T.R.A.G. Walkthrough

      |                                                      |                     
  ##########     ########            #######            #######
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     ####        ####  ####        ####   ####        ####   #### 
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     ####        ####  ####        ####   ####        ####   |   
     ####        ####  ####        ####   ####        #### ######
     @@@@..@@@@..@@@@..@@@@..@@@@..@@@@...@@@@..@@@@..@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
     @@@@..@@@@..@@@@..@@@@..@@@@..@@@@...@@@@..@@@@...@@@@@@@@@  @@@@
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      |..................................................... |    
     T A C T I C A L   R E S C U E    A S S A U L T   G R O U P  
                      for the Sony PlayStation 
                         by Rudy Hendrawan
                    (Best Viewed at 800 x 600)
Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Rudy Hendrawan
This FAQ is for private and personal use.  It can only be reproduced 
electronically. This FAQ is NOT to be used for PROFITABLE or PROMOTIONAL 
purposes.  This includes being incorporated, reprinted, or otherwise used by 
magazines, books, guides, etc., in ANY way. This FAQ was created and being 
maintained currently by Rudy Hendrawan (goblic@hotmail.com) All copyrights and 
trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. 
I'll Make it Simple : this FAQ is MINE there is NO unauthorised use of this game 
FAQ ANYWHERE unless it is shown in its ENTIRETY...you MAY put this FAQ  on your 
site but ONLY in its COMPLETE FORM. I do not write this walkthrough so some hack 
writers can sit back and get paid for it. And the most important thing : You 
cannot sell this walkthrough.
T.R.A.G is (c) Sony Computer of Entertainment and (c) Sunsoft of Japan
***** Table of Content ******
1. Version
2. Forewords
3. Basic Controls
4. Characters' Specific Moves
5. Items List
6. Tips For Non-Walkthrough Players  
7. Complete Walkthrough
8. Information Guides
9. Endings
10. Things to Get After Finishing The Game  
11. Gameshark Codes (from AGSCC - for Hard Edge and from GSCCC - for T.R.A.G )
12. Personal Credits
##########  1.  VERSION  ###########
Version 1.0 (20/04/99) : initial release. Already contains complete walkthrough. 
##########  2. FOREWORDS ###########
T.R.A.G is an action game. It plays and feels like Resident Evil with modern 
setting. The characters are 3D anime, so you get the 'Japanese anime hero' 
feeling in the game. You will find lots of animation and FMV throughout the 
game, so you won't get bored. 
You control 4 characters, changeable during the play. But here's the special 
thing : your characters will sometimes split up in the game, and you can change 
who you're controlling anytime in the game. You cannot finish the game with just 
one character because he will stuck at some point, and you need your other 
character to free him from his stuck. For example: Your character will find a 
door, but it is electronically locked. You cannot unlock it with your character 
you're playing, so you have to control your other character in the other floor 
to open the door. Neat, eh ^_^
Each character has each own speciality. You cannot finish the game if you're 
only using one character throughout the game. It really adds up the spice to 
this game.  
T.R.A.G is the US version of Hard Edge : The Disaster Adventure. I made Hard 
Edge FAQ a few months ago, and I feel that it's my obligation to make this 
game's FAQ, too. At first, I'm trying to compare both games, and find that 
almost nothing changes from the Japanese version. The difference lies on the 
subtitle, which is English. And I feel that Michelle's dialoque is different 
than Hard Edge, don't you think ?? Anyway, I changed the names of the places 
from the previous FAQ so it goes well to the US version. For Hard Edge gamers, I 
put the contents of the informations that are found throughout the game. With 
this, I hope that Hard Edge gamers can understand the story much better. 
I consider T.R.A.G FAQ as a new FAQ - that's why I changed the cool logo 
(Uh.....I made that all night). I fixed the map, too so you can see it at 640 x 
480 resolution.
If anyone has questions, suggestions, or anything else, please be free to e-mail 
me at goblic@hotmail.com or rudy-h@psxrocks.com. I'll try my best to help you 
##########  3. BASIC CONTROLS  ###########
Directional Pad : to move your character.
Square : to attack the enemy. 
Circle : to choose on the option.
X : to guard for Rachel and Michelle or to cancel on the option.
Up + X : to run
Left or Right + X : to quick turn
Triangle : to use item.
R1 : to change the character on Character Select Screen.
L1 : to change the type of bullets (for Alex) or to change the character on 
Character Select Screen.
L2 : to show or hide the life bar.
R2 : to select the healing item you want to use
Select : to go to characters' screen
Start : to view the automap.
And the most impartant thing :
   Press Select to skip most of the animation.
##########  4. CHARACTERS' SPECIFIC MOVES  ###########
*** 4.1  ALEX ***
Alex is one of the survivors from the Special Unit, along with Michelle. He uses 
pistol as his weapon. He has 2 types of bullets to use. 
- Dash Forward :  Tap Up, Up
- Somersault (Back Dash) : Tap Down, Down
- Shoot : press Square
- 'Here it comes' Shot : press D + Square (it takes 3 bullets)
- 3 Punch Combo : press Up + Square, Square, Square
- Shoot behind : tap Down, Up + Square (Alex shoots the enemy behind him)
- Shoot Enemy on Ground : tap Up, Down + Square (to hit enemy on ground)
- Somersault Shoot : tap Down, Down + Square (looks cool, isn't it ^_^)
- Flip kick : press Square + X (takes a little life, but hits all enemies 
Note : See Alex's red dot on his metal bandanna ? It's the infra red goggle. It 
enables him to see in the dark.
*** 4.2  MICHELLE ***
Michelle is one of the survivors from the Special Unit, along with Alex. She 
uses a knife as her weapon. 
- Dash Forward : tap Up, Up
- Dash Backward : Tap Down, Down
- Stab : press Square
- Punch and Kick Combo (4 hits) : tap Square, Square, Square, Square
- Punch and Blade Kick Combo : tap Square, Up + Square
- 2 Punch and Blade Kick Combo : tap Square, Square, Up + Square 
- Spinning Slash : tap Down + Square
- Blade Kick : tap Down, Up + Square
- Downward Blade Kick : tap Up, Down + Square (to hit enemy on ground)
- Guard : press X
- Spinning Flip Kick : press Square + X (takes a little life, but hits all 
enemies nearby)
I don't know Michelle's special ability. E-mail me if you know it.
*** 4.3  RACHEL HOWARD ***
Rachel is Prof. Howard's daughter, but she's no ordinary child. In fact, she's a 
cyborg. She uses a pair of tonfa as her weapons. 
- Butt-Dash Attack : tap Up, Up
- Somersault (Back Dash) : Tap Down, Down
- 2 hit combos : press Square
- 5 hit combos : press Square, Up + Square
- Spinning uppercut : press Down + Square (takes a little time)
- Guard : press X
- Counter Guard : Press Down, Up + Square (if Rachel is attacked, she will 
automatically counter it with 3 hit combo - huge damage if done right, but if 
not it will leave her vulnerable, takes precise timing)
- Butt Splash : Press Up, Down + Square (to hit enemy on ground)
- Spinning Fist : press Square + X (takes a little life, but hits all enemies 
Note : Rachel is small in size. Use this advantage to enter narrow places.
*** 4.4  BURNS BYFORD ***
Burns is a detective investigating the Prof Howard's kidnapping case in the 
building. Uses his punches to defeat his enemy.
- Dash Forward : tap Up + Square
- Back Flip : Tap Down, Down
- 3-hits Punch combo : tap Square, Square, Square
- Dynamite Punch : press Down + Square
- Dynamite Uppercut : tap Down, Up + Square
- Stomp : tap Up, Down + Square (to hit enemy on ground)
- Dynamite Quake : press Square + X (takes a little life, but hits all enemies 
Note : Burns is the strongest among all characters. Use his strength to push 
heavy object.
MORE NOTE : After you finish the game, you will get a new outfit or weapon. With 
this new outfit, a character sometimes get a completely new set of moves. These 
moves will be explained on section 9.
##########  5. ITEMS LIST ###########
a. First Aid Pill : heals 50 HP
b. First Aid Tube : heals 100 HP
c. First Aid Kit : heals your health to MAX
d. Blue EX bottle (max-life extender) : extend your MAX HP 20 points
e. Yellow EX bottle (max-life extender) : extend your MAX HP 30 points
f. Red EX bottle (max-life extender) : extend your MAX HP 50 points.
g. Black EX bottle (max-life extender) : extend your MAX HP 100 points
h. Medal #1 : to start the Juke Box in the Bar on LV26 - must have all 5 Medals. 
Get it from the dead scientist in the Data Library A (IV) on LV26.
i. Medal #2 : to start the Juke Box in the Bar on LV26 - must have all 5 Medals. 
Get it from the dead man in the bar (V) on LV26.
j. Medal #3 : to start the Juke Box in the Bar on LV26 - must have all 5 Medals. 
Get it from the dead guard in the warehouse (VIII) on LV 25.
k. Medal #4 : to start the Juke Box in the Bar on LV26 - must have all 5 Medals. 
Get it from the dead girl in front of the Surgery (II) on LV25.
l. Medal #5 : to start the Juke Box in the Bar on LV26 - must have all 5 Medals. 
Get it from the dead scientist on the way to rescue Prof Howard on LV25. 
m. Disengagement Devices #1 : to disable the plasma barrier - must have all 3 
keys. Get it from Storage Cupboard B (X) on LV25
n. Disengagement Devices #2 : to disable the plasma barrier - must have all 3 
keys. Get it from Storage Cupboard A (XIII) on LV26 
o. Disengagement Devices #3 : to disable the plasma barrier - must have all 3 
keys. Get it from Key #3 Room (I) on LV B6
p. Key Card A : to open A-security level door in LV25. Get it from King the 
bartender in the bar on LV 26.
q. Key Card B : to open B-security level door in LV26. Get it from the Meeting 
Room A on LV 26.
r. Power Handle : Needed to open the disposal tunnel in Rachel's room and to 
turn the bridge. Get it from the Store Room B (VI) on LV 27.
s. Steel Rope : to climb to LV27. Get it on the floor in the plasma barrier room 
on LV 26.
t. Battery : to power up the robots. Get it from the robot in Store Room A (III) 
on LV 25.
u. Roulette ball : to use it on the roulette table. Get it from Prof Howard in 
Surgery (II) on LV 25
v. Byford's Bomb : to blow up the door. Get it from Burns on LV 27.
w. System Disc : it is needed to control the Garland sattelite. Get it from the 
Juke Box in the bar (LV 26)
x. Metallic Badge : it shows the password needed to open the save. Get it from 
Health Treatment Room - on the desk (LV 25)
y. Secret Code Card : a card that still has no use - have to decode the code on 
it first. Get it from Data Library A (LV26)
z. Pass Card : to open the gate leading to plasma barrier. Get it from the code 
decoding device on LV25.
