Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned Gabriel Knight 3 – Walktrough

Gabriel Knight 3 - Walktrough
Day 1, 10:00 am - Playing as Gabriel Knight
Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned begins inside Gabriel's room in the hotel. The previous night, Gabriel Knight checked in after tracking the two dark, mysterious figures who apparently kidnapped Prince James' infant son. After chasing them onto a train, Gabriel was blind-sided and clubbed by one of the men. Gabriel managed to stumble to a taxi cab, crawl to the hotel, and finally pass out in the hotel room. The day starts with Gabriel recovered from his injury and preparing to search for the kidnappers and learn more about the other inhabitants of the hotel.
Take time to investigate Gabriel's room and get comfortable with the game's interface. You can use the number pad arrow keys to move the camera around forward, back, left, and right. Alternatively, you can also use the mouse to move the camera. Simply hold down the left-mouse button and move the mouse around to position the camera at any location in the room or area. Two other useful keys are the Shift and Ctrl buttons. The Shift key tilts your view up and down, which is extremely useful for looking inside containers or over and around objects. The Ctrl key moves your view up and down, which is excellent for looking under or over objects.
To search for interactive hotspots, simply move the mouse cursor around the screen until you notice the mouse cursor change (you'll notice a colored border around the mouse cursor). When the cursor changes, press the left-mouse button to bring up the verb menu. Then, select the verb you want to perform on the particular object (or person).
Gabriel Knight's Hotel Room
Practice your camera movement and hotspot selection on the various objects around the room, such as the paintings, desk, window, and bed. Also, press the I button to open up your inventory and practice with the verb menu on each object. When you're done, walk over to the dresser in the corner of the room and open its doors. Though the dresser is devoid of clothes, you'll spot a piece of masking tape and a hanger. You can get both objects later in the game, but as you're here, so you might as well grab them both. Once you've acquired the two objects, locate the door leading out of your room (it's the well-lit door at the end of the hall). Open the door and exit out into the hotel's second floor.
You're now on the upper floor of the hotel. Each door here leads into the room of another hotel resident (except the supply closet door). You'll learn much more about them and their rooms as the adventure continues. For now, locate the stairs leading down (there are two sets on either side at the far end of the hall) and move downstairs into the hotel lobby.
Hotel Lobby
The lobby is filled with many hotspots, such as the paintings and the desks. If you wish, grab a piece of candy from the bowl, though you can always take it later when you need it. Once you've checked out all the objects, head over to the main desk and talk with Jean.
Talk with Jean about all the available topics. Examine the items on his desk, but pay special attention to the hotel's register. Examine the register and read the entries. Once you've exhausted everything to do with Jean and his desk, find Emilio in the hotel lounge near the hotel's front door. Talk with Emilio and exhaust all conversation choices. Also, there's a black marker on the hotel desk. You can wait for Jean to leave the desk and swipe the marker or wait until later, when you actually need it. When you're finished, look for the curtain on the opposite side of the lounge and enter.
Hotel Phone Booth
Examine the interior of the phone booth room. Open up your inventory either by pressing I or clicking the right mouse button and selecting the inventory icon. Inside your inventory, click on Prince James' business card and grab it to place it in an inventory slot.
Exit the inventory screen and use Prince James' business card on any phone. Gabriel will place a phone call to Prince James and relay the latest information on his son's kidnapping. You can do this any time during this time block; saving it for the end provides some additional dialogue.
Hotel Dining Room
Exit the phone booth and return to the hotel lobby. Locate the entrance to the dining room at the far end of the lobby. It's the entrance in between the two staircases. Move Gabriel over to the entrance and click to move inside. Once inside you'll meet your old "friend" Mosely, a detective from New Orleans. Watch the meeting scene, then return out into the hotel lobby.
Hotel Exterior
After you've used the phone to call Prince James and visited Mosely in the dining room, exit the hotel through the front door (to the left of the lounge and right of the phone booth). Immediately outside, you'll spot a van and a redheaded woman on the left. Approach the van and the woman. Use the verb icons to speak with the woman, named Madeline Buthane. You can also speak with her before meeting Mosely for some slightly different dialogue. Examine the van she's driving and learn all you can about her.
The town you'll explore throughout the adventure isn't very large, and street signs note all significant locations. Exit the hotel's immediate exterior and turn left toward the fountain. Look to the left again and take note of the bookstore. Approach the bookstore and examine the Holy Grail book for a clue about the kidnappers and their intentions. Emilio also exits the hotel during this period and sits on the bench out in the hotel's front courtyard. You can attempt a conversation if you wish. 
Follow the signs to the museum. The easiest way to get there is to move right from the hotel's courtyard and follow the signs and the road to the left. You'll emerge at the front of the museum. Examine the small sign at the entrance's steps, then ascend the steps and open the door with your verb commands to enter. 
The Museum
You'll emerge inside the museum's front lobby. Examine the postcards and the lost-and-found box; you'll find a red hat inside, but Gabriel isn't interested in stealing it just yet. Walk down the hall to the front desk and speak with Madame Girard and cover all topics, especially the one about the Holy Grail. Once you've exhausted all topics, turn around and ascend the steps into the heart of the museum. 
Inside, you'll find several panels describing Templar and Sauniere history. Read all the panels and examine all the paintings and pictures inside the room. You'll also notice two women at a desk at the far end of the room. Walk to the other side of the panels and walk in their direction. Click on them and select the icon to overhear their conversation. Listen to their discussion, then approach them and introduce yourself, exhausting all dialogue options. Also examine the items on the desk the two women are standing next to. Once you're finished, exit the museum and return to the hotel to conclude the time block. 

Day 1, 12:00 am - Playing as Gabriel Knight 
When you return inside the hotel, head into the dining room to meet some additional characters. When you first enter, you'll witness a scene between Buthane and a new character, Wilkes. Gabriel will stand by and listen to their conversation before entering and interrupting. Once you've gained control again, walk into the dining room and speak with both Madeline and Wilkes. Alternatively, you can wait 'til later in the game to meet Wilkes at one of the digging sites you'll investigate. Also, while in the hotel dining room, grab a packet of syrup from the buffet table. You can do this later when you actually need it, but taking it now saves some backtracking. 
Hotel Upper Hallway
Once you're finished with Buthane and Wilkes, exit the dining room and use either of the two staircases to ascend to the hotel's second floor. As soon as you emerge, you'll witness a scene between Emilio Baza and the two women you met at the museum, Lady Howard and Estelle. Apparently, they've decided to change rooms. You can investigate the other rooms up here by knocking on the doors, though you won't gain any ground or meet any additional people. 
The Church
After you've watched the room-switching scene, return downstairs into the hotel lobby and exit to the hotel's exterior. You'll want to investigate the church now, which lies near the museum you visited previously. After exiting the hotel, follow the road right and continue to the right. Walk to the church's front door and use the verb icon menu to enter. 
Upon entering, you'll witness a scene between a clergyman, who you'll soon learn is known as the Abbe, and another man named Buchelli. Watch the scene unfold, then speak with both the Abbe and Buchelli. Exhaust all the dialogue topics, but be sure to speak about the Templars with the Abbe and checking in with Buchelli. After you've spoken with Buchelli, he'll exit the church and return to the hotel's dining room. 
Take the time to explore the church and examine each statue and picture. The Abbe has some pamphlets on his desk, but unfortunately, they're in French, but he mentions that there will be some English pamphlets arriving tomorrow. Take special note of the picture just left of the church entrance. If you open the verb menu on the picture, you'll be given an option to Trace. Use the trace option and trace a tilted square by clicking the mouse on each angel's hand. Once you've explored the church thoroughly and spoken to both Buchelli and the Abbe, you'll hear a clock ticking, noting a small passage in time. 
Return to the hotel. Enter the dining room to find Lady Howard, Estelle, and Buchelli dining. You can speak with Lady Howard and Estelle if you wish, but Gabriel won't bother Buchelli so soon after their first meeting. When finished, exit the dining room and ascend either staircase up to the second floor. Again you can investigate all the room doors, but the most important is Mosely's room. Knock on Mosely's room, and he'll invite you inside. 
Mosely's Room
Once Mosely invites you inside, you'll witness a scene of Gabriel and Mosely chatting. After a few moments, they'll both sit down, and you'll be presented with the dialogue tree. Talk with Mosely about all the topics, specifically the case, Grace, and the Schí¤ttenjager. If you pay careful attention, you'll hear a strange noise coming from Mosely's front door during your conversation. Take time during the conversation to move your mouse over Mosely's front door. Place the mouse cursor on the keyhole and press the left mouse button to inspect the keyhole. 
Gabriel will stand up and walk over to the door, opening it quickly and startling Emilio Baza who was apparently spying on your conversation. Emilio places a glass on the small table as he wanders away. Return to Mosely and complete all the dialogue options. If you wish, hang around and investigate Mosely's room, but you won't find anything of interest. When you're finished with Mosely, exit his room, grab the glass left by Emilio Baza, and head to the hotel's immediate exterior to complete the time block. 

