Might and Magic 6: Mandate of Heaven PC Cheats

Might and Magic 6: Mandate of Heaven


Warning: The following contains information that will help you solve Might and Magic 6. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. You'll ruin the game. And a giant might squash your house.

 Might and Magic 6 Faq (complete)

  by (another) George -  gbryant@sonetcom.com


 Character Creation
 Beggining Tips
 Traveling tips
 Thanks, contact and misc info

  Character Creation-

   Your party must fill many roles and unfortunetly you have only 4 people
to do this with. In the beggining I'd have..

 someone for melee damage
 someone for magic damage
 someone who heals
 someone who repairs items
 someone who identifies items
 someone who can pick traps
 someone with the 'merchant' skill

 This is a bare minimum. Later on you'll want to develop more skills but
these will atleast fill out the basic roles. You shouldn't pick all of these
in char creation but buy them from guilds as early as possible. Here are my
thoughts on the classes followed by what characters in my party I used to
fill which roles.

  Knight- No magic but this can be a help as this will allow him to have
plenty of time to develop some of the skills your magic using characters
will be too busy to advance. (pick locks,repair,etc) My knight doesn't do a
tremendous amount of damage but he has a lot of HP. This can help as usually
atleast he is alive and he can retreat with all my money instead of having
to ressurect back in New Sorpigal

 Paladin- a little bit of clerical magic and almost as much HP as the Knight
and does as much damage. Fairly useful, and since his SP depends on
personality it might be a wise idea to give him the "Merchant" skill. I've
noticed most people seem to pick one so this might be a wise choice.

 Archer- I didn't pick one but from what I've heard on usenet they seem a
mixed bag. Since my mage didn't do a lot of damage till he got quite a few
points in the various magic skills it wouldn't seem too useful to have
someone dabble in elemental magic. Most people seem to be using them as
Melee fighters anyway so it might be wiser to go with a straight mage or a

Druid- Once again, I didn't pick this one but from what I've heard from the
usenet they seem fairly useful. Propably would be pretty weak in the
beggining but late in the game using both magic disciples would make them a
very powerful class. NOTE: A Druid (or a Paladin or Archer for that matter)
can't learn the very powerful Light and Dark magics so make sure you have
atleast a cleric or mage in your party.

Cleric- Their magic isn't as powerful as the mage's but you'll use the
healing spells a lot. They also become pretty good in melee combat later on.
Right now my cleric even hits more often then my fighters, though they do
more damage. They can also learn Light or Dark magic.

 Sorceror- (out of habit I call him a Mage sometimes but this is who I mean)
elemental magic is very powerful, especially the Air and Water spheres. My
sorceror has propably been the single most useful member of my party. I
don't think any party should be without one. Once I got him to expert dagger
he also did a fair amount of damage.
Though low on HP (as is the cleric) he can learn the Light and Dark magics,
which are very powerful.

 My party consisted of a Knight, Paladin, Cleric, and a Sorceror. My
Sorceror started off with all the magic skills and used his points only on
them. Later on he learned Meditation which boosted his Sp but besides that
he's just been concentrating on magic. Its better to master Water or Air
magic before fire or earth. I gave him Dark Magic later in the game. My
cleric spent most of his time on magic, though I did decide to give him the
Item Identification skill as well. I also made him start with all his magic
skills. Spirit or Body magic is better to work on before Mind.  My Paladin
concentrated mostly on melee damage but also worked on the merchant skill.
(I believe he started with it in fact) He can be used as a back-up healer
but I usually leave that to my Cleric. My knight took the rest of the misc
skills (as well as working up a few weapon skills)  of Disarm Trap, Repair
Item, and Perception. Though I've found perception to be nearly useless so I
haven't developed it much.

