King’s Quest: Mask of Eternity Mask of Eternity Walkthrough


Introduction:. The path I have chosen to take is not the only way to 
complete the game, it's just my way. Now comes the part where I give the 
obligatory speech about not following the walkthru step by step or it 
will ruin the enjoyment and satisfaction you get from completing the 
game on your own. However, feel free to refer to it whenever you feel a 
migraine coming on. I'm open to any suggestions you may have for 
improving this walkthru or if I have missed anything of vital 
importance. Also, any hints, tips and secrets are welcome. Please feel 
free to e-mail me anytime.


Outside Sarah's House

? Click on raven.  Watch the direction it flies off in.
? Click on the statue of Sarah.
? Enter Sarah's house.

Inside Sarah's House

? Click on statue of Widow Burke.
? Click on basket of mushrooms.
? Click on shield potion on the shelf in the back of the room.
? In the kettle by the fire is a healing soup. Only click on it if your 
health meter is low.
? Exit house.


? Go right.
? Pick up mushrooms in front of house.
? Continue down the path.
? Enter Connor's house on the left.

Inside Connor's House-Getting the Dagger

? Go to the back of the house.
? Pick up the dagger stuck in the table.
? Click on the jug on the shelf.
? Pick up the coins that are now revealed.
? Exit the house.

Wizard-Getting the Magic Map 

? Use your dagger on the bull's eye on the side of the house. This will 
raise your experience meter by 1 point.  
? Click on the raven on the fence.
? Follow him.  Head past Sarah's house and the Church. Watch out for 
flying arrows.
? Go to the wizard. Learn of what has happened in Daventry and your 
quest to find the four remaining pieces of the mask. You will receive 
a magic map.
? Go back past the Church.
? There will be a cliff on the right. As soon as it is climbable, climb 
the face and walk to the edge.
? Jump onto the roof of the mausoleum.

Roof of Mausoleum-Getting the Crossbow

? Walk to the far end of the roof.
? Get out your dagger. 
? As you near the edge, you will automatically drop off and slit the 
Spriggan's throat.
? Turn around and pick up the crossbow.
? Exit through the back of the cemetery to avoid the Zombies.

Outside Cemetery

? Turn left at the road.
? Enter the house on the right.

Simms Farmhouse-Getting the Boots

? Click on Goodwife Simm's.
? Take gold from shelf.
? Open box.
? Take gold.
? Take mushrooms on table.
? Take boots beside bed.
? Exit house.

Outside Farmhouse

? Continue forward.
? Take mushrooms.
? Eat fish, if needed.
? Go behind farmhouse.
? Kill monster and Zombie. Make sure you take everything.
? Head North to the fountain. Drink if necessary.
? Go NW to the tavern.

Inside Tavern-Getting the Gloves

? Head left once inside.
? Open chest.
? Take gold.
? Turn around.
? Take gloves on bench.
? Go to the back of the room and up the ramp.
? Open trunk.
? Take crystal.
? Exit.

Outside Tavern

? Continue NW.
? Hit the barrels outside the tavern with your dagger to pick up some 
? Kill monster guarding the bridge.
? Cross the bridge.
? Kill the monsters.
? Enter  Kavanaugh's house.

Inside Kavanaugh's

? Take mushrooms
? Take note of the child that must have lived there at one time.
? Exit.

Outside Kavanaugh's

? Go around the house to the right.
? Open the outhouse door. Be prepared.
? Kill the monster.
? Continue South.
? Kill monsters.
? Enter windmill.

Windmill-Getting the Ax
? Look up at the ax stuck in the ceiling.
? Push the hay bale underneath it.
? Jump on it.
? Take the ax.
? Jump down.
? Exit.

? Be prepared for the Henchman waiting outside. He's easy to defeat.  
Four chops with the ax should bring him down.
? Take everything left behind.

Outside Windmill

? Head North then take the East path.
? Go back to the fountain.
? Enter the mill to the SW.

Inside the Mill

? Look up and notice the rope. We can't get it yet because the wheel is 
? Exit.

Outside the Mill -Stopping the Mill

? Go to the North side of the house.
? Chop down the tree.
? Go back to the house.

Inside the Mill -Getting the Rope

? The wheel is now stopped.
? Jump up.
? Jump up to where the rope is.
? Take rope.
? Jump down.
? Exit.

Getting through the Waterfall

? Head North to the Waterfall. If you follow the river you should run 
into it.
? Go to the West side of the Waterfall.
? Use rope.
? Climb up.
? Push blocks. There is now an opening in the waterfall.
? Enter the opening.
? A new location will now load.

Inside Castle Daventry-Getting Torch Ashes and key.

? Follow the tunnel to the dead end.
? Click on the candle on the right to open hidden room.
? Click on the painting of King Graham.
? Push the painting by bumping into it.
? Take the key that is revealed.
? Move toward the opening to the south.
? Pick up the torch ashes on the ground.
? Walk toward the statue of King Graham.
? Click on the mirror when it starts swirling.
? Exit the Castle.