Day 1, 2:00 pm - Playing as Gabriel Knight 
You'll begin the new time block outside the hotel at the courtyard. Gabriel's priority is gaining use of a moped so he can visit the many locations around the hotel and village. 
Moped Rental Shop
Move forward and slightly to the left from the hotel's immediate exterior. Just to the right of the fountain, you'll spot the entrance to the moped rental shop. Head inside. Walk to the front counter and speak with the man about renting a motorcycle or moped. 
Unfortunately, he'll indicate that all rentals are by reservation only, and each hotel resident has already put down his name for one of the bikes. Apparently, Gabriel must disguise himself to fool the moped clerk. 
Making a Mosely Disguise to Rent the Moped
You must combine several items to construct an adequate disguise and gain access to the motorbike. First, return to the museum and swipe the red cap from the lost-and-found box. You couldn't do this in the previous time blocks, but Gabriel knows he needs it now and has little trouble stealing the hat from the box. With the red hat in hand, head to the church. 
Instead of entering the church's front door, turn right and notice a path around to the back of the church. This cemetery area is filled with tombs and tombstones as well as a back entrance to the Abbe's office and a front entrance to his small home. Examine all the tombstones if you wish. Also, you can examine the window at the back of the Abbe's office. If you wish, you can open the window slightly or leave the action for when you're required to do so. 
Look at the Abbe's house and notice him watering his plants with a spray bottle. Wait for the Abbe to move back into his house and grab the spray bottle. Return to the front entrance of the church and turn left, so you're moving away from the hotel and around behind the church. When you emerge on the new street, you'll spot a black cat in the corner. Move Gabriel up to the cat and use the verb menu to examine and pet the cat. 
The cat dashes into a small opening into an old shed. Gabriel will hypothesize that the cat's black hair might come in handy. Examine the hole that the cat entered. Open up your inventory and pick up the piece of masking tape (if you failed to get the tape from Gabriel's hotel room, return there and open the dresser to get the masking tape). Use the masking tape on the shed door hole. 
Walk back from the shed and notice the cat is now on a ledge. You can attempt to pet or grab the cat, but Gabriel can't because the feline is just too high. Here's where the spray bottle comes in. Select your inventory and pick up the spray bottle. Use the spray bottle on the cat, and he'll leap down and run, again, through the small opening into the shed. When he runs through the hole, he left some hair on the piece of masking tape you placed on the hole. Pick up the masking tape, and you'll gain black fur in your inventory. 
Return to the hotel now and collect any items you missed the first time around that are vital to the disguise. These include the black marker from the hotel desk (just make sure Jean is wandering around), a piece of candy from the table near the lounge, and a packet of syrup from the dining room. While you're back in the lobby, you can also speak with Lady Howard and Estelle about their room change with Emilio. 
Head upstairs and knock on Mosely's door (room 33). He'll let you inside. If you want a hint about what to do with the candy, you can offer Mosely the candy, which he'll gladly take and consume quickly. Also, talk with Mosely about his passport, the key to solving the disguise puzzle. If you give Mosely the piece of candy, you must return downstairs and grab another one. If you didn't, just exit Mosely's room. 
Locate the painting over the table depicting the street scene. Use the piece of candy from your inventory and place it on the table. Head down either staircase into the lobby. Look to the left of Jean's front desk and spot the room buzzers. Examine the buzzers and press the one for room 33, Mosely's room. This will buzz Mosely down to the front desk, but he'll become sidetracked by that yummy piece of candy you left for him. 
Ascend the stairs on the right side, so you're on the opposite side of Gabriel's room entrance. Follow the camera around to Mosely's room and watch him exit and walk to the table with the piece of candy. Mosely will bend over and grab the candy, gobbling it up like before. Walk Gabriel over just behind Mosely and use the mouse cursor on Mosely or his passport to pickpocket him and swipe the passport. 
As soon as you've got the passport, quickly head to Mosely's room 33 and enter it. Nab his gold coat on the coat rack by using the verb menu while the mouse is over the coat. Place the coat in your inventory and exit Mosely's room. 
This sequence could take a few tries to get everything right, but you can repeat the process as many times as necessary to secure the necessary items: the passport and gold coat. Just use more candy and keep pressing that buzzer. Also, you can try stealing these items without the appropriate trap in place and watch the various scenes showing what happens. 
Open your inventory now; make sure you have the black marker and syrup (if you still don't, get them from the hotel desk and dining room, respectively). Grab the black marker and use it on Mosely's passport to make a mustache. Next, grab the black fur from the cat and use it on the syrup to make a black mustache. Finally, use the red hat on the mustache and then on the gold coat to complete your Mosely disguise. 
Renting the Moped
With your disguise ready, return to the moped rental shop (remember, it's just in front of the hotel and to the right of the fountain). When you're inside the shop, select your Mosely disguise in your inventory and use it on Gabriel. You'll witness a scene of Gabriel approaching the clerk with the disguise on and fooling him with the passport. 
Gabriel now gains access to the Harley and can visit other areas on the map. You can visit these areas at any time by returning to the moped area and either using the keys on the Harley or by simply using the Harley. So, don't waste any time going out for a spin. Use the keys on the Harley or just use the Harley, and you'll be shown the overhead map. You'll also see colored dots moving quickly around the roads; these are other hotel residents driving around the area. If you see dots moving on this overhead (besides yours), it's a good indication that you should follow someone. 
Valley Roads
Let's visit one of the parking areas and test out the follow function. Click on the area of the map marked Blanchefort, and you'll emerge in the small parking area for this landmark. Adjust the camera so you can see the road and wait until you spot Wilkes pass by on his moped. As he does, move your mouse cursor over his bike and left click the mouse button. On the verb menu, select "follow." Gabe will automatically return to his bike and follow Wilkes to his destination. 
Wilkes will stop at a new site that becomes active on the map, marked L'Ermitage. When you arrive, Gabe will park his bike next to Wilkes' moped. Follow the signs up to L'Ermitage and locate Wilkes. Speak with Wilkes and cover all the dialogue topics. As mentioned previously, you can try to speak with Wilkes for the first time here by ignoring him when you first see him in the dining room. Either way is fine. 
Once you're finished speaking with Wilkes, return to his moped. Take a look at his moped, and you'll notice that it (and, logic follows, the others) bears a specific license plate. Move Gabriel in front of the license plate and open your inventory slots. Select Gabriel's notepad and grab it. Exit the inventory screen and use the notepad on Wilkes' license plate to jot the number down. You'll notice a sheet of paper now in your inventory bearing the license plate number. The reason you want to do this for each bike is so Gabriel can instantly recognize who is still at the hotel and who is currently at a particular site. 
Once you've spoken with Wilkes and have his license plate number, wait patiently until Madeline Buthane's van drives by. Left click on her van as it moves by and follow her. Gabriel will automatically hop on the bike and follow Madeline to her destination. 
Following Madeline opens up another map destination, Coume-Sourde. Hop off your bike and follow the signs deeper into the area. Locate Madeline and speak with her for some additional information. Exhaust all the dialogue options, then return to your bike. 
You must follow both Wilkes and Madeline sometime during this time block. Doing so activates these two spots, which you'll visit time and again throughout the adventure. Wilkes and Madeline continue to drive by, so you'll never miss an opportunity to follow them. Just wait patiently at one of the parking areas until you see their vehicle, then left click and follow it. 
If you wish, after speaking with Madeline, you can head over to the Blanchefort hotspot and follow the signs to the very top of the mountain. There are ruins here overlooking many of the areas you can visit in the valley. Move to the center of the ruins and use the binoculars in your inventory (you acquired them when you rented the motorbike) on yourself to bring up the binoculars interface. Use the arrow keys to move the view around. If you're over something important, the Zoom 50x bar will light up. Scan the area and the important-looking structures until you can zoom. You'll spot Madeline at Coume-Sourde digging. 
Couiza Train Station
When you're ready, use your Harley to open the overhead valley map. Locate the Couiza train station hotspot and left click so Gabriel heads that way. Once you're at the train station, explore the immediate environment and locate the taxi and taxi driver to the left of the train station. 
Approach the taxi driver and initiate conversation. It's important to talk to the taxi driver because he may have witnessed the two men you followed the previous night. At a point in the conversation, the taxi driver becomes reluctant to divulge information. Use your wallet on the taxi driver to hand over some cash and "refresh" the taxi driver's memory. Gabriel will automatically hand over additional money for more information. Once the conversation is exhausted (make sure by using your wallet on the driver), it's time to head inside the station. 
Enter the station through the front door and examine the various items in the lobby. Walk over to Marci, the ticket attendant, and speak with her. Exhaust all the dialogue options. Once you're finished, move to the left of the ticket booth and examine the arrivals and departures bulletin board. Take special note that there is no Naples train, which Buchelli specifically mentioned he arrived on. 
Once you're finished, exit the train and return to the overhead map. If you've finished everything, the time block will end. 

Day 1, 4:00 pm - Playing as Gabriel Knight 
You'll still be on the valley roads as you enter this new time period. If you wish, you can head back to Coume Sourde and speak again with Madeline Buthane (even if you also did in the previous time period). You'll want to get to L'Homme Mort; you can either select it via the overhead map or walk to it from the Coume Sourde area (again, just follow the map). 
L'Homme Mort
You'll find Mosely here. Speak with him to get some additional information. You can also wait until later in the time period to speak with him, especially after you spot him and Madeline arguing via the binoculars used from the top of Blanchefort. Either way, it doesn't matter. Return to the L'Homme Mort parking area and spot Mosely's moped (take special note that he had to rent the junky bike since you fooled the clerk and snagged the Harley). Walk behind the bike and use Gabriel's notepad on the license plate to jot down the number. 
At the parking lot, you can wait for Lady Howard and Estelle to drive by in their blue moped. Follow them, if you want, but Gabriel finally gives up once he figures out that they're just driving in circles (perhaps looking for something?). Once you're finished with the dialogue opportunities at Coume Sourde and L'Homme Mort, use the Harley to open the map screen and head to Blanchefort. 
C. de Blanchefort Mountain Top
Once again, park at Blanchefort and follow the signs to the ruins at the top of the mountain. You'll find Emilio Baza up here. Speak with Emilio and exhaust all the dialogue topics. Open up your inventory and select the binoculars once again. Use the arrow keys on the binoculars interface to pan your view. Once you've over a hotspot and the zoom button lights up, activate the zoom. You should spot a few things, including Mosely and Buthane at L'Homme Mort. 
Down at Blanchefort parking, be sure to spot Emilio's moped. Once again, open your inventory and select the notepad. Use the notepad on the license plate to jot down the number. You should have collected three license plate numbers by now: Emilio's, Mosely's, and Wilkes'. Use Gabriel's motorcycle to open the overhead map and select Roque Negre. 
Roque Negre
Follow the signs deeper into Roque Negre and find Wilkes working with some machine. Speak with him, specifically about the machine. You can also try speaking with him here if you never did previously for some additional dialogue sequences. Either way, it's fine. Just be sure to have spoken with him either in the previous time block or now and about the machine. 
You'll spot Wilkes' moped down in the parking lot again. If you failed to jot down his license plate before, here's another opportunity. 
If you wish, before heading to the last required destination, you can head back to Rennes-le-Chateau (the main village) and to the cemetery behind the church. Walk up to the Abbe's office window, which should be open if you followed the walk-through to this point. If not, you can open it slightly and overhear a conversation between the Abbe and Madeline Buthane. It isn't required, but optional. When you're ready, use the Harley and head to Larry Chester's house. 
Larry Chester's Residence
Hop off your bike and examine the exterior of Larry's house. When you're ready, knock on the door. Larry Chester will answer and usher you inside for some conversation. Talk with Larry and exhaust all conversation choices. Speak specifically with Larry about the Templars. Before leaving, examine his study and take special note of the alarm clock. You'll deal with it later in the game. 
Once you're finished, exit Larry's house and return to your bike. On the overhead map, select Rennes-le-Chateau, the village, and emerge at the moped rental area. Exit the area toward the hotel and, if you've completed all the tasks, the time block will conclude. 

Day 1, 6:00 pm - Playing as Gabriel Knight 
The time block begins inside Gabriel's hotel room. Prince James' two representatives have paid Gabe a visit. Watch the dialogue cutscene, then observe the two men leave your room. Perhaps it would be interesting to see what these two guys are up to? Let's follow them. 
Following Prince James' Men
Exit your room and continue close behind Prince James' two men. Don't attempt to speak with them (Gabriel won't anyhow). Just maintain a short distance behind them, follow them out of the hotel, and head to the right as they exit onto the road. The two men will eventually end up at the church cemetery. Follow them into this area. 
As soon as you emerge in the cemetery, hide behind the large tomb directly in front of the Abbe's office. You'll watch a brief cutscene where Prince James' two men harass the Abbe and eventually beat him around a bit. The two men finally leave and walk past the tomb; don't worry, you'll remain hidden. 
You have two options here, you can either follow the two men (they just go to their car and leave town) or you can spy on the Abbe. After the two men leave, wait for a moment behind the tomb. You'll notice the Abbe's office light switch on. Approach the window, which is opened by now if you've followed the walk-through (if not, open it), and bring up the inventory screen. Select the tape recorder and place it in your useable inventory slot. Use the tape recorder on the window to record the Abbe's conversation (which you will must translate at a later time). 
Back at Hotel
Once you've observed Prince James' men rough up the Abbe, return to the hotel and check up on the others. Head into the dining room to watch a brief scene between Buchelli and Wilkes. Once the scene is complete, you can talk to both of them one at a time to gain some information. You can talk with Simone, the new hotel desk attendant and ask about the group that checked in the previous night. Finally, you can head upstairs and check your own room to discover Grace has arrived and is currently in the shower. 
Another thing you can do (which you can also do during any time block) is use the glass you snagged from Emilio's snooping (remember when you were in Mosely's room?) and use the glass on each of the hotel residents' doors. The reason you'd want to do this is to see who's in his room and who is milling about. If you discover that someone is not in his room, chances are you'll find him somewhere on the map or in the hotel - this could mean either an important plot point must be uncovered, or you can engage in an optional dialogue sequence. Experiment with the glass on the doors and observe that all residents (except Buchelli and Wilkes, who are in the dining room) are in their respective rooms. 
Valley Roads
When you've finished with the hotel, return to the moped rental area and hop on your Harley. Once you're on the overhead map, you'll spot Prince James' henchmen's car driving around the area. To follow them, simply go to any parking area (Blanchefort works fine) and wait until they pass. You could have done this sooner by simply following Prince James' men after they roughed up the Abbe, but you would have missed some optional dialogue and tidbits. 
Follow them, and they'll eventually stop at Larry Chester's house. You can't select Larry Chester's house on the map, or you'll blow your cover - you want to remain as sneaky as possible to get additional information. Instead, head to the Blanchefort hotspot, which contains a path to the rear of Larry's house. 
Larry Chester's Residence via Blanchefort
Park the bike at Blanchefort and follow the sign leading up to Blanchefort. When you reach the next area (the game must load once to reach it), use the camera to scan around until you spot the top of Larry's house. Locate the path leading to the rear of his residence and follow it. 
Again, you must remain discreet. Approach the second tree on your right; then, use the mouse and left click on the tree. Select the option to hide behind the tree. If you attempt this on the first tree, Gabriel will indicate that particular hiding spot doesn't offer a good view of the action. Once you're behind the second tree, you'll observe the two men pulling up and greeting Larry Chester in front of his house. 
The important thing to take note during this sequence is the handshake that each man delivers to Larry. You'll have an opportunity to observe it twice; jot down the sequence so you can remember it later. The correct sequence order is: thumbs touching, pinkies touching, full hand, inside thumbs, and fist. Once the men head inside Larry's house, head back to the Blanchefort parking area and use your bike to load up the overhead map. Select Rennes-le-Bains, the local bar. 
When you reach Rennes-le-Bains and the local pub, you'll notice two mopeds out front. One you'll recognize as Wilkes' bike, if you wrote does his license plate at the previous two opportunities. You don't know yet who owns the other one. Head inside the bar and locate Wilkes and Buchelli tossing back some cold ones. Speak with the two men for some additional dialogue. Once finished, return outside and jot down Buchelli's license plate by opening up your inventory and using the notepad on his license plate. Again, you can only do this if you have already secured Wilkes' license plate. If not, you have no way of knowing which bike belongs to which owner.
Once you've finished with Larry's house and bar, it's time to head back to the hotel. Use the overhead map and select Rennes-le-Chateau. Inside the moped rental area, you'll notice the blue double moped that Lady Howard and Estelle were riding earlier. You can make note of their license plate if you spotted and followed them previously. If not, you can snag it again later. Return to the hotel. 
Emilio Baza should be hanging out in the lobby lounge. Speak with him and exhaust all the dialogue possibilities. Move through the lobby and into the dining room area. Lady Howard, Estelle, and Madeline are in here. Again, you can speak with them if you wish and gather some additional information. When you're finished, head up either staircase and enter Gabriel's room, number 25. 
Inside, you'll find Grace and Mosely chatting. Speak with them and exhaust all the dialogue possibilities. Specifically mention Prince James' two men and the strange handshake you spotted. Once you've discussed the handshake, Mosely will stand up and ask you to show him the handshake. Select the correct icons representing the order of the handshake. If done correctly, Mosely will mention that the handshake is Free Mason. You can also get the handshake incorrect and watch another dialogue sequence. Either way, when you've finally finished the conversation with Mosely and Grace, the time period and day concludes. 