 Beggining Tips:

 Your first goal should be to get armor skills for all your people (little
use to getting them at creation) and hopefully buy some armor.  The guild
offering to sell the leather armor skill is located in the building behind
the armor/weapon shops. Getting the bow skills and bows for your party is a
good idea as well but I think you have to wait till Ironfist. The merchant
skill will help a *lot* so you might want to start putting points in that.
You can pick up some money by talking to one of the people inside the INN.
He will also give you a quest. After that you should head to the Town Hall
and take the quests offered there. You can also find two more quests from
townspeople that have to do with the abandoned temple NW of town. (they are
a find person quest and kill the spider queen) After that you might want to
head to the Goblin Watch tower as I think its a little easier. Make sure you
take the first right inside and check the walls before doing the puzzle to
the north. Kill the groups of monsters just hanging around New Sorpigal by
running up and kill a few then running back and healing. You can also try to
lure a few away from the main group.

 Traveling Tips:

  Read the manual or try right clicking on the item/whatever before asking
for help for the problem.

  Horshoes found around stables and occasionally just randomly in the world
can be used to give extra skills points by right clicking them on a
character. They do respawn so it might be a wise idea to check stables every
once in a while. (I'm not sure of the respawn rate, if someone knows please
email me)

Spells can be bought in (so far for me):

Elemental Magic and Clerical Magic, low level - New Sorp.
Elemental Magic, except earth, low-mid level - Mist
Clerical Magic, low-mid level - Ironfist
Earth Magic, All- Silver Cove
Elemental Magic and Clerical Magic, low-high level - Free Haven
Light - Blackshire
Dark - Blackshire, Whitecap

 Remember, quest destinations aren't always in the area where the quest is

 If you're ever lost in a dungeon try clicking on the walls, often dungeons
use hidden switches or doors to conceal the objective.

 The Meditation and Body Building skills are very useful but they are only
dependant on your total HP/Sp and skill level. Its not by your character
level, so don't worry about them early on. Wait till lvl 15 or 20 and master
them quickly and watch your HP and SP shoot up.

 An easy way to gain money is to boost your Merchant skill to master (has to
be there to turn a profit) and get your Water magic skill to expert atleast
and goto shops and purchase items, then enchant them with the "Enchant Item"
spell, then sell them right back to the shop. Items must be above 450 value
to be enchanted and can't have previous enchantments.

 If you are trying to find an Expert Air teacher you can find one in Free
Haven or you can go to the back of the New Sorpigal Bank and click untill
you find a flight scroll. Use it and fly to the second floor of the bank and
inside is an expert air teacher. (must have 4 points in air to advance) You
can also find an expert water teacher on an island NE of New Sorpigal.

 You can "swim" by getting as far as you can into water by walking then
jumping forward. This will damage your party on every step so heal quickly.

 There is a seer in the Ironfist region which will tell you which shrine is
activated this month.

 The learning skill can be initially learned in Mist in one of the elemental
magic temples. The magic skills can be learned in their various magic
temples and the rest of the skills can be learned in the guilds scattered

 Sometime after completing the coucil quests you can get permission to use
the "royal yacht" from Castle Ironfist.

 The Light Magic Master is behind the INN on the souther island on the Eel
Infested Water region. Not on the island with Castle Alamos.



 Spirit- (Expert) New Sorpigal, (Master) Ironfist
 Body- (Expert) New Sorpigal, (Master) Silver Cove
 Mind- (Expert) New Sorpigal, (Master) Silver Cove
 Earth-(Expert) Free Haven, (Master) Silver Cove
 Fire-(Expert) Free Haven, (Master) Mist
 Water- (Expert) Free Haven, (Master) Mist
 Air- (Expert) Free Haven, (Master) Mist
 Light- (Expert) Kriegspire, (Expert) Silver Cove? (Master) Almos
 Dark- (Expert) Blackshire, (Master) Paradise Valley
 Staff- (Expert) Mist, (Master) Silver Cove
 Sword- (Expert) Free Haven, (Expert) Ironfist, (Master) Blackshire
 Dagger-(Expert) Free Haven, (Expert) Ironfist, (Master) Castle Stone
 Axe- (Expert) Ironfist, (Expert) Darkmoor, (Master) Darkmoor
 Spears- (Expert) Mist, (Master) Darkmoor
 Bow- (Expert) Ironfist, (Expert) White Cap (Master) Kriegspire
 Mace- (Expert) Darkmoor, (Master) Blackshire
 Leather- (Expert) Ironfist, (Master) Castle Stone
 Chain-(Expert) Ironfist, (Expert) Bootleg Bay,(Master) Darkmoor
 Plate- (Expert) Ironfist, (Master) Free Haven
 Shield- (Expert) Ironfist, (Master) Blackshire
 Identify- (Expert) Ironfist,  (Master) Free Haven
 Merchant- (Expert) Free Haven, (Master) Silver Cove
 Repair- (Expert) Mist, (Master) Castle Stone
 Body Building- (Expert) New Sorpigal, (Master) Free Haven
 Meditation- (Expert) New Sorpigal, (Master) Mist
 Perception-  (Expert) New Sorpigal , (Master) Darkmoor
 Diplomacy- (Expert) Ironfist, (Master) White Cap
 Disarm Trap- (Expert) Ironfist, (Master) Castle Stone
 Learning- (Expert) New Sorpigal, (Master) Silver Cove

