********************************** Vagrant Story Sqauresoft 2000 ********************************** FAQ Written By: Raffaele Saccucci Date Written On: May 23, 2000 E-Mail: shingo@canada.com Version Number: 1.1 FAQ Type: Strategy Guide ********************************** Table of Contents DISCLAIMER REVISION HISTORY STRATEGY - Minotaur - Dullahan - Important Note: Difficulty - Important Note: Training Dummy - Ghost - Important Note: Workshops - Important Note: Lizardman Duo - Golem - Dragon - Important Note: Workshops... Again - Duane and his 2 Knights - Wyvern - Important Note: Weapons - Fire Elemental - Ogre - Important Note: Knights in the Town! - Giant Crab - Earth Dragon - Dark Crusader and Grissom - Important Note: Keane's Workshop - Important Note: Rosencratz - Dark Elemental - Air Elemental - Earth Elemental - Sky Dragon - Important Note: Junction Way - Important Note: Your Choices... - Important Note: Harpy - Night Stalker - Lich - Important Note: Tearose Sigil - Wyvern Knight - Iron Golem - Important Note: Minotaur Zombie - Important Note: Tieger and Neesa - Water Elemental - Ogre Lord - Snow Dragon - Important Note: Last Crusader - Important Note: Minotaur Lord - Kali - Important Note: More Choices... - Set 1: Ifrit, Marid - Set 2: Djinn, Ocean Crab - Set 3: Dao, Flame Dragon (to be updated) MATERIAL CREDITS *********************************************************************** DISCLAIMER First off, this FAQ is by no means a section by section guide of how to get each item, in each room, in each dungeon. It is mainly a boss strategy guide, but also has some hints of what you should be doing to progress further in the game, as well as some key things that should be mentioned lest you get stuck unknowingly. Someone out there will definitely be making a guide of each room (good luck to you...) and if that's what you need, then my guess is you'll have to be patient, because there are hundreds of rooms in the game and someone will be taking a good while to get every room down. Regardless, once again, this FAQ is mostly information on how to kill every boss (when I kill every boss) and some of the very key things to know or have done before you go further. I will be constantly upgrading this FAQ to be more than a Boss Guide depending on the demand of the people, the information I receive from other players, and the amount of similar FAQ's on www.gamefaqs.com. This FAQ is purely my property, and all strategies and tips within are things which I have discovered with the help of a few friends and asscoiated credits mentioned at the end of the FAQ. If you wish to use this FAQ for your website (I don't believe in magazine writers wanting my FAQ, although I think it is magazine-quality material, I just doubt that I'll ever be asked or see this FAQ in exact words in one) just e- mail me. I always give thanks to those who help, and I always provide my information to those who ask. I'm not a mean bastard who won't share his information, else I wouldn't be posting this thing on www.gamefaqs.com, now would I? Also, do not alter any of the major bits of information without my knowledge. If you see a flaw in my strategy or the order of the bosses, then e-mail me to let me know and if it's strategic information, please explain it throughly to me. You'll go written down as a credit. Anyway, read on, enjoy, hope this helps with some of the difficult battles. *********************************************************************** REVISION HISTORY Version 1.0 - The main body of the guide. It ended at strategies for the Snow Dragon. Version 1.1 - Added a bunch more boss strategies, up to the point I'm at now, and apparently, I'm nearing the very end of the game. Unfortunetly, my Playstation is currently on the fritz, and it's not reading ANY CD's... so for the time being, I could only get all the bosses up to the point I'm at, otherwise I'd have beaten the game and have had all remaining strategies covered. Ah well, another update will be on the way! - Changed some strategies for some of the enemies. A lot of this guide was written up based on my memory from previous battles. Most of the strategies have been fixed now. - Fixed Important Note: Training Dummies. Added the locations of 5/6 Training Dummies and what items they cough up (that I know of) in the section about them. Still need the location of the Phantom Dummy. - Added some Credits to the Credits section, because some of the things I was searching for in the MATERIAL section have been answered. *********************************************************************** STRATEGY Minotaur The Minotaur is something to get worked up about, but is really nothing too threatening. At this point in the game, there really isn't much strategy in killing it, since you have so few options being without Battle Abilities and unless you bothered to walk back and forth using the Fandango or some other weapon killing bats and wolves, you likely don't have any Break Arts either. The Minotaur is in a large pit in the middle of the room, while you start up on the higher ledge. Your first major battle for this game, and believe me, compared to some of the enemies you'll be up against, the Minotaur is truly nothing to fear. Use the Seventh Heaven for easy sniping from the upper ledge. Note that this doesn't mean the Minotaur can't hurt you, because it can. It has an incredible range with it's Hammer. Killing the Minotaur is as easy as hitting the "Attack" button and aiming for the head. The head is the weakpoint and it takes about 5 good hits to kill it off. If you're using the Tovarisch or the Fandango, you'll have to wait for it's head to be at the lowest point before being able to strike it. You'll be able to use Battle Abilities after winning this battle, and with Battle Abilities comes strategy to your bosses, not to mention, you get the "Heal" and "Degenerate" spells. As well, you can practice your Chain Abilities on the practice dummy in the room just before the Minotaur. Practice well, because one of the best Chain Abilities ("Crimson Pain") is closest to the end of the list. With "Crimson Pain" and "Raging Ache", you can combine some SERIOUS damage into the chain combos. *********************************************************************** Dullahan Undoubtedly the coolest opening video for a boss from the bosses I've fought up to now. Dullahan is a nuisance. You'll be on the floor, near the centre of the room, and Dullahan starts close to you as well. A large percentage of players use the standard one-handed sword for playing throughout the game, and the Rapier is a good choice. I HIGHLY recommend not exiting battle mode just to climb up to one of the four corners of the room, not even for the tempting treasure chest. Collect it AFTER the fight with Dullahan. Being without weapon and shield makes the damage you suffer higher than normal. Dullahan also has an annoying frequency of critical hitting for 90-100 damage. The reason I recommend you don't bother going up to one of the corners is because Dullahan can jump up to you anyway, so sniping is not an option. Chain Abilities (if you've practiced, you have a few good ones right now, but the base Abilities ["Temper", "Gain Life" and "Heavy Shot"] are effective enough) will be tremendously helpful to you in the coming battles, beginning with Dullahan. "Gain Life" deals no damage when chained, but simply restores any lost health to you. If you're at full health, just switch back and forth between chaining "Temper" and "Heavy Shot". If you've spent up a good deal of time, you might even have a Break Art by now. The Fandango/Rapier's "Rending Gale" is quite effective, as is the Seventh Heaven's "Brimstone Hail". Make sure you make proper use of the Defense Abilities when Dullahan attacks. Use "Reflect Damage" instead of "Impact Guard" when he hits you. You'll at least reflect back 20HP worth of damage (40 if he criticals) when he hits you instead