good dmg / high range / good overall power
M60: good dmg / med range / nice magazine of ammo
avenger: fair dmg / med range

best small burst weapons in game:
Jackhammer: high dmg / low range / good overall power
CAWs: high dmg / low range / good overall power
Fn Fal: good dmg / nice range / good overall power
Neostead: good dmg / low range
Ak47: good dmg / med range
M16: fair dmg / good range

happy bursting :-)

Fallout Tactics - Weapon Chart (v. 1.2)

Small Guns (Note: all revolvers cost 1 AP less to fire)
Ammo Type: 2mm
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
Gauss Pistol        22-32      50      12        4      Single    1

Ammo Type: .303mm
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
M-14                 7-16      32      20        5      Burst     8
                     8-18      40                       Single    1

Ammo Type: 44. Mag
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
44 M29 Revolver     14-21      18       6        4      Single    1
Desert Eagle        15-23      25       8        4      Single    1
 Mark XIX

Ammo Type: .45
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
Colt 45             12-18      17      12        3      Triple    3
                               22                       Single    1
Casull Revolver     13-18      15       6        4      Single    1

Ammo Type: 5.56mm
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
M16A1                8-19      36      24        5      Burst     8
                    10-22      42                       Single    1

Ammo Type: 7.62mm
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
AK47                10-22      28      24        5       Burst    5
                    12-25      35                        Single   1
Hunting Rifle        8-20      40      10        5       Single   1

Ammo Type: 9mm
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
FN P90C             13-21      18      50        4      Burst     5
                    16-25      22                       Single    1
MP38                10-21      16      30        4      Burst     6
                    12-24      20                       Single    1
Sten Gun            14-21      16      32        4      Burst     3
                    16-24      18                       Single    1
MP5 H&K              8-17      20      30        4      Burst     6
                    10-20      25                       Single    1
Walther MPL         10-17      20      32        5      Burst     4
                    12-20      25                       Single    1
Scorpio              8-16      18      32        4      Burst     4
                     9-18      22                       Single    1
Uzi                  7-14      16      25        4      Burst     5
                     8-16      20                       Single    1
9mm M9FS Beretta     8-15      17      15        3      Triple    3
                               22                       Single    1
Calico M950          7-14      16      50        3      Triple    3
                               22                       Single    1
Browning HP          7-14      16      12        3      Triple    3
                               20                       Single    1
9mm HSI Mauser       6-14      28       7        3      Single    1
Zip Gun              6-12      22       1        3      Single    1

Ammo Type: 12 gauge
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
H&K CAWS            18-28      30      10        6      Single    1
                    16-25      24                       Burst     ?
Neostead Combat SG  15-25      22      12        6      Single    1
                    13-22      17                       Burst     3
Pump-action Shotgun 14-24      14       5        5      Single    1
Beretta 470 Silver- 12-22      14       2        4      Single    1
 hawk               10-19                               Double    2

Ammo Type: 30.06
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
M1 Garand           12-24      40       8        5      Single    1   

Ammo Type: Speargun Bolts
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
Spear Gun            3-15      25       1        4      Single    1

Ammo Type:  Needler Cartridge
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
Needler Pistol      13-27      30      10        3      Single    1

Big Guns
Ammo Type: 5.56mm
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
Avenger MiniGun      7-11      35      120       7      Burst    40

Ammo Type: 7.62mm
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
M60                 18-26      35      50        7      Burst    10

Ammo Type: Rockets
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    ROF
Rocket Launcher    60-120      40       1        6      Single(5) 1

Type                   Damage mod     Penetration mod
Speargun Bolts              0                0
9mm Ball                  -11%             -20%
9mm JHP                   +60%             -20%
9mm AP                    -25%             +50%
7.62mm                      0                0
.45                         0                0
12 gauge                    0                0
12 gauge flechette        +60%             -20%
12 ga. Slug Shells        -11%             +31%
.44 magnum Ball           -11%             -20%
.44 magnum JHP            +60%             -20%
Small Energy Cell(SEC)      0                0
Large Energy Cell (LEC)     0                0
5.56                        0                0
Explosive Rocket          +60%             +11%
.50 Cal DU                  0              +50%
HN Needler Cartridge        0                0

Melee Weapons
Name               Damage    Range    Clip    Min Str   Modes    
Dynamite Spear      10-30      2        -        4      Thrust   (4)
Ripper              15-22      1       30 (SEC)  4      Swing    (4)
Diamond Spear       15-20      2        -        4      Thrust   (4)
Cattle Prod         12-20      1       20 (SEC)  5      Swing    (4)
                     3-6                                Overload (3)
Micro-Sledge         8-20      1        -        5      Swing    (4)
                     9-21      2                        Thrust   (4)
Piston Spear         6-20      2        -        4      Thrust   (4)
Monkey Wrench        8-18      1        -        5      Swing    (3)
Combat Knife         7-18      1        -        1      Thrust   (3)
                     6-14                               Swing    (4)
Claw Hammer          4-16      1        -        5      Claw     (4)
                     3-10                               Head     (4)
Dak Targ             5-15      1        -        1      Thrust   (4)
                     4-12                               Swing    (3)
Club                 5-15      2        -        4      Swing    (3)
                     5-15                               Thrust   (4)
Crowbar              3-15      1        -        4      Swing    (3)
                     3-15                               Thrust   (4)
Machete              3-15      1        -        4      Swing    (4)
Cleaver              6-14      1        -        4      Swing    (4)
Knife                1-14      1        -        1      Thrust   (4)
                     1-11                               Swing    (4)
Axe Handle           4-12      2        -        4      Swing    (4)
Scalpel              3-12      1        -        1      Thrust   (4)
                     3-10                               Swing    (4)
Iron Pipe            2-12      1        -        5      Swing    (4)
Slugger              3-11      2        -        4      Swing    (4)
                     3-11                               Thrust   (4)
Deco-Filament        3-10      1        -        1      Swing    (3)
Festering Spear      3-10      2        -        4      Thrust   (4)
Spear                3-10      2        -        4      Thrust   (4)
Barbed Spear          7-8      2        -        4      Thrust   (4)
Throwing Knife        3-6      1        -        1      Thrust   (3)
Switchblade           2-5      1        -        1      Swing    (3)
                      2-6                               Thrust   (4)
Sharpened Pole        2-5      2        -        4      Thrust   (4)
Shiv                  1-5      1        -        1      Swing    (3)
                      1-6                               Thrust   (4)
Broken Bottle         1-5      1        -        1      Swing    (3)
                      1-6                               Thrust   (4)
Plunger               1-4      2        -        1      Swing    (4)
                      1-4                               Thrust   (4)

Hand-to-Hand Weapons
Name               Damage    Range    Clip       Min Str   Modes
Power Fist          12-24      1       25 (SEC)     1      Punch  (3)
Razor Claws          6-24      1        -           1      Punch  (3)
Punch Gun           10-20      1       3 (12 gauge) 1      Punch  (3)
Impact Gloves        8-16      1        -           1      Punch  (3)
Punch Dagger         5-14      1        -           1      Punch  (3)
Mace Gloves          6-10      1        -           1      Punch  (4)
Lacerators           5-10      1        -           1      Punch  (3)
Tiger Claws           4-6      1        -           1      Punch  (3)
Sappers               4-6      1        -           1      Punch  (3)
Brass Knuckles        2-5      1        -           1      Punch  (3)

Throwing Weapons
Name               Damage    Range    Min Str    Mode
Diamond Spear       22-30      8         4       Throw (5)
Dynamite Spear      10-30      8         4       Throw (5)
Piston Spear         9-30      8         4       Throw (5)
Festering Spear      4-13      8         4       Throw (5), Poison
Spear                3-12      8         4       Throw (5)
Fantasy Ball         8-10     15         1       Throw (2)
Barbed Spear          8-9      8         4       Throw (5)
Powder Bag            4-7     16         1       Throw (2), Stuns
Chakram               4-6     15         1       Throw (2)
Dart                  3-6     16         1       Throw (2)
Throwing Knife        3-6     16         1       Throw (5)
Throwing Star         2-6     15         1       Throw (2)
Sharpened Pole        2-6      8         4       Throw (5)
Rock                  1-4     15         1       Throw (2)

Grenades (uses throwing skill)
Name               Damage    Range     Min Str   Notes
Incendiary          41-61     15          4      Fire damage
Acid Grenade        31-61     15          4
Fragmentation       31-51     15          4
Boom Bugs           11-26     15          4
Molotov Cocktail     9-21     18          4      Fire damage
Flash Grendades      4-10     15          4      Stuns

Name                 AC  Normal   Fire    Gas    Expl.  Energy   Elec.
Advanced Power Armor 35  18/60%  15/65%   7/45% 10/50%  17/55%    0/0%
Power Armor          30  13/55%  13/60%   5/30%  9/45%   6/60%    0/0%
Tesla Armor          15   4/35%   7/45%   0/0%   4/20%  15/85%    0/0%
Environmental Armor 
MkII                 10   6/40%   5/42%  20/90%  9/45%   6/60%    0/0%
Environmental Armor  10   5/40%   4/40%  13/70%  6/40%   5/55%    0/0%
Metal Armor MkII     15   4/35%   4/20%   0/0%   4/30%   4/45%    0/0%
Metal Armor          10   4/30%   4/15%   0/0%   4/25%   3/37%    0/0%
Leather Armor MkII   20   3/25%   1/17%   0/0%   1/25%   1/30%    0/0%
Leather Armor        15   2/25%   0/15%   0/0%   0/20%   0/25%    0/0%
Ghoul Armor          10   0/20%   0/10%   0/0%   0/20%   0/25%    0/0%

Notes: - The first number of each category is the damage absorption, the
         second the damage resistance.
       - Absorption is first substracted from the damage roll of any
       - Then the remaining damage gets reduced by the amount of damage
         resistance you have.
       - Metal Armor and Metal Armor MkII: -25% Stealth.
       - Ghoul Armor can only be worn by ghouls.


André Devaux (andre.devaux@iac.unibe.ch) has come through again and
provided a perk table (something which I admittedly should have done
some time ago)! I have added occasional comments to it, but the main
body of the work is his.

Perk List
Rating follows this scale: useless, bad, average, good, very good, 
must have.

Please note that this rating is solely based on my opinons. If you 
like one perk, then by all means take it regardless of my rating!

One last thing: take the "one time bonus to skills" perks only if 
there's nothing else around or you really need those skill points.
But there's nearly always something more useful to take...

Level 2:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Brown Noser         CH 5, IN 6         1?     Useless?
Die Hard            EN 6,              1      Useless
                    First Aid 40%

Level 3:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Awareness           PE 5               1      Average, only one char. needs it
                                              (GUILER SAYS: I'd say good, but it's
                                               true that only 1 person should have it)
Bonus HtH Damage    ST 6, AG 6         3      Very good for Slayers
Comprehension       IN 6               1      Average
                                              (GUILER SAYS: I usually give all my books
                                               to the main char. If you save your books
                                               until you get this, or get it early, this
                                               is OK, but you will get enough books in
                                               the game that you will never really need
Drunken Master      Unarmed 60%        1      Bad
                                              (GUILER SAYS: Jackie Chan, yes. FT,
                                               maybe not)
Faster Healing      EN 6               3      Useless
Flower Child        EN 5               1      Must have if you like using drugs
Gunner              AG 6,              1      ?
                    Small Guns 40%
                                              (GUILER SAYS: Not many missions with 
Healer              PE 7, AG 6, IN 5,  2?     Good, but only for your medic
                    First Aid 40%
Here and Now        None               1      Useless, too weak a bonus      
Lead Foot           PE 6, AG 6,        1      Not very useful
                    Piloting 60%
Night Vision        PE 6               1      Average (good for snipers)
Quick Pockets       AG 5               1      Average
Rad Child           EN 6, Ghouls only  1      ?
Scout               PE 7               1      Bad
Stat!               AG 6,              1      Useless, it's better to use stimpack during
                    First Aid 75%,            combat. And outside of combat you have as
                    Doctor 50%                much time as you want.
Stonewall           ST 6               1      Bad
Strong Back         ST 6, EN 6         3      Average to good (depends on carry cap.)
Survivalist         EN 6               1      Bad
                    Outdoorsman 40%
Swift Learner       IN 4               3      Very good, take it early
Team Player         CH 4               1      Good

"Kenny Wong" (kenjai@netvigator.com) adds:

Team player is bugged. It doesn't work at all! Should work the opposite
of Loner, where all your skills get +10% and go blue when near someone,
but nothing happens.

I've actually seen it work before; but I am inclined to believe it only
works near other team players.

Thief               None               1      Average
Toughness           EN 6, LK 6         3      Bad

"Kenny Wong" (kenjai@netvigator.com) adds:

Toughness is actually pretty good (IMO) 3 Toughness + advanced power
armor = 90% damage resistance. Even with 1 Toughness you still get
70%. Probably most usefull if you're playing Tough Guy.

Level 4:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Bracing             EN 5,              1      Good (if you have low ST)
                    Big Guns 60%
Death Sense         IN 5,              1      ?
                    Deathclaw only
Flexible            AG 6               1      Average

"Kenny Wong" (kenjai@netvigator.com) adds:

Felixble is good only in turn based, and pre-1.25 at that, when the
computer didn't go into overwatch. 

Hit the Deck        AG 6               1      Average to good
Leader              CH 6               1      Very good
Loner               CH ( 5,            1      Bad
                    Outdoorsman 40%
"Kenny Wong" (kenjai@netvigator.com) writes:

Loner is currently bugged. The bonus is on all the time even when you're 
standing next to someone. This actually makes it pretty good as you get
+10% to all skills at all times! Unfortunately, you need a low CH, which
conflicts with Divine Favour. Bummer.

Steady Arm          ST 6,              1      Must Have?
                    Mutants only

Level 6:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Adrenaline Rush     ST ( 6             1      Useless
Bone Head           ?                  1      Useless ?
Bonus Move          AG 5               2      Very good, but useless for CTB
Bonus Ranged Damage AG 6, LK 6         2      Very good for gunners
Cancerous Growth    ST ( 7,            1      ?
                    Ghouls Only
Educated            IN 6               3      Average (good if you're Gifted)
Gambler             Gambling 50%       1      Average
Ghost               Sneak 60%          1      Bad to Average (bonus only in darkness)
Harmless            Steal 50%          1      Average
                    Not for Deathclaws!
Heave Ho!           ST ( 9             1      Bad
More Criticals      LK 6               3      Very good (especially for snipers)
                    Not for Mutants!
Negotiator          Barter 70%         1      Average
Pack Rat            None               1      Average (only if you have low ST)
Pathfinder          EN 6,              2      Useless, theres no time limit in this
                    Outdoorsman 40%           game!
Quick Recovery      AG 5               1      Average
Rad Resistance      EN 6, IN 4         2      Bad, two Rad-X pills will do the trick
                    Not for Ghouls!
Ranger              PE 6               1      Average (only one char. has to take it)
Salesman            Barter 50%         1      Average
                    Not for Animals!
Silent Running      AG 6, Sneak 50%    1      Very Good for Slayers
Snakeater           EN 3               2      Useless
Stunt Man           ST 6, EN 6, AG 6   1      Average?
                    Not for Animals!
Way of the Fruit    CH 6               1      ?
                    Not for Animals!          (GUILER SAYS: gives a bonus to str if
                                               you eat a fruit. Kind of like drugs
                                               but with no drawbacks)

Level 8:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Bluff Master        CH 3               1      Bad
Brutish Hulk        ST 7, EN 5         1      ?
                    Deathclaws only
Psychotic           EN 5               1      ?
                    Mutants only
Tunnel Rat          AG 6               1      Good (especially for Snipers)

Level 9:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Better Criticals    PE 6, AG 4, LK 6   1      Doesn't seem to work?
                                              (GUILER SAYS: compared with F2, this perk
                                               is a crock; no instant death if )100. The
                                               only difference I noted was that I always
                                               did damage with knockdowns, as opposed to
                                               people without it who sometimes did knock
                                               downs w/o damage)
Crazy Bomber        In 6, Traps 60%    1      Bad, just blow up those mines
                    Not for Animals!
Demolition Expert   AG 4, Traps 75%    1      Useless, could be useful in MP games?
Dodger              AG 6               1      Bad (bonus to AC is quite weak)
Explorer            None               1      Useless
                                              (GUILER SAYS: Maybe get 1 if you don't
                                               want to wander the wasteland for all
                                               of the SE's. Certainly gravy, though)
Light Step          AG 5, LK 5         1      Useless (don't step on traps)
Mutate!             None               1      Must have: give NPCs the Gifted trait!
Pyromaniac          Big Guns 75%       1      Average, works only with Flamer
Sharpshooter        PE 7, IN 6         2?     Very Good for Snipers

Level 10:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Hide of Scars        EN 6               1      ?
                     Deathclaws only

Level 12:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Action Boy           AG 5               2      Very good (Must have if AG ( 10)

"Kenny Wong" (kenjai@netvigator.com) adds:

Action Boy is very good in TB mode, but isn't all that good in CTB mode,
especially in prolonged firefights. Example: assuming you originally had
9aps, armed with a 5ap burst weapon. In CTB, you'd fire, pause, fire, 
pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, fire, etc. With Action Boy, you'd
fire, fire, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, fire, etc. The only difference
is in the opening rounds. Obviously though, in TB, there's a world of
difference between firing once/round and twice/round.

Bonsai               Outdoorsman 40%,   1      ?
                     Science 40%               (GUILER SAYS: fruit grows on your head.
                     Ghouls Only                Use with Way of Fruit)
Gain (Stat)          Stat ( race max.   1      Must Have
HtH Evade            Unarmed 75%        1      Good (only for Slayers)
Lifegiver            EN 4               2      Very Good

"Kenny Wong" (kenjai@netvigator.com)

Lifegiver is a must have if you're playing Tough Guy (obvious really)

Living Anatomy       Doctor 60%         1      Very Good (for the bonus damage to living)

"Kenny Wong" (kenjai@netvigator.com) adds:

Living anatomy is useless by the endgame.

Master Thief         Steal 50%,         1      Average
                     Lockpick 50%
Master Trader        CH 7, Barter 75%   1      Average
                     Not for Animals!
Medic!               First Aid 40% or   1      Average
                     Doctor 40%
Mr. Fixit            Repair 40% or      1      Average
                     Science 40%
                     Not for Animals!
Tag!                 None               1      Must have!
                                               (GUILER SAYS: Tag energy weapons late in
Talon of Fear        ST 6, Unarmed 60%  1      ?
                     Deathclaws only
Tough Hide           EN ( 8             1      ?
                     Mutants only
Weapon Handling      ST ( 10, AG 5      1      Good if you have low ST
                     Not for Animals!

Level 14             Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Divine Favor         CH ) 7             1      I have heard MANY good things about
                                               this one. Gives you a perk 1 level
                                               earlier, so every 2 levels for normals,
                                               3 for ghouls, etc.

Level 15:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Bonus HtH Attacks    AG 6               1      Must have for Slayers
Bonus Rate of Fire   AG 7, PE 6, IN 6   1      Must have for ranged fighters
Pickpocket           AG 8, Steal 80%    1      Very good if you like stealing

Level 16:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating

Bend the Rules       LK 6               1      Could be good 
                                               (GUILER SAYS: Doesn't exist in the game?)

Level 18:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Silent Death         AG 10, Sneak 80%   1      Very good for Slayers
                     Unarmed 80%

Level 20:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Break the Rules      LK 6               1      Possibly very good
                                               (GUILER SAYS: Doesn't exist in the game?)

Level 24:            Prerequisites    Ranks    Comments / Rating
Slayer               ST 8, AG 8,        1      Must have for Slayers
                     Unarmed 80%
Sniper               PE 8, AG 8,        1      Doesn't seem to work?
                     Small Guns 80%            (GUILER SAYS: Curse them for breaking
                                                Sniper! CUUUURSE THEEEEEM!!!!!)


Please note that I play Turn-based. Squad Turn-based is good for the XCOM/
Jagged Alliance crowd, and regular Turn-based is good for Fallout fans.
CTB is good for suicidal RTS gamers, who will probably have a lot of
trouble and frustration playing this game that way. There are benefits of
CTB games, but I prefer not to play that way. I do occasionally set it to
CTB when fighting off hordes of melee'ers, though. I just line everyone up
like a firing squad aimed at the charging melee guys and mow them down.
With that in mind, let's begin.


Special encounters can happen at any time in the wasteland, and may appear
based on your luck, your Outdoorsman skills, and the Explorer and Scout
Perks. They are generally benign and/or silly. Once you have discovered
them, a small green circle (much like the normal mission circles) will
appear on the map where you found them and you will be able to return to
them whenever you like.


It really seems that most of the encounters appear in the same spots;
not to say that the same encounter will appear in a spot, but rather
that certain spots are activated when you start the game, and the
encounters they house are swapped around. With this in mind (and no
need to flood me with email, but...) if you want to help, write down
the locations of the encounters you've found and send them in. I want
to compare them to see if there really is a pattern or what. Please
give the locations in relation to mission locations or bunkers. (I
have a bad feeling about this...)

KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) adds:

The best way to know if you found a special encounter is if your party was
travelling in a vehicle and the vehicle "disappeared" in the map. You will
get back in when you exit the encounter but the next time you go into
another encounter, your party will be out of the vehicle. Take Note!!!
In the merchant and the l33tists encounter, you will still retain your 

"Daniel Caine" (Dan.Caine@btinternet.com) has a great tip:

You can get multiple special encounters in the same square. Once you 
have found a sector just run back and forth over the very corners of 
the square, and as you can see, I have managed to get up to four 
encounters per square. Also I have found that it is pointless spending 
perks on explorer or ranger. I am managing fine as you can see, with 
just Rebecca who starts out with the scout skill. Another thing, once 
you get two or three encounters in a square, you cant get another in 
it until you visit a different encounter giving square. Therefore on 
S.E. runs it is better to have 2 or three known squares on the go. 
They do stay the same from game to game, although the actual encounters 
differ slightly. 
I have also found a solution to the very anoying "Character Swap" bug 
found with the Four Horsemen S.E. It is still applicable after the 
patch even though the readme says it is fixed. Anyway to avoid having 
your lead character swapped, you have to know when it is going to occur. 
Basically when I came accross it I re-loaded. That encounter will be 
next. Either go onto an empty wilderness map by clicking on your little 
triangle, or do a random encounter. In my game the Hummer pilot is my 
main character and so has to be selected in order to drive. Position 
the vehicle a distance from the exit grid, then click on the exit grid 
to leave, however as you start to move, select a different character. 
When you then encounter the Four Horsemen, the character you selected 
will have swapped places with another member of your party, NOT your 
lead character though. Then you can just re-order them via the character 
screen. This is an important tip, as if you are doing S.E. runs you 
will come accross the Horsemen and it can seriously screw up your game.
Below is a list of a few S.E. squares, I have more than this, but these 
are accessible from early in the game. and in conjunction with the tips 
above allow you to rack up a fair number of them.
2 Sq North of Bunker Beta
1 Sq North, 3 Sq West of Bunker Beta
1 Sq West, 3 Sq South of Brahmin Wood
2 Sq South of Preoria
2 Sq South, 3 Sq West of Macomb
1 Sq East, 3 Sq South of Macomb
Like I said there are plenty more than this, near Jefferson and Kansas 
for example, but these are plenty to be going on with.


There are 2 mutants in a small area. One of them is wounded. Heal up the
wounded one and (I think) they will join your roster back at the 

Charles J DeVito (rhe1@gte.net) adds:

Yes, if you heal the wounded brother, the two of them will end up as
available recruits. They're both rank 11 (Paladin Commander), so not
available til fairly late in the game. One is a melee specialist, the other
is big guns/energy weapons and has (according to his character description)
a habit of wearing women's clothing.


This is a large building filled with treadmills and people called 'human
batteries'. At the end of the row is a humanoid robot and there are lockers
by the side of every pair of 'human batteries'. The lockers are locked, but
if you open them, they contain 200 sm energy cells each. Destroying the
humanoid robot, who raves about taking over the world, netted me 27 XP and 
the 100 rounds of 7.62 that he had on his person, and little else. I'm
curious to know what else can be done with this encounter.


I haven't actually gotten this yet, but I've heard about it from several
different people. The first one I heard from was Danny Hioe 
(rajasinga@satumail.com), and he gave a description of the Devilthorn
Coat, which can be gotten here. Jonas Karlsson (sweet_jonas@hotmail.com)
gives a more complete description, saying:

In case you haven't encountered the "Bazaar Day", which might be a special 
encounter, I'll tell you a little bit about it. On my way to some mission I 
stumbled on this Bazar Day, it consists of a bunch of civilians that sell 
stuff. One of them has a very rare item, in fact it states that it is a 
"unique item". It is an armor of some kind with the name "Devilthorn Coat". 
It costed something around 24 000 ringpulls, but I had a lot of weapon that 
I could trade with. Once in my possession, I got almost hilarious of joy, 
the armour provided with 100 AC, +10 strength, +50 resist fire, -6 damage 
from enemies, furtheron it was indestructable. When you have read this far I 
guess you see that it is some kind of joke, probably an item from Diablo 2 
or something, and it is rather unusable since it requires a strength of 75!

KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) adds:

mainly just five civilians around selling extremely cheap goods, cheaper
than typical Brotherhood of Steel fashion. There is one guy who sold a
24987rp armor and i stole it. Turned out to be a Diablo 2 fakie. Nice
momento, but no dice. I have not checked out whether the supply would be
replenished or not.

Chris Lynch (chris_lynch@cyberus.ca) writes:

In the bazaar day special encounter the devilthorn coat can actually be 
worn if you get your strength over 75. It is with the use of a cheat you 
can get from www.avault.com

(Please note that I neither use nor endorse this editor; please do not 
ask me questions about it, as I don't know a thing about it.)

Wansheng Zhu (wz140@hotmail.com) adds:

I just read about the bazaar day encounter in your faq and i noticed 
that they mentioned that you can buy something called the "Devilthorn 
Coat", and than i read the stats, and i remembered that these stats 
are exactly the same as a "unique armor" which can be found in Diablo 
1. The stats are exactly the same and even the str. req. are the same, 
but the real armor is called "Demonspike Coat". It was actually a 
great piece of armor in Diablo 1, too bad you can't use it in Fallout 
Tactics. Anyways, just thought i should tell you this since some ppl 
thought it was from Diablo 2.

"Adam Shahid" (mantispid@technologist.com) adds:

The 'Bazaar Day' special encounter itself is actually poking fun at 'Bazaar
Days' (usually on Saturdays) in the online RPG 'EverQuest'.  The things the
civilians in the bazaar shout are all typical things you hear people
shouting in EverQuest.  The 'Devilthorn' armor is poking fun at Diablo 1,

Jonas Karlsson (sweet_jonas@hotmail.com) adds:

The number of civilians who sell items are five, except the Devilthorn Coat 
they also offer some stimpacks and other various items. And besides that one
of them has what I think is a Ghoul armor, so if you have Ghouls in your 
squad, pick it up. I bought the Devilthorn Coat and brought it to a BOS 
bunker, when I returned to Bazaar Day she had another copy of it for sale, 
so it seems that some parts of their supply gets replenished. In a nearby 
room there are some gamble tables, but noone to play with. I encountered 
Bazaar Day just outside Preoria, to the north.