 Weapon skills need 8 points, magic skills need 12 points and misc skill
needs 7 points. The skill needed for armor varies. Some of the skills have
other requirements but its usually a stat req which can be easily gotten by
a few rings of the required attribute. A few others require a certain
promotion like Arch Mage or Cavalier. If you have any thing to add to this,
please email me.

 Potion List

number, type of potion, ingredients, effect

First Generation
1 magic blue       PhRt +10 spell points
2 energy yellow    Popy +10 primary statistics (t)
3 cure wounds red WdoW +10 hit points

Second Generation
4 resistance green  1+2   +10 all resistances (t)
5 cure poison purple 1+3 cures poison condition
6 protection orange  2+3  +10 armor class (t)

Third Generation
7 super resistance white 1+4  +20 all resistances (t)
8 bless white 1+5 blessed for 6 hours
9 stone skin white 1+6 stone skined for 6 hours
10 haste white 2+4 hastened for 6 hours
11 extreme energy white 2+6   +20 primary statistics (t)
12 heroism white 3+6 heroismed for 6 hours
13 restoration white 4+5 cures all conditions but
stoned and dead
14 supreme protection white 4+6 +20 armor class (t)

Fourth Generation
15 essence of intellect black 1+9  +15 intellect, -5 might (p)
16 essence of personality black 1+13  +15 personality, -5 speed (p)
17 essence of accuracy black 2+8   +15 accuracy, -5 luck (p)
18 essence of endurance black 2+14  +15 endurance, -1 all others (p)
19 essence of speed black 3+10  +15 speed, -5 personality (p)
20 essence of might black 3+12  +15 might, -5 intellect (p)
21 divine magic black 4+7  +100 spell points, +1 year age (t)
22 rejuvenation black 4+11 removes magic aging, -1 all seven stats (p)
23 essence of luck black 5+7  +15 luck, -5 accuracy
24 divine power black 5+11  +20 level, +1 age (t)
25 divine cure black 13+6  Cures everything

(t) is temporary, (p) is permanent. All age effects are magical aging.

Types are only used in mixing: you can't mix like type with like type.
There are 216 possible combinations, so obviously most combinations just
blow up. Damage is proportional to the power of the reactants. If you
explode a third and fourth generation potion, your character is ERADICATED!

Potion pairs 15 and 20, 16 and 19, and 17 and 23 are complimentary. If you
feed the same character both, he'll get +10 to each stat.

 Shrine List

 Visit the seer (north/west of castle ironfist, up a hill. Good place to lay
down a beacon btw) each month and get a pilgrimage assignment to visit a
shrine and get +10 to your stats or resistances. Subsequent visits next year
will give you +3 more.

Jan - Might - Bootleg Bay NW corner.
Feb - Intellect - Mist
March -Personality - Silver Cove NW corner
April -Endurance - Castle WhiteCap
May - Accuracy - FreeHaven (just west of town)
June -Speed - Mire of the Damned (center west)
July - Luck - New Sorpigal off the East coast of town
August -Fire - Kriegspire down near castle in mountain
September - Electricity - center west in Castle Ironfist
October - Cold - Kriegspire north half center along mountains
November - Poison - Eel-infested waters/Alamos
December - Magic - Blackshire visible just northeast of town


*spoiler space*

  I'm gonna try to do this is in "order" but since the game is non-linear
something else might get spoiled. Continue at your own risk!

