Shadow Hearts FAQ

Shadow Hearts

FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.10
Author: Alex Eagleson
Date: November 22nd, 2004
Last Updated: December 3rd, 2004

               ~* This is a 100% spoiler-free walkthrough *~

*                               Version History                              *

Version 0.10    -    (November 22nd, 2004)     -     Initiated the walkthrough
Version 0.20    -    (November 23rd, 2004)     -     Continued the walkthrough
Version 0.30    -    (November 24th, 2004)     -     Continued the walkthrough
Version 0.40    -    (November 25th, 2004)     -     Continued the walkthrough
Version 0.50    -    (November 26th, 2004)     -     Continued the walkthrough
Version 0.60    -    (November 27th, 2004)     -     Continued the walkthrough
Version 0.70    -    (November 28th, 2004)     -     Continued the walkthrough
Version 0.80    -    (November 29th, 2004)     -     Continued the walkthrough
Version 0.90    -    (November 30th, 2004)     -     Continued the walkthrough
Version 1.00    -    (December 1st,  2004)     -     Continued the walkthrough
Version 1.10    -    (December 2nd,  2004)     -     Completed the walkthrough

*                              Table of Contents                             *

1. I - Full Walkthrough (Part 1).......................................(FwAAA)
        i - Train......................................................(Fw001)
        ii - Plains....................................................(Fw002)
        iii - Graveyard................................................(Fw003)
        iv - Zhaoyang Village..........................................(Fw004)
        v - Fengtian...................................................(Fw005)
        vi - Sewers....................................................(Fw006)
        vii - Airstrip.................................................(Fw007)
        viii - Dalian..................................................(Fw008)
        ix - Smuggler's Boat...........................................(Fw009)
        x - Shanghai - Huayuan.........................................(Fw00A)
        xi - Temple Ruins..............................................(Fw00B)
        xii - Shanghai - Huayuan.......................................(Fw00C)
        xiii - Kuihai Tower............................................(Fw00D)
II - Full Walkthrough (Part 2).........................................(FwBBB)
        i - Prague.....................................................(Fw00E)
        ii - Bistritz..................................................(Fw00?)
        iii - Blue Castle..............................................(Fw00F)
        iv - Bistritz..................................................(Fw010)
        v - Blue Castle................................................(Fw011)
        vi - Blue Castle...............................................(Fw012)
        vii - Prague...................................................(Fw013)
        viii - Rouen...................................................(Fw014)
        ix - London - Old Castle Street................................(Fw015)
        x - London - Orphanage.........................................(Fw016)
        xi - London - Old Castle Street................................(Fw017)
        xii - London - Orphanage.......................................(Fw018)
        xiii - Calios Mental Hospital..................................(Fw019)
        xiv - Rouen....................................................(Fw01A)
        xv - Nemeton Monastery.........................................(Fw01B)
        xvi - Neameto..................................................(Fw01C)
2. Sidequests..........................................................(Sq000)
        i - Kowloon Fortress...........................................(Sq001)
        ii - Good Ending...............................................(Sq002)
        iii - Codex of Lurie...........................................(Sq003)
        iv - Book of Rituals...........................................(Sq004)
        v - Emirge Manuscript..........................................(Sq005)
        vi - Ultimate Weapons..........................................(Sq006)
        vii - Dollhouse................................................(Sq007)
        viii - Blue Castle.............................................(Sq008)
        ix - Ancient Ruins.............................................(Sq009)
        x - Cave Temple................................................(Sq00A)
        xi - Final Fusion..............................................(Sq00B)
3. Legal...............................................................(Fw048)
4. Credits.............................................................(Fw049)


At any time you wish to skip forward to any section, simply hit Ctrl + f to 
bring up your browser's search, and then type in the code above to bring you 
to each corresponding section.

Lets skip the formalities and get right to it shall we.  Enjoy Shadow Hearts!

* I                        Full Walkthrough (Part 1)                 (FwAAA) *

| I - i                           Train                              (Fw001) |

     Item Checklist:

  Thera Leaf.........._____
  Mana Leaf..........._____

The game begins with a cutscene...

When you find yourself in control head down two train cars.  Examine the two 
bodies to receive a Thera Leaf and Mana Leaf.  Continue down for a scene.

     Boss: Roger Bacon
     HP: N/A           
     Class: Darkness   
     Drop: N/A

You can put up as much of a fight as you wish, however after a couple of 
turns this boss will use an attack to deal 999 damage, effectively ending the 


After the fight, watch the scene.

Once you're on the world map be sure to press square to access your menu, and 
choose 'Data' to save your game.  Your next destination is Plains.

| I - ii                         Plains                              (Fw002) |

     Item Checklist:


A scene occurs when you enter.  Once it's over head South.  Along the path 
you'll come to a fork and lose control for a moment.  Soon after you'll have a 
chance to name both characters, Yuri and Alice are the defaults.  

Head Southeast to the next map.  After a quick scene go to the right side of 
the area and save your game.  At the Northeast norner examine the gate on your 
left to get a message about having a handle.  Head to the Southwest gate and 
examine it.  Now here's how the game works, you have a ring here and a 
specific area you want to get the meter into.  By pressing X quickly you will 
move the meter forward, if you stop pressing X it will begin to slowly move 
backward.  When the time runs out you want the meter to be in the red area.  
Start by pressing X quickly and slowing down as you approach the red area, 
once inside it reduce your frequency of pressing X to the point where you're 
about staying still with the meter in the red.  Also note that if you go too 
far and do a 360 degree spin, it will lock and you automatically lose.  You 
will get a better prize the les tries it takes you so if you mess up the first 
time, I recommend loading from the menu.  You main prize comes later but for 
now you get the SluiceGateHandle.

Also note you can perform a similar task on the Northwestern gate that is more 
akin to your normal battle ring.  The same elements of failures and prizes 

Once you have the SluiceGateHandle put it into the gate at the Northeast.  
Once you do turn around and head forward to trigger a scene.

     Boss: Fox Face   
     HP: N/A           
     Class: Darkness   
     Drop: N/A

Yet another fight where the outcome is predetermined.  There is no reason 
to attampt to win this fight.


Another scene after the fight.

| I - iii                       Graveyard                            (Fw003) |

     Item Checklist:

  Leather Belt........_____
  Holy Mother Bust...._____

Head straight up and examine the glowing green tombstone.  You'll 
automatically be taken into a battle against an enemy who is only slightly 
harder than a normal monster.

Got Fusion Soul!  The soul of Raging Tiger.

Now go to your menu and select Equipment.  Under Soul, select and equip Raging 
Tiger.  Approach the West side of the graveyard for a scene.

You'll have to fight another enemy here, Evil 4 who is not particularly hard 
in anyway.  When the battle ends the conversation continues and the time comes 
for you to leave the graveyard.  Approach the East gate to trigger a scene.

When you're back again save your game at the save point and exit the area to 
the West.  There's a chest on your left which contains an item which will be 
different depending on how well you performed on the sluice gate challenge.  
For a first try you get Leather Belt (or possibly a Bandana.)  For a second 
and third you get a Mana Seed and Thera Leaf respectively, and absolutely 
nothing if it took you more tries than that.  Equip the accessory you just 

Head Northwest and when you come to the fork head down the path to the left 
that was blocked before.  When you cross a conversation will beging.  When 
it's over move toward the town,   Be sure to grap the chest on the left side 
of the gate containing Holy Mother Bust before entering.  Watch the scene when 
you approach the gate.

| I - iv                     Zhaoyang Village                        (Fw004) |

     Item Checklist:

  Angel Feather......._____
  Bronze Arrowhead...._____
  Phoenix Tail........_____
  Metal Vassel........_____
  Shell Bracelet......_____
  Guild Card.........._____

     Wandering Merchant

  Bandanna............ 320
  Leather Belt........ 320
  Shell Bracelet...... 2770
  Bone Bracelet....... 2960
  Thera Leaf.......... 50
  Mana Leaf........... 100
  Pure Leaf........... 230
  TalismanOfLuck...... 480
  Mermaid's Tear...... 70
  Holy Mother Bust.... 75
  Phoenix Tail........ 90
  Bronze Arrowhead.... 100
  Silver Hourglass.... 100
  Tent................ 480

Head down one screen and examine the ground on the upper left side of the 
screen to find an Angel Feather.  Go back up.  Speak to the man laballed as 
"Bad-haircut old man", across the path directly to the right of him you'll 
find a Bronze Arrowhead on the ground.  Proceed North.  

Save your game at the save point.  On the ground beside the well on the right 
side you'll find a Tent.  At the Northeast corner of the screen to the right 
of the "Lost Peddler" is a TalismanOfLuck on the ground.  Now speak with the 
Lost Peddler to make some purchases.  When you're ready go North through the 
fence for a scene.  Afterwards follow the people into their house to conitnue 
the scene.

Soon after a battle against two normal enemies occurs.  After the battle 
examine the box in the upper right corner of the house to receive a Phoenix 
Tail.  Leave the house and go toward the shrine for a scene.  Afterwards 
return back down to the well where the cat lady should appear and disappear.  
Purchase any items you need and save your game.  Head all the way South to the 
entrance of town for an event.

You now havea  new party member and someone who can work on your weapons.  
Your weapon has three levels of power increase and target area increase when 
you talk to Meiyuan, each which costs more than the last.  You can probably at 
absolute minimum afford the first power upgrade, or ring upgrade if you're 
having trouble hitting it on time.

Go back up and save your game then enter the mayor's house.  Afer the scene 
return to the main entrance of town.  On the ground beside Meiyuan you will 
find a Torch.  Go up one screen and examine the shop on the left side to find 
a Metal Vassel, you will have to perform a task similar to the ring in a 
normal battle.  Save and return to the mayor's house.  

     Boss: Felnius    
     HP: 250           
     Class: Wind   
     Drop: Lottery Ticket

To make this boss fight easy begin by transforming using the Raging TIger 
fusion you received at the Graveyard.  Stick with normal attacks for Yuri and 
healing Magic for Alice.  Zhuzhen can use Ogre Flamedance, see if you can hit 
in in the red 'Perfect' area but if you find that you run too much risk of 
missing, normal damage is better than no damage at all.  The boss has one 
somewhat damaging attack that hits your entire party but Alice's cure magic 
should be quite enough to keep you above dangerous HP levels.


Leave the house and save once again.  Proceed North and examine the shrine.  
When it asks if you wish to violate it say that you do.