Aa. Glowing Moss : to raise your character if he/she dies and restore his/her HP 
to MAX. Get it from LVB6.
Ab. Floor Key: to open doors in LV25. Get it from the Office D in the timer-safe 
Ac. Slides : to see the information about Rachel's true form.
Note 1 : There are no new weapons to find in the building. The only way to get 
new weapons is to finish the game, save the completed game, and start the 
adventure again by loading the completed game.
Note 2 : There are information to be found on books, letters, diaries, etc in 
the game. You won't need these information to finish the game. Those items 
contains the information on the stories. For T.R.A.G gamer, I listed all the 
information that I can find and what of their contents in section 8.
##########  6. TIPS FOR NON-WALKTHROUGH PLAYERS  ###########
If you want to play the game on your own without any help from the walkthrough, 
here's some tips and strategy to finish the game :
1. The most important thing to remember is : You can finish this game easier 
than any other game. The feature that makes the things easier is : if you have 
the item in your inventory needed to get through, the character will 
automatically use the items in that place. You don't need to USE or EQUIP that 
item to use it. So don't give up - there must be something you miss if you get 
2. Search all cabinets, drawers, computers, pipes, etc for medikits, EX bottle 
(life extenders), and information. And be sure to search more than once if you 
find any, because there's a possibility that there is more than one item in the 
same location. You'll need all the medikit and life extender to finish the game. 
The bosses are quite tough if you play for the first time.
3. If you ever get stuck in the game, try these : 
- change your players, because each character has his/her own speciality. 
- change your player if you're split up, because maybe the other character can 
activate a system that will get you out of your stuck.
- Try checking every place (drawer, machine, computer, cabinets, etc) for 
important items like keys, disc, etc.
- you cannot open the red doors, so stop making your trip back and forth to 
those doors.
4. There's a possibility that an item can be use more than once. If you're done 
using the item and you get the option to retrieve it back, do it - Just in case. 
It will help you out of your stuck.
5. Choose one of the characters to be your 'frequently use' character. Try to 
learn the timing of his/her techniques, and use all of your life extender on 
him/her or until the health reaches 999. Here's the reason : First Aid Kit will 
heal the character to max, and you will get lots of HP from it. I personally use 
Burns. His Dynamite Punch is really useful once you know the timing - it drains 
life really fast and knocks the enemy down, giving you time to prepare yourself 
to do the Dynamite Punch again. It even hits multiple enemies too. If you have 
trouble doing it because the enemy is to near, use your punch combo to knock the 
enemy down first, then prepare your Dynamite Punch. Burns' somersault (backward 
dash) is the farthest and the quickest among the other characters - it will help 
you to avoid the mines and get out of the trouble.
6. Concerning strategy #5 above, you may use a few life extenders on Rachel, but 
not all - if it's your first time playing the game. You will know why ^_^.
7. When you low on health, try to find enemies that are easy to defeat. 
Sometimes the enemy drops Medikit that you can pick up. Just remember that you 
cannot keep this kind of medikit for later use. That's why change your character 
that is low on health when you want to pick the medikit.
8. Bullets are found on enemies. You cannot find it in the cabinet, drawer, etc. 
If you're low on bullets, use Alex to defeat the enemy (you have to use Alex). 
Use your punch combo. Use bullets on far and dangerous enemies. 
9. Avoid mines at all costs. They drain your life faster than the enemies. If 
you have a choice between being beaten up by the enemies or getting blown by a 
mine (talking about bad option ^_^), choose the first. 
10. If you're new to this game, Use R2 to choose the items to First Aid Kit. You 
will accidentally press Triangle (use items) frequently (in fact, it's my 
personal experience ...hmmmm). You won't get First Aid Kit early in the game, 
hopefully that will give you time to get used to the controller. 
##########  7. COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH  ###########
NOTE : It is hard to describe where to go in this game. That's because the 
camera keeps changing (a'la Resident Evil) so you will lose your sense of 
direction. Instead of telling you to go North, South, etc, I draw the map of 
each level to help you. The map is drawn based on the automap feature (when you 
press Start on your controller). In the map I name the places, and put some 
points of interest. 
***** PROLOQUE *****
There are terrorists in the Togusa Building. They are holding Prof Howard and 
his daughter as hostages. Two units of Special Forces are sent to the building 
to rescue them, but the captain lost contact with them. 
The sight in the building shows dead bodies everywhere. A girl (Michelle) runs 
across the building, but then somebody appears from the corner and grabs her. It 
is Alex. Alex is the only survivor from his team and apparently Michelle is too. 
Then a laugh heard from a distance. Alex and Michelle turn to the voice's 
direction and point their guns. That voice congratulates them for being able to 
survive. Then Alex and Michelle see a time bomb floating on the river below them 
- almost explodes. Alex grabs Michelle then they jump to safety. 
In the LV1, Alex tells Michelle to stick to the mission : rescuing Prof Howard. 
They then team up to find the entrance to LV26, where Prof Howard is held.
***** STARTING ON LV 1 *****
Here's LV1 Map :
                              ## a ######
                        ########        #
                  #######               #               #   = wall
                  #  E ||b       I      #               ||  = vertical door
                  #######               #               === = horizontal door
                        #               #               ST  = starting point  
                        #########===#####               S   = Save point
                                #   #          a,b,c,...etc = points of 
                                #   #######                   interests
                                #         #     
                                #######   #       
                                      #   #      
                                      #ST ||    The places' name : 
                                      #   #       I. The Back Room 
                                #######   #      II. Front Lobby
                                #         #
                                #   #######
                                #   #
                  _        _    #   #
                 |E|      |E|   #===#
            #     c                    #
            ||                         #
            #        II                #
            #                  S       #
            ||                #   ######
            #                 #d       ||
            #                 #        #
You start in an alley. You objective of this level is to find the two possible 
path to LV 26 - the elevator in the lobby (II) and the stairs in the back room 
(I). You have to check the elevator (c) or the stairs door (brown door) (a). The 
order is up to you. 
There are 2 robots in the lobby (II). Don't forget to get the Blue EX bottle 
behind the save point on the blinking screen (d). 
I myself prefer to go to the lobby (II) first, check the elevator(c), then go to 
the back room (I). By doing this, you will see a FMV that you won't see if you 
check the stairs first. 
There will be option that you have to choose, about who's going thru the 
elevator and who's going thru the stairs. 
If you're in front of the stairs :
 - choose left option to order Alex to the elevator (LV25) and Michelle to the 
stairs (LV26).
 - choose right option to order Michelle to the elevator (LV25) and Alex to the 
stairs (LV26).
If you're in front of the elevator :
 - choose left option to order Alex to the stairs (LV26) and Michelle to the 
elevator (LV25).  
 - choose right option to order Michelle to the stairs (LV26) and Alex to the 
elevator (LV25).
It's the same thing. It don't affect the story (I think), but it will affect the 
animation that you will see.
I suggest you order Michelle to go thru the elevator and Alex thru the stairs. 
That's because there's a lot of baloon bombs in LV 26 and Alex can shoot the 
bombs from a distance. 
By the way, you cannot open all the red doors at all and you cannot open the B6 
elevator door (b) in the back room (I) right now. 
Note : Remember that you can always change who you're controlling after this 
point even though they are separated. In fact, you have to do that so you can 
free your friend out of the stuck. But I prefer to do the LV26 first because the 
only stuck you will get is not knowing the password for the safe (and I know the 
password because I have finished the game ^_^). 
***** SPLIT UP - GOING ON LV 26 *****
Here's LV 26 Map :
#######################################   ##########################
#L     ||    y        ##         ##   #   #   ##                   # 
# XII  ###########    ##    IV   ##   # I #   ##      ##########   #
#      ###########    ##  #########   #   #   ##      ##########   #
#########   ##        ##         ##S  #   #   #####===# ########   #      
       ##   ||        ##         ##   #   #   #####===# #   ####   #
#########   ##        #######===### a   ST            # #          #
#           ###===###########===###################===# #          #
#      XI   ###===######         ##################===##############
#           ##        ##               || k ##      b ##
#           ##   X    ##    # III #    #######   ########################
#~~~~~~~~~~~##===####### i  #  h  #  j ##  g||   ###################    #
#~~~~~~~~~~~##===#############===########   ##   ##   s           ##    #
#~~~~~~~~~~~## w     ##                     ##   ##    VII        ||r   #
#           ##       ||l  ####################   ###################    #
#           ##       ##   #                 ##   ###################    #
#####===######    #########                 ##      c||      q||        #
#####===######    #########                 ##############    ###########
#           ##    ||p     #                 ##############    ##  L     # 
#    XIV    ##    ##      #                 #e          ##    ##  XIII  #
##=###########    ##  VI  #                 #     II   d||    ######===##
 |E|  ########    ##      #    _       _    #f          ##              #
  -   #           #########   |E|     |E|   ########################===##  
      ########      ###########=#######=############################===##
      #     ||m     ||                         ||             u       t #
      #n    ############      ###########      ##############===###     #
      ###   ########## #      #         #      # ############===###     # 
      # #            # #      ###########      # #        #      ##  S  #   
      ######o  V     # #                       # ####  VIII   v  ########
           ########### #           IX          # ########=#########
                       #####               #####        |E|
                           #               #             -
                            #             #
Legend for the Map :           The Places' Name : 
##   : Wall                        I. Stairs Room                
===  : Horizontal door            II. Meeting Room A           
||   : Vertical door             III. Office B            
E    : Elevator                   IV. Data Library A                     
S    : Save point                  V. Bar                     
a,b,c.. : Point of Interests      VI. Administrative Room        
L    : Ladder                    VII. Lounge
ST   : Starting point           VIII. Dormitory
~~~  : Plasma Barrier             IX. Lobby
                                   X. Gate Room
                                  XI. Discharge Area  
                                 XII. Control Room
                                XIII. Storage Cupboard A 
                                 XIV. Elevator Room
                                  XV. Office A 

To make this walkthrough easy to read, I'll use point-to-point guide :
1. You start at the blown up stairs room (I). Save your game if you want in the 
save point. Don't forget to take 2 First Aid Tubes in the cabinets near the save 
point (a). Then make your way to the Meeting Room A (II) by going thru door b, 
door c, and door d. You will find 2 mutants and 1 mine in the way (b-c) but it 
shouldn't be a problem.