  Misc/Early Spoilers and Secret doors info

 The Goblinwatch code is NILBOG (sknom backward eht fo ysetruoc), but I
think there are more combinations. Grab the code sheet from the cabinets to
the right when you first enter the keep.

 You can find the missing child in the abandoned temple by doubling back
from the main tunnel when you're in the cavern area. (its a ways down)

 The Shadow guild is north west of Ironfist. You must find several secret
doors inside so click on all the walls. It can be a little rough for sub lvl
10 parties so you might wanna wait to go in.

 The Temple of Baa quest that is given in New Sorpigal is refering to the
Temple also south of Ironfist, not the abandoned one in New Sorpigal.

 If you're stuck in the Temple of Baa there is a hidden area behind the
altar where you fought all the undead. To unlock it you must first open the
center area in the first room with the 4 panals. The oppening order is
North, East,West, South  I *think*, but the zap is gives you is pretty low
so it shouldn't take long to figure it out. Inside is a chest where after
opening it you are again attacked by undead. Use the key on one of the side
doors, inside that room you'll find another chest where after opening you'll
again be attacked by undead and you'll find another key. Use that key on
another side door and continue using the keys on side doors till you're left
with the key for the area behind the altar. There are two long corridors,
down one is where the chime is and a key for another area. Down the other is
several thousand dollars hidden on a wall (near the end) and a secret door
that is oppened with the other key to a vault with a lot more money.

 In the first Dragoon hideout south of Ironfist you don't have to enter the
area with the slimes, so if you can't hurt them at this stage of the game
don't worry about it. Backtrack and continue on through the dungeon. (magic
hurts them btw)

 To open the door in the Dwarven caves in Ironfist (to complete the Dwarf's
quest in the Darkmoor tavern) you must obtain a key from Snergle's Mines in
Darkmoor. Deep inside that mine is the key, I don't remember the directions
exactly so you'll propably just have to map the dungeon.

 If you lost Prince Nicolai he can be found at where ever the circus is. Ask
around the various towns to see when the circus will be returning to that
city. (December for Bootleg Bay, August for Mire of the Damned, and April
for Blackshire)

  There are two fountains that give permanent intelligence and
personality bonuses that can be reached by walking on water off of the coast
of Bootleg bay. (you can also find the destination for a rescue quest in
Free Haven and one of the Cleric quests from Castle Stone near here)

 There is a secret door in the Temple of the Snake in the Blackshire region.
Its near where the main altar of the Medusa's. After pushing down the walls
you must kill the fearsome "q" who aparently has thousands of hp and
constantly casts "death". Inside are two chests, one filled with normal
spells and the other is filled with wands of death, sharpnel, and such.
Killing "q" gets you an artifact that displays the exact numerical amount of
hp left in an enemy. Example: 422 hp left in addition to the bar. (btw, the
npc you must find in here is in a cage near the altar/main room)

 The Obelisks are for a treasure in Dragon Sand. You must visit all of them
before it will be activated. Obelisks are numbered from 1-15. There are
fifteen map squares in the land of Enroth. One obelisk per square. They
start numbering from the NW corner. Some are a little hard to find, (like
the Blackshire one is to the S/W in a small desert region) but the reward is
worth it. (see Bugs section on a bug dealing with this quest) (btw, while
you're in the dragonsands area might as well hit the Shrine of the Gods, its
on an island shaped like the NWC symbol. There is an uninspiring secret area
that can be reached by clicking on a wall inside that faces the "hilt" of
the logo. To quickly reach the shrine you can teleport by clicking on the
roof of the Buccanear's Guild in New Sorpigal)

 An artifact sword, a decent one, can be found near Castle Alamos stuck in a
stone. Its Excalibur and takes over 200 might to lift. (use a beacon and
warp to fountains and back to get over 200 if you need to)

 That strange room in the Free Haven sewer is a teleporter to the Supreme
Temple of Baa, you have to activate the other end first before you can use
it. Its a quite trip to Hermits Island if you dont want to waste a Beacon
space after you have finished the temple.

