WWF Smackdown: Just Bring It! PS2 Cheats

WWF Smackdown: Just Bring It!

Playstation 2

Get Fred Durst:

Beat over 15 opponents in one game in the Slobberknocker mode with the Undertaker.

Get Spike Dudley:

You will unlock Spike Dudley when you meet him in the story mode, when searching for a partner in your six-man tag match. He will be in one of the changing rooms, and will be unlocked if you help him out against the Dudley Boys.

Get Rhyno:

You will unlock Rhyno when you meet him in the story mode. To do this, on Smackdown stay backstage when a wrestler calls you out, and after speaking to Michael Cole, talk to Earl Hebner in the lobby. Say you are going after the Hardcore title, and when beat Rhyno.

Unlock Mick Foley and Shane:

With Stone Cold Steve Austin as the champion, in story mode play as the Rock and win both the single matches until Wrestlemania, and then lose to Austin in the Last Man Standing match. Foley will then come out and book a Hell in a Cell rematch, which you must then win.

New SmackDown! Arena:

Eliminate 17 Superstars in the Slobber Knocker mode with The Rock.

Get Stephanie McMahon:

Open all the secret cards and win the title match.

Wrestle as Jerry Lynn:

Choose anyone who does not hold a title. Say that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash on the mic, then say that you were just messing around. Let time run out in roaming. Win the Battle Royal. Show up on stage. Win the match and the match that follows. Jerry Lynn will now be unlocked.

Wrestle as Tajri:

Choose anyone who does not hold a title. Answer that you do not want to form a tag team to Vince. Talk trash on the mic, then say you were messing. To get to Regal's office, go down stairs on left, then go into the door on left before the vending machines. The first on the left is Regal's office. Say that you do not want the Euro title match. Defeat Tajiri to unlock him.

Parking Lot Tricks:

In the parking lot you can use the fork lift and the white jeep like weapons. Just go to the driver's side and press R1 and to use them back away from your opponent press Triangle and the X when you get close to them. Also some of the other parked cars can be used like a turnbuckle to do high flying moves. Just run on to it and use it like the top rope.

Forget Stone Cold:

At Wrestlemania you don't have to fight you're fight against Stone Cold just press exit game and when it asks you for a rematch press no and then Mc Foley will come out and says rematch in a Hell in the Cell then you have to win that fight and once you win you unlock 5 new things.

Unlock Wrestlemania X-7 Arena:

Choose anyone who doesn't hold a title. Say you don't want to form a tag team with Vince, talk trash, go to parking lot to find Vince, win match, show up on stage, win match, win match at Wrestlemania, Wrestlemania X-7 Arena unlocked.

Unlock Last Man Standing, Street Fight and Ulitmate Submission Matches:

Take the route to Wrestlemania. During that route you will be presented a choice between 3 matches. Do a different match each time. Win the matches to unlock them once you finish the story.

Unknown Wrestlers movelist
1 NCDP - Diamond Dallas Page 
2 NCBT - Booker T 
3 EMA - Mike Awesome 
4 ERV - Rob Van Dam 
5 ELS - Lance Storm 
6 NCSO - Sean O'Haire 
7 NCBK - Billy Kidman 
8 NCHH - Hurricane Helms 
9 WGM - Grandmaster Sexay 
10 WS2 - Scotty 2 Hottie 
11 WXP - X-Pac 
12 EJC - Justin Credible 
13 WAS - Al Snow 
14 WVV - Val Venis 
15 WGF - Godfather/Goodfather 
16 WTM - Taka 
17 WFU - Funaki 
18 WDB - D'Lo Brown 
19 WKK - K-Kwick 
20 WER - Essa Rios 
21 WBM - Big Bossman 
22 WGG - Gangrel 
23 ZAG - Andre The Giant 
24 WSM - Shawn Michaels 
25 ZSS - Sgt. Slaughter 
26 ZBB - Bob Backlund 
27 WRD - Road Dogg 
28 CRF - Ric Flair 
29 CKN - Kevin Nash 
30 CSH - Scott Hall 
31 CBG - Goldberg 
32 CST - Sting 
33 CHH - Hulk Hogan 
34 CJJ - Jeff Jarrett 
35 CSS - Scott Steiner 
36 JIDA 
37 JIDB 
38 MEX - A Generic Luchadore 
39 NJMC - Masahiro Chono 
40 ZOSH - Shinya Hashimoto 
41 NJKS - Kensuke Sasaki 
42 NJHT - Hiroyoshi Tenzan 
43 NJKM - Keiji Mutoh 
44 NJMN - Manabu Nakanishi 
45 NJYN - Yuji Nagata 
46 NJJL - Jyushin Thunder Lyger 
47 MGS - Great Susake 
48 NJKK - Kendo Ka Shin 
49 NOVD - Vader 
50 NOMM - Mitsuharu Misawa 
51 NOKK - Kenta Kobashi 
52 NOJA - Jun Akimaya 
53 AJTK - Toshiaki Kawada 
54 AJGT - Genichiro Tenryu 
55 JAO - Atsushi Onita 
57 PNO - Naoya Ogawa 
58 PAT - Akira Taue 
59 PGP - Giant Shohei Baba???? 
60 LKS - Ken Shamrock 
61 DLTF - Terry Funk 
62 CHKF - Generic Kung Fu

55 Bonus Creation Points: (Secret Card 12)

Use a created superstar. Turn Vince Down 2. Talk Trash. Tell Michael Cole you

want to kick his butt all over the arena. Go to parking lot for the match. Win

the Match. Show up on-stage for the next superstar. Win the next match. Win

the match at Wrestlemania.