Outside the Castle-Meeting King James

? From the waterfall head East to the path.
? Once on the path go North.
? Go East at the fork.
? Kill the mummies that pop up.
? Continue along the path to the Tomb of King James.
? After you kill the Spriggan, King James will appear and tell you to 
seek the dimension of Death, the urn will reveal the way.

The Unicorn

? Continue east to the beast/unicorn. She will ask you to return her 
? Go back to the West.
? Enter the Castle Keep ruins.

Castle Keep Ruins-Finding Teleporter Room and Getting Breastplate

? Ready your sword.
? Once inside, turn left and kill monster. Another will come up behind 
you. Kill him also.
? There are two rooms with chains. Pull all three chains to disarm a 
booby trap you will encounter later.
? Go back to the courtyard area.
? Enter the opening to the North.
? Turn left.
? Follow the tunnel.
? Continue till you find the door.
? Use the key on the door. This is the teleporter room. 
? Go back to the courtyard.
? Climb the ramp to the right.
? Kill the monster at the top.
? Head East.
? Climb ramp.
? Kill monster.
? Take leather breast plate and potions.
? Exit the castle.

Tomb of King James-Getting Ring of Dead Hero

? Return to King James' tomb.
? Chop down the gate with your ax.
? Open the tomb by bumping into it.
? Take the ring.

Outside Tomb

? Follow the path back to the fork.
? Go left.
? Pass the tavern.
? Drink at the fountain.
? Continue East.


? Break down the door with the ax.
? Take shielding potion.
? Take elixir of life.
? Take scroll
? Exit.


? Go back to the fountain
? Go south.
? Go to the door in the church that is blocked.
? Use the rope to climb up the side.
? Head towards the window.
? Use your rope to climb down.

Inside Church-Getting Candle and Opening Portal

? Take the candle.
? Go to the front of the church.
? Push the urn. Remember what King James said?
? Looking through the window, you can see a portal has opened in the 
? Climb back out of the church.

Outside the Church

? Enter the graveyard.
? Kill the Zombies.
? Enter the Mausoleum.

Inside the Mausoleum

? Enter the portal.  You will meet a ghost bear and you will be thrown 
back out.
? Exit the mausoleum.


? The raven is here.

Wizard-Ring of Illumination

? Go back to the wizard.
? Click on him.
? He will ask for three objects, the candle, ring and ashes. Luckily 
you have all three.
? Give him all three objects.
? He will give you the Ring of Illumination. You can now get through 
the portal.
? But first, enter the water behind the wizard.
? Continue West until you reach an island.
? Climb up the mountain to the Wizards home.

Wizard's Home-Getting the Bell

? Take invisible potion under the table.
? Click on pen.
? Take newly written on page.
? Use page on spinning globe.
? Take potion.
? Drink potion.
? Open trunk that has now been revealed.
? Take bell.
? Exit

Outside Wizards Home-Getting Sword

? Climb down.
? Put bell on structure.
? Hit bell three times with ax.
? The Lady of the Lake will appear and give you a new sword.
? Head back to the mausoleum.


? Pass through the Portal.

Dimension of Death


? Turn around a make a note of the symbols. You will need them.
? Go forward.
? Kill the 4 skeletons.
? The large door before you is locked. We'll need to find a way in.
? Go east. Notice the flames on the pedestals.
? Look at the flames.  You will see a slot.
? Find the altar with the idol. This is Azriel.
? Take the Lever of Life spinning above the structure.
? Continue North.
? Turn West at the dead end.
? You will come upon some crates.
? In the center is a fallen warrior.
? Click on him.
? Take the piece of shield.
? Head East.
? Follow the path to the locked gate. You'll need a key.
? Turn around.
? Turn right at the locked door.
? Turn left at the crates.
? Move forward past the idol.
? Climb the pedestal.
? Put Lever of Life in the slot in pedestal.
? Turn it by bumping into it.
? You will automatically take the lever.
? Repeat the process with the remaining 3 pedestals.
? The large iron doors are now open.
? Enter.

Sanctum of Azriel

? Use the symbols above the entry way door to make it to the top.

Azriel-Lord of the Dimension of Death-Getting Key

? Azriel will give you the key to the entrance to the Compound of 
Death. He will tell you to cross the river to the Realm of the Sun.
? Head around to the other side of the building.
? Follow the path to the locked gate.
? Use your key to open it.
? There will be 3 skeletons waiting for you.

Compound of Death

? Kill the skeletons.
? Go West.
? Turn left at the corner.
? Turn right.
? Ready your crossbow. Skeletons will be shooting from up high.
? Clean up after them once they are disposed of.
? Continue South.
? Then turn left.
? Shoot the urns as you approach. I've found that the red ones contain 
? Jump up.
? Flip the switch to disarm booby traps.
? Continue South.
? Turn right. Watch out for the fire.
? Shoot the urns.
? Continue North.
? Look at the door on right. We need a key.
? Continue North West.
? Kill skeletons.
? Shoot the urns if you like.
? Turn South West.
? Go all the way forward.
? Hug the West wall.
? You should begin to hear the cries of a young child.
? Head North to a large clearing.