of regaining 25HP that could be regained by using the Chain Ability "Gain Life". For winning, you get the "Spirit Surge" spell, and a couple of Elixirs (the only OTHER way to raise stats without that annoying roulette style bonus from killing a boss.) *********************************************************************** Important Note: Difficulty From this point on, you should seriously consider spending some time builing up Battle Abilities on the Training Dummy in the room before the Minotaur (make sure you check your PTS needed, when you need 0 PTS, kill one enemy and you'll gain a new Ability) as well as work on obtaining some Break Arts for your favourite weapon(s). This will make battling bosses and some normal enemies with 250+HP a much easier experience, as well, you'll gain some practice on the timing of different weapons when chaining hits. ***********************************************************************I mportant Note: Training Dummy It IS possible to destroy the Training Dummies in each room, and you get items from each one. The items vary from Training Dummy to Training Dummy, and the later ones give better items. If you accientally destory it (requiring 500-1000 accumulated chained hits takes a long time, and sometimes, you simply forget) just leave the area (not just the room) and come back. The Knight Training Dummy is a Human opponent, and counts as such. Make sure you make a weapon which is very proficient in killing these opponents. Gives a Cure Root and a Vera Root (apparently gives an Elixir of Queens, but I never got one) The room it is in is called The Skeleton Training Dummy is an Undead opponent. I need room location info. Gives a Mana Potion and a Cure Potion. Still need Phantom info. The Ogre Training Dummy is a Beast opponent, and can be reached by teleporting to "Crossroads". Still need item info. The Lizardman Training Dummy is a Dragon opponent. Still need exact location info and item info. The Gremlin Training Dummy is an Evil opponent, and is in the same area with the Lizardman Training Dummy. Walk one room east from the "Kildean Temple" save point and it will be right there, near a treasure box. *********************************************************************** Ghost The Ghost is practically not even a boss, but if it weren't for the fact that it gives you a bonus stat roulette after defeating it, I wouldn't bother with a strategy write-up for it. Well, since it is a pseudo- boss, here's the rather unimportant write-up for it. When you first encounter it, you have exactly 60 seconds in which to defeat it, but if you play your cards right, you can defeat the thing in 3 seconds... depending how buffed out you made yourself to be. Still, 60 seconds is REALLY being generous. When you first encounter the Ghost it will either attack you (always through magical means, so have "Reflect Magic" equipped as a Defense Ability) or VERY rarely, it will just disappear. If it attacks, it will teleport away elsewhere. Just after it attacks, you have a fraction of a second to make your own tactical decision. This means either wiping out the 75HPs it has with a few Break Arts, casting "Spirit Surge" twice or simply using a Chain Combo. Keep note that when you're in your attack sphere, time stops, and even when going through the animation, the counter is still frozen, this is how you can kill it in 3 seconds. If you miss your chance to attack, and it DOES teleport away, fret not, stand still, and it will teleport more or less to the same location you left it at. Just watch it phase in, and get in your attack before it can. The Ghost's magical range is just as far, if not slightly farther than the Seventh Heaven's range, so if you don't feel very brave, use the Seventh Heaven for attacking, although you're still in range for it's magic to strike you, at least you don't have to rush in and watch it cast a spell on you. For the brave/foolish, use that close range weapon! I've NEVER let the counter drop all the way to zero, though I imagine that the earthquake that happens after you kill the Ghost and leave the room will happen in that very room, and you'll either die, or lose the stat roulette bonus. Anyone ever let the counter drain down, let me know. Make sure you grab the stuff in the chest before leaving the room, because when you leave, the earthquake takes out the middle section of the floor, and it's not passable except by going the long way around. ***********************************************************************I mportant Note: Workshops There is a Workshop called Work of Art in the Withered Spring room. The workshop is important because it allows for the working of Wood, Leather and Bronze items to be combined. At the point I'm at, it is the only one that allows for working of Wood and Leather. While Leather and Wood sound like nothing to be worried about, I used this shop to combine a Bronze Breastplate with my first Leather Cuirass to make a Bronze Segmentata armour, which is quite nice at this early stage in the game (15STR, 14INT, -3AGL). After the next 2 boss fights, you'll have access to a new Workshop which works on Bronze and Iron items. Use the Workshop to upgrade Equipment before squaring off with the Golem. ***********************************************************************I mportant Note: Lizardmen Duo The Lizardmen, while providing important items (like a Sigil, and the "Antidote" spell) are not counted as bosses, even though they have a special video sequence to themselves. I found that odd because the Ghost was considered a boss, yet the Ghost is really a snap while the Lizardmen have the smarts to actually gang up on you, and have a high rate of critical hits. You'll fight these two in order to get the Sigil which opens the double doors near the Workshop. *********************************************************************** Golem This is one of those annoying fights I mentioned earlier. I could say I was lucky, and this is about the only strategy I've found that works, though I'm more than certain that a different strategy could be used for beating up this boss, and by strategy, I mean something a bit more tactical than successfully chaining 10 rounds of about 7-12 Chained Hits together. Anyway... The Golem will strike you down with his stony hand if you're in close range, while at far range, it can cast an Earth Attribute spell that hurts for 40-60HP. Cast "Degenerate" on it (it helps, he was hurting for 30-40HP before "Degenerate". After casting, he was doing less than 10HP) and use your strongest Break Art on it. I say I was lucky for beating it because I was crazy and killed enough enemies to get the 3rd Break Art, "Cherry Ronde" for the Rapier. It was dealing 35-40HP on the Golem, and took only 7 hits (so I assume it has about 250-280HP). For winning the battle, you receive an Elixir of Dragoons (AGL+) as well as the VERY IMPORTANT "Prostasia" spell. With "Prostasia" the next 12 or so boss fights are made easier, until you get "Herakles" (when you get "Herakles", battles are MUCH easier). Also, you can now proceed across a large gap that was previously impassable. Naturally, across the gap is your next big battle. *********************************************************************** Dragon For some ODD reason, this fight was a HECK of a lot easier than the fight with the Golem. Then again, I was prepared for what I was facing, but nonetheless, I was amazed that I didn't need to use Break Arts to deal the heavy damage. Being prepared for this fight means having a weapon that has had at least some experience in battling dragons, so fight a few Lizardmen that are in the area. Also, if you've found the Dragonite Gem, equip it on a weapon. This being a dragon fight, NATURALLY, have "Fireproof" learned from the Defense Abilities list and make it a button on the Defense Abilities for a good portion of the game. The Dragon has a couple of methods of attacking, and