Longest Journey, The The Longest Journey Wakthrough


Just following the walkthrough through the whole game destroys some of the

gaming joy.. This walkthrough’s purpose is to be an easy-access source to

help you with your problematic areas in the game!

: Prologue: A Lion in the Streets

As soon as you gain control over April after the intro, move her to the right

and you will see an egg roll down. Pick up the shell from the nest, and break

off the stick from the tree and you will have a conversation with the tree..

then use the shell with the stick on the stream to the right and you have

saved the treeí¯Â¿Â½talk to the tree and get ready for chapter 1

: Chapter 1: Penumbra

Pick up the diary in your room, open it and find your work schedule, also

pick up the monkey “Guybrush” in your closet. You can also open up the window,

look out and untie the “clothesline”. Talk with Zack before you go down to

the first floor. Well down, take the matches from the table and look at the

board on the wall for a pink note which you give to Fiona for a ring. When

you go out, take a look at the machine to your left.. use the ring on the

loose wires, and try by using the yellow switches to get the machine working,(all

need to be horizontal).. when you are done, turn the wheel and pick up the

Pair of Tongs (tang). Also talk to Cortez on the bench. Now get to the Academy,

2nd floor.. Pick up the stuff you need to paint, and use the board to paint

something to make the time pass.. also notice the Holosculpture become alive.

When you come down, pick up the glove from the trashcan. Now its time to go

to “Cafe Fringe”, on your way in, grab some of the candy that’s next to Charlie,

also have a chat with Charlie before you go into the main part of the cafe.

When you are inside, give the timetable to Stanley to get some cash.. also

look at the poster Charlie was talking about, pick up a free ticket.. have

a chat with Emma and get some bread from the table, before you go back to

your room. Look out the window and throw some bread onto the duck.. then pull

the chain and get the clothesline. go to cafe fringe, and right outside there

you will find the blue duck. Get to the Subway, use your card to get access,

then combine the clothesline with the pair of tongs, then inflate the rubber

duck, look at it, take away the tape and combine the leaking duck with Pair

of tongs/clothesline to get the key. Look at your galley ticket to get the

address to the gallery, get a train to Watertown Bridge, Talk to Cortez and

return to Venice..

Okay Now comes something that very cool about the game.. you have two possible

options of ending chapter one.. If you said to Stanley that you can work this

night, you go to the cafe.. but if you refused, go back to your house and

talk to Fiona.. two different ends with two different movies.. quite cool..

Okay now for Chapter 2

: top

: Chapter 2 Through the Mirror

Go downstairs and talk to Fiona.. ask about Cortez, then talk to Zack the

******* and you will find out where Cortez is hiding, take the subway to Metro

Circle. Walk to the movie-building.. move the trashcan, dip some candy into

the paraffin.. have a chat with the detective and then give him some “Candy”

Look at the fusebox, use the key to open it.. move all the switches to the

left.. combine the glove with the tape and use it on the jammed switch.. you

can now enter the side-street. But first run back an pick up the detectives

Hat. (in the middle of the road on the previous screen)… Now you enter the

side-street, put the hat on top of the pile of boxes, put “Guybrush” on the

bottom, open the trashcan and make a fire.. watch the dumb man dance..;-)

Talk to Cortez inside the Movie Theatre and get ready for your first shift..

Hey, you are in arcadia!, congratulations.. walk to the right and talk to

the man.. choose listen when you talk to him and you will soon understand

what he is saying.. Check out Marcuria if you please.. talk to the map maker

about everything, then return to Vestrum Tobias for a tale about the Balance..

When he returns to his post talk to him again and ask about Brian Westhouse..

talk to The mapmaker about Brian (many times) and you will have a job.. Okay,

your first delivery is for captain Nebeve on the “White Dragon”, give him

the map, then the list..he will not sign it unless you play some music for

him.. buy a flute at the music-ship at the city-gate and you have his signature..

return to the mapmaker, give him the list and you will have your 2nd assignment..

to Brian Westhouse. Get to Westhouses home, give him the map.. talk to him,

get the watch.. Use the needle with the watch to make a shift.. but remember

to get Brian’s signature first. Get to Fringe cafe.. and again, its two possible

endings, choose to see the concert or get on a date with Zack.. but everything

will lead to chapter 3í¯Â¿Â½

: Chapter 3 Friends and Enemies

Okay.. headache.. have a nice cozy chat with Mr. Romantic ..Zack, then head

for the subway where Hope street is your destination, go to the Cathedral,

talk to the priest about Warren. Building 87.. talk to warren, he will tell

you he needs his record cleaned and his sister traced to give you the necessary

info. Head for Metro West.. see that sign over the container?.. read it..