Fight for Light-Heavyweight Title:

This seems to be the hard title chase to find. Simply play ''Story Mode'' as

a small guy (Dean Malenko, Christian, Spike Dudley, etc.) and do this: Turn

down the Tag title hunt. Get through RAW (the ''messin' with'' episode). On

Smackdown!, stay backstage. In 1st-person, go to Hebner by the vending machines.

Just say ''hi!'' 🙂 When Regal next talks to you, he'll give you the choice

of fighting for either the Intercontinental or Light-Heavyweight title (if you're

a bigger guy, he'll offer the European title instead of Light-Heavyweight).

Game Freeze Tip:

If the game freezes--start the game with the memory card out--go to options---put

the card back in---select system data---copy created wrestler--and load each

wrestler until you find out which one is making the game freeze--after you find

out which wrestlers are good ones---load all them and resave the game--youu

might lose all hidden cards, and reset belts, but you get to keep your created


How to see Kurt Angle Drive the Milktruck:

Choose Kurt Angle (doesn't have a title). Don't form a team with Vince. Talk

trash on the microphone. Say you were just messing with him. Go down the stairs

and go to the right door, go straight down the hall and go to the left door

your opponent will hit you. Win battle royal. Now you will see Kurt Angle drive

the milk truck.

See Kurt Angle In A Cowboy Hat:

Choose Stone Cold Steve Austin in story mode (when he isn't the champ and the

Rock is the Champ) and talk trash on the mic, say you were just messin', and

win all matches up to WrestleMania. Then you will see Austin and Vince in a

dressing room and Austin says something to the effect of "You'll Always be There"

to Vince, then they hug. Then Kurt Angle enters the room shaking his head and

wearing a cowboy hat.

Insurextion Arena:

This is a very simple feature to unlock and it will unlock the Insurextion arena

which is Smackdown Card 11. Turn down Vince for the Tag Titles, talk trash on

the mic, in roaming, go down the stairs and go towards the snack machines where

Michael Cole is. Talk to him and say you were just kidding, win the battle royal,

talk to Hebert instead of choosing to go after the hard-core title. Then you

will go to Regal's office - take the shot at the European title, win the match

and the match that follows and you have the new arena.

The Pile o' Tables:

In a TLC Match or a Table match, take the table outside of the ring and throw

it at the announcers table it should land on the announcers table. Climb on

the table and while holding the down button pick up the table then try to set

it up. It should be set on top of the other table. You can do high damage moves

through the 2 tables. This can also be done with 3 tables.

The Rock at His Best:

Choose The Rock in a Story Mode, (while he's not the champion), say no to the

tag team op, win either Run Down or Talk Trash, (if you talk trash, than in

the first interview, say that you want to kick his butt) win the next few matches

until Wrestlemania, and than just before the match, The Rock will be interviewed

and will do what he really does!

Easy Royal Rumble Win:

I know how to easily win the Royal Rumble on WWF Smackdown 3: JBI. This may

sound stupid but my dad has won at least 6 times with this strategy and he isn't

even that good. All you have to do is stand in a corner. The lower Left one

works the best because the wrestlers rarely end up there. If you should just

happen to walk your way just punch or kick him away and the wrestler should

stay way from you unless you and the wrestler are the only two left and your

waiting for another wrestler to some down the ramp or you are the last two left.

If more than one wrestler come your way than just move to a different corner,

going counter clockwise works well. When you are the last one left just sneak

up behind the wrestler and knock him or her over. They should hopefully be doing

their taunt which will give you enough time to knock him or her over the top

rope. Winner!

The Betrayal:

Accept the tag team title opportunity from Vince, find a partner, and win your

first match. Then say that you want to find someone for the 3 man tag team match.

Then tell your partner that you never trusted him since the beginning and then

he's gonna fight you, but the traitor's gonna be backed up by the tag team champions

making the match a handicap match.

Easy Way to Get New Smackdown Arena:

I found this out by myself and it really works! It's pretty hard to eliminate

17 people in slobber knocker mode to unlock the new smackdown arena with the

rock so try this! Go to create mode then go to create a superstar then go to

moves. Then pick The Rock and it should take you to the moves list then go to

running. Then pick attack.When your in attack change The Rock Clothesline and

The Rock Forearm Smash to clothesline which is under powerful. Then when your

in the slobberknocker match with The Rock trying to get the new smackdown arena

just do that clothesline a couple of times to your opponent in the ring and

pin.Then repeat this process until you have beaten 17 people. And don't worry

you can turn the moves back to default when your done if you want. Try this

it works! I beat 27 people with this cheat!

Get Stone Cold's Old Entrance Music:

To get Stone Cold's old entrance music you have to go to Create A Superstar,

then go to Moves, next go to Superstar, then go to Stone Cold, go to bases,

then go to entrance, go to Stone Cold's entrance music and change it to Steve

Austin 2.

GameShark Codes

(M) Must Be On  

Inf Creation Points 
This code is a bit buggy, if it doesn't work the first time try 
removing your memory card and restarting the game. Exit the Create 
Superstar section and repeat to create more than one character with super stats. 
0D3130681456E735 4D3130681456E404  

99 Wins (Slobber Knocker)  

All Characters After Save  

All Special Modes After Save  

All Movies After Save  

Inf Match Time/Easy Wins  

Thanks to Revolution readers bond, Adam Chavez, Frydaddy, SUNVIR, Metal Head,

Todd Scott, RUKUS, Tom, James, chris, JUSCY, UBALDO SIERRA, Terry Lilly, Luc"The

Infamous" Cyr, If Ya Smellllllllllll, Peter Czosek, Impact, Lukey Maloney, Marc,

the hockey man and Chris Hall!

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