this includes one physical and one elemental attack. The physical is a tail attack that smashes on Ashley's head for 60-70HPs, while the Fire Breath attack can damage each body part for 20-30HPs. Naturally, when you see Fire Breath building up, get ready to press the defensive button you have for "Fireproof" to regain some of that lost health. I don't recommend "Reflect Damage" because you could drop below your HP total when hit by the Fire Breath, but with the regained health, you could, in essence, be saved from death. When I was attacking the Dragon with the Rapier (I LOVE this weapon!) I was hitting it for 20-25HPs per hit, and with "Crimson Pain" and "Heavy Shot" Chain Abilities bouncing the damage back and forth, by the time I hit the 20th consecutive chain, the Dragon was dead and I did 40HP to it on the final hit. Mind you, a good deal of my hits were being blocked by the Dragon's superior defense, so I had a few missed hits in there. For winning the battle, you get some FRESH AIR... and some items. *********************************************************************** Important Note: Workshops... Again The second Workshop, Magic Hammer, is in the village just beyond the Save point in the Square. This new Workshop can combine some Iron and Bronze together. If you got lucky enough to find some Iron stuff while down in Catacombs (you will have gotten an Iron Spear from the Lizardmen Duo no doubt, and have the Rusty Nail from earlier) you can combine these two together into a Hagane Spear, as well, I had an Iron Rapier, which I combined with the Bronze Rapier, Cross Guard and Braveheart Gem to make a Hagane Rapier that had somewhere around 19STR, 3INT and 2AGL bonus. I also made a Hagane Chain Sleeve from combining the Iron Knuckle with a Bronze Ring Sleeve. There will be plenty of new Bronze toys from the Goblins in the section coming up, as well as a few random Iron items. These items will make your stats soar, with proper experimentation. *********************************************************************** Duane and 2 Knights This is a boss fight, and one that isn't that fun but it's not as terrible as some of the later boss fights go. You have 3 knights, one is a Spellcaster (that's Duane), one is a sword fighter, and the final is an axe knight who gets stupid and stays behind with Duane. Duane hides in the back, and usually the Axe Knight guards him. Stay hidden by hiding behind the wall on the lower half of the ledge. Let the other two sit at the upper portion, so you can deal with them later. Kill off the Sword Knight first, as he is closer to you. Use the weapon with the highest Human proficiency on all three knights. After the Sword Knight dies, lure the Axe Knight into the same spot you were hiding and then take him out much the same way (Chain combos, of course). When it's down to you and Duane, feel free to have "Reflect Magic" as a Defense Ability on. Duane will frequently cast "Poison Mist" and "Explosion Lv.1" if you let him. The spell is similar to "Fire Breath", in that it hits multiple sections of your body for 15-25 HPs so you'll want to avoid this at all costs, but if you do get hit, try to reflect some of the damage back to Duane. Since he's all alone, the fight with him won't be long at all. For winning, you get some of the equipment the Knights were using, as well as an Elixir and the "Explosion Lv.1" spell. *********************************************************************** Wyvern By far the most annoying fight I had come across, and I was prepared for it as well, but it still seemed to be a difficult fight, despite the fact I was fighting with my Hagane Rapier with the Dragonite Gem equipped, and it was at 18 Dragon Experience. It was at this battle that I learned how great the "Prostasia" spell is. The Wyvern uses "Fire Breath" as it's long range attack, so you'll definitely want to move in close. Cast "Degenerate" on it then "Prostasia" on yourself. When in close, the Wyvern will just use a basic bite attack. I HIGHLY recommend using "Reflect Damage". The damage I did when reflecting was sometimes more than any hit I did normally on it! Break Arts were usually blocked by the Wyvern's bloody annoying Blocking frequency so I wouldn't recommend wasting the HPs to use them. All I can say is chain back and forth between "Heavy Shot" and your next best damaging Chain Ability (use "Crimson Pain" if you have it). If I did a critical hit, I was happy as it meant doing double damage and saving up on Vera Roots. 30HP and chaining up to the 12th hit, it did 48HP. At this point, I used a Vera Root (the Stirge enemies cough up Vera Roots like blood) and then redid the Chaining process. It takes a few Vera Roots sometimes, depending on how annoying the Wyvern wants to be to block your attacks. For winning this incredibly annoying fight, you get the "Pyro Guard" spell which you'll need for the somewhat annoying Boss, along with the usual Elixirs and items. ***********************************************************************I mportant Note: Weapons By now, you have a large variety of weapons, and you know which ones you like, and which ones you don't bother spending any time with at all. Put all of the items that you don't waste your time with into the container that is normally near most save points, or in Workshops. You can always go back and grab them from the container if you need them again at some point (like finding an Iron counterpart to a Bronze weapon, so you make a Hagane weapon). Also, make sure you have at least one weapon with an ungodly amount of Human Experience (my Fandango has 75 Human Experience) and an all purpose weapon, that will definitely end up being more proficient in some areas than others, but that's ok (my Rapier has 25 Human Exp, 35 Beast Exp, 20 Undead Exp and 7 Dragon Exp. The Phantom Exp is -16 and the Evil Exp is 0). For the weak areas on some of your weapons, have a third weapon that already begins with high proficiency in them. The Magnolia Frau or Soul Kiss work well for me, since both began with 15 Phantom Exp because of the Silver material. *********************************************************************** Fire Elemental At first, this boss was annoying, I first encountered it a bit unprepared. Later on, I made sure I was prepared and it wasn't all that bad. It does have a difficulty about it that makes it special, but at least it's NOTHING like the Wyvern battle. For starters, have the Undine Jasper equipped on your weapon, and the Salamander Ruby equipped on the Shield. Use a weapon with a high Phantom proficiency and, have "Fireproof" and "Reflect Magic" as Defense Abilities. The Fire Elemental uses the spells "Fireball" and "Flame Sphere Lv.1" to attack you. "Flame Sphere Lv.1" is exactly like "Explosion Lv.1" except that "Flame Sphere Lv.1" does Fire-based damage. Cast "Frost Fusion" once the battle begins, because it helps increase the damage you'll do. It's up to you to use "Fireproof" or "Reflect Magic" when you get hit by the spells. I recommend reflecting the damage from "Fireball" while absorbing 50% of "Flame Sphere Lv.1", as the regained health could save you from death. If you're using the One- handed sword weapons, by now you SHOULD have the "Cherry Ronde" Break Art. This is highly effective on the Fire Elemental, but your regular hits with Chained combos deal a higher amount of damage on average, about 20-25HP per hit, non critical. Depending on how good your weapon is against the Phantoms (did you fight a lot of Ghosts near the Withered Spring room?) your attacks will be more stronger than mine were. You shouldn't need to cast "Prostasia" for this battle. For winning, you get the "Flame Sphere Lv.1" spell, an Elixir and a Mana Tonic. *********************************************************************** Ogre This battle is a snap if you know just how to handle it. Even though the Ogre is classified as a beast, I used my 75 Human