 The Divine Intervention is actually a very useful spell later on, after you
find the Fountain of Youth (which is in the middle of Hermits Isle)

 There is a secret room in the Castle Stone Shadow guild that I couldn't get
to work but heres the info in case anyone wants to try.

 Be sure you've finished the rest of the level, as this puzzle will teleport
you to the leader's room when you complete it (that's how you know you're
done). There are two types of tiles: trapped and untrapped. The untrapped
look more decorative, and are in the first part of the room where you enter,
on the far side of the room, and in bands along the sides. The trapped tiles
look blank, and fill much of the central areas of the room. Allow me to call
any contiguous area of untrapped tiles a "collection". The object of the
puzzle is to step on every collection once, without setting off the trapped
tiles (the trap seems to reset the puzzle). You can jump with the X key, but
it will take some practice. You may have to walk over several tiles in each
collection before it is considered stepped on. I would sometimes go around
the room (jumping, of course) several times before I would be teleported.
Also, I always seemed to teleport from
the back of the room, so head there if you think you're done. Above all,
don't trigger the traps.

You can find the class advancment quests in:

Sorceror- Mist
Paladin- Ironfist
Knight- Free Haven
Druid- Silver Cove
Archer- White Cap
Cleric- Castle Stone

The fountain of magic (for the first sorceror quest) is east of the city in
the Bootleg Bay

 The Crystal of Terrax for the second Sorceror quest is in Ironfist, South
of the city, in Corlagon's Estate.

 The solution for the Cavalier quest is to talk to the old Cavalier who's
staying in an Inn north of Free Haven.

 The solution for the Champion quest is in Silver Cove. You must find the
"Warlord's Castle" and retrieve an item to show the Lord you have entered
the castle. Inside a chest north of the first main cross roads room is a
scroll detailing the "Warlord's" failure at becoming a knight. Take this
back to the Lord of Free Haven for your Knight's promotion.

  The "Damsel in distress" is in the Silver Helm Outpost in Mist. In a door
on the right in the main room you will come upon a cell area. Inside one you
will find an npc who tells you of noises then runs off, searching around
that area will uncover a secret door that leads to a switch guarded with
warriors. Using the switch will put out some odd stairs that you must run up
and each step will appear right before you step on it. At the top is another
secret door that holds the damsel.

 The dragon you must slay for the second Paladin quest is in the Mire of the
Damned, north of the main city. The dragon was fairly easy for my 35 lvl
characters but I imagine with a little planning anyone over lvl 20 could
beat him. Not much treasure inside but return to the Castle Ironfist with
the dragon's claw for your second Paladin

 To solve the first Cleric quest simply find a carpenter and stone cutter
and bring them to the temple. (you'll have to let go all your other npcs)
They can both be found in houses not far from the temple in Free Haven.

 The second Cleric quest requires you to raid an old church north of the
city in Bootleg Bay. To reach it you must fly or walk on water. Inside
you'll find some master monks and inside one of the rooms is a chalice you
must use in the Free Haven temple. There is also a secret door that leads to
some treasure. However, inside is a Minotaur which can be hard for early to
mid lvl parties.

  Druid's can find the altar of the sun in silver cove, in an island a ways
form the mainland. There is also a good sword stuck in a stone a little ways
away from it.

The Druid's second quest can be found near Free Haven in a dungeon. You must
click on the Altar around midnight.

 The keys for the dragon towers for the Archer's quests are hidden in a
secret room that can be found by clicking on the thrones in the throne room
inside the dungeon. Might want to go ahead and travel to all of the cities
with dragon towers and use the keys (town portal npc is useful) so when you
go back to the Lord of White Cap you can advance twice.

 Council Quests-

 Silver Cove's quest to get counsel permission can be done easily with a
town portal npc. The cities are New Sorpigal, Ironfist, Mire of the Damned,
Free Haven (two), Blackshire, Kriegspire, White Cap, and Silver Cove.