2. In the Meeting Room A (II) you will find 2 terrorists and 1 mine. Fight them. 
Notice the two lion statue in the corner at the room ((e) and (f))? Inspect them 
each once by answering yes in the option (left option). The 2 lion statue will 
face each other, then you will see an animation where the small portion of the 
desk flips and reveals a key. Take the key - it's Key Card B. Now you can open 
B-security door with this key. Make your way to the Office B (III) by going thru 
door (c)-(g)-(h).
3. In the Office B, you will face 3 terrorists with knife. Defeat them. Get 1 
First Aid Pill in the desk (i), then go to the side room (j). Defeat a mutant 
there. Check the lockers for a lever. Turn the lever by answering yes (left 
option). It will open the gate, revealing a control machine (k). Check the 
machine. If you already have Key Card B, the machine will then open the way to 
the Data Library A (IV). Get 1 First Aid Pill from the vase near the control 
machine, and go to the Data Library A (IV).
4. In the Data Library A, inspect the dead researcher. You will find Medal #1 
from the researcher. Then go upstairs to the safe. Inspect the safe to open it. 
To open the safe, you are required to know the safe number. In order to get the 
safe number, you have to play your other character in LV 25 (see point 2 in LV25 
walkthrough). But don't worry ^_^. The number is 052. You will get Secret Code 
Card from the safe. exit the room and exit the Office B.
5. Go through door (m) and door (l) to go to the bar. Inside you will see an 
animation about King (the bartender) being attacked by a terrorist. King then 
asks for your help. Defeat the terrorist and King will thank you. In the bar you 
will see a dead researcher lying on the ground                . Search him for 
Medal #2. Talk to King again about the things that the dead researcher brought, 
and King will give you Key Card A. You don't need this card right now, because 
this card is used on LV25 after you join your friends. Check the dart board on 
the wall (n) to see a note pinned there. The note is filled with numbers on it. 
Take note of these numbers. Oh yeah, notice the juke box in the bar (p). You 
will come here again dealing with that machine. exit the bar.
6. Go to the Administrative Room (VI) through door (p). This door (p) has a 
puzzle that you must solve to open it. There is 3x3 square. You must put numbers 
from 1 to 9 in those square so that the sum of the horizontal and the diagonals 
are all 15. To put the number, hold Square button on a square and use Up and 
Down on Direction Pad. Hey... you just saw the solution from the Dart Board(n) 
in the bar just now, so it must be easy for you. BTW, you can put different 
solution beside the solution from the Dart Board - the door will still open.
Just in case you don't take note of those numbers, here's the solution : 
     2  9  4
     7  5  3
     6  1  8
Inside the Administrative Room, climb the stairs, and check the computer in the 
middle. You will see two options : Auto Door and Room Breaker. With the Auto 
Door option, you can supply the electricity to open the automatic door (green 
door that is locked before) - This will get your other character out of their 
stuck in LV25. Enter the Auto Door option, and put the cursor to ON to open the 
green doors. Do that on LV26 doors too. The Room Breaker is something to do with 
the interior power source. Enter the Room Breaker Option and put the cursor to 
ON to give electricity to the Lounge (VII). Then exit the Administrative Room.
7. Head to the Lounge (VII) by going through door (l)-(g)-(c)-(q). Door (q) is 
B-security level door. As you have the Key Card B, you won't have any problem 
opening it. Get through the door (r) to get to Lounge (VII) - face 2 terrorists 
and 1 mine. If you haven't activated the Room Breaker option, this room will 
have no lights and no electricity. If you choose Alex to go to LV26, Alex will 
still be able to explore the room because he has an infra red goggle on his 
metal bandana. 
Get the locker key from the bulletin board (s), and check the round object in 
the center of the room. When you check it, you will see a "Holographic Compass - 
The North Seeking Goddess" switch. Activate the switch and you will see an 
animation that shows a picture of a 4 round objects with pattern in it. Memorize 
this pattern as it's the solution of a puzzle after this. exit the room to go to 
the Dormitory (VIII).
8. To get to Dormitory (VIII), go through door (r)-(q)-(t)-(u). Door (t) is a B-
security level door, but you'll have no trouble opening it. Save the game if you 
want before you enter the Dormitory (VIII).
In the Dormitory (VIII), get 5 First Aid Pills in the sink drawer near the 
entrance. Go to the shower (v). Defeat a mutant there (maybe the mutant is 
taking the shower when you came, no wonder he's so mad at you ^_^). Check the 
2nd locker from the north in the shower room. You'll use the locker key to open 
it. After you open it, you'll see a puzzle of the 4 round things that you have 
seen the solution in the Lounge. Arrange the 4 round things according to the 
solution. If you forget it, here's the solution : 
 - north : picture of a red flower 
 - south : picture of sea 
 - west  : picture of a moon 
 - east  : picture of a white duck
After you solve the puzzle, the door in the bedroom will open.
Enter the bedroom to battle 2 mutants. Get 3 First Aid Pills in the bed. Get 1 
blue EX bottle in the locker. Get information in the bed (the other bed) near 
the locker. Then enter the door that you just opened from the puzzle. You will 
come to an elevator to LV25. There's a machine there, named the Code Breaking 
device. Inspect the machine and answer yes (left option). You will then put the 
Secret Code Card in the machine, and the machine will break the code in it. Now 
you have a Pass Card. You cannot go anywhere from this room, so use the elevator 
to go back to Dormitory (VIII) and exit the room.
9. Make your way to the gate room (X). Go through the lobby (IX) if you want to. 
Then open door (w) to the room. In this room, you will see an animation of 
Burns. The animation depends on what character you use (Alex / Michelle). After 
the animation, Burns will join you. There's a gate in this room. Open the gate 
by inspecting the machine near the gate. The machine prompt you to enter the 
Pass Card. Answer yes by picking the left option. If you haven't break the code 
in your card, do so (see point 8). The gate will open to the new room. Go to 
Discharge Area Room (XI). Beware of the mine just in front of the door. Proceed 
to the room to see 2 balloon bombs and another mine. Use Alex to shoot the 
balloon bombs. Get the Steel Wire on the floor. Then make your way to the lobby 
10. In the lobby, You will see an animation of a man on a balcony on LV27 greets 
Burns. Burns recognizes the man as Gasshu. Then Gasshu moves away, gives the 
chance of stopping our heroes to his trustee Giant Red Scorpion (What the..... 
!? He's underestimating you ?? ^_^). 
One advice when you face the scorpion : check your health. You will lose if you 
are careless - without using your medikit when your health bar is low. This 
opponent is easy to defeat. I use Burns to defeat it. Learn the proper timing to 
do the dynamite punch as this move depletes your enemy's HP the most. Beware of 
its sting - dodge it by dashing back. You will defeat it in no time.++
After defeating the scorpion, go in front of the elevator to see a FMV. You will 
arrive at LV 27.
11. Here's a little portion of LV27 Map (You won't need the complete map right 
      #                         #     
      #            c            #  
      #     #######=#######     #                 ##   : wall
      #     #     |E|     #     #                 ===  : door
      #     #      -      #     #                 E    : elevator  
      #     #             #     #                 ST   : starting point
      #  a  #             #  b  #              a,b,... : point of interests  
      ##===##  |E|   |E|  ##===##
      #                         #
      #                         #  
      ########           ########
             #           #        
             #     ST    #       
On LV27, you will see 4 bomb poles and 2 robots. You can sneak between them to 
just get into the door. To defeat the bomb poles, just run past them. The bomb 
will drop and explode. Go through door a or b. You will fight 3 mutants on the 
way. Open door C to go to the elevator for LV28.
You will see an animation of a HUUUGGEEEE Bomb about to explode in 38 minutes. 
Approach it, and see an animation which takes two of our heroes to LV 25. 
Talking about OUCH ^_^.
From this moment, you will have to control your other character in LV25.
***** SPLIT UP - CRUISING ON LV 25 *****
Here's the LV25 Map :
  #####################################   #### #################### 
  #  X    ||      ||  ###   ####             # ###         h    ###
  ###########     ##               VIII      # ##              g###
#############     ##                         # ##       III       #
#         m       ##       ####   ###        # ##                 #
####===###############===###############===### ##############     #
####===###############===###############===##################     #
#                   ||   ###        ##                    ####===##
#########   ##########   ###i IV    ##===###              ####===##
#  n   IX     ########   ###   #######===###                   p  #
#             ###        ###             ###                      #
#################   ##===###################===###############===##
########### #####   ##===#                 #===##############    # 
#         # #S   k  ##   #                 #   ##       #  ||    #
#  XI     # ####===###   #                 #   ##  II   d  ## c  ###
# === ##### ####===###   #                 #   ##e        f##      #
# === # #####       ##   #                 #   ################    #
#     # #     l#######   #                 #   ################    #
#     # # VII  #######   #                 #   ##  b     #a  ||    # 
#     # #           ##   ####           ####   ##   #    #   ##    # 
#     # # === ######## VI   #           #j   V ##   #    #   ##    #
#     # # === ########   ####           ####   ##   # I  #   ##    #
#     # #           ######    _       _    ######   #        ##    #
#     # #           ##       |E|     |E|       ##            ##    #
#     # #           ##########=#######=#######################    #
#     # #           ## S          ST           ##############    #

#     # #           ||                         ||               #
#     # ########################################################
#     ##########################################################
#     ##    ###     ##                         ||              #
#     ||     o  XII ##   ##########===#################  XIV ### 
##############      ||   ##                    #####         #
             #################    XIII    ############=######
                             #            #          |E|
                              #          #            -
Legend for the Map :           The Places' Name : 
##   : Wall                        I. Office D                
===  : Horizontal door            II. Surgery                   
||   : Vertical door             III. Store Room A          
E    : Elevator                   IV. Data Library B                 
S    : Save point                  V. East Ledge                
a,b,c.. : Point of Interests      VI. West Ledge
L    : Ladder                    VII. Meeting Room B
ST   : Starting point           VIII. Warehouse
                                  IX. Office C
                                   X. Storage Cupboard B
                                  XI. Small Room
                                 XII. Security Office A
                                XIII. Central Computer Room
                                 XIV. Research Lab. A
1. From the starting point, go to Office D(I). Next to the desk near the 
entrance there's a panel with lights on it (a). Inspect it, and you will see an 
animation of a safe nearby (b) opens. There's a timer on that safe. The safe 
only opens 15 seconds after the panel is pressed. You've got to hurry to to take 
the Floor Key from the safe. After you take the key, you will see an animation 
of a woman-with-claw questions a woman about the system disc, then kills her. Go 
back into Office D (I) and be sure to grab 1 First Aid Pill from the shelf and 1 
Blue EX bottle from the shelf near the corner of the safe.