     Boss: Yamaraja: Earth
     HP: 300
     Class: Water  
     Drop: Star Brooch

This boss is somewhat harder than the one you just faced, you may been to 
level up a bit before fighting him.  Start the battle again by fusing into 
Raging Tiger and using normal attacks.  This boss' attacks aren't too much to 
worry about except for his Large Whirlpool attack which hits everyone for 
heavy damage and inflicts a status effect that will decrease the hit area on 
your ring.  Use the Phoenix Tail you found in the mayor's house to cure this 
effect.  Again Zhuzhen's Ogre Flamedance is a fine choice for damage, and 
Alice will have her hands full keeping your HP up.


After the fight watch the scene.  Be sure to pick up the Shell Bracelet from 
examining the shrine.  Head toward the town gate and speak to the peddler, he 
will give you a Guild Card.  When you reach the gate a scene occurs.

Back on the world map you can save your game, then enter Fengtian and watch 
the next scene.

| I - v                          Fengtian                            (Fw005) |

     Item Checklist:


     Fengtian Item Shop

  Knuckle Blade....... 1200
  ShootingStarTome.... 1420
  Leather Vest........ 1000
  Leather Skirt....... 1200
  Bandanna............ 325
  Leather Belt........ 320
  Shell Bracelet...... 2770
  Bone Bracelet....... 2960
  RosewoodBracelet.... 3000
  Spikes.............. 2810
  Thera Leaf.......... 50
  Mana Leaf........... 100
  Pure Leaf........... 230
  TalismanOfLuck...... 480
  Mermaid's Tear...... 70
  Holy Mother Bust.... 75
  Angel's Feather..... 80
  Phoenix Tail........ 90
  Bronze Dagger....... 200
  Gold Hourglass...... 200
  Tent................ 480

After a quick little conversation head to the right and speak wit hthe SIlent 
Peddler.  He'll give you the Pedometer.  Next talk to the man on the left of 
the fountain and he'll let you use your Lottery Ticket to play a game.  You 
can win one of the following prizes, Jade Lariat, B. Tortoise Fang, 
TalismanOfMercy, Pure Seed or Tissues.  Do your best to win and item and then 
go wake Alice up.

Once you have control again leave the area to the West.  On the next screen 
you'll find a chest in the alley to the Northeast contianing Tent.  Proceed 
Northwest and enter the shop, an event occurs soonafter.

In the shop save your game and talk to the person at the counter, make sure to 
buy new weapons for your party.  Once you're done speak with Alice and say 
that you are ready.  Watch the scene that follows.

Now it's time to descend the ladder into the sewer.

| I - vi                          Sewers                             (Fw006) |

     Item Checklist:

  Gold Hourglass......_____
  Pure Seed..........._____
  Type 94 Pistol......_____

At the Southeast side on the little stairs beside where you start you'll find 
a Gold Hourglass.  Head up from where you started and go left at the first 
fork.  At the end of the path you'll find a chest containing Pure Seed.  
Return to the fork, take a couple steps up and take the next left path.  
Approach the small hole and an event will occur.  Return to the fork for a 
scene.  You'll have the chance to name Margarete.

Head South, East, North, and East.  At the end of the path you'll reach a save 
point.  Ignore the ladder for now and go Southwest from it and then North.  
There is a chest here contianing Type 94 Pistol.  Go back and try to climb the 
ladder.  Once you realize you cannot get through return to the entrance.  Take 
the left of the two North paths and follow it to the end.  Cross the debris 
and get the Sealing Stone from the wall.  Return to the ladder and climb up.  
Choose to set the Sealing Stone.

You will have to fight a few slightly harder than normal enemies.  Just fuse 
Yuri and fight as you would any other fight.  Once the fight is over save your 
game and ascend the ladder out of the sewers.

| I - vii                         Airstrip                           (Fw007) |

     Item Checklist:

  None................ /

Once you get on the surface a scene will occur, then you'll have to fight a 
couple of very easy enemies, followed by another two.

     Boss: Beast Dog
     HP: 450
     Class: Fire  
     Drop: Spikes

This is an easy fight if you know what you're doing.  First of all fusing Yuri 
is a given.  Now this boss is of the Fire class so since Margarete has the 
Aqua Edge spell which gives your attack the Water property be sure to use it 
on Yuri.  Stick with physical attacks for him and grenades with Margaree.  As 
always Alice is on healing duty especially after you get hit with Breath of 
Fire, you may want to use up one of Margarete's attacking turns to heal 


When the battle ends, watch the scene.

On the world map save your game and head to Dalian for another scene.

| I - viii                         Dalian                            (Fw008) |

     Item Checklist:

  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Dried Fish.........._____
  2000 Cash..........._____

     Underground Armory

  Knuckle Blade....... 1200
  ShootingStarTome.... 1420
  Hexagonal Staff..... 1100
  Type 94 Pistol...... 1300
  Leather Vest........ 1000
  Leather Skirt....... 1200

     Sea Turtle Restaurant

  Bandanna............ 325
  Leather Cap......... 600
  Leather Belt........ 320
  Casual Belt......... 600
  Shell Bracelet...... 2770
  Bone Bracelet....... 2960
  RosewoodBracelet.... 3000
  Spikes.............. 2810
  Brigand Earrings.... 5000
  Pirate Earrings..... 5000
  Thera Leaf.......... 50
  Mana Leaf........... 100
  Pure Leaf........... 230
  TalismanOfLuck...... 480
  Mermaid's Tear...... 70
  Holy Mother Bust.... 75
  Angel's Feather..... 80
  Phoenix Tail........ 90
  Branze Arrowhead.... 100
  Bronze Dagger....... 200
  Silver Hourglass.... 100
  Gold Hourglass...... 200
  Tent................ 480

Start by speak to the man standing in the gate to your left.  Agree to help 
him, simply run around pressing X until you find the turtle and return it to 
him, he gives you a Lottery Ticket.  Head over to the ship, at the end of the 
dock you'll find a chest containing another Lottery Ticket.  Head West to the 
next map, you can save your game here.

On the far East side there's a somewhat hard to see chest containing 
TeaOfTheHealer.  Enter the house to the left of the save point and watch the 
scene.  Go downstairs and speak to the shopkeep through the wall if you need 
to pick up some equipment.  Leave the house and a very lengthy scene will 

When you have control again speak to the man on the right side of the house, 
this man will sell you some items.  Leave the house and save your game.  Exit 
North and you'll find a glowing red circle near the dock.  Examine it.

     Boss: Yamaraja: Wind
     HP: 800
     Class: Earth 
     Drop: Seal of Life

A relatively hard battle awaits you here.  Without Alice you'll have to rely 
on healing items to stay alive.  Also note that physical attacks do not damage 
the boss so you need to rely on other methods.  For the most damage use Yuri's 
darkness fusion and cast Dark Messenger, use Margarete's Grenade and Zhuzhen's 
Orge Flamedance.  With these three spells it should be enough to take him out 
however you'll find you need to heal fairly often so be sure to stock up on 
Thera Leaves before the battle, they're inexpensive and heal you to almost 
full HP.


Head back to the village and save, then enter the house where Alice is being 
kept.  A lengthy scene occurs.

When you have control again leave the house and speak with the woman Southwest 
of the save point.  She'll give you a Dried Fish.  Enter the house on the East 
side and speak with the old woman.  Now exit and take three steps to the left, 
examine the ground and you'll have to do a ring test.  One hit gets you 500 
Cash, two hits 1000 Cash and three hits 2000 Cash.

If you head North and speak with the man in the gate again you can play a 
minigame that yields a few normal items, but overall isn't really worth it.

There a Silent Peddler who will exchange items depending on how many steps 
you've taken.  When you're ready speak with the man standing in front of 
Margarete to continue.  Save your game on the world map and select Smuggler's 
Boat to trigger a scene.

| I - ix                       Smuggler's Boat                       (Fw009) |

     Item Checklist:

  Lottery Ticket......_____

Crawl out of your room and speak to Margarete.  Head left and examine the 
door.  Continue left and speak with Zhuzhen.  Now return to the room with the 
save point and speak to Alice.  When you leave again before examining what's 
going on at the left side of the boat be sure to enter the room on your way 
and get the Lottery Ticket beside the wheel.

Leave the room and check out what's going on.  Watch the scene.  When you're 
back in the room save your game and go up.  Examine the door to the 
wheelhouse.  Here you'll have to fight a battle against a few normal enemies.  
Following the battle return to the save point for yet another battle.  Return 
to where Zhuzhen was and speak to him.  A third battle occurs.

Heal up and go save your game.  When you're ready go back and speak to 

     Boss: Li Li
     HP: 550
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: W. Tiger Hair

Li Li can be a very annoying boss because of her Dark Messenger attack which 
has the ability to kill you instantly.  Her other two attacks, Paralysis and 
normal physical are weak and nothing to worry about, but hope that you have a 
few TalismanOfLucks on you.  Since her class is Darkness cast Alice's Holy 
Edge on Yuri and use a fusion transformation (Light if you have it, or any 
besides Darkness) and attack normally with him and Margarete's Grenade.


Watch the scene after the battle.

     Boss: Li Li
     HP: 700
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: N/A

This version of Li Li is slightly harder as she has a powerful attack capable 
of tergeting your whole party, however she can no longer you any instant death 
spells.  Cast Holy Edge on Yuri again, and use his physical attack along with 
Margarete's Grenade.  Overall this is a similar fight to the one you just 
completed and you should not having a problem winning unless you were 
extremely taxed from the last battle.


Once the battle is over another scene will occur.  On the world map save your 
game then select Shanghai, and Huayuan and witness the flashback.

| I - x                      Shanghai - Huayuan                      (Fw00A) |

     Item Checklist:

  Pilgrim's Staff....._____
  Mana Seed..........._____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  B. Dragon Horn......_____
  Seal of Life........_____
  Phoenix Tail........_____

     Shanghai Weapon Studio

  Steel Claw.......... 2800
  Tome of the Moon.... 3000
  Pilgrim's Staff..... 2700
  Nanbu Pistol........ 2900
  Studded Harness..... 2500
  Studded Bustier..... 2700

     Mika's House

  Leather Cap......... 600
  Studded Cap......... 1700
  Leather Belt........ 320
  Casual Belt......... 600
  Western Belt........ 1700
  Shell Bracelet...... 2770
  Bone Bracelet....... 2960
  RosewoodBracelet.... 3000
  Bell Bracelet....... 3120
  Spikes.............. 2810
  Voodoo Doll......... 5200
  Brigand Earrings.... 5000
  Pirate Earrings..... 5000
  Thera Leaf.......... 50
  Thera Seed.......... 120
  Mana Leaf........... 100
  Mana Seed........... 300
  Pure Leaf........... 230
  Pure Seed........... 510
  TalismanOfLuck...... 480
  TalismanOfMercy..... 820
  Mermaid's Tear...... 70
  Holy Mother Bust.... 75
  Angel's Feather..... 80
  Faerie's Sigh....... 85
  Phoenix Tail........ 90
  Branze Arrowhead.... 100
  Bronze Dagger....... 200
  Silver Hourglass.... 100
  Gold Hourglass...... 200
  Tent................ 480

     Boss: Wugai
     HP: 300
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: N/A

It is next to impossible to lose here, simply fuse and stick to physical 
attacks.  The battle will end momentarily.