Two Walk-through 
Day 2 is your first opportunity to play as Grace Nakimura, Gabriel's faithful research assistant. Grace's sequences are much more puzzle-oriented, especially using her laptop and SIDNEY computer program. During day 2, you'll learn some secrets of the other hotel residents, begin your search for the treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau, and get closer to discovering the identity of Prince James' son's kidnapper. 
Day 2, 7:00 am - Playing as Grace Nakimura 
You begin the second day inside Gabriel Knight's room, playing this time as his assistant, Grace Nakimura. When you gain control of Grace, move over to her laptop computer on the desk to the right of the bed. On the table, you'll find two fingerprint kits. Pick up one of the kits and leave the other for Gabriel. When you're finished, use the mouse button and select her laptop, which is running the special SIDNEY program, an extensive supernatural database and analysis program. Grace will sit down and load up SIDNEY. 
Take time to experiment with the different areas of SIDNEY. Read Grace's e-mail and sample the other sections, like analysis, suspects, and files. Specifically, open up the search tool and look for some words you've run across so far in the game. For instance, search for Holy Grail and Templars. Specifically, perform a search about the night visitor kidnappers by looking up vampires. 
Inside the Hotel
When you're finished tinkering with SIDNEY, exit the screen and walk over to the room exit. Open the door leading into the hotel's second-floor hallway. Immediately upon exiting, Grace will notice a book propped against the room door. The book is the Holy Grail book that Gabriel spotted in the bookstore! Pick up the book using the verb menu. If you wish, you can test out your fingerprint kit. 
You'll use the fingerprint kit many times throughout the adventure - it's very simple to use. Open up your inventory by pressing the I button or by using the right mouse button and selecting the inventory icon. Once inside, pick up the fingerprint kit and use it on the object you wish to test for prints. In this case, pick up the kit and use it on the Holy Grail book. You'll be presented with a new screen with the book on the right and the kit on the left. 

Pick up the fingerprint brush on the left and use it on the black powder, also in the kit. With the brush's end black from the powder, move it over the book on the right. Hold down the mouse button and sway your mouse from side to side in a brushing motion. Concentrate on one area for a few seconds and continue to move down until you've covered the entire object. If there's a print on the object, it should appear after a few strokes. If not, Grace (or later, Gabriel) will indicate that the object bears no prints. In the case of the book, Grace will find no prints. 
If you do find a print, click the mouse on the scotch tape on the left. With a piece of tape in hand, click the mouse button over the fingerprint on the object. Next, click the tape (with the print on it) on the filing system on the left side of the fingerprint kit. This places the print in your inventory and can later be scanned into SIDNEY. 
Walk down either of the staircases to enter the hotel lobby. Approach Jean behind the front desk, and Grace will introduce herself. When you're finished, head into the dining room area, and you'll find Madeline Buthane waiting inside. Approach and use the verb menu to initiate a conversation. Grace will discuss the tour group. When you're finished, exit the dining room and the hotel through the front door. You'll find Emilio Baza outside catching some sun, but Grace won't talk with him quite yet. 
Tour Magdala
Though you can walk around the village and explore the various buildings and areas, the most important location to explore during this time period is the Tour Magdala, a tower to the left of the hotel past the fountain. When you exit the hotel, turn left and follow the path past the fountain toward the expensive-looking building on your left (you can observe the signs on the building, but you can't get inside). Continue forward, and you'll notice a path leading to the right. Follow this path; this takes you to the foot of the Tour Magdala. 
Follow the sign marked "Entrance" to the door leading into the Tour Magdala. Use your mouse button and the verb menu to open the door. Once inside, observe the objects in the room, such as the bookshelves and the curtains. Locate the spiral staircase leading up. Head up the staircase and emerge at the top of the tower. Here you'll find the Abbe looking around the landscape with some binoculars. Approach the Abbe and use the verb menu to open conversation. When you have finished and exhausted all the conversation topics, return to the hotel. 
Back at the Hotel
Return to the hotel once you've spoken with the Abbe. You can immediately enter the dining room if you wish (this will cause the tour group and Grace to leave together). Alternatively, you can see another scene by heading upstairs to the second floor and knock on Mosely's door. Grace will alert Mosely that it's time to head out with the tour group. 
Either way, when you enter the dining room, the tour group will leave as long as you've completed the day's tasks. 
Poussin's Tomb
After entering the dining room, Grace will be whisked off with the tour group. The first stop is Poussin's Tomb. Watch the cutscene of Madeline's lecture. Once she's finished, she'll indicate that you can walk around, observe different things, and take photographs if you have a camera. Use the mouse and examine the various structures in the area. Take special note of Emilio Baza, who is doodling something in the dirt - it appears like he's writing the word "SUM." Open your inventory and select Grace's sketchpad. Use the sketchpad on the word so Grace will jot it down for future reference. 

Day 2, 10:00 am - Playing as Gabriel Knight 
You begin the second portion of day two inside Gabriel's hotel room, playing once again as Gabriel Knight. Head over to the desk with Grace's laptop and pick up the fingerprint kit. Also, take note of the dumbwaiter located to the right of the dresser. You probably observed this in previous time blocks, but you'll be using it here, so make note of how to unlock the door and examine its interior. 
Getting into Other Hotel Rooms
For the first part of this time block, you can spend time sneaking your way into the other residents' rooms. Not every room is vital to the completion of the time block, but some are. If you want the full experience of the game, however, make an effort to sneak inside each room. Just follow these steps, and you'll get to examine each resident's room and even grab a few useful objects along the way. 
As soon as Gabriel exits his own hotel room, you'll spot Roxanne, the hotel maid, emerge from Mosely's room. She'll pull her cart to Emilio Baza's door and enter inside to clean the room. Watch her routine closely. First, she places the cart blocking the door. She changes the sheets on the bed. Next, she moves the cart to retrieve the bathroom cleaning materials. She doesn't reposition the cart back in front of the door. When she takes the cleaning materials and leaves the door ajar, you can enter and sneak around the room while she's in the bathroom. However, be quick about what you decide to do - Roxanne will catch you if you take too long, and if you're caught twice, she'll leave the cart blocking the door at all times.
Top of C de. Blanchefort
After the first stop, you'll be whisked off to the second destination, the top of Blanchefort. Watch and listen to the lecture given by Madeline. When it's finished, walk over to Madeline and Wilkes, who are engaged in conversation. Grace will approach closely, but stand back and listen in on their dialogue. 
Once you've overheard Buthane and Wilkes' conversation, walk over to Lady Howard and Estelle and do the same thing. Get close to them, and you'll automatically begin listening to their conversation. As you do, Lady Howard and Estelle will mention Le Serpent Rouge. When they do, the rest of the group will walk over and ask them about Le Serpent Rouge. 
After this sequence, you're free once again to speak with the other characters. Talk with each character and save Mosely for last. Talk with Madeline especially about Le Serpent Rogue. When you're finished talking to the others, walk over to Mosely and begin a conversation. Exhaust all the dialogue topics, specifically about the treasure. Once you're finished talking with Mosely, the time block ends. 

