Rama PC Cheats



Warning: The following contains information that will help you solve Rama. Please, SO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. If you do, a horrible curse may befall you. Perhaps something in need of ointment. Who's to say? Be warned.

Walkthrough Abbreviations
F: Forward (Fn for n repetitions)
L: Left
R: Right
B: Back out
U: Up
D: Down
Most animations can be skipped by pressing Esc 

Walkthrough Introduction
A significant characteristic of Rama is its randomization of play components, affecting inventory item locations, the timing of animation sequences, a few puzzles, and certain destination locations in the central plains. For example, many inventory items have no fixed location where they may be found - if you need something you haven't found yet, you're just going to have to search carefully for it (fortunately, items do not seem to migrate within a particular game). As a result, it's not possible to give an exact step-by-step procedure for progressing through the game - your mileage may vary. If you can't find an item that you need for a puzzle, continue on with the game and it may become available later. The game designers' purpose in creating these randomizations is not clear - they change only the details of the game, not the basic concepts or gameplay strategy, and add little to game replayability. 

As a basic strategy, pay particular attention to the ground, as artifacts may often be found there. A painstaking, but effective approach to moving through the environment is to turn completely around at each node position and check each view carefully. 

Much of the inventory turns out to be "red herrings" - unneeded in your actual gameplay sequence, but perhaps confusing your choices at various points and making gameplay a bit more complex. 

To prepare for several tasks in Bangkok and other locations, brush up on your base-8 and base-16 arithmetic skills. 

Project Newton Crew:

ID	Character		Game Role

002	Yourself		Adventurer

004	Shigeru Takagishi	Scientist

005	David Brown		Mission Commander

006	Francesca Sabatini	Video Journalist

007	Otto Heilmann		Chief Security Officer

008	Michael O'Toole		Codemaster

009	Richard Wakefield	Chief Engineer

010	Reggie Wilson		Print Journalist

011	Irina Turgenyev		Career Cosmonaut

012	Nicole des Jardins	Medical Officer

	Hiro Yamanaka		IBI Agent

	Janos Tabori		IBI Agent

	Valeriy Borzov		Your predecessor, now deceased

All characters are from the Clarke/Lee book Rama II. 

After the game introduction and animation of Nicole, move F L F2 to the computer console. Click on it, then on the MAIL command to bring up your vidmail. Each message adds a bit to the backstory of the game and introduces you to the basic personalities of the other astronauts. In particular, note Wakefield's Falstaff creation (you'll see more of it later) and O'Toole's favorite primes sequence 



x² - x + 41, for 1 

Much, much thanks to Revolution reader Ivan!

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