Watch the scene.  As Zhuzhen leave the room and speak to the Silent Peddler on 
the left.  Descend the stairs and save your game.  Now leave the inn.

A couple steps Southwest of the inn is a hidden treasure chest containing 
Pilgrim's Staff.  At the very South beside the barrel you'll find a Mana Seed.
Just up the stairs from where you got the Mana Seed beside the cart and 
shopkeeper is a Lottery Ticket.  Now enter the building at the Southwest and a 
scene will occur.

Examine the barrels beside the stairs to find a Lottery Ticket.  Leave the bar 
and head East to the next section of the city.

To the right of where you appear hidden under the yellow sign is a 
TalismanOfMercy.  South from there beside the bookshelf is a B. Dragon Horn.  
Leave this area to the Southwest.  Examine the barrel beside the green arch to 
find a Seal of Life.  Go down into the boat and open the chest to find a 
Phoenix Tail.  Speak to the kid and play the lottery, try and win a Star Card.

Return to the first town map and enter the bar at the Southwest corner.  Speak 
to the bartender.  Watch the scene, you'll have to fight two easy fights.  
Afterwards you'll have to fight a battle that you cannot win.  

     Boss: Wugai
     HP: 300
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: N/A

Fuse into Raging Tiger and use physical attacks here, you shouldn't even have 
to heal, but if you do just use Raging Tiger's healing spell.


After the battle a long conversation begins.

Return to the bar and speak witrh Meiyuan, you can upgrade your weapons.  Puch 
the curtain aside and you'll find a battle arena, for 300 Cash you can set one 
character against a bunch of enemies.  Winning ten fights in a row will get 
you 5000 Cash and an accessory.

When you've upgraded your equipment, bought everything you need and saved, 
exit the town to the North.  Select Temple Ruins from the world Map.

| I - xi                        Temple Ruins                         (Fw00B) |

     Item Checklist:

  Bronze Arrowhead...._____
  Bronze Dagger......._____
  Mana Seed..........._____
  Bell Bracelet......._____
  W. Tiger Hair......._____
  B.Tortoise Fang....._____
  Western Belt........_____
  Voodoo Doll........._____
  Thera Seed.........._____
  Silver Hourglass...._____
  Gold Hourglass......_____
  Witch's Broth......._____
  Mana Seed..........._____
  Thera Seed.........._____
  Soul Benediction...._____
  Leonardo's Bear....._____
  Seal of Wisdom......_____
  Pure Seed..........._____
  Wood Token.........._____
  Studded Cap........._____

     Master Shoho's Allowance Job

  Steel Claw.......... 2800
  Tome of the Moon.... 3000
  Pilgrim's Staff..... 2700
  Nanbu Pistol........ 2900
  Studded Harness..... 2500
  Studded Bustier..... 2700
  Leather Cap......... 600
  Studded Cap......... 1700
  Leather Belt........ 320
  Casual Belt......... 600
  Western Belt........ 1700
  Shell Bracelet...... 2770
  Bone Bracelet....... 2960
  RosewoodBracelet.... 3000
  Bell Bracelet....... 3120
  Spikes.............. 2810
  Voodoo Doll......... 5200
  Brigand Earrings.... 5000
  Pirate Earrings..... 5000
  Thera Leaf.......... 50
  Thera Seed.......... 120
  Mana Leaf........... 100
  Mana Seed........... 300
  Pure Leaf........... 230
  Pure Seed........... 510
  TalismanOfLuck...... 480
  TalismanOfMercy..... 820
  Mermaid's Tear...... 70
  Holy Mother Bust.... 75
  Angel's Feather..... 80
  Faerie's Sigh....... 85
  Phoenix Tail........ 90
  Branze Arrowhead.... 100
  Bronze Dagger....... 200
  Silver Hourglass.... 100
  Gold Hourglass...... 200
  Tent................ 480

     Kato Pachimon General Store

  Leather Cap......... 600
  Studded Cap......... 1700
  Leather Belt........ 320
  Casual Belt......... 600
  Western Belt........ 1700
  Shell Bracelet...... 2770
  Bone Bracelet....... 2960
  RosewoodBracelet.... 3000
  Bell Bracelet....... 3120
  Spikes.............. 2810
  Voodoo Doll......... 5200
  Brigand Earrings.... 5000
  Pirate Earrings..... 5000
  Thera Leaf.......... 50
  Thera Seed.......... 120
  Mana Leaf........... 100
  Mana Seed........... 300
  Pure Leaf........... 230
  Pure Seed........... 510
  TalismanOfLuck...... 480
  TalismanOfMercy..... 820
  Mermaid's Tear...... 70
  Holy Mother Bust.... 75
  Angel's Feather..... 80
  Faerie's Sigh....... 85
  Phoenix Tail........ 90
  Branze Arrowhead.... 100
  Bronze Dagger....... 200
  Silver Hourglass.... 100
  Gold Hourglass...... 200
  Tent................ 480

Enter the temple and head up, examine the object in the centre.  Zhuzhen will 
leave your party temporarily.  The West path leads to a shop, save point and a 
person to talk to.  Once you visited return to Zhuzhen and speak to him.  HEad 
sown the staris.

Follow the path North to yet another save point and a scene.  Enter the newly 
opened door.  Open the chest to receive a Tent.  Follow the path to the end 
and use the warp portal.  Continue along, ignore the empty treasure chest.  
Get the next one containing Bronze Arrowhead.

Take a few steps South and then head East, use the yellow warp portal to get 
to the next floor.  You can buy items from Ziaofang here if you need to.  Head 
up past the first empty chest and open the second which contains 
TeaOfTheHealer.  Head West of this chest to find another containing Bronze 
Dagger.  Head North, West, South and get the Mana Seed.  A few steps South and 
then West you'll find a chest containing Bell Bracelet.  Head East, South, 
South to find a TalismanOfMercy.  Head as far East as you can now, the 
furthest East path leads to a W. Tiger Hair.  Finally run to the very 
Northwest corner and find a red warp portal.  Take the warp to the next level.

Head north then save your game and examine the wall.  Choose to go for it.

     Boss: Xieshi
     HP: 550
     Class: Fire
     Drop: Jade Lariat

A relatively simple fight made slightly challenging only by your lack of 
items.  Use Zhuzhen's healing spell if he has it, or fuse Yuri into something 
with a heal spell.  The boss' attacks aren't particularly devastating so 
you'll have the chance to deal a good amount of physical damage with Yuri.


Now you'll have control of Alice and Margarete.  Proceed through the door and 
get the Tent from the chest.  Head North and warp to the next level.  Go West, 
then North at the fork to find a chest containing B. Tortoise Fang.  Go to the 
Southwest corner and warp.  Head East and then South at the first fork, 
continue South until you reach a chest containing Western Belt.  Keep going 
South from there to find a Voodoo Doll.  Return to the North most path and 
head East, grab the Thera Seed from the chest.  Go South, and then East.  
There should be an empty chest here, head South and get the Silver Hourglass 
then go back North and head East.  Open the chest containing Gold Hourglass 
then keep going along the path to reach yet another chest with Witch's Broth.  
To the North is the warp to the next level.

Save your game and examine the wall.

     Boss: Baigu
     HP: 400
     Class: Light
     Drop: N/A

You won't have any use of your special abilities here but you don't really 
need them.  Margarete's attack is sufficient to take care of the boss after a 
few turns and Alice can take care of the healing.  Don't let your health get 
too low, not much else to say.


Controlling Yuri and Zhuzhen once again save and head East.  Pick up the Tent 
out of the treasure chest and continue to the fork.  Go East and then North 
until you reach a green warp portal.  Take it.  

Proceed North until you reach a chest containing Thera Seed.  Go West then 
North and find another with Soul Benediction.  From this screen go East, East 
and East to find Leonardo's Bear and then take the Warp Portal.  (There's a 
Mana Seed as well somewhere on that floor if you want to go back and search.)

Head West, West and North then open the chest to find the Seal of Wisdom.  
From here go South, West, South, South and you can play the lottery.  Head 
North, North, West, South and get the chest containing Pure Seed.  Keep going 
to find one with Wood Token.  Go back North to the fork and proceed West.  Get 
the Studded Cap from the chest.  Run all the way South and warp to the next 

Go and and save your game, then examine the wall.

     Boss: Qinggu
     HP: 500
     Class: Water
     Drop: Leonardo's Bear

You really have no way of healing so killing this thing fast is your only 
option and Zhuzhen won't be of much help.  If you didn't get the Flash Badge 
from the Lottery I recommend you go back and get it, Yuri will get two turns 
for each one the boss gets with it equipped, using this you'll be able to dish 
out enough physical damage, otherwise since you have few options, levelling up 
is all that really remains if you can't win.


Save your game and enter the door.  Watch the scene, then attempt to leave.

     Boss: Yamarja: War
     HP: 800
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: R. Phoenix Talon

Extremely easy boss if you set up your party correctly.  Equip Yuri with the 
Flash Badge and equip Zhuzhen and Margarete each with a Leonardo's Bear to 
protect them from the boss' death attack.  Fuse Yuri into a Darkness class 
demon and use your normal attack which should be powerful and frequent with 
the Flash Badge.  Use the other two characters for attacking and healing when 
necessary, but stay away from Margarete's Grenade as it heals the boss.


After the fight witness the next events.

| I - xii                    Shanghai - Huayuan                      (Fw00C) |

     Item Checklist:

  Yawang Gate Key....._____

Enter the room next door and watch the scene.  Leave the inn and head to the 
bar for another.  Leave the bar and another scene occurs.  Head East then 
South to the boat, open the hatch on the left side to receive the Yawang Gate 
Key.  Now return to the inn and enter the room beside yours.  You'll have to 
fight a couple easy enemies here.  

Soon after you'll find yourself with Alice.  There are a number of options to 
choose here, choose the following:

"Quit it, you dirty old man!"
"Just get away from me!"
"Ignore him."