Day 2, 10:00 am - Playing as Gabriel Knight 
You begin the second portion of day two inside Gabriel's hotel room, playing once again as Gabriel Knight. Head over to the desk with Grace's laptop and pick up the fingerprint kit. Also, take note of the dumbwaiter located to the right of the dresser. You probably observed this in previous time blocks, but you'll be using it here, so make note of how to unlock the door and examine its interior. 
Getting into Other Hotel Rooms
For the first part of this time block, you can spend time sneaking your way into the other residents' rooms. Not every room is vital to the completion of the time block, but some are. If you want the full experience of the game, however, make an effort to sneak inside each room. Just follow these steps, and you'll get to examine each resident's room and even grab a few useful objects along the way. 
As soon as Gabriel exits his own hotel room, you'll spot Roxanne, the hotel maid, emerge from Mosely's room. She'll pull her cart to Emilio Baza's door and enter inside to clean the room. Watch her routine closely. First, she places the cart blocking the door. She changes the sheets on the bed. Next, she moves the cart to retrieve the bathroom cleaning materials. She doesn't reposition the cart back in front of the door. When she takes the cleaning materials and leaves the door ajar, you can enter and sneak around the room while she's in the bathroom. However, be quick about what you decide to do - Roxanne will catch you if you take too long, and if you're caught twice, she'll leave the cart blocking the door at all times. 
Emilio's Room
Start with Emilio's room. Wait until Roxanne has moved the cart slightly, letting you enter through the door. As soon as she's out of sight and closed the front door slightly, enter the room. When you enter, you'll witness Roxanne heading into the bathroom. Immediately use the camera to locate Emilio's dumbwaiter. Walk over to its door and place your mouse cursor over the lock mechanism. Open the verb menu and press the lock/unlock icon to unlock the dumbwaiter. Exit through Emilio's door and back into the hotel's second floor hall. 
Madeline's Room
After returning to the hall, wait a few moments, and Roxanne will emerge from Emilio's room and move her cart to Madeline Buthane's room door. Again, she'll go through the same routine. She'll first position the cart in front, blocking the door, while she changes the bed sheets. She'll then return to the cart, move it, and retrieve the cleaning supplies. When she returns to the room, head inside. As you enter, you'll watch as Roxanne moves into the bathroom to clean it. There's no dumbwaiter inside Madeline's room. Instead, spot the balcony doors on the far side of the room. Use your mouse cursor on the balcony doors and exit onto the balcony. Wait until Roxanne leaves the room, and Gabriel will automatically exit back into Madeline's room. Approach her room's front door and place your mouse cursor over the lock on the door. Open up the verb menu and select unlock. Now, you can return to Madeline's room later in this time block and investigate. Exit back into the hallway. 
Lady Howard and Estelle's Room
Follow the exact same procedure to open the lock to Madeline's room. When you exit from Madeline's room, Roxanne will likely already be inside Lady Howard and Estelle's room. If the cart is positioned diagonally, enter the room. If it's blocking the door, wait for Roxanne to retrieve the cleaning supplies and move the cart. When inside Lady Howard's room (with Roxanne in the bathroom), approach the balcony door and exit onto the balcony. Roxanne will leave the room and Gabriel will automatically exit into the room. Approach the front door, place the mouse cursor over the lock, and use the verb menu to unlock the door. Now, you can return to Lady Howard's room once Roxanne completes her rounds. Exit back into the hallway. 
Buchelli's Room
When you've returned to the hall, Roxanne will likely now be inside Buchelli's room. Observe the position of the cart; if you can scoot past, enter the room while the maid is cleaning the bathroom. Buchelli's room doesn't feature a balcony, so your only task once you enter is to unlock the dumbwaiter lock. Use the camera to locate the dumbwaiter, place the mouse cursor over the lock, and use the verb menu to unlock the mechanism. When you're finished, hurry back into the hall - Roxanne's still in the room and will catch you if you're not quick enough! 
Wilkes' Room
When you're back in the hall, wait until Roxanne exits Buchelli's room and moves to Wilkes' room. Again, the maid will change the sheets first, with the cart blocking the door. Next, she'll move the cart and grab the cleaning equipment. Now, you can enter Wilkes' room. Like Buchelli's room, Wilkes' room doesn't contain a balcony. Instead, use the camera to locate the dumbwaiter. Approach the dumbwaiter and move the mouse cursor over the lock mechanism; open up the verb menu and use the lock/unlock icon to unlock the dumbwaiter. Once it's unlocked, return out to the hallway. 
Alternate Route into Lady Howard and Madeline's Room
Because there are items inside Lady Howard and Madeline's room you must retrieve, there's an alternate route into the room in case you failed to unlock the door or missed the entire maid routine completely. To get into Lady Howard and Madeline's room, head back to Gabriel's hotel room. Open the window and climb out onto the roof. You can then get in between the balconies of Lady Howard and Madeline's rooms and head inside. 
Investigating Lady Howard's Room
Enter Lady Howard's room either through the alternate route or by simply walking through the unlocked front door (which you unlocked while Roxanne was cleaning their bathroom). Look around the room and examine the furniture, closet, dresser, desk, suitcase, and so on. Head especially to the bed and open up the verb menu and select search. Gabe will look around the bed and locate a manila folder and place it on top of the bed. Pick up the folder, and Gabe will locate two parchments inside. Pick up the parchments and place them inside your inventory. 
After you've thoroughly searched the room, approach the bathroom door. Open the door and head inside. Search the bathroom, but especially grab the tube of Suppuration H on the sink. You can also use the fingerprint kit on the mirror next to the tube and grab Lady Howard's fingerprint. Exit the bathroom and return either to Gabriel's room via the balcony or simply exit through the front door. 
Investigating Madeline Buthane's Room
Enter Madeline Buthane's room, either from the alternate route described previously in this section or by walking through the unlocked front door. Search her bedroom and bathroom. Specifically, examine the dresser next to her bed. Open the drawer and find the coordinate location device and map. Grab the map and place it in your inventory. 
Search the bed, and you'll find a suitcase located underneath. Open up the verb menu with the mouse on the suitcase and select "move up." Gabriel will lift up the suitcase and place it on top of the bed. Open up the suitcase, and you'll spot the gun inside. Don't pick up the gun. Instead, open your inventory and grab the fingerprint kit. Use the fingerprint kit on the gun to get Madeline Buthane's fingerprint. If Gabriel picks up the gun before using the fingerprint kit, you'll lose the print. When you're finished searching Madeline's room, either return through the alternate route or exit through the front door. 
Hotel Kitchen
When you're finished searching Lady Howard and Madeline's room, head down into the hotel lobby. Speak with Jean behind the lobby's front desk and hear the story about the cook being sent home. Move into the dining room. Gabriel will get an idea about how to use the dumbwaiters to get inside the other rooms. But first, he must get inside the kitchen (if you attempt to get inside the kitchen now, Gabriel will say he doesn't want to get caught without permission). Return to the lobby and speak with again with Jean. Talk with Jean about food to get permission to enter the kitchen. 
Return into the dining room and locate the door leading into the kitchen. Approach the door and use the pop-up verb menu to open and enter. Search the kitchen and examine all the objects. Locate the two dumbwaiters on either side of the kitchen entrance. Face the kitchen entrance from inside the kitchen and select the dumbwaiter on the right. The dumbwaiter on the right takes you to Buchelli and Wilkes' rooms. The dumbwaiter on the left takes you to Emilio and Gabriel's rooms. Let's start on the right. 
Investigating Wilkes' Room
Climb into the right dumbwaiter. Simply open the door and adjust the camera so you get a good view of the dumbwaiter's interior. Place the mouse cursor over the interior and open up the verb menu and select "move inside." Gabriel will climb inside the dumbwaiter. It's a tight fit, but he'll make it inside! 
Locate the rope and pulley system on the wall. Place the mouse cursor on the ropes and use them. Gabriel will pull the ropes and ascend on the dumbwaiter to the two doors high above. Each door leads to a room; the door on the kitchen-facing wall takes you into Wilkes' room, and the other takes you inside Buchelli's room. Head inside Wilkes' room. Remember, if you failed to unlock the dumbwaiter doors when Roxanne was cleaning the bathrooms, you can't investigate Wilkes' room. There's nothing vital inside for the completion of the game, only additional clues and information. 
Once inside Wilkes' room, search the room and bathroom. Locate the letter on the desk and read it for a clue about Wilkes' purpose in the tour group. When you're finished examining everything in the room, climb back into the dumbwaiter. 
Investigating Buchelli's Room
When you're inside the dumbwaiter again, don't use the pulley system to take you back down. Instead, open the door opposite the one you just entered and head into Buchelli's room. Like Wilkes' room, if you failed to unlock the dumbwaiter, you can't enter Buchelli's room. Again, it's not vital that you search his room, but you'll gain insight into Buchelli's reason for being in Rennes-le-Chateau, and you'll earn some extra points. 
Examine the objects in Buchelli's room, but don't pick up the suitcase. Use the fingerprint kit on the suitcase before picking it up and obtain Buchelli's fingerprint. Head over to Buchelli's dresser and spot the priest's collar. Also, search the pants on the left to locate a ticket stub confirming that Buchelli didn't arrive on the Naples train. Once you've finished searching Buchelli's room and bathroom, return to the dumbwaiter and use the rope to descend to the kitchen. Alternatively, you can simply exit Buchelli's room, walk down the stairs to the lobby, and head back into the kitchen.
Investigating Emilio's Room
Return to the kitchen and, this time, use the dumbwaiter on the left side of the door. Follow the same procedure you just used. Open the dumbwaiter door and climb inside. Place the mouse cursor over the rope and use the pulley system to ascend to the second floor. Again, you'll find two dumbwaiter doors. The one on the kitchen-facing wall will take you into Gabriel's room, and the other will take you to Emilio's room. Like before, if you failed to unlock either dumbwaiter, you can't investigate. But, like Buchelli and Wilkes' rooms, there's isn't anything vital inside Emilio's room, just clues and information. 
Head into Emilio's room and search the room and bathroom. Examine the bed on the left and locate the piece of cloth under the pillow. There's a photograph of Jesus on the nightstand. You can attempt to use the fingerprint kit on the photograph, but you won't uncover anything. Search the rest of Emilio's room, including his dresser and drawers, but you won't find any other items of interest. 
Abbe's Office
When you're finished searching the various rooms of the hotel residents, proceed down into the hotel lobby and exit through the hotel's front door. It's time to head to the church and see what the Abbe has been up to. You can attempt to get into the Abbe's office through the door inside the church, but you'll have no luck. Instead, while facing the church's front door, turn right and follow the path into the cemetery. 
Approach the Abbe's office window (the one you opened before, either when using the tape recorder or overhearing the conversation between the Abbe and Madeline Buthane). Place the mouse cursor over the window and attempt to open it. Gabriel can't; the window is stuck. Open your inventory and pull out the tube of Suppuration H you found in Lady Howard's bathroom. Use the tube of Suppuration H on the window to cause the panes to "unswell," letting you open the window and climb inside. 
Search the Abbe's office and examine all the objects out in the open, including the portrait on the wall. Move behind the Abbe's desk and open the drawer. Pull out the magazine inside; then, flip through and examine the pages. When you're through and put the magazine back, look down into the drawer to see the pack of cigarettes. Don't pick up the pack. Instead, open your inventory and grab the fingerprint kit. Use the fingerprint kit on the pack of cigarettes to obtain the Abbe's fingerprint. 
Once you've searched through both Lady Howard and Madeline's room and canvassed the Abbe's office, return to Gabriel's hotel room and approach the desk in the corner. Use Grace's laptop to initiate SIDNEY. What you want to do here is add some of the evidence you've gathered from the rooms. Select ADD DATA from the top menu bar. This will open up your inventory. Specifically, select the two parchments you secured from Lady Howard's room and the map you took from Madeline's room. Just click on the object in your inventory and select "Scan into SIDNEY." 
After you've scanned all three items, you can also use the ADD DATA function to scan in the fingerprints you obtained (if you followed the walk-through, you should have Lady Howard, Madeline, the Abbe, and Buchelli's prints) as well as the license plate numbers you've acquired (if you followed the walk-through, you should have Wilkes, Emilio, Mosely, Buchelli, and Lady Howard and Estelle numbers). The fingerprints and license plates aren't vital to success in the game, but help you determine who has been where, and who has touched what. 
Another task you can accomplish while in SIDNEY is attach the evidence to a particular suspect. Select SUSPECTS from the top menu bar. Once inside, load up the particular suspect via the appropriate pull-down menu. Next, select the open file menu and open up either the fingerprint or license plate file associated with a particular suspect. Next, use the top menu bar and select "Link File to Suspect." Later, this will help you match unknown fingerprints to the correct suspect. 
Returning the Stolen Items
Before you complete the time block, Gabriel must return the stolen items from Lady Howard and Madeline's rooms. Gabriel logically deduces that if the items aren't replaced, he might get caught in the act and lose all hope of learning about the hotel's inhabitants. So, first head back into Lady Howard's room. You can enter either by the alternate route described previously in this section or by simply walking through the front door if you left it unlocked. Once inside, open your inventory and place the two parchments back on the folder and Gabriel will place the folder back underneath the bed. 
Once you've replaced the parchments, head into Madeline Buthane's room, either by the alternate route or through the unlocked front door. Open the drawer next to her bed and replace the map next to the coordinate tracking device. Once you're finished replacing all three items in the two rooms, head down to the hotel lobby, and the time block concludes. 

Day 2, 12:00 pm - Playing as Grace Nakimura

The third time block on day 2 begins at the Chateau de Serras, just outside a huge mansion and wine-tasting barn. You begin this block as Grace Nakimura, 
still with the tour group. 
Chateau de Serras
When you gain control of Grace, approach the wine-tasting barn and click on the door to enter. While inside the barn, observe what's going on and make an attempt to talk to each of the characters, including the bartender. Grace will gain some information, but nothing significant. When you're finished examining the interior, head back outside. 
Move toward the mansion and follow the path to the right that leads behind the house. Continue walking until you reach a dead-end (you'll also spot a cellar door here). Place the mouse cursor on the short wall that encloses this dead-end. Open up the verb menu and select "climb." Grace will ascend the wall and hop over a few ledges until she reaches the side of the house and an extensive set of vines. Place the mouse cursor over the vines and climb once again. Grace will ascend the vines and leap into the open window on the right. 
Examine all the items in this room, but save the trunk for last. Look inside the wardrobe to spot the strange robes. Open your inventory and select Grace's sketchpad. Use the sketchpad on the robes, and Grace will scribble the robe's symbols on to the pad. Look at the other artifacts and paintings in the room, then head toward the trunk. Place the mouse cursor over the truck and select "open." Grace opens the trunk and sees what looks like the legs of a baby child. She'll immediately drop the trunk's lid and attract the attention of someone downstairs. 
You only have a few moments here before Montreaux, the owner of the house and winery, catches you. If Montreaux catches you, he'll kick you out of the house, and you can't investigate his library. To hide from Montreaux, place the mouse cursor over the wardrobe you investigated a moment ago (with the robe and the strange symbols). Open up the verb menu and select "hide." Grace will run over to the wardrobe closet and hide inside. Montreaux will walk around and almost peer in the closet, but become distracted by Madeline Buthane who calls him from outside. 
Once he leaves the room, Grace reemerges from her hiding place. Locate the spiral staircase leading down into the library. Place the mouse cursor over the staircase and head down. Head over to the desk and locate the drawer. It's pretty difficult to find, but it's in the center of the desk; it's a very thin drawer. Open the drawer and spot the Immortals book. Don't pick it up. Instead, use your fingerprint kit on the Immortals book and secure Montreaux's fingerprint. After you've gotten the fingerprint, read or pick up the book. Make sure you read each page and use the examine and think icons on each. 
Look at the Montreaux portrait on the wall behind the desk. Move the mouse cursor on Montreaux's right eye and examine it; Grace seems to spot something unusual. Select the chair just behind the desk with your mouse cursor and select "move.". Grace will push the chair under the portrait. Stand on the chair and look again at the right eye on the portrait. You'll see an image of the Holy Grail. 
Return to the desk and look to the left of the drawer you opened a moment ago. You'll spot a difficult-to-find button. Look on the desk leg to the left of the drawer and position the camera near the ground if you're having trouble finding the button. Use the mouse cursor on the button and select activate it. When you do, a set of laser beams will emit from the head statues positioned in five areas of the library. 
To solve this puzzle and open another set of stairs into the cellar, you must rotate each statue head so you form a pentagram (five-pointed star) with the laser beams. Use the screenshot here to assist in its creation. Once the sequence is complete, a staircase opens in the center of the room. Approach the stairs and move Grace down into the basement. 
Inside the basement, you'll find an assortment of barrels and locked doors. Search with the camera until you locate the unlocked door down a small staircase. Move Grace over to the door and enter. Inside, you'll discover the origin of the baby-like sounds you've been hearing all along. Search the wine room and examine the different objects. When you've examined everything, approach the old woman operating the machinery and initiate conversation. Watch the scene, and Grace will run back out into the courtyard. 
You must talk with the old woman to complete this time block. If Montreaux caught you in the trunk room earlier, you can enter the basement through the cellar door located near the wall you scaled to enter the mansion. Talk with the woman after entering the cellar door, then return out into the courtyard. 
Once you've spoken to the old woman, locate Mosely outside the wine-tasting barn and speak with him. After you've exhausted the conversation topics, the time block ends. You'll watch a closing movie of the tour group visiting another site and finding two dead bodies - Prince James' men! 