"sean wilkins" (showcase74@hotmail.com) adds:

ok, regarding the devil thorne coat and day of bazaar, or whatever, ok it is 
an encounter with people who are talking about EverQuest and there are a few 
items you can get and the devil thorne coat IS from diablo and as far as i 
know useless, even with a hack of 100 of all stats, so. but i believe you 
can also get another armor there you cant use, i think it is for ghoul or 
super mutant, it has no description. also the bazaar is located early on and 
usual SE of preoria, i have only gotten it there, it is like 3 south and 3 
east, or close too it. there are also some medical items for trade and some 
ammo, so basically the whole encounter is to listen to the comments of the 
people, as they make fun of EQ, talking about groups and corpse runs etc...


KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) writes:

There's some 30 neutral dots on your maps but the bunnies cannot be seen.
They just say it keeps goin' and goin' and all that. Not much use except if
you have a shotgun or something you could blash them all but just killing
one of them (10 xp) then set everyone at agreesive. The bunnies will be
blasted!!! Great fun since they don't fight back!!!

"Tomas "Reveille" Rodriguez, Jr." (reveille@shinyboxofdogs.com) adds:

This pertains to the random encounter 0.4 (Energizer bunnies) with the
neutral, invisible targets.  If you attack (throw a grenade or whatnot)
and kill all the targets, be aware that this DESTROYS your reputation and
rank.  I went from a Rank 9 Junior Paladin who was a Shield of Hope,
down to a Rank 7 Senior Knight who was a Demon Spawn..  A bit of a
surprise, and not worth the tiny amount of XP you get from killing them.
:)  Of course, if you like being evil, this random encounter is for you.


KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) writes:

Jack's dead!!! **Sniff** But it's ok. He left a sketch (pretty comical but
useless) and an expensive jewellery for you!


KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) writes:

I never got the farmer to do anything but guys said that he could sell you
stuff. Pretty useless considering the "stuff" is Colt 45 and some bullets
and food. Anyway i stole from him. It seems that he won't attack you if


KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) writes:

A merchant with nice stuff and some raiders. If you don't have some 70 hp
each or a vechicle, don't attack!!! But the rewards are pretty good though,
4 pancor jackhammers, the best shotgun, and lots of money, bullets and
useful stuff. YUMYUM!

Louie Imperial (sfvanguard@yahoo.com) writes:

There are two raiders and two civilians plus the
trader. The raiders both have AK47 while the the
civilians - one with 9mm M9FS beretta and the other
one has Neostead Combat SG. He sells in exchange for
rp. He's got with him 1 environmental armor, a rocket
launcher, a Flamer pistol, 12 ga EMP and 12 ga Slug
Shells for the shotgun, a P220 SigSauer, a Desert
Eagle Mark XIX 44, a needler pistol, 1 FN P90c, .44
magnum AP ammo, 5.56m ammo, Basic Shogun Shells, small
energy cells, afterburners, mentats, radaway, acid
grenade, flash grenade, inciendary grenade, 1 avenger
minigun, stimpaks, 7.62mm ammo, 1 festering spear and
shiv plus the others i have not mentioned. Again, you
can steal it from him if you have a high percentage in
steal - this will make it a whole lot easier than just
to buy it from him. 

lobar (lobar@home.com) adds:

I just recruited Babs when I encountered these guys.  
If you have no problems with stealing, she's perfect for 
the job.  I put her in stealthmode and picked the place clean.  
Some gaurds have small enery cells on them and cattle prods 
while others have Panzers and 12 ga. ammo.  The merchant was a 
breeze too and was loaded with tons of stuff.  I think
the more you steal the greater your chance at being caught because 
the merchant himself did eventually catch me.  So take less and be

Normally I do not steal, but for raiders I make the exception.  I used
Babs to replace Rebecca since Babs has more balanced stats, and her
skills as a whole were much better.


KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) writes:

A couple of those cute two-headed creatures playing Poker! Cool! Cooler once
you check their tables for Ring Pulls. Some 30000 of them! Oh and one of the
gamblers say something from Fallout 2! I won't spoil it, but if you can't 
remember, it's in Modoc, and a Brahim too.


Some twenty deathclaws in a radiation and dark place. At first there is a 
guy who taunts you. Merely follow him until he attacks the deathclaws (I 
feel sorry for him) then run in the direction he WAS heading. Keep on going 
until you see an exit grid. The deathclaws are HARD! As you are without a 
vehicle, it means lots less protection. However the saving grace is that the
deathclaws are only agreesive when you near them and comes in two packs. 
Skip them until some mission 9.

"Tom Carlsen" (TomCarlsen@citywestwater.com.au) adds:

There is an encounter spot Pitch Black at the location 1 grid point NW of
Quincy. This is a stage which is pitch dark except for a few glowing spots
illuminating a path through the place. There are about 18 Deathclaws on 
each side of the path. There is also a guy named Riddick here. He will 
walk past the squad and head towards the extraction point. Let him go 
all the way through as the Deathclaws will not attack him. If you can 
make it through to the extraction point alive, you will get to recruit 
him. He can see in the dark and is fairly decent.

lobar (lobar@home.com) adds:

Oh man, I wish I knew about waiting until Ripley walked all the way
through.  One less recruit to worry about I guess.  Anyway, if people
are going to fight, it's best to head off to one side of the glowing
path.  This way you encounter the Deathclaws in smaller numbers.
  I tried running straight up the path, but I never made it.  The
Deathclaws out run you, and when you go up the middle, they charge in
from all sides including from a head of you.  I got circled real fast
and we all died.  Could be they modified this encounter with the patch.
  The trick that finally made the world of difference was using the
Voodoo drug with all my people.  It adds +2 AG, +3 LK, +20% to your
damage resistance, and +25% to your critical chance (which also gets
raised with the luck addition too).  End result, you move faster, fight
better, take less damage, and get more criticals that are better.  I was
able to take down a Deathclaw with one shot from a revolver.  Made this
fight much easier with the high lucks.

Joiro Hatagaya (joiro@latnet.lv) adds:

It is actually a reference to the movie "Pitch Black" which is about a 
space ship crew crash landing on a planet full of bloodthirsty creatures 
living deep underground in darkness and fearing light. Shortly after the 
crash landing a total eclipse starts and the crew find themselves 
depending on a murderer named Riddick who is able to see in darkness 
thanks to a special eye operation. The random encounter references a 
part of the movie, where the remaining people are moving to a certain 
location, using light to scare away the creatures.

0.10 L33TISTS:

2 guys, named Ph4tman and L33tleboy. The names themselves are references
to the 2 atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, and the
spellings are reference to '1337'-speak; the corruption of spelling often
used by script kiddies and adolescent gamers. It's pretty l4me, if you ask
me, but you're probably familiar with it if you've played Quake, Counter-
strike, Tribes, or even Diablo II in some cases. Much like their real-
world counterparts, these guys are pretty worthless. One of them has some
afterburner gum.


A group of Reavers, dancing up on stage. Your guess is as good as mine.

Christoph (veitc000@mail.uni-mainz.de) adds:

concerning encounter 0.11: "Reaver dance" = a reference to "Riverdance",
an Irish stepdance show which has been popular in Europe for a few
years. (Don't know if elsewhere). Basically looks like someone very
drunk is orchestrating some puppets on strings.


A group of tribals, reenacting the Canadian Invasion. They will attack
you, and you will most likely destroy them. Here you can get the Supper
Soaker which can use acid for ammo (you've found some of it in previous
missions). A pretty good medium-range weapon, but with a high AP cost.


(Magical0@aol.com) writes:

A guy in a red jacket riding on a bike complaining about delivering 
cola. I killed him and he had a Hundred plain nuka cola and one Fusion 
nuka cola.

"Tom Carlsen" (TomCarlsen@citywestwater.com.au) adds:

Also, forgot to add something else I discovered. The Nuka Cola guy that
cruises around on his bike can be killed and his bike can be stolen.
The mechanic at bunker epsilon has a "jet bike key" that can be stolen, 
but not bought. If you kill the nuka cola guy after you obtain this 
key you can drive off on his bike. Lots of fun.

0.14 B-1000:

(Magical0@aol.com) writes:

Part cow, part machine.  Odd little Brahmin with 999 health that gives 
up an UZI when it dies.


(Magical0@aol.com) writes:

Basically the post-apocalyptic version of the crocodile hunter.  
Humorous to watch for a little while.


Charles J DeVito (rhe1@gte.net) writes:

A herd of ghost brahmin surrounding a brahmin named Cole. Cole says "I see
dead brahmin". No one has anything of any interest if you kill them.


Charles J DeVito (rhe1@gte.net) writes:

An old woman in a gas station who sells things, including an "Elixir of
Vitality". It cost about 5000K rp, but raises endurance by one point

0.18 PIPBOY:

Charles J DeVito (rhe1@gte.net) writes:

A small area with a real live Pip Boy. He carries some 7.62 ammo and a
machine gun.

I have heard that he will join your party if it only has 5 members in 
it. He's supposed to be pretty good, but can't change stance.

Andres J. (Orkperson@aol.com) adds:

The Pipboy random encounter, if you have less than 6 people, gives you the 
pipboy character, his statistics are as follows.... 
Level 10 
EN-7 (I believe.. I used the vitality drink a few times so it's either 6 or 7) 

His tags are: 
Small Guns 
Bigs Guns 
Energy Weapons 

All are below 80, but can be developed much higher in time. 

Only trait is the lovable Bloody Mess 

Perks are: 
Flexible (Bulls***!!! He can't even crouch or lay prone!!!) 
Stunt man (Pretty useless, but, hey...) 
Tag! (That's why he's got 4...) 
And 2 others, which I can't remember, but aren't of any real importance. 

He cannot lay prone or croutch, and, in spite of his very, very short 
appearance, -seems- to have all the characteristics of standing at all times. 

Any idiot with basic math skills can tell you he has 6, that's right, 6 
goddamned extra character points, so he has a total of 11 extra points 
instead of the normal 5 you and everyone else you've ever seen before had. 
Hells yes, that little guy rules. 

Gains perks at the normal (3 levels to a perk) rate, despite the fact he has 
5 when he's at level 10... 

Please note: He can run and walk, both are just a -tad- bit slower then a 
normal human's. 

My personal evaluation------ 
         The Pipboy is, if you can look past his numerous, yet pretty small 
problems, a good, all around character, possibly a keeper until the end of 
the game, or, at least until a robot manages to jump him with a lead pipe. 
His relatively high strength (7), extremely high luck (10!!),  and tag skills 
in all gun categories make him a very, very good carrier for the lighter 
heavy weapons (Bren gun, M-60, Avenger, Laser Gatling, etc.) and as a covert 
operative who manages to pack quite the punch with his heavy weapons and 
energy skills. Now, I don't know why in the hell they made his perception so 
low, but, if you want (Like I did), you can give him a Gain Perception and a 
sharpshooter, this will bring him up to a whopping 9 in perception for 
shooting purposes (as if there was any other purpose.) If you do this, give 
him the Mutate (to add fast shot) and bonus rate of fire, and he is a 
EXCELLENT SNIPER. I mean this, I really do. Allow me to explain. 

The high ST allows for the heavier, harder-hitting varient of weapons. 
The ridiculously high LK affordes him with a extremely high critical chance. 
The 9 PE means he can actually aim the damn thing 
The weapon skills allow him to blow away anything in his path in the most 
ethical way. 
And, the sneak tag allows him to get into the best possible position 

The perfect sniper. F***ing A. Hand him a laser rifle, or, if you get some 
power armor, a Browning, and you'll never have another worry as long as you 
live. If not, he makes a exemplory grunt, a fine scout, and, it just 
feels so damn good to have the little dude in your group! He's as cute as a 

-Might just be me... Probably is... But he seems to get crippled a bit easier. 
-After you get him out of the random encounter, his name appears as 
"CORE-pipboy" instead of the usual, sensical "PipBoy". Wierd, huh? 


Charles J DeVito (rhe1@gte.net) writes:

A BOS bunker entrance (that you can't enter) with two BOS soldiers out
front, standing over the butchered corpses of about 12 civilians. The
civilians have only junk.  The BOS scum have avenger miniguns, but killing
them will reduce both your reputation and rank within the brotherhood.

Sean Yeo da Syko adds:

i just encountered uprising and used voodoo to kill
the BoS scum without penalties and they were vindicator 
miniguns, not avengers. 

0.20 CPF vs. PFC:

brian (brian@natescape.com) writes:

Two groups of tribals are yelling at each other, one group is purple, and
the other red.  They stand near banners declaring thier affiliation.  You
can attack one without rousing the other.  I only killed one side (I like
red) so I don't know what everyone has, but the side I killed had nothing of
real value.  Just a Monty Python reference, I guess.  Neither attacks and
you can't talk to them.  i just went agressive to see what would happen.


KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) writes:

Once you get in you are facing a wall. when you get out, you will see an 
enclosed compound with four turrets. the 4 are stange though, as i saw they 
have some 300 hp but was destroyed with a single hit each from my pancor. 
they can do REAL damage, so beware. there is a brahim in the compound but it
always get wasted in the second round. maybe you can save him or something. 
however, the skin it drops can turn you into a brahim! cool but you cannot 
attack. oh, and the 4 turrets contain micro fusion cells too.

Uliasea (uliasea@aventa.de) adds:

It's about the special encounter "Brahmin armour". I found that this armour
isn't by far useless - if you've a supermutant in your group. While
everybody else wearing this armour looks like a brahmin and cannot attack,
your mutant can wear it without changing his outlook, he CAN still attack
and has a good armour value (at least better than wearing nothing beside his


I found this on the way to Preoria from Bunker Delta. A humanitarian goes
into a cage of deathclaws to free them and gets killed. You then get to 
kill the deathclaws. The humanitarian is called 'Janet Badall', a reference
to Jane Goodall, who is a wildlife expert, specializing in primates.


"Kyriel" (kane255@jps.net) writes:

they're pretty lame actualy, all they do is talk, say things like "maybe 
we should switch sides.." or.. "6.1 billion people gone, just like that 
*snap*" etc etc...they have around 14,100 some odd HP, and only punch 
you, however, i didnt have the resources to kill them, so i didnt...

Mike Fletcher (callidus69@hotmail.com) adds:

it is each horseman of the apocaplpse,war,famine,pestilence,death, they 
are standing around a campfire whining. one funny crack was made by 
WAR, he says "i wish they would stop saying i never change, i can 
change. (in reference to the war, war never changes at the beginning 
of each fallout episode) each says almost dead, so i attacked them, 
1 .50 cal mg 1 vindicator MG, 2 plasma rifles, 1 sniper rifle. i ran 
outta ammo before they were dead, i killed 3 before being reduced to 
fists. this leads me to believe that each has HP up around 20k - 25k. 
tho they are unarmed and have no equipment apart from hands and feet so 
they cant hurt me i shudder to think at their health points if they were 
at full health.

Garry Upton (unclegarry@cei.net) adds:

I killed War - horseman of the post-apocalypse...and got a whopping 269 
experience.  If you want to take them on, bring lots of Dr's bags and give 
everyone pistols with lots of ammo.  Don't use burst, and have them all 
target the same guy.  Put it on CTB and walk away.  Check to see if you 
need to heal any crippled limbs every now and then.

Rob Knebel (robdalajara@yahoo.com) writes in, saying:

This is in regards to what, precisely, the Four
Horsemen special encounter does, and why it tends to
mess with so many people's games.

It makes the character in the group with the lowest
Charisma the leader. If, for some godawful reason,
your main character has a Charisma of 1, you'll have
no problems at all with these guys. If not, the
character with the lowest charisma will be your new
leader. Easily remedied, though...just pump up your
former leader with some Mutie, then reenter the SE.

Hopefully Rob's tip will help out everyone who got screwed with in
this encounter. Thanks much!


Ferri (babeh@pacific.net.sg) writes:

A field filled with many brahmins. Clicking on any 1 of them will tip
them. Imagine a brahmin with a very very heavy head =P

0.25 MIR

(Magical0@aol.com) writes:

No, really, Mir.  The space station.  Apparently in this alternate universe 
the space station crashed into middle America.  Nothing to do but it is kind 
of interesting to see what the artists did with their free time.


Andrew Lusk-Hahn (ajlusk@yahoo.com) writes:

I found a huge crashed air plane in the wasteland.
There isn't anything you can do to it besides get the
cross air looking thing over the front end of the
plane, but you can't repair it or anything. The name
of the encounter is "Amelia".

I'm guessing that this is a reference to Amelia Earhart(sp?),
a female aviator in the early part of the 20th century who
disappeared in a transatlantic flight.

0.27 HERMIT:

Louie Imperial (sfvanguard@yahoo.com) writes:

There are five wolves around there and one hermit. The
hermit sells 12 ga. flechette shells for the shotgun,
a 9mm Calico M950, a plasma grenade, a scout handbook,
a couple of dynamites and a metal armor plus some
other items not much worth taking. You can steal it
from him if you have a high percentage in steal - this
will make it a whole lot easier than just to buy it
from him. 


"Vanni Loriggio" (hakkenshi@hotmail.com) writes:

Just thought you might like to know : one of the special 
encounters you described in your Walkthrough is named 
incorrectly.  I got the Merchant encounter and they didn't 
have Pancors - that's an encounter called Trader (IIRC).  
Merchant, on the other hand, sells nice stuff : an FN FAL, 
2 science books, a piloting book, good explosives and fairly 
rare ammo, not to mention a GAUSS PISTOL (no 2mm EC ammo 
though).  He also carries a Browning M2, so if you overdose 
him on Voodoo (use it on him till he dies) you get ALL his 
stock plus his Browning without losing rep.  Cheap yes, but 
when you have an FN FAL in Macomb, it makes a difference :)

Oh, and the Farmer now has nice stuff too (as of patch 1.25), 
including a Small Guns book and an Outdoorsman one (other 
OK stuff as well).


You're going to start with Stitch the medic and Farsight the sniper.
In combat, Stitch is pretty useless due to his low perception; he will
only do any damage when close, and then he will do a lot of damage 
because of his shotgun. Farsight is good enough at range, although
she will miss often. Your character should start with an MP5, a 
submachine gun which is middling with range, and can do lots up
close with a burst. Burst isn't all that accurate at range, however,
and burns ammo fast. You'd best get yourself a rifle ASAP if you have
good perception (which you ought to if you're a sniper) and work in
concert with Farsight to pick off people from afar or middling
distances, and have Stitch patch you up when you're hit. One of the
best tactics is to duck behind a wall, and on your turn stand up, fire
a round or two, and then duck down so you can't be seen. Keep this in
mind as I describe the areas below.

UPDATE: with the fix for overwatch in 1.25, the crouch-)stand-)fire-)
crouch doesn't work as well anymore; they will fire on you when you stand.
However, they will only get 1 round off, so it's better than 2 or 3...

You start in a ruin. Go NE and talk to the village elder. Then crouch
everyone and move to the bridge, N of you. There are a couple guards NW of
you past the rocks, and one NE of you, patrolling, with a dog. Try to engage
them one at a time; get into the rocks if you can, and remain crouched 
because you are harder to hit that way. Also, if you hide behind the rock
structure with the firepit in front of it, you can take potshots at the NW
guy without being hit (only Farsight has this capability with her rifle).

When done, DON'T FORGET TO RELOAD YOUR WEAPONS. This is done easily by 
selecting everyone and hitting the 'R' key.

"Kenny Wong" (kenjai@netvigator.com) adds:

You can reload for 0ap by dragging the weapon from one hand
to the other. More usefull in TB than CTB as you'll still need to
switch weapons, which takes about 1-2aps worth in real time.

The guy to the NE has a Mauser (a 9mm pistol) and a baseball bat. You want
your main character to loot him because the ammo he has is useful for the
MP5. The NW one has a zip gun (1-shot, sucks), ammo, and a stimpak, great
for healing.

Advance NW to the bunker. There is a guy patrolling the area. Advance on him
and cut him down. Then position 2 people (including Farsight) to the SW, 
against the wall, and put them on agressive attack. Use the 3rd to bait the
guy out of the bunker, and your other 2 will ambush him. In a close-quarters
fight, you should be ok, especially with stitch's shotgun. Loot the 2 bodies
to get a 44 (a good pistol) and an uzi. .44 should go to Farsight, who needs
a close weapon, as the rifle can be innaccurate up close. Put it in her
2nd weapon slot and RELOAD.

Head into the bunker to get the chest, wherein you may find a key and rifle
ammo, as well as a stimpak (rifle ammo goes to Farsight). Then head SW to
the ruin and talk to the shaman. Now go back NE and into the door by the
bunker. Make sure you're on agressive (or not, if you intend to sneak) and
open the door. There is a guard inside, and hopefully you'll hit him once
or twice. Also note the guard outside by the garden, and the dog running
around out there.

Crouch inside and use the walls for cover once the initial guy is down and
try to hide behind the walls. Stand up, take a shot, and then duck. Don't
get too close, though, as he has a shotgun, which sucks for range but does a
prodigious amount of damage should it hit. Loot the raider inside and the
shelf next to the blue shelf. Also take the booze on the ground. Also loot
the shotgun guy for more shells for stitch.

Advance NW to the tent. Loot the shelf inside, then go N to the area with
the sleeping people. Put yourself on passive sentry mode and get as close
as you dare so as to kill them before they can do anything at all. Getting
Stitch near the dogs is a good idea as he can kill them both with one good
shot from the shotgun, if you're lucky.

Go through the gate here into the Brahmin pen. Do not injure them. This next
part is a bit tricky. You want to make sure not to hit any of the civilians
in the tent, and yet there are 2 guards in there who need to be killed. Put
stitch at the N entrance and the other 2 at the south entrance. Advance the
south team in on agressive to shoot the one guy, and move Stitch around to
shoot at the guy who runs in among the kids. Alternately, put your MP5 guy
there to try to hit him hard before he runs in among the kids. If you're
lucky, nobody will be hurt, but this part is hard. Definitely save 

Go out the NE door when you're sure the sentry isn't around, and into the
tent N of you. Kill the guy inside and take his speargun. Also loot the 
shelf for shotgun shells and drugs (worth money).

Sentry time. Put the MP5 guy in the tent with the kids, then set all
to agressive. You want to ambush the sentry because she has a rifle, which
has some serious accuracy bonuses, so you want to hit her fast and hard, at
short range, so she won't be able to get away and have the advantage. Put
Farsight and Stitch in the N tent, near the door, on agressive, and the MP5
guy in the tent with the hostages (alternately put Stitch there for shotgun
power) and wait for her to come around. When dead, give the rifle 
immediately to the main character and put the MP5 in the 2nd slot.

Now move NW to the next bunker, on crouch. The guy will notice you, but you
should be able to kill him quickly with 2 rifles. Unlock the door and go in.
Inexplicably, he has both shotgun shells and rifle bullets, which you can
split between the two riflemen. Also loot the crate in here.

Head out the next door, across the street, and into the little parking lot
that might once have been a basketball field. Beware the guards here and 
do not make a frontal assault on the bunker. Instead, move down behind the
tin wall, killing resistance on the way. You will kill one guy there who 
wants to ambush you, and also the sentry who moves back and forth. From 
there, move to the trees in the middle and advance cautiously. Shoot the 
guards when they activate; hopefully you are close enough to do damage. If
not, you'll have to go around the back of the bunker.

Give the 3rd rifle off of the guard here to stitch, for his 2nd slot, and 
make sure to loot the crate for grenades and first aid. Then carefully move
through the hole in the SW wall and to the sniper post (with the ladder).
Go up the ladder with your main char on aggressive, ideally with the MP5
selected, on burst. You ought to blow him to smithereens. Once up here you
might be able to see other guys and shoot them, so look around with the 
rifle on, set to aggressive. Before you leave, get the stimpak and rifle 
bullets in the crate.

Move SE through the next wall, into the next ruined area, this one with wood
floors. If you didn't snipe him, there's a guy here with a pistol who you
can deal with. Then move SE to the buliding with the burning barrel. There
are 2 guys here, waiting in ambush, along with a dog, so be careful.

Move SW into the room with the wood floors and tin walls. There is an uzi-
packing thug here that shouldn't cause too much trouble if you're careful.
Next move W into the courtyard and take out the 2 sentries there, from cover
if you can. Move around the building N (on the east side) and come around to
surprise the sentry on the west side.

Once he's gone, you can either get onto the roof to shoot people from there,
or go in the front door. The best way to finish this mission is to walk out
a single step, fire a shot or two, and then move back behind cover. They 
won't be able to take a single shot at you. It's pretty easy if you ask me.
The only risk is when you take the first step out, as there is a guy on the
right side with a machine gun. Either set your MP5 to burst and go on the
right side, or do the left side to activate TB combat and then machinegun
him on your next turn. Whatever you do, do it crouched.

UPDATE: with the fix for overwatch in 1.25, you *will* get shot at when you
go around the corner, so keep this in mind. If you have a lot of trouble,
do it crouched.

Killing Horus ought to send you up a level. Put all your points in small 
guns; I'm not kidding. It will be very hard on you if you don't.

Loot the bodies for stuff. There is also a crate and a box and a locked box.
The locked box is tricky to open without extra lockpick points, but contains
2 stimpaks (not earthshattering if you miss them).

Go all the way back and talk to the shaman, who will give you heal powder.
Then go back to the Elder and talk to him; he will give you a detonator if
no natives died. Then, step on to the green patch nearby to leave.

Head back to the bunker for healing, equipment, and new recruits.


Hit 'M' to see the map, and head directly to the Recruits pool. Pick up 3
people (you might see more than 3 with high charisma), and then outfit them
with all the loot you have, ideally with a rifle and a neostead apiece. All 
of them suck at riflery, with low perceptions and middling 'small guns' 
skills, so they will be backup and mules for now. Note that though they are
wearing leather armor, they don't get the bonuses for it; this is a bug.
Unequip the armor, then equip it to fix this. Head to the Equipment store to
sell off your stuff and buy anything neat they might have. I suggest selling
all your drugs as they are addictive and expensive; I don't ever use them
and I find that if I do, i suffer because I get addicted. Buy yourself some
lockpicks and some rifle ammo if you need it. And, if you're a melee person,
get a mace glove or sappers. Make sure to do all buying and selling with the
person with the highest barter skill.

Kenny Wong (kenjai@netvigator.com) writes:

(Unconfirmed) Items seem to sell for more if the quartermaster doesn't
have a lot of it in stock. The 1st AK-47 I sold was way more than the 
57th one. This means it's much better if you sell all 57 of 'em in one
go rather than selling 2 or 3 at a time. Just have the whole party loaded
up, have your barterer within talking distance of the quartermaster, then
shift everything over. (Gotta confirm this myself, but I'm definately sure
my 57th AK went for a measily 67 scripts, while my 1st one went for a  
few hundred.)