When controlling Yuri again, you now have the option of doing a sidequest, you 
must do it now if you wish to do it at all.  Refer to the sidequest section 
for "Kowloon Fortress."

| I - xiii                      Kuihai Tower                         (Fw00D) |

     Item Checklist:

  B. Tortoise VP......_____
  Pure Extract........_____
  B. Dragon VP........_____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Erotic Book........._____
  R. Phoenix VP......._____
  W. Tiger VP........._____

     Shanghai Transport Reg. Logistic Comp. 8

  Steel Claw.......... 2800
  Tome of the Moon.... 3000
  Pilgrim's Staff..... 2700
  Nanbu Pistol........ 2900
  Studded Harness..... 2500
  Studded Bustier..... 2700
  Leather Cap......... 600
  Studded Cap......... 1700
  Casual Belt......... 600
  Western Belt........ 1700
  Bone Bracelet....... 2960
  RosewoodBracelet.... 3000
  Bell Bracelet....... 3120
  Mirror Bracelet..... 3240
  Spikes.............. 2810
  Leonardo's Bear..... 3330
  Voodoo Doll......... 5200
  Thera Leaf.......... 50
  Thera Seed.......... 120
  Mana Leaf........... 100
  Mana Seed........... 300
  Pure Leaf........... 230
  Pure Seed........... 510
  TalismanOfLuck...... 480
  TalismanOfMercy..... 820
  Mermaid's Tear...... 70
  Holy Mother Bust.... 75
  Angel's Feather..... 80
  Faerie's Sigh....... 85
  Imp's Fang.......... 95
  Phoenix Tail........ 90
  Branze Arrowhead.... 100
  Bronze Dagger....... 200
  Silver Hourglass.... 100
  Gold Hourglass...... 200

Attempt to enter the tower.

     Boss: Yamarja: Stone
     HP: 1800
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: R. Phoenix Talon

Fuse Yuri and as always physical attacks work quite well, even more so if you 
cast Aqua Edge on him with Margarete.  Have Zhuzhen cast Life Sucker if he has 
it.  The boss will cast Illusion which raises his evade, but it probably won't 
have too much of an effect.  His physical attacks are usually the most 
dangerous but since they only target one member just use an item.  A good 
strategy is you just keep using defend with your weaker characters, it really 
lessens the damage from physical attacks and will save you having to heal 


Enter the tower and save your game.  Head up the stairs on your right.  At the 
West side of this room you can find a Pure Extract on the ground.  Just on 
your left at the top of the stairs is an object you can examine.  Place the 
Black Tortoise on top.  Enter the door on the right and follow the path to a 
chest containing B. Dragon VP.

Return to the front hal.  Run around the circle path in the middle to the 
right side and open the chest to find a Lottery Ticket.  Enter the room to the 
Northwest.  Examine the Northwest tea kettle to find the Erotic Book.  Examine 
the pedestal to receive the R. Phoenix VP.  Now replace it with the B. Dragon 
VP.  Leave the room and head up the stairs on the left.  Insert the R. Phoenix 
VP into the pedestal and enter the door.  Open the chest to receive the W. 
Tiger VP.  Return to the room Northwest of the main hall and replace the B. 
Dragon VP with the W. Tiger VP.  In the main hall insert the B. Dragon VP into 
the centre pedestal and save your game.  Go back up the left set of stairs 
where you found the W. Tiger VP.  The stairs from that chest leading East are 
now open.  Climb up and watch the scene.

     Boss: Badger Devil
     HP: 700
     Class: Fire
     Drop: Seal of Luck

I don't think you can possibly lose this fight, not only is his HP low and you 
can easily kill him with a quick transformation and physical attacks, if even 
that is too hard for you Margarete's Snipe skill is a one hit kill.  You won't 
lose this battle.


Climb the stairs to continue the scene.

     Boss: Dehuai
     HP: 1700
     Class: Fire
     Drop: Hermit's Staff

Watch out for his Fast Ring attack, it's not too debilitating but ti's a good 
idea to cure it whenever you can using a Phoenix Tail.  He's of the Fire class 
so a fusion with Margarete's Aqua Edge will dish out some serious damage.  
Have Zheuzhen act as the healer, have Margarete cast Aqua Edge on Yuri and 
herself, then focus on physical attacks, Grenade isn't too effective here.


When the scene ends form your party.  The soldier on the right will change 
your party, he is also a lottery person.  The other will sell you items.  I 
recommend picking up three Mirror Bracelets and equipping them on your party, 
you'll need them.  Climb the stairs up and save your game.  Conitnue up and 
watch the scene.

     Boss: Yamaraja: Calamity
     HP: 2200
     Class: N/A
     Drop: Fifth Key

Hopefully you equipped those Mirror Bracelets because he uses petrify a lot.  
This boss has a lot of life, a lot of annoying status inflicting attacks, and 
some powerful all-party hitting spells.  Definetely the hardest you've faced 
so far.  Without an element class any fusion is fine, pick you favourite.  
Equip all the power enhancing accessories you have and use abilities like Life 
Drain and Snipe with your other two members, or healing if you're using Alice.  
Yuri will do fine with his attacks assuming he isn't petrified, but again 
that's why you bought those Mirror Bracelets.  If anyone on the other hand 
gets silenced it's no too much to worry about unless they're your primary 


From here, watch the awesome cutscene.

You'll have the option of saving your progress up to this point, do so.

Choose Prague from the world map and watch the scene.

* II                       Full Walkthrough (Part 2)                 (FwBBB) *

| II - i                           Prague                            (Fw00E) |

     Item Checklist:

  Priest's Wine......._____

     Time is Money

  Chainmail Vest...... 5500
  Silk Bolero......... 5940
  Studded Cap......... 1700
  Face Guard.......... 3000
  Western Belt........ 1700
  Shell Bracelet...... 2770
  Bone Bracelet....... 2960
  RosewoodBracelet.... 3000
  Bell Bracelet....... 3120
  Mirror Bracelet..... 3240
  Spikes.............. 2810
  Leonardo's Bear..... 3330
  Voodoo Doll......... 5200
  Jade Lariat......... 5050
  Brigand Earrings.... 5000
  Pirate Earrings..... 5000
  Thera Seed.......... 120
  Thera Root.......... 300
  Mana Seed........... 300
  Mana Root........... 500
  Pure Leaf........... 230
  Pure Seed........... 510
  TalismanOfLuck...... 480
  TalismanOfMercy..... 820
  Mermaid's Tear...... 70
  Holy Mother Bust.... 75
  Angel's Feather..... 80
  Faerie's Sigh....... 85
  Imp's Fang.......... 95
  Phoenix Tail........ 90
  Branze Arrowhead.... 100
  Bronze Dagger....... 200
  Silver Hourglass.... 100
  Gold Hourglass...... 200
  Tent................ 480

As Alice head North and save your game.  Enter the bar, it's the first odor 
you can get into on your right.  Speak to the woman to purchase some items.  
Zhuzhen will come out of the bathroom, go and speak to him.  Watch the scene.

When you're out of the bar run to the North.  You'll have to fight a couple of 
normal enemies here.  After the conversation you'll find yourself back in the 
bar.  Examine the table at the upper left corner to receive Priest's Wine.  
Leave the bar and head South to the world map.  Save and enter Bistritz.

| II - ii                         Bistritz                           (Fw00?) |

     Item Checklist:

  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Mana Seed..........._____
  East Gate Key......._____

     Chicken Heart

  Tome of the Sun..... 6020
  Royal Estoc......... 6230
  Chainmail Vest...... 5500
  Silk Bolero......... 5940

Head back Southwest to the entrance screen of town.  The stone wall on the 
left contains a hidden Lottery Ticket.  Go back to the town area and examine 
the fense to the Northwest, you'll find a Mana Seed.  Head East to the next 
section.  On the lowest East side is a house, say you are a friend of Terry's 
then enter and watch the scene.

When you leave the house head West.  You can now make purchases from the item 
shop.  Examine the door to the house at the North for a quick scene then 
return to the East section.  Examine the doors of the houses to the North and 
speak with the people inside, then return to Terry's shop.

When you have the East Gate Key, leave the shop and proceed East.  Take the 
gate to the world map and save your game.  Select the Blue Castle.

| II - iii                       Blue Castle                         (Fw00F) |

     Item Checklist:

  Cosmic Bracelet....._____
  Thera Seed.........._____
  Star Swallow........_____

Examine the area behind the tree on your left to find a Cosmic Bracelet, then 
head North toward the castle.  Down the path to the right you'll find Meiyuan 
and a chest containing Thera Seed at the North, and a hidden chest containing 
a Star Swallow to the West.  Approach the gate and attempt to open it however 
you cannot get it.  When you try heading South a scene will occur.  Proceed 
into the castle.  Ascend the stairs and save your game at the top.  Head West 
then South, on the way grab the chest on your left, it contains a Tent.  
Follow the path to the South around and down the stairs to the lower floor.

Examine the skeleton in front of you.  Go to the Southwest corner of the room 
for a scene.  You now have to examine the coffins in a particular order.  The 
order is as follows.  If we were to number the coffins from one to eight, 
going from the four upper ones to the four lower ones from left to right this 
is the order:  One, seven, three, five, eight, four, six, two.  Once you hear 
the sound of a door unlocking return to the save point and save your game.  
Head East and enter the door.

There's nothing to do here.  Try and leave then watch the scene.  You'll have 
the oppurtinuity to rename your new character Keith Valentine.  Leave the 
castle and return to Bistritz.

| II - iv                         Bistritz                           (Fw010) |

     Item Checklist:

  Flash Badge........._____

Start by heading to Terry's shop and watch the scene.  Leave the house and 
head West to the weapon shop and the save point.  From here enter the mayor's 
house East of the save point, choose to break in.

     Boss: Tindalos
     HP: 2200
     Class: Fire
     Drop: Iron Clogs

This is a very straightforward boos, his attacks target single characters 
except one which is rather weak.  Just leave Alice to healing duty and use 
Keith's and Zhuzhen's most powerful spells.  SHouldn't take too long before 
the boss goes down.


After the fight go back and save your game.  The person in the house North of 
Terry's shop runs a lottery.  Return to the mayor's house and watch the scene.  
Open the chest on th left side of the house to receive a Flash Badge.  Leave 
the town and return to the castle.

| II - v                         Blue Castle                         (Fw011) |

     Item Checklist:

  Seal of Speed......._____
  Pure Root..........._____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Seal of Force......._____

Return to the save point inside the castle and head West.  Keep going West 
until you reach a door.  Examine it and watch the scene.  When you've entered 
the door, open the hidden chest on your left to find a Seal of Speed.  STart 
up the stairs.

On your way up you'll pass a door, go in and get the chest containing Pure 
Root.  Continue up the stairs, the next door you come to has a Headgear in a 
chest and a Lottery Ticket.  The last door further up has a Seal of Force and 
a Tent.  Now run to the very top and save your game, use a Tent if you have 
to.  Enter the door on your left and watch the scene.