Day 2, 2:00 pm - Playing as Gabriel Knight 
When you begin the next time block as Gabriel, the tour group has just returned from seeing the bodies of Prince James' two men. Each character from the tour group is doing something different, and Gabriel can investigate what each is up to. This part of the game is on a timer, so you might not get through each action. Don't worry, nothing is vital to the completion of the time block; each character simply provides additional information and clues. 
The Tour Group Returns
You begin just outside Gabriel's room. If you wish, return inside the room and snag the coat hanger from the dresser if you haven't already (it's vital to the completion of this time period). Grace is inside working on SIDNEY. You can have several different conversations with her, though none offer much insight on the day's events. 
Out in the second floor hallway, you can use the glass you took from Emilio Baza and listen in on the doors of Madeline and Lady Howard. Madeline is talking with someone in French, and Lady Howard and Estelle are in their room conversing. 
Head down into the lobby. Wilkes is in the lounge drinking. You can speak to him if you wish. Head into the phone booth area, and you hear Buchelli making a phone call. Open your inventory and grab the tape recorder. Use the tape recorder on the curtain covering the phone booth Buchelli is occupying to record his conversation (he's speaking in Italian) for translation later. Hotel and Tour 

Once the timer ends, Buchelli will exit the phone booth and join Wilkes in the lounge for some drinking. Take special note of the color and shape of their respective glasses. You can dust them for fingerprints later, but you must remember which glass belongs to which person so you can grab Wilkes' fingerprint. Once you're finished with Wilkes and Buchelli, head over to the front desk and talk with Jean about the killing. 
After you've investigated downstairs, you can return upstairs and listen to Madeline and Lady Howard's doors again. Madeline is in the room, but no longer speaking, and Lady Howard and Estelle are sound asleep. You can also reenter Gabriel's room and talk with Grace. 
When you're finished inside the hotel, exit and head to the left past the fountain and return to the Tour Magdala. You've likely visited this place as Grace or Gabriel in previous time blocks. Head to the top of the tower, and you'll find the Abbe sightseeing again. Approach and initiate a conversation. When you're finished, head to the moped rental shop and get on your Harley to open the overhead map. Head to the Armchair of the Devil, where Prince James' two men were found dead. 
The Armchair of the Devil

When you reach the site, hop off your bike and follow the path to the two dead bodies. Mosely is hanging out. Approach him and initiate a conversation. Examine the two dead bodies, including their wounds. Use the camera to locate the pool of blood off to one side and behind the armchair structure. Examine the pool of blood and perform all the verb actions. Next, look at the knee prints (dark indents) next to the blood pool. Make sure you use the think icon on the indents. Gabriel will receive two visions of the men's deaths. Return to the parking area. 
After returning to your bike, Madeline will arrive. Gabriel and Mosely will ride together back to the hotel. As you drive back, you can hear the police cars coming back to the site. When you get back to the hotel, you can follow Mosely to his room if you wish. Further, you can use the glass on the various hotel doors to see what the inhabitants are up to and even knock on Mosely's door to get a brief conversation. When you're finished, return to the Armchair of the Devil site via your rented Harley in the moped rental area. 
Back at the Armchair site, you'll notice that the police cars have arrived. Use the camera to scan the other side of the road until you spot the tire tracks. They're a little hard to see; just look for the different ground texture and the distinct tire imprints. Position your mouse cursor over them and bring Gabriel over to examine them. Move the mouse and camera around until you locate a new exit leading away near the tire tracks. Head inside. 
You'll find the car that Prince James' two men were driving. Examine the car for any clues and inspect the tire treads. Open your inventory and grab the notepad. Use the notepad on the tire to get a copy of the tire tread to compare it with the tire tracks by the street. Return through the exit and back to the street. Use the new sheet in your inventory (with the copied tire tread imprint) on the tracks by the street to confirm Prince James' two men left them. Move back to the Harley and use your keys to open up the overhead map. Select Larry Chester's house. 
Larry Chester's Residence
Arrive at Larry Chester's house and use the camera to scan the driveway. You'll spot another set of tire tracks. Again, they're pretty hard to locate; just look for the texture difference between the dirt road and the tire imprints. Open your inventory and grab the sheet of paper with the copied tire tread and use it on the tracks to compare them. When you're finished, approach Larry's front door and knock. Larry Chester will come to the door and invite you inside. 
Speak with Larry Chester in his study and exhaust all the conversation topics. Eventually, you'll annoy Larry, and he'll kick you out of his house. When you gain control of Gabriel outside Larry's house, use the camera to move and look inside Larry's study via the window at the rear of his house. You'll spot Larry setting his alarm clock. 
Unfortunately, the alarm clock is faced away from you. Larry exits his house and moves toward Blanchefort (he goes over there to look around with his binoculars). After he leaves, open up your inventory and grab the hanger you took from your dresser. Use the hanger on the hole in the window, and Gabriel will move the alarm clock so he can get the time: 2:00 am. If you haven't grabbed the hanger yet, you can return to Gabriel's room and snag it, then return to Larry Chester's house and use it on the window. Once you've finished at the Armchair of the Devil crime scene and have the time from the alarm clock, you'll hear the distinct clock ticking sound of time passing. Hop back on the bike and return to the hotel. 
Estelle's Site
When you reenter the hotel lobby, you'll watch a scene of Emilio and Estelle colliding at the bottom of the stairs. Emilio walks to the lounge and sits and reads a newspaper (you can attempt to speak to him if you wish). Instead, follow Estelle out the front hotel door and wait until she enters the moped rental area. She'll come out on a moped; quickly move your mouse over her moped and select "follow." You'll move to the overhead map and automatically follow her moped around the map. Estelle eventually stops at a new site. Select the site on the map. After you park, follow the path deeper into the site and locate Estelle. Talk with her and exhaust all conversation topics. When you're finished, return to the hotel. 
Back at the Hotel
After putting your Harley back in the moped rental area, head into the hotel and the lobby. Immediately turn right and enter the phone booth area. Open your inventory and select Prince James' calling card. Use the card on the phone to ring Prince James. You can also try calling him before talking to Larry, but after you've examined the crime scene - you'll receive some different dialogue. 
When you're finished, speak with Jean in the lobby and talk about the 2:00 am wake-up call. Also, look in the lounge, and you'll spot Buchelli and Wilkes' two drinking glasses. Open your inventory and grab the fingerprint kit. Use the fingerprint kit on Wilkes' glass to obtain the print. You must remember which glass belonged to which person. If you failed to get Buchelli's print before, you can snag it here from his glass. 
Head up stairs to the second floor. You can use the glass on the doors to see what the other residents are up to. Buchelli and Emilio are both currently in their rooms. Head into Gabriel's room and find Grace and Mosely chatting. Initiate a conversation with Grace and talk about the Holy Grail book. Exhaust all the conversation topics. When you're finished, Mosely will exit the room, but leave his bottle of soda behind. Open your inventory, select the fingerprint kit and use it on the bottle to get Mosely's print. 
After the conversation concludes, and you've acquired Mosely's print, head over to the desk in the corner and activate Grace's laptop to use SIDNEY. Use the ADD DATA function and put in any additional fingerprints and license plates you've acquired. Further, you can use the ADD DATA function to scan in any tapes you've recorded (if you've followed the walk-through, you should have taped both the Abbe and Buchelli). Use the translate function on the files to decipher them. When you're finished, it's time to investigate the Chateau de Serras, where Grace saw some pretty unusual things during the last time period. 
Getting into Chateau de Serras
If you immediately drive to the Chateau de Serras, you'll soon realize that there's no hope of getting inside to talk with Montreaux unless you have a good cover story. Before you leave your hotel room (or just return there), use SIDNEY to make yourself an ID card. Select the ID CARD button and look across the top menu to see the different occupations you can use. Select NY TIMES REPORTER. Make sure you print one with Gabriel's face on the card! 
Head to your Harley and drive to the Chateau de Serras. Approach the front door and knock. When the butler (otherwise known as the bartender) responds, select the dialogue choice for "N.Y. Times Reporter," and you'll gain access to speak with Montreaux. Gabriel is led into the wine-tasting barn to chat with Montreaux. Speak with Montreaux and exhaust all the conversation topics, especially those about viticulture. Once you're finished, return to Gabriel's hotel room to complete the time period. 

Day 2, 5:00 pm - Playing as Grace Nakimura 
Grace's time period begins inside the hotel. There are several things you can do. First, head down into the lobby and talk with Simone, the night desk clerk. Next, head into the dining room and overhear a conversation between Mosely and Gabe (poor Grace!). Upstairs on the second floor rooms, you can snag a glass from the tray in front of Lady Howard and Estelle's room (number 31). Like Gabriel, you can use the glass to listen at the doors of other residents. Use the glass on Madeline and Lady Howard and Estelle's doors, for instance. Return to the dining room and speak with Gabriel, Mosely, and Buchelli, who are also dining. Finally, just in front of the hotel, Emilio is sitting on the bench. 
Exit the hotel and proceed toward the museum. Follow the road and signs to the right. Approach the museum door and spot the envelope taped to the door. Grab the envelope and use the fingerprint kit on the envelope to scan for prints. You'll find one; it'll be stashed in your inventory. Inside the envelope is the mysterious Le Serpent Rouge mentioned previously in the game. 
Once you've acquired the envelope at the museum's door, head over to the church. Head through the front door of the church and approach the table near the front of the church. If you recall, you found a pamphlet here previously, but the pamphlet was in French. Now, you'll see that there are two pamphlets. Grab the English pamphlet. You can examine all the items in the church again (such as the statues, figurines, and paintings) to receive additional insight because of the pamphlet. Further, approach the angel sculpture just to the right of the front door and trace a tilted square, just like Gabriel did on the first day. 
Open up your inventory and read through both the English pamphlet and the Le Serpent Rouge. Make sure you open each page on the pamphlet and flip through the Le Serpent Rouge as well to get a look at each of the unusual riddles. Once you're done reading both, move to the Abbe's office entrance (to the left of the table where you acquired the pamphlet) and knock on the door. The Abbe invites you inside. 
Speak with the Abbe and exhaust all the dialogue topics. Examine the different items around the room, especially the portrait and chessboard, which are clues to a later puzzle. 
You've acquired the envelope from the museum door, retrieved the pamphlet from the church, and talked with the Abbe, now it's time to attempt some of the Le Serpent Rouge puzzles. If you look at Le Serpent Rouge, you'll notice that the current stanza you're working on is highlighted. If you've done the necessary work to complete that stanza, it will darken, and the next will become highlighted. To get hints about Le Serpent Rouge and the particular stanza, look at the stanza, read the stanza, and use the think icon on the stanza. Also, use SIDNEY to search for any terms mentioned in the stanza. 
Before you begin work on Le Serpent Rouge, use the ADD DATA function to scan in the fingerprints and symbols you've acquired (if you've acquired any). Scan in Montreaux's fingerprints that you got from Chateau de. Serras, scan in the unknown fingerprint from the envelope containing Le Serpent Rouge, and finally scan in the symbols you sketched from the robes in Montreaux's wardrobe closet. 
If you did get the symbols and have scanned them in, press the ANALYZE button on the top menu. Use the open file function and select the symbols picture. On the bottom of the screen, you'll see a Start Analysis button. Press the button. SIDNEY e-mails the symbols file off for analysis and interpretation. Next, you can use the suspects section of SIDNEY to attach Montreaux's fingerprint to the case file. Also, you can attempt to find a match for the unknown print from the envelope, but you won't be successful (make sure all the prints you've acquired are linked to their respective owners). 
Aquarius - Le Serpent Rouge Stanza #1
While in SIDNEY, use the open file function to load up the map Gabriel stole from Madeline Buthane's room. Select ANALYZE from the top menu and press the Start Analysis button at the bottom of the screen. SIDNEY will create two pictures of the map. One is zoomed out presenting a wide view of the map; the other view is a zoomed-in view you can mark points on. Look at the menu selections on the top of the screen; then, locate and select Enter Points." On the zoomed-in view, place one point at C. de Blanchefort and another at the red cross in Rennes-le-Chateau. Select "Start Analysis," and SIDNEY will automatically place a line between the two points - the sunrise line. 
Pisces - Le Serpent Rouge Stanza #2
Again, inside SIDNEY, use the top menu bar to select ANALYZE. Use the open file menu option and select the first parchment that Gabriel acquired from Lady Howard and Estelle's room. With the parchment loaded, select "Start Analysis." SIDNEY will report that the parchment includes both geometry and hidden text. Use the menu options on the top of the screen and select "View Geometry" to view the triangle shape. SIDNEY will automatically save the shape. Next, use the top menu options and select "Extract Anomalies." When you're prompted for a language, select "French." SIDNEY saves the discovered text. 
Return to the ANALYZE screen and open the second parchment file that Gabriel stole from Lady Howard and Estelle's files. Press the Start Analysis button. Once again, SIDNEY discovers both geometry and hidden text. Use the menu options across the top of the screen and select "View Geometry," and SIDNEY will automatically save the shapes. Next, select "Extract Anomalies" and select "French" as the language. Finally, select "View Rotation" under the graphics pull-down menu. 
Your next job is to place the circle on the map. Return to the main ANALYZE screen and use the open file function to load the map file you worked on before. Select "Enter Points" from the top menu and place four points on the map, one in each of the churches located in Rennes-le-Chateau, St. Just et le Bezu, Bugarach, and Coutassa. Place the point on the red cross symbol near each town. Next, press the "Start Analysis" button, and SIDNEY will prompt you for a shape; select the use shape menu option and choose the circle. This places a circle on the main map. 
Move your mouse cursor to the full-sized map and select the circle by pressing your mouse button on one of the circle's borders. With the circle selected, you can move and enlarge the circle using the mouse and mouse buttons (the symbols for move and enlarge are standard Windows symbols). Enlarge the circle so its border moves through each point you just marked. Keep moving the circle until it locks in place and Grace speaks. After you've placed the circle, head down into the lobby to watch some cutscenes. 
Hotel Lobby
When you descend the hotel stairs, you'll observe a scene between Gabriel, Mosely, and Buthane, who have decided to take a trip out to the bar at Rennes-le-Bains. Also, Emilio enters and sits in the lounge with Buchelli (Emilio will be drinking water later in the time period). Also, if you head into the dining room, you can speak with Lady Howard and Estelle. 
Aries - Le Serpent Rouge Stanza #3
After you've watched the scenes in the lobby, return up the stairs and into Gabriel's room. Use the laptop on the desk to reengage SIDNEY. For clues on this stanza, select the SEARCH option from the top menu and search for quaternity, St. Michael, and Pythagoras. Make sure you follow all the additional links presented in each topic. Once completed, press the ANALYZE button on the top menu and load the map (if it isn't already). Select the use shape function from the top menu and choose the square. Resize and position the square so it fits around the circle. Once complete, the square will lock into place, and Grace will comment. 
Taurus - Le Serpent Rouge Stanza #4
While still in SIDNEY, select the ANALYZE menu option and open up the map. Select "Enter Points" from the top menu bar. Place one point at Chateau de. Serres and another where the meridian line crosses the top of the circle. If done correctly, you can press the Start Analysis button, and SIDNEY will draw a line between the two. If you placed the points incorrectly, just select the Clear Points menu option and try again. Next, press the mouse cursor on any border of the square. This selects the square. Move your mouse until you're given the tilt icon. Tilt the square either way until its border lines up with the line you just created. The square locks into place, and Grace will make another comment. After the tilted square is in place, you can head down into the hotel lobby and watch a few additional cutscenes. 
Hotel Lobby Revisited
Proceed down into the hotel lobby after placing the tilted square, and you'll watch Lady Howard and Estelle inviting Buchelli and Emilio to play bridge. Emilio Baza leaves his water glass in the lounge. You can approach and attempt to take fingerprints, but for the second time, an object held by Emilio Baza bears no fingerprints. Buchelli's wine glass is also in the lounge; Grace can take his prints if you've failed to acquire them as Gabriel. While downstairs, you can also peek into the dining room and watch the bridge game, but Grace won't attempt to initiate conversation with any players. 
Gemini and Cancer - Le Serpent Rouge Stanzas #5 and #6
Return to your hotel room and use the laptop on the desk to initiate SIDNEY. Select the SEARCH function first and look up some words in the stanzas and some clues you've gathered up to this point in the game. Perform a search on Asmodeus, chessboard, and duality. Like before, follow all additional links and read about the other topics. When you're finished, press the ANALYZE button on the top menu bar and open the map file (if it isn't already open). Use the menus on the top bar and select "Draw Grid." Select "Fill Shape" and choose a grid size of 8x8. Click on the tilted square on the map to complete the chessboard-like grid. Exit from SIDNEY, and you'll complete day 2 and watch the day's end movie. 