Exp. Fandango to slaughter the Ogre. The Fandango seemed to do more damage than my Rapier (believe me, I was surprised considering how buff I made my Rapier). Cast "Degenerate" immediately on the Ogre, then cast "Prostasia" on yourself, so the Ogre's attacks do somewhere between 10-20HPs, while you own hits will do much more. If you find it necessary, use some Break Arts. Interestingly enough, I had gained the 4th Break Art for the Rapier, the "Papillion Reel", and it did LESS damage than Rending Gale did! Rending Gale was whipping out 65-70HPs a hit while Papillion Reel would only do about 5-10. Anyway, this battle is very easy considering how much you've progressed. This battle should not cause problems at all. Again, use only the strongest Chain Abilities and for Defense Abilities, use "Reflect Damage". The HP's regained from "Impact Guard" can be restored even more easily by using the "Gain Life" Chain Ability. For winning, you get to go back into town, and thankfully, use the Workshop, but of course, you get the usual basic items as treasure. ***********************************************************************I mportant Note: Knights in the Town! Doesn't sound very important, does it? But it is. The knights here can pop off some nice Bronze and Iron Equipment, and you can reach the other side of the town by going to the screen where you fought the Three Knights earlier. A cloudstone will now be activated (it was always there, but previously inactive) and it will allow you to cross back and forth across the small stream. With the new Equipment, you can upgrade all the pieces of armour you own, not to mention some of the weapons you'll be getting in areas to come will come in very handy soon enough. *********************************************************************** Giant Crab This is a joke of a battle. After all the tough stuff the game gives you, it gives you a relatively simple boss. Technically, depending on how you powered up your weapons, every boss could be a joke, but the Giant Crab was just a laugh to kill considering some of the enemies I've run across. You don't even NEED spells to win here, just the proper weapon, but still, to have as good a laugh as I did, just follow the instructions. Take out the Beast Slayer (the weapon with highest Beast proficiency) and cast "Degenerate" on the Giant Crab, then "Prostasia" on yourself. Then (assuming you're using the one-handed swords, and have Break Arts for it) use "Vile Scar". Not only does it do INSANE damage (compared to "Cherry Ronde" or "Papillion Reel" if you have those two), it can also poison the Giant Crab! I recommend using the "Vile Scar" because using "Snake Venom" as a Chain Ability is just a waste of time. Now, the Giant Crab does 1-5HPs a hit, or, if it wants to be mean, will cast "Aqua Blast" which is the only attack that hurts you at this point, for 40-50HPs, but you can counter this by adding the Undine Jasper to your shield, and if you want to be REALLY mean, equip the Salamander Ruby on your weapon. The Giant Crab will drop in about 8-10 hits, Combos or using "Rending Gale" which does the same damage as "Vile Scar". While the Giant Crab CAN block, it's not that annoying, especially if you lay off the Chain combos so your risk builds with only the initial hits, keeping the hit percentage high. For winning, you get to wander around an annoying as hell forest (hope someone makes a guide through that nightmare, it's tough!) and the "Luft Fusion" spell, along with the same old items. *********************************************************************** Earth Dragon The Earth Dragon is not a bad enemy. When I first encountered it, I never cast "Prostasia" and I beat it still. Of course, with "Prostasia" the battle is much easier. Anyway, the only dangerous thing about the Earth Dragon is that it uses "Acid Breath" which does about 30-40HPs a hit, on all parts of your body. This could very well kill you if you're not prepared. For this battle, I definitely recommend using "Impact Guard" rather than "Reflect Damage". If you find it necessary, cast "Prostasia" or "Luft Fusion" for added damage. Once again, just like the Wyvern battle, you will be relying more heavily on Chain combos than Break Arts to kill the Earth Dragon. Have your Dragon-slaying weapon at the ready to dish out all the damage. This battle is no less harder than the battle with the Wyvern, so if you had an easy time with it, you'll have almost as easy a time as with the Earth Dragon. For winning the battle, you get to stick around in the forest a bit more, and you gain the usual Elixir and items. *********************************************************************** Dark Crusader and Grissom An upgrade of the Dullahan enemy, and a slightly tougher one simply because you have to deal with two opponents in this battle, but you have some backup too... Sydney! That's right. For this fight, Sydney is a friend, while the Dark Crusader and Grissom are your enemies. Grissom will cast some helpful spells on the Dark Crusader then buff himself out with spells before running off and attacking you. Sydney will start the battle casting some helpful spells on you, then himself. Use a weapon with the a high Phantom/Evil proficiency to get rid of the Dark Crusader quickly. Try to hit the Dark Crusader before he gets "Prostasia" cast on him by Grissom, just so you have an early lead on the damage dealt. The Dark Crusader is really simple, with the help from Sydney's "Prostasia" spell. The Dark Crusader does the usual "Drain Heart" spell and can cast "Vulcan Lance" for kicks. Grissom can cast "Degenerate" and some other attack spells which are just annoying. Once the Dark Crusader goes down, which could take a while, depending on how much of a pain it feels like being by blocking your hits, Grissom can be killed by your highest Human proficient weapon in few quick hits. For winning the battle, you get to leave the forest! Don't forget to pick up the treasure chest in the south-western corner of the room... consider the items within a bonus in addition to the normal stuff you win from this battle. ***********************************************************************I mportant Note: Keane's Workshop A third Workshop becomes available to you now, and this one can work all that Hagane stuff you gained back in the Snowfly Forest, and any of it you made back at the "Magic Hammer". You're also in a new section of the town, and knights wander around here too. These new knights carry some new Hagane and Iron equipment, some of which will make your current armour look like garbage. Stick around the town for a while after beating up Rosencratz, who is only a few steps away from the exit of the Workshop, so make sure you upgrade your Equipment now, before taking him on... ***********************************************************************I mportant Note: Rosencratz While not a boss fight, he is technically a boss. You meet him just after coming back into town from the Snowfly Forest. He uses the One- handed sword and can use the "Rending Gale" and "Vile Scar" Break Arts, as well as restore his HPs with Cure Roots and Bulbs. He's also got a high blocking percentage, so he's a bit of a tough cookie, because his critical rate is also quite high. Still, just use "Reflect Damage" as the main Defense Ability, cast "Heal" to restore the lost HPs instead of relying on "Regain Life" and cast "Prostasia" while equipped with your Human Killer to make the battle easier on you. Don't bother with "Tarnish", the spell you gained after the Dark Crusader fight. After winning, you DON'T get a stat roulette, but you learn quite a bit about Ashley's past... and don't worry about the chest in the room. It's locked, but you'll be back. *********************************************************************** Dark Elemental Another Elemental, and this is no tougher than the fight with the Fire Elemental. By now in fact, with