     Boss: Yuri
     HP: 1500
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: N/A

Yuri begins the battle with only a single attack.  A combo that targets one 
party member.  Keep one person healing and the other two attacking, Alice's 
Blessed Light, Zhuzhen's Corpse Hand and Keith's attacks are all fine.  Part 
way through the battle he'll transform and have access to some new attacks.  
The only real dangerous one can cause instant death so equip Leonardo's Bear 
on everyone.  He doesn't have too much life so keep at it.


Immediately after you're transported to the graveyard.  Once you wake up head 
West and approach the masks for a scene.  When it ends proceed through the 
gate to the North and watch the next scene.

     Boss: Fox Face
     HP: 600
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: Brass Knuckles

Start by transforming into your most powerful fusion demon and letting loose 
some special attacks or combos.  His normal attack is extremely weak, and his 
SP lower will only lower by 50% each time, but his !!! will leave you with 
exactly one HP, and even more annoying he sometimes uses it multiple turns in 
a row.  Make sure you have a decent method of healing, then just attack.  His 
HP is pitiful.


After the battle is a rather long scene.

| II - vi                        Blue Castle                         (Fw012) |

     Item Checklist:

  None................ /

Form you party, then leave the castle and head back to Prague.  Be sure to 
save your game on the world map.

| II - vii                         Prague                            (Fw013) |

     Item Checklist:

  None................ /

Head to the bar and go inside.  You'll meet a man near the the top, watch the 
scene when you approach him.  As Alice enter the washroom on the right and 
check the two stalls, following that examine the mirror.  Go back into the 
stalls and examine the mirror again.

     Boss: Olga
     HP: 700
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: Monk Earrings

Despite only having Alice this is a rather easy fight, she's extremely 
susceptable to Alice's Blessed Light attack, which should deal around 150 
damage and with only 700 HP the math isn't hard to do.  Just make sure you 
heal whenever you get below 100 HP.  Also keep an eye on your SP, don't let it 
deplete unnoticed.


After the fight form your party and get ready to depart.  Leave the town, save 
your game, and select Rouen.

| II - viii                        Rouen                             (Fw014) |

     Item Checklist:

  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Huge Jug............_____
  Lottery Ticket......_____

Watch the scene when you enter the town.  On your left just above the woman in 
the purple dress you'll find a Lottery Ticket on the ground.  Enter the door 
to the Northeast and speak with the innkeeper.

You'll find yourself in the graveyard now.  Head West and speak to the masks.  
Leave the graveyard following the conversation.  Enter the first door on the 
left, outside of the room.  Go back and speak to Keith and Zhuzhen.  Before 
leaving the inn you can find Meiyuan in the room at the bottom of the stairs.  
When you're back in the town head North down the alley and watch the scene.  A 
battle occurs here against a couple of normal enemies.  Another scene occurs 
following the battle.

Leave the inn and head down the alley.  Grab the Huge Jug on the way, as well 
as the Lottery Ticket where you met Bacon last time.  Examine the door leading 
into the back of the church.  You have to do a little ring game here, it's 
just like a normal ring but you have to repeat it three times in a row.  
Proceed into the church and watch the scene.

     Boss: Olga
     HP: 3000
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: Small Jug

Before the fight make sure Yuri is equipped with the Brass Knuckles, as well 
as some power enhancing accessories.  If you're proficient enough at using the 
judgement ring I recommend the Mind's Eye accessory, add to this some upgrades 
from Meiyuan and Yuri will be a Powerhouse, dealing about 350 - 200 - 150 
damage with each combo.  Cast Alice's Holy Edge on him and you can increase 
this even more.  Olga's most powerful attack is Black Fog, and she uses it 
often so I recommend putting Alice and whoever else you're using on healing 
duty for the whole battle, Yuri can take care of the offense, fuse him into 
the most powerful demon you have.


Exit to the world map and save your game, then select London and Old Castle 
Street, watch the scene when you enter.

| II - ix                 London - Old Castle Street                 (Fw015) |

     Item Checklist:

  Sun Card............_____
  Oak Slingshot......._____
  Mana Extract........_____
  Thera Extract......._____
  Demon Earrings......_____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Soul Benediction...._____
  Warning Device......_____
  Seal of Fire........_____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Kirin Scale........._____

     Tight-lipped Merchant

  Ever-Bible.......... 9800
  Oracle's Staff...... 8600
  SilverCrscntSwd..... 8300
  RedLeatherJacket.... 8800
  Jasper Cape......... 9200
  Headgear............ 5400
  Circlet............. 5800
  Charming Pareo...... 5500
  Loin Guard.......... 5200
  Shell Bracelet...... 2770
  Bone Bracelet....... 2960
  RosewoodBracelet.... 3000
  Bell Bracelet....... 3240
  Mirror Bracelet..... 3240
  Cosmic Bracelet..... 11,500
  Spikes.............. 2810
  Pocket Watch........ 5200
  Will Power.......... 6000
  Leonardo's Bear..... 3330
  Voodoo Doll......... 5200
  Jade Lariat......... 5050
  Coral Lariat........ 5050
  Thera Seed.......... 120
  Thera Root.......... 300
  Mana Seed........... 300
  Mana Root........... 500
  Pure Leaf........... 230
  Pure Seed........... 510
  TalismanOfMercy..... 820
  TalismanOfWisdom.... 1280
  TalismanOfPurity.... 1760
  Soul Benediction.... 500
  Bronze Arrowhead.... 100
  Bronze Dagger....... 200
  Silver Hourglass.... 100
  Gold Hourglass...... 200
  Tent................ 480

The first thing to note is the man on the left in the suit, speak to him to 
get the Sun Card.  Also the drunkard to the North is a lottery member.  
Contine North for a scene.  Afterward speak to the two men here.  Approach the 
house on the left and go up past the front door, you'll find a hidden Oak 
Slingshot here.  Go back across the bridge and enter the bar.  Listen to the 
conversation here.  You'll the the chance to name Halley as well.  Run around 
behind the bar to find a Mana Extract.  The man on the left will also sell you 
some things.  Not that you can buy anything at the moment.  Leave the bar and 
head to the hotel near the entrance of town.  Watch the events that follow.

Leave the hotel and run all the way North to a broken down house.  On the 
lower left side of this area you'll find a Thera Extract.  Examine the door on 
the ground.  Do a normal Push Ring here and climb down the ladder.  Head left 
and gran the Demon Earrings off the floor.  At the East corner you'll find a 
Lottery Ticket.  Go up onto the walkway and save your game, then ascend the 
ladder.  On the floor on the right side here you can find a Soul Benediction.  
Climb the stairs and watch the scene.

Examine the North and West corners to find a TalismanOfPurity and Warning 
Device.  Now leave the hideout.  Enter the house to the right of the hideout's 
entrance.  Speak to the man inside.  There's three items along the West wall, 
a Seal of Fire, Lottery Ticket and Kirin Scale.  Leave the town and save your 
game, then select the Orphanage.

| II - x                      London - Orphanage                     (Fw016) |

     Item Checklist:

  None................ /

Enter the orphanage via the front door.  Watch the scene here and then leave.  
When you leave the area completely another scene occurs.

| II - xi                 London - Old Castle Street                 (Fw017) |

     Item Checklist:

  None................ /

Return to the orphan's hideout and watch the scene.  You'll need to form a new 
party here.  When you're ready once again leave town and return to the 
orphanage.  Be sure to save your game first on the world map.

| II - xii                    London - Orphanage                     (Fw018) |

     Item Checklist:

  Kid's Room Key......_____
  Guestrooom Key......_____
  Seal of Luck........_____
  Pure Extract........_____
  Monkey Paw.........._____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Monk Earrings......._____

Go inside and attempt to the the West door.  Some events follow.

     Boss: Night Stalker
     HP: 2500
     Class: Wind
     Drop: Kid's Room Key

This boss has a somewhat dangerous normal attack, and a few stat bossting 
spells he casts on himself.  However your offensive prowess should be more 
than enough, transform Yuri and start using all your physical's.  Halley's 
Aqua Blade is very effective against the boss as well, your third party member 
can be the healer, but it's good if they have some attacking spells as well 
for the turns the boss doesn't attack.


Enter the room to the West and watch the scene, you'll receive the Guestroom 
Key.  On the West side of the room is a Seal of Luck, Northwest a Pure Extract 
and North a Monkey Paw.  Exit the room and go up the stairs into the room on 
th left.  Examine the small round table and do a Normal Ring.  The date here 
is representative of a code.  The day number followed by month number followed 
by year number.  Before leaving the room examine the fireplace for a Lottery 
Ticket.  Try and enter thr right door and you will be prompted to enter a 
password.  The password according to the date you read is 5375.  Examine the 
fireplace in this room to receive Monk Earrings.  Examine the painting on the 
North wall to get another date.  Return to the main floor and save your game.  
Approach the door in the middle and enter the corresponding password 3754.  
Enter the door and witness the events.

     Boss: Jack
     HP: 2500
     Class: Water
     Drop: Seal of Speed

Pretty average boss here.  Transform Yuri, use physical attacks and find any 
chance you get the heal, be sure you have as much life as possible when the 
fight ends because the real fight is yet to come, and you won't have much time 
for preparation.


Once the battle ends, another starts immediately after...

     Boss: Mammon
     HP: 3500
     Class: Earth
     Drop: Demon Earrings

The most dangerous thing about this boss is its ability to cause the petrify 
status ailment on your party.  If you equipped Mirror Bracelets before the 
battle that's good, however you may find you need to rely on Alice's Wish 
spell to stay healthy.  It'll come as no surprise that Yuri will be the 
powerhouse of this fight.  Have Halley give Yuri's physical attack the air 
elemental property.  The boss has the ability to heal itself once, by about 
500 HP when it gets close to death.  Stick with tactics that have worked up to 
this point, and just be sure to cure petrification the instant it occurs.  
Imp's Fang is that item you'll need to cure it.


When the fight is over watch the scene.  Leave the town and head to the Calios 
Mental Hospital outside of London.

| II - xiii                 Calios Mental Hospital                   (Fw019) |

     Item Checklist:

  Laurel Slingshot...._____
  Bronze Coin........._____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Heart Key..........._____
  Silver Coin........._____
  Key to Success......_____
  Club Key............_____
  Fruit of Yggdrasil.._____
  Diamond Key........._____
  Gold Coin..........._____
  Platinum Coin......._____
  Spade Key..........._____
  Dungeon Key........._____
  Fire Gravestone....._____
  Oath Grail.........._____

Right when you enter and approach the hospital, you'll have to fight a couple 
normal enemies.  Watch the scene after.  There's a chest in the left room 
containing Laurel Slingshot, and another on the right containing 
DemonWardNcklace.  Approach the hospital and enter.  Another normal fight 
occurs against two guards here.  You'll find a Bronze Coin on the ground at 
the Northwest corner of the hall.  From here head East.  Another fight.  
There's a chest at the East end of this hall containing Lottery Ticket.  Enter 
the room below you and examine the chair in the centre to trigger an event.