Day Three Walk-through Day 3 begins in the middle of the night with a buried discovery, a memorable cutscene, and concludes with a climatic battle. During the day, you'll switch back and forth again between Gabriel and Grace as the two work toward revealing the identity of the kidnapper as well as discovering Rennes-le-Chateau's startling secret. Day 3, 2:00 am - Playing as Gabriel Knight The third day begins in the middle of the night after Gabriel's wake-up call from the front desk. It's time to see what Larry Chester is up to and why he set his alarm cloak for 2:00 am. Spying on Larry Chester Exit Gabriel's room and the hotel. Then, proceed toward the moped rental shop. Use your keys on the Harley to bring up the overhead map. Don't select the Larry's House hotspot; instead, head to the Blanchefort parking area so you can sneak behind Larry's house to see what he's up to. When you get to Blanchefort, follow the path to the right, using the signs to lead you to the Blanchefort ruins. After you get to the first new area, use your camera to locate the roof of Larry's house in the distance. Locate the path nearby and proceed behind Larry's residence. When you're behind Larry's house, place the mouse cursor over his study window and select the icon to peer inside. Watch Larry grab some items and head out his front door. Gabriel will automatically hide behind Larry's house as he walks by. Watch Larry head down a new path; this exit becomes active for you now. You can follow Larry here if you wish, or just wait until he comes back. Then, investigate the exit. Either way, proceed down this new exit and spot Larry burying something in the soft dirt (or, if you waited until he returned, you'll simply find the soft dirt at the location). The spot is easy to locate; just look for the light-colored dirt texture. If you arrive while Larry is digging, Gabriel will hide behind a rock and tree until Larry leaves. Once he's gone, head down to the spot where Larry buried something. Open your inventory and select the shovel. Use the shovel on the dirt to dig up the manuscript. Pick up the manuscript. Go to your inventory and use the fingerprint kit on the manuscript to grab Larry's fingerprints. Head back to the Blanchefort parking area. Gabriel will spot a black sedan drive by, but won't be quick enough to follow it. You can now either head back to the hotel and conclude the time block or use the Harley to drive over to L'Homme Mort and find Mosely wandering about. Talk with Mosely and exhaust all the conversation topics. When you're finished, return to your hotel room. When you approach the door, Gabriel will declare that it's time for bed, again, and head inside. Watch the cutscene that will have Gabriel Knight fans talking for a long time.