Sylph and Fountain

? Move the large metal crate to release the pressure plate.
? Go North.
? Climb pedestal.
? Read structure. "Light torches of righteousness."
? Move the 3 remaining metal crates.
? This will light a green flame in the structure.
? Be sure to pick up all the rocks you find. You will need 4 in all.
? Go to the Sylph of Inner Beauty. Use your map to find the way.  It is 
in the middle of the area you are in.


? Click on the Sylph.
? Drink from the fountain if you need some health points.
? Click on the Sylph again.
? She asks you to bring her rust and mold.
? Continue South past Azriel.
? Go through the passage.
? To the right the passage is blocked.
? Turn left
? Kill the 2 skeletons.
? Read the inscription on structure: "Three holds the key to creation"
? Looking at the map, exit South through the center passage.
? Turn right. The opening is blocked by a metal crate.
? Take a running leap over the metal crate.

Rescuing Little Girl

? Weave your way through the boxes to the girl.
? Click on her to hear her story and find out about her brother.
? Push the metal box forward and the little girl will automatically 
? Go back to the Sylph.
? Go to the West wall and head North.
? Kill the 3 skeletons.
? Turn right.
? Turn left.
? Turn left again.
? Turn right again.


? Click on the boatman. He will tell you to seek the Bridge of Life.
? Turn around.
? Exit left from the docks.
? Then right.. 
? Read structure. 7 holds the key to the rhythms of life.

Looking for the Square Key

? Exit. Continue North until you reach the river.
? Then East.
? Go all the way to the end.
? Head South.
? At the end turn West.
? Then immediately South.
? East.
? Then South till you meet 5 skeletons.
? After you wipe them out a trunk will be left behind.
? Open the trunk to get the square key.

Looking for Little Girls Brother

? Head East.
? South at dead end.
? West at dead end.
? South.
? Then West.
? North at the dead end.
? Click on the dying man. He will tell you of the Hammer of Azriel.

Finding Use for Square Key

? From here head South till you can't go any further.
? There should be a door on the left.
? Use the square key here.

Training Area

? Be ready for a big battle. Kill all the skeletons.
? Pick up everything.
? Look for the round key. It's here somewhere.

Getting Chain Mail

? Go to the East tower.
? Head North.
? Then East at the first opening.
? Go North at the second opening.
? Then East.
? Then North at dead end.
? Go West at first opening.
? Climb the tower.
? At the top, kill the skeleton. You'll need to back him off the tower. 
Each time he takes a step backwards move forward. Block him into a 
corner and back him off.
? Climb back down and get your chain mail.

Getting a Fourth Rock

? Hopefully at this point you already have three rocks.
? The rock is in the central tower.
? It's in the middle of the map.
? Find your way there and climb to the top.
? Cross the bridge.
? The rock is to the right.
? Climb down the tower.

Opening the Portals

? At the bottom throw your rocks on to the pressure plates. This will 
activate the portals. If you don't have all the rocks, just kill a 
zombie so that it falls on the pressure plate.
? Head back to the Fountain area.

Hall of Respite (Getting the Skull)

? Enter the Hall of Respite.
? Ready your crossbow.
? Kill the two skeletons across the river.
? Jump on the small box then the large one.
? Back your way up the back right corner as far as you can go.
? Aim at the pillar and take a running jump.
? If your lucky you will hit the pillar and it will fall over. If not 
push it yourself.
? Look at the shelves of skulls and remember your clues.  The boatman 
mentioned the left shelf, and the structures you've been reading have 
mentioned the numbers 3 and 7.
? Look at the left shelf, third row and seventh skull.
? Take the skull.
? Take the potion.
? Run along the fallen pillar and jump across.
? Exit.

Hall of War -Getting the feather

? Enter the Hall of War.
? Climb the bridge and use the left edge past the first gap.
? At the break, walk onto the long part of the bridge.
? If you run quickly enough and plan it just right you should be able 
to jump the rest of the way.
? Take the potion of strength.
? Put the skull on the headless statue.
? Take the Feather.
? Exit.

Hall of Immortality

? Enter the Hall of Immortality.
? Take the potion.
? Look at the heart. We need to get it beating again.
? Exit

Hall of Justice

? Take potion.
? Put feather on right side of scale.
? Walk towards the left side and you will automatically jump on it. 
Azriel will appear. The heart is now beating.
? Exit.