2. Get out of the Office D (I) and go to the Surgery(II). In front of the 
Surgery, you will find the woman who was killed (c). Search her body to get 
Medal #4. Then enter the Surgery (II). This is the Surgery, so you can expect to 
get a lot of medikits here. Search the black cabinet for 3 First Aid Pills. 
Search the white cabinet near it to get another 5 First Aid Pill(d). Then go to 
the side room. Get a Blue Card with number 052 on the desk(e). These numbers are 
needed for your friend on LV26 to open the safe.  
Oh...before you go, get 1 Yellow EX bottle on the farthest cabinet(f). 
3. Go to the Store Room A (III) in the warehouse. There's a 'follow me press the 
button' kinda puzzle on the door (p). You have to follow the button press that 
is shown by the panel. The 4 buttons showed there are your joypad button 
(Triangle, Square, X, and O). Press at the same time as the light on the panel. 
If you time your button-pressing right, you will see a bar is filling up. If the 
bar passes the green line, then you can enter the door. I cannot give you the 
button sequence to press, because it's random each time you play. 
Enter the Store Room A (III) and you will see an animation where you meet 
Rachel. The animation depends on the person you are using (Alex or Michelle). 
After getting Rachel, get 1 First Aid Tube from the shelf. Then get out of the 
room and head to the library. 
4. On your way to the Data Library B (IV), you will fight 3 terrorists with 
knife and a pole bomb. Defeat the enemy and go into the Data Library B (IV). 
Fight 3 mutants and 3 baloon bombs. Go to another subroom to get the slide for 
the projector(i) on the table near the wall (it's shining) - looks like a few 
green cards. Then search the bookshelf to get an information. Get out of the 
Note : If you play the character in LV 25 first, you will stuck in this place. 
You need the other character in level 26 to help you to open the door (see point 
6 in LV 26 walkthrough).    
5. Go through the now-opened green-security door to the East Ledge(V). Face two 
mutants here. Walk until you see a transporter and a panel on the wall. The 
transporter is not working because it doesn't have the power. You have to put a 
battery into the panel on the wall. So go back to Store Room A, and get the 
battery from the robot (g) (note : you have to check the transporter panel on 
the wall before you can get the battery from the robot). After getting the 
battery, go back to the transporter panel. Put the battery into the panel, and 
you can now use the transporter to the West Ledge (VI). Open the door there.
6. Walk to the save point. Save if you want to, then open the door (k). Just 
like the door in front of Store Room A, you have to do the 'follow me press the 
button' again. This time, it's much harder, because you have to press it right 
all the time - there's no green bar. But don't worry, each time you fail, the 
bar gets shorter. So you will have greater chance of doing it. I cannot give you 
the button sequence to press, because it's random. Open that door, and you will 
arrive at the Meeting Room B (VII). Check the projector to use the slide that 
you got previously. You will learn a story about Garland System Attack 
Sattelite, Prof Kevin Howard (Rachel's father), Prof Vault Maverick, and 
Artificial Brain R2000. You will learn something about Rachel in the animation 
7. Go back to the West Ledge (VI) without using the transporter on the East 
Ledge. Instead, go around by opening the door to the Lobby, go past the Office D 
and Surgery, go through green door, and get the battery. Then go back to the 
Meeting Room B with the battery. Trust me, you will need it. Then go to the 
Warehouse (VIII), and get 3 First Aid Pill from the shelf near the green door. 
You will notice a dead guard in the Warehouse (VIII). Search his body for Medal 
#3. Open the green door to the (m) point. You will see a robot there. Put the 
battery on the robot (see ? I told you that the battery will come in handy ^_^), 
and the robot will move - revealing a door that it's blocking. Open that door 
with Floor Key. Go through that door to the Office C (IX).  
8. In the Office C (IX) you will face 3 terrorists with knife. Defeat them. Go 
to the open door on the left to get to the Desk with big globe. Beware of the 
mines just in front of the door. See the chair next to the desk ? Check that 
chair, and answer yes to activate the chair. You will be transported to the 
Small Room (XI). In the Small Room (XI), search the cabinet for a diary 
(information) and a medikit.
Note : If you decide to use the chair again later in the quest, remember that 
Burns cannot use this chair due to his big body.
9. Get out of the room through the only door. Walk then climb the stairs. You 
will see a man lying on the ground. Talk to him - he will ask you to rescue Prof 
Howard. Leave him and proceed to another stairs. Descend that stairs and open 
the only door. You will come into the Control Room (XII). Check the monitor to 
see what's happened to Prof Howard. Go to the door on the other side. There are 
6 mines on the floor, 5 of them are close to each other. Walk towards the mine, 
then dash backward when the mine beeps. Wait for it to explode. Do it again on 
the 5-set of mines. One explosion of the mine will set a chain reaction on the 4 
other mine. Go to the Central Computer Room(XIII).
10. In the Central Computer Room you will find that a Green Punk Ninja is 
holding Prof Howard as his hostage. The Ninja tells you to give way to him. Then 
the Ninja locks you in the Central Computer Room so you die freezing. Use your 
character to hit the wall until it breaks. Then go back to the man lying on the 
ground (who previously told you to rescue Prof Howard). But beware that there 
are enemies in the Security Office A (XII) - 2 Mutants and a Baloon bombs. When 
you reach the man, he will tell you the location of the System Disc - it's on 
the Juke Box. The man then dies before he is able to give you his Medal. Search 
him to get Medal #5 from him. 
Note : This is the end of the journey. If you haven't finished the character on 
LV26, do it now.  After that, check point 11.
11. Want to know what happened to your friend in the other level ? If your 
friend has met Gasshu and fell to LV25, then check your automap (press Start). 
You will see the location of your friends on the West Wing. Proceed there to see 
an animation. 
You now control 3 characters, minus the character that went to LV 26 (Alex or 
Michelle). And check your inventory - notice that you have combined the 
inventory from both groups.
***** REUNION (MINUS ONE) *****
1. Get out from the Surgery, go to the elevator to reach LV26. Go to the bar (V 
- LV26) and check the jukebox (o). Now that you have all 5 Medals, you can use 
the Jukebox. Notice that the 2nd disc in the Jukebox reads error. Get the Error 
disc. The Error disc is actually the System Disc. You can check the other disc 
for Sound Test. 
2. Go back to the elevator and ride it to LV 27 ( Isn't it strange ?? The 
elevator was not working before !? ). Pass the 4 polebombs and 2 robots (refer 
to LV26 section 11 which has map for LV27). Go to LV28 using the elevator to the 
place where you saw the HUUUGGGEEEE bomb. You will fight Gasshu there.
   +++ BOSS 2 : GASSHU +++
At last, after so long there's another boss. Gasshu has a few moves, but the 
most dangerous move is his grab move, so stay out of it. Stay away from Gasshu, 
then wait for him to come for you. Don't wait until he attacks you because he 
has longer range than you. Instead, dash forward and combo him. If he steps back 
and escapes from your combo, that means he's getting ready for his eye beam. 
Just run to his side (don't run towards or away from him) and you will make him 
miss his eye beam - you even can combo him if you're fast enough. When he falls 
down, go away. Don't wait for him to get up. He often use his fire arms 
technique to get you. Repeat the Dash-Punch Combo-Avoid Eye Beams-Punch Combo-
Stay away  and you will win the fight easily. 
You will see an animation when you defeat Gasshu.
3. Now is the time for disarming the HUUUGGEEE BOMB. The problem is : Burns once 
tried to disarm a bomb in the past and he failed ^_^ Guess his failure haunted 
There are 4 shields in the bomb with number 0, 1, 2 and 3. You have to open the 
shield in particular order. The order is RANDOM each time you play. To know 
which shield to open, flip the bomb to see the bomb's bottom. See a number there 
? There's the shield number that you must remove. Each time you remove a shield, 
check the bomb's bottom to know which shield to remove. Repeat until you remove 
all 4 shields. 
4. Now is the moment that we've been waiting for ...... Should you turn the fuse 
to the left or to the right ? There's absolutely no hint for this one. Burns 
exploded his bomb in this stage, too ^_^. Follow your sense ^_^ (Just kidding). 
Turn it to the LEFT (pick the right option twice) and you will disarm the bomb. 
Note : You can turn the fuse to the right to see an animation where you fail to 
disarm the bomb. See the result ^_^.
Now that you disarm the bomb, you can go back to enter the elevator to LV27.
Here's a little bit more of map LV27.
   #-    - ######             #
   #- ##   ##             #############          ### : wall
   #####SA###S##              ##  IV  #          === : horizontal door
   #b            I            ||  ##  #          ||  : vertikal door
   #####===####    ####===######      #          ST  : Starting Point
   #####===####    ####===#############          SA  : Stairs
   #         ##    ###  III   #                  E   : Elevator 
   #  # # #  ##    ###     #  #         
   #   II    ##  a ##      #  #   
   #############==#############                The Places : 
   #############==############                  I. Secretary's Office
   #                         #                 II. Reception Office
   #            ST           #                III. Data Library C
   #     #######=#######     #                 IV. Games Room
   #     #     |E|     #     #    
   #     #      -      #     #    
   #     #             #     #   
   #     #             #     #
   ##===##  |E|   |E|  ##===##
   #                         #
   #                         #      
   ########           ########
          #           #        
          #           #       
1. Enter the door (a) reach the Secretary's Office (I). You should have the 
system disc with you right now. If you don't have the system disc, you will see 
a note at the door - and you aren't allowed to get into the room. 