Rick Schneider (ras501@hotmail.com) adds:

Heya! I just thought I'd give some more info on selling stuff to
the quartermaster. The price you get does indeed go down depending
on how many he has in stock. But selling all at once does not gain
you anything, the calculations are figured in to the total sale
based on quantity. If selling 1 gun gets you $100, selling 20 will
give you a lot less $2000.

I have seen this myself; heavy machineguns that once would sell for over 1K
have been reduced in price to less than 100. Once you start to hit the point
of diminishing returns (especially for larger guns), either come back for
them in a scavenging run (a vehicle helps) or don't bother at all (unless
you have a vehicle, in which case you can put it all in the vehicle; even
the scouter has no inventory limit).

Rob Healy (sparky501@earthlink.net) suggests:

Drugs are useful because you can use them on other people.  If you use more 
than six of a drug (Voodoo works great! -- cheap and plentifull) the person 
will overdose and be knocked out.  Any more usually kills the person.  Try 
this at the bunkers for some great guns early in the game (if you don't 
mind killing some of your comrades.)  Also -- combat is not iniatiated when 
you do this, so if you know you wil have to fight someone later you can kill 
them first using this method.

"Matthew wong" (mattwong48@hotmail.com) tried this and says:

Basically I'm writing to say I tried something in your guide but it didn't 
work. It's the suggestion by Rob Healy that killing a brotherhood of steel 
by overdosing them on drugs. The problem is after you kill said person you 
get a cinematic picture having you character thrown out of the brotherhood. 

Anybody know what he could have done wrong? Was this fixed in the 1.25

Once done with this, head to the briefing room to get your next mission. You
are to go to Freeport. Head out via the green exit area.

"Kevin Weiser" (kweiser@themushroom.com) writes:

I think this may be a fluke, but after I completed the first
mission of the game, right after I left I had a random encounter. 4 civilian
girls against radiscorpions.  I killed the scorps, but they got 2 of the
girls. on the bodies were NeoStead Shotguns! Yes, I had 2 (two) Neosteads
from the 2nd mission on.  It makes the game MUCH easier, let me tell you.
Deathclaws are not much of a problem, as a burst from the Neostead does 80+

Phil Chermak (philchermak@hotmail.com) adds:

In response to Kevin Weiser's notice about the NeoStead shotguns, it's not a 
fluke.  In the sector directly west of Brahmin Wood, it's fairly common to 
run into encounters involving both citizens and radscorpions.  In these 
encounters, the citizens randomly carry various items, including 9mm 
berettas, stimpaks, NeoSteads, and standard shotgun ammo.  By continuously 
finding this type of encounter, you can easily stockpile NeoSteads by 
allowing the radscorpions to munch the citizens.  It's also a good (but 
tedious) way to stockpile shotgun ammo, which will otherwise be hard to come 
by if you liberally use the NeoSteads.

SERIOUSLY consider walking around on the square W of Brahmin wood to get
these encounters. Neosteads are worth good money and do great damage, and
they will make the next couple missions much easier. You MAY have to do this
before entering the bunker the first time, so keep that in mind.


If on aggressive, you'll likely snipe a guy and a dog off to the E as soon 
as you enter. Then advance up to the line of cars and duck behind them,
standing to fire at the combatants on the ridge. Don't fire unless you have
at least a 30% chance to hit; you will just waste ammo.

There are 3 ways in to the complex, as advised by the map. I suggest taking
the south route as you can get to your contact there. It is highly advisable
to keep the alarm from sounding if you can help it, so engage the gaurds
quickly and quietly so as not to send them running to the sirens.

Move SE towards the SE stairs. You can kill the bridge guards if you want
since they don't have guns (pretty dumb if ya ask me), but there are 
sentries that walk around with guns. The N section with the still is 
especially highly guarded, with a guy with an AK47; a great weapon, but you 
have to take it from him.

KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) suggests:

shooting the alcohol still nets you a 200 xp.

The south side is pretty lightly guarded, and in a tent (on the W side of 
the gorge) is a shelf with stuff and a sleeping guy, easily ambushed. Move 
to the agreed meeting point and find the guy with red armor. He is in the 
building, crouched. From there, go NE to the room with the bookshelf. Kill 
the guy with the spear and his buddy nearby. Get the scouting manual on the 
shelf and read it for outdoorsman skill.

Go NE again and kill the spear guy there by the fire. Head E into the wood-
floored room and loot the cabinet. Once there, move the squad N to NE of
the porthole building with the sleeping guards. Sneak in and then kill them
quickly. Then move SW to the room with the locked door and 'Ripley the
prisoner'. You may have to sneak, and/or shoot the guards in the main
street before they set off the alarm. This will be tricky, and if you find
it difficult, you'll likely have to go all the way around through the still
area, killing those foes, and come from both sides, the north and the south
side of the street, to get enough shots off to kill them before the siren
goes off.

You can try to pick the lock, but it'll be difficult. If you do, she'll open
the door and run off. Go into the tent nearby and rescue the elder. Ware the
guys in the bunker in the street. Shooting nearby will probably set off the
guards to attack you, and they'll start coming out of the tents. If you're
good enough, you can pick them off 1 at a time as they come at you, but 
crouch and take cover just in case. When done, loot the bodies and tents for
some good stuff. If you're lucky, you won't have awoken most of the guards,
and they will be sleeping in the tents. Just walk your guys up to the door
on passive sentry, and then activate agressive; 6 free shots at 95%.
Execution style, as it were.

Head N from here to the little compound with the guy locked inside. Getting
through the door is difficult. I have yet to actually get in there, 
and would be most interested to find out what was inside...

chad athey (ice_b_chilly88@hotmail.com) writes:

Concerning the locked house that you were interested in getting into on the 
Freeport mission, one of the guards that generally hangs around the tent the 
elder's in has the key. In fact, If I remember correctly, in addition to the 
key he has better loot than any other guard in the Freeport mission. Hope 
that helps.

Gabriel (arkangyl@bellsouth.net) writes:

In Freeport just North of the (northeast) building with the
two sleeping guards which is northwest of the guard by the fire,
there is a locker with an AK-47 (your first one to get - and not
on a person) and some ammo or other stuff.  You can return their
to confirm the contents.  I only bring this up since this weapon
can help out immensely on this mission and gives you at least two
by the end of this mission.

Next, head E toward the still. Stop in the room full of boxes to kill a guy
and loot a crate. Then continue toward the still. There will be guys 
sleeping here, and a guy with an AK right near the still, so be careful
and crouch on the approach. If you have to, hide behind the crates and move
out, shoot at him, and then move back out of sight.

Once they're all dead, go talk to the Tribal Elder and tell him to go to
the exit area, then proceed there yourself.


Return to the bunker and talk to the new tribals there; the girl has a gun
magazine you can buy. Check out the new recruits to see if you like anyone


Head E and then NE towards the 2nd entrance, noted on the map. The first
obstacle is the camp to the east. Sneak up and engage them from a distance.
By now you ought to have 2 good snipers (you and Farsight, if you're a
sniper) and a 3rd, Rebecca, might be available at the base. The others ought
to be at least passable at the rifle, as well. If you're not too close, they
likely won't hit you.

Follow the same idea for the next group to the NE. They'll probably run out
into the field, and you can hit them from there. When they're down, you can
head NE, to the E of the garbage wall. Watch for the sniper post across the
street to the NE. There's a guy with an AK up there and he has buddies in 
the building below him. Take him out and then approach the building slowly 
to get his friends (2). You should get 2 AK's from this; if you're into 
automatics, they'll be your friends for a while. I prefer the hunting rifle 
with a secondary automatic weapon myself, or a shotgun.

Go N to the car wall, and then around it to get the crate in the SW corner,
made by the L of cars. Be aware that there is a raider there with an auto-
matic weapon, which you might not have seen if she was crouching.

Head N to the gap in the wall crouched. Set to aggressive, and then stand.
You might to see some guards and shoot them. Once done, head around the 
perimeter wall around back, and beware of the mines there. The slower you
go, the more mines you'll discover with your eyes, rather than your feet.
You probably don't have anyone who can disarm them, so just leave them be.

shirwyn@vcn.bc.ca adds:

Going down on your belly makes it easier to spot land mines.

Now you can head NW towards the gate control if you like. Pick the door if
you can to get at the gate control. From there, you can get into the area
with the boss raider. Once through with him, we can proceed to clean up the
rest of them.

You can either go in the ground floor or the top floor. The ground floor is
locked, and might pose a problem, so you may have to go upstairs; ware the
sniper there. Downstairs, 'Jesse' might be able to shoot at you through
obscure mapping errors. Specifically, there is a spot to the right of the 
door that allows you to shoot at the second floor. If you feel lucky, put
your best shot there and take care of the 2 guys upstairs.

Eventually you should get into the door, and make sure everyone is lined up
outside to see in and set to aggressive. If you can't you'll have to to
upstairs and then down the indoor stairs, a dicey proposition at best.
Of course, if you go in the ground floor and then upstairs, you'll have 2
or 3 enemies to contend with, which is also a pain. It might be best to go 
up the outside stairs and take care of them through the door. Of course,
then you have to contend with the enemies on the balcony. You can also hit
guys on the walls from the balcony, a good idea in my opinion, allowing you
to get up on the walls and fire at them.

Inside the small room is a safe which eluded me for some time. I tried
clicking on it and it said 'out of reach', but it can be accessed. You must
move the character to the left of the safe; in fact, put them right on the
left side of the safe. Then use picklocks to try to open it. I picked it on
my first try, but this might be an anomaly. Rebecca is good for that, with
high picklocks and possibly a kit you should have bought at the base.
Inside are ring pulls, RadAway, and a Traps book. As with most books, either
give it to the expert or your main character. As you likely don't have a
trap character yet, it should go to the main character or be saved.

Next you ought to get up on the wall to fire at your the nearby field. Make
a complete circuit of the 'C' and then go down off the wall and back out
to the mine-laced area. Go into the field next to the brahmin building and
shoot at the guy in the building to the W ('Bo the Raider'). Make sure to
loot him because he has several grenades on him. There is also a locked 
chest with a science book in it.

Head out into the parking lot area to the SW. Go to the yellow-lit building
to the S and assault the guy there. Open his chest and take the fruit (?)
and equipment. Also loot the bookcase for healing supplies. Then go around
the corner to deal with 'Daisy the Raider'. It's a real pain in the neck
because she has so many guys to help her that you can't go around the corner
without getting shot to hell.

Your best shot is to move in a crawl or prone, and move slowly so as to only
activate the two guards nearest to you, and hope you don't get hit too bad;
it helps to be against the wall farthest from them (the S wall). When done,
loot the bodies BUT DON'T FREE THE GUY YET; he'll head for the gate and get
shot to heck by the guards there. Free him later. From Daisy you get the 
gate key, so if you couldn't pick the door up north near the beginning of 
this mission, you can use this key to open it.

lobar (lobar@home.com) adds:

In the one mission with Daisy the raider, I've found that if you put
everyone into a crawl position and stealth mode, you can move right up
the first barrier within the room without being detected.  Nightime
seems to work best.  I group my people together, put them in offensive
mode, and raise them to a kneel at once.  Good results this way.
Special Note, before the patch you could switch stances to aviod damage
but now you can't.  So the lay/kneel/shoot/lay tatic does not work.  The
enemies go into overwatch and shoot as you kneel back up again.  Best to
stay kneeling and keep shooting.

Cross the road to the NW and head to the building there, flanked by skull
torches. It is literally full of guards, so be careful. In here is Luke,
the last of the raider bosses. Kill him and you get a pile of XP, enough
to go up a level, usually. There's also a shelf and a bookshelf here.

From here head east to the next yellow-lit building. Loot the table and head
north to the room with the cell door. Don't miss the chest out front. Use
the key from the raider in the last building to unlock the door, and talk to
the guy there. Now you should head out the front gate to make sure the coast
is clear. The best way to do this is actually to go up on the wall again and
clear everyone away.

Once you've done this, head out the gate and shoot the guys in the green 
escape area; there are several, unfortunately. Don't miss the chest by the
gate; it's on the right side. When the gate is clear, go get the scientist 
and Nanuk. Before you leave, make sure the clear out the NW section (a small
parking lot-type area) for XP and loot.


After talking with the general, he will tell you that you need to move to a
new bunker in the south. Do so. There will likely be several encounters on
the way, so save it often in case you find something you can't handle.

When you arrive, you will be given 2 missions: go to Macomb to help a guy
with supplies, and go to Preoria to get some batteries. For the sake of
order, I will describe the Macomb mission first.

lobar (lobar@home.com) writes:

With the Beta Bunker, there is a merchant tucked away in behind the
Quater Master.  I found him by accident, I took a stroll to see if
anything was there.  You could mention this guy, since people just may
miss him.  He has lots of useful stuff plus he will gamble as well.


Shirwyn Dalgliesh (shirwyn@vcn.bc.ca) writes:

Also I think we both missed a golden opportunity at Macomb.  I haven't had
the chance to go back and check it but I think that this is where you're supposed
to pick up your dog trainer.  I was suspicious at the end mission brief when
the General got so hot and bothered about sending all the civilians off to labour
camps.  Any time the General was happy about being a fascist it's safe to bet
you've missed something.  Then when I got to Great Bend the guy in the locked
house was seriously pissed off about a sister of his that had got hooked up
with a raider and died in a Brotherhood labour camp. I seem to remember one
of the civilians after the second set of dogs at Macomb calling out "Stop, please
stop." as he ran into my guns but I just wrote him off as being a trick like
the raider that attacks you even if you give him food.  Now I'm wondering if
there's some way to recruit him.  Like I said I haven't tried it yet but next
time I think I'll head west on that side street before that second set of dogs
and see if there's anybody willing to talk.  It might have been that woman in
the park just north and west of that last gate.


Since I've had many people write stuff in, I want to compile a list of all
the good stuff you can do with vehicles, since this is the first one you
get. FIRST: vehicles have unlimited inventory. Put somebody in there and
hit 'i' and it will bring up a second inventory next to yours. This is
the vehicle's, and you can fill it with whatever you want and it won't go
away, ever (bugs aside). SECOND: many people can't figure out how to get
in or out of the vehicle. Ctrl-left click on it to get in, and Ctrl-left
click on the ground next to it to get out of it. THIRD: running over a 
foe will lock it permanently in the prone position as long as you remain 
on top of it. It will be unable to make attacks and you can shoot it at 
point blank range with the prone bonus.

It might be easiest to leave the Hummer here for now. Head SW down the road
a little and then into the large warehouse full of cardboard boxes. Retrieve
the toolkit, which will be necessary to fix the hummer if it gets messed up.

Move down the street some more and fight off the rooftop guards. Then go 
into the building at the end of the street, to the NW, with gray hexagonal
windows (the one next to the gate). Inside is the control for the gate and 2
guards. Try to pick them off separately, not that they're that difficult.
Once done, open the gate with the control and don't forget the chest in the
back room.

Now head W towards the car junkyard. You will see a bunch of dogs eating a
civilian. Advance towards them, and kill them and the snipers on the roofs.
The civilian corpse has a whole pile of medical supplies and (expensive)
drugs, so make sure to get it.

When done, head S to the building with the chest on its roof, and watch for
the raider up there, as well as the one on the adjacent roof. Go up here
and head SE down the line of bridged roofs, so as to take out all resistance
down the street from the elevated position. Don't forget to get that chest,
though, as it has an important key.

lobar (lobar@home.com) adds:

In regards to the roof tops across the street (where the chest with
key is) I have noted that after the patch, it is suicide to climb up on
the chest end.  The raiders are in overwatch /aggresive sentry mode and
always burst you as you get to the top.  They have always managed to
either kill my climber or knock them off the ladder.  Even in stealth
mode, they get spotted.  When I climb up the end where you talk to the
raider and he tells you about the key, then it's much easier to get the
drop on the raiders up there.  I've played this mission before and after
the patch, and the after patch version is much more dangerous.  I think
they did this so that people would find a use for this raider who tells
you about the key.


I managed to climb up this ladder, but only at night could I get away with

Next, head into the Bowlarama. Kill the 3 guys by slowly advancing on the
entrance and moving out of cover, and then go in and take the dynamite out
of the ice chest (a big white freezer against the NE wall).

lobar (lobar@home.com) adds:

The bowlerama building and going after the guys on its roof.  One
tactic that works well is to distract them.  From across the street
where you find the chest with the key, I take one person and start
shooting at the guys on the roof.  They all come running to attack that
person.  They have AK-47's which are out of range from the far side of
the street so your decoy is relatively safe.  A hunting rifle will have
range in your hands.  This leaves things fairly clear for the rest of
your squad to climb up there and attack them from behind.


The secret door is in the section just after the second gate.  I've
also noted that the grenade chucker is far more dangerous and annoying
now.  It almost seems they have beefed him up.  Anyway, if you follow
the row of buildings towards the library you'll see a park across from
the library.  Look to the ruined buildings to the edge of the map and
you'll see at the end, part of a car sticking out of a collapsed
garage.  Well, you can walk people through this garage into the park and
then to the exit grid.  Kneeling and stealthed, I've managed to get
people up onto the balcony where the raider with the rocket launcher is
and kill him before he gets any shots off.  Then I just snipe everyone
else I can see.  From here you can walk up behind everything right up to
the mine field.
Of special note, you'll only be able to get 2 or 3 people through before
the garage closes and they can't go back.  So I take my best snipers.
I've done this before and after the patch.  Not sure if it's a bug, but
the way the park and buildings are layed out, I think it's legit.  I've
been able to clear the whole area with 2 people.  Hunting rifles are
good since you out distance most of what you face, and there are lots of
high spots to shoot from.

Head out the S door and go NE to the ladder and up so you can get at the 
next set of guards on the roofs. By now you might have killed them all, so
just get their loot. Head to the SE end of the road, to find the control
for the next gate. Nearby is a raider who wants food in exchange for the
knowledge of where the gate key is. He'll attack you anyway, though. He
says it's in that chest on the roof that you already got! What a 

Use the key on the door and open the gate with the controls. Be careful
because there is a guy behind the door, down the street, with a rocket
launcher. He also has a pal with a machinegun and a grenadier to boot. The
grenadier is particularly pesky because he is stealthed. I had a stealth
character sneak around behind his position (the building) and attack him,
and when he stood up to get at her, my other guys took him out.

When he is dealt with, you can open up the next door; the controls are
behind the bunker with the rocket guy. Head down the street past the control
SE (NOT through the gate) and towards the library. Talk to the librarian in
there twice. He wants you to find his glasses.

Now head back to the gate you opened and go through it, down the street. The
building to the north is full of raiders; best clean them out one at a time,
using cover if you can, crouched. Don't miss the desk when you're done. The
building just to the NE of that one has an ice chest and a raider in it.
For some reason, the civilian seems to have incredible marksmanship; I'm not
sure why. This requires either a sacrifice of damage, or really annoying and
tedious sneaking and firing techniques. This appears to be because he has
armor-piercing bullets. Inside the ice chest are some molotov cocktails and 
a repair kit.

"Ray Macey" (raymacey@hotmail.com) adds:

Just thought I should let you know that the highly accurate civilian in the 
Macomb mission is apprently meant to be Austin Powers, seeing as how he 
called out 'Groovy Baby' or 'Shagadelic Baby' (the exact words escape me) 
before he blew the absolute #$%# out of me.  It explains his accuracy and 
the armour piercing bullets :)

Next job is the next building up the street, to the NE. The doors in front
are closed and sort of hard to see. Ware the civilians on the roof and in
the street. Open the doors and prepare for an ambush. There are 3 or 4
guys there which you can hide from using the doorway. The hardest one might
be the one right at the door, but a shotgun blast or a full-auto burst 
should do the trick on him.

This is the courthouse, and there are raiders in the courtroom too, so 
beware. You can go up the stairs if you want to try to get an advantage on
them, which might be wise. You can also see foes in other buildings from up
here, so give it a shot. You must at least go upstairs to use the controls
on the balcony.

Head out the gate you just opened and watch for mines. Head N to clear out 
the building there and watch for sentries to the NW. There is a guy on the
roof, up in the alley here, too, on the NE side. Getting the hummer past
the mines is a difficult task. If you can't disarm them (they are very hard
to disarm), you have to do the following (this is by no means easy, and took
me abotu 12 tries). Go south of the first one, onto the sidewalk. Continue
past the next 2, and then turn north a bit and drive in between the last 2.
This is tricky, and you may end up getting mad and hitting one or two and
then repairing later. It CAN be done, but it is not easy, not by a long

Shane Feather (xcaliber1999@aol.com) writes:

When referring to the mines in Macomb( or elsewhere), if you are not able to 
disarm them just have your best sniper stand several feet away and force 
fire at them.  One good hit will clear away that pesky mine.  Be sure and 
be several feet away though as the translational damage is widespread.

Even with a very high attack percentage it takes several shots...just keep 
trying.  I think the game assigns a high damage stopping ability to the 
ground on top of the mine...and it almost takes a critical hit to score 
enough damage to set them off.  Also the two Brahmin in the pen next to 
this area will wander out and take two of them out for you if you open 
both gates on their pen, also an exploding cow is a great stress reliever.

Houston Bruck (hbruck321@hotmail.com) writes:

If anyone is having a little trouble in the Macomb mission disarming those 
mines, I've got a little tip.  I was having some trouble force firing on 
the mines, and I could not for the life of me drive though the mines.  So 
I got some dynamite and activated it near the mines.  To get close enough 
it seems that you have to put the trap skill on, and click on top of the 
mines.  Once there activate some dynamite and run, that should take care 
of the problem.  -HB

Chris369@aol.com suggests:

Another way to disable mines is to lob fragmentation grenades at them. 
In the Macomb mission where the road is mined, there is a grenadier who 
I got somewhere around 14 frag grendades off him. I have the grenades to 
Rebecca, who with a Throwing skill of only 32 was able to lob a grenade 
far enough to blow up the mine and avoid damage. One grenade per mine is 
all that is needed.

You also only have to clear one side of the road. Just have to be careful 
when driving the Hummer.

KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) suggests:

When shooting mines, shotguns work best with their 12 ga. Rounds. It can 
easily set off any mines. And in the beginning of the game, the shotguns 
rule! It works just like burst even for single-shots, and uses only one 
bullet! However you have to be careful about your party, you may hit 
them and considering they are quite near to you, it's painful. Also, 
if you manage to get the merchant encounter early in the game, you can 
get the pancor jackhammers and have an easy ride till the mutants mission 
where your range and skill is tested.

lobar (lobar@home.com) adds:

The mines.  Another effective way to destroy them is to lay down on the
ground and force fire burst attacks.  (Generally, laying on the ground
puts you on the same level with the mines and gives you better results
however you decide to do it.)  You can line you squad up one beside each
other and burst down the street.  Just move them forward in formation by
using the 'F' key before you mouse click.  There is also one mine that
is not active, it's the one without the red ring around it.  You can
pick it up and take it along to use or sell.  Using dynamite also works
well and I've been able to place the dynamite beside the mines and have
it work that way.  I've never had to place dynamite on top of a mine.

Go back to the gate, and around the building with the civilians on it. Watch
for mines, and move slowly. You're moving into an ambush area here, with
people in the building to the south of the intersection and in the alley 
to the north. Use the building on the W for cover. Watch out for the
grenadier(s) on the NE side of the intersection.

The chest in the room with the snipers (and a large radiation bath in the
back room) has the librarian's glasses. Return them to him. He give you a
book for free; unless you traded him for it before, in which case you just
get your objective completed.

KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) adds:

The librarian's glasses. Some people do not know how to return it to him. It 
happened for me and I figured out that you must barter and give it to him. 
This would help.

Head back to the intersection and go SW into the alley there and up the 
ladder onto the roof to loot the bodies of the civilians there. Once done,
go back to the intersection and SE this time, down the road. You will
find a guy in a building on the NE side of the street and a bunch of dogs
in the street; not too much challenge there.

Continue down the street until you find a civilian or two that need killin', 
at the end of the road. As you advance, more will come from the street to 
the SW and throw rocks at you. No, you shouldn't be worried.

Head SW and go into the N 2-story building next to the gate. You might be 
forced to fight on the way there, just a civilian and a raider or two.
Unfortunately, you might activate the raiders down by the exit grid, which
will be two more things to keep your hands full with.

Once done with them, head into the building and up the stairs, to the roof.
From here you can go across the bridges to get loot from some of the snipers
at the intersection before. You would think that you could get to the top
floor of the library from here, but in fact you can't, from anywhere.

Just head up to the gate and pick a point past it; there appears to be a map
hole that you can get through, but it will only let female figures through. 
If they ever fix it, you'll have to come through the ruined building to the 
southeast, though, or the road to the north.

shirwyn@vcn.bc.ca adds:

Female characters can go through some tight areas that men can't(i.e. the 
alleys in Macomb and the gap on the plateau above Peoria).

And now we come to the end of it, which features several snipers and a man
with a bazooka. There are about a half a dozen all told; you're better off
inching down the street along the south, so as to pick off the snipers in
the south building 1 at a time. What I do is go into the south building and
put my best shots on the roof, picking off the enemies one at a time. Some-
times they will be stupid enough to charge you, 1 or 2 at a time, and you
can pick them off easily enough that way. Just be careful of the bazooka
guy. His aim is usually way off if he's firing from far away, but if you get
up close, kiss your butt goodbye. The barricades here can be easily 
destroyed with small arms fire.

Chris369@aol.com suggests:

Also in the Macomb mission, the rocket launcher guy at the end of the 
mission can easily be taken out from behind by sneaking a guy up to the 
building and climbing the ladder. 

Once done, move the hummer up to the exit area. You should get confirmation
of mission end, and then you can return to base.

4.1 BUNKER 4:

Get out of the hummer (everyone will run if you drive around in it). You 
won't be given any more missions. Next is Preoria. Buy some rad-X while
you are at the base; you'll need it.


The people here are friendly. One of the tents has a chest with ammo and
rad-away in it, so go get that. Talk to some of them if you like, and then
head up one of the ladders onto the cliff. In the northern-most corner are
2 dead raiders with a bunch of stuff on them. There is also another dead
raider about halfway down the NE map edge. He's got some prodigious loot
too, but the dead tribal nearby only has some voodoo.

Before you head down the stairs, talk to the shaman, by the garden at the
N end of the village. He will give you Rad-X. Note that you can steal from
the turrets here; each has about 40 large energy cells.

Booze Miller (karnovbox@hotmail.com) adds:

I Found out something about the Surface Turrets in the Preoria Mission... 
They have unlimited Ammo.  I had Rage Take out the batteries in these toys 
before hand thinking they would run out of ammo... They didn't.  Oh well, at 
least I didnt lose a single tribal to their bad aim.  I had 3 guys with 
Neosteds standing right in front of them and Beth and Kevin with A 
Powerglove and that crazy Ripper Sword... Melee attacks rock against these 

"Arthur B. Byrne" (abb3w@mindspring.com) suggests:

     I've come up with a somewhat expensive trick for
 making this mission substantially easier, although I
 think this is exploiting a mis-feature.
     The turrets are vulnerable to chemical overdose, if
 you use drugs on them. So, if you don't use drugs for
 anything else, you can simplify your life a lot, and get
 a slew of energy cells.
     Three psycho or four afterburner will give the
 turrets a lethal overdose. I recommend using this to
 take out the three turrets up in the village, so you
 don't need to worry about civilian casualties when you
 flip the "off" switch for the downstairs ones. There
 are other drugs that will kill, but they all take more
     Once you can turn the turrets on and off safely,
 it's a lot easier to kill them. (I like a couple
 of powerfists myself.) Of course, you don't get any
 XP for drugging a turret to death, but they're only
 about 14 XP w/ a group of 6 characters, and you still
 get the microfusion cells.
     They may eventually patch it so chemicals don't
 do anything to mechanicals, but in the meantime, it's
 vastly simplifies a happy ending.