Getting Mold and Rust

? Now that you have completed the four halls, you will have access to 
the mold.
? From the fountain area.
? Walk back to the river.
? To get rust, dip the piece of shield in the river.
? Now walk along the river bank until you are at the other side. Check 
your map.
? Go South at the wall.
? Then West at the first opening.
? Follow the maze to the blood pool.
? Collect all the mushrooms and the mold.
? Now take them back to the Sylph.
? Give her the mold and the piece of shield.
? In return she will give you a spell of protection.

Getting Azriel's Hammer (Using the round key)

? Head North.
? Then East.
? Continue East until you hit the wall.
? Go North.
? Then East to the door.
? Use the key on the door.
? Once again, be prepared for battle.
? Kill all the skeletons.
? Now go to the East wall and flip all four switches. The will open the 
gate allowing you access to the hallway between the cells.
? Notice the large double doors.
? Start down the hallway armed with your crossbow.
? Kill all the Spirits.
? Head back to the switch area.
? Go to the West wall. Notice the first switch is already flipped.
? Go to the South wall and flip all four switches.
? Go back to the West wall and flip the second switch.
? Back to the South wall. Flip all four switches.
? Back to the West wall. Flip the third switch.
? South wall. Flip all four switches.
? West wall. Flip fourth switch.
? South wall. Flip all four switches.
? The cells are all open now.
? Take everything from the cells.
? In the last cell on the left pull the lever. This will open the 
double doors in the switch room.
? Go back to the double doors.
? Drink a potion of reveal.
? Arm yourself.
? Enter.
? Kill the specter.
? Climb the ramp.
? Jump over the spirits.
? Grab the hammer.
? Exit.

Bridge of Life

? Pass through the hall of cells.
? Make a left at the center.
? Continue forward until you are met by a skeleton.
? Prepare for a nearly impossible battle.
? When he stops talking, kill the first skeleton you see.
? Then run away quickly.
? Heal yourself.
? Drink a potion of shield and strength.
? Go after the commander skeleton.
? Once he's dead it is relatively easy to kill the rest.
? After the battle, climb the bridge.
? Look at the lever to the left on the other side of the river.
? Throw your hammer at it. The bridge will lower.
? Cross the bridge.
? Enter the portal.

Note: Go back and pick up the rocks before you leave.

The Swamp

The Oracle of the Tree

? Start heading west until you come upon a large tree. This is the 
Oracle of the Tree.
? Beware of the Swamp Fiend and Scavenger Slime roaming the swamp.
? Click on the tree. He will ask you for a piece of gold in exchange 
for information.
? Give him a piece of gold.
? He will tell you "Where the mask once sat now doth sit a pretender."
? Keep giving it gold until it runs out of things to say.

The Shacks-Chainmail Gloves and the Horn

? To find the shacks, head SW.
? Jump up and enter the first shack.
? Take the gloves on the shelf.
? Open the trunk and take the gold.
? Exit.
? Go to the next shack.
? Break down the boards.
? Open the trunk.
? Break down the boards to the next room.
? Take the horn.
? Open the trunk. Take the gold.
? Exit.

Whispering Weeds

? Now go to the whispering weeds.
? They are NE of the Shacks. They look like mummies.
? Walk up close enough without having them disappear.
? Use the hearing horn.
? They will tell you the mask piece is in the witches tower.

The Golden Mushroom

? Head back to the portal. The mushrooms are NE of here.
? Make your way through the mushrooms, hugging the mountain side, until 
you find the golden mushroom.
? Use your sword to whack off a piece.
? Take it.

Mandragor Tree-Getting Bow and Arrow

? Head West.
? As the mountainside turns, the Mandragor Tree will appear.
? There will also be a well.
? Drink from it, if necessary.
? Now hug the mountain to the right.
? Try to avoid the Mandragor roots.
? Continue on until you reach a skeleton.
? Click on him.
? Take his bow and arrow.


? Continue Nw.
? The shack on stilts is the teleporter room.

The Sprites-Getting the Flower

? Now go NE through the break in the mountainside.
? Be careful of the carnivorous plants.
? Continue on til you find the sprites.
? Click on them.
? They will ask you for a secret.
? Click again and you will give them a secret (This may take clicking 
on them 3 times)
? They will then give you a flower that is an antidote to the toxic 
swamp water.
? Click again and they will tell you of the Golden Ladle.
? Take the flower. You are now protected.
? Exit the Sprite area.

Swamp Witch

? Now head past the Whispering Weeds.
? Then go West.
? Continue on til you find the Witch's Castle.
? There will be a Mandragor Tree.
? Continue to the left.
? When you see the skulls, the witch will beging attacking. 
? She is easy to kill.
? There is a locked gate.
? Look through it.
? Notice the sandbag.
? Shoot it with your bow and arrow.
? The gate will open.
? Enter.

Witch's Castle-Unicorn Horn

? Turn right.
? Notice the dead creature.
? Take the horn that is sticking out of it.
? Click on the kettle.
? Click again. 
? Climb the ramp.
? Beware of the arrow traps.
? At the top break all the barrels.
? Exit.
? Walk around the outside of the castle picking up some good items.
? Go back inside.
? At the spike booby trap, through a rock to spring it.
? Pass the booby trap and climb the ramp.