Exit the room to the South and then head West to meet another two guards in 
battle.  Examine the body of the dead man to receive the Heart Key.  Also 
examine the shiny object on the ground above him to receive the Silver Coin.  
Save your game and return to the entrance hallway.

Enter the room at the bottom left, open the chests to find Club Key and Key to 
Success.  Enter the room directly above this one and open the chest containing 
Fruit of Yggdrasil.  Proceed to the East hallway.  Enter the first door to 
find the Diamond Key inside.  Go into the third door and examine the ground by 
te North wall to find a Gold Coin.  Inside the fourth room you'll find a 
Platinum Coin.  Now return to the save point room.  At each corner you'll see 
a fountain, examine them and choose to drop a coin in each one.  On the fourth 
one a path opens up.  Save your game and descend.  Examine the large door to 
trigger a scene.

     Boss: Rausan
     HP: 3500
     Class: Fire
     Drop: Spade Key

Halley's Aqua Blade is quite effective here, even after the boss uses the 
special defense up ability.  Since it relies so much on it's special defense, 
having a physically powerful Yuri is going to really help here.  Demon's 
Earrings, Mind's Eye, Belts etc equipped on him will only increase your 
chances for a win.  Fuse Yuri and attack normally.  If the boss silences one 
of your other characters be ready to cure it before any healing is necessary.


Watch the events that follow.

Return to the East hallway and enter the second of the four doors.  The bed 
here works like an inn, and the chest contains the Dungeon Key.  WHen you open 
the chest it triggers a scene.  Examine the chest again to receive the Fire 
Gravestone.  Go save your game then return to the dungeon.

     Boss: Olga
     HP: 4000
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: Warlock Earrings

It's time to fight Olga yet again, with more HP than previous encounters.  The 
battle however remains the same, her most devastating attack is Black Fog.  If 
you get poisoned, curing it probably isn't too high a priority, but be sure 
you don't let it get the best of one of your characters.  Transform Yuri and 
have Alice cast Holy Edge on him.  For Halley as usual Aqua Blade works fine.  
Alice's Gospel also may be helpful to reduce the damage taken from Black Fog.


Back in London head downstairs.  Save your game.  There's now a red board 
leading West to another abttle arena type thing you can check out if you wish.  
Be sure to speak to Joshua, he gives you the Oath Grail.  Climb the ladder and 
leave the hideout.  Approach the bridge for a scene.

Select Rouen from the world map.

| II - xiv                         Rouen                             (Fw01A) |

     Item Checklist:

  Seal of Soul........_____
  Jasper Cape........._____

Head down the alley to the North, there is a lottery member along the way.  
Examine the door leading into the church and do a Push Ring.  Don't worry it's 
simple, the area is huge.  Enter the church and examine the alter.  There's a 
Seal of Soul here, and in the right door, there's a Jasper Cape in the first 
door.  Enter the second door, you'll have to do a Spin Ring, which is just the 
3x Normal Ring.  A lengthy scene follows.

Back in London form a party.  Leave for the world map, save, and select the 
Nemeton Monastery.

| II - xv                    Nemeton Monastery                       (Fw01B) |

     Item Checklist:

  Light Gravestone...._____
  Mauser Prototype...._____
  Silver Wolf Fang...._____
  Mind's Eye.........._____
  Coat of the Sage...._____
  Seal of Vitality...._____
  Seal of Strength...._____
  Punk Jacket........._____

     Continental Zero

  Silver Talon........ 16,000
  Grand Bible......... 17,400
  Four Gods' Staff.... 15,970
  12 Gauge............ 15,800
  ExecutionerSwd...... 18,030
  Steel Slingshot..... 14,800
  HiAlloySlingshot.... 19,200
  Stygian Robe........ 14,800
  Snow-White Robe..... 15,600
  Headgear............ 5400
  Circlet............. 5800
  Charming Pareo...... 5500
  Loin Guard.......... 5200
  Shell Bracelet...... 2770
  Bone Bracelet....... 2960
  RosewoodBracelet.... 3000
  Bell Bracelet....... 3240
  Mirror Bracelet..... 3240
  Zodiac Bracelet..... 10,300
  Cosmic Bracelet..... 11,500
  Spikes.............. 2810
  Pocket Watch........ 5200
  Will Power.......... 6000
  Leonardo's Bear..... 3330
  Voodoo Doll......... 5200
  Jade Lariat......... 5050
  Coral Lariat........ 5050
  Thera Root.......... 300
  Mana Root........... 500
  Pure Root........... 1000
  TalismanOfMercy..... 820
  TalismanOfWisdom.... 1280
  TalismanOfPurity.... 1760
  Soul Benediction.... 500
  Bronze Arrowhead.... 100
  Bronze Dagger....... 200
  Silver Hourglass.... 100
  Gold Hourglass...... 200
  Tent................ 480

Enter the large house on the left.  Go down the stairs and examine the central 
area, then follow the path in a circle to find a Light Gravestone at the end.  
Leave the house and head North down the path.  At the North part of this 
screen is a chest containing Mant.OfNobility.  Head East and watch the scene.  
After the scene go East and on the ground you'll find a TalismanOfPower.  Now 
return to the house near the entrance and speak with the man again, some 
events will occur.

You now have access to the vending machine at the North corner of the room.  
Leave the house and return to the ruins.  When you arrive a staircase will 
open, head down it.  You can save your game at the bottom.  Go West and watch 
the scene.  You can speak to Roger now whenever you wish to be fully healed.  
Enter the door.

Go West at the first fork, you can examine the North wall.  Conitnue West and 
open the chest to receive a Mauser Prototype.  You'll come to another fork, 
take the East path.  Follow this to the end and close the treasure chest here.  
Now return to the very first fork and go East, then East again on the next 
screen.  There are two chests here, open the North one which is still closed.  
All three will now be open and the mist disappears.  Examine the blue object 
to light a flame.  Leave the room to the West.

Head North, grab the hidden chest on the left to find Silver Wolf Fang.  
Coninue North and open the chest to receive Mind's Eye.  Return to the first 
fork.  Head West, then West, then West.  At the bridge fork go North and hit 
the red switch.  Open the chest containing HolyBook-Martyrs.  Now exit this 
screen Southwest, and the next one South, then East, then North.  Follow the 
path until you come to a green switch, press it.  Now return to the first fork 
near the entrance.

Head West and North and get the one reamining chest that was sealed before 
containing Coat of the Sage.  Now leave this area to the East and turn off the 
blue switch.  Return once again to the first fork, get Roger to heal you if 
need be.  Now go back all the way to the end where the chest had a yellow 
barrier around it.  Open the chest to receive Seal of Vitality.  Go back to 
the West, then North and approach the giant flame pit.  When you do you'll 
receive DestructionStone.  You need this item in order to get a special fusion 
after this point.  Now head South, then East and East again.

At the top of the stairs get the two chests on the left and right containing 
Seal of Strength and Punk Jacket, then save your game.  Enter the door when 
you think you are ready.  Ascend the stairs and watch the scene.

     Boss: Albert
     HP: 3000
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: N/A

What makes Albert so hard is his ability to deal SP damage to your entire 
party at once with his Holy Chest attack.  Fuse Yuri and have Alice cast Holy 
Edge on his since Albert is of the Darkness class.  Holy elemental attacks, 
and any special magic from whatever characters you have in your party should 
be effective.  If you're using another physical attacker don't hesitate to 
cast Holy Edge on them.  Don't let him get the upper hand, it's hard to try 
and keep both HP and SP up at the same time.  Try and have as much of both as 
possible before making the killing blow, because you won't have a chance to 
access the menu before...


     Boss: Amon
     HP: 4000
     Class: N/A
     Drop: Angel Earrings

Amon is challenging but predictable, he really only sticks with two attacks.  
Onne that hits your whole party for 150 damage and another that hits one 
person for 300 damage so just keep your HP above the 300 level whenever you 
can.  Stick with the same attacks that worked in the last battle but note he 
is non-elemental so any Holy Edged characters will revert back to normal 
damage.  Watch your SP if it's still weak from the last fight and restore it 
whenever you get a chance, for the most part it's more important than HP.


Assuming you got the DestructionStone you'll receive the fusion Amon after the 
battle.  Watch the events and cutscene that follows.

There's a sidequest available now, you need to do it in order to get the good 
ending.  Refer to the good ending subheading of the sidequest section.

Return to the rats hideout and meet with Halley and Koudelka.  Watch the scene 
here.  Return to the Nemeton Monastery and speak with Bacon.  If you did the 
good ending part with the masks, return to the section now.

In the graveyard head West with Alice, you'll have to fight a boss you cannot 
defeat.  Lose the battle and you are returned to Bacon's house.  Speak to him 
now and do a Spin Ring 5.  Watch the scene here.

You can use the yellow spot to trasport out of Neameto.  There are a number of 
sidequests you can do at this point in the game so I recommend checking them 
out.  Refer to the sidequests section for more info.  

| II - xvi                        Neameto                            (Fw01C) |

     Item Checklist:

  Seal of Aura........_____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Brsrkr Earrings....._____
  Crank Slignshot....._____
  Seal of Vitality...._____
  Sage Staff.........._____
  Rubber Suit........._____
  Monk Earrings......._____
  Fifth Key..........._____

Go up and take the Northwest exit.  Examine the red barrier, then return to 
the first room and take the Northeast exit.  Watch the scene at the top.  
Select any character you wish to control and return to where the red barrier 
was.  Go up the stairs, when you come to a fork examine the triangle on the 
wall.  Run back to your party and join up.  Head Northeast and follow the path 
to the top.

     Boss: Soul Block
     HP: 7000
     Class: Light
     Drop: Monkey Paw

This is yet another boss where physical attacks are completely out of the 
picture, only special attacks hurt him.  If you have the Amon fusion now would 
be a good time to use it along with other characters' best spells, Halley's 
Black Hole also works great.  You'll need to be able to hit the perfect mark 
as much as possible so using Bronze Daggers and Gold Hourglasses can really 
help.  The boss is fairly weak so you probably won't have to heal every turn, 
use the turns you don't have to heal as a means to either deal more damage, or 
support you allies.