Head down the stairs and look out for the radscorpion behind the stairs. 
Loot the dead tribals for items when the scorpion is dead. Head S to the
room with the shelves and through the door there. In the next room are
some roaches behindsome machines, and you'll fight a number of smaller
roaches on the way. They go down in 1 or 2 hits, so it ought not to be a
problem. In the ice chest is fruit and a super stimpak. Move out into the
hallway carefully to pick off the smaller roaches. Beware the larger one
further down (I swear, those things creep me out).

Move down the hall, to the room at the end. There are some small roaches
inside, with shelves and a fridge. On the shelves here is the Yellow Pass
Key, important for later. In the fridge is Rad-away, which you will need.

Return to the stairs area and head NE this time. Stop in the first room on
the right. Inside are roaches, worth XP, but nothing else. The first room
on the leftalso features some small roaches and little else. Head up to the
2nd room on the left and find the single crate in the middle of the room
for a little loot.

Go around the corner (SE) and take out the roaches in the room to the SW.
You can then get at the desk with the science book inside. Now you must get
into the room to the NE, which has 2 large roaches in it. Position most of
your guys right outside the door, in line of sight with them if you can
'perceive' where they are from outside, and when you open the door you ought
to be able to at least severely wound them on the first volley. Your reward
is the ice chest, crate, fridge, and shelf. While most of it is food, you
also get some small energy cells.

Your next task is to clear the exercise room, the next room to the NE. 
There are 2 doors, one at the NW end and one at the SE end. There are many
roaches in here, and 2 big ones. There is a locker against the NE wall with
rad-away in it. Now head into the room across the way, to the SE, which
will be a complex of rooms, including an office.

Try to head to the entrance and fire on the several large roaches from
afar, drawing them to you where you can hit them in the room with the
shelves. There are 4 or 5 of them, and be careful because they can spit.
Once they are subdies, check the desk in the bunk room for a gun magazine,
and the big white desk under the monitor, in the room with the hole in the
floor (the biggest one).

Then, head into the office. If you have the yellow pass key, you can open
the large yellow vault door here. You get Rad-X, flechette shells, and a
fusion battery from the lockers, and a science book and a 44 from the
locked safe (my lockpick was 100, plus the kit).

The 44 is a nice weapon because it takes 1 less AP to use; this means that
if you have 10 Agility and Fast shot, you can get off 5 shots a round. My
weapon of choice at close range, although it has to reload pretty often.

Head back into the hallway and, up to the double doors, which should open
automatically for you. It might be a good idea to power up the facility
using the control here, but it will put the turrets on line. As any Fallout
gamer knows, the defense systems (the turrets) are the first things to
break in the event of an attack (I'm gonna shoot the contractors that did
this job, you can be sure). But they don't really break. Nooooooo... they
go HOSTILE on anyone that moves (grumble mutter spit). In any case, be
careful of them. They are guns, not roaches, and will do much more damage as
a result.

Once the backup power is on, you can go through the next set of doors. Doing
so will activate the alarm though (but it does say 'have a nice day'). Go
and loot the splattered Vault 0 citizen for some stimpaks. The turrts are
very hard to take out with small arms fire. Wait for the turrets to kill
off the cockroaches they can see. You won't be able to see anything, but
you should hear firing.

Each of the turrets has about 350 HP, and you'll be lucky to do more than 1
point of damage to them each time. The turrets go up and down, so if you
don't have explosives, the best trick might be to wait for them to go down
and then run past them. You don't have much time, though, so you'll have to
use cover to do it. Bonus move is a real boon here if you use TB. The 
turrets have pretty bad accuracy, but save it before you try this (best 
to do it 1 guy at a time) so you don't get chewed up too bad.

You could try putting your best grenadier at the pile of boxes in the middle
of the floor, there to chuck grenades at them, but it's hard to do and
doesn't do as much damage as you might expect. You could also try targeted
attacks on its various parts to try and cripple it. I couldn't find it in 
the manual, but a targeted attack is done by activating the small dot with
a circle around it in the lower right-hand corner of your weapon button.
Destroying the turrets will not get you any XP. They do, however, have a
large amount of power cells on them (for your weapons, not for the quest).
In fact, if you can steal all their power cells with a thief character and
then let them fire at you from long range, using up their ammo, they will
pose no more threat to you.

george indigo (yodawon@yahoo.com) suggests:

easy way to take out turrets is to out range them with
your snipers they will still shoot but only about 1 in
20 will actually hit you will on the other hand you
get about 85% on the targetted attack target their
sensor hitting this knocks them out then blast them
with any ap rounds you have with your attackers. This
also works great when shooting through windows. It
does require alot of ammo though.

Justin Cramer (thinredpaste@yahoo.com) writes:

I found this interesting tidbit about the turrets in
preoria.  They can't stand up to melee attacks. 
Sounds wierd, but if you get right up next to them,
they can't hit you at all, and you can tear em apart
with a crowbar.  takes a long time, but its very
satisfying to know that you took out a heavily armed
and armored enemy with a piece of metal, swung like
Of course, it's a little tougher if there's a pair of
turrets, so you might want to snipe or grenade one and
then beat the crud out of the second.

Gilkey, Gregory (gsg@lucent.com) writes:

This might be a bug that the player can use to his/her advantage.  During
real time the turrets are going up and down with a certain rhythm.  However,
if you initiate combat while the turret his down, it will stay down while
the turn-based combat system is active.  
I stood my characters up and ran (actual walked) all the way past them with
ease.  I even tried to "steal" the Large cells.  I kept getting caught
however, the turret never came up to shoot at me.  Of course, this only
works if you use the turn-based combat system.  I only used it with the
squad-based combat system.

KittyH suggests:

Turn on CTB and passive and just run like heck past them.

Chris369@aol.com writes:

In the Preoria mission, I've found it easiest to just run 
past each of the turrets, moving guys one at a time. I take a 
guy, put him on ignore (so that he won't stop and shoot something), 
go into CTB mode, and dash past it . Haven't taken more than one 
hit from a turret per guy this way, and a lot of times don't take 
any hits. For short distances, such as across a hallway in the field 
of fire of a turret (the third turret comes to mind), I take each guy, 
and go into Individual mode once he has all his action points. Quite 
often the turret won't fire as it doesn't have/get a turn. The lack 
of opportunity fire seems like a bug to me, so this might get fixed 
in a patch.

(This can be difficult as you have to time it right like
an RTS and turn off the control fast enough if you still intend to
save the villagers.)

lobar (lobar@home.com) sends a monster of a tip, saying:

Preoria (killing Turrets Made Real Easy)
I have become a specialist in killing these things quick and easy.  A
well balanced group can deal out well over 100pts of damage per combat

Most importantly, turrets are terrible shots at close range.  If you
stand beside one, it rarely ever hits you.  When facing the first two
you encounter, make sure to stand someone beside each so both turrets
are firing point blank at someone.  Otherwise the second turret will be
at range and cut you to pieces.

Weapons of choice; Power Fist, Ripper, Neostead.
Other effective Weapon; Diamond Spears.

Power Fists and Rippers will do their full range of damage.  In case of
the Power Fist, in the hands of someone with 9AP, that's three attacks.
Really effective.  The cattle prod is effective as well, but does
smaller damage.  I'd rather put the batteries into a Ripper or Fist.
More bang for your buck.

Neosteads rule.  Burst mode is okay, but wastes ammo.  Better to do
aimed shots into the sensors.  Damage averages between 20 and 50 pts.
Critical hits do far more and sometimes knocks the turret out.  (Once
Ice shot one in the sensors and did 616 points of damage in one shot!!
I was really impressed).  At point blank range, you rarely ever miss.

Diamond Spears.  Not bad but only do 6-8 points of damage.  Might be
better if used by a Melee Weapon character type but  I don't play those
so I am unsure.  In general these spears are effective agianst many
things because the diamond tips act as armor piercing.

Every other weapon is a waste of time.  You may get lucky with a
critical hit on an aimed shot to the sensors, but this is very rare.  AP
ammo used to work great, got all kinds knockouts with it, but after the
patch, this ammo is just as useless as the rest.  Flash grenades seem to
always stun turrets, but they still fire at you anyway so again, waste
of ammo there too.  Though the stunn effect may reduce their chance to
hit which could prove helpful when you first charge up to them to reach
point blank range.

Tactics, place one person with a Neostead right beside the turret.  To
either side of the Neostead you place a person with a power fist or
ripper.  In behind the Neostead person is where the diamond spear people
go.  Reason, even though you are doing aimed shots with the Neostead, it
still sprays buckshot around.  If you have people ringing too much of
the turret, you'll end up hitting them as well.  Either side of the
Neostead person has proven safe, and since spear thrusts have a range of
2, you can stand behind the Neostead person in safety.

Generally, I go in with two Neosteads, two spears, a powerfist and a
ripper.  This way when you fight the first two turrets, you can split
the group in two and have a balanced set of attacks on each.  With one
turret, I've managed to get two Neosteads beside it with each flanked by
powerfists, and still did not shoot my own people.  The Leader Perk
works well here.  I had one person, Ice I think, with a Neostead and
Diamond Spear.  At 9AP, she could do an aimed shot with the Neostead and
thrust with the spear.  Good way to stack up your attacks and pile on
the damage.  As a group you can polish these things off really quick.
Each turret will gain you some where between 650 and 700 Small Fusion
Cells.  Well worth the effort.  You can leave this mission with
thousands of these things of which you can save some for later while
trading some off to recoupe the Small energy cells you used up.

Later on, when you have big weapons and better armor you can go for the
ones in the rooms you have to run through and the ones on the surface.
One way to keep the Villiagers safe from the surface turrets is to place
one of your people in front of each surface turret.  When they pop up,
they'll shoot at the closest target, you, and at point blank range, it's
rare that they will ever hit.  Later on with better equipent, you send
one person down to flip the switch, and your surface team, waiting point
blank, rips them apart when they pop up.  Once they're gone, you can go
for the ones you left in the rooms below.

For the rooms where you have 10 seconds to run through, an easier way to
make the time limit is to run through the first two rooms.  In the third
room with the lockers and one destroyed turret, lay your people down
just past the row of barrels and flip the switch.  The turrets in the
first two rooms have their line of site blocked by the wall under the
windows, and the one in this room is blocked by the barrels.  You can
also crawl up to the lockers and search them this way without getting
shot.  Only tricky part is getting past the last turret.  If you crawl
to the edge of the barrels, then stand and run into the hallway beyond
you should make it.  You may take a hit or two.  I just wind up running
into the corner and destroy the turret.

Once past this obstacle, head out into the hall. You will be ambushed by 2
radscorpions to the south and a turret to the north. This turret is best
(and more easily) avoided.

The door to the SW cannot be opened yet, so you have to go NE, towards the
turret. Try to get into the workshop across the hall to the SE. You will
discover a number of cockroaches and radscorpions in adjoining rooms. If
it is too much to handle, bait them out into the hall where the turret can
take care of them.

Head SE into the adjoining room with the workbench and shelves. The work-
bench has a microsledge, which is good for melee types. Go into the next
room, the one with the flashing light. You can see cockroaches and scorpions
coming towards you, but what you can't see is the scorpion hiding by the
locker. You have been warned. In the locker is one of the quest batteries
and poison antidote.

Move SE and get the fruit on the dumpster. There will be several bugs in the
next room that will come for you, so be warned. Move NE to the automatic
door and send your fastest person in to activate the controls. Try to avoid
the turret in there.

Once the power is switched on, head back around to the workroom with the
windows and out into the hallway with the turret. Hopefully you can shoot
all the bugs in the conference room through the windows here; you don't
want to have to fight them and dodge the turret at the same time.

Now for the dangerous part. You must run past the turret into the workshop
past it, and try to get at the crate right near it, and then run into the 
conference room behind. A good tactic is to use the power generator room
nearby to aid you in this. The crate only has a roast bug in it, so it's
safe to skip if you're not exhaustive. The workroom only has a repair kit
in it, so you can skip that, too, if you want. But you should try to get
into the conference room. Actually, it's not the conference room that is
important, but rather the hall to the NE of the conference room. The
conference room does have a table with some good stuff on it, though.

The hall beyond also has a turret, which ought to be avoided. Go to the
room at the north end of the hall, the medical-looking room. There are
several items on the table here next to a terminal that opens the door to
the second room. In the fridge is Rad-X and another yellow pass key.
There are also lockers in the corner with medical items and texts. Go into
the back room and get the medical items on the table there.

Go across the hall to the room with the shelves. Use the yellow pass key to
open the vault door and go in. Disarm the trap on the desk and open it to 
get Leather Armour Mark II (previously, there were 2 suits available for
sale at the store) and some ammo.

Now, do you feel lucky? In the locker at the end of the hall near the
turret is a bunch of cool stuff: an M16, a custom revolver, and a large
amount of ammo. The revolver is much like the magnum, 1 less point to
fire, and the m16 does little more damage than the hunting rifle (less
than the AK) with the same range, so it's up to you.

Head back to the set of doors that were closed before, right by the double
set of turrets at the beginning of this section. Go through those doors and
use the controls there. The unfortunate thing is that it will activate the
surface defenses in 10 seconds. This means you have 10 seconds to move
whoever you want through the door before the guns start killing tribals
topside. Run them through the doors and then have at least 1 person stay
behind to pull the control again, switching to internal systems again. This
will continue, if you intend to save the inhabitants of the town above.
You must open the doors for a short time and then close them after everyone
has run through.

The first room has a single turret to avoid. The second has 2, and even if
you switched off the security and slaughtered the villagers, they will still
attack you. This is hard because these turrets aren't flaky like the last
working pair you encountered. They attack you, and attack you, and attack
you. You can try to destroy them, but it's probably better to try to run
by them. This will take many tries. The next room has 2 more turrets in it,
one of which is dead. Make sure to loot it for about 40 power cells or so.
There are also 3 lockers in here, with another M16 and ammo, and antidote.
Once through there, you end up dashing right into a hall full of bugs. Fun,

The best tactic, I believe (assuming you can't easily destroy the turrets)
is to advance using the walls of boxes and then just make a straight dash
for the room beyond and the hall beyond that, and hug the NW wall by the
door in the hall as you pick off the bugs. Advance 1 or 2 at a time, if
you can.


The absolute easiest way to do this is to hit enter and go into TB mode
before you even switch the console on. Because the turrets never change
stance in TB, they will never pop up, and thus never fire at you.

Beyond the green bathtub room are some more bugs and a single shelf 
containing a cats paw magazine and some other forgettables. Still, if you
want to go...

Now we see where the Rad X can come in handy. Take 2 before heading into the
green bathtub room (we'll be back for the rest of the complex in a minute).
It's best to only send 1 or 2 people down here; any more and your radX runs
out fast. The shelf room is teeming with bugs, so be careful. I have found
that the magnum is great on bugs. Give it a shot.

Head to the hall across from the bunk room (to the SW). There you find a
radscorpion and some bugs in the bathroom. In the closed room across from
the bathroom are small roaches and ammo on the shelf. Move SW down the hall
and kill some bugs on the way. Watch for the SE turret, by the green wall.

Go get the lockers around the corner in the NW room. It contains 3 M-14s
and associated ammo. They are passable rifles, but not as good as the
hunting rifles or even the automatics.

Now head S to the room full of boxes. It has several smaller roaches in it
but nothing serious. The classroom, however, has a scorpion right around
the corner. Make sure to loot the crate for ammo in the middle of the box

From the classroom you ought to be able to shoot more bugs in the shelf 
room to the SE and then advance into the room with the bookshelf and ice
chest. Loot them and then continue to the shelf room. Watch for the
scorpion behind the shelves to the N, and then go up to the door of the
next room. It should open automatically.

I found a large cockroach in this room that appeared to be stuck in the
scenery, a bug presumably (ironic). Disarm the trap on the shelf and take
its contents (ironically, a traps book). Loot the lockers for an electronic
lockpick (crucial later) and stimpaks.

If you want to get the locker in the next room, open the door to the green
room and use 2 rad-X's if you haven't already. Be aware that this room is
full of large roaches. Try to stay near the door and take them one at a
time, especially since you should only be using 1 person to go in there
to conserve rad-x's. There is also a big freaking roach in there called
'Roachor', pretty much the Godzilla of roaches. He is hiding and you won't
be able to see him until you get close to him (he's between the door and
the locker), but when you do, move back and shoot him from afar. It is 
possible to hit him from the other room, so do so.

KJ (batistutaforever@hotmail.com) adds:

The big bug, I assumed it is Roachor, is stuck in the map, but it still can 
attack you. Beware!

In the locker is the last battery. Proceed to the exit, avoiding the
turrets in reverse order. Talk to the shaman on the way out, and then
the elder, too, who will give you another battery.


The elder will only give you the battery if no villagers died. Kep this
in mind.

"Angus Lai" (sakuragk@home.com) adds:

I am playing v1.25. This might be a bug. When I got 3 fusion batteries 
in the mission in Preoria and saved the tribals, the elder was suppose 
to give me the fourth battery. However, when I talked to him with 3 of 
my batteries in my inventory, the forth battery did no show up, even 
he said he have given it to me. So, I dropped the 3 batteries on the 
ground and talked to the elder, and I got the fourth battery. I got 
150pt exp for having 4 batteries, and another 150pt exp when leaving 

lobar (lobar@home.com) adds:

As a final note, for anyone wanting to come back to Preoria at a later
time, a problem exisists with having the exit grid crossing the only
entrance to the villiage.  How you get around this is easy.  Just run
your people across the grid one or two at a time to the other side.  So
long as your whole team is not touching it at once, you can move across
it without triggering the map exit routine.

5.1 BUNKER 5

More Leather Armour Mark II is available, as is your first set of metal
armor. Pick that up and ammo for your .44 (I actually used all the .44 in
the mission). If you like the revolver, consider getting more .45 for the
Casull revolver as a backup. Your next mission is Quincy.

mike perlewitz (yodawon@yahoo.com) notes:

there is a dealer in base beta behind the arms dealers
i didn't find him til after preoria but he could be
there earlier he trades meds for wasteland cash


Your first task is to get into the building with the mayor. Talk to Arlene
to the E and she'll tell you what to do. With that in mind, head NE to
the square, 1-level building behind the fence. It's a schoolhouse full of
dead roaches. Move out the back, onto the porch, and towards the basketball

Head NW up to the porch and shoot the 2 guys guarding it. Then, go up to 
the windows and begin having it out on the baby deathclaws, if you don't 
have a sneaker type to kill them silently (not that they're easy to kill
quickly; they have a lot of hp; about 120). All the more reason to stay by
the windows; if you do so, they shouldn't come get you, as they can't see
you. This might be an AI bug, but it works, and Deathclaws would shred you

Matt (mrbilljoe@yahoo.com) writes:

A Helpful hint on killing non-baby deathclaws in
real-time.  Have at least 3 people go, one guy should
aim at the right leg, and one aims at the left, and
one (the one who the deathclaw first attacks) runs
around like all hell broke loose. 

(david.s.jannke@accenture.com) suggests:

Sneak people upstairs to take out the captain before you go after the
people on the porch.  Sneak downstairs and three deathclaws and their
handlers will be asleep.  Use 'steal' to plant radio controlled explosives
(or standard explosives if you like, but radio controlled are more fun).
Set all the explosives to the same frequency.  Now go outside and take out
the guys on the porch.  As the deathclaws come out push the button.
BOOM-SPLAT.  No deathclaws. Alternatively you can push the button as the
wakeup call for the guards (which I did).  Apparently the effect of
explosives is magnified if they are in your inventory when they go off as
RC explosives usually don't do that much damage.  If you are lucky the
explosion takes out handlers and the porch guards as well.  Very pretty
when it all works right.

(At this point you can either go up the stairs or use the ladder on the
junked truck outside to get onto the roof and then down onto the balcony
to ambush the commander from behind. I usually go up the stairs.)

Now you must go up the stairs. This is the really hard part, for you see,
as soon as you go up, the commander there runs over and sounds the alarm,
which you really can't allow, as it will get the main alarm set off and all
the hostages in town will die. You have to get everyone (or 1 really good
shot) up the stairs to take a shot, and hope that the person who takes the 
first shot can do enough damage to the guy to kill him so he won't set off 
the other alarm. TB is essential here. Shotguns can be good for this, as 
well as the magnum. Using the shotgun with flechette is a good plan. If 
you have it double-barrelled, so much the better.

Benjamin Winston (lemurking@hotmail.com) writes:

To not risk anything at all, I snuck three people behind the commander(one 
had a sneak of 15%, so its easy), two with shotguns, one with hunting 
rifle(eyes) and aggressived them all at once, killing him instantly.

Clown (zion99@pacific.net.sg) suggests:

one thing i did right at the start was to have stumpy creep past everybody,
install a landmine(the big ones taken from macomb) in front of the alarm,
get out of the room, and fire a shot at the commander to alert him. he will
then run to the alarm and the first part of the mission is finished. 8-)

i love mines. they took out the deathclaws too.

oh yar, deathclaws CAN climb ladders after you.

lobar (lobar@home.com) suggests: 

In Quincy, when doing the town hall mission one tactic that works well
is this.  Place one person on the roof with the big siren, to act as a
spotter.  This way you will see all the patrolling beastmen around the
grounds and on the roofs of the town hall.  There is a fence, opposite
side of the building from it's front door you can stealth to.  When the
gaurds are furthest away, you can make it to a ladder and climb up
without being detected.  At this point I use Rage, stealth 85%, and an
AK-47 to take out the men on the roof.  In stealth, from behind, with a
full burst, closer range, you take them out in one shot.  This will not
start an extended combat, and the other beastmen won't sound the alarm.
With the roof patrol gone, it's easy to get the rest of your party onto
the roof.  From there I use one person inside the second floor and go
down to the first.  Once one of the beast men there spots you, run up
the stairs and he chases you.  Kill him on the sencond and stealth the
group down to the first floor.  As a group, attack the other beastman
which usually kills him first volley, leaving the Deathclaw to deal
with.  The deathclaw does not sound the alarm, so you are free to deal
with just him.

With the death of the commander, the objective is complete. Get his key and
open up the door locking the mayor in. Talk to the mayor several times and 
get the key on the ground as well as the ammo on the shelf. Go out onto the
balcony, up the ladder, and over to the siren and disable it.

Many people have asked: "How do I know if the siren is disabled?" This
is not a silly question, because it doesn't stop moving. To make sure
it is disabled, toggle your minimap to the text box and then 'use' the
siren control box in the fenced area with the siren. You will get an
experience bonus. If you don't get the XP bonus, it's not disabled yet.
When you do, the siren will keep spinning, but pay it no mind. I consider
this to be buggy behavior/bad game design, but no one is perfect, I 

Now each building has their own built-in siren, as well as the 'global' 
siren. Disabling the one on the roof only guarantees that all of the 
hostages won't be killed at once; it does not guarantee that the guys 
in any one building won't set off their siren and kill the occupants of 
that singular building.

Now head W and S a little, towards the longish building with the stairs
that go up to the roof. Pick off the sentry patrolling the S end of the
tracks and prepare an ambush for the deathclaw that is about to come. If
he sees or hears your shots, he's going to come off the porch-type area
in the front of the building and head right for you. If you're not ready,
the only think you can do is switch to automatics and pray. Otherwise, if
you're lucky, you might be able to set a dynamite trap up and lure him
over it, preferably with guys packing shotguns and magnums waiting a short
distance away to finish him off. Deathclaws move fast, have about 200hp,
and hit HARD. I had to fill it with lead for 2 solid rounds to put it down
when it snuck up on me, and I only escaped unscathed because Stitch (of all
people) knocked it unconcious with a lucky shot.

Finish off the 2nd and 3rd sentries to the NW and head into ghoul town. The
ghouls are holed up in a building to the W. Talk to Elliot once you're in
a secure position, and a number of beast lords and dogs will begin an
assault from the NW. You must fight them off, hopefully with few ghoul
casualties. There are several deathclaws, too, which is the hard part.
Hopefully you can hit them with grenades, though. Use the NW wall as cover
and the gap in the fence where they charge as a bottleneck for shotgun
blasts, grenades, and automatic fire.

"Kenny Wong" (kenjai@netvigator.com) writes:

You can throw grenades through walls if you can see the other
side. Which means you can throw it into buildings and such at
certain places. 

Benjamin Winston (lemurking@hotmail.com) writes:

As for Deathclaws and the ghouls of Quincy, I managed to keep all the 
ghouls alive by not talking to them until afterwards.  To kill the 
deathclaws, I put 5 people in a balcony w/ hunting rifle(eyes or head) 
and had the sixth run around in circles untill the Deathclaw was dead.

Once you've put the waves down, talk to Elliot again. He asks you to go
get his brother. The brother is in the building where the deathclaws were,
right to the NW. Be careful because there are still a couple beast lords
in there, but only with pistols. Go in, talk to Gorgi, and loot the 
civilians. When you go back to talk to Elliot again, he says that the
ghouls will join the brotherhood, so now you have ghouls in your recruits
pool back at the base.

Head back east to the large building adjacent to the train tracks. You want
to get into the town hall to save the mayor's daugher, and you're going to
have to take out the sentries out front to do it, without them setting off
the sirens. I did this by going up onto the 2nd floor and picking off 2
from there and waiting for the 3rd to come around from the door to the NE.
Also try to get at the wandering beast lord and his pack of dogs and the one
on the roof of the town hall.

Now you must assault the building itself. Inside are several beast lords and
a deathclaw, not easy pickins. One of the guards has a Garand automatic
rifle, which is superior to the hunding rifles you might have, both in range
and damage, so grab that before you go.

You have a couple of choices here. First, you can go in the front door.
Simple, direct, but has the risk of people setting off the alarm before you
can stop them. You can go in the side door, but it's locked and you have to
pick it, and the deathclaw is right nearby. Also, you can go up on the
second floor  using the ladder which is near the side door. There is a
single guard up there, on the rear (NE) balcony, but it will only net you
the ability to go down the stairs, which is quite near the front door 

If you can do it, open up the side door when you can sense that the sentry
is near it. He'll be close and you can ambush him and then hopefully shut
the door before the deathclaw goes. End combat, and then do it again for
the rifle sentry in the middle of the room. Make sure that you can get out
the door before the deathclaw can get to you! Deathclaws can't open doors,
it seems, so you should be okay on that account.