Getting Mask Piece and New Suit and Henchman's Arm

? Turn right and pick up your new suit of armor.
? turn around and walk towards the trunk.     
? Open it. You will find the second piece of the mask.
? A henchman will appear behind you.
? Use a potion of shield and strength to survive the battle.
? After the battle, pick up the Henchman's arm.
? Now exit the castle.


? Once outside head NorthWest until you reach the bridge.
? Walk around to the other side.
? Climb up,
? Climb up again.
? Cross the bridge to the door.
? Use the Henchmans severed hand on the door.
? The doors open.

Stump Puzzle

? Here's how to solve the stump puzzle:
            Jump forward-diagonal twice
            Then forward
             Forward-diagonal left
             Backward-diagonal left
             Forward-diagonal Left
             continue diagonal right until you reach the end.

Getting the Golden Ladle

? Kill the 2 creatures.
? Read sign above trunk.
? Open the trunk.
? Take the golden ladle.
? Pull the two handles to reveal the gate controls.
? Pull gate control.
? Exit.
? Climb back down.
? Head back to the Witch's Tower.

Witch's Tower

? Use the ladle on the kettle.
? King Mudge will appear out of the water. You will automatically talk 
to him.
? A portal to the Gnome Realm will open.
? Before entering the portal, let's return the unicorn's horn and check 
on Gwennie.
? Head back to the teleporter.


? Climb up to the teleporter.
? Stand on the pad.
? Take out your map.
? Scroll to Daventry.
? Click on the teleporter button.
? You are magically transported back. You are in the castle ruins.
? Exit.
? Find the Unicorn.


? Click the horn on the unicorn. She is restored to her former self.
? She gives you a crystal pyramid.
? Now let's go check on Gwennie.

Checking on Gwennie

? Walk back to the fork.
? Turn left.
? Cross the bridge.
? Enter the home across from the cemetery.
? Gwennie is here.
? Click on her.
? Take gold.
? Click on her again.
? Back to the teleporter room.
? Teleport back to the Swamp.

Back in the Swamp

? Go back to the portal at the Witch's tower.
? Jump in the portal.

Realm of the Gnomes

? Pick up the 3 mushrooms.
? Pick up the rock to the right.
? Pick up all the mushrooms in the corner.
? Break the barrels.
? Exit North.
? You will come to a pressure plate.
? Use the rock to open the doors.
? Watch out for the Manta.
? Kill it.
? Turn right.
? Follow passage to the dead end. Be sure to pick up the rock.
? Talk to Gnome.
? Go back to portal area.

Weapon Shop

? Make a left this time.
? Turn corner.
? Turn again.
? Go Forward.
? Turn left at mining cart.
? Turn right.
? Kill Mantas.
? Turn right-We need three rocks.
? Back out.
? Go forward.
? Turn right.
? Shoot barrel.
? Turn left.
? Kill rock Demon.
? Turn right.
? Open door.
? Buy the best that you can afford.
? Exit.
? Go back to portal.

Armor Shop
? Turn left.
? Left.
? Right.
? Left.
? Left. Down the ramp.
? Left. Down ramp.
? Left. Kill Rock Demon. Take potion.
? Right.
? Right.
? Left.
? Left.
? Right.
? Curve Right.
? Left.
? Forward.
? Left.
? Right.
? Dead End.
? Open the doors to the right.
? Make a purchase but leave at least 250. If you can't afford it now 
you will have some Spriggans to kill. They usually carry money. You 
can come back here later.
? Exit.


? Left.
? Left.
? Right.
? Right.
? Left.
? Left. up Ramp.
? At top go left.
? Then right.
? Turn around.
? Go back.
? Continue forward-Kill monsters.
? Right.
? Turn right. Go downstairs.
? Left.
? Right.
? Right.
? Left.
? Right.
? Left.
? Right.
? Left. 
? Wipe out the Zombies with the bow and arrow.
? Continue forward.

Old Man

? Carefully cross the ramp.
? Left.
? Pick up the potion.
? Click on the man.
? Hit the crystal . 
? Take the piece of crystal that has broken off.
? Exit.

Amber Glow

? At the top of the stairs turn right.
? Right.
? Right.
? Left.
? Left.
? Turn Right.
? Kill Rock.
? Right.
? Left
? Left. Be careful, there is a break in the ground.
? Jump.
? Right.
? Continue forward to the glowing substance.
? Hit it with your sword.
? Pick up the piece that breaks off.

Teleporter Room

? Turn around.
? Continue past the break.
? Follow tunnel.
? Turn right at the fork.
? Keep going until you reach the transporter room.
? Now head backing to the area with the three pressure plates.