2. In the Secretary's Office, there's a save point you can use. Then check out 
the west wall. There's a safe behind the desk (b). Open the safe for 1 Yellow EX 
bottle. Then enter the Reception Office (II). Fight 3 terrorists with knife and 
a mine. Grab 3 First Aid Tubes inside. Then go back to the Secretary's 
Office(I). Go to the Data Library C (III). There are 2 mines behind the couch. 
Then go to the room filled with books in there. Fight a mutant and 1 mine. After 
that, grab 1 smalll medikit from that room. Go back to the Secretary's Office 
3. You cannot do anything in the Games Room (IV) right now, so just save your 
game if you want and ascend the stairs (SA). Open the white door to see an 
4. Before the fight, there are choices about who will fight the Girl. The first 
choice is whether you want Alex/Michele to fight her. The left option is to 
agree, and the right option is for letting the other character to fight her 
(Burns or Rachel). If you answer the right option, then you will have an option 
again to choose with one will fight her. The left option is Burns and the right 
option is Rachel. It's up to you.
   +++ BOSS 3 : GIRL WITH CLAW (I still haven't know her name ^_^) +++
This is one tough enemy. I personally pick Rachel, because she's fast. Her speed 
is essential in defeating her. The enemy has a lot of pattern. First she will 
approach you. She does this a few time. Use this opportunity to give her your 
best shot, like if you use Burns, do your Dynamite Punch. After that, she keeps 
changing her pattern. Here's the pattern :
1. Float in the air and summon 2 green mutants. Defeat the mutant, and she will 
come down. But most of the time you cannot attack her. She dissapears if you 
attack her.
2. Doubling herself. One of the girl is an image. Destroy the mirror image and 
combo the real one. Quite easy.
3. Dissapear and appear from your behind and use her combo on you. Just run and 
go back when she finishes her combo. 
4. Making a circle of energy beneath you. Run towards her and do your combo. 
This is one of the best chance to deplete her energy.
5. Float around, making a few crystals on her way. The crystals then spin and 
shoot some ray all across the room. This is her ultimate attack. This attack 
will deplete your energy fast.... VERY FAST. Just react as quickly as you can by 
destroying the crystal. If you cannot do that, just run to the side / back of 
the desk. 
NOTE : If you have finished the game and got Rachel's green outfit (third 
outfit), use her dashing laser combo (Down + Square). You will defeat the enemy 
with just 3 strike !! ^_^
After you defeat the enemy, you will see an animation about Rachel and Prof 
Howard in the Surgery. There will be an explanation from Prof Howard about 
Garland Sattelite. Your wounded character (Alex or Michelle) will join you after 
the animation. 

Note : There will be a lot of floor changing after this. I will not draw the 
LV25 or LV26 map again. Check the previous section for the map.
1. Before you leave the Surgery (II), just be sure to grab the roulette ball 
from Prof Howard. Go out from the Surgery (II) and head to the Storage Cupboard 
B (X) - see the LV25 map to know the location. You can now open the door since 
you have the Key Card A in your inventory. There's a safe on the wall. Search 
the safe for Disengagement Device #1. It's needed to disable the plasma barrier 
on LV26. Search the shelf for a medikit.
2. Go to the lobby and ride the elevator to LV27. Here's the complete map of 
LV27 (at last ...)
                   #############################   a                #
####################       ######             ####===############   #
#                e##  ##   ##             ########===############   #
###               ######ST###S##              ##      ##     b ##   #
#L##########     ###             I            ||  ##  ##   ##==##   #
#         V       ######===####    ####===######  IV  ##   ##L      #
#         ##      ######===####    ####===##############===##########
#    f    ##      ##         ##    ###        ##########===##########
############  d   ##  # # #  ##    ### III #  ##           ##      h#
#############===####    II   ##    ##      #  ##     ########       #
#############===################==##############     ########      ##
#                 ##############==############.#     ##            ##
#   ####===####   ##                         #.#     ##i     VI    ##       
#   ####===####   ##                         #.#     #####         ##    
#   ##       #######     #######=#######     #.#  c  #####    g    ##
#   ## VIII  #######     #     |E|     #     #.#@@@@@########===##### 
#k  ##   ######   ##     #      -      #     #.#     ########===#####  
#=####===#   ##  o||     #             #     #.#                    # 
|E| ##===#   ##   ##     #             #     #.##===#################
 -  ##      l##   ###===##  |E|   |E|  ##===##.##===#############
###### IX    ##   ###===#####=#####=#####===##.#         j    L #
#   ||       ##   ##                         #.#    #######     #
#   ###########   ##            ST           #.#  VII  i        #   
#   ###########   #########           ########.##################
#                 ##      #           #        ##################
#############===####      #           #        ##################
          ###===######    #############        #    #####m      #
          #     X    #                     #####   ######   #####
          #######    ###                 ####      ######   #####
                #      #*****************# ||     XI          n #              
                ########                 ########################   
Legend for the Map :           The Places' Name : 
##   : Wall                        I. Secretary's Office                  
===  : Horizontal door            II. Reception Office
||   : Vertical door             III. Data Library C
E    : Elevator                   IV. Games Room
S    : Save point                  V. Research Lab. B

a,b,c.. : Point of Interests      VI. Store Room B
L    : Ladder                    VII. Information Office
ST   : Starting point           VIII. Security Office C
@@@  : destructible wall          IX. Security Office B
***  : laser bridge                X. Laser-Bridge Control Room 
                                  XI. Tactics Room
From your starting point (ST), make your way to the Games Room (IV) across the 
Secretary's Office (I). Check the roulette on the table. Since you have the 
roulette ball from Prof Howard (you DID get it, didn't you ??) you can now use 
the ball on the roulette. An animation will show that the ball will stop on 
number 7 - makes the clock on the wall moves to the side and reveals a door. 
Note : if you want, you can go to the room where you fight the 3rd boss and 
check the desk for 1 First Aid Tube.
3. Go thru that door to open area. Fight 2 terrorists with knife and a pole 
bomb. In the end of this ledge, you will find a ladder and a door. Climb the 
ladder, because the path inside door(b) is blocked by a wall (c). You need a 
bomb to blast it open.
After you climb out the ladder in LV28, you will see 3 ventilation shaft. 
Inspect the white panel to the left of the left ventilation shaft to get a red 
EX bottle. If you look at the three ventilation shaft, you will see that one of 
them is broken (the right one). Change your character to Rachel, then inspect 
the broken ventilation shaft. Rachel will then crawl into the ventilation shaft 
to the Research Lab. B (V) in LV27 (d).
4. In the Research Lab. B (V), walk into the steel cage. The steel cage door 
will close behind you. Fight 2 mutants there. After the mutants are defeated, 
the steel cage door will open. Check the panel on the wall to open hidden door 
with ladder inside. Before climbing down the ladder, check the panel (f). The 
panel will open the gate containing a big machine. Then you will see an 
animation of Burns making the bomb. Descend the ladder now to arrive at the 
Control Room (XII) on LV26. There is a panel there that can shut down the plasma 
barrier (the discharge management system), but you need 3 keys (disengagement 
device) to deactivate the plasma barrier. You've only got one of the key, right 
? So basically there's nothing you can do here. Check the desk for an 
information. Climb the ladder again to Research Lab. B and talk to Burns. Burns 
will give you a bomb (named the so called 'Byford's Bomb'. The recipe has been 
in the families for several generations, I suppose ^_^) and join you again.
5. Descend the ladder again to Control Room (XII) on LV26 and go to the only 
door in that room. You will find yourself in the other side of the boxes (y) in 
LV26. You can read the 'Instruction for Incinerator Use' on the wall, too. After 
reading the instruction, change your character to Burns and push the Box. 
6. The mission now is to look for the 2 other keys to disable the plasma 
barrier. Go to the elevator in the lobby (LV26), and ride the elevator to LV27. 
Make your way to the Games Room (IV) again. Enter door (a) again and fight 2 
terrorists with knife and 1 pole mine ...again. In the end of the path, instead 
of climbing the stairs like the last time, enter the door (b) this time. Make 
your way to the wall (c) again and inspect the wall. Since you have the bomb, 
you will see an animation of Alex blowing the wall. On the other side of the 
wall, you will see 1 mutant and 1 pole bomb. Enter the door (g) to reach the 
Store Room B(VI). 
7.In the Store Room B, defeat 1 mutant and 2 pole bomb. Then check the brown 
cabinet on the wall (h) to get a diary (information). Check the 2 shelf nearby 
for 1 First Aid Tube and 1 First Aid Pill. Get the Power Handle on the floor (i) 
and check the shelf behind the Power Handle to get 1 First Aid Pill. Get out of 
the room and reach the Information Office (VII).
8. You will find 6 computers in the center of the room. Check the center green 
monitor (Information Retrieval System) (i) to see an animation of the Garland 
Sattelite experiment.  Check the panel (Network Computer) (j) to download the 
information. Then change your character to Alex, and go to the blinking red 
light near the information panel (j). Inspect it to turn off the lights. Check 
the 6th computer (terminal #6) in the southeast. Answer yes to activate it. A 
wall will be opened and reveal a ladder. Descend the ladder to arrive in Storage 
Cupboard A (XIII) on LV26. Defeat a mutant. Check the safe beside the ladder to 
get the Disengagement Device #2. Then check the shelf for information. Unlock 
the door, and make your way to the elevator.
9. Two keys, one to go. Ride the elevator to LV25. Make your way to Store Room A 
(III). Check the disposal facility box(h). You will place the Power Handle that 
you just found on the gear, then turn it to open the box. Check the trash chute 
(h) again to get the Power Handle again. Then change you character to Rachel. 
Inspect the disposal box (h) again to enter the trash chute. Rachel (and 
friends) will go down through the disposal tunnel to LV B6 (Quite LOOONGGG way 
down). See the animation of Rachel nearly crushed to death. (Strange isn't it ? 