your new equipment, the fight is going to be much easier. The same rules apply to beating the Fire Elemental as with fighting the Dark Elemental. I love the "Dark Chant" spell it casts, though... some cool sound effects when you hear it. Have "Demonscale" as a Defensive Ability, as it absorbs the damage dealt from "Meteor Lv.1" or if you prefer, just use "Reflect Magic". Wandering in the Snowfly Forest, you should've gotten two Demonia Gems (one Gem comes equipped on a weapon). Use one of them on your weapon to increase the Evil proficiency, even though the enemy is labelled as a Phantom. Just attach the Gem to your weapon with the highest Phantom experience, and the Evil experience will just be added on as extra damage. Now that you're prepared to deal the damage, equipment wise, cast "Prostasia" and then let loose with damage. You don't need to bother with Break Arts, because the Elemental dies pretty quickly from just taking the normal hits from your weapon, and it doesn't have that high a blocking rate anyway so Chain combos are the way to do this battle. For winning, you get the "Meteor Lv.1" spell and the usual items. Depending on the route you chose, this might not be the boss you'll deal with first. There were two separate routes to take that lead to other bosses. *********************************************************************** Air Elemental Just like the other two elementals, this one is annoying because it's purely magical, but again, with your new equipment, you should be able to handle it without problems. You may be fighting this boss before fighting the Dark Elemental, which is no problem, because if you beat it, you're simply locked out from progressing further into this dungeon, so you'll have to head back to beat the Dark Elemental first. The same idea is behind this Elemental as the others. Have the weapon with the best Phantom proficiency equipped and have the Sylph's Ring equipped as an accessory. Also, use "Windbreak" for a Defensive Ability when it casts "Thunderbolt", and use "Reflect Magic" when it casts "Thunderburst Lv.1". Cast "Soil Fusion" for your weapon to deal more damage to the Elemental, and you really shouldn't have much problem with it. It can block hits with annoying frequency because of it's high speed, so don't Chain combo much, just use the initial hit with the highest hitting percent. For winning, you'll have to run a maze of caverns in under 3 minutes to get to your next boss... and the usual stuff, including "Thunderburst Lv.1". *********************************************************************** Earth Elemental Another Elemental boss fight, but you should really be used to the tactics of handling Elementals by now. All the same rules apply here as with the previous boss fight. Just use the weapon with the greatest Phantom proficiency and cast "Luft Fusion" instead of "Soil Fusion". Use "Earth Ward" for Defense from "Vulcan Lance" and "Reflect Magic" for "Gaea Strike Lv.1". Have the Gnome Bracelet equipped for this battle for added defense from Earth spells. The Elemental blocks attacks quite well, so just stick to using a single hit per round, especially if you have plenty of time left on the timer. The hardest thing about this battle is that you are still under the time limit you had when you first started running through the caverns. The Elemental itself is quite easy to beat, but because you're pressured by the time, and depending on the amount of time you had when you first arrived here, you might not win in time. If time runs out, you have to run the caverns all over again, starting at the save point before the door. For winning, you get to save, finally, and fight another Dragon! The item package still remains, and you get "Gaea Strike Lv.1" *********************************************************************** Sky Dragon They're cramming too many Elemental enemies into the same area all at once. But no matter, you've dealt with Dragons before, and you've dealt with an Air Elemental, so you can already guess at the strategy to use, but if you haven't... Whip out good ol' Dragon Slayer (the weapon with the most Dragon killing Exp.) and feel free to equip the weapon with the Dragonite Gem (do you have a Knuckle Guard for a one-handed sword? If so, use it, because you can place two gems onto your sword! I recommend the Braveheart Gem and any other Gem that will suit your current battle surroundings). Cast "Soil Fusion" on yourself, and there is really nothing at this point that you can cast on the Dragon. "Gaea Strike Lv.1" doesn't have much effect when the Dragon's body parts are separated so far between each other. Have the Sylph's Ring equipped for Air protection, and use "Windbreak" for magical defense from "Thunderbolt". Your attacks are now set to deal maximum damage to the Dragon, so it shouldn't have much chance of winning against you. Simply be wary of the high rate of blocking this dragon has. For winning, you get all the usual items, and a Sigil which opens a door from waaaay back. Plenty of backtracking to do now. Oh yeah, a new Workshop is available now... the best one by far! *********************************************************************** Important Note: Junction Way This is a Workshop that requires you to have a Sigil to open, and there is another Workshop in the area, but I'm assuming that you don't have very much Silver or Damascus equipment at this point. I sure don't. Besides the fact that Silver is kind of weaker compared to Hagane (the only exception is that all Silver Equipment comes with a +20 bonus to Undead, +15 to Phantom, and +5 to Evil). Junction Way is the game's best Workshop at this point, as you can work on Wood, Leather, Bronze, Iron and Hagane all in the same place. The second Workshop can only work on Silver and Damascus. There are also knights in the area that pop some sweet Hagane and Silver Equipment, and the occasional Bronze or Iron piece. Use this opportunity to once again work out the kinks in your Armour and improve on any areas. It's possible to get this kind of Equipment (at least, it's what I have right now): (Weapon)Hagane Weapon - whatever you like. You should've made this a while ago actually... (Shield)Hagane Knight's Shield (2 Gems equippable - Nightkiller and Manabreaker...) (Bracers)Hagane Rondanche x2 (Helmet)Hagane Basinet (Armour)Hagane Plate Mail (Boots)Hagane Missaglia With this kind of equipment, the next batch of boss fights will be no problem. ***********************************************************************I mportant Note: Your Choices... You now have a choice of paths to take, though you'll end up in the same area at some point, back on track, you have an option of fighting some bosses in a different order. You can go out of this order if you want to, but I recommend going in this way, since you won't need to worry about being in a dead end. *********************************************************************** Important Note: Harpy You'll be coming this way, fighting the Harpy if you unlocked a door with a Bronze Key. The Harpy has a short little video sequence, but is not actually a boss (it's too freaking easy to be a boss). It has 250HP and can be killed in 3 swift hits to the head with your Beast killer. I labelled it as an Important Note because it gives the "Herakles" spell and an Elixir. Also, you'll have to deal with 2 other bosses in the nearby area. *********************************************************************** Nightstalker Another Dullahan looking opponent, and depending on how long you spent to beef up your equipment, this will either be an easy battle, or a VERY easy battle. I recommend using your best Evil weapon, and if it isn't yet, equip it with a Demonia, or 2 if you want to be an Overlord. The Nightstalker can block hits better than it's weaker counterparts, but it is still not that bad when it comes to being hit. It does the same strategy of casting "Drain