Turning Bridge

? At this point, if you didn't bring any rocks with you form the DOD, 
then you need to go back. Have fun. 
? Put one rock on the left pressure plate to turn the bridge.
? Put the remaining rocks on the other two pressure plates to lower the 
? Cross.


? Follow the tunnel to the first left.
? Keep going until you get to the doors.
? Open the doors.
? Enter.
? After the gnome stops talking, click on the statue. This is the 
essence of Sun Tsu.
? She will ask for iron, tree root, and amber glow. Then you can have 
it for 250 coins.
? Exit.

Locked Iron Door

? Go all the way back until you can make a left turn.
? Break the lock off the door with your hammer.
? Take the lock.
? Open the doors.
? Kill Spriggan.
? Follow passage.
? Turn left.
? Walk down ramp.
? Kill Rock Demon.

Tree Root

? Follow passage.
? Make a right when you can and go to the dead end.
? Climb up the rock face.
? Follow passage left til you get to the tree roots.
? Chop the one sticking out of the wall.
? Take the root.
? Exit.


? Head back to the padlocked door.
? Make a right at the opening, just before the door.
? Follow passage to the boulders.
? Walk up as close as you can get.
? Get ready to run.
? As soon as the bolder enters the picture, start running.

Gnome Sage

? Continue following the path to the doors.
? Open the doors.
? Enter.
? Click on the gnome.
? He will ask for a lode stone to help you exit the Gnome Realm.
? Exit.

Breaking the Brick Wall

? The brick wall is at the North Center part of the map.
? Turn around.
? Exit.
? Pass the boulders.
? Follow the tunnel to the fork.
? Turn left.
? Continue to the next for.
? Turn right.
? Continue till you reach the brick wall on the left.
? Turn right and go up the ramp.
? Kill 2 Rock Demons.
? Follow the passage.
? Continue forward.
? Climb up.
? Follow passage to the bolder.
? To the right of the bolder is a hole.
? Push the bolder into the hole.
? Jump into the hole yourself.
? Push the bolder through the passage.
? At some point, Connor will automatically pick the bolder up and 
through it down the ramp. The bolder will break through the brick 
? Go through the hole in the wall.
? You will need light.
? Put the crystal in the purple crystal on the wall to the left.

Black Dragon Wyrm

? Follow the passage.
? Kill the wyrm with your hand weapon.
? The old man appears and turns into a younger man.
? Pick up the black diamond.
? Go through the next room.
? Click on purple crystal.
? You will meet Hector.
? Take the pyramid.
? Replace it with dark pyramid.
? Watch the next scene.
? Take the dark pyramid.
? Take the lode stone under the pyramid.
? Go back to the Sage Gnome.

Sage Gnome

? He is at the far West point on the map.
? Pass the boulders again.
? Give the lodestone to the Sage.
? The barren region is now available on your map.
? Now go to the Apothecary.

Purchasing the Sun Tzu

? Go back through the boulders for the last time.
? Make a right at the fork.
? Then right at the opening.
? Keep going until you reach the Apothecary.
? Give the ingredients.
? Buy the Sun Tzu.
? go back to the teleporter room.

Teleporter Room

? Teleport to the Barren Region

The Barren Region

The Village

? From the transport pad head West to the bridge. Pick up crystals as 
you find them.
? Try to stay out of the paths of the ants although they are easy to 
kill and hold crystals. 
? Watch out for the Pyro Demons in the lava.
? After crossing the bridge, continue North until you reach the 
? Enter the first hut on the left.

Shaman Hut

? Click on the Shaman.
? She will tell you that she can resurrect the dead for 25 gold coins.
? Exit.

Weapons Hut

? Click on the weapons dealer.
? He will tell you of the basilisk. He needs a black diamond and a 
metal shaft to make a weapon to defeat it.

Sanctuary of Stone

? Head up the hill to the West.
? Enter the Sanctuary.
? Cross the bridge to the South.
? Talk to the guy with the horn. He will tell you the stone has 

Blacksmith Shop

? Enter the Blacksmith Shop.
? Talk to the Blacksmith.
? He is of no help.
? Exit.

Broken Bridge

? Now head North behind the castle.
? Step on to the broken bridge.

Bridge Puzzle

1. N,NW
2. NW,N,N
3. SE,E,E,E,E
4. SW,S,S
5. W,W,W,NW,NW
6. NE,E,E,E,NE
7. S,SW

? When you are finished a bridge will be completed and you can cross to 
the other side.

Fire Gem

? Go to the North of the volcanoes.
? Climb the ramp.
? Grab the fire gem. A spirit will appear and tell you of the fire 
dwarves. The have another piece of the mask.

Getting the Stone

? Head back South.
? Follow the mountain East.
? Then North to the broken bridge.
? Cross the broken bridge to the wall.
? Climb up.
? Take at your bow and arrow and shoot the gongs in order of the colors 
of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet or 


? Return to the sanctuary.
? Go back to the horn guy.
? Put the stone in the pedestal.


