Moon Project, The PC Cheats

The Moon Project


Cheat Mode:

Type cheater 1 during game play to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following

codes during game play.

Code                       Effect  
cheater 0                  Disable cheat mode    
mybrainisfaster (0 or 1)   Toggle fast research  
limit_up                   Set unit limit to indicated number    
moneyfornothing            Increase money to indicated number    
hotground                  Place mines   
byebye                     Lose Scenario   
shower                     Meteor shower   
beautifulmoon (0 or 1)     Toggle full map   
sciencefornothing          Free research   
nobelprize                 Everything researched   
moonlight                  Disable fog of war   
hide                       Enable fog of war   
hereyouare!                Display all opponents on screen   
smash                      Destroy selected opponent building   
gohome!                    Destroy your own selected building   
judgementday               Destroy all visible opponents   
tromaville                 Damage all visible opponents   
idkfa                      Shield, health, and ammo for all units       


Thanks to Revolution readers Armstrong!

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