Okay, now how do you kill him, now that he's behind the door? Hope you
didn't 'end combat' yet. Put your fastest person in front of the door
(this works best with a fast shot magnum), put everyone else nearby on 
overwatch and then open the door, fire a couple rounds, and then close the 
door. It takes 2 AP to do a door action. If this tedious turkey shoot isn't 
to your taste, go around front and have at it; you should be able to put 
him down before he gets to you, hopefully.

Go into the small room with the desk and the girl in it. Talk to her and
then get the key in the cabinet. You must go into the next room (the larger
one with the stairs) with everyone on passive, then hit agressive and 
watch them chew up the opposition. Take the loot, including a new submachine
gun, and get the incendiary grenades from the desk.

"ROBERT L BURGESS" (CHEPOT@prodigy.net) adds:

An easy way to save the mayor's daughter in Quincy is to send a thief 
sneaking down the stairs in the building where the daughter is being held 
hostage (getting your party on the roof should already have been explained).  
The sneak can bypass the Beastlords and the Deathclaw by crawling around the 
north wall of sandbags.  The sneak then crawls past the three sleeping guards 
in the next room, and enters the room with the mayor's daughter.  I found 
that you can open any door while crawling (and sneaking) without waking up 
or alerting anyone present (bug?).  Once your thief character is inside the 
room with the daughter, have him or her lock the two doors leading into the 
room.  (This is easily done by using "Lockpick" on an already unlocked door.)  
Then the remainder of your party can waltz down the stairs into the open and 
slaughter everyone in the room without a care in the world.  The only danger 
present here at first was the possibility that either the Deathclaw or the 
three thugs in the next room would charge into the room when alerted and 
kill the daughter, but with the doors locked, that danger is moot.  Though 
he may be able to open doors, the Deathclaw can't unlock 'em, and the three 
thugs won't have the time, if you're an efficient slayer.  It was a pleasure 
to potshot the Deathclaw while he continually tried to open the locked door 
;-)  So much for the vaunted Deathclaw intelligence!  Please note that if 
you messily or noisily kill anyone near the room (or on the roof) where 
the three sleepers are located you run the danger of waking up at least 
one of the sleepers, and this won't work.

Go down the ladder to the underground passage. Open up the door and advance
to near the body. Behind each wall though, on either side, is a guy waiting
to shoot you. The solution to this is to chuck a grenade at the civilian
body to hit them both and put you in TB mode.

Advance up the hall and grab the crate full of ammo on the way. Head into
the room at the end of the hall and send 1 person up the ladder at a time,
so you can control where they go. Wait until you can sense the sentry in
the room, and then wait for him to turn around, and then send your best
short-range attacker around the corner to take care of him.

There is a good chance that the guys outside will have heard you. They
will be crowded against the NW wall. Leave 1 or 2 people by the wall to
keep the AI occupied and send at least 1 into the NE room to disable the
alarm and use the controls to open the cells. Be aware that one guy is
guarding the door. Go into the south cell and open up the chest in there
to get the Neostead shotgun. The Neostead can lay on the hurting fast
because it's automatic and will remain on your active list for a while.
Why the raiders locked it up and didn't use it themselves, I'll never know.

Go up onto the roof and begin shooting people, particularly the beastlord
commander to the E and all the guys near alarms. This might be a good time
to test out the Neostead. When done (hopefully Felix is still alive), talk
to him. Then go up on the towers and start picking off guys on the ground.
If you can't get them from there, try the SW balcony. Failing this, you can
either ignore them or go out the door and face them, but as there are 2 guys
and 2 baby deathclaws, that might not be such a good idea.

You can either head out back through the passage, or out through the gate
on the SE wall of the compound, into the gallows area. The door is locked
however, and requires a key that you probably don't have yet.

Your next mission is the power plant, a large gray building lit with yellow
light which is S of the brothel on your map. There is exactly 1 way into
the power plant, that being the large ramp on the SE side. Prepare for 
battle, as you're going to have to take out the commander before he primes
the charge to blow up the plant, or hope you can defuse it in time.

Head up the stairs and then down the set of stairs in the back. If you like,
you can use the power switch to turn off the lights and make it harder to
shoot. Wait until you perceive the commander (a female who wanders back and
forth) come near the stairs and go around the corner. Hopefully, if enough
of your guys open up on her, she'll go down hard and fast. Now you just 
have to deal with the 4 other guards. Throw yourself at them so they don't
kill the prisoners (if you are so inclined). There are 2 in the north
behind a bunker and 2 in the SW.

When done, you get some XP, and you get even more if you disarm the bombs.
Take the traps and keep them for if you should ever need a remote explosion.

Now that you're done with this, you should try freeing the prostitutes in
the brothel across the street. This one is particularly tricky because any
hostile action in the area will cause the beast lords inside to attack the
prostitutes. You must focus your attacks on anyone you see inside, at the
cost of your own hp, if you wish to save the prostitutes in time. The more
you save, the more XP you get.

Tom Carlsen (TomCarlsen@citywestwater.com.au) asks:

Just had a quick question about the Quincy mission. I noticed when I went
into the underground passage under where the daughter is kept that there is
an underground passage under the brothel as well. I racked my brain trying
to work out how to get in there, coz I like to be thorough. I was wondering
if you'd found a way in there.

"Edward Adams" (eadams_01@yahoo.co.uk) answers:

In the Quincy mission, I noticed another reader sent in a note about an 
area beneath the brothel that you can view as you take the underground 
passage from the town hall to the prison. Well, I found a way into that 
area, but unfortunately it seems that the level designers either forgot 
about it or didn't want to finish it. It's very difficult to get to 
(there's an underground ladder with no sprite above ground, and a 
staircase behind a wall that you can't click on unless you're already 
underground... suffice to say it took me a while to get in). Once 
inside, there's a nice promising looking chest that you CAN'T interact 
with, and a tunnel that you CAN'T go down. Don't ask me what happened, 
like I said, I think the level designers forgot about it... :)

"Chris Pendergrass" (cpndrgrs@earthlink.net) adds:

If you go south-east from the helicopter (or north-east from the 
brothel) you will run into a group of trees next to the map edge.  
There is a burning barrel nearby.  It takes some patience, but if 
you move your mouse slowly over the trees it will eventually turn 
into a descend arrow.  Now those guys in the brothel are in for 
a little surprise.

Now, the real challenge. Head to the church. Inside are 2 deathclaws, eager
to eat you. The best way to get them is to stay outside, near the windows
(not next to them; the AI apparently can strike through windows) and pound
them with small arms fire until they wilt. Your reward is the chest inside,
which includes a field medic kit, metal armour mark II, and 9mm hollow pt.
This is probably the first metal armour mark II you've found, so make sure
to get it.

Philip L. McMahon (doorguy@doorbot.com) adds:

To the east of the church is a crashed helicopter with two large rocks
just to the south of it. Behind these rocks are two adult deathclaw
(hidden) and a Beastlord (hidden as well). I had some fun with them:
Farther south, there is an elevated platform in the northeastern corner of
the prison yard. I sent all of my characters but my fastest up there to
lie in wait. I then sent my fastest character near enough to the hidden
Deathclaw and Beastlord to throw a grenade. This got their attention, and
unhid them. They attacked me and I led them right back to the prison
corner. When they get close enough, they will attempt to attack the
players on the platform, but will not be able to reach. They will run back
and forth in front of those on the platform, allowing you to kill them at
your leisure. In the meantime I got my fastest character away from the
Deathclaw and let her snipe the lone Beastlord.

At this point, return to the mayor because the mission (as far as i've 
found) is over. If you find anything else noteworthy on this level, mail
me about it.

Jim "ShowLow" Sorrick (showlo@cybertrails.com) suggests:

In Quincy, After freeing the Mayor, and silencing the alarm, I
snuck/killed my way right to the detention center...that way, I at least
had the Neostad before dealing with any Big Deathclaws. I then "snuck"
in the building where the daughter is being held through the
tunnel...was a bit tougher getting the two sentries by the dead civilian
because they are facing you, but it can be done. Then, came up..wasted
the sleeping beastlords...snuck into the room where the daughter is, she
wont go cause ya havent killed the deathclaw yet....first time I did
this...that occasional bug appeared and the deathclaw and a beastlord
were attacking me thru the wall...then the deathclaw opened the
door....so yes, they CAN open doors...at least it did once....needless
to say...had to reload and did same again...this time no bug...deathclaw
didnt see me, but I could "sense" exactly where it was. I snuck  all my
guys to the north office that is behind the deathclaw...placed 2 det
traps in doorway...placed all my guys around the office so they had
clear field of fire...then attacked...deathclaw came in...det traps and
everybody got nice hits in...only one charactor took a hit from the
deathclaw before it died. Then...went to ghoul area...sneak your group 2
or so at a time to a spot near the stairs on south side of building that
lead to roof..Wait for south sentry patrolling tracks to turn and start
heading north...sneak all your guys up onto the roof..crawling and
sneaking....keep em by the edge so they can see the tracks...when you
are above a doorway that has graffitti (a "mutated" happy face), its a
wooden building, position your guys there....right above doorway, put em
on aggressive..and wait...someone usually sees ya and attacks....the
deathclaw is standing right below you and will go in and out the door
below you..when he goes in..end combat..keep everybody on
aggro...deathclaw comes out again..blam...really helped with Target
throwing grenades down on the Deathclaw..got it in about 3 rounds with
zero injuries from the creature.

6.1 BUNKER 6

If you saved the ghouls, you can now recruit them into your party. 2 more
sets of metal armour are available at the store. Also available are needler
cartridges, but you won't have any of those unless you've been pickpocketing
people at the base. If you have not enabled the bonus mission, leave the 
game and do so now; info on this can be found under 21.0, Springfield.

"Teoh Siang Swee" (drekan40@hotmail.com) suggests:

This is my submission for the tips section.  For those who do not 
wan't to duplicate or in any way rely on a bug to get extra healing 
equipment, this is how to  basically strip the base of medical supplies.
After the Quincy mision, ghouls will be availble to be recruited. Among them 
is a very good theif named Babs. Basically, I got Babs into my squad, 
sometimes rotating my 6th member out, steal from whoever is in the base and 
then rotate Babs out and the other member back in.
The thing with the medical officer is that his inventory display shows 
everything he has, and this includes all the medical supplies he's willing 
to sell so at 94% steal Babs has little trouble robbing him blind. The same 
with the base mechanics and Kerr the merchant. Don't bother trying this on 
the Quarter Master as his inventory only shows what he personally has and 
not what he's selling, so don't even think of free guns...unless you wannna 
releive a general or 2 of theirs. Barnaky and Dekkers miniguns can be 
stolen, but it's quite hard. I tried and only succeeded at the 8th try.


Since there don't seem to be any alarms, the foes aren't any big problem,
and there are no hostages to save, you can pretty much go nuts while
topside. The ones right near the gate stand a good chance of seeing you
from the outset anyway, and they will run towards you like idiots, being
melee-types. Slaughter them, and then advance slowly on each group,
killing them all in turn.

One of the guards near the gate has a CAWS, which is a good auto shotgun
and is in fact even better than the Neostead you got on the previous 
mission. If you value close-range high damage weapons, get it.

Watch for the baby deathclaw near the NE shack; don't let him surprise you.
Also, the area around the fridge, near the middle of the map, is trapped
with puffers, a type of mine. The fridge only has beer and stinky meat in
it, so you don't really have to get it if you don't want to.

See if you can find the splattered ghoul by the fridge area; he has a gun
magazine on him. Watch out for the small mines near him, though. They are
hard to see. Also don't miss the box and shelf by the fire, NW of the ghoul
bits; you get your first shotgun slugs there.

Where you actually go down into the lair is your choice; I preferred to go
in the collapsed section because it meant i didn't have to get radiated.
Note that the guys in the cemetary will fire on you before you get there,
and one of them is a particularly good shot.

There is a back stair in the cemetary which leads to a small tomb with a guy
who has a bunch of stimpaks, being eaten by a couple small roaches. It's
worth the trip if you're in the area.

If you go down the collapsed section, as I suggest, the first area is open
and full of bugs. Check for radscorpions around corners by standing still
for a moment. Head SE down the corridors. Eventually you will come to a set
of stairs leading down and a ladder leading into a pit. You may, by some
freak map error, be able to see and kill Emperor Daarr from here; I could
at least shoot at him from different spots on the stairs. Don't pass up
the opportunity if you can do it. He is a tremendous melee enemy.

Make sure also to shoot at any deathclaws you can in the pit below. The
problem is, you can never get them all. There is usually at least 1 waiting
under the platform where you are standing. If you cannot get it, you must
go into the pit to fight it, and if this isn't acceptable, you have to 
leave and go in another entrance.

Once you've disposed of the deathclaws, go up the other ladder on the SE
end of the pit. You should now be in the jail section, with 2 guards. The
jail section is where some of the deathclaws are held. You can let them
out using the controls, if you want. Or, you can just shoot them through
the windows.

Proceed past the cells to the next area up the stairs. There are a couple
guards here and the deathclaw mother, who asks you to free her. Do so using
the key on one of the guards surrounding her cage, and she will go and 
attack the leader for you, and all of the deathclaws in the level will
convert to your side. With the aid of the deathclaws, beating Daarr should
be a simple task. Be careful because he critically hits a lot (he may
have the 'slayer' perk).

shirwyn@vcn.bc.ca adds:

Be careful not to hit any Deathclaws with stray bullets in Mardin, 
after you've made your deal with the matriarch, or they'll go hostile 

Get the 10000 RP from the guy's chest and the neostead off of one of his
guards. Move back into the deathclaw cell area to the NW and up into
the jail area. There are civilians in these cells, and several guards about,
some with good weaponry, so be careful. Try to free the prisoners using
your lockpick ability, but don't open their doors until you've cleared a
path to the exit, or they will all die.

What happens after this is a large amount of room-to-room fighting. It's
kind of tedious and wears your fighters down after a while, which is why I
suggested going around the back way to kill the leader. You can in fact
leave now if you don't want the loot and XP that the rest of the base
provides; just go out the way you came in. It would be silly in the extreme
for me to describe how to fight room to room, so I'll just put in the

By the stairs up to the graveyard there is a guy with a needler pistol, the
first one so far. It can poison with its damage, so definitely keep it on
hand. There is another Neostead on one of the guards in a large group that
is camped between the main entrance and the throne room.

Once you're done, head back to base. If you freed the matron, you can now
recruit deathclaws into your ranks at the base.

7.1 BUNKER 7

There should be several new recruits, including deathclaws, and more metal
armour for sale at the store. After you're done, you have to switch bunkers
again. The bunker is situated to the south. Once you get there, barter with
the mechanic for 2 books and an expanded lockpick set. Pick open the locker
next to him to get a strange story. I'm pretty sure it's about the 


Make sure you bring a medic and a grenadier.

Loot the workbench and get everyone into the APC. Start off NE and head
towards the bridge. When on the bridge, stop, and start firing at the
mutants entrenched there. You won't take any damage from their attacks,
but the APC might, which is why those repair books will help if you get
hit. Mutants have about 80 hp; more than regular guys, but less than
deathclaws, but they also have metal armor, so be careful. Best to pick
them off from a distance. Watch out for the one in the SE bunker, too.

The guns they have are great, but eat up ammo real fast, so be careful.
Don't feel bashful about picking up stuff; even if you can't care it, the
APC can, and you're going to drive it back to base. Especially if you are
short on money, pick up everything you can; the machineguns the mutants 
have can add up in cash value quickly.

Move NE/N along the track and up to the gap between ledges, where you will
encounter the 2nd group of supermutants. If you feel luck, try to run them
over with the APC, but watch out for the one in the east rocks with the
rocket launcher.

Kulsz (Kulsz@aol.com) writes:

I found that driving right up to the guys with the rocket launchers makes 
them a lot less willing to fire, as they have a tendency to critically miss. 
FOUR super mutants did themselves in that way-made it a lot easier. That 
level made me see the wisdom of having a heavy weapons guy in the group. I 
had to rely on sharpshooters through the whole thing!

Once you're done, loot all the bodies for some decent stuff. Don't forget
the rocket guy. When done, head west past the rocks. Stop at the bunker
and go in, disarm the trap on the chest, and take the sniper rifle, your
new best friend.

Now you have to get to Barnaky, either by using a north bridge or a west
bridge. If you go through a west bridge, you face the super-mutant army
front line forces, which are rather formidable. It's up to you if you feel
up to the challenge. A good idea just might be to set up pretty far away
and pick them all off with the sniper rifle. Takes time but saves damage
and reloads. Watch out for the minefield though.

Kenny Wong (kenjai@netvigator.com) suggests:

In St. Louis, you can drive the APC over the trenches from the north
of the map. Just dont drive it into the trenches coz you won't be able
to drive it out.

Colin (colin2@TOOLKITMAIL.COM) adds:

I don't know if anyone has told you about this yet, but in the St. Louis 
Mission, not only can you drive the APC across the Trenches, but also, 
at the very northeastren edge of the southern trench, you can cross the 
toxic stream in the APC.  Not only that, but you can also drive along the 
other side of the stream, right up to the bridge.  If you try to go any 
farther though, land mines will waste the APC, and you will lose the 
mission.  I haven't been able to get anyone close enough to check for 
traps, but i'm pretty sure they are there.

Get as far into the wire maze as you can and then disembark. You have to
get to Barnaky's position on foot. Watch for mutants in trenches; there are
at least 2 who are hiding, waiting to ambush you. There is a person in the
trench who you must talk to, Burke. He's trapped (and he's a real 
(expletive), but you have to do what he asks. Disarm him and you'll get 950
XP and he'll kill himself, so you can take the C4 on him.

Now for the really fun part. You can try to get into the mutant base to look
for the general. It is heavily guarded and you'll get chewed to pieces if
you take a frontal assault. However the front bridge is the only way in.
You really have to engage the enemy at extreme long range and pick them
off so that their guns can't hit you. If you're lucky, the enemies will
run down the corridor to melee with you and step on the mines there,
killing themselves.

As an aside, try to get the chest that's by the moat, behind sandbags at the
most E corner of the mutant base. Make sure to watch for mines. The real
catch is that it's locked, of course. It contains a new assault rifle that
you have not yet seen, but it's not all that great, honestly.

The super mutants at the gate, however, are armed with Browning M2s, which
are mighty fine weapons. They also have over 150 hp each, so keep that in
mind. If you kill them though, you get a whole lot of XP, because you're
not meant to at this point in the game. If you can't flush the ones out
of the bunker, chuck grenades. The great thing about grenades is 'close
enough' will buy you as much damage as 'direct hit'.

Forrest (wee_wee@pacific.net.sg) suggests:

I'm writing to tell you that in St Louis, the front door
*isn't* the only way to get into the mutant base. If you can sneak or
run (running takes a lot of luck, though... the front door guardians can
take at least 2 potshots at you) across the bridge, you can turn right,
run past the Enfield chest, past a few mutants and enter the mutant base
through a sort of gully or canyon. A handy "back door" for the mutants
to escape, probably. What I did was to snipe off the mutants guarding
the right side of the base, run Jo and Stitch through the back door, and
take out the mutants from behind. This is *much* easier than trying to
take out the mutant base from the front, although it's still by no means
an easy task.

Other than the mutants, there is no loot in the base, and no general. It's
time to proceed to point 3. Instead of going across the mine field, it might
be a good idea to head back to point 1 and then head NW from point 1
towards point 3 by taking the N-most bridge (you avoid the mines that way).

You'll have to go past 2 bunkers inhabited by super-mutants. There are also
a few mines here, so be careful. Watch for a mutant on the left with a
rocket and one on the right with grenades. I like to move up to bait out
the grenadier and then back up while firing at him so he keeps running to 
get closer but never throws. Then, inch forward, and the rocket guy will
usually hit the rocks in front of him if you move up so you can only barely
see him. Then you can finish him off with small arms fire.

Blast the barricades with bullets and continue up the path (make sure to
check for the mines on the bridge). Up the path is a small bunker with 2
rocket guys. You can try to snipe him but the rockets have good range. 
Still, they aren't that accurate, so use your best judgement. I like to 
sneak up on them and use grenades when i can.

At this point, after the rocket guys, the path terminates in a rockslide,
so you will have to continue SW. Loot the bodies of the fallen on the way
but beware of mutants waiting in ambush. At the end of the SW passage are
the trenches, which you must go NW along. The mutants in the trenches may
or may not be up for a fight; I shot them once or twice and they kept their
heads down. At the end of the NW passage, however, is a bunker with another
rocket guy and a chest. Snipe him if you can, but if he goes for cover,
flush him out with grenades. The chest is full of doctor supplies and the
mutant has a key on him.

When you are ready to proceed, head NE from the bunker. Loot the fallen on
the way. You're going to need those medical suplies because Talon squad
needs to be healed. Talon squad is waiting in a pit just to the NE of that
bunker you were just at. Use your medic to heal them up. Use up your first
aid kits before you start using the good stuff. Once you heal them up,
they will be put in the APC and you have to drive them back to the beginning
of the level.

8.1 BUNKER 8

Metal Armour Mark II is in abundance here, as are shotgun slugs now. There
should also be 2 more sniper rifles; if you like them as much as I do, 
you'll snatch them up right quick. If you sacked the mutant base, you ought
to have a fortune in M2s and SAWS heavy machinguns.

KJ adds:

After the St. Louis mission, the trader in BOS Beta will arrive in Gamma. He 
still trades rps for med supplies, which is useful if you have the poker 
encounter and cannot get the rps off your back.


The mission provides you with a scouter; it's small (2 people only) and
fast, but has few hit points. It's probably more trouble than it's worth,
but some people really like vehicles, so use it if you want.

Move E from the start, to the S side of the tanker truck, and try to pick
off the rocket mutants on the roof to the NE with snipers. If you go around
the N side, they will have the opportunity to fire on you, which will be
disasterous if you're bunched together. Try to spread out your forces so
the mutant rockets, grenades and machineguns will at most hit 2 people,
but keep them close enough so they can all fire on the same enemy.

Once you've suppressed or removed fire from the roof, move to the SE,
along the south side of the building, with your trapper in the lead. Head

towards the ruined wall in the SW wall of the building and disarm the mines
there. If you cannot disarm them (you should have a trapper with decent
skill by now) you can try shooting them, but it takes time and you have to
stand far away so as not to be hit by the explosion radius.

Go up the hallway N of you and into the room with the chest (the middle
one along the NW wall). Find and disarm the mine near the chest and then
disarm the trap itself. Inside is some 7.62, grenades, stimpaks, and some
.50 cal which is used for the Browning M2s if you got one from last mission
and have someone with 9 str to wield it...

Now you have 2 choices; go up the stairs in the NE corner, into a large
room with a mutant behind a bunker, or go up the S stairs into a room with
no mutant but a room nearby with a mutant behind a bunker (to the NW) and
access to the next (SE building). I choose the latter. Move W to the 
doorway and around the corner. The mutant is usually on 'sneak' so you
can't see him. Chuck a grenade or two, and if he activates, it's firing
squad time. If not, finish him with grenades.

Open the door behind the bunker and snipe the mutant behind the sandbags
there. Retrieve the ammo from the mutant and the bookcase behind him and
head up to the next level using the stairs in the W corner of the
building. Clean off the roof and go to the N corner to get your first
energy weapon, the laser pistol. Yay. While here, pick off as many mutants
as you can from the rooftop; you have a definite advantage while up here
with a sniper rifle or 3. Go around the entire perimeter of the roof; you
never know where they will be hiding.

When done, head back down to the street and NE towards the bunker. The
mutant should be either dead or prone by now from your firing from the
roof, so flush him out with grenades and finish him off. Move up to the
next building, right to the NE, flush out the mutant, and then loot his
body and the bookshelf and the room he's in for more ammo and stimpaks.

Go a little SE and into the second part of the same building. This is
actually the railroad station, here. Head up onto the second floor and try
to take out the mutants up there. Be careful because one of them on the
2nd floor has a flamer, a deadly weapon up close. Kill him and take the 
flamer, as well as the sniper rifle in the fridge (?).

Now head SE down the street again. Move S into the alley with the phone
booth near the mouth, and watch for mines. Head SE to the W-most corner of
the darker gray building (the one next to the chopper) and sneak in and out
in TB to kill the mutants inside. Note that there is also one in the next
room over, with the freezers. Once you've done that, you can pick off the
mutants wandering around outside through the windows in this little cafe.

Now go out of the building and E towards the first power station. Watch out
for the 2 melee'ers which will charge you out of the bunker. If you are
far enough away, they won't make the slightest impression as you gun them
down with your rifles. Get both the crate in the bunker AND the one in the
NW corner of the generator field (it's hidden behind a wall). Then use 
small arms fire to destroy the generator. 2000 XP for this one.

Move out of the generator field, and W around the field through the gap
in the N fence. This is better than having to fight the mutants and their
barricades from the front; now you can do it from behind, if you wish. The
barricade is on the road E of field, and features several mutants hiding in
bunkers and guard posts. If you can, get into the ruined building behind
the barricade and get up onto the second level to get a bookcase with
shotgun ammo and stimpaks. You can also shoot up a grenadier from here, but
be careful because he's close and can throw at you.

Once you've gotten the shelf, head a little NE (to where that grenadier was)
and go into the building behind him to get a chest. There is more .50 cal
in there for you. Next, go into the building W of here; there is a mutant

inside, usually crouched, and a workbench that you can loot for grenades
and liquor.

Head back out onto the street and up to the ruined warehouse with the
giant hole blown in one corner. Get the bookshelf loot inside and then go
up the street, toward the 2nd goal on your map. Rather unfortunately, this
area is guarded by turrets as well as mutants. You can try to avoid the
turrets, or hit them with explosives, or make targetted attacks on their
sensors to blind/knock them out. In general, it's easier than Preoria 
because you have more cover and more options. Just stay out of range and
if you have a lot of 7.62 for the sniper rifles, you should be ok. Just
keep firing. This is a good time to use CTB once you're sure you're out of
range. You'll use up ammo pretty fast, but you ought to have plenty from
all the mutant SAW machineguns. I have a theory that if you destroy the
generator, it will put the turrets offline, but haven't tested it yet...

Benjamin Winston (lemurking@hotmail.com) writes:

I dunno if you've tested it or not but it does work.  The (possible 
Downside) is that i only got 35 xp for each, but they do shut down.

ygdrasil (ygdrasil@bcc.com.uz) contradicts this, saying:

   In your FT FAQ, when you describe the Jefferson mission, you
  wonder if destroying second generator disables the turrets. The
  answer is no. It doesn't. It was my first thought too, and I checked
  this, but turrets keep firing even after generators are destroyed.

I'll have to try this myself and see which it is; I suppose you're best
off assuming that it won't do it, to save yourself the trouble of
sneaking in there and destroying it only to have the turrets turn on
you anyway. Still, it might be worth a shot.

Just advance slowly and take out the mutants from a distance and you should
be okay. Several are grenadiers and will charge you like morons and you will
cut them down quickly. Get the chest in front of the generator and destroy
it with small arms fire, like the rest.

Head down under the underpass. You will find an open area with a couple
mutants and several crates scattered around. Fight off the mutants and head
up to the enclosed bunker area to the NW with 2 crates in it. The mutant
there has a Browning M2, so watch out. Try to take it with you to sell it.
Beware the bunker along the fence to the N with a crate in it; there is a
machinegunner in there. Flush him out with grenades and then hit him hard.