 The Devil's Outpost is near Kriegspire, it is quite hard. All you have to
do to complete the quest is take the scroll one of the demons drop when they
die to the Lord of Free Haven.

 The quest to stop winter for the Lord of White Cap can be solved by going
to the hermit in the Kriegspire region. He is sort of North/west of the city
and his hut can only be reached by flying.

 Lord Kilburn's Shield can be found north of Blackshire in a chest. It is
guarded by some Werewolves.

 The Prince of Thieves is found in the sewers beneath Free Haven underneath
a bed. Just click on the bed.

 Gharik's Forge is N/E of New Sorpigal on an island, inside is the quest
item for the Lord Newton quest. You need a key from the Silver Helm Outpost
in Mist to complete the dungeon. The key is in a secret door in a room off
the left hand side of the main room. (btw, the "bridge" puzzle in this
dungeon can be solved by just a little trial and error with the switches on
the bridges. Theres not much to it)

 Once you complete the Ironfist quest Lord Humphrey's representative won't
vote for you. You must return to Castle Ironfist where Humphrey will give
you a Baa Robe and send you off on a quest. Head to the Superior Temple in
Kriegspire and charge around the dungeon till you find the scroll evidence
of his representative being a traitor. Take it back to humphrey then to the
council. Then when you have all the other quests completed you can enter the

 Make sure you turn the oracle chamber on. The "light switch" is right at
the entrance.

 Oracle Quests-

 Not sure if its a bug but Crystal "Epsilon" Is actually found in Castle
Kriegspire. (they tell you and your quest menu shows epsilon in Alamos) It
is behind the locked gate near the mountain entrance. (not the well
entrance) To open the gate you must push a button on the second floor of the

  To find the Delta Crystal in Darkmoor Castle  you must first lower a wall
by pulling a lever then clicking on the ,now, big red square. (its a
different color first.. I can't remember what. If someone can please email
me) A wall will open to the north, walk through it to a large corridor.
Eventually you'll find another large cube. Near it is the next memory
crystal. The easiest way to get to the crystal is to circle around the large
enclosure you'll find past the wall you lowered with the first cube,
eventually you'll noticed a stone ramp leading to a door. The door opens to
a passage that runs above a large room filled with liches. Inside you'll see
the big cube. What I did was simply to jump down, run like mad towards the
crystal, turn left, grab the memory crystal and town gate out of there.
Though I suppose there is a better way.

 To the find the Beta Crystal (the one that is sopposed to be in Kriegspire)
head to Castle Alamos in the Eel Infested Waters region. (a "Princess Bride"
reference?) This is a large castle and its hard to say where you need to go.
You'll most likely simply have to map the entire structure. Though you'll
know you're on the right track when you come to two long hallways filled
with female warriors. At the end of one is a large room with sorcerors. This
room has two exits. One leads to some platemail and a scroll where Archibald
is telling the people at Alamos to research the crystal. The other exit
leads to a elevator which leads accross some cages to a room guarded by a
password. (password: jbard) Inside there is the beta crystal.

 The final crystal (in the order I did them, you can do them in any order),
the Alpha Crystal, lies in the extremely hard region of Hermit's Isle. In
that region is the Supreme Temple of Baa. (if you take the yacht from
Ironfist it puts you right in front of the temple) This dungeon is *much*
easier then Kriegspire, Darkmoor, or Alamos. Mostly you'll see the variants
on the Baa Priests. A few demon spawn/workers are around but they're a cake
walk at this point. Its a long boring dungeon, just follow the buzzing in
your head. Eventually I found a hall where at the end past a chasm was some
demons and the crystal. I just used the Air spell "Jump" to jump accross and
nab the crystal then town portal out. There were just a few priests and
demons around it but my guys were a little beat up.
 NOTE: The only time so far in the game but this dungeon has some nasty
slowdown. I couldn't turn worth a damn so the bridges accross chasms in this
one were a lot harder. Make sure you save a lot in here in case you make a
lagged wrong decision.

 After that go plug them into the Oracle under the High council and get a
*ton* of exp. Once again you'll be sent on a quest for another widget.

