Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth, The PC Cheats

The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth


Double Your Forces:

Max out your command points with an army then send them out to the edge of the map, it will as you if you want them to leave, answer yes. Then build another army then click on the reinforcements flag then you got a double army.

Note: This only works in campaign mode.

Alot of Resources and Creatures Strategy:

Make one orc pit, one troll cage, one haradrim palace, and the rest slaughter houses (gonna need 'em). As soon as the orc pit is ready start making orcs. Then some slaughter houses. Do not fill up the whole castle., since you will still need space for your strong army. Next, send all the orcs that you make into the slaughter house. That will give you free resources. After that start making your army of haradrim soldiers. Send them to find outposts nearest to you. Now make a troll cage. Start building your trolls. They will be able to knock down the walls of gondor. You won't need drummer trolls. They might make your army tough but they will really use up your command points. Use saurons eye to raise your army's attack.

There are 3 ways I suggest to make your outposts. One is all Defense: Make all tower keeps. These things will stop the attacks on your main base.

The second is the side army builder. I suggest this one the most because all you really need to take out the map is trolls and orcs. So make one slaughter house one orc pit and one troll cage. You can get a whole lotta trolls and resources from here.

The third one is full economy. I hardly recommend this one because it will provide no protection. I usually build my army from outposts. Use the orc method with call of the horde.

Leveling Hobbits:

When fighting as Gondor, Purchase Merry and 2 to 4 battalions of gondor soldiers. Click Merry and chose throw rocks mode. Then send Merry out along with the Gondor soldiers as a strike force. This works better and faster than you think. By the time Merry gets to level 8 or so, he will be able to 1-hit K.O. any basic infantry unit.

Protecting Your Base:

When your Rohan or Gondor first you should build a couple of farms and then build a archery range. Build about 3 battalions of archers. Line them against the wall , also you should get trebuchets when Gondor. Then taunt them by opening your gate then they come at you and your archers will shoot then as soon as you can close the gate do that. Then when they stop sending soldiers you have enough powers in the power menu to get the Elven or Rohirimm allies (except when Rohan) believe me saves alot of your soldiers.

General Hints:

- Try to get as many outpost plots around your base.

- When you have a castle close the gate and build a postern gate.

- Build two economy structures per one unit production building.

- Fewer upgraded units are always better than many non-upgraded units.

- Build economy structures in the back of the Camp/Castle and build unit

production structures in the front.

Helms Deep:

Get as many archers as you can and only aim for the ladders. Don't put any around the gate till a ram appears then use two heroes to kill it (I used Theoden and Ewyon). Summon your other army as soon as you can. Then it's self explanatory.

Minis Tirth:

Again get as many archers as you can and upgrade them. The mission before that with Farimer I upgraded all of my troops soo... anyway. Build some battle towers but mostly trebuchets. Build two right next to the door. This will help later. When the siege towers come just shoot it with your trebuchets. You'll do fine till the Ram comes, then get all your archers on it but don't open the gate! And don't send any soldiers out, get them all to the door. If it busts open get all your hero's there. When this happens transform the land in front of the gate to woods. Then send all your solders out to it and wait and survive. when the rohherim come it gets easier. When the army of the dead comes it takes a while for them to get to Minis Tirth. Also when the Nazgul come use Gandalf's light beam attack. This is a long stage, I played it for about and hour, but it's fun!

The Nazgul:

When you are one of the Ringwraithes be sure to stay away from archers. Mostly keep away from Elven archers and if you are fighting Isengard, stay away from their crossbow men. When you get the points to buy mountain trolls, dark wizards, etc., save up for the nazgul, or even better, the witch-king.

Strong Trolls & Ents:

First Create a troll, one you have done that pick up a tree-left click on troll than right click on tree- after that is done fight the enemy and your troll will become stronger with armor and will get a spiked club.

To make an Ent more powerful, have it pull boulders out of buildings or rock piles to throw at enemies.

Thanks to Revolution readers Huy Anh Pham and Justyce!

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