Now head to the next building to the NE, the large one on 'stilts' so to
speak. Go up the stairs. I have found that for some reason my females 
could not get up the stairs, but the males did just fine. Strange...
Up on the 2nd floor is a mutant with a rocket.

Other than that, there is little else to do in this area. Head back up to
the street and towards the next barricade, up the road. You can either 
assault it directly and have to deal with the guys in the building with
brownings, or go around the back, to the E, and get through the mine
field at the edge of the map along the SE border.

Make sure to loot the bookcase in the building with these 2 guys because
there is an environmental armor there; it's hell on the stats, but it has
good protection.

Go back onto the street and up to the field with the large white tanks in
it, behind the wooden fence. Kill off the mutant in the bunker there and
take his browning for cash later. If you don't have enough room to carry
it on your characters, put it on someone and get into the vehicle. Then
hit 'I' to activate the vehicle's inventory, and you can drag items from
your characters into the vehicle.

Move NW along the road and towards the final power generator. You're going
to have to assault the defenses head-on this time unless you want to send
the whole team underground through the radiation, so advance cautiously
and kill them at long distance. Weave your way through the defenses; this
isn't anything you haven't seen before. Use grenades to get them out of
hiding, and then put them down with heavy fire.

Keith Steiger (ksteiger@home.com) adds:

West of the warehouse that contains the final power generator, there's a
spot where the ground drops away from under the fence.  You can crawl under
the fence there.  You have to then head SE to attack the third power
generator, but since all the super mutants are expecting you to be coming
down the road, they're facing away from you... and you can attack them from
slightly longer ranges, too.

In a crate by the generator is a 2nd suit of environmental armor. Take it
and use it (unless you sneak). Destroy the generator and head for the
now open main gate. Position everyone in front of the gate and have your
best-armored person move forward a little to activate the conversation. The
commander there will then go hostile and your troops will tear her apart,
firing-squad style. Get the science book out of the fridge there and then
go in the main doors. Talk to the mutant scientist and then go in the back
(the NW corner and loot the desk for a key.

"Glenn M. Sanford" (sanfordphd@mac.com) suggests:

On the Jefferson level, my grenadier was able to kill all of the commanders
and several other mutants with incendiary grenades from outside the
building.  I simply stationed my main character near the entrance (out of
the line of sight) so the roof was removed.  At that point, I was able to
have select both my main character and grenadier and do a forced fire near
the targets.  This only worked with the roof removed.  I have not had a
chance to try this elsewhere.

Get everyone up the stairs and go into the generator room to destroy it.
This is the end of the mission. You can go out the back now if you want,
and leave the area, but know that the scouter won't come with you if you do.

Of course, you can now go downstairs if you want. Just go around the the
W wall of the factory, outside, and go in the door there to the room that
is locked from the other side. There is one mutant in there, but he didn't
attack me. It seems that once the generators are destroyed, none of the
mutants are hostile.

Go down the stairs there (you can barely see them behind the wall). Loot
the bookshelf down here for some meds.

And now where only the brave need apply. Send someone with the enviro armor
and a Rad-X into the bathroom and down the radioactive sludge tunnel. When
it gets to narrow down, crouch and go on. You will come to a camp of a 
sort, with a chest containing some food and a book. Grab the stuff and
head back to your friends.

"Phred" (phred@guerro.com) adds:

There are 5 mutants behind the factory to the east - 4 of which 
carry M2's - that are just ripe for the killing once you've killed the 
commander (maybe they swarm out if there is a prolonged battle with him, 
not sure.)  In any event, you have to walk up a long corridor that 
begins with a pair of doors right to the north of the little lake area 
that is south east of the factory.  They are just sitting ducks but its 
nice to get the XP and the gear.  Note you might want to drive the 
scouter up there as those M2's are heavy and it doesn't hurt to run 
down the mutants either.
Second, if you leave the scientist and the lab alone, you'll get a 
'thank you' from the general.  Conversly, if you destory the lab 
you'll get berated by him for giving in to your destructive nature.

Now you're done. Go get the scouter, loot the bodies of any of the fallen
that you missed and dump the equipment in the scouter, and then leave.

9.1 BUNKER 9:

There are 2 enviro armors and an enviro armor MK II available for purchase.
Your SAW guns probably aren't bringing in much cash anymore, so next mission
don't even bother to pick them up.


You want heavy weapons and snipers. LOTS OF HEAVY WEAPONS AND SNIPERS.

You will have very little time to get your squad into position before you
must start repelling mutants. I highly suggest TB mode here, as every
second and every shot counts at times. There will be no time to set up
the mines from the crate here; that will have to wait until later.

The mutants will attack from all 3 directions at once; logic dictates that
you send 2 people to each gate. This is a silly Idea. The main attack will
come from the south. You need to send 4 people there, preferably with heavy
weapons. Leave 2 at the west gate. The north gate is better defended, and
has mines to boot, so you need not send anyone there.

Getting on the roof can pay off quick, as you have to move less to get 
within shot of the enemy, and your range is extended. Unfortunately for me,
I did this at night, so my range was terrible. This made it a bit more
difficult, although the mutant rockets were made less accurate as well.

shirwyn@vcn.bc.ca adds:

If you move your people fast enough at the Cathedral in Kansas City you 
can put a sniper and a heavy weapon person with a rocket launcher up to 
the south tower at the west gate and to the gap in the parapet at the 
south gate.  Look for the ladder south along the interior of the wall 
from your insertion point.

There are a lot of mutants. The south and west are the heaviest, with light
resistance to the north. By 'light' I mean, only a half-dozen, as opposed
to easily twice that many on BOTH the south and west. Focus your heavy
weapons attacks primarily in the south, where they have miniguns. Machine-
gunners can get away with the west, because it's mostly a melee charge,
and the north is weak enough almost to be held by the ghouls themselves.
They also set up mines in the north, which is a nice touch.

Have the snipers pick off the enemy rocket and minigun wielders. This is by
no means easy, but using cover behind the bunkers you shouldn't be hit
often. Do targetted shots if you can to knock out or blind. You can't
kill them fast enough, so you need to cripple enough of them so that a
significant portion of their forces are rendered (relatively) ineffective.
A good idea is to do an arm aim, so they can't use the large weapons they
use with a cripple strike.

Burst weapons are very good here; anything that can hit several people at
once. Assault shotguns are key once they get close.

If you don't have anyone at a gate, the ghouls will yell out when a gate
is under attack or taking casualties. This is useful, to know when to take
1 or 2 people off one gate and move them to another. Bonus move is extremely
helpful here as it will let you get to the other gates faster. Usually the
north gate will get in trouble before you're finished with the other gates,
so plan accordingly.

Once you're done, move everyone out the west gate and kill the mutants on
top of the 2 watchtowers, if you haven't already. Make sure to loot all
the bodies for ammuntion. Head around to the north and do the same there.
Go through the gap in the fence to the N and over to the airfield building
to get a tommy gun and medical supplies on the shelves in there.

Once you're done here, you're ready to head south. Loot the bodies to get
the avenger miniguns, among other things, and start to force your way
down the street, picking off mutants in buildings. A good trick to use
is to run to the wall of the building and then hit enter to start TB. 
Then, move in front of a window (or door), fire, and then move out of 
sight. More often than not, the AI has no idea what to do and just 
stands in the building like an idiot. This works equally well
in all the levels, so give it a shot if you haven't already.

Ironically, two of the ghouls at the south gate are armed with sniper
rifles; how they got equipment that even the brotherhood runs out of, i'll
never know, but these are good for stealing or looting off of dead ghouls.

"Dhany Permana" (dhany@dhany.com) adds:

Just some additional information about Kansas City, I found out that most 
of the ghouls have sniper rifles not just two of them on the south gate
(like the one you told on the FAQ), I was even able to get at least 4 
rifles, arming my entire squad with sniper rifles and still have some 
left to sell.

From the south gate, head NE go get to the buildings near the airfield.
Resistance is relatively light here, and you can get a science book in the
N-most building.

Now start making your way S and SW, cleaning out the buildings. It's pretty
routine. Just switch to TB, move into view, fire, and move out of view. The
first commander (at 2) can be killed by moving to the west of that building
and firing through the holes in the wall at range. This way you do not have
to confront him by going in the front door.

At point #2 you can get an FN-FAL from the icebox in the commander's hut. It
has respectable damage, but the range isn't great. Keep it if you preferred
the AK to the hunting rifle. There are also 2 Neosteads hiding behind a pot
in the corner, as well as shotgun ammo and explosive rockets.

I had a persistent problem with the guy on the roof of the 4th point, so I
went around west and came in through the SW enntrance. Unfortunately, I 
found a guard there, too, so be careful. Inside is the commander, 2 guards,
and 3 chests, one of which has a pancor jackhammer, the best shotgun yet.

This should be the last of the commanders. Return to the Bishop. If many of
the ghouls have died (which happened to me), you get the bomb but no other

Kenny Wong (kenjai@netvigator.com) adds:

If you complete the mission with minimal deaths (I only had 1 ghoul die
on me the 2nd time through,) then the bishop will assist in the research 
efforts, and your general will give out some "Setting an example of 
excellence" speech. Other than that, nothing special seems to happen. I 
was still promoted even when the ghouls got slaughtered the 1st time. I 
think it's impossible to not lose a ghoul in this level. The one I lost 
was standing in the middle of the street by the south gate, and was 
promptly surrounded and 'gutted alive' Oh well.... There's also another 
science book on this level in one of the buildings on the south side in 
some bookshelf or something like that. Finally, my grenadier came out 
tops in this lvl in the mop-up action, because his grenades were able 
to go through building walls!!! He'd 'percieve' a mutie behind a wall,
and just start throwing grenades in. Only works with frag grenades 
though. Molotovs and other types of grenades don't work.... Definitely 
a bug.

Charles J DeVito (rhe1@gte.net) adds:

I managed to complete Kansas City without loosing a single ghoul. The south
gate was the hardest, but not because of the southern most ghoul who gets
surrounded by melee mutants (easy to take down by moving a guy with a
shotgun next to them and bursting them in a direction not facing any
ghouls). Rather the mutant who slips in from the right side around the edge
of the cathedral wall, armed with a minigun, is the tricky bit. I left two
machine gunners to cover the west gate, send Farsight (armed with a sniper
rifle and a shotgun) to the north gate, and had everyone else cover the
south gate.

When returning to your bunker after the mission, a ghoul named Hazmat is
present. I don't know if he is or not if you get ghouls killed during the
mission, but his dialogue implies that he wouldn't be. He states something
along the lines that he was sent to deliver the instruction manuals for the
bomb, as promised by the Bishop. You can barter with him for some Rad-away,
but that's about it.

Chew, Christopher (XSSC SGP) (Christopher.chew@xssc.sgp.xerox.com) adds:

Inside one of the huts containing a mutie commander just sw of the south
gate, there are 3 lockers. One of those 3 lockers gave me
a laser pistol. I managed to complete this mission without losing a single
ghoul. However, I could not find any ghoul named Hazmat
in the bunker. Incidentally, 6 plasma grenades were available for barter
from the quartermaster. 

I did Kansas City before Jefferson though.

10.1 BUNKER 10:

Another avenger minigun is available at the store, as are some rockets for 
the first time.


Look in the crates right S of you to see if you need any of it. There are
some medical supplies, mines, and remote explosives. Head N towards the
guard post, advancing slowly. Once you start shooting them down, they
ought to start charging you, one or two at a time, which should be easy
pickings. Take targetted shots at their eyes and arms so they can't see
you and can't use their weapons.

The building to the W of the guardhouse has a crate in it with ammo for
your sniper rifles, miniguns, and Brownings, and also first aid kits. The
guardhouse itself only offers a little ammo and some liquor and drugs on a

A direct assault on the gates will usually get you killed really fast. If
you must go in the front door, you have to pick off the enemy from range,
where his Brownings can't tear you to pieces in less than a round. Once you
have engaged them, they will usually come out to meet you, where you have
the advantage.

Move around to the NW where the wreck of the airship is. There is an old
madman living there, and three are 3 crates, all with stimpaks.

If you make it all the way to the junkyard, there is a crate there with
shotgun shells and medical supplies. Avoid the sniper tower as they get
quite a range and accuracy bonus for being so many stories up.

Another way to get into the base is the underground entrance found to the
east of the base proper. The only problem with this is that there are 3
well-entrenched guards protecting it, and dislodging them is difficult,
especially considering the lack of cover on the approach. The only real
cover is provided by the ruined building nearby, but you have to return
to the insertion point and head directly towards it from there to avoid
getting cut down on the way to it.

The problem is that the tunnel is filled with radioactive goo, and it will
only get you into the base; once you go up the ladder next to the fuel tank,
the mutants will tear you apart. Regrettably, the best way is probably to 
go in one of the main gates after you've sniped off the guards.

The trick is that when you go in one gate, there will inevitably be guards
nearby to get you immediately. What I find useful is to go in one gate a
little bit and shoot everything I can see, and then go in the other gate
and do the same, and slowly work my way in, switching gates to get the best
firing position on those mutants who are guarding the opposite gate. You
can also use the back gate (more of a hole in the wall than anything) for
this purpose, but the back gate is effectively covered by the snipers so
be careful if you do.

Feel free to shoot up all the explodables on the base; there are fuel tanks,
petrol tanks, oil barrels, etc, and will do effective damage if someone is
next to them.

If you're really having trouble, try this:

First, pick off all the gate guards and anyone that will come out after you.
Come in through the West gate, and head E to the ruined gray truck with the
barrel next to it and use it as cover to shoot the guys by the large tank
to the NE. Then, move N an use it and the raised platform as cover to fire
on the guys on the raised platform by the NW stairs. Then, use the raised
platform to fire on all the guys N of that area, around the 4 white tanks.
Hide behind the bunker to the S of the small rusted building and throw
grenades at the doorway. This ought to hit and kill the mutants inside 
after about 6 or 7 of them.

Inside that small rusted building is som .50 cal and some medical supplies
on a bookshelf.

Snyder, Adam (ASnyder@wmsgaming.com) writes:

You can skirt the base either east or west, keeping an eye out for mines.
Then If you're brave enough (i.e. have enough flechette rounds left) sneak
up to the sniper's nest and take them both out. With good bursts and a
little luck you can secure the platform in a couple rounds and crack the
base's defenses from on high. Taking a shot at even 0% will send your target
running right into range. Infiltrating the base from the west was no problem
at all this way.

Now we get to go underground. Either one seems to do; they both lead to 
rooms that are closed with no opposition to ambush you once you get down
there. Be aware that the doors open automatically, though. I arbitrarily
chose the NW one.

The first bookshelf you come to contains a medkit and ammo. You next go
through the NE room and then into a room full of gas tanks. Do not go in 
that room; rather, fire at the gas tank you can see from afar, so you 
roast the mutants in the room. If you all go in there, they will blow up
the tanks and your whole squad will die.

In the next room you find Toccomatta, a mutant that will speak to you. He
will die, and then you can loot his body for a letter and impact gloves.
There is another shelf with more medical supplies.

Now for the cafeteria. This room is a bit harder. Move your guys in view of
the open doorway, so they can see in, but don't get too close. In this way
you can shoot the melee guy at the other end of the room. Once he's down,
throw grenades through the door to get the 2nd guy, hiding behind the boxes
to ambush you. While you're doing this, one of the guys might come out from
behind the bar to get you, so be ready.

There is an annoying part of this, though; the guy by the boxes has a
tendency to move back once the shooting starts, causing the door to close,
so you have to get your grenadier close to the door to open it, but try
not to let him/her hit him/herself when trying to get the guy there. If you
are in TB you can try to run through, but if he is on overwatch, you are
dead; his flamethrower will end it.

"Garred Whalen" (gfishfunk@hotmail.com) suggests:

In the underground cafeteria, I found the most effecient way to kill 
all four mutants was, using only two guys, to have my best sniper take 
out one at a time while a good big guns guy stood perpendicular to the 
door, so when each individual mutant runs at the sniper, who is standing 
against the back wall, they get mowed down by the big guns guy.  Next, 
in order to take out the guy with the flame thrower, have the big guns 
guy crawl across the floor, right in front of him!  Bring the big guns 
guy to the bottom left corner, so he is out of range from the flame 
thrower, and let him wail with something like a Browning M2, and the 
mutant won't last a second.

The last room is a bit tricky. You have to stick to TB, move towards the
door to open it, fire, and then move away to close it. Alternately, keep
someone with a crappy firing ability (this is usually the medic) beside
the door against the wall, and move your people in line with the door to
fire, and then move them away again after a shot. Gammorin has 150 hp, so
this will take time, but it isn't anything that you can't handle.

Snyder, Adam (ASnyder@wmsgaming.com) adds:

In Gamorrin's room there is a holodisk just sitting on the floor by the
table. Run your cursor over the west wall slowly. The angle of the wall
hides it from view (I stumbled across it completely by accident; even when I
knew where it was I couldn't see it). The debrief makes mention of it being
Gamorrin's journals and the Elders are reviewing it. I think about 1300xp
reward for recovering it

Make sure to loot the chest in this room to get a briefcase, which gets you
extra brownie points with the brotherhood. The mission is over; leave.

11.1 BUNKER 11:

There is now some environmental armor for sale, both Mark I and Mark II.
The Mark II offers better defense, but compromises your perception by 1 and
several of your skills. Take this into consideration before buying it. You
can now recruit mutants; most of them are melee-oriented, though, so you
have to plan accordingly. You must get to the next bunker before you are
given your next mission. DO NOT BRING YOUR APC TO BUNKER DELTA. IF YOU DO,
greater than the height of the garage, and thus it will not move under
any circumstances once you've got it in Bunker Delta. I hope it is fixed
in a patch. *grumble*


Bring a medic.

This mission starts out with some nonviolent activity. Go in and talk to
some of the civilians and head for the mechanic's shack. On the way you will
meet chuck who will sell you a fake robot part. He also has a book and a 
plasma grenade (the first one so far).

Casey will talk to you and mention that she needs a doctor for her father.
Heal him and she will join you. First aid will do.

In the large building N of the starting gate you can find a fridge and an
ice chest. The fridge has fruit x3. Upstairs is a hostile brahmin. Oddly,
he is equipped with a cattle prod.

The Pit is the local bar; it features the brotherhood-hating 'Angry Rick'.
Talk to him 3 times and he will give you the robot piece. Go upstairs to 
get a book on the bookshelf.

The building in the town center (it's actually several buildings attached
together) has some neat stuff in it, including flechette shells, medical
supplies, a book, and slugs (in a locked chest).

Juan's Emporium has very little selection, but he will sell you a robot 
part and tell you that his friend Hank has a piece too.

Hank is in a building S of town, but you're too late to save him. The
Reavers have killed him (the ones waiting outside to ambush you) and have
taken his robot piece. You can get your first plasma rifle here, though.

The northernmost building in town has some drugs on a bookshelf inside.

The mayor will give you his piece if you destroy the Reavers up north. 
Upstairs in the town hall you can find 'papers', the use of which is 
unclear, but it weighs nothing, so it's best to get them anyways, as well
as the ring pulls there.

After you get 2 pieces of the robot, the Reavers will attack. It's a good
idea to get everyone but the guy who's going to get the last part up on the
north wall, since that is where they will attack from. You will have the
advantage, and hopefully you can keep any townspeople from dying. There are
a whole lot of reavers, so this could be quite a trick.

"Dhany Permana" (dhany@dhany.com) adds:

Junction City part: I have a fine trick to defeat the reavers with minimal 
losses. Since the reavers will attack you when you have 2 robot parts then 
do not collect those parts yet. Go to the northern part of the city walls 
and start shooting at the reavers. They will start running to you but you 
can kill them one by one pretty easy since you have an advantage from the 
height. This way, you'll be able to kill most of the reavers before going 
for the attack on their base,you'll safe your hp a lot plus no civilian 
casualties(not even the enforcer!!).

This is a good idea if they keep getting close, but because my guys were
up on the walls with sniper rifles, the Reavers never got close enough
to fire on me.

The Reavers are equipped with energy weapons; energy rifles, which have
quite a kick, and could be useful once you get your hands on them. 
Unfortunately, they rely on your energy weapon skill which probably isn't
very high right now. The have almost as much range as the sniper rifle and
do more damage, but you'd have to tag energy and start building it up pretty
fast to get any use out of them right now, unless you invested for them in
advance. Ammunition for them is much harder to come by than that of the
sniper rifle or Browning/minigun weapons, so keep that in mind if you intend
to use them. There is also the matter of action points; energy weapons take
1 more point to use, so this is definitely something to take into 
consideration, expecially if you like TB and/or targetted shots. Plasma
rifles do even more damage, with less range, with the same AP penalty.
By the end of the game, all you will get is energy weapon ammo, so 
definitely consider their use in the long run.	

Once you have killed all of the charging reavers (trivial if you all have
sniper rifles), head out to attack the Reavers at their camp. First head N
to take care of the bunch behind the fence (and the 1 SW of them). Watch out
for acid sprayers.

You should begin to loot the bodies so you don't forget later. They have
laser rifles, Steyrs (a 5.56 auto rifle), grenade launchers, avengers,
sniper rifles, and other miscellaneous stuff. They have a *lot* of stimpaks,
so stock up. Also, take the grenades for the launcher. They are worth a
surprisingly large amount of money in comparison to their worth in combat.

Use the cover as you advance, and be assured that the Reavers will too. If
they hide, use grenades on their positions to flush them out and then tear
them apart with heavy fire. This ought to be academic by now.

Once you get into the cabin, disarm the trap on the door, use the key from
the dead civilian's body outside to open it, and move your grenadier in.
Throw grenades near the workbench to hit the Reaver who is waiting to 
ambush you and keep at it until he dies (he probably won't move out to
fight you). Get the robot torso from the workbench and go upstairs.
There are several guys up here, but if you throw some grenades into the
bedroom and then step in/out of sight, you shouldn't have any trouble with
this one.

Snyder, Adam (ASnyder@wmsgaming.com) writes:

In the far northwest, there's a stairway leading down to a long underground
tunnel filled with giant rats and tons of goodies. I don't know where it
leads yet, but there's enough guns and ammo down there to outfit a new

Grev (grevinator1@hotmail.com) adds:

In the upper northwest of the Juntion City map there is a hole in the 
ground that leads to a tunnel with two rooms and tons of supplies.  
There are giant rats guarding all the treasure...however, for some 
reason they can't go through the doors of the rooms, must be another 
glitch.  Anyway in this circumstance it works towards your advantage. 
stand a couple hexes worth of space outside the room and snipe the giant 
rats in the first room. then continue down the tunnel, if you cant fight 
the rats farther down the tunnel, just let them chase you back to the 
room and use the same tactic as before, it works every time. The tunnel 
comes up through a long shaft in the middle of the city in one of the 
multi level buildings. If you try to use the tunnel going in from the 
city entrance the ladder is out of sight and cant be selected from any 
view. You can beat the tunnel at any point in the mission because there 
are no reavers anywhere near the north west tunnel entrance...

When done, return to the mayor for your reward, then exit.

12.1 BUNKER 12:

The equipment store now sells tank shells (for when you get the tank) and
plasma pistols (NOW they have the energy weapons...). You are given 2
missions again, Great Bend and Coldwater. For sake of linearity, I go with
Great Bend next.


(Draconfyre@aol.com) suggests:

I fould a way to beat the Great Bend level on CTB mode with ease. Firstly, 
go to coldwater and do that mission first, that way when you get back 
you can get a suit of power armor before the great bend. Now, get a Pancor 
Jackhammer and about 250-300 slugs. My character had Fast Shot, Bonus Rate 
of Fire, and sharpshooter. I could at medium range do up to 150 points of 
damage with a burst of slugs against the robots in the great bend. The 
great thing is that with the power armor most of the robots (except the 
security bots and like 2 of the humanoid bots) cannot do jack against you. 
I thus had my main character walking through a solid wall of gunfire from 
the robots to pop them at point blank range for upwards of 200 damage. I 
went through the entire thing with just that one character. For the 
Security bots i just went to single shot mode (which only took 2 AP with 
the fast shot and bonus ROF) and blasted them asunder.

This is an argument to do Coldwater first (it is easier, and you can get 
power armor, so it's up to you).

Bring MINES. Lots of them.

There is no information on the map for you here; you are supposed to 
infiltrate it yourself. Be assured that much death awaits you here. Go
around the tanker to the NE and talk to Jake there 3 times. He tells you
that the humans are hiding underground (what few there are) and that the
robots are disorganized lately, as if their leader were gone.

The robots are entrenched up the street. They have automatic rifles and
take little damage from physical weapons like rifles unless you score a
critical. For these reasons, it's probably a good idea to use explosives
and targetted shots, and maybe the energy weapons if you have 'em (I cannot
vouch for their effectiveness as my energy weapon skill was pretty 
terrible at the time).

Patrick Bryan (trickzillion@earthlink.net) suggests:

In your fallout tactics guide, you say that you dont know how effective 
energy weapons are in the Great Bend level.  Well, i decided i'd try to 
help you (if someone else hasn't).  I had bout 105-115% on my energy 
weapons, and i tore it up.

There you have it; energy weapons are good for this level. It's probably
a good idea to invest in energy weapons near the beginning then (something
I have learned the hard way).

You're going to have to be slow and deliberate and take each one down one
at a time, especially with small arms fire. Heavy weapons fire does more
damage, but has a much smaller ROF, so it will still take time. Concentrate
your fire on the melee ones so they don't get to you, and watch out for ones
that try to ambush you. The one on the other side of the car that Jake is
hiding behind is a good example.

Make sure to loot all the civilians in the area. One of the victims here is
Ripley the prisoner, if you managed to free her before, and she has a whole
ton of books on her body here, pretty much 1 of each kind.

Watch out for the sniper bot past the busted brown car to the north (by the
low building). Go into the building to use the control to open the gate in
front of you. Try to spot the patrolling robots past the gate and shoot at
them through openings before you open it so you don't have to face them
head-on once the gate is opened. Make sure to get the canister of acid from
the shelf in the control room. This acid is used in the 'Supper Soaker'
which you get from the canadian invasion encounter (a special encounter).

Go through the gate, find the door to the north in the metal fence (it's
hard to spot at first, just run the mouse along the metal wall until you
find it) and open it. Go in and fight the load lifters in the hanger. Mines
work best against them, but you can eventually get em with small arms fire.
They have security bot friends, too. If you really have trouble, get up on
the platform above the hangar entrance using the ladder on the SE wall and
drop grenades on them. You could also back up behind the door and take pot
shots at them with your sniper. It is time-consuming with small-arms fire,
so I highly suggest using your sniper(s) and setting the game to CTB once
you're in a spot where they can't hit you.

Go into the factory and loot the crate for mines and grenades. Loot all the
bodies for books, power for energy weapons, and stimpaks, and then get in
the locker to get beer and plasma grenades.

From the windows by the locker you ought to be able to get at the bots in
the field behind with excellent cover, no less. Take this opportunity,
although keep in mind that grenades and rockets won't work well here.