then press the roadblock.. enter the container.. and hell!, you are in the

police station!, easy huh?.. Once you are in.. click the toolbox.. get the

Paper inside it.. talk to the service people.. give them the Paper.. talk

to the receptionist.. look at the Paper.. talk to the receptionist.. give

the service men the new Paper.. and so on.. its easy.. If you cant do it,

you should be out playing some sport that does not need brains í¯Â¿Â½ When the

guys start working.. get the screwdriver.. fake them away by using the phones..

try to go in the door.. look at the shelves.. talk to the receptionist to

make her get away so you can enter the stationí¯Â¿Â½whoha.. too much ey? U are

in the police station.. get a soda by using your card on the machine.. now

enter the bathroom.. its Minelli (the detective you gave paraffin-infested

candy.. he’s been at the bathroom.. for 24 hours (you have slept since you

gave him candy).. fascinating.. well, don’t get too thrilled.. talk to him..

look at the lockers, find his.. enter it, break off the piece of the mirror,

get his medicine and talk more to Minelli and watch him loose his eye.. Hehe,

and now comes the question.. did you remember the Ape from pre-shifting at

the movies.. if not.. go get it back.. look at the ape, pick out his eye,

turn off the lights at Minnelli’s bathroom and change the eyes.. Use the eye

on the eye-scan outside the archive. Okay.. when you are in.. delete the file

on Warren, and print it.. press the colonization-number of his sister and

print whatever you get thereí¯Â¿Â½ Look at Jacob Mac Allen, memorize the weird

marks you get, and use them on the archive-filer to get the cube (inside the


: Chapter 4: Monsters

Enter ‘The Journey man’ and talk to the woman who owns the place.. then talk

to Abanaxus.. Now click on the party and April can fall asleep in the comfy

chair. When you wake up, try to exit and the owner will give you some clothes..

now you can choose to work or not to work. If you work, you will get money,

if you don’t.. you will not get money.. Well when you are done deciding, go

to the marketplace and talk to the map-maker, give him the list so you can

get your next delivery.. Before you get to that, have a chat with Vestrum

Tobias.. he will tell you to check out the library, do that, read everything

you can read 🙂 .. when you are done, time for some gambling!, head for the

gambler and put your money on the tableí¯Â¿Â½ use the magnetic screwdriver on the

cups to win.. you will get.. a calculator! Hum, we wanted the bird.. Try to

give the gambler your screwdriver, he will tell you to pick your prize.. since

you cant decide, just wait.. go to the Park and talk to Abnaxus who lives

in the midst of time. Notice his bookshelf who contains “Lord of the Rings”

in Arcadian .. well, talk to him about everything.. the important here is

the “God who fell down to the sea”.. Talk to the old man on the pier about

this matter and you will get information about fish-men.. check out the library

and find out some more about this. Then talk with Brian Westhouse before you

return to the library and ask to read about winged storytellers. If you learned

about Alais you will be ready to ask Captain Nebeve about going there.. he’ll

tell you he does not let females onboard his ship.. chat with the old man

on the small pier, he will tell you that he can get you onboard if you can

get his bird back, easy, just give the screwdriver to the gambler and you

have met the coolest bird around, give him to the old man (don’t worry, you’ll

see him again soon). Talk to Nebeve and cash in the favor.. now you only lack

to bring back the wind and find a Navigator. Head North (Its an option on

the city map), go into the forrest and meet Raven again..

: Chapter 5 There and Back Again

(ehh, anyone read “The Hobbit” too much or what? ) when you wake up, talk

to the old-guy and you have the first piece of the plate. 3 to goí¯Â¿Â½ Wake up

raven and head for the Alchemist’s place, On your way make sure you pick up

the flowers.. when you get to the place with the berries you can’t reach..

summon raven with the flute and he will get them for you.. mix the berries

with the flowers and you have a mix to soften up the “stoned” man.. he will

help you up to the castle. Put money in the hands of the statue which begs,

blow out both candles.. pun another coin in its hand and pick up the pepper

and salt cans. As for the hourglass, just turn it and run.. make sure you

click on the piece which moved, then it will not fall down when the hourglass

turnsí¯Â¿Â½ Knock twice on the stone door.. repeat the hourglass thing, Use pepper

on the door with the face. When you meet the alchemist, use the calculator

and you have woní¯Â¿Â½ Now for some alchemy, Pick up the different bottles, one

is in the bookcase, one is behind the curtain, one is under the skull, and

one is next to the pot (the skull after you have turned it).. Look in the

mage book, make the potion you see listed.. I’ll make it easy for you: Invisible

= White potion+Green Potion+Blue Potion.. Go back to the mirror in the labyrinth,

drink the invisible-potion, now mirror-April cant see you, and you can take

the Paper. This is a page from the mage book, put it in there.. you need the

red potion from the top of the shelf.. make a “Light as a leaf” Mixture to

jump up and get it: Light as a Leaf = Yellow+White+Blue.. Now you can make

all the other potions: Wind Potion = White+Red+Blue Potion of Explosion =

Red+Red+Blue Magic-binder = Green+Yellow+Blue Now try to Use the Explosion

Mixture on the Crystal.. Failure.. use the Magic binding mixture on the crystal..