 The temple of varn is where the 'widget' resides. (its the control cube)
Work your way to the Flame door (first finding the flame key) and go through
it. Inside is a horde of guardians. After killing them start combing the
passages behind it for the water temple key and officer codes and scrolls.
(keep the scrolls!) Eventually after going through these areas and the
temple of water you'll have 6 scrolls and the key of varn. (don't forget the
chest you couldn't open eariler, the key for that is in the temple of water,
two key scrolls are around the chest as well in the walls) Go to the pools
in the room right after the flame door. Find the well that looks different
(the well of varn) then step in the well right after that one (so going
clockwise you end up at the well of varn at the end, and you have to have
all scrolls and keys on one char) type in the password, then head to the
next scroll till you come back to the well of varn. It'll open let you into
a central hi-tech area where the control key is inside a chest.

 Once you've got it head back to the Oracle to be sent on another quest
(hints for this quest are in the manual in the "Letters from Roland"
section) and you're let in to the hi tech center of the oracle. Inside you
can find blasters. (and the blasters skill, find it on a wall panal/monitor)

 From there head to Castle Ironfist, talk to Nicolai, then go to the back of
the castle and pick up the 3rd eye from the well. Take it back to him then
head up to the library on the second floor of the castle. Release Archibald,
take the scroll, then head to Sweet Water and enter the Hive. Its on top of
a big mountain. (you won't get a quest for this, but don't worry) Charge
around in there (its not that hard) untill you find Fozil, then thats it.

 The End (untill Might and Magic 7 atleast but unfortunetly I don't think we
can bring our characters over. Arg! 4 guys with blasters would have been a
bit easy... but fun!)

 Bugs-  (AFAIK, all fixed in the new patch, including some other problems)

 Doing the Temple of the Moon quest before taking the Temple of the Sun
quest might prevent you from advancing your druid.

 You can get unlimited exp by talking to the giant head in the Lord of Fire
dungeon over and over again after completing the quest. I was told that you
can't get any more exp once you exit the dialogue screen.

 For unlimited gold, do the obelisk quest, and then click on the rock (the
location of the cache of the captain).. you will notice you get 250000 gold
and a nice chest of stuff (nothing new here), but whenever you proceed to
click on the rock after that you still get the 250000 gold. So you can just
keep opening the rock as many times as you want for as much money as you

 You can cast spells in real time mode even if you char isn't ready. (light
isn't on yet) You can do this by selecting one of your other chars, then
selecting them again and going into their inventory. Now select your char
who isn't ready. Now exit the inventory screen, the not ready char is still
highlighted and can cast a spell. This isn't that useful for combat but it
is useful if you want to quickly cast a few cure spells or cast day of power
then day of the gods. (note: this does not work if you have a spell bound to
quick cast, you have to open the spell book)

  -update, okay, I've finished off the game. Its done... I could reword the
spoilers/walkthrough better but I don't have the time. I think it works
better more as an 'overview' then telling you *everything* you have to do

  Well I think this is the last version. I started this just the weekend
after the release of the game to help people on the ng and to cut down on
repeat questions. (the ng was filled with goblin watch password requests for
a week after the release :) I've noticed some others have started to do some
very complete work (especially the stuff posted on David Pott's web page)
and I haven't had time to finish up the game yet, much less work on the faq.
I think its pretty good right now and covers most of the game atleast,
though not in the greatest amount of detail in all areas.  I may do a quick
release of the answers to the last few quests when I actually finish the
game. Well I hope this helped a few people with one of the better rpgs
released since the ol' glory days of crpgs.

 Thanks to:

 (original) George for reminders :)

 "Cat" for a better magic list

 Kent Arnold for some more trainer locations.

 David Potts for converting the faq to html and posting it on his page

 Scott A. Hutchens for additions to the spoiler and bugs section

 Jeremy Boyd for additions to the spoiler and bugs section

 Ron McPherson for the potion and shrine lists.

 Rich Batton for help with the obelisks

 Donovan Hawkins for info on the Stone Shadow guild secret.

 and to everyone in CSIPGR for additions and helping me with the game.

 Thats all,

 (Another) George


Thanks to Revolution reader Marcus Anthony!

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