Day 3, 7:00 am - Playing as Grace Nakimura The morning of the third day begins after "the night," a term that Gabriel Knight fans are sure to use to describe the cutscene concluding the previous time block. As the day begins, Grace is in the hotel room, while Gabriel is still asleep in the bed. Before leaving the room, locate the manuscript that Gabriel dug up; it's on the table in front of the couch. Also, grab Gabriel's motorcycle keys from off the table. Also, before you leave the hotel room, fire up SIDNEY and check the coordinates for the center of the circle. Grace will also write these down in your inventory. Head out into the hallway. If you wish, you can use the glass you snatched from the tray outside Lady Howard's room to listen in on the various room doors. You'll find Buchelli, Buthane, and Mosely still in their respective rooms. If you check your inventory, you'll notice that you've got Mosely's room key (Mosely handed it to you last night in a desperate hope). Approach Mosely's room 33 and use the key on the door. Once inside, examine the room thoroughly by searching the bed and the closet first. When you're finished, look through the clothes pile on the floor and grab the coordinate tracking device. Exit Mosely's room and head down into the lobby. You can enter the dining room and find Lady Howard and Estelle enjoying breakfast. Speak with them and exhaust all the conversation possibilities. Your next trip should be to the museum, though you can take a detour to the Tour Magdela and speak with the Abbe, who is once again at the top looking around the landscape. Museum When you're finished inside the hotel, head toward the museum by following the signs (you've visited the museum on a number of occasions by now). Thankfully, the museum is open this time, so proceed inside. Just inside the front door, examine the postcards on the rack. Grace will find three of interest (you must look at each and every postcard to locate the important ones). Open your inventory and use her wallet on the three postcards of interest: the Poussin and the two Teniers. You must get all three to complete the time block. Once you've acquired them, proceed to the museum's front desk. Speak with Madame Girard, specifically about the envelope. Exhaust all the dialogue possibilities and proceed into the heart of the museum if you wish. There's nothing significant to do in the museum, but looking at all the objects as Grace could provide some additional information and clues. L'Ermitage Once you've finished at the museum, head to the moped rental area. Check the bikes here, and especially pay attention to Lady Howard and Estelle's blue moped. Swipe the binoculars from their moped. Head over to Gabriel's Harley and use the keys. With the overhead map up, select L'Ermitage. Alternatively, you can head over to the Blanchefort parking area and head up to the ruins to see Larry Sinclair, formerly known as Larry Chester, looking around the landscape with some binoculars, but you can't speak with him. When you reach L'Ermitage, make sure you possess the coordinate tracking device you stole from Mosely's room. If you followed the walk-through, you should have it. If not, return to the hotel, use Mosely's key on room 33, and grab the device from the clothes pile on the floor. At L'Ermitage, approach the cave and locate the note just inside. Pick up and read the note. Once you've acquired the note, open up your inventory and select the coordinate device. Exit the inventory and use the coordinate device on Grace to bring up the device's interface. In the upper left corner of the screen, you'll notice an overhead map and latitude and longitude coordinates at the bottom. Don't touch anything on that upper left area. What you want to do is simply move Grace around and notice how the latitude and longitude readings change. With the coordinate interface active, walk around until Grace is on top of the center of the circle from the SIDNEY map. Check your inventory to get the coordinates or jot them down from the SIDNEY interface from your hotel room. The spot should be close to the cave's entrance. When you're close, Grace will automatically draw an X in the dirt with her foot. Open up your inventory and select the shovel. Use the shovel on the X. Before you leave L'Ermitage, you can select the St. Anthony and St. Paul postcard from your inventory on the rock formation to the left of the cave. Grace compares the two. Further, select the cave, open the verb menu, and select "point" for additional information. SIDNEY When finished at L'Ermitage, get back on the Harley and return to Rennes-le-Chateau and your hotel room. Approach the desk in the corner and fire up SIDNEY by using the laptop. Use the ADD DATA function at the top menu bar and scan in the three postcards you purchased from the museum. Also, you can select the SEARCH function from the top menu and perform a search on Solomon from the clues you obtained at L'Ermitage. Leo - Le Serpent Rouge Stanza #7 While in SIDNEY, select the ANALYZE function from the top menu. Use the open file function and select the Poussin Tomb postcard you scanned in a moment ago. Press the Start Analysis button at the bottom of the screen. SIDNEY reports some hidden geometry and words. Use the menus at the top to view the geometry (a hexagram) and zoom in on the words (Et in Arcadia). SIDNEY saves both to a file. Still on the ANALYZE screen, open the first Tenier postcard, Temptation of St. Anthony, and press the Start Analysis button. SIDNEY doesn't find anything. Still on the ANALYZE screen, open up the second Tenier postcard, St. Anthony and St. Paul, and press the Start Analysis button. Once again SIDNEY finds both hidden geometry and words. View both the geometry and the zoom and clarify for confirmation and additional clues. Open up the map file now and select "Enter Points" from the top menu. Place one point at the very center of the circle (located at L'Ermitage) and another at Poussin's Tomb. Press the Start Analysis button, and SIDNEY will draw a line between the two points. Once completed, you'll hear the familiar sound of a clock ticking confirming that time has passed, and you've completed some objectives. Before moving to the next stanza, you can speak to some characters who have moved positions since the last time you checked. Head down into the dining room to speak with Mosely and Buchelli and ride over to L'Homme Mort to speak with Madeline Buthane. When you return to the hotel, speak with Mosely again to tell him about Madeline. Finally, you can check on the others by using the glass on their doors. Virgo - Le Serpent Rouge Stanza #8 Once you're finished speaking with the various characters, return to your hotel room and fire up SIDNEY once again. Use the SEARCH function from the top menu to look up some of the words used in Le Serpent Rouge for additional clues about the stanza. For instance, perform searches on St. Vincent, Temple of Solomon, and floor plan. Be sure to follow all the additional links. You must search on the floor plan, so SIDNEY will send an e-mail off requesting a copy of the floor plan. After performing the searches, select the ANALYZE function from the top menu. Open up the map file if it already isn't loaded. Select the Enter Points function from the top menu. You'll enter four points on the map to mark the temple walls. Your goal is to make a two square wide rectangle down the center of the grid you placed earlier. To do so, move your mouse to the top of the grid and place points at the top of the fourth and sixth lines from the left. Next, move your mouse to the bottom of the grid and place points at the top of the fourth and sixth lines from the left. If done correctly, the temple walls will form after you press the Start Analysis button. Libra - Le Serpent Rouge Stanza #9 Again, before you dive into the analysis functions, use the SEARCH button at the top menu to perform searches on the clues provided in the stanza - soul, hexagram, and seal. Follow all additional links provided. When you're finished, head back to the ANALYZE function and open up the map file. Select the Use Shape function from the top menu and choose the hexagram. Place the hexagram just inside the circle; resize it so its outer points rest just on the border of the circle. Next, rotate the hexagram until the shape locks into place. One arm will get placed at the intersection of the meridian, the sunrise line, and at the Poussin Tomb / L'Ermitage line. With the hexagram locked into place, exit from SIDNEY, and the time block will conclude. Day 3, 10:00 am - Playing as Gabriel Knight The third segment from day 3 begins in the hotel. Gabriel has just gotten up, and he speaks with Mosely in the hall about the previous night's events. During the conversation, you can see that Jean and Roxanne are entering Wilkes' room for some reason. After the conversation with Mosely concludes, walk over the Wilkes' room and enter. Alternatively, you can simply just walk to the door and attempt to listen in on their conversation or even just wait until they leave and interrogate them afterward. If you wish, you can use your glass on Buchelli's and Buthane's door to hear them inside. At the Hotel Once Jean and Roxanne have kicked you out of Wilkes' room, wait until Jean leaves downstairs and Roxanne enters the supply closet - she'll leave the door slightly ajar. Enter the supply closet and speak to Roxanne about Wilkes and letting you into Wilkes' room. Keep pestering here, and she'll eventually let you inside Wilkes' room so you can investigate for yourself. Once inside Wilkes' room, search the bedroom and bathroom for some clues, but you find nothing significant. A few other hotel dialogue sequences remain. You can return inside your hotel room and find Grace on the couch reading the manuscript, though you won't speak to her about much. Also, you can knock on Mosely's door and speak to him about Grace. Finally, you can talk to Jean at the hotel's front desk and try to get any additional information about Wilkes. When you're finished canvassing the hotel for information, head to the moped rental area. Finding Wilkes at L'Homme Mort Use your Harley, bring up the overhead map, and select L'Homme Mort. When you arrive, use the camera and roam around the area until you locate a block of footprints in the back of the area. Simply look for a different texture than the typical dirt or grass. Examine the footprints, and Gabriel will follow them into a new area at L'Homme Mort. When you arrive at the new area, you'll find Wilkes' dead body sprawled out on a rock. Examine the body and his wounds. Use the verb menu to search his body for items; Gabriel will pick up a letter from Wilkes' pocket. Open your inventory and read the letter. Use the camera to move around and locate the pool of blood. Examine the pool of blood and the knee prints. When you've searched the area, return to the parking area of L'Homme Mort and bring up the overhead map. You should hear the sound of time passing. At this point, you can check Lady Howard and Estelle's site and speak with them (and get their license plate if you haven't) as well as visit Poussin's Tomb and find Emilio (and get his license plate if you haven't). Before you head to Larry's, you should go back to your hotel room to witness an important scene. When you enter the second floor hallway, you'll witness Mosely walking out of your room with a bunched-up newspaper. You can enter your hotel room to see what has just happened; Grace is currently in the shower, and you might notice that the manuscript is missing from the table. Also, you can take time to use SIDNEY and add any fingerprints or license plate numbers you've obtained thus far (you likely have Larry's fingerprint in your inventory). Larry Sinclair's House When finished back at the hotel, return to the moped rental area and use your Harley to open up the overhead map. Select Larry's house. After Gabriel leaves the bike, approach the front door and knock. Larry answers the door and ushers you inside. Alternatively, you can talk to Larry Sinclair before you find Wilkes' body and head back to your hotel for some different sequences. Speak with Larry inside his study and exhaust all conversation topics, including the manuscript and Montreaux. After you've covered everything with Larry, return to the Harley, open the overhead map, and return to the hotel. You'll hear another clock ticking, indicating that time has passed once again. Back at the Hotel Enter the hotel and ascend the stairs to the second floor hallway. When you open the door to Gabriel's room, Madeline Buthane emerges in the hall with another bunched up newspaper - and possibly the manuscript! As she walks to her room, follow her with the camera to spot Buchelli checking her - and the bunched up newspaper - out. When the sequence completes, enter Gabriel's hotel room and talk with Grace, specifically about the manuscript. Once all dialogue choices are exhausted, the time block ends. Day 3, 12:00 pm - Playing as Grace Nakimura You begin the next segment as Grace Nakimura inside her hotel room. The first time you exit into the hall, you'll see Buchelli emerge from Buthane's room with, you guessed it, a bunched-up newspaper concealing, most likely, the stolen manuscript. If you wish, you can use the glass on the doors to see what others are up to. Scorpio - Le Serpent Rouge Stanza #10 When you're finished, head back to your hotel room and load up SIDNEY on the laptop. Upon entering the program, you'll hear a sound effect indicating that you've received a new piece of e-mail. Open up the e-mail, which is from SIDNEY, about the temple diagram file you requested a few time blocks ago. Viewing the e-mail places the attachment in your files section; open the file from the top menu and view the Temple of Solomon. You'll notice that the temple itself is a long rectangle with a middle area twice as large as the top and bottom sections. If you recall, you already constructed the boundaries of the top and bottom sections during the previous Le Serpent Rouge segments. Select the ANALYZE function from the top menu and open up the map file you've worked on several times previously. Select Enter Points from the top menu. You must enter the appropriate points to construct the middle portion of the temple. Place points constructing a rectangle section through the center portion of the temple walls you formed previously. Place the points at the following intersections: the third horizontal grid line from the north and on both the fourth and sixth vertical gridlines (already formed as temple walls), the seventh horizontal grid line from the north, and the fourth and sixth vertical gridlines. When the points are in the correct position, press the Start Analysis button to form the lines. If done correctly, the lines will lock into place, and Grace will comment. If you're having trouble, look at the e-mail you received once again to look at the size and shape of the temple sections. Once you've created the full temple layout, select Enter Points once again and place a point in the exact center of the top section of the temple, called the Holy of Holies. This marks a new site on the map, letting you visit Mt. Cardou from the Blanchefort parking area. Furthermore, check your inventory, and you'll spot the coordinates for the site marked on a notepad. Before leaving the hotel, you can check down in the dining room to overhear a conversation between Lady Howard and Estelle concerning possible Egyptian artifacts found out here. Once their conversation concludes, Grace can initiate a short conversation. Buthane is also in the dining room, but Grace doesn't speak with her. When you're finished in the hotel, head over to the moped rental area and use Gabriel's Harley to activate the overhead map. Northeast Arm of Hexagram (Back of Mt. Cardou) On the overhead map, locate two new sites: northeast (NE) Arm of Hexagram and southeast (SE) Arm of Hexagram. These two sites lie on the northeast and southeast points respectively on the overhead map. Grace will drive to the site and hop off the Harley. Examine the chain link fence and signs and locate the note taped to the fence post. Grab and read the note. When you're finished, use the Harley to activate the overhead map again. Select SE Arm of Hexagram. Southeast Arm of Hexagram (Le Bec) When you arrive at the southeast arm of the hexagram, you'll notice that the area is rather large; however, it's all enclosed in this simple area. If you find another path leading away, it will simply take you back to the overhead map. Use the camera to scan the environment and locate the cave in the corner. You should also find Wilkes' handkerchief near the cave. Pick up Wilkes' handkerchief and examine it. Open your inventory and read the coordinate list to find the latitude and longitude coordinate for this hexagram point. Grab the coordinate device and use it on Grace to open up the coordinate interface. Walk around in front of the cave opening to locate the point. When you're close, Grace will automatically walk to the point and create an X on the ground with her foot. Open your inventory and use the shovel on the X. When Grace shovels the dirt, she'll knock around the rocks in front of the cave opening. Doing so reveals another hidden note. Pick up the note and read it. After examining the area, it's time to head to the center of the Holy of Holies, or "the site" at Mt. Cardou. Before you do, use the Harley and head over to the Rennes-le-Bains and the bar. Inside, Gabriel and Mosely are chatting. Grace will talk to them for a few moments, but gain no significant information. When done, open the overhead map and select Blanchefort. Mount Cardou Grace will arrive at the Blanchefort parking. Locate the exit toward Mount Cardou and proceed. You'll arrive in an alcove with a few trees and hard mountain rock. There's another note on the tree. Grab the note and read it for some additional clues. Open up your inventory and select the coordinate device. Check the notepad to get the coordinates for the center of the Holy of Holies. Use the coordinate device on Grace to bring up the coordinate interface. Walk until you are near the coordinates (it's near the back of the alcove). When you reach them, Grace will make an X in the dirt. Open your inventory and use the shovel on the ground. Unfortunately, the mountain rock is too hard to dig into. After you've completed this area, you'll hear the sound of time passing. Return to the Blanchefort parking area and follow the signs up to the ruins of C. de. Blanchefort. Stand at the top of the mountain and open your inventory. Take out the binoculars you took from Lady Howard and Estelle's bike (if you don't have them yet, return to the moped rental area or their digging site and swipe them) and point it toward the orange rock. Click the Zoom 50X button and see Buchelli's moped next to the orange rock. This activates the orange rock site on the overhead map. Get back down to the Blanchefort parking and use the Harley to open the overhead map. Select the orange rock destination. Orange Rock When you arrive, you'll notice that Buchelli's moped is no