? Go back to the blacksmith.
? Talk to the blacksmith.
? He gives you a metal shaft.

Weapons Hut

? Go back to the weapons hut.
? Give the diamond and metal shaft.
? You will receive a pike in return.
? Exit.

Basilisk Lair

? Go South.
? Cross bridge.
? Keep going South to the lava.
? Head up the hill and go behind until you reach the blocks in the 
? Jump the blocks to the cliff to the South.
? Climb the cliff.
? Get out your pike.
? Step to the edge of the cliff.
? Walk off and you will automatically kill the basilisk.


? Turn around and cross the bridge.
? Go to the right of the temple.
? Climb up.
? Jump in the hole.
? Take the sword on the sarcophagus.
? Open the panel to get a potion.
? Click on the dwarf.
? Pick up the key he drops.
? Notice the pattern of shapes along the top of the walls.
? Go to the sarcophagus.
? Push the pressure plates in the order on the wall. Moon, Triangle, 
Circle, Square.
? A door opens.
? Enter.
? Open panel.
? Take potion.
? Take suit of armor.
? Exit room.
? Climb out.
? Go back to the basilisk.
? Use your new sword to chop off his tongue.
? Take the tongue

Fire Dwarves Lair

? Take the path behind the lair.
? At the fork, go right.
? From here, look at your map. You want to head West.
? As you approach the dwarves lair, kill the two dwarves.
? Use your key to open the door.
? Follow the pathway.
? Kill the dwarves as you come upon them.
? On the wall to the right will be three buttons.
? Shoot the first button with your arrow.
? A bridge will extend to the other side.
? Cross the bridge.
? Once inside, pull the lever to free Fressa. You will meet her again 
? She will tell you of a crystal scepter. She will also open a door for 
? Be sure to get the pipe cap in the left most cell before entering the 
secret room.
? Once inside the secret room there is a wall safe with some familiar 
? Push them in the same order as before. Moon, triangle, circle, and 
? Take the second pipe cap inside.
? Exit back across the bridge.
? Shoot the second button.
? Cross the bridge.
? Open the trunk and get the third mask piece.
? Behind you a henchman will appear.
? Kill him
? Take all that he leaves behind.
? Exit.
? Shoot the third button.
? Kill the dwarf.
? Cross the bridge.

Elevator Room

? Put a pipe cap on one pipe.
? Enter the elevator.
? Turn around.
? Shoot the button with arrow.
? You will go up to the next floor.
? Exit.
? Pick up scepter.
? Pick up potion of reveal.
? Get back in the elevator.
? Shoot the button again.
? You will go back down.
? Put on the other pipe cap.
? Get back in the elevator.
? Shoot the button.

Frozen Reaches

Snow Palace

? Head South to the Snow Palace.
? Talk to Freesa, Queen of the Snow Nymphs.
? Give her the crystal scepter. She will let you keep it.
? Exit.

Dragon's Cave

? Head West to the Dragon.
? Use the scepter on the Dragon. She can't take you anywhere until the 
gate is opened.
? Look at the broken chain hanging from the ceiling.
? Push the ice block underneath it.
? Stand in front of it and jump. Make sure it is against the edge and 
you are not on the ice.
? Once on the box grab the chain. The gate will open.
? Click the scepter on the dragon.
? You will automatically jump on her back and fly across the lake.

East Tower

? Head North to the East Tower.
? Kill the two Ice Orcs.
? Pick up the crossbow that one drops.
? Climb the wall to get in.
? Exit through the open doorway.
? Pull the lever to open the trap door.
? Jump in.
? Shoot the barrels.
? Open the trunk.
? Take the potions.
? Exit and head North.
? At the fork go east.

Flaming Sword, Invisible Snow Mane

? At the top of the hill you will be attacked by an invisible Snow 
? Drink a potion of reveal and kill him.
? Continue forward.
? Look at the sword in the block of ice.
? Walk on to the ice.
? Throw a rock three times till the ice breaks.
? Use your fire gem on the ice to melt it.
? Click on the sword.

Guard House

? Head south then West around the East Tower.
? When you finally make it up the hill a couple of Ice Orcs will be 
waiting for you on the other side of the lake.
? Kill them with your crossbow.
? Walk around to the left being very careful not to touch the water.
? Walk to the left of the guardhouse and behind it.
? Climb up.
? Click on the grate. Watch the scene that unfolds.
? Move forward to the jail.
? Talk to the Gryph king.
? Pull the lever on the other side of the room. This will create 
? Exit to the balcony.
? Jump off. You will automatically kill the guard.
? He drops a key. Look around and pick it up.
? Climb back up.
? Free the king.
? Exit.
? You will be attacked and fall through the grate.
? Kill Thork.