How can Burns get into the little disposal box - he doesn't even fit in the 
chair in the Office C ^_^)  
Here's the map of LV B6 :
   ##############                                    #################
   #c  ST      b#                       ##############                #
   #      e     #            ############           ##                 # 
   ###    I     #            #     g  ||       h    ||     IV          #
     #d        a#            #   ########S          ##                 #
     ####===#####            #   #      ##############                #
 ########===####             @   @                   #################
 #             #             @   @          #####
 #             #             @   @          # m #
 #             ##########@@@@@   @   ########   ####                 
 #     II      ||       f    III @       l|| VII   #         
 #             ##########@@@@@@@@@   ########  n####               
 ###############                            #   #                 
                             # i #                                 
                             #   #                                 
                          #      V           k#                    
                          #    ###########   j############           
                          ######         #    ||    VI   #         
                          # p  #         #############   #         
                          #====#                     #   #        
                                                    @   @          
                                                  @   @            
                                                @   @              
                                              @   @
                                            @   @
                                          @   @
                                        ###   ###
                                        #   q  o#
                                          #   #
                       ####################   ############     
                       # E  ||r                    S|| E #
Legend for the Map :           The Places' Name :
### : wall                       I. Incinerator
=== : horizontal doors          II. Research Lab. C  
||  : vertical door            III. Rotating Path 
@@@ : removable bridge          IV. Isolated Area
S   : safe point                 V. Experiment Lab.
E   : elevator                  VI. Rotating Bridge
ST  : starting point           VII. Cell Culture Room
1. You start at the Incinerator (I). There are 4 computers on every corner of 

this room (a,b,c,d). Inspect 3 of them. Activate it by making the screen of the 
computer red. After that you will see an animation of a safe opens somewhere in 
the room. Go to the open safe (the round white thing, e) and take Disengagement 
Device #3 from there. Now you have all 3 keys. Proceed to the Research Lab. C 
2. In the Research Lab. C (II) go past those tube to go to new area guarded by a 
robot and 4 mines (see the broken tube's name : Brennum - who is he ?? You'll 
find it soon enough). Then go thru the next door. See the white lever on the 
left wall ? This lever can change the direction of the rotating path (III). Pull 
the lever to change the path direction so it leads to the north path (g) - check 
your map to see it. Open the door leading to a room with a very long stairs 
leading down. Save the game in this place if you want to, then descend the 
stairs. Open the door to the Isolated Area (IV). You will see an animation of 
our heroes meeting Prof Vault. Prof Vault has abstract body. After the 
animation, Rachel will try to stop Prof Vault. 
   +++ BOSS 4 : PROF VAULT +++
This is an easy boss. Just dash in and combo the center of Vault's body - ignore 
everything. Then Vault's body will explode and he will turn into his second form 
(kinda like snake with big VAULT head ^_^). Each time he's waking up, he's 
trying to bite you.  So dash backward, then dash forward and combo him. 
Sometimes he emits white lights around his body - he's regenerating his energy 
!! So finish him fast and attack him while he's recovering. 
3. You will see an animation after Vault is lost. Then you will start your 
adventure from the north path (g). You cannot enter the door leading to the 
isolated area again. Go back to the lever and turn the lever to the south path 
(i). Change your character to Alex, then enter the only door in the south path 
(i)to the Experiment Lab. (V). It's dark inside.  There are 2 enemies that you 
have not seen before - Dual-Blade terorrists. Defeat them, then go to the left 
side of the door. Inspect there for a light switch. Activate it so the room 
becomes bright. Get 1 First Aid Tube from the tube near the door. Then activate 
a lever to the left of the round light (k). See your map - the lever changes the 
direction of the rotating path. It now leads to Cell Culture Room (VII). Go back 
to the rotating path to the Cell Culture Room (VII) and open door (l). There are 
3 mines in this room, so be careful. Pick 3 First Aid Kit on the north wing (m). 
Check the lever (n) to open the door. Get Glowing Moss from the room (looks like 
green blob), and go back to Experiment Lab. (V).
4. Go to the rotating bridge. You'll find a red robot guarding the place, along 
with 4 floating diamond. Take care of them, then go across the bridge. See the 
panel beside the door (o) ? Inspect the panel to insert the Power Handle. Then 
see an animation of Burns changing the bridge's direction.  Cross the bridge and 
enter the room. Search the box in the middle for a black EX bottle. exit the 
room, cross the bridge, then enter the door (q) leading to a safe point and 
elevator on the west (r). Activate the elevator by choosing the left option and 
get out of the elevator. You'll see that you arrive at LV1 elevator (b) in the 
back room (I). Work your way to the front lobby and ride the elevator to LV26.
***** GO!! GO!! GO!! *****
1. Now that you have 3 Disengagement Devices, you can disable the plasma 
barrier. Go to the Control Room (XII). Beware that there are new enemies in 
every room (even the dangerous green scorpion is guarding your way to the 
Control Room ). In the Control Room, inspect the panel to insert the 3 keys. Now 
that the plasma barrier has been deactivated, go to the elevator room. There are 
1 blue robot and 2 baloon bombs on that place, so be careful. Enter the elevator 
in this room to reach LV27.
2. You'll arrive in front of the elevator on LV27 (k). Walk the path when 
suddenly a robot from the ceiling appear to attack you. This robot can dissapear 
and appear from ceiling. Defeat it, and go to the Security Office C. Grab the 1 
red EX bottle from a small cabinet near the bed. Then go to the Security Office 
B. Check the graphs to see an animation (Now you know who Brennum was ^_^). 
After the animation, notice that there's a clock on the right corner of the 
screen. It's the countdown to destruction !! Rachel has a plan to stop that, 
but..... (won't spoil the fun ^_^). 
3. Make your way to the Laser-Bridge Control Room (X). On your way, you will 
meet 2 Dual-Blade terrorists and a pole bomb. Defeat them and go inside the 
room. There's a terrorist with knife and a mine in that room. After defeating 
them, check the control panel to activate the laser bridge. Cross the laser 
bridge and open the door to reach the Tactics Room (XI). Get a First Aid Kit 
from the computer (m), and information from a monitor (n). Then check the world 
map to see an animation. Notice that the countdown has stopped. Now leave the 
room, cross the laser bridge again, and go to the elevator through door (o) To 
open door (o), check the panel on the left of the door. Ride the elevator to 
4. On LV1, make your way the back room (I), and take the elevator (b) to reach 
level B6. You can see that the gate beside the save point has been opened. Save 
the game here as this is the last save point. You will face lots of bosses here 
without any saving. 
***** FIGHT TO THE END *****
Note : LV B7 is straight-forward, so it's not necessary to draw the map. 
1. Go through the open gate to ride an elevator leading to LVB7. When you enter 
the elevator, you will see Brennum, that UGLY Green Punk Ninja Brennum again. He 
challenges you to a fight. 
   +++ BOSS 5 : BRENNUM +++
This guy is tough. He's so fast, so I suggest you use the faster character, like 
Michelle or Rachel. When he's close, he will combo you. If you use Rachel, use 
the counter guard technique (Down, Up + Square) to face him.  After some time, 
he will use his round-and-round technique, which is running circling you. There 
are two types of circling attack. 
1. Circle, and suddenly dash behind you and stab you. Just run from him. 
2. Circling and making the circle smaller, then jump and crush you to the 
ground. When the circle is getting smaller, run outside the circle. Keep running 
so he'll miss his crushing technique. After the crushing technique, he will stun 
without doing anything. This is your best chance to give him your best shot.
2. After Brennum is lost, you will come to LV B7. Open the door to reach a room 
with a red robot guarding it. Check every corner of this room (near the door and 
both pipes). You will find 3 First Aid Kits in this room - you'll need it for 
the battle. After that, defeat another red robot guarding the door. Then enter 
the door to reach a place with a large open space. Meet your old foe here.
(There is a strange thing happening to me when I play the game for the second 
time. I don't find the red robot boss in this place !! I fought him the first 
time I played the game. )
Use Burns, as he's the strongest among the 4 characters. Use your Dynamite Punch 
all the time. Dash backward if the enemy attacks you. When he tries to lock you, 
get away as fast as he could and face left or right. When he shoots, just run 
left or right and you will evade the bullets since the bullets run in straight 
But for me, the most effective way of killing him is just dash close to him and 
do dynamite punch all the time. Maybe you'll get hit by a little. If you fast 
enough, Gasshu will only able to give you one lock shot and won't have the time 
(or life) to give you the second shot. 
3. When you cross the bridge, you will see an animation about Rachel. Rachel 
might not be in your party after this animation - it will result in different 
endings (consult Section #8 for getting the alternate endings - CAUTION SPOILERS 
!!). Go descend the stairs and meet Miguel, the last boss. 
   +++ BOSS 7 : MIGUEL +++
Miguel has a very long life bar. The only way to deplete his life bar is by 
attacking the red crystal on his tail. Stay close to him, because if you're too 
far he will stomp you. Furthermore, he will shoot some blue projectiles to you 
if you're too far. Go under his arm pit and punch the crystal from the side. 
When he lifts his both claws and spins it, dash or run as quickly as you can to 
the corner. He will spins fast, and you will be safe if you're in the corner. 
After spinning, he will stop for a while - This is your best chance to use your 
combo. After that, he will send 2 homing bombs. One to the crystal, and one for 
you. Run to avoid it. Repeat until he's defeated. 
That's all Folks !! Enjoy the ending ^_^ 
##########  8.  INFORMATION GUIDES  ###########
Note : This section is for the Hard Edge players only who wishes to understand 
more about the story. Some of the information contains hints, and some of the 
information contains the background story. These informations are not needed to 
finish the game. 
1. News Cutting 1 - Kidnapping Incident
Dec 18th - Fourteen-years old Rachel Howard, the only daughter of Professor 
Kevin Howard, was apparently abducted on the 8th of this month outside the 
Howard home. Professor Howard is the head of Space Development Division at 
Machinery Gear, Inc.. The identity of the kidnapper is unknown, but witnesses 
describe him as large in build with a shaved head and dressed in millitary 
Numerous unconfirmed and fantastic reports of a 3-meter-tall abductor have been 
made by other eyewitnesses to this paper. Other sources report that Professor 
Kevin Howard himself is missing.
2. News Cutting 2 - Rocket Launch Successful
The Sattellite will attempt to combat the growing problem of space debris, the 
recovery and disposal of which is the rocket's mission. Collision with space 
debris was the cause of a civilian space shuttle accident two years ago, in 
which 256 people aboard were killed. Four people including a 12-year girl, 
miraculously survived the crash.
Sept. 30 - The first Garland Rocketwas successfully launched from the State 
Space Center at 7.31 last night. The rocket is carrying a Plasma Gun module, 
which will be installed in the Garland System Sattelitte now under construction 
in orbit in space. The success of the rocket launch will herald the final stage 
of the sattelitte construction.