Leave this large building and go into the smaller adjacent one with the
human inside. Pick the lock and go inside. He is a bit of an arse, but he
has a chest with some good stuff.

Leave and move NE along the fence until you find a break in it. There is a
bot on the other side, and if you throw grenades at the corner, you'll hit
him and the AI likely won't come after you (TB). Watch out for the security
bots in the hangar, though. Once you clean them out, you can get the
Browning Auto Rifle, a new light machine gun that can also fire single, as
well as burst. Unfortunately, ammo for it is hard to come by. This weapon
is found on a dead civilian in here. Unlock the door at the top of the
stairs to get into the office, and inside you will find some super stims
and a CAWS on a dead civilian.

Go out into the street and to the NE. You will see Gloria on a mattress
there, behind some stuff. Getting to her however, is not an easy thing. You
must go through the junkyard to do so. You must destroy a barricade by the
entrance to the junkyard, which is between a large wrecked orange train
and the hangar/warehouse you were just in.

If you have not fought the 5 or so 'bots yet (from the warehouse window
from before), you will have to fight them now, in close quarters. Make
your way to the fridge against the NW wall. On the way you will meet at
least 2 'bots, waiting to ambush you near the fridge. The fridge has a
pair of super stims in it. Continue E and find a crate with fruit in it.
From there you can head down to meet Gloria, S.

You can barter with her; she's a hooker. She has some drugs, but little
else. From here, however, you can get into the back entrance of the steel
mill by way of the bridge here with a dead raider on it. This is harder
than it sounds, because there are several bots in there waiting for you
in defensive positions. Use the wrapped steel poles as cover; when you
duck behind them, they can't see you, so stand, fire, and then duck. There
is plenty of cover if you need to do melee.

Unfortunately, there is no back door to the steel mill, so you must go
around the side to the front. Here you will meet several lifters and a
humanoid bot. Try to bait them down the long corridor where you can hit
them and run, or get them caught on the obstructions there. If you can,
mine the area so they run over them and destroy themselves. Mines are key;
I cannot stress their use enough. Considering that you can mine the whole
side of the building with impunity, and then lead the lifters there, this
should not be a problem (assuming you came from the back).

In the steel mill you will find 2 dead civilians (one with a super tool kit)
and 2 lockers (with medical supplies and enviro armor).

Now that you are done here, proceed SW. You will come to a fence at the end
which you must head NW along. At the end you find a Pacification Bot in a
shed next to a control. Use the control to open the nearby gate on the S
fence. Do not destroy the bot.

Go through the open gate and destroy the bots there. I discovered a neat
trick here; make sure you're in TB. Then, position 5 of your guys by the
gate (where they can't see pac-bot), and set them on overwatch. Have the
6th at the controls. Open the gate, they all fire on what they can see.
close it, then overwatch through your guys. Repeat as desired. Takes a few
minutes, but really rips em up with no return fire.

Move up the street to the barricades, but do not destroy them. There are 2
melee bots behind them, and you can use the barricades as cover to shoot 
them at your leisure. These ought to be the last of them; this nets you
just about 50,000 XP, which ought to send you up about 1 or 2 levels (nice!)

Before you leave, send someone down into the chasm between the 2 halves of
the area to get a raider at the north end who has a new machinegun and some
loot. You can also find a small tunnel (duck to enter it) that leads you to
Mike, the nasty guy.


I've heard from several people who report that they can't beat the mission
without killing the pacification bot. I'd like to hear if this is a common
problem (perhaps caused by the patch) or people have been missing something
and so the pacification bot is an alternate target. Suggestions?

13.1 BUNKER 13:

If you're as lucky as I was, you should be able to get a suit of power
armor right now. At 100 barter and 5 charisma, it clocks in at 20K. Hope
you've been saving. Rather unfortunately, this armor doesn't make you
huge, like in the other fallouts, but it does make you look pretty cool
(at least better than the enviro armour) and it lends +3 strength, as well
as giving plenty of protection.


This mission is pretty easy. Bring a thief, if you want to pick the 
civilians clean.

Talk to the Auditor General first. He's right near the beginning; you can't
miss him. From there, move NE to the first tier of buildings and begin
making your way along them. The first building just has a civilian. The next
one has a marketplace with some basic, unexciting goods, but one of them has
a gun mag. Next to this is a church with a drunken preacher (a Fallout

Snyder, Adam (ASnyder@wmsgaming.com) suggests:

In Coldwater, the drunken priest Father Donald is standing in front of an
altar. You can crawl underneath the altar from the side to reveal a hidden
chamber with an ice chest. Some big guns and ammo, and I remember there
being something unusual there, but I'm not certain any more.

The room next to this actually has some foes in it, behind a bunker. They
aren't hard, not with your current skill and firepower, and especially with
incendiary grenades. The one at the crux of this tier is a cockroach race,
and there is a guy there, Don Vinchenzo, who wants you to kill Ma Baker and
he says he'll reward you with some stuff.

Jason Wang (darkstrangefox@yahoo.com) adds:

Hey, just as a side note,
in Coldwater, Don-something wants you to assassinate
Ma Baker right?  Well, it turns out that she is a
undercover brotherhood squad leader, you get to hear
commander dekker sob as he tells you to "wear a black
suit," which is what don tells you to do too.  That,
and I don't think Don gives you anything worth it,
plus that Ma Baker took a whole load of drugs and
traumas... I ended up just Browning her.

Go down through the SW rooms and out the door, and then into the nearby
bar. The bartender will trade if you want. The next building SE of that is
a shop where you can buy some weapons and a science book.

That's all that's interesting on the ground floor. Time to go to tier 2.
The stairs up are located by the 2 raiders you killed, behind the bunker
near the church. At the top of them, you will find that the room to the NW
of you is inhabited by raiders, one of them a grenadier.

Once done with them, it'd probably be easier to head back SE and check out
the bar there. A guy named Simon says the raiders kidnapped his sister. If
you follow him, he will lead you do a room with his sister and a guy. Shoot
him up good, and then talk to him for a small reward.

Go to the SE-most building (you have to go outside, out the door, and shoot
the guys inside through the windows. Watch out for the grenadier. Inside is
a crate with guns and ammo.

Now head back NW to the casino, where the 3 guards were. The bartender will
trade with you for some crappy items, and some of the people here have a
large amount of ring pulls you can gamble for or steal. Now the fun part.
There are 2 guys at the SW entrance waiting to ambush you when you come out
the door. Stick it to them instead by throwing grenades at their position
from the safety of the doorway.

Move SW from here and find the room with the 2 crates and a guard. Kill him
and take the contents of the crates; weapons and grenades. Go around the
corner and unlock the room with the bookshelf to get .50 cal and a trauma

Now you should head for the 3rd tier. I went up the stairs next to the 
stairs between the 1st and 2 tiers, where you came up last time. In the NW
room are 2 guys with rifles who are easily dispatched. Head SE to find more
guards and Ma Baker, who the Don wants you to assassinate. She doesn't say
anything, she'll just trade with you if you want. If you want to kill her
without a fuss, use drugs or super/ultra/trauma packs on her so she dies
from the damage or overdose.

Josemaria Hernandez (jmh53@cornell.edu) suggests:

The end of the Coldwater mission is interesting. I think you should write 
to NOT kill Ma baker. I found that when I killed her i got like 3492 xp or 
something like that while if  I did not kill her i got an additional 5000 
xp at the mission for not doing anything (on top of i think 30000 for 
finishing the mission).

Continue SE to clean out the rest of the guards and take their stuff (they
give good XP, despite being pretty easy). Then head back NW towards the
crux of the L. Be careful as there are a couple guys W of the crux, one of
whom has a rocket. Behind their position are the stairs you should use to
get up to the next level. Before doing that, get the cabinet in the W-most
room on this level to get acid and incendiary grenades.

Up here you find your first guy in power armor. He has a flame weapon, so
don't get close. He has 2 more buds in the NE hall, so watch out. Loot the
broken power armor off the dead guy and take it with you to return to the
inspector guy.

Head NE down the hall, SE down the next one, and out into the room, out the
door, and onto the steppe. Disarm the mine in front of the boxes and loot
their contents.

Head SE but watch for mines. There are a lot of them, and at 106%, I could
not disarm them. If they give you problems, snipe them or throw grenades or
dynamite, even.

You will come to a large building with double doors set into the cliff. The
door is trapped multiple times, and locked, and will not admit you no matter
how you try. Instead, continue SE (get the crate against the wall on the
way), past the sandbags with the 2 guys (grenade them), and into the door
at the end of the cliff. There are several guys in there, so mill around
the entrance and fire in at them while using the door as cover.

Loot the power armor off of this guy and use the control in this room to
shut off the lights, if you think it will help. Watch for the guy in the
hall with the browning. Head out into the hall cautiously to try to avoid
fire from the next room, and avoid the patches of light; that will give
your enemy something to aim at.

The boss is in the last room. He's hard to see if the lights are out, but
if you know where he is (and you will when he speaks), you can hit him with
rockets, grenades, and other heavy area weapons. Make sure to keep an eye
out for the guy who's near the door you come through, so he doesn't ambush
you. Just step in the open doorway, fire, move out of sight, and repeat.

When done, loot the last guy for his power armor and return to the
inspector. I don't think you have to actually give them to him though. It
dissappears from your inventory after the mission.

14.1 BUNKER 14:

Another suit of power armor is available (at least it was for me, anyway).
After selling all my stuff and buying the 2 sets of power armor so far
available, I still had 97K of scrip left. This is why I recommend scavenging
your stuff into vehicles and having a good barter. If you really have 
trouble scavenging money together, go out into the waste and fight as many
Reaver encounters as you can, taking all of their stuff back to base to
sell. Make sure you're in a vehicle so you get infinite inventory. This
is also an excellent way to get many pulse grenades, as the Reavers carry
1 or 2, about every other battle.

Next is Newton.


Your first job is to secure the tank; not a bad task. The problem is that
the tank only holds 5 people, so you either don't use it or leave someone
behind; mixing people and vehicles only tends to get people run over. The
tank will not move, anyway, unless you repair it first. Hope you brought
repair kits, as the closest one is in building 3. Once repaired, the tank
is a monster with 500hp; but it starts at 60, and won't even move.

"Jeffrey Ross" (jwr208@is9.nyu.edu) writes:

In Newton, it seems to me that you really didn't take advantage of the 
tank--it unexpectedly can fit through a lot of very small openings--I'm 
not sure whether this depends on your pilot skill.  For example, I was 
able to drive the tank around the perimeter of the building in which you 
discover the first Reaver Elder.  I drove the tank to the caved in hole 
in the eastern wall of that building and fought the tank bot "tank to 
tank."  I kicked its ass by the way--neither the tank bot nor the 
hoverbots seemed to be able to penetrate the armor on the tank for more 
than 10 points of damage.  Similarly, the tank made handling the turrets 
in the second Reaver Elder building a lot easier.  I just drove the tank 
as close to the entrance to that building as possible (there are sandbags 
preventing you from getting too close).  My snipers, brownings and 
vindicator miniguns took at the turrets in about 45 seconds in CTB--my 
tank didn't take a scratch, more importantly, neither did any of my squad.

then later...

I finished newton last night.  The best part was crushing all the scurry
bots by the reaver camp.  I ran the tank right over them and my guys were
able to shoot them while they were immobilized.  The tank shells dont have
much range, but they did hundreds of points of damage to the tank bot.]

(UPDATE 2.2) I imagine this is especially good if you have a lot of 
repair; it certainly removes the worry of friendly fire, as when you're 
in a vehicle you cannot hit anybody else who is in there with you. It's 
also great because you can fun over enemies and they can't get up.

Try to clear out the building to the NE, first. Kill off the bot by the
open hole in the SW wall, N of the tank, and then use the sandbags as duck
& cover against the one in the corner. Head on up the stairs when done
(don't miss looting the minigun guy; he has some 3000 rounds of ammo) and
loot the workbench for dynamite and medical supplies.

Now the fun part; to go out the door, and into the waiting arms of a bot.
You're best shot is to fire a shot anywhere, to get you into TB, and then
send the grenadier out the door to hide behind the sandbags and hit the
guy with grenades.

From out here on the balcony, you ought to be able to use snipers to hit
a variety of targets around the building. Just be wary of the scurry bots
on the roof with you. They will not activate until you get onto the S
balcony, at which time they will charge you. Leave everyone inside the
building and have one guy venture onto the balcony. When they activate,
move that guy back inside and shut the door. The bots can't open it and
you will tear them to pieces.

Cross the bridge to the SW and open the door and go in. Watch for the scurry
bot to attack from the SE. If he's a pain, get behind the door and close it.
Set everyone to overwatch, then have one person open the door and then close
it. Your overwatch guys will eventually kill it.

Go into the building and get into the boardroom. Talk to the Reaver and she
will join your squad temporarily. Get her to the exit. Find the safe on
this floor in the NE-most ruined office and open it for meds (doctor bag).
If you feel lucky, try to foil the robot ambush in the hall. There are 2
of them, and they are vicious, especially on overwatch.

Open the door to the outside and pick off the bots in the parking lot. If
you have to, open and close the door on TB if you can't get them (hoverbots
can be nasty with their rockets). Once done with them, move out onto the
balcony and hit the tank bot from above, where it cannot get you. This
monster has a heinous amount of hp, and will take quite some time to take

Loot the Reaver bodies and head SW, towards objective 2 on your minimap.
Now comes a tricky/tedious part. The way you get into the objective 2
building is through a hole in a wall guarded by 2 turrets. You may choose
to start TB and then move in and out of sight, as before, to kill the things
before they get you. These are rather a bit more accurate than their 
previous counterparts, and they have heavy machineguns that will kill anyone
without power armor instantly, and maim anyone with it. You can fight them
or run up the stairs and use the console to disable them (past a bunch of
mines, in addition to any gunfire the turrets aim your way--the console is
described below).

Shen Borbe (internet_sniper@hotmail.com) suggests:

To take out the first first turret, one closest to the stairs, take a sniper 
character(I had a Laser Rifle equipped which killed the turrets in a short 
amount of time, but a standard sniper rifle would work, although it'd take 
longer) in overwatch mode and position him(standing or crouching, couldn't 
remember which) behind the sandbag barricade until he can see the turret 
inside, interestingly the sniper should be able to destroy the turret 
without any return fire.

To take out the second turret down the hall, take the sniper and position 
it(standing or crouching) next to but not behind, the small pile of sandbags 
that connects to the fence(which is just opposite the doorway).

"Ashley K. Lovins" (aklovins@earthlink.net) suggests:

In Newton, concerning the building housing the Ambassador, the one with
the two turrets in the entrance foyer:

I found that it's possible to run up the boxes on the outside of the
building, into the hole in the wall. From there you can proceed
upstairs, disarm the mines, and make your way to the turret control
panel. This method removes any need to face the turret's firepower.

The turrets are packing a lot of .50 cal, a hint as to their power. Loot
their bodies if you need the ammo and proceed up the stairs. You may now
find that the top of the stairs is festooned with traps. Talk to the
Reaver in the room. If he doesn't join your party, it means that the other
Reaver has not yet been sent to the extraction point. Otherwise, he will
join, and you'd be wise to send him running right back to the exit.

If you go up the stairs that are not guarded by mines, you walk right into
turret range again; however, if you get past the mines and go up the other
set of stairs (use the door partly hidden behind the wall) you find a
control that disables the turret. You can then go up and fight off the
spider bot for possession of the box by the turret. The box contains 3
pulse grenades; use them wisely.

Leave the building and head for site 3, to the SE. Make sure to loot all
the bodies on the way; some of them have stimpaks. The only way to get into
the building is to go north of it and then around, but you will find your-
self in the firing line of a bot with a minigun, as well as his friends,
2 scurry bots hidden in the ground and one in the corner. Beware their
ambush. If you're feeling sly, stick your sniper(s) on the roof of building
2 and run towards it with one guy acting as the decoy; they will rip anybody
following him apart.

Loot the box near the bot for some acid and move carefully through the gap
in the fence; 2 more bots wait to ambush you there. Use the sandbags for
cover, as well as the way through the fence. Don't miss the pot by the bot
with the laser rifle; it has acid grenades.

Go into the building, onto the platform in the middle and down the ladders.
Go into the laboratory room with the safe and talk to the 3rd Reaver elder.
He will join your group. Give his science book to someone and get him to 
the evac point. Then open up the safe and take the prototype pulse rifle.

Head on upstairs if you need rockets or 30 cal; there is some on a shelf in
the office with the flag.

Go out the door and NE, towards the train yard where the next building is.
A bunch of scurry bots will pop up and attack, and you can fight back with
the aid of the Reavers there. Run around to the back and up the stairs, and
then out onto the balcony. Try to lure them to the back there where they
can't get up the stairs, and you can pound on them with no repurcussions.

Go into the garage there and get the last Reaver leader. He'll join and you
can send him back to the evac area, and your mission is complete; except
for extras. Don't miss the already-open chest above the garage; just close
it and open it again. It has more .50 cal.

Get into the Reaver barracks area. It is protected with drones, but they
shouldn't be too hard to take down; the entrance to the area is between the
2 glowing pools. You can find some loot on the dead Reavers, including 2
plasma grenades. There are also pulse grenades in a pot, acid on a shelf,
and a couple stimpaks.

Consider heading to the NW section of the map, with the open field. There is
a chest in front of a building with some drugs and rockets in it. It is
also trapped with a scurrier nearby, so be careful.

On the W-most section of the map is a small area guarded by 2 hidden bots.
There is a whole bunch of .50 cal in a pot here, as well as a couple
vindicator miniguns.

(Epsilitory@aol.com) adds:

Just a tip, in Newton in the bottom right corner of the map, there is 
an area with a lot of interconnected buildings. From the entrance go 
to the right and walk down the path.The 2nd building on the left with 
a ladder eventually leads to another building where there is a suit 
of Advanced Power armor in a fridge. it boosts ur strength alot, my 
guy now has over 10.

15.1 BUNKER 15:

This time I was able to get EMP rockets and shotgun shells, but no more
power armor. You must switch bunkers again. At the new bunker, the
mechanic will trade with you (for free) a strange item called the jet bike
key. I'm not sure if it has any use, but it sounds like a reference to
Chrono Trigger. 

UPDATE: Tom Carlsen (TomCarlsen@citywestwater.com.au) says that the key
is used in the operation of Phil the Nuka Cola Guy's bike.

2 more missions open up, but I will go chronologically again. Next is 
Canyon City.


Bring remote detonator traps (6-12 of them) and a remote detonator.

Move up to the short wall bounded by oil drums and use it as cover to take
out the 5 bots in the street. When I say 5, I mean it; some of them are
hiding. Make sure to loot the remote detonator traps off of the dead robots;
you will need them later, if you don't already have some.

Up the street, one of the robots has your new best friend; a gauss pistol.
Get it and the remote detonator off of this 6th bot. The gauss is a small
guns weapon with the same firing speed as a revolver (1 less than normal)
and it does a whole lot more damage. It has the same range as a sniper
rifle, and does almost as much max damage, but much more min damage. Now,
with my main character having bonus rate of fire and fast shot, he can fire
the gauss pistol at a cost of 1AP; this means, 10 shots (of a 12 round clip)
of about 20-30 dmg each round (ignoring reloads). Of course, robot armor
can reduce this, but it reduces all shots; it's hard not to see the value
of a ROF like that, especially with the 'more criticals' perk (and maybe
sniper too, if they ever get it working right).

Go into the small hut and loot the workbench for C4 and some other 
equipment. When done, go over to the door in the wall (SW of the hut) and
open it. Destroy the scurry bots there (there are several), and move up to
the building with the humming in it. Inside is a power node. You can destroy
it, but it will only repair itself. There is only one way to make sure it
doesn't come back; destroy all the other nodes at the same time. This can
be accomplished by 2 ways that I know of; either split up all 6 guys and
fire on each of them at the same time (once you've cleared the map) or leave
about 2 charges of remote detonator next to it, trapped with a code you
can remember. Do the same with all of the nodes, and then at the end use
the remote detonator to blow them all sky-high.

Nightfall@mindspring.com adds:

On the level where you have to destroy the 6 nodes..you can actually
use the Science skill to do it one at a time..not like the skill is 
good for anything else.

Head SW from here to get to the ladder up to the high platform. From up
here, you can see miles around, all of the bots in the area. Send your
snipers up here and take out everything you possibly can.

Ken Boren (eeroboren@pacific.net.ph) suggests:

just a tip, on that really good sniper platform you can take out the 
turrets guarding the building with the pacbot. take out both of them 
and loot them. in my case, i got a whopping 220+ explosive rockets. 
i sold 190 of them and got around 30k so its a good deal.

Go down the ladder when done, and across the street to the door and through
it. You should have destroyed most of the resistance in this courtyard, but
there will be 1 or 2 bots left, most likely.

From here, you want to make your way W, all the way to the next street,
and then S to the building holding the 2nd energy node. On the way is a
trench with a couple of bots in it.

When you get to the building with the power node in it, first go around the
side to the SE wall and use the control to disable the lights around the
minigun turrets inside. Then, walk around the outside of the building to
try to activate the pair of scurry bots inside so you can shoot them through
the windows. Now, since the lights are out, the turrets won't attack unless
attacked, so set yourself to passive guard and set up the explosives near
the power node. That's 2 down.

Get to the street and head NW until you find a sidewalk leading NE, towards
objective 3. You will find the building relatively unguarded (or at least
I did). Set the explosives and head back SW again, back the way you came.

Get out onto the street and head NW. Kill off the bots in the trenches and
loot the chest in one of them for a great deal of ammunition. Right near
the trenchesat the end of the road is the entrance to #4's building.

Open up the small metal door and kill the sentry bots inside. The energy
node is in a room right by the door. Set the explosives; that makes 4. Head
out the truck door of the Nuka Cola plant (yes, that is where you are), and 
to the NW.

To get to nodes 5 and 6, you have 2 choices; take the underground passage
using the ladder near the Nuka Cola plant and fight a load lifter and a
turret in very close quarters, or try to fight off a well-entrenched force
near the only aboveground entrance to the building. Neither is easy or
quick. For what it's worth, I chose the aboveground solution because it
offered a lot of cover.

If you come in from the outside, you can disable the control out front
which is protected by mines. I'm pretty sure this diables the turrets out
front, and you can get to it from a ladder leading down to the SE of the
bunker emplacements, right near node 1. This is a good idea if you cannot
or don't want to fight off the pair of turrets there.

Head in the front door (a large thing with a sphere-ish lock on the front)
and destroy the pacification bot. The thing has a tremendous amount of HP,
so expect it to take a while. It does not move much, but has an impressive 
area attack (electrical) that it can hit you with.

If he proves to be too much for you, you can always go into one of the side
doors. Otherwise, open the door to the next room, which is full of scurry
bots and a bot with a minigun. This is a new minigun, though; a gatling

Move into the next room and lure the tank bot towards you. If you have 
mines, great. If not, he can't get through the doorway, so you can hit
him from inside the previous room. Once he is down you should be able to
easily get to node 5; just watch out for the bots waiting to ambush you in

Proceed to the NE room and then up the stairs. Open the door to the large
SE room and use the doorway as cover to destroy the bots in there inside
the bunker-type structure. Use the terminal in here, for XP.

Head into the conference room and use the terminal for a bunch of XP. Then
open up the door to the last node. It is protected by some scurry bots, not
a big issue by now. Use the terminal in here, and then plant the explosives.
Hit that remote detonator button, and watch the fun begin. The mission is
now over, and you can leave.

16.1 BUNKER 16:

I was able to get a pulse pistol, 3 more power armors, and an advanced power
armor, in addition to a gauss pistol and associated ammo. But boy, did it
cost me. Nonetheless, I did do it, so it can be done. You may also be able
to recruit a robot now.


Bring someone with science.

You are going to get yelled at immediately by a paladin commander. Your map
in the corner is toast, and the only thing to go on is the mission map in
the pipboy.

The paladins are going to charge pretty quick, and are likely to get
themselves killed pretty quick.

Now, you might feel obligated to run into the gap in the wall right in
front of you, but the problem is that there is no way out of there; it is a
dead end. Instead, head around to the SW get to the entrance sealed by the 
force barrier. Watch for ambushing scurry bots on the way. Your ultimate
goal is to get to the switching console at the SE corner of the map, but
you are going to have to fight a lot on the way. The next obstacle is a
bunker with 4 bots in it, around the corner past the energy barrier.

The problem is that you cannot see them until you are up close; they are
hidden behind the wall. Head W and engage the one in the trench with the
flamer; the gunfire ought to wake them up in the bunker, and you can fight
them from a distance (unless, of course you like melee). I've found that
pelting them with grenades and rockets isn't very effective, but you might
find otherwise.

Past the bunker is a door in the crappy metal wall that can be distinguished
by the fact that it is higher than the rest of the wall. Go in and notice
that you will be ambushed by scurry bots. You can either fight it out at
close range with shotguns or hide behind the door and do the old overwatch

Next you must deal with a pair of robot emplacements, one in the ruined
building in front of the next force gate, and another to the SE in a bunker.
Also watch for the pair of scurry bots by the force gate.

An interesting trick I learned from this area is that if you are in CTB and
you load the game, anybody that is under cover will stand up to strike at
you. So I stayed a good distance away from the bunker, and then I loaded
the game and the bots stood up and took my volley, fired a shot (usually
missing) and ducked. Then I saved it and loaded the game I just saved, and
the bots came up for another volley. Neat trick.

Move SE past the bunker and take out the scurry bots and the bots in the
bunker with the terminal. Once you've gotten them, you can use the terminal
to shut off the force gates. Go in through the one right there and head
toward the main gate in. A behemoth hidden behind a force fence will
activate and start to attack you. Your best bet is to back right up and
use the wall as cover until it is out of ammo, or you knock it out. It is
really hard to do much damge to it, so you may instead not want to use this
gate, but rather the first one you came across to the NW. However, if you
do destroy it, it's worth over 2000 XP. If you come from the other way, you
have to deal with 3 scurry bots and a tankbot.

Use the science skill to open up the door using the terminal and prepare to
battle the turrets overlooking the ramp. There are probably a whole bunch
of dead paladins here, as they were stupid and charged the gate.

Head down the ramp carefully, because you are about to be ambushed from all
sides by security drones. Charging in gets you caught in a crossfire.
Instead, use one of your guys as bait and draw them out to you, where you
can hit them from the short wall halfway down the ramp. Send your bait over
to one side so he doesn't get hit by everything.

Destroy the energy node at the bottom of the ramp; it will not repair 
itself. Once you have done that, there is one way out of this room; the door
on the SE wall. Beware of the security bot waiting for you, and go through.
Use the console there. Go into the NE room and talk to Percy, then take
his stuff.