longer here. Grace will get off the bike. Locate the winding path leading past the rock. You'll spot a patch of soft dirt. Again, just look for the dirt texture that stands out from the rest. It lies at the very end of the path in a small alcove. Approach the dirt and examine it. Open your inventory and select the shovel. Use the shovel on the dirt to dig up what Buchelli buried behind the orange rock - the stolen manuscript. Grab the manuscript and open your inventory. Select the fingerprint kit and use it on the stolen manuscript. Swipe the brush across the right-hand side of the manuscript and continue to look for fingerprints until you've uncovered three separate prints. Copy each print, and you'll have three new prints in your inventory to match against the one's you've acquired and linked in SIDNEY's database. You can also wait until the next time block and dig up the manuscript as Gabe, but it's easier to do it here with Grace. Before heading back to the hotel, check Lady Howard and Estelle's digging site and speak with them. Also, Madeline Buthane is on top of the Tour Magdala, and Grace will initiate a conversation. When you're finished, return to the hotel. Back at the Hotel As soon as you return to the hotel, you'll witness a cut scene between Jean and Prince James, who has arrived. As Prince James leaves, he will stop and speak briefly with Grace. Emilio Baza is also in the lounge. Approach and speak with him. When you're finished, ascend the stairs. If you wish, you can use the glass on the other room doors to hear what others are up to. It sounds like Buchelli is packing after burying the manuscript. Proceed into your hotel room and fire up SIDNEY by using the laptop on the desk. Before attempting to solve the next Le Serpent Rouge riddle, select the ADD DATA function from the top menu bar and scan in all the fingerprints you grabbed off of the buried manuscript. If you've been linking correct fingerprints to their subjects, you can perform a match analysis on the unknown fingerprints to discover who left the fingerprints on the manuscript. You'll have no surprise here; they belong to Mosely, Buthane, and Buchelli. Ophiuchus - Le Serpent Rouge Stanza #11 While in SYDNEY, perform an ADD DATA and scan in the note you scribbled from Emilio's doodle in the sand (while you were on the tour group). If you recall, he wrote the word "SUM" in the dirt. If you forgot to copy the word, it's still there. Just head back to Poussin's Tomb. Open the note file and translate it from Latin to English. You'll discover it means "I am." Next, open the Et in Arcadia Ego file that was automatically saved by SIDNEY when you searched for hidden words on the postcards from the museum. Translate the phrase from Latin to English to discover its meaning. SIDNEY will prompt you to add additional text. Add "SUM" to the end of the phrase. With the Et in Arcadia Ego Sum file open, press the Start Analysis button, and SIDNEY will suggest running an anagram parser on the phrase. Use the menu at the top of the screen and select the anagram parser. While on the anagram screen, scroll down the Latin words on the left side and build the phrase "Arcam dei tango," which means "I touch the tomb of God." SIDNEY will automatically perform a search on the final four letters of the anagram and complete the phrase with "Iesu," which completes the translation of "I touch the tomb of God, Jesus." Sagittarius - Le Serpent Rouge Stanza #12 While still in SIDNEY, select the ANALYZE function from the top menu and open up the map file. Select the Enter Points function from the top menu. You're placing the red serpent on the map. It's the same shape as the one on the front of the Le Serpent Rouge papers. Locate it just above the Holy of Holies; you'll see what looks like a train track with a tail end near Chateau de Serres. Place one point on the tail end of the track, or serpent, one in the middle, and one in the circle at the other end, the serpent's head. When finished, press the Start Analysis button. With everything completed, and the serpent on the map, the time block concludes. Day 3, 3:00 pm - Playing as Gabriel Knight You start the next time block as Gabriel Knight, and you're in the dining room holding an impromptu meeting with the prime suspects for stealing the manuscript - Mosely, Buthane, and Buchelli are all present. During the discussion, you'll be prompted to answer questions about who stole the manuscript and in the order in which they took it. Further, Grace will have to answer the means by which she found the manuscript. So, when you're prompted, answer that Mosely was the first to steal the manuscript, Buthane was the second, and Buchelli was the third. When Grace is prompted to answer, indicate that she witnessed Buchelli burying the manuscript. If you've completed the sequence correctly, you'll learn the secrets of Mosely, Buchelli, and Buthane and their purpose for being in Rennes-le-Chateau. If you don't enter the sequence correctly, they won't tell you anything and simply leave the table. After completing the scene, return to Gabriel's room and speak with Grace about her case and SIDNEY findings. Also, if Grace failed to dig up the manuscript in the previous time block, you can ask her where it is here and head out to the orange rock to retrieve it as Gabriel. Further, you can wander the second story hallways and use the glass on each room door to see what the others are up to. When you're finished in the hotel, there are a few areas you can explore around town for additional information. First, you can hop on the Harley and visit Lady Howard and Estelle's site and speak with Estelle. Further, check the moped at the parking area and spot the water bottle in the back basket. Use the fingerprint kit on the water bottle to snag Estelle's fingerprints. You can also retrieve her fingerprints in the next time period as Grace. If you collected the fingerprints as Gabriel, be sure to return to the hotel and link the fingerprints to the Estelle suspect file. Also, you can head up to the Tour Magdela and speak with the Abbe. Once you're finished, recall that Prince James told Grace he wants to speak with Gabriel Knight. From the hotel entrance, turn left and proceed toward the fountain. Proceed to the expensive-looking building that you couldn't enter before, Villa Bethania. Villa Bethania Approach the front door, open up the verb menu, and select knock. Gabriel will be ushered inside and sit down to speak with Prince James. If you attempt to speak with Prince James before you've secured the manuscript, you can't go inside. Speak with Prince James about all the topics. Be sure to exhaust all the dialogue topics, especially covering the manuscript, negotiations, and priory treasure. When you've completed the dialogue, exit the Villa Bethania and head to your Harley in the moped rental area. Chateau de Serras It's time to go snoop on Montreaux again. Use the keys on your Harley and open up the overhead map. Select the Chateau de Serras. Gabriel parks just outside the closed gate. Get off the bike and approach the gate. Use the mouse cursor on the gate and click the left mouse button. Open up the verb menu and select "climb." Then, watch Gabriel traverse the metal gate and land on the other side. As you approach the front door, the butler (and sometimes bartender) emerges to greet you. You'll share some words and be ushered into the cellar by Montreaux himself. After a few lines of conversation and some spooky wine tasting, Gabriel exits and emerges back into the courtyard. Before leaving, approach the garage. Locate the door into the garage and enter. It's pitch black inside, and there's something unusual on the ceiling. Locate the light switch on the left side of the room and open the verb menu while the mouse cursor is over the switch. Flip the switch to reveal the bats. Inspect everything in the room, especially the bats. Once you've scanned the garage, the time block ends. Day 3, 6:00 pm - Playing as Grace Nakimura Grace's time block begins inside the hotel. Take time to explore the hotel. Use your glass on the room doors to see who's still hanging around. Proceed down to the hotel lobby and talk with Simone, the night desk clerk, and ask about Gabriel. Enter the dining room and you'll find Mosely, Buthane, and Buchelli eating together. If Gabriel didn't get Estelle's fingerprint from the water bottle during the last time period, you can head into the moped rental area and get it from the water bottle, still in the back basket of the bike. Open your inventory and grab the fingerprint kit. Use the fingerprint kit on the bottle to get Estelle's prints. Either way, return to SIDNEY inside your hotel room and attempt a match analysis on the fingerprint you discovered on the Le Serpent Rouge when you found it attached to the museum door. If you have properly linked Estelle's fingerprints to her suspect file, you'll be alerted that the print on the Le Serpent Rouge is indeed Estelle's. You should also have received an e-mail from SIDNEY regarding the symbols you copied down from the robes inside Montreaux's wardrobe closet. Confronting Estelle After matching the print with SIDNEY, head down into the hotel lobby and find Estelle having a cup of tea. Confront Estelle about the fingerprint and the Egyptian artifacts you overheard her and Lady Howard speaking about previously. If you complete both tasks, Estelle will take you to her hotel room and show you photographs of the artifacts. If you don't complete both tasks - matching the print and overhearing the artifact conversation - you'll receive different responses. Emilio at the Cemetery At some point during this time block, Emilio will emerge from his hotel room and proceed out of the hotel and down the path leading to the church. Follow him. If you miss following him, don't worry, you can head to the church cemetery at any time during the time block and locate him there. When you arrive, hide, and watch the scene of Emilio and Mesmi conversing about the current situation. After a few moments, Emilio will depart and return to his hotel room. When the coast is clear, resume following Emilio back to the hotel room. Follow him to his door. After he goes inside, knock on his door and get ushered inside. Watch the elaborate cutscene detailing Emilio and his purpose for being at Rennes-le-Chateau. After the cutscene, the time block ends. Day 3, 9:00 pm - Playing as Gabriel Knight You begin the final time block as Gabriel Knight as the team is being assembled, and the plan set for the journey into the temple to finally learn what's going on and who's behind the kidnapping. Watch the extended cutscene. You'll gain control inside the first room of the temple. Temple Chess Puzzle Gabriel, Mosely, and Mesmi stand at the foot of a black and white chessboard scattered with different tiles. The most important tiles to observe are the swords, the skulls, and the blank tiles. When you land on a sword tile, the light under the sword switches off. When you land on a skull tile, it releases from under you, and Gabriel plunges to his death. When you land on a blank tile, you remain standing, but the tile disappears after you move again, meaning you can't return to that tile again. The goal of the puzzle is to step on each sword tile once and only once. Further, you must step on the sword tile in front of the door with the stone circle on it last. When you do, the door with the circle on it opens, letting Gabriel enter the next room. To receive hints on the puzzle and the room, use your mouse to click on the various tiles and objects in the room and select the radio icon. Gabriel will radio Grace and ask questions about the environment and about the puzzle. The most important thing you learn is that you must move like a knight moves in chess. That is to say, you must move in an L shape. Two steps forward, backward, left, or right, then one step perpendicular to your first movement. Think about the L shape and simply rotate 90 degrees in all directions. There are several solutions to the puzzle. Here's one: The chessboard is eight squares by eight squares. Number the columns, starting left to right, one to eight. Then, letter each row from top to bottom A through H. If done correctly, the bottom left chessboard square would be at the intersection of H and 1. Perform the following moves: H4 to G6 G6 to F4 F4 to H5 H5 to G3 G3 to H1 H1 to F2 F2 to D3 D3 to E1 E1 to C2 C2 to E3 E3 to D1 D1 to B2 B2 to A4 A4 to B6 B6 to A8 A8 to C7 C7 to E8 E8 to F6 F6 to G8 G8 to H6 H6 to F7 F7 to D8 D8 to B7 B7 to C5 C5 to B3 B3 to A5 Temple Circle Chamber After solving the chess puzzle and passing through the circle door, you'll enter a large circular room. Take a moment to observer your surroundings. There's a bladed pendulum swinging back and forth in the center of the room. Just under the center of its sway is a small platform with some objects. Around the edge of the room is a rotating platform that carries you around to where the pendulum meets the wall. To solve the puzzle, use the camera to observe which tile on the rotating platform intersects with the pendulum when it meets the wall. If you observe correctly, you'll see that the tile with the square on it intersects with the pendulum perfectly on the left side of the room. Now, don't jump on the square tile or the blade will crush you. Instead, jump on the tile just behind the square tile (counterclockwise from the square tile). That way, you'll miss getting sliced by the blade, but you'll be only one tile away, letting you jump to the blade and grab hold. Use the camera and position it facing Gabriel as he stands in the doorway. When the square tile comes in front of Gabriel, leap to the tile just behind it. Stand on the tile and glide to where the pendulum meets the wall. When the pendulum intersects with the square tile, place your mouse cursor on the pendulum and notice the hand-grabbing icon. Press the mouse button, and Gabe will grab onto the pendulum. Save your game here. Your next task is to leap onto the platform in the center of the room, and it's not easy, considering the fast swaying motion of the pendulum. Take a few moments to observe the motion of the pendulum. Remember that the force of the motion will cause you to leap off in the direction if its movement. In other words, don't attempt to fall straight down off the pendulum. Wait until you're about halfway from the side wall to the platform in the middle, then place your mouse cursor over the platform (and observe the hand-grabbing icon) and click your mouse to leap to the platform. Again, it's wise to save your game here in case you miss. If you miss, just load your saved game and try the leap again. On the platform are a scale and a collection of gold plated objects. Click your mouse on the scale and radio Grace for assistance. She explains, with a clue, which objects should be placed on the scale. Pick up the infinity symbol first and place it on the scale (just use the scale icon after you've clicked the infinity symbol). Next, pick up the egg and place it on the scale. Finally, pick up the piece of fruit and place it on the scale. After all three are on the scale, a door will open ahead of you. Temple Hexagram Chamber When you enter the next chamber, you'll see a set of display stands and several dark areas. Walk Gabriel around the chamber and examine everything before picking anything up. Also, use the radio to ask Grace about the objects, the Solomon statue, and the Latin phrases before attempting to pick up any of the objects. Move over to the display stand with the gold and leather glove. Pick up the leather glove; Gabriel will automatically put the glove on his hand. Walk over to the display stand with the fire and water. Use the camera to look inside the bowl of fire and spot the stone. With leather glove in hand, use the verb menu to pick up the stone. Walk over to the two statues. The one on the left looks like a demon, and the one on the right looks like a knight. Place the stone in the outstretched hand of the demon statue. When you do, the dark areas of the chamber illuminate revealing additional display stands (and the display stands you just used turn dark). Again, examine everything in the room before moving or picking anything up. Select the radio icon and get Grace's advice on the items inside the room. Move Gabriel over to the two mirrors and the slider switch. Stand on each platform to observe what Gabriel looks like in each mirror. In one mirror, Gabriel will appear as an old man. In the other mirror, Gabriel will appear as his normal self. Take note of which mirror Gabriel appeared as an old man and move the slider to that side. Next, walk over to the display stand with the three buttons. Press the button with the yin-yang symbol on its top. When you do, another chamber opens. Temple Veil Chamber Moments after entering the next chamber, Mosely and Mesmi catch up and join you. Examine the features of the new room. Notice the bridge and the "invisible" bridge that lies to the left of it. Also, check out the energy wall ahead of you. Be sure to use the radio for extra details. Approach the invisible bridge by walking in between the two posts. Watch closely and observe how the segments of the bridge appear and disappear. Leap to a close segment after it just appears (it will glow slightly as it appears). Work your way slowly across the invisible bridge. Don't take unnecessary risks by leaping too far ahead. Further, save your game before you begin your trek across, so you can load a saved game just as you start across. When you reach the other side, several vampires appear from the energy wall and attack. Mosely and Mesmi hold them all while Gabriel charges into the final chamber for a showdown with Montreaux. Temple Holy of Holies Upon entering the final room, you'll spot Prince James' son on an altar in the center of the room. Also in the room is Montreaux, the vampire. Watch the cutscene, where Montreaux summons the immense demon creature. Gabriel will automatically pull out his dagger. Save your game immediately. If you wish, you can quickly radio Grace for clues about killing demon (such as, "All demons have one vulnerable spot"). Use your mouse cursor and retreat from the creature. You can attempt to stab at the demon with your dagger. For a clue how to defeat the demon, watch when you attempt to stab in its head region. Notice how the demon protects its throat. Spot the sarcophagus in the back of the chamber. If you continue to retreat, you'll pass right next to it. Click on the sarcophagus and select "climb" from the verb menu. Watch the scene of Gabriel leaping onto the sarcophagus. When the demon approaches, click on its head and select your talisman. The demon will cover his eyes and pull back his head. At that moment, click on the demon's throat and select your dagger. Gabriel will slice the demon's throat, killing both the creature and Montreaux. Congratulations! You've solved the mystery and saved Prince James' son. Enjoy the final, bittersweet cutscene! Extra special thanks to Revolution reader André Prista Afonso (Darkruler)!
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