3. Internal E-mail - Information on the 25F Storage
11/10 As you know, the procedure when entering the storage facility on the 25th 
is that a couple of boneheads from Maintenance go with you. A tiresome state of 
affairs. So the last time, I messed with the program for the electronic lock on 
that door when they weren't looking. All you have to is watch the on-off timing 
of the lamp and press the buttton at the same time, but it'll be interesting to 
see whether hose Maintenance geniuses can figure that one out. >From : Jim 
4. Letter - Hidden Letter
This is an emergency situation. The building appears to have been taken over by 
terorists. What kind of a group could have breached this tight a security 
structure? I have hidden myself in this secret room; they must not be allowed to 
get a hold of that system's program. I'm deleting all programs, data, everything 
related to the system. But there's no way of tellung that the system will not be 
misused in some way. I am moving the startup control program into a dummy disk 
to conceal it. If something should happen to me, please take over. The dummy is 
hidden in the **ke*** (the rest is covered in blood and cannot be deciphered).
5. Journal - Prof.Maverick's Development Logs
March 21st - Seems there was a party to officially announce the Garland System 
plans. Involved only the Space Development chaps, of all things,. Absolutely 
disgraceful. After all, I'm the one in charge of developing the plasma missile 
ejectors that are supposed to go on the sattelitte.
April 7th - That Kevin Howard showed up today supposedly for an inspection. 
Probably fretting about the delay in plasma missile ejector developments. Had 
the nerve to say that he would switch to another ejector device if I didn't 
finish it in a month. Fond of jokes, is he ?
April 19th - Not enough time. I have pushed the development speed up quite high. 
Will have to skip the endurance testing on each part. The thing simply needs to 
work for the time being. But of course, device reliability will be lower. No 
matter; it must be completed at all costs.
May 2nd - Completion out to be near at this rate. Tomorrow will be the final 
adjustment testing for the plasma generator-amplifier. There is some element of 
risk, but there ought not to be any problems. If the device is completed, 
that'll teach that fool Howard a lesson. Must say I'm looking forward to that.
6. Accident Report - Explosion Report
Dated May 7th :
An explosion of accidental nature took place on May 3rd in Development Research 
Unit no 3, basement level.
Casualties : 
Fatalities         - 4 researchers
Seriously wounded  - Professor Vault
Property Damage : Underground Development Research Unit No 3 was completely 
Cause of Accident : Unknown.
Notes : 
Fire was brought under control six hours after the onset of the accident. 
Professor Vault has suffered limb and other losses corresponding to 37% of his 
body and sustained burns and injuries to 68%; his condition is extremely 
serious. His physiological functions are currently being maintained in a special 
life support system, but the immediate danger still cannot be underestimated. 
There are no signs of his regaining consciousness. Accident Investigate 
7. Unknown Data 1 - Data Retrieved From the Net (1/10)
I have finally awakened! The operation forming a direct synaptic connection 
between my cerebral cortex and a computer has allowed my psyche to take form of 
electrons, and made real the posibility for it to freely enter the electronic 
space! This is truly a spectacular event. I now have the power to enter and 
manipulate anything through electronic networks. Even - yes, even the Garland 
System suspended out there in space.
8. Unknown Data 2 - Data Retrieved From the Net (6/10)
They keep this wreck of myself alive in that life support system....can this be 
taken to mean that they still need me ? But even with this magnificent power, 
the brain is flesh and so I must perish some day. Yet old habits die hard, and 
even in this changed form, I keep this records, albeit electronically.
9. Unknown Data 3 - Data Retrieved From the Net (17/10)
In this new form as an electronic organism, I have infiltrated the data room 
above ground; according to the information I accessed there, there was once a 
research project conducted within Machinery Gear, Inc. that attempted to create 
an "artificial" brain, within which a human brain could be replicated. If this 
project has been completed, I can transplant the my own characteristics and 
memories into this artificial brain, and be reborn. And become a perfect being 
complete in all ways. But I know only of this project's existence.All other 
information was completely erased. Who on earth could have been working on this? 
There is no way to find out more by my own powers alone.
10. Unknown Data 4 - Data Retrieved From the Net (2/11)
Rats!, what are Miguel and his men doing? They still haven't been able to locate 
any traces of the 'artificial brain', even after the trouble I went to in order 
to give them false identities as Machinery Gear employees. Perhaps they're 
nothing more than a straggling bunch of mercenaries, after all. Thought they 
were a bit sharper than that, but looks as though I was mistaken.
11. Unknown Data 5 - Data Retrieved From the Net (13/11)
Miguel and his goons are up to something behind my back. Theier meeting place is 
near the skylight on the building's penthouse floor, out of the reach of my 
eyes. Must think of some way - wha - ! - what on earth -!? - something - 
something alien inside me - n-no! - is this - is it a virus!? - laughter .... I 
know that voice - MIGUEL! ...the pain... is this his - deed? - darn 
12. Disengagement - Disengaging the Electrification Array

The electrified area serves as a preventative measure against unauthorized 
entry. Disengagement requires a key devised for this purposed called the 
disengagement device. There are a total of three disengagement devices, and 
disengagement cannot proceed without all three. In the interest of security, the 
storage location of the keys have been distributed among multiple floors. Care 
should be taken to ensure that disengagement not be performed without 
authorization for non-emergency purposes. - end of section.
13. Admin Log - Admin. Log from the Disengagement Room
Month : November   Date 13th
I've made a terrible mistake. I think I accidentally threw the disengagement 
plug in the trash. If this gets out in the Division, I'll be fired. What'll 
happen to my wife and kids? I have to find that plug somewhere....
Month : November   Date 14th
The garbage incinerator is in the basement of the building. The underground 
level is listed as a classified area and so is off-limits to us. It won't be 
easy to for someone from another department to get an entry permit. But I've got 
to find some way in. If the disengagement plug is anywhere, it has to be in the 
incineration area. I'm planning to go in tomorrow night.  
Month : November   Date 15th
I've managed to get down to the basement, which is built like an elaborate trap. 
On top of that, I saw some guys down there who didn't look as though they worked 
for the company, all dressed in millitary gear. Who the hell are they? I gave up 
midway on their account, but I've got to get to the incineration area tomorrow 
night. I'll go down through a trash chute.
14. Internal Report 1 - Several Messages
Christmas Party
Time : Dec. 24 from 7 p.m.
Place : Head office bldg., 26F
Regarding security matters, contact the Administration section.

-Accident Measures Committee-
An explosion which occured during the Garland System development delayed the 
schedule for six months. This not only caused an increase in development costs 
of 37% but affected our reputation. 
As a result of this accident, we have decided to establish an accident measures 
committee within the department to prevent any further accidents. 
-Garland Plan- 
No information
15. Internal Report 2 - Several Messages

-Inspection Notice-
Because of a malfunction in the ventilation of the 27F, the wall duct will be 
inspected. Date: Dec.22 (p.m)

27 F : Enviroment and Energy Research Section
26 F : Aerospace Technology Development Section
25 F : Information Systems Section Manufacture and Administration Section
B    : Arms Technology Development Section
       Arms Defense System Development
       Human-body and AI research 
       Chemical Research
16. Internal Report 3 - Information on the Emergency Escape Gates

The evacuation gate in the basement is open. This is the evacuation gate for 
basement researchers. For workers on above ground floors, use the nearest 
emergency staircase and evacuate outside immediately.
17. Instruction for Incinerator Use 
"Combustion is turned on/off and flame intensity regulated by means of four 
separate control values, which are turned in a specified order." (A signed 
posted underneath reads : " Problem is currently being corrected - Each value 
now stays open or closed for shorter period of time. Appropriate caution should 
be taken").
##########  9. ENDINGS  ###########
As far as I know, this game has 2 endings : the happy one, and the bad one. 
The bad one : Rachel died just before you fought Miguel. After you defeated 
Miguel, you were glad that the quest was over. King the Bartender came to you 
and asked to get out together. Then suddenly there's a sound that the Togusa 
building was about to be destroyed in 10 minutes !! Alex and the others confused 
about who's controlling the Garland sattelite since Miguel was dead. Alex said 
to the others that they had to get out fast. 
The scene changed to aa view in the outer space. The Garland Sattelite is 
powering up, then releases all the energy to the Togusa building. The impact 
causes a giant quake. Then there's a view of a firewall from the Togusa building 
destroy everything near the building. The view changed back to the sattelite - 
from the monitor you can see Prof Vault is laughing.
The Happy Ending : Rachel did not die on the bridge. You fought Miguel with full 
party. After you defeated him, Alex used his radio and call the headquarters. 
Then the view changed. Our heroes are on a big ship. Then they watch the 
I finished the game three times - 2 times with bad endings, and the last time 
with the happy endings.When I first finish the game, my time is 6:49. Then I 
wrote the FAQ along with playing the second game - my time is 6:00. Then I 
checked my walkthrough by playing the 3rd times and managed to finish the game 
in just 1 HOURS AND 38 MINUTES (could've been faster)!!  So my first prediction 
is : if you finish the game under certain times, you will get the happy ending - 
After some testing, I find out that YOU WILL GET THE HAPPY ENDING IF YOU MANAGED 
tried : I went to the basement as fast as I can (after Rachel released her 
energy), then faced the two bosses fast (the Green Punk Ninja and the Red 
Robot). After I reached the bridge, I tried to cross it without descending the 
stairs to Miguel - Rachel didn't die at that time. Then I went back to the door 
where I came from, and waited for some time. When I crossed the bridge 
afterwards, I saw the Rachel's dead animation. And my time was below 2:00.
##########  10. THINGS TO GET AFTER FINISHING THE GAME  ###########
After the ending and the credits, you will have an option to save your completed 
game. Save your completed game, then load from that game. Your character will 
have new outfit or new weapons. 
You can select your new outfit in the Character Screen (press Select Button) and 
choose ARMS option.
*** 9.1  Alex ***
1. Second outfit - Blue and orange shirt with black trousers and green hair.
2. Third outfit - Black and Yellow shirt with black trousers and red hair.
3. New weapon - shotgun (MG-FTR-C7) 
   With this shotgun, Alex gets completely new sets of move.