then the exploding one.. boom!.. Now open the window.. summon Raven, ask him

to help you spread the wind stuff.. (In other words, put the wind stuff in

his mouth and ask him to fly).. Head back to Marcuria.. Chat wit

: Chapter 6 Chaos Storm

Walk Under deck.. eat some of your candy, you will now have a candy-paper

with some half-eaten candy on it.. use it on the sack where the worm is crawling..

pick up the worm when it gets stuck.. Now go up on the bridge and talk to

Nebeve, then pick up an apple from the barrel on the deck.. use the worm on

it and show it to captain Nebeve.. Take a look at the compass on the bridge..

then have a chat with Tun.. ask if you can maneuver the ship for a while..

now that you are alone.. use the talisman on the compass. Pick up the talisman

and Nebeve will take it.. he has hidden it under deck.. go down under and

pick up the axe.. take a swing at the chest.. Ooops..!

: Chapter 7 A Deep Blue Mirror

After your brief conversation with Raven, try to pick up the sea-animal-thing

that keeps sticking its head over water.. and down we go! Look at the paintings

in the cave.. pick up one of the blue-things off the wall .. put it in your

moth and go for a swim, Wait!, you can sting yourself with the needle first

to get some blood. Swim towards the shell, open it and get the pearl, now

swim for the city.. once in pick some green stuff from the wall (tanyen)..mix

the 3 things.. eat it, and now you can have a chat with the queen… Try to

touch the spear and you can talk to the queen about “vannstilneren” (water-calmer

or something like that). also show her the crystal that’s next to the spear.

Outside the city there is some sea-weed covering a cave.. move it and pick

up the crystal.. enter the cave and pick up more crystals (total you should

have 4).. Now comes one of the hardest puzzles in the game.. good thing you

have this walkthrough. Half the Puzzle is based on opposites, the 4 rings

should be placed the way that the drawings behind them is the opposite.. hum

I am confusing myself here.. hum.. Just do it like this: Fire vs. Water Bird

vs. Fish Mountain vs. Sea creature As for the crystals.. place them like this:

Crystal 1: Down to the right Crystal 2: Up to the left Crystal 3: Up to the

right And by own brainpower.. try to figure out where to place the last Crystal..

Now turn the crystals so they are facing the similar symbols on the other

crystals. (You will know when you have placed them right) Now when the cave

has been illuminated take a look at the carvings in the walls.. return to

the queen ant tell her about your discovery. You will now be able to take

the spear.. go and kill the big fish in the shipwreck.. take a tooth as proof..

enter the shipwreck and get the talisman. Return to the queen, give her tooth

and talisman.. return to the cave, use the talisman on the symbol.. show it

to the queen, congratulations ..

: Chapter 8 Reunification

Pick up the rope on the beech.. now move to the left, use the rope on the

small tree, enter the cave.. walk to the bottom and pick up a key from the

junk.. now use Raven on the Jungle (beech).(summon him with the flute). Get

to the volcano (mouth).. look at its moth, use the key in the hole, change

symbols as you look through the telescope.. no wait you don’t have to do that,

I have already done it for you >- =Statue in an old town.. apple =Statue on

the Ocean S =Big tree -(,,)- =Volcano grab the key and move to the Big tree.

(you have to click the tree before you can enter that area).. Exit the area

and enter again.. now you have awaken some tree-men.. talk to them, be interested

in the statues and you will know the purpose of them.. also enter the top

of the tree and ask why they cant finish building the cannon. Now look at

the statue.. this will be your “phone-line”.. set the ear (bottom) to S and

the top to Apple (the symbol that looks like an apple..)..exit the area and

get down on the beach, go to the right and look at the statue on top of the

cliff, set its ear to S and its mouth to >-> (arrow)..go to the old city,

set the ear to >-> and the moth to -(,,)- (volcano).. now get back to the

wood men and have a yell through your phone .. Talk to q’aman.. Meet Q’aman

and talk with him.. ask him to help the poor orgewool (or whatever those turtles

were called) and he willí¯Â¿Â½when he goes up on his hill, give him your candy

paper as bait for his fishing. Return to the wood-men and tell them they can

start to work again.. Return to q’aman’s place and pick up the line and some

fish bones.. use the fish bones on the rope (if you forgot the robe by the

cave.. go get it).. get back to the woodmen, give them the line and use the

rope with bones on the cannon. Talk to the Creature standing on the other

side.. when you are done, drink the “Light as a Leaf Mixture” and use the

wind mixture on the upwind.. jump over. Walk up to the castle, talk to the

man standing guard in front of the entrance to the storytellers place..