After the abttle three points will appear, you can either save, return to the 
surface, or change your party.  Go Northwest and open the chest containing 
Seal of Aura, and down the curving path South is a Lottery Ticket.  Go 
Northeast and open the chest to receive Brsrkr Earrings.  Now at the 
Southeast, walking through the green beam will activate it.    Return to the 
fork with the triangle and head West.  Open the chest to receive Crank 
Slingshot.  Return to the area with the save point and party symbols.  You'll 
notice there are two staircases leading North, take the one on the right.  At 
the fork go West and get the Seal of Vitality, then back at the fork go North 
to activate the blue light.  Now return and take the East exit from the save 
point room.  Follor the path and take the left fork, get the two chests in the 
room containing SilverThreadCoat and Sage Staff.  On your way back take the 
right fork and activate the red light.  Now return and save your game.  Of the 
two North staircases, this time take the one on the left.  At the top take the 
East branch and get the two chests containing Rubber Suit and Monk Earrings.  
Back on the path head Northwest.

     Boss: Hate
     HP: 7000
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: Seventh Key

Transform Yuri into your most powerful fusion monster and have Alice cast Holy 
Edge on him to really pump up the damage.  You're going to need Crucifix's, 
Zodiac Bracelets and Pocket Watches to win this fight, Hate's Black Fog can 
inflict all sorts of negative status effects including invisible ring.  
Anything of the Light element is effective but you're not just limited to 
that.  Compared to Soul Block really, this guy is a step down.


After the fight another three points appear, be sure to save your game.

Go North until you are warped to another area.  When you have control again go 
South and get warped.  Head North, then East to be warped.  Go up the stairs 
to the next room, head down the stairs, then up the stairs.  You'll notice 
there is another set of stairs leading up on the left but don't take them, 
instead follow the path as it curves around to the right at you'll be 
teleported at the very end.  Get the chest containing TalismanOfPower proceed 
West.  Climb the stairs and get the chest containing V-blade-Blodauth.  Keep 
going up and you'll be teleported in front of the chest containing Fifth Key.  
Head West from the chest to be teleported, then go up the stars and 

     Boss: Scapegoat
     HP: 7000
     Class: Wind
     Drop: Crucifix

Before the battle you'll want to equip some Leonardo's Bears to protect from 
all his death attacks, he also has a powerful attack that can damage your 
entire party for quite a bit of damage.  Alice's Arc spell will be a lifesaver 
here.  You may want to equip the Lazurite Ring on someone, it'll half the 
damage of one of his attacks.  Otherwise stick to whatever works best 
nromally, and keep in mind his weakness is Earth.


After the fight save your game, this is your last chance.  Make any last 
minute preparations you need before heading North.  Watch the scene.

     Boss: Messiah
     HP: 8000
     Class: Wind
     Drop: Crucifix

There's a number of preparations first, for accessories you'll need Crucifix's 
and any items that lower your SP drain rate, or raise your max SP.  In battle 
the boss has a number of attacks, normal attack and !!! are what you will be 
hoping for every turn, also his Status Abnormality attack is weak when you 
have the Cricifix's equipped.  Holy Chest is what he will use often, and it's 
the last thing you want.  You'll be spending the entire battle trying to keep 
your SP from reaching 0 while still trying to heal, again wihtout Alice's Arc 
there just aren't enough turns to stay alive.  The boss has no element, 
everything is effective.  I recommend fusing Yuri and just using physical 
attacks, but if that doesn't work for you you can combine Special Attacks from 
everyone to start piling on the damage.


The next battle does not begin immediately, however there is onl ya short 
scene before...

     Boss: Meta God
     HP: 12,000
     Class: N/A
     Drop: N/A

If you don't have Cricifix's on everyone you've got a serious problem here.  
There's a seriously simple way of winning this fight assuming you haven't 
squandered all your items up to this point.  Fuse Yuri into a pretty much any 
fusion to boost his attack then use a Silver Fang to bring his hit ring up to 
100%.  Now on someone else's turn use a B. Daron Fang to double everyone 
attack at the expense of half a ring.  Now when it's back to Yuri select the 
Seventh Ring from your inventory and use it on the boss.  You now have up to 
seven spins, which will deal double damage with each hit, and you can't miss.  
As long as you hit the button three times per spin you will hit the boss 21 
times for double damage, if you happen to have the Mind's Eye equipped that's 
21 hits for quadruple damage, obviously you can imagine how hard the fight is 
from here.  Continue to use all the items you've accumulated through the game, 
Fifth Keys work just as great.  As for staying alive you'll need Thera 
Extracts which can be purchased from the Silent Peddler for every 100 steps on 
the Peodmeter.  The boss can drain your HP and MP, if you're using Yuri to 
physically attack that doesn't matter, but always be ready to use a Mana Root 
on Alice, as well as seeds on everyone if their SP gets too low.  Virtually 
every one of the boss' abyss attacks will inflict a negative status ailment, 
and if you're not protected you've got a serious problem.  Don't hesitate to 
try and be offensive at every possible oppurtunity.  With 12,000 HP it's going 
to take awhile to drain.


Now sit back and enjoy the ending.

You beat the game.  Good job!


*                                Sidequests                          (Sq000) *

|                             Kowloon Fortress                       (Sq001) |

     Item Checklist:

  Mana Root..........._____
  Wugai Room Key......_____
  Face Guard.........._____
  Seal of the Soul...._____
  Thera Root.........._____
  Pure Root..........._____
  Soul Benediction...._____

     Tight-lipped Merchant

  Leather Cap......... 600
  Studded Cap......... 1700
  Casual Belt......... 600
  Western Belt........ 1700
  Zodiac Bracelet..... 10,300
  Cosmic Bracelet..... 11,500
  Spikes.............. 2810
  Leonardo's Bear..... 3330
  Voodoo Doll......... 5200
  Thera Leaf.......... 50
  Thera Seed.......... 120
  Mana Leaf........... 100
  Mana Seed........... 300
  Pure Leaf........... 230
  Pure Seed........... 510
  TalismanOfLuck...... 480
  TalismanOfMercy..... 820
  TalismanOfWisdom.... 1280
  Mermaid's Tear...... 70
  Holy Mother Bust.... 75
  Angel's Feather..... 80
  Faerie's Sigh....... 85
  Imp's Fang.......... 95
  Phoenix Tail........ 90
  Branze Arrowhead.... 100
  Bronze Dagger....... 200
  Silver Hourglass.... 100
  Gold Hourglass...... 200
  Tent................ 480

Afer the scene with Alice where you chose the first option all three times, as 
Yuri leave the area and return to Huayuan.  Head down to the boat and choose 
to set sail for Kowloon Fortress.

There's a Silent Peddler on the left side who will sell you some supplies.  On 
the right there is alottery member, you can win the Mind's Eye if you're good 
enough.  Enter the Fortress to the North.  Open the chest to the left of the 
stairs to receive Mana Root.  Proceed forward and head up the stairs to the 
East.  Continue through the door leading East.  On the table at the bottom you 
will find the Wugai Room Key.  There's a ladder o nthe right side of the room 
you can climb, go up and get the Face Guard from the chest.

Return to the main path and head North, then take the West set of stairs up.  
Head West, go up the stairs and enter the door.  On the left side of the room 
is a Seal of the Soul.  Leave the room and open the chest to the Southeast 
containing Thera Root.  Head up the stairs and get the chest containing Pure 
Root.  Keep going until you reach another chest across the bridge with a Soul 
Benediction inside.  Go up the stairs and save your game.  Choose to enter the 
door on your right and watch the scene.

     Boss: Cursed Puppet
     HP: 900
     Class: Darkness
     Drop: Seal of Wisdom

Similar to all other fights against Wugai you cannot use special attacks on 
him, so focus Yuri's most powerful attacks, as well as Margarete's and use 
Zhuzhen as the healer along with Largarete if you need it.  Make sure you have 
Leonardo's Bears equipped to protect from his death attacks.  I was able to 
kill this boss in about 60 seconds, however the same tactic may not work for 
you.  With the Flash Badge and Mind's Eye equipped the meter moves twice as 
fast and you can't see the hit areas, but the damage is so substantial and you 
get so many turns that even a miss or two doesn't matter much in the grand 
scheme of things.  With his normal equipment slightly upgraded Yuri was 
dealing 130 - 60 - 60 damage with his darkness transformation.  This however 
is not the only tactics that will work, simply using everyone's physical 
attacks equally and healing when necessary should be enough.


Leave the fortress and return to Kuihai Tower.

|                               Good Ending                          (Sq002) |

     Item Checklist:

  None................ /

In order to get the good ending you must do the following.  First of all check 
your menu, you'll see somehting at the lower right that represents you 
"Malice" and is of a certain colour.  This will progress toward red the more 
battles you fight, and can be returned to normal at the graveyard.  Allow it 
to hit red by continuing to fight random battles.  Now once it's red you will 
start getting into random battles with masks.  It is of the utmost important 
however that you only defeat certain ones.  The four masks must be defeated in 
a specific order which can be seen by examining the Oath Grail in your 
valuables.  The order is Grail, Gold, Staff and Sword.  If you get into any 
fights against a mask other than Grail, run away.  Once you've defeated Grail 
run from any battles other than Gold etc.  Do this until you have defeated the 
four masks in that order.

You must continue the game at this point, go back to London and then returning 
to Bacon's house.

You'll soon find yourself in the graveyard.  Go South and examine the small 
tombstone, it should say it is the grave of Alice.  When you head West and 
appraoch the masks you should fight a boss, and Yuri will appear.  Many people 
have had problems getting this to actually occur so if you know the exact 
specifications, please feel free to let me know.