Heart" but also knows "Fireball". Have "Fireproof" or "Reflect Magic" (I recommend "Reflect Magic", just because it ignores the other Elementals, and reflects all damaging magic) and cast "Herakles" now that you have it. Then, proceed the smiting procession and watch him disappear in a cloud of black vapour and white wispy stuff. For winning, you get a Sigil, a spell, and you'll need to stick around a bit more, because you need to fight a boss to learn the most useful spell in the game (next to "Heal" of course). *********************************************************************** Lich The Lich is like fighting the Dark Elemental. Exactly the same technique, except for one very important one. The Lich teleports around the room, unlike the Dark Elemental. This makes the Lich easy, because you can wait for it to teleport right beside you and then slay it on the second it reappears. The Lich can block your attacks, but it doesn't have as high a frequency as one of the bosses to come. Have the Phantom slayer at the ready, and have "Herakles" cast when the battle begins. Wait for the Phantom to teleport beside you (or just reappear, if you're using a crossbow. The crossbow has a nice range to attack it without being in the range of the Lich's spells) and then attack with all your might. There really isn't much more strategy to explain because if you really need help, just refer to how to beat the Ghost or Dark Elemental. For winning, you get the usual item pack, and Teleportation Magic, which allows you to Teleport from any save point (Circle of Magic, the game calls it) to any other save point you've stepped on. It costs more and more MP the further away you want to go, but it saves on travel time and you can always regain your MP by exiting Battle Mode and letting it regenerate by time. *********************************************************************** Important Note: Tearose Sigil This is one section where it could've been a dead end had you encountered the Wraith guarding the door locked by the Tearose Sigil earlier, but you've had the Tearose Sigil for a while, and now would be the time to go through the short dungeon (Iron Maiden B1) to collect the Sigils needed for the next section (the Quarry Mine). The worst part about the Iron Maiden B1 dungeon is that there isn't a single save point down there. You have to walk in and out to save, so if you plan on ripping off the stat roulette bonus, forget about it unless you like wasting time and have plenty of patience. There's also a semi-tough puzzle to solve involving the magnetic blocks, and be prepared with some Faerie Wings from the Snowfly Forest... you have been warned. *********************************************************************** Wyvern Knight This is a battle as annoying as the Wyvern battle, but made even worse by the Wyvern Knight's high HPs and even higher blocking frequency. It does of a lot of damage physically, so cast "Degenerate", but you might be tempted to cast "Leadbones" on it instead, so you have a higher chance of hitting it, and it has a lesser chance of blocking. It still does have "Flame Breath" and it does 30-40HPs per area on your body, unless you've added a Salamander Ruby to your shield, and are equipped with the Salamander Ring. This doesn't mean that you should cast "Frost Fusion", however. It makes no difference in this fight. It is also up to you now, if you want to cast "Herakles" for added damage, or "Prostasia" for added protection. Personally, I'm an all offense and half defense kind of person, so I used "Herakles" and relied on my Defense Abilities to help block some damage. Not to mention, with the Knight's Shield equipped with the Nightkiller and Manabreaker Gems (20% to avoid non-magical and magical attacks) I had some luck in completely avoiding some hits from "Flame Breath" and "Tail Attack". Whenever the Defense Abilities failed me, I just cast "Heal", which is the smart thing to use anyway, rather than rely on "Gain Life". In fact, from now on, don't rely on any Battle Abilities to restore HPs. Use "Heal" all the time. Your Chain Abilities should look like "Crimson Pain", "Raging Ache" and "Heavy Shot". All three together make your damage soar! Anyway, use that Dragonslayer you've been holding onto for just such an occasion, and have it equipped with the Dragonite Gem for added damage. Hopefully, you're NOT dealing 0 damage when it shows the chances of hitting the target. Anything better than 0 is good. I was dealing about 12 on average. For winning, you'll need to stay down here a while longer, as there is a sigil you require, but now you have the Chest Key, so use it in the room close to the Wyvern Knight's room, the room just outside of Keane's Workshop where you fought Rosencratz, and one more in the dark underground town. Teleport to Sunless Way, because I believe that is the closest location to the chest. *********************************************************************** Iron Golem A simple fight compared to the Wyvern Knight. This is the same strategy as with a regular enemy, except you'll actually need to cast something. Cast "Herakles" then take out the weapon with either the best Human or Evil proficiency, and proceed to wail on the Iron Golem until he's scrap metal. As easy as that. Kind of... just stay near him so he won't use "Gaea Strike Lv.1" and (assuming I remember correctly) you can't cast "Degenerate" on him which is why there is very little strategy, but the Iron Golem is truly not that difficult. The more difficult task for me was figuring out the magnetic block puzzle you need to solve in order to escape the dungeon. For winning, you get a Sigil which unlocks a door needed to get the third Sigil you need for the Quarry Mine and you can exit this place now. At last! A much needed save point! *********************************************************************** Important Note: Minotaur Zombie While not technically a boss, and not even an enemy you HAVE to face, since he has NOTHING to do with progressing further in the game, I'm bringing him up because you now have the Stock Sigil, which unlocks a door in ... the Wine Cellar??? Thought you cleared out the Wine Cellar, didn't you (Wine Cellar is the first area in the whole game) and you did, but at some point in the game, not sure when or where, the room where the original Minotaur was has locked up again. This is where you use the Stock Sigil. Fighting this Minotaur is tough. It has a RUDE amount of strength and the sad part is, NO spells work on it! So the best you can do is "Herakles" yourself, pull out the Beast killer and begin hacking away at the Zombie Minotaur's head. The Zombie Minotaur has a VERY high rate of blocking attacks, not as much as the Wyvern Knight's, but almost at that level. At least it doesn't have tough defense, or else I wouldn't even recommend fighting this creature at all. For winning, you get an Elixir of Queens, a potion, and a nice accessory. *********************************************************************** Important Note: Tieger and Neesa These two are not bosses, but you need to fight them because they accuse you of killing Grissom... which has showed up here (in the dark blue underground town section) instead of at Snowfly Forest. How'd Grissom's corpse move from the Snowfly Forest, you wonder? You'll see after you beat them, and they're really easy. All you need to do is beat one or the other (I beat Tieger, because Neesa ran around to the back and I would never hurt a lady...). Pull out the Human slayer and cast "Herakles" before Tieger gets you with his Axe Break Art which causes the "Curse" status ailment. If he curses you, all the magic you try to cast will have a 0% chance of hitting, including on yourself. If you're not cursed, you can't even hit either of them with "Degenerate" or such attribute affecting spells. Just beat one, and the battle will end, no stat roulette bonus, no