     - Dash forward : tap Up, Up
     - Dash backward : tap Down, Down
     - 'Here it comes' shoot : press Square
   The MG-FTR-C7 shotgun's bullet is unlimited.
*** 9.2  Michelle ***
1. Second outfit - Yellow and white blouse with brown trousers and red hair.
2. Third outfit - Blue and light purple shirt with dark purple trousers and 
green hair.
3. New weapon (Scimitar) and outfit - Black sexy blouse (looks like an Arabian 
princess), with  white trousers and purple hair. 
*** 9.3  Burns ***
1. Second outfit - Red shirt with black tie and black trousers. 
2. Third outfit - Black shirt with grey trousers and white tie. 
3. New weapon (red gloves) and outfit - Yellow shirt and trousers with blue face 
and arms  (looks really weird). Burns have the same moves as before. The boxing 
gloves get bigger when you throw a punch. Looks like you have longer range with 
these gloves. 
*** 9.4  Rachel *** 
1. Second outfit - purple blouse, purple cap, and brown shorts.
2. Third outfit - White and Brown no-arm blouse and blue batons - no cap 
3. New weapons (laser batons) and outfit - green blouse, green cap, and black 
   With the new weapon, Rachel gets completely different set of moves.
    - Dashing love attack : tap Up, Up (when it hits the enemy, there are heart 
images on the impact. If you do it close to the enemy, you will get 2 hit combo)
    - Sommersault (back dash) : tap Down, Down (it's much faster and farther in 
    - Dashing laser combo : press Down + Square (she dashes far and slashes her 
enemy with laser. GREAT damage. Use it frequently, but beware that Rachel will 
not be able to move one split second in front of the enemy when she dashes and 
the enemy will use this advantage to hit Rachel out of her move)
    - Girlie Kick : press Up, Down + Square (to hit enemy on the ground)
    - Spinning laser : press Square + X (takes a little life bar)
Here's the deal : 
- each time you finish the game, you will get the second outfit for every 
character. And if you finish the game for the second time (regardless you get 
the same endings as the first or not) you will get the third outfit.
- you get the character's new weapon if you use that character frequently to 
kill bosses. 
So here's the tactic to get all weapons and outfits : concentrate on using just 
two characters and finish the game - you will get the second outfits for all 
characters and the new weapons for those two characters. Then finish the second 
game by concentrating with the other two characters. You will get the third 
outfits for all characters and the new weapons for the two remaining characters. 
You may want to see both endings, too - look at section 8 on how to get the 
NOTE : T.R.A.G has a new feature that you won't get in Hard Edge when you finish 
the game : you'll get a green map on your upper-right screen. Not quite useful, 
NOTE 2 : Each time you finish the game, you'll get more sound test. You can play 
it by using the Juke Box in the Bar. 
##########  11.  GAMESHARK CODES  ###########
*** 11.1  HARD EDGE CODES ***
These codes are from Asian Game Shark Code Centre website 
(http://userwww.hkg.com/~lowaiyin/) and these codes are used with permission. 
   | NO | NAME                      |  CODE           |
   |  1 | Maximum HP                |  80117008 03E7  | 
   |  2 | Alex Maximum HP           |  80094436 03E7  |
   |  3 | Michelle Maximum HP       |  80094432 03E7  |
   |  4 | Rachel Maximum HP         |  8009443A 03E7  |
   |  5 | Burns Maximum HP          |  8009443E 03E7  |
   |  6 | Maximum AP Bullets        |  80094094 03E7  |
   |  7 | Maximum HE Bullets        |  80094096 03E7  |
Note : I have tested all codes myself and they all worked fine. 
*** 11.2  T.R.A.G  CODES ***
These codes are from Game Shark Code Creators Club website 
(http://www.cmgsccc.com) and these codes are used with permission on April 18, 
   | NO |   NAME                         |  CODE           |
   |  1 |   Burns (Infinite Health)      |  800F3EDE 03E7  |
   |  2 |   Burns (Max Health)           |  800F3EE6 03E7  |
   |  3 |   Alex (Infinite Health)       |  800F36DA 03E7  |
   |  4 |   Alex (Max Health)            |  800F36E2 03E7  |
   |  5 |   Alex (Infinite HE Bullets)   |  800981AA 0064  |
   |  6 |   Alex (Infinite AP Bullets)   |  800981A8 012C  |
   |  7 |   Michelle (Infinite Health)   |  800F26D8 03E7  |
   |  8 |   Michelle (Max Health)        |  800F26E0 03E7  |
   |  9 |   Rachel (Infinite Health)     |  800F3EDC 03E7  |
   | 10 |   Rachel (Max Health)          |  800F3EE4 03E7  |
   | 11 |   Infinite First Aid Pills     |  8013A430 0909  |
   | 12 |   Infinite First Aid Tubes     |  8013A434 0909  |
   | 13 |   Infinite First Aid Kits      |  8013A438 0909  |
   | 14 |   Infinite Blue EX Bottles     |  8013A43C 0909  |
   | 15 |   Infinite Yellow EX Bottles   |  8013A440 0909  |
   | 16 |   Infinite Red EX Bottles      |  8013A444 0909  |
   | 17 |   Infinite Black EX Bottles    |  8013A448 0909  |
   | 18 |   Infinite Glowing Moss        |  8013A454 0909  |
   | 19 |   Enable All Arms For Everyone |  8013A45A FFFF  |
   |    |                                |  8013A45C FFFF  |
   |    |                                |  8013A45E FFFF  |
   |    |                                |  8013A460 FFFF  |
   |    |                                |  8013A464 FFFF  |
   | 20 |   Have Keycard B               |  300B9B09 0002  |
   | 21 |   Have Steel Wire              |  300B9B0A 0002  |
   | 22 |   Have Byford Bomb             |  300B9B0D 0002  |
   | 23 |   Have Power Handle            |  300B9B13 0002  |
   | 24 |   Have Roulette Ball           |  300B9B14 0002  |
   | 25 |   Have System Disk             |  300B9B15 0002  |
   | 26 |   Have Secret Code Card        |  300B9B16 0002  |
   | 27 |   Have Locker Key              |  300B9B0B 0002  |
   | 28 |   Have Vault Key               |  300B9B0C 0002  |
   | 29 |   Have Medal #1                |  300B9B17 0002  |
   | 30 |   Have Pass Card               |  300B9B18 0002  |
   | 31 |   Have Keycard A               |  300B9B19 0002  |
   | 32 |   Have Device #1               |  300B9B1A 0002  |
   | 33 |   Have Device #2               |  300B9B1B 0002  |
   | 34 |   Have Device #3               |  300B9B1C 0002  |
   | 35 |   Have Medal #2                |  300B9B1E 0002  |
   | 36 |   Have News Cutting #1         |  300B9B22 0002  |
   | 37 |   Have News Cutting #2         |  300B9B23 0002  |
   | 38 |   Have Internet E-Mail         |  300B9B24 0002  |
   | 39 |   Have Letter                  |  300B9B25 0002  |
   | 40 |   Have Journal                 |  300B9B26 0002  |
   | 41 |   Have Accident Report         |  300B9B27 0002  |
   | 42 |   Have Unknown Data #1         |  300B9B28 0002  |
   | 43 |   Have Disengagment            |  300B9B2A 0002  |
   | 44 |   Have Admin. Log              |  300B9B2B 0002  |
   | 45 |   Have Unknown Data #2         |  300B9B2D 0002  |
   | 46 |   Have Unknown Data #3         |  300B9B2E 0002  |
   | 47 |   Have Unknown Data #4         |  300B9B2F 0002  |
   | 48 |   Have Unknown Data #5         |  300B9B30 0002  |
   | 49 |   Have Internal Report #1      |  300B9B31 0002  |
   | 50 |   Have Internal Report #2      |  300B9B32 0002  |
   | 51 |   Have Internal Report #3      |  300B9B33 0002  |
Note : I have tried to enter T.R.A.G codes, but I never managed to do it. My 
gameshark is only v1.97. The codes are tested by Game Shark Code Creators Club 
at Gameshark v3.0 and I believe that these codes work on that version since 
GSCCC never let me down before with their codes. If anyone has a v3.0 gameshark, 
please try the code and e-mail me the results at goblic@hotmail.com or rudy-
##########  12. PERSONAL CREDITS ###########
I'd like to extend my thanks and appreciation to the following:
1. Thanks to God, for everything.  
2. Thanks to my family ( Pa, Ma, Cik J, Ko T, Freddy, and Shienny). And of 
course, Congratulations on Cik J's TOEFL score that exceeds me. You did a very 
great job ^_^. Love Always. God Bless You All. 
3. Thanks to Sunsoft, for making an excellent game with lots of new ideas. Hope 
you'd make a sequel of this game.    
4. Thanks to TSar63 boys (Ical "IV no 7, not VII no 4", Wildan "Time Crisis 
Master, who is defeated badly ...sob", Chairul "VCD Friends", Senna "Izul", 
Didit "Swimmer", Abdi "Atmodikoro", Krisna "Keriting", Denny "New Gamer", Thoriq 
"Sepakbola", Imam "TK", Dilla "Legenda Naga", Mr. Harry "2 in 1 Gamer-Lecturer 
^_^,  ). You are the reasons I'm writing this FAQ. Thanks.
5. Thanks to my friends at Dynamic labs (Penyok, Andi, 2 Arifs, Baso, SiB, 
Santoso, Poer, Islahul, Darwin, Agus, Richard, James, Anas, dll ) and at Sion. 
You are great. Thanks !!
6. Thanks to Asian Game Shark Code Centre (http://userwww.hkg.com/~lowaiyin/) 
for giving me the permission to put the Hard Edge Gameshark codes in my FAQ. 
Keep up your excellent site, guys !!
7. Thanks to Game Shark Code Creators Club (http://www.cmgsccc.com/) for giving 
me the permission to put the T.R.A.G Gameshark codes in my FAQ. You guys are 
legends !!
8. Thanks to VEGA store & its group in Bandung, who sold me this game. Please do 
not copy, alter, or sell this walkthrough without my permission. I have tried so 
hard to write this FAQ. BTW, I am one of your members. Thanks !! 
This FAQ is dedicated to someone that I really-really-really adore (CM). Good 
Luck with your final task and your LPKIG students. You're my inspiration - 
always. God Bless You.

Thanks to Revolution readers Rudy Hendrawan and Marco Annettee!

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