Defeat the boss with Yuri and Alice, then watch the scene, the good ending 
will now be flagged.

|                              Codex of Lurie                        (Sq003) |

     Item Checklist:

  Codex of Lurie......_____

Go North from Bacon's house down into the ruins of Nemeton.  In the exact 
centre of the circle where you fought Albert and Amon is the Codex of Lurie.

|                              Book of Rituals                       (Sq004) |

     Item Checklist:

  Book of Rituals....._____

Put Alice and Zhuzhen in your party.  Go to Nemeton Monastery and head North 
to trigger a scene.  You will receive the Book of Rituals.  Go to the world 
map and read the book to open up a new area.

|                             Emirge Manuscript                      (Sq005) |

     Item Checklist:


Enter the orphanage and go into the door straight North.  Talk to the little 
boy and agree to play with him.  The four kids will scatter, I've never seen 
more than one per room, one each in the two rooms on the upper floor, one in 
the main hall and one in the kid's room.  Once you complete the task you are 
given access to the back of the room.  Climb the stairs up to the pot and the 
person inside will give you the EmirgeManuscript.

|                             Ultimate Weapons                       (Sq006) |

     Item Checklist:

  Nightbird Claw......_____
  10 Gauge............_____

At the end of the game you can go visit Meiyuan in Rouen inn.  When you first 
speak to him you'll be treated to a scene.  Afterwards you get the 

| Yuri |

This is quite simple, return to Roger Bacon's house and speak with him after 
getting the Codex of Lurie.  He will tell you about a new experiment and then 
you will have to do a Spin Ring 10.  I had never done it before, and got it on 
my first try, but of course that's just to brag, I can imagine this getting 
quite frustrating.  Regardless if you accomplish it, a scene follows and you 
receive the Nightbird Claw.

| Alice |

See section for Dollhouse.

| Zhuzhen |

See section for Cave Temple.

| Margarete |

10 gauge found in Rouen.  Please feel free to email me the exact 
specifications to make the fighting couple appear in the inn in Rouen because 
on my current file I cannot get it to occur.  You should be able to get 
Margarete and bring her into the church in Rouen to get this weapon.

| Keith |

See section for Blue Castle.

| Halley |

See section for Ancient Ruins.

|                                Dollhouse                           (Sq007) |

     Item Checklist:

  Air Gravestone......_____
  Lottery Ticket......_____
  Storeroom Key......._____
  Oracle Earrings....._____
  Silver Hand........._____
  Slide Plate........._____
  Holy Book-Flesh....._____

Put Alice into your party and head to Prague.  Go into the bar and speak to 
the owner, he'll tell you to get someone from the bathroom.  Go into it and 
examine the door.  When you try and leave the bar the man comes out and gives 
you the Air Gravestone.  Leave Prague and return to the world map.

Go back into Prage and head back to the bar.  There's a new man standing in 
the middle speak to him, his name is Ewan.  Return to the world map, save your 
gae, and select the Dollhouse.  Go in through the front door and examine the 
lower left corner to find Crank.  Enter the room to the East.  Examine the 
table against the lower wall to receive Lottery Ticket then exit North.

Examine all around the fountain and you'll find a key.  You need to do a Push 
Ring in order to grab it however.  Not too hard, you're a lot more likely to 
overshoot than undershoot.  When you do it you get the Storeroom Key as a 
reward.  The storeroom is located on the left side of the house, you have to 
go back out the front entrance to reach it.  Before entering be sure to get 
the Oracle Earrings on the ground right below.

In the room turn on the generator beside the door.  Check out the tool rack to 
receive Silver Hand and then descend the ladder.  Examine the wine bottles 
here to receive the Slide Plate.  Go back to the main part of the house.  
Climb the stairs and put the Slide Plate itno the projector on the table.  The 
date on the slide is a code akin to the ones in the orphanage.  Go downstairs 
and enter the East door, the fireplace has a code input.  The password here is 
of course 1224.  Leave the room and save your game, to return to the storeroom 
and climb down the ladder.  The door leading Northeast will take you to a door 
that was previously blocked.  Go inside, examine everything then try to leave.

     Boss: Orb Chaos
     HP: 7500
     Class: Holy
     Drop: Holy Book-Flesh

What you have here is an extremely diffucult boss with a load of HP.  Before 
battle you absolutely need to equip something with protection against 
Paralysis for everyone, the boss will paralyze them all with one attack.  Fuse 
Yuri into Amon if you got it, other any demon with some good physical attack 
power and get your combos off.  Have Alice use Arc and keep you last party 
members as a hybrid healer and attacker.  Yuri's SP will probably need to be 
healed early if you used Amon.  You'll need to survive awhile here to deplete 
all that HP, however lucky for you the boss will waste many of its turns 
boosting up it's stats, then a few turns later they'll all wear of and it'll 
have to cast them all again.  Use these oppurtunities to heal, and prepare for 
the next attack.  Try defending with your less useful characters if they have 
nothing to do for the moment to better prepare for the next attack.


You get Alice's weapon, the Holy Book-Flesh for winning the battle.  Return to  
the bar and examine the spot where Ewan was standing...

|                               Blue Castle                          (Sq008) |

     Item Checklist:

  Earth Gravestone...._____

Put Keith in your party.  Return to Terry's shop in Bistritz.  Nina will be 
standing outside, she'll tell you of a plant she had and found something with 
it, then she proceeds to give you the Earth Gravestone.  Leave Bistritz and 
come back in, now Nina is inside her house.  Speak to her in there and she'll 
give Keith some new information.  You next destination is the Blue Castle.

Go inside the castle and save your game.  Head down to the basement and 
approach the centre coffin.  A conversation will begin here and a fight will 

     Boss: Golden Bat
     HP: 1200
     Class: N/A
     Drop: DemonSwd-Tyrving

Here's an extremely easy battle, all you have to do is deal 1200 damage in 
five turns, just normal attacks will be perfectly fine.  If you want to make 
this even easier and you are proficient with the positions of Keith's ring, 
simply equip the Mind's Eye and waste the bat.


For winning the fight you get to keep the DemonSwd-Tyrving.

|                              Ancient Ruins                         (Sq009) |

     Item Checklist:

  Angel Earrings......_____
  Volt Snipe.........._____

Using the Book of Rituals on the world map to display the Ancient Ruins.

Proceed North into the ruins and save.  Continue North and open the chest 
containing Angel Earrings.  Go down the path marked by the red flame.  At the 
next fork go down the path marked by the orange flame, the yellow, then green, 
then light blue, then blue, then purple.  Doing so drains the water from the 
pool at the beginning and lets you out right there.

Go down the stairs and get the chest containing GoldThreadCoat.  Leave the 
Ancient Ruins, on the world map examine the Book of Rituals and something will 
change.  Return to the ruins and save your game.  Now head North and traverse 
the labyrinth in the opposite order as before, go purple, then blue, then 
light blue, then green, then yellow, then orange, then red.  Once again the 
pool drains.  Save you game and descend.

     Boss: Seraphim
     HP: 4000
     Class: N/A
     Drop: Volt Snipe

You're going to need protection from petrification before this battle for 
sure.  He has an attack that can petrify your entire party at once and his 
attacks are powerful, but his HP is very low.  As always if you've reached 
this point in the game, you've certainly got a system down.  There's never 
been a better time to use it, Alice's Arc will really help since he can really 
drain your entire party.  Otherwise it's a matter of fusing and wasting.


For winning the battle you get Halley's ultimate weapon, the Volt Snipe.

|                               Cave Temple                          (Sq00A) |

     Item Checklist:

  Priest Earrings....._____
  Fifth Key..........._____
  Key to Success......_____
  Holy Peak Staff....._____

Once you've got the EmirgeManuscript from the orphanage, examine it in your 
valuables list and it will appear in the London area.

Enter the temple and examine the map on the wall.  This place is very similar 
to the Ancient Ruins as it has a particular labyrinth like setup.  Head 
through the Northeast door, then North.  Open the chest containing Priest 
Earrings then go back to the fork.  Head West, North, West, South, South, 
West, North (get the chest containing Lottery Ticket.)  Leave the room and go 
West, North, West.  Save your game here.  Go North and get the 
Mant.OfShivering.  Leave the cave and return to the world map.  Examine the 
EmirgeManuscript once again and return to the cave.

Head Northeast through the doors, then North and get the Fifth Key.  Head 
East, North, East, South, South, East, North and get the chest containing Key 
to Success.  Leave the room and proceed East, North, East and save.  

     Boss: Cherubim
     HP: 10,000
     Class: N/A
     Drop: Holy Peak Staff

Before the battle be sure to equip lots of items with statuc protection like 
Crucifix etc.  Also on Yuri you'll want a Mind's Eye, Demon Earrings, Belt of 
Power, and anything else to boost his physical attack.  Only physical attacks 
can hurt this boss so that'swhat you'll have to do.  I recommend using Yuri as 
you mass damage dealer and making your other two characters support in the 
back row.  If you've been saving any special damage boosting ring items now's 
a good time to use them.  Alice's Arc, Resurrection and Wish will all come in 
handy, as for a third member it's really just a matter of who else can take 
the most punishment.  It's a long battle, when choosing accessories, ones that 
boost SP or retain it like Huge Jug work great.

After the fight you get the Holy Peak Staff, Zhuzhen's best weapon.

|                              Final Fusion                          (Sq00B) |

     Item Checklist:

  Stone of Rebirth...._____

Once you have completed the Ancient Ruins, Cave Temple gotten the Codex of 
Lurie, and received the Amon fusion, go to the world map and examine the 
Erotic Book.  Select Nemeton and speak with Roger Bacon afterwards.  Exhange 
the Erotic Book for the Pulse Tract and go back to the world map.  Read the 
Pulse Tract in your inventory and select the Ancient Ruins.

Enter the ruins and go North, in accordance with the specifications given by 
the pulse tract take the following paths, Yellow, then red, then green, then 
purple, then blue, then red, then light blue.  You'll return to the beginning 
and the pool will drain.  Go down and open the chest to receive Stone of 
Rebirth.  Return to the map and examine the Stone, then save your game.

Select the graveyard and head North through the gate.  You must have every 
fusion in the game up to this point to trigger the event.  Assuming you do and 
you examined the Stone of Rebirth, a scene will occur.

     Boss: Ben Hyuga
     HP: 2000
     Class: N/A
     Drop: Volt Snipe

Straightforward battle, precursor to what follows.


     Boss: Seraphic Radiance
     HP: 5000
     Class: N/A
     Drop: Diamond Ring

Now would be a good time to utilize any items you've been saving.  Use the 
Amon fusion, Mind's Eye accessory and a couple others that will help you 
survive a brutal onslaught, and start pounding him.  If you use a silver fang 
and double or triple your attack power it's going to help, but you can't be 
too offensive.  After fusing into Amon make sure your HP and Sp are at 
maximum.  If your level is lower than 50 that could also be a problem ,I 
reocmmend training until you reach that point.  It's going to take some skill 
and ring proficiency to win this one.


After the fight you get the Seraphic Radiance fusion and a scene.

*                                    Legal                           (Fw048) *

This guide is copyright (c)2004 Alex Eagleson because I wrote it.

This guide is primarily written for, however I am willing to
allow you to host it on other sites provded you follow these conditions first:

1. Email me with a link to your site to obtain permission
2. You are not from

*                                   Credits                          (Fw049) *

First of all I'd like to give a big thanks to Mysticcat, of all the guides I 
used to hel pme through this game I found his to be most helpful and most 
complete.  Great job!

Thanks to CjayC for all his work towards GameFAQs, we'll see how this account 
merge thing works out.

Thanks to Mark, Sean and Jeremy back at University of Guelph

Thanks to anyone reading this guide.


Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Alex Eagleson!
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