Thork's Throne Room

? Open the trunk.
? Take the amulet.
? Pick up the ice shard.
? Notice the trunk behind the locked gate. 
? Look at the slot in the wall.
? Open the front door.
? Notice the gap in the floor.
? Put the ice shard in the gap.
? Use the flame sword to melt it.
? Now use the crossbow to freeze the melted water.
? Now pick it up.
? There is a rock in the corner of the room if you need it.
? Put your new ice lever in the slot in the wall to open the gate.
? You will break the ice guard and open the trunk.
? The guard will re-appear.
? Kill him quickly.
? You now have a 4th piece of the mask.
? Go back to the dragon. Go back to the other side of the lake.

Gryph's Cave

? From the dragon's cave, head South then west.
? Follow the trail to the cave.
? Click on the Gryph king.
? You will receive a blue adament.
? Go back to the dragon and fly back across the lake.
? Go back to the guardhouse.
? Climb up.
? Go to the electric chair.
? Put the blue adament, tongue, mushroom on the chair.
? Pull the lever. You get an increase in armor and weapons ratings.
? Climb down.

West Pillar

? Use amulet on pillar- "Only the blade of fire can sever the head of 
the Drakes."

The Drakes

? From here continue North.
? Kill the snowy guys.
? Climb the wall.
? Kill the Drake.
? Walk past the Drake.
? Drop down into the hole.
? Continue down the hall.
? A new section loads.

Paradise Lost

? Go to the altar.
? Click on it. Conner will notice a depression.
? Put the clear crystal in the depression.
? You will now be transported to the Realm of the Sun.

Realm of the Sun-Level 1

? Exit the room after killing the Henchman.
? Turn left.
? Look up at the ceiling. There is a hole.
? Approach the wall.
? Kill the snake.
? Climb the wall.
? Break the urns as you come across them.
? Take the medallion.
? Climb back down.
? Exit the room.
? Head down the hall.
? Turn left.
? Kill the Henchman.
? Move forward to the end of the hall.
? Kill the two Henchmen.
? Open the panels with the red crystals.

Tablet of Knowledge

? Head North.
? Kill the snakes.
? Take a left and head West.
? Watch where you step. Certain areas will cause Shadow Demons to 
? Make a left into the temple. The Archons are frozen.
? Listen to the voices for clues.
? Take the tablet from the altar.
? Exit.

Hall of Truth

? Head toward the North East side of the map.
? Click on the Archon when you reach him.
? He opens the door for you.
? Enter the room with the monster. Don't worry about the fact that 
there is no floor.
? He will transform into a key as you approach.
? Exit

Sword of Truth

? Head back South.
? Use the key on the door.
? Take the sword. Something will be written on the tablet.
? Head all the way to the NorthWest corner to exit to Level 2.

Level 2

? Use tablet on the door.
? Follow the passage.
? The door on the left is locked.
? Continue forward.
? Beware of three Henchmen.

Hidden Switch

? Head North, East and North. Take the second left.
? Follow the passage into a large room.
? Find the unlit candle. Enter the top right doorway. The candle is 
right in front of you.
? Pull the candle to open the locked door we saw earlier.
? Exit through the bottom right passage.
Hidden Room

? Follow the passage.
? Take the first right.
? You will automatically find the fifth mask piece.
? Kill the Henchman.

Cauldron Room

? Head to the very NE room on the map.
? Automatic scene.
? Henchmen come out of the cauldron.
? Use the medallion on the cauldron to turn it into healing water and 
stop the flow of Henchmen.

Hall of Light

? Head down the hall to the South.
? Approach the book on the pedestal. It's too dark to read.
? Push the pedestal into the middle of the circle on the floor.
? A key will appear.
? Take it.
? Exit.

Armor of Light

? Head for the locked door at the middle of the screen.
? Use key to open door.
? Click on suit of armor. Auto scene.

Level 3

? Go to the door that asks you to seek the light. This is on the NW 
side of the map.
? Use the table on the door.
? Follow the passage. Notice the panel in the wall.
? Make a left at the fork.
? Continue until you can make a right.
? Click on the golden urn.
? Go back to the now open panel.
? Take the potions.
? Go through the West opening.
? Continue to the door that speaks of order.

Hall of Order

? Head to the North part of the map.
? Click on the Archon.
? Enter the open door.
? Put the mask puzzle in order.
? Enter through the now open door.
? Take the key.

Chalice of Order

? Head to the room to the East on the map.
? Prepare for a battle.
? Use the key on the door.
? Take the chalice.
? Go back to the door that speaks of order.
? Use the tablet on the door.
? Enter.

Inner Sanctum of the Mask

? Click on the Archon.
? Enter the room.
? Lucreto appears.
? Put a piece of the mask on the altar.
? Fight Lucreto till he disappears.
? Move toward the altar and put another piece on and be quick about it.

? Fight Lucreto again.
? Continue this process till Lucreto has been finished off.
? Once the portal has opened push Lucreto into it.

Congratulations! Daventry has been restored to its former self.

Thanks to Revolution reader Tami Meyers! 

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