: Chapter 9 Shadows

Well back in Stark, talk to father Raoul, then go back to your house and be

ready for a surprise.. Look out the window and jump out. (click the river).

use the invisibility potion to get past the evil man, head for the cafeí¯Â¿Â½ after

your encounter with the woman you are back in arcadia..

: Chapter 10 Rebirth

Wasn’t that a short chapter?.. well, head for the weird guy in the park, Abanaxus,

and you will get the last piece of the plate.. go to the library, and put

the plates in their holes, use Raven to clean the dragon so it can melt the

plates.. When its done, follow the plate down, talk to Minstrum first.. try

to open the wheel at the bottom, talk to Minstrum about it and you can turn

it again.. pick up the plate. Try to exit The library area and you will shift

back.. ahh, I love these short chapters.

: Chapter 11 Kin

You landed in your paint studio.. hum I suggest you paint a picture. Pick

up the paint stuff and go for it!. Actually, April Tells you what to do once

you return from the shift.. you need to find someone to examine the star-map..

how about Flipper Burns?.. he owes you an ID too.. Once you get the ID, give

him the Map.. he will tell you that he can fix it soon.. in the meantime,

you should head for The Metro Circle Elevators to try your new ID .. Once

you are up, notice the empty pizza-box in the trashcan, pick it up.. now get

some new clothes at the store to your left.. Take a shuttle (ferge).. Once

there, ask the policeman about the location of the MTI building, then head

for the street. Give the man behind the desk your empty pizza box so you can

go on to meet Mr. Mac Allen. Try to open one of the drawers in his office

and Mac Allen will enter. Once you regain control over April, click the control

panel to the right.. now you can operate the door.. click it again, and open

the door. Once out, move to the ledge at your right. Say hello to Cortez and

discover his true self.. Now go back into the lab.. use the control panel

to regain your plate, now go back to Flipper.. find some more death.. (I hate

when the geeks die 😉 Well, now that you know where the portal is, sign up

as a colonist (up the elevator, in the room next to the shuttle)..

: Chapter 12 Dreamland

Once in the colonial-hall, try to enter the Women’s-Bathroom, when that does

not work.. do it the Masculine way. When you are inside, use your card to

buy some futuristic-Viagra , move the trashcan, and open the Vent with your

last coin. Enter the vent and use the screen to your right to enter the (1)

area, when you are there, mess up the Camera and return to the screen.. now

you can enter area (2). See that cup?, give it some manliness.. hehe, return

to the vent and enjoy the guard having an erec…. I mean, see the guard become

exited.. You can now access the screen in the guards room, you can boss around

the other guards, but only one position at the time. First, remove the Cell

department. Check the mans coat to find a key, and also check the computer

to find out where Adrian is located. Go over to the Cell department, open

the cell with the key and let Adrian out. Return to the control panel. Now

move the Airslot department (luftsluse). Go over there and press the yellow

button.. now press the centre of the capsule.. you need an oxygen filter.

Return to the control-panel, move the storage-crew and get over there to look

for the filter. Use the Computerterminal to find the serial-number for the

filter.. now click the boxes in the way back to find it. Return to Adrian,

remove the Guard with same procedure as last time.. connect the oxygen filter,

press the yellow-button and hey.. chapter 13 is aproaching!

: Chapter 13 The Longest Journey

Walk further into the Dessert, then towards the tower.. meet your first test,

Chaos. use the magic binder on the talisman, and use the talisman on chaos..

done with that.. Next test, the sentimental one.. Use the gold-ring on your

dad.. done with that.. Third test.. ehh that a long jump?.. First you summon

Raven (yes really!).. use him on the tower, then on the other construction,

and then the hole.. now ask him to fly back to the spring and get some water..

re-use him on the “nothing” and, whom!, you have a bridgeí¯Â¿Â½Cross it! Use your

hand on the hole.. Put the plate in it.. place your hand in the hand… Okay,

this will be your final action in the game.. do it slowly and enjoy ití¯Â¿Â½ Use

the talisman on Gordon.


Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Zero_hero!

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