Go out into the hall and beware the tankbot and his security bot friends.
Then go across the hall into the small room and then NE into the terminal
room. There is a bot and a couple of scurry bots, too. The open/close door
trick works well here. Use the terminal to open up a door at the end of
the hall. Head back out into the hall and through the open door at the N

Go up the stairs and do battle with the security bots across the room. Go
up onto the catwalk and destroy the load lifters below, then move NW. An
alarm will go off and a whole bunch of security bots will be set free on
you. Now is the time for any area attacks you've got. The humanoid bot
that sets off the alarm is by the alarm console up there, so if you can
get to him before he sets it off and destroy him (good luck), you can
potentially stop the bots from being set free. I imagine that the only way
to do this is to sneak with the pancor or a pulse grenade.

Head up the massive set of stairs near the alarm console and towards the 
turret there. Either use cover or engage it from range. Beware! It has good
range and accuracy, not to mention damage.

Go down the ladders by the turret and to the NW door. Either use that to get
to the power node in the NW, or go up on the catwalk and get to it from
there. Once it is down, head to the room with the aircraft in it. Use the
console. This will destroy the door to the reactor. Unfortunately, there are
a lot of bots waiting for you in there...best be careful. You are better
off heading back up to the catwalk and hitting themfrom there, since they
do not seem to spawn in until the door is open.

Before you take down the reactor, try to get the other power node. You can
do so by getting to the E end of the catwalk and heading down the ladder
there. Then proceed to the reactor room and destroy the reactor and the 2
turbines. This should complete the mission, and you can leave via the exit
grid (use the map to find out just where that is).

17.1 BUNKER 17:

The first pulse rifle and gauss rifle were available now, as was the first
Tesla armor (although I consider power armor to be much superior). The gauss
rifle is great, but costs an extra AP to use; keep that in mind.


It helps to have a lock-picker on this mission.

Your map is still screwed, so you have to rely on the pipboy map. If you 
can destroy the 4 interference towers, the effect will go away, so it's
something to look for. As you head up the road, you will be attacked by
several humanoid bots, some hover bots, and a behemoth, so watch out; you'd
best seek cover as quickly as you can where it cannot get you.

Once you're done, head into the junkyard to get to the 2 jamming towers in
it. The first is along the outside, guarded by a number of humanoid bots
with miniguns and a hover bot or 2. Getting to the next is a trick as there
is a pacification bot in the way, along with some hoverbots. The 2nd is 
protected by some humanoid bots at the N end of the area. Be careful, as 
the place is rife with scurry bots, waiting to pop up at inopportune 
moments. Between the 2 jammers is a 2-story building with a metal shelf 
on the top floor. I was unable to get in, and would be interested to know 
how to do so and what is inside.

Ken Boren (eeroboren@pacific.net.ph) writes:

about the building in scott city with a metal shelf in it. use the key 
you got from elaine's cell. i forgot what you get but i think you get 
some meds and ammo. nothing fantastic though.

"Uliasea" (uliasea@aventa.de) adds:

For me it was quite easy: I used my lockpick skill (132, together with 
the electronic device) and opened it with my third trial. Inside I 
looted a dead civilian (stimpack, revolver, ammunition, 
iguana-on-a-stick) and the metal shelf ("guns & bullets" magazine, 
first aid kit).

Now head over to the internment camp, noted on your map as the large
unmarked circle. The entrance is protected by some hover bots to the N
and a couple of humanoid bots inside the entrance. Before you go in, just
take out the jamming dish right to the N of the gate (there is a guy with
a grenade launcher hiding behind the car, so watch out). Then go in and
waste the last dish; you should have your map back.

The first building you come to is locked, so I hope you have a lock-picker.
There is a storage area in the back of it with a sentry bot and a crate with
a whole lot of dynamite in it. The building behind that has another sentry
bot in the alley between them and an additional one inside. There are
several hostages and several dead naked people, reminiscent of Diablo,
almost. In the back room with the bodies is a book, on the floor.

The third building, perpendicular to the first 2, has its own security bot
and a couple of prisoners. Open up their cells and free them, but don't
have them follow you or they will just get killed. Don't miss the pot in
Elaine's cell for a key.

Move up the street slowly and keep an eye out for bots and turrets. On the
crosswise SE street you will find another behemoth, so keep an eye out for
him. Try to head into the building behind the 4th jamming dish; it is
sort of L-shaped. Before you go in, run around out front and try to take
cheap shots at the guys inside, especially the load lifters who will ruin
you if they get close.

Actually getting into the building requires going up the side (to meet the
next behemoth) or going up the stairs in the middle. Inside, find some
crates with plasma grenades and rockets. Go into the smaller half of the
building, to the SE, and up the stairs to cross the bridge to the next SE

Go into the 2nd floor of that building and dispose of the 2 security bots.
Then, go down the stairs and fight off 2 more of them. Destroy the oil
drums in there, too, to make sure you activate the hover bot which is hiding
in the back, waiting to get you. Go into the hallway to the SE and go into
the locker room; beware the plasma-rifle bearing bot, waiting to ambush you.
There is a locker in here with some loot.

Alastair Hutcheson (ali_qzx@yahoo.com) adds:

in the scott city mission, in the room with the
security bots and oildrums, it is possible to crawl in
to a tunnel behind one of the larger oil tanks(?)
the tunnel leads to a room with a chest
i couldn't open the chest, my character said that is
was impossible or out of range
probably a design flaw.

Move E to get to the next building, the one with the alarm console on the
roof. Watch out for the scurry bots on the way, and be advised that there
are a whole bunch of humanoid bots in there, too. I chose to draw them out
of the building into a protracted firefight, using the night as cover. When
you're done, you can access the 2 lockers against the NW wall in here.

Go up the stairs and battle the hoverbot. Then head N along the catwalk to
the N-most buildings. This way you can avoid the behomoth on the ground
there. The first (S-most) building in the string has nothing to offer, so
pay it no mind. The second one is full of hover bots, and I mean *full*.
At the north end (which is sort of like the '3rd' building because of the
way it is split in half), are 2 lockers with some loot in them. At the SE
end are a couple of dead civilians, one of whom has medical supplies.

You are now ready to assault the main building from the roof. The primary
walkway is protected by a number of bots and a turret, so watch out for
them. You enter on the middle level, under the turret, into a large 
warehouse area. There are security bots around, so be careful. There is
also a behemoth in here, eager to end your career. Find the terminal on
this floor and use it (it is near the south end) and then go back up the
stairs and to the SE to find a small room, isolated from the rest of the
building, outside on the catwalk. Inside are 2 security bots and 2 lockers.
The door is locked and trapped so be careful. Once you've done this, you 
should head to the NE office in the warehouse/factory. Beware the bot under
the stairs and the one in the office. I found the one under the stairs hard
to deal with so I went up on the catwalk and dropped grenades on his head
(well, the ground near his head anyways).

Go up the stairs in the office and loot the crate. Then, go up the next
stairs if you want to get to the roof here. Alternately, you can come from
another set of stairs near the SE wall. Either way, your ultimate 
destination is the brownish building on the N end.

The larger room on the SE end holds general Barnaky's body. Loot it for
some XP and his locket.

The center square building holds a whole bunch of humanoid bots with plasma
weapons. It is essentially a guardhouse, and is somewhat difficult to take
out directly, but if you use cover and try to take them down piecemeal,
you'll have a much easier time of it. Just move in and out of view with the
autoshotguns and you'll be fine. Make sure to do it because there are 3
books on the shelf inside and there is a gauss minigun, used by one of the
bots, and a first aid kit and book on the table (not in a container; move
the pointer around to find them). 

The SW building contains absolutely nothing.

The brown building's door is flanked by 2 turrets that you should have
taken down from range by now. If not, you'll have an awful time getting them
up close without going around the corner for cover. Once they're down, it's
all clear sailing. Go in and talk to Kerr. To get the good mission ending,
you must kill him. I had difficulty targetting him so I just set C4 to kill
him. Alternately, I think you can use the 'poison' item on him. Once this 
is done, you can leave the map.

shirwyn@vcn.bc.ca adds:

At Buena Vista the turrets guarding the trader's torture room can be turned
off by a console on the ground level of the same building (so long as you 
can get past the two Behemoths to throw the switch).

18.1 BASE 18:

Got 2 more Advanced power armors this time around. Use the gauss minigun to
help pay for them, if you don't plan on using it; it's worth quite a bit.
Now this is it; don't skimp on the supplies. Money gets you nothing here.
You must spend every last bit because you'll likely need it, and you won't
get another chance to spend it. Make sure you get lots of Rad-X and Rad-
Away before you leave.


Make sure you have at least one guy with science, and Barnaky's locket.

Hits away. You must get the nuclear APC to the gate of the mountain, and
then get into the bunker for shelter. Easier said than done. You can either
drive the APC around and repair it as it gets hit (not such a good idea)
or clear out the path by hand so you don't risk it getting destroyed all 
the time.

Move up the road and take care of the bots on the left and the hover bots
in the center. Then go into the bunker on the right and secure it; there
are 2 security bots waiting to ambush you in there. Then use the N-most
terminal for more info. You can attempt to pick open the door to the ladder,
but it was too difficult for me; I was unable to do it. If you could, it
would be very useful as a shortcut to get away from the blast.

Continue up the road and watch for mines and bots in the rocks. If you 
decide to go NE, into the first canyon, you first have to face off with
a pair of scurry bots and some rocket guys up on the cliff. Once inside the
canyon, you will find a hover bot waiting to ruin your day. Your reward,
at the end of the canyon, is a locked box with some dynamite and a repair

The 2nd canyon isn't friendly either, witha bunch of sentry bots guarding
it, and they are above you so they can get the drop on you. There is also
a scurry bot in there, too. They are guarding a small crate with some gauss
ammo and a little .50 cal. It's up to you if it's worth it.

Head for the NW ramp, and get close enough to activate the turret, then
back up and let it have it. Watch for bots in the N side; they love to
snipe. Don't miss the storage area at the base of the ramp. Though it is
trapped with 2 scurry bots, and the box itself is set with a claymore, there
are some super stims in there if you need them.

At the top of the ramp there is a pacification bot waiting to ambush you
on the SW side, and a pair of bots on the NE side, so be careful. What I
did was sneak up onto the cliff to the left and hit the pac bot in the
sensors to knock him out, then I hammered on him by himself. That done, I
took on the other bots across the way. Don't forget to destroy the 
generator by the pac bot.

Up the NE road is a line of bots, waiting to end your career. They have
miniguns, and will hit your whole party if you're grouped. My only advice
is to use the cliff itself as cover and pick them off 1 by 1 as you move
slowly (pixel-wise) to the NW.

Once that is through, and the turrets are down too, you can move around the
next corner where you can be ambushed by 3 more bots with pistols. Continue
along the road and fight off the turret on the crossbar, parallel to the

If you feel lucky, and want to get the drop on everyone, take the ladder
behind the crossbeam up to a stash with some scurry bots and a rocket bot.
They will be hard to beat coming up the ladder, but if you can do it, you
can get the drop on everyone from here on out.

Continue along the road to find some bots and barricades, and some mines
as well. Watch for hover bots on the cliff because they have nasty range
with their height. The 2nd bridge, nearby, features a bot with a gauss
rifle, something you should seriously consider using if you have the ammo.

Past the bridge, watch for bots up on the cliff and in the rocks on the N
side, and also security bots on the road. There is also a bunker with a
gauss-wielding bot and a box with gauss ammo. Also, hidden on the S side
is a small ladder that leads down to a shack with a chest in it. There is
a repair kit and super stims inside. Also down here is the top entrance to
the bunker, flanked by 2 scurry bots. Once you go in, the door will open
for you from this side, but it will close behind you and you won't be able
to get back through it.

Keep going until you find a ladder up the cliff. Go up it. From here you can
snipe really really far. Use this to your advantage to get the turrets and
behemoth below. The whole place is festooned with scurry bots though; they
won't come up unless you're down there. Make sure to get the guys in front
of the gate before you get off the cliff

Now, everyone else should be dead, so get the rocket and put it at the gate.
I suggest having 1 guy do it, and have the other 5 already in the bunker so
you only have to direct 1 guy. Remember, run for the ladder by the small
building, near the 2nd bridge.

20.0 VAULT 0 (MISSION 20):

Everybody take a Rad-X, just to be sure. Your map is screwed, so it's back
to square one and the pipboy map. Talk to Maximus. Most of the people here 
will trade with you, so resupply if you can. Use the terminal (using 
science) to get your map back. Unfortunately, this opens the door and a
whole mess of security bots come out.

Once they're dead, take their stuff and trade it to the paladins for more
gear that you'll need. Or, let them fight (and hopefully die) and you can
take their stuff that way.

Get to the main intersection, right to the SE, and head SW, towards #2 (the
security station). Open the door and fight off the minigun guy behind the
door, and his 2 security bot friends. He's got another minigun pal near the
red terminal, so watch for him, too.

Down the NW hall are a whole bunch of bots who will charge, with covering
fire from a minigun guy so watch out for that. Oddly enough, if 1 guy is
facing a minigun guy from afar, he won't get hit, but if you have a crowd,
someone is guaranteed to be hit. My solution; move one guy into view, and as
they charge him the other guys you've got will open up on them. Oddly 
enough, this worked great in CTB and I wasn't hit once.

You can of course attempt to get into the security room directly, from this
first room you find, but then the door will announce itself to be locked
and laugh at your pitiful attempt to pick it. So much for the easy way.

Head NW. Pass the 2 conference rooms and then look SW. You will be charged
by a tank bot. Let him have it. If you have, trouble, get into the door of
the NW room and use it for cover; he can't get in the door. Of course, that
room presents its own problems. It is guarded by a bunch of humanoid bots
and you need to use the terminal with 'science' to open the door. Once 
inside, however, you get access to 4 lockers. They are locked, but contain
cool stuff like EMP equipment and gauss stuff, and books (like you need them

Move SE down past the next corner, up to a large door. Prepare for a room'o
death. As soon as you walk in, 2 minigun bots will open up, so the 
appropriate action might be to move in and out of sight and try to knock
them out so you can finish them off.

You should take this opportunity to open up the NW door and get at the
lockers inside. However, there are 2 turrets there waiting to kill you,
so you might want to back everyone up and have one unlucky sot open it for
you in TB and then run for cover. Alternately, you could use the security
terminal in the SE room to deactivate the lock and turn off the turrets.
Inside you find books, another sunbeam minigun, medical supplies, and some
ammo including depleted uranium .50 cal, the best ammo for your browning.
It has max penetration, and ignores so much armor that the bots may as well
be naked. Save it for a crowd and then go nuts; you won't be disappointed.

Head SE again, into the next room. This one has several humanoid bots in
it, waiting to ambush you, especially the minigun types. There are also a
number of load lifters, so you'll want to back up into the previous room and
let em have it once they get up to the doorway. There are also laser guys
to the right and left as you come in. This might be a good time to use the
old move in/out of view TB trick. There are guys hiding all over the place
in here and there must be about a dozen of them.

Use the terminal in the corner of this room. This will open up the door to
the room in the NW. Go there, loot it, and return, then head E into the
room with the terminal that you couldn't get to from the other side. This
will open up the nearby door and another door in the cryogenics area.

On a quick note, the walls here are buggy, so if you see a red dot light up
on your minimap to the SE, stop your team (hit del) and see if you can hit
the enemy from where you are. More often than not, you can.

Head back to the main intersection, and from there, SE to the cryogenics
wing. You will round the corner and run straight into a bunch of security
bots who will rip you up if you aren't lucky and/or careful. TB around the
corner, here. The whole place is festooned with security bots, so be on the
lookout for them and take appropriate cover.

As you move down the corridor and round the corner, you will find yet more
security bots behind cover. The SW rooms have little of interest, but the
NE one has a locker in it. Unfortunately, it also has turrets, and security
bots, and all manner of unhealthy defenses. You can pick the door lock and
then stand to the side; the door will stay open as long as you are nearby.
The best trick for this is the hide-behind the doorway trick, but I bet you
already knew that. The turrets are packing enough .50 cal to last you a 
lifetime, and there are a few medical supplies in the locker.

Further down the hall are more bots in the S room and some Vault 0 citizens
in the N room, along with a bot. Loot the body for a severed head, which you
will need later. Science up the terminal if you can to open the dental exam
door and loot the NE lockers. If your science doesn't cut it, just use the
head on the dental scanner by the door to the power area.

Head back to the crossroads and NE this time, through the open door. If it
is not open, use the head on the dental scanner. The first room has 2 
turret and 2 bots. I found that they couldn't hit me from where I was
standing at the door, so I just hammered them from afar. Again, these
turrets pack over 5000 .50 cal each, so stock up.

Use the terminal to open up the force wall and shoot the bots behind it.
There area about 4. Then go into this room with lots of goop pools and head
for the door at the N end. Make sure you have 100% rad resistance before
going in here. Go in the door at the N end, kill the 2 bots, and science
both of the terminals to put them off-line.

Go through the doorway that you removed the force beams from. A tank bot 
will come charging down the hall towards you. Then move up past it to the
single door in the hallway. Behind it are a trio of security bots. There
are more as you move towards the next door, at the E end of this room.

Move into the hall beyond, NW, NE, and then look SE down the long corridor.
There are a bunch of bots including a pacification bot. As you move down
the hall, you will run into more bots, security bots, and about 10 or so
scurry bots. Your job is to use science on all 3 consoles you come across
to activate the power plants. You get 40 XP for activating them, so if you
really feel like standing around forever you can get infinite XP. Once you
get all of them activated, you get a boatload of XP. Don't miss the locker
in the 3rd room, and the 2 lockers in the SW room at the end of the 
corridor. Note: you have to duck to get to them. I couldn't manage to get
one of them open, and i'm wondering what was inside...

"Jason Salem" (res06fsh@gte.net) replies:

In vault0, the room where you need to duck inside to get to two lockers, 
you mention that you hadn't gotten into the second locker.  I've just 
succeeded at getting it open.  It took 2 tries with 182% total modified 
skill (I removed my armor also to get to this number), mk2 electronic 
lockpick.  All that was in there was a pulse rifle and 50 micro fusion 

Return to the elevator, where you started. Move everyone onto the green
space and you should be all set.

You will be transported to the bottom of the vault. Open up the double door
and you are faced with the big fight. Good luck. You should be able to do
the old hiding trick and you can even do the old open/close door trick if
you like. Doing that can make this fight, the final one, a cheese-fest,
but if you can't win any other way, or don't give a crap about honor, it's
the easiest way. Just have one guy open the door and either set the rest to
overwatch or set yourself to squad TB so the rest of the guys can fire, then
have the last guy close the door. If Barnaky gets close, he might detect
that you have the locket on you (you *do* have it with you, don't you?) and
he will turn neutral.

UPDATE: with the fix for overwatch in 1.25, you *will* get shot at every
time you open the door, so keep this in mind. Crouch if you have a lot of

Now head SE and watch out for the turrets flanking the bridge. There are 4
altogether. Head around to the front door and you will find the calculator
and 5 brains.

Now, the only way I know how to proceed is to kill the brains. This lowers
your karma by quite a bit, but I didn't know what else to do. Killing
them will open up the N-most door of the 3 doors in the back. Go in there
and through the next door and you'll have to fight a bunch more bots
behind those low walls, as well as a pair of turrets in the back. Do the
open/close door trick again, then go to the back and open up the field
with the terminal. Kill the brain beyond.

The next door has opened. Head there now. Yet again, you'll have to face a
crowd of bots and turrets to get to the next brain. Gets repetetive. Kill
the brain and then head to the 3rd and last door. This time they are sneaky:
they aren't in view of the door. So instead, hide around the corner and 
shoot at them. Sigh. Once you've taken them down you can get at the last
brain, and killing it releases the calculator wall. Go back to the 
calculator, and it will speak to you. Talk to it a couple times and then
use the terminal next to it. This will give you ENDING #1. Alternately, 
force-fire on it and kill it to get ENDING #2. (ENDING #2 suggested by
David S. (Pyro139989@aol.com)) David Ng (chemgear@hotmail.com) and
Rajmohan Rajagopalan (mohan@math.cornell.edu) wrote in that there is 
also an ENDING #3; during the countdown, after you talk to the calculator, 
talk to Barnaky (if he's still alive). He will donate his brain instead.


I've also been told there is a 4th ending, which depends on your karma if
you are the one that uses the machine. This ending was previously 
difficult to get because of the karma hit from killing the brains. Thanks
to iweird (iweird77@hotmail.com) who got the first word in on this one.

Pak Chung (pchung@vt.edu) adds:

It doesnt make any difference, but for those karma freak like myself, here
is how: dont enter the room, stand at the door, and ctrl-rightclick on the
calculator to kill it without messing with the robots in the 3 chambers and
killing the brains. and no karma loss too.


I just found a way to destroy brains in the ending part without losing
karma, so you can get the good ending ( if your karma is good at that
point ).
Just use time bombs or C4 plastique, bring at least 9, cuz the 3 brains
inside have 220 Hp each, will take 2 bombs each to kill while those 5 
brains outside only have 30 Hp so can kill them with 3 bombs

"Wright, Stephen J" (Stephen.Wright@unisys.com) adds:

Something I did in the last level.  I read about using time bombs/C4 to blow
up the brains without a Karma Loss, but I only had 4 packages of C4.  I used
two well placed C4s to kill the four (?) easier brains (so I don't know for
sure if this works with them).  After killing the first "big brain" with my
last two I thought I was in trouble.  But I found out something else that

I had a guy who was good with throwing.  I forced him to throw EMP grenades
NEXT TO the brains, as opposed to AT the brains.  The splash damage killed
the brains, but my Karma was unchanged.


While I haven't written the walkthrough for this one yet, I'm told it's
pretty easy, so here's how to unlock it (and if 14 Degrees East/Black
Isle/Interplay has a problem with this, please let me know and I will
remove it forthwith; I respect the people that put this together and
will comply with their wishes. Hopefully this will not include a letter
from a lawyer).

Go into your fallout tacticscore directory and open up bos.cfg. Find
the line that says:

{misc.bonusMission} = {false}

and change it to:

{misc.bonusMission} = {true}

Now, I wasn't told by anyone how to do it. I did find a utility online
that does this for you, and by observing its function, I noticed it
inserted {misc.bonusMission} = {true} at the bottom of the file. While
this is nice, I'm not sure if it conflicts with the original statement,
so it's best just to change the original line.

HAVE COMPLETED MISSIONS 4-6!!!! I put that in caps so people won't mail
me about how they can't get into the mission yet. You *may* have to 
restart your game to get this to work; I'm not sure yet. I will update
later as more information becomes available. Any info people have on
this would be helpful. I already know that the cheat utility enables it
and displays it on the map, so please don't mail me regarding this.


This town bears more than a passing resemblance, in some aspects, to the
Springfield of the Simpsons. I'm just putting this here so I don't get about
sixty emails in the next couple of days saying 'hey, it's like the Simpsons'
and whatnot...

Now here's the walkthrough for Springfield. You start next to the town
guard Carino. Talk to him to get some info and then head NW up the street.
If you didn't get the bonus CD, you'll notice purple tiles on the roof of
the graveyard house because you don't have the extra couple of tiles that
are provided on the CD.

Now, the unpleasant part is that if you continue up the street, you walk
right into the firing sight of the raiders, especially if it's night,
because there is a brightly lit area right behind the first barricade you
must go around, and it will provide an ample killing field for the raiders
if you just walk right in. Unfortunately, there isn't another way to the NW.
I suggest switching to TB and running your guys through (if it's night) so
you don't get hit too bad.

There are 2 guys hiding right around the corner, and right there is the
raider buggy, a silly little vehicle. Kill them and the guys that come
around the corner, as well as the guys up the street if you can. Then, go
into the bar and talk to the bartender. He can trade you some drugs if you
need them. The buggy, which you might want to take has room for 2 people.
Pretty much, its only use is a portable equipment hauler.

Move up the street and take out the barricade and loot the chest behind it
for some repair kits. Take a quick detour SW get into the graveyard church
to loot the pot by the cross for a gun and some ammo. Then head into the
3-level hotel thing NW of that. Get the desk in the N room on the first 
floor and the footlocker behind the desk and then head up to the 2nd level.
There is a grenadier (who only seems to hit himself with his own grenades)
and then there are the entrenched guys behind the sandbags. You might want 
to go in through the apartment rooms and surprise them from behind.

Once you've gotten through them (be careful because there is a guy in the S
room and the door is trapped) you can go after the chest in the NE room.
There is a guy in there and some ammo in the box. For some reason, I got a
bunch of XP for opening it (not sure why).

Head up the street and go onto the roof of planet donut and get the chest
up there, and also try to pick off people from the high vantage point. Head
up the street when done and go into the wooden hotel up up to the 2nd floor
to get a fridge full of food.

Just NW of here is a fortified building with a gate across the street. Go
through the hotel and out the back door to surprise the guys from behind
and avoid the crossfire from the guys hiding by the gate. Shoot some guys
from the hotel, if you can, and then head up the back. There will be 2 guys
by the door you go out, two guys by a barricade, and a dead ghoul between

Go in the back door and up the ladder. Dispose of the guy behind the sandbag
wall, being careful to avoid the mine set up in the floor, and then loot the
nearby crate. Disarm the booby trap on the door and go out onto the porch
there. Climb up to the roof if you're brave; there are 3 guys waiting to
shoot you up there before you can even react. You'll get shot at, but then
shoot the gas tank nearby real quick for a messy end to 2 of them (I got a
great idea guys! Let's hide out behind this explosive stuff!) Alternately,
if you have a lot of trouble from here, us the ladder in the back by the
door on the ground floor.

Once the 3rd guy is down (stand/fire/duck), walk over to the ladder down in
the center of the roof and wait for the roaches to come over. You ought to
be able to shoot them pretty quick and then you can go down to try to get
into the safe. It's not locked, and it has ammo, dynamite, and stimpaks.

When ready, cross the street and open up the gate. There are a whole lot of
guys waiting behind the gate, so don't be too shy to use the buggy for
cover if you need it. Beat up everyone in the park (is that Jebediah
Springfield?) and then head SE into dirt road area. There are 3 dead ghouls
behind some sandbags but only 1 has loot.

Move down the road and watch for raiders behind barricades. Head into the
large market and through the gate in the NE wall. Watch out for the guys
waiting to ambush you behind it. (Also don't miss the pot by the gate).
Considering the number of them, you might have to use the buggy for this
trip, too.

Move NW and collect the chest in the middle of the field and head through
the gate. Go into the first building, the large white one, and up to the
2nd floor and out onto the roof. There should be a couple guys there you can
kill and loot before heading to the town hall.

Now, you can't shoot at them (they aren't 'red') until the head guy talks
to you, so your best bet is to set up your guys behind the barricade and
send a fast one forward so that he can get behind cover before the firing
starts. After the guy speaks, you'll have about a second to reposition 
yourself before the fun starts, so use it. If you can, deploy 1 or more
snipers in the tower on the roof of the white building nearby.

This part is hard simply because there are so many of them to fight. I just
back up to the white building and take them out from range, but this can 
take a while, so be prepared. You can't really use the barricade in the
middle of the street because they are above you and the guy on the other
side will stand up and machinegun you.

When you've put them all down, you should go in and talk to the mayor. He
will open the gate in the park and give a speech. This is important because
this is the only way to get the raider buggy out. Make sure to loot all the
bodies before this, because they will be wiped from the map after you talk 
to the mayor.

Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Guiler!

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