items. *********************************************************************** Water Elemental Now that you're in the Quarry Mine, you get to go back to the usual routine of elemental boss fights, beginning with the Water Elemental. This might actually require some strategy, depending on if you found the "Spark Fusion" spell in the room locked by an Iron Key, near the Sky Dragon. Teleport to "Bandit's Way" to be in the room with the locked door. If you didn't get the book (like I did, when I first fought this boss) you'll need to rely on your gems, or cast "Flame Sphere Lv.1" for the best results. If you've gotten a lot of MP bonuses throughout the course of the game, you could probably cast the spell twice and kill the Water Elemental without using a single Mana regenerative item. I just cast "Flame Sphere Lv. 1" once, and used the Ifrit Carnelian Gem on my 3 Gem Rapier (Braveheart and Hellraiser are always on the weapon) for the best damage I could do, after casting "Herakles". This Elemental is nothing to fear, as it's blocking percentage is also quite low. Of course, if you found the book, then cast it and use the gems only to add insult to the boss. For winning, you get the "Avalanche Lv.1" spell, and you get to continue further, assuming you have the proper Sigil to open the door. *********************************************************************** Ogre Lord This boss gets the award for the coolest death sequence. Anyway, the Ogre Lord is no problem, as it's pretty much the same as the Ogres you've been killing in the Quarry Mine (you get locked in a room with them occasionally, instead of with Dullahans). "Degenerate" it, and "Herakles" yourself so you get maximum damage out of the fight, and bring out the Beast or Human killer for it. Attack it by chain combos, but don't bother continuing if he blocks. It's just wasted time and raises your Risk unnecessarily. I recommend doing a single Chain hit, so if he blocks, it's no big deal, but if he doesn't, you did some damage anyway. This is pretty much the best way to kill the Ogre Lord, unless you want to waste some Vera Roots and Bulbs by continuing to Chain combo after he's blocked 4 or 5 hits. For winning, you get to keep going onward in the Quarry assuming still you have the Sigil to open the door, and the same old items. *********************************************************************** Snow Dragon Once again, like the Water Elemental, I fought this boss without "Spark Fusion". But now that I know where it is, and have told you where it is in the Water Elemental strategy section, cast it instead of following the strategy below, or use the strategy in conjuction with the spell so you have an easier time killing the Snow Dragon. Although you may have found a second Grimoire of Flammes (which should give you "Flame Sphere Lv.2") it doesn't come in handy at all. The Snow Dragon is too large to hit every part of the body successfully, and the damage dealt is low anyway. To win, you need to equip the Dragonite Gem and Ifrit Carnelian Gem on the weapon with the best Dragon experience. Equip a Salamander Ruby if you feel you're not doing enough damage to it. Cast "Herakles" on yourself, and "Leadbones" on it so you're hit percentage gets improved. Now you should be able to deal more damage than 1 for a base hit, but the Dragon still has the high blocking percentage that all dragons seem to have. Once again, like the Ogre Lord, just do a 1 Chain combo so you keep your Risk at a low. The Snow Dragon doesn't have all that many powerful attacks, except "Frost Breath" which it uses if you're too far away, so stay beside the head, or just underneath it's head. For winning, you get the "Aqua Guard" spell and the usual package of items. *********************************************************************** Important Note: Last Crusader This is NOT a boss fight, although it really ought to be. No matter what I equipped on my Evil slayer, I was always doing 1-5HPs of damage. I even equipped 2 Demonia Gems so my weapon was at 51 Evil experience, and I did little damage. The best strategy I can suggest, is to cast "Silence" on the Last Crusader, because if you don't, he'll cast "Degenerate" and "Tarnish" on you, and "Herakles" on himself. Make sure you cast "Herakles" on yourself, and cast "Tarnish" and "Degenerate" on him, instead. Even with all that, you might still end up doing 1-5HPs on him per hit. The only way I managed to kill him was through using Break Arts. I had to use "Papillion Reel" about 10 times to finally wipe him out, and each one was doing 75-80HPs of damage. Have "Heal" at the ready because you don't want to die accidentally. It's best to use Break Arts anyway, since your Chain combos will rarely hit successfully after the first hit. His blocking percentage is way too high. Any Light attribute Break Art will do for killing the Last Crusader. *********************************************************************** Important Note: Minotaur Lord Another boss fight, but not really a boss fight. You don't receive a stat bonus after this fight or the fight with the Dark Crusader. You do however get the usual cache of items from killing each one. The Minotaur Lord should be spelled down in much the same the Dark Crusader was. Cast "Herakles" on yourself, and "Leadbones" on it. Also cast "Prostasia" if you think you really need to. Using the Beast weapon, you shouldn't have any problems winning this battle, except that you should do single Chain combos. Don't bother adding many hits after the first because more often than not, they'll get blocked by the enemy. For winning this fight, there is a chest in the room containing the coveted Silver Key. Do you remember all of the spots which this key opens...? *********************************************************************** Kali What a shame. Rosencratz died in one hit from Kali. How sad. Fortunetly for you, Kali isn't as tough as she seems. Once again, bring out the Evil slayer for best results. Begin by casting "Prostasia" and "Herakles" on yourself, then cast "Leadbones" on her, because that's pretty much the only attribute affecting spell that works on her. Just like the Minotaur Lord, perform only 1 Chain combos. The rest of the hits have more chance of being blocked by Kali's superior defense (she's wielding 4 weapons... how much of a chance do you think you stand of getting by that?). Aim for her head, which is the place where you'll deal the most damage and you really shouldn't have that much problem winning the fight. It's not like the fight with the Last Crusader where all you could do is use Break Arts. For winning this fight, you get a stat roulette bonus, but, AMAZINGLY, NO items!! You get to escape this place, too (which had one of the most annoying puzzles. Took me almost 40 minutes to figure out the one that gets to the Minotaur Lord). *********************************************************************** Important Note: More Choices... From here on out, you have a few options about which order you do the next set of bosses in. I've divided them into sets because some of the later bosses you can't reach until you've defeated some of the other ones. None of these bosses are too difficult that you'll have problems, especially if you've really powered yourself up. *********************************************************************** Set 1 Ifrit, Marid Depending on what your weapon's elemental stats are like, and if you have a higher Lv. in one spell than the other (for me, both "Avalanche" and "Flame Sphere" were Lv. 2) you can decide to kill one or the other. If I didn't get an "Avalanche Lv.2" book from beating a regular Water Elemental, I'd have fought Marid first, since I had the first "Flame Sphere" book from beating the original Fire Elemental, and found a second "Flame Sphere" book in the Quarry Mine somewhere before fighting the Snow Dragon. Anyway, I'll assume you'll go after Marid, although you might run into Ifrit first, if you didn't bother to jump the small river in one of the rooms. The strategy for both major elementals is the same, just switch the spells around for the opposite element. So, use the weapon with the best experience against Phantoms (I'm still looking for this Training Dummy, by the way) and equip the Agrias' Balm accessory for defense from the enemy. I'm currently writing this strategy while my Playstation is on the fritz, so while I know there is a gem which raises proficiency against Phantoms, I can't just turn on the game and look (don't e-mail me the info, I'll have it fixed by the next update) but use that Gem anyway, or if you prefer use the Ifrit Carnelian (Marid Aquamarine for Ifrit) for bonus fire damage, and cast "Spark Fusion" ("Frost Fusion" against Ifrit) and "Herakles", then "Degenerate" the elemental. Try to stay close to Marid, because she will cast "Avalanche" if you're far away (if you're close, there is a small chance that "Avalanche" will hit her as well, so she resorts to "Aqua Blast". Finally, all you must do is hit Marid about 12-15 times, using a 1 Chain combo (2 hits) because she (and Ifrit, and the other Elementals) have good blocking defense, so don't bother raising Risk unnecessarily. For winning, you get an Elixir of Queens (all 4 Major Elementals will give you one) and the approriate Elemental spell book. "Flame Sphere" from Ifrit, and "Avalanche" from Marid. *********************************************************************** Set 2 Djinn, Ocean Crab (not the real name, but I can't look it up right now) Ok, so beating Ifrit leads to the Ocean Crab, and beating Marid leads to Djinn. Djinn is the major Air Elemental and the Ocean Crab is a pathetic nothing of a boss that is almost as easy as the Giant Crab from waaaay back. If you're looking for an easy fight, go after the crab, then take your chances with Djinn. The strategies are different for both, so I'll explain them separately, beginning with the Crab. EXACTLY the same strategy applies here as with the Giant Crab, except now, you should be even MORE god-like. "Vile Scar" or "Snake Venom" WILL poison the Crab, and you can STILL "Degenerate" it. Cast "Herakles" with your Beast weapon equipped and now if you want to have fun, equip the Ifrit Carnelian on your weapon for kicks. If you TRULY think you must, put the Marid Aquamarine on your shield, though you won't really need it. "Aqua Blast" is not that bad a spell, and you can probably heal double the damage it would do if your Intelligence is high. Do not Chain combo, except to add one extra hit after the initial one. Aim for the mouth, and watch it die in a few short rounds. Djinn is another matter, but no different than the battles with Marid/Ifrit. Cast "Soil Fusion" and "Herakles" on yourself, have the Sylphid Ring equipped, and cast "Degenerate" on Djinn. Use the Sylphid Topaz Gems if you must for added magical defense (I'm sure there's something stronger than the Topaz Gems, but at the moment, I can't look it up. I think it was Djinn Amber or something like that...) and have the Dao Moonstone on your weapon. Do the VERY same things you did to beat Marid/Ifrit and you should have 100% success. *********************************************************************** Set 3 Dao, Flame Dragon The Flame Dragon, technically isn't a boss, as you don't get a stat roulette bonus, while I -believe- you need the Sigil from Djinn to fight Dao, though I don't know for sure, because I never fought Dao, though I can guess at the strategy required, should be the very same technique as with Djinn with the opposite element spells. The Flame Dragon is like fighting any other dragon. I've actually fought the Flame Dragon, so I'll provide strategy for it, and even though I'm 99% SURE the strategy for Dao is as I explained, I'll leave it out, JUST to make 100% sure. Once my Playstation is fixed, Dao and the remaining strategies will be in place, and I shouldn't need to do any MAJOR updates from then on. The Flame Dragon isn't tough, and you have plenty of room to run around. Have the Marid Aquamarine on your weapon, cast "Herakles" and "Frost Fusion" and "Leadbones" on the Dragon. Equip the Dragonite Gem on your best Dragon weapon if you find it necessary to deal more damage. Use "Cherry Ronde" for big water Break Art damage with the one-handed sword, or any other water element Break Art will do. If you don't want to waste the HP (and consequently, MPs from having to cast "Heal") then just do the 1 Chain combo and save up your Risk from getting too high. This is not the toughest boss fight, and I'm sure there is tougher to come. (to be updated) *********************************************************************** MATERIAL This is stuff that I need to know, or small little unanswered questions that I've had and kind of would like answered. Some stuff has already been answered, so use this for reference if you run into the same questions I have. - Copy Gems: I originally thought there was a copy gem trick, but it turns out that the gems I have were gems that were already placed on some weapons given to me by bosses and normal enemies and in treasure chests. - Items List: I'm sure someone will release one in the VERY near future, but I might consider placing an items list in a separate FAQ, or just include it in this one. What I'm missing are the names of certain wines of Lea Monde. They're just like Elixirs, but are named according to the stats they increase (Valens which sounds like Valiance gives Strength). If you've got the names of the 4 other wines, (Int, HP, MP and AGL) then send it on over to me via e-mail. - Magic -20%: Apparently, equipping the Manabreaker on your shield also affects beneficial spells being cast on you, so you MUST counter this by equipping the Hellraiser Gem, else you will always have an 80% chance of casting spells on yourself in Battle Mode. I should've guessed... but thanks to Janus1o1, Vic_Palileo and Benjamin Ford for the info. - Evolve, or DIE: This, of course, refers to particular puzzle rooms where you are shown the average time taken to complete that puzzle. I've never completed them in under the average time (there is one puzzle after the Snow Dragon where you need to complete it in under 6 seconds!) If anyone has achieved beating the time on any of the puzzles, could you e-mail to me what happens, if anything special at all or is it just a cool rank thing to show off? *********************************************************************** CREDITS - Squaresoft, for making this brilliant and addictive game. A game where the characters have feeling and it is FUN, not -just- graphics! It has replay value! Anyway, thanks ^_^ - My friend, Itseamyeah, who let me borrow his copy before buying me my own copy. Without his purchase, I'd have never found so addictive a game. - CJayC for giving us FAQ writers a place to share our information to the rest of the gaming world so that none of us go crazy because they got stuck in a game somewhere. - Janus1o1 for telling me about the Ogre Dummy near the "Crossroads" Save point, as well as pointing out that there is no copy gems code, just that the gems were on some weapons given to me by random enemies, and also for helping me about the Magic -20%. - Vic_Palileo also told me the same information about the Magic -20%. - Thanks to Benjamin Ford for repeating the info about the Magic -20%, but also for revealing the possibility that wines are affected by this lowered magic percentage... - Thanks to Toom for the Snowfly Forest map. Although I didn't need it, it might be worth converting to ASCII format and placing as a separate FAQ... - Al Alamoo, he's got permission to use this Strategy Guide on his website, as he's also gotten permission for my Blue Mary KoF 98 and Kasumi KoF 99 Character FAQs. Extra special thanks to Revolution reader Raffaele Saccucci!
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