Kingdom Come Deliverance Multiplayer: Is Kingdom Come Deliverance Multiplayer?

With its wide-sweeping open-world and massive war-based story, many players are wondering “is Kingdom Come Deliverance multiplayer?” Considering it takes place during a war-torn time in Bohemia and it’s based on a realistic medieval time period, it certainly sounds like it would make sense to allow for multiplayer in some aspect.

Whether local or online, both cooperative and competitive Kingdom Come Deliverance multiplayer would make sense in the setting. Perhaps even allowing each player to fight together or on opposite sides of the battlefield in a sort of medieval matchmaking. Without further ado, let’s answer the question of is Kingdom Come Deliverance multiplayer?

Is Kingdom Come Deliverance Multiplayer?

Kingdom Come Deliverance Battle

Is Kingdom Come Deliverance multiplayer? With its release today on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, we’ve dug through the contents of this 50+ hour long medieval fantasy RPG and can confirm that, unfortunately, there is no multiplayer whatsoever to be found. Depending on what games you prefer, that could be a good or bad thing.

There is no Kingdom Come Deliverance multiplayer at all, making this a truly single-player experience in the veins of similar massive open-world RPG’s like Skyrim and The Witcher 3. In it, you play as Henry and experience his journey as a soldier in the middle of a war. With its deep combat, survival aspects, and RPG elements, there’s no surprise that this is solely meant for one player.

Despite the lack of Kingdom Come Deliverance multiplayer, it is becoming quite popular on Twitch and YouTube as players enjoy watching how players handle this war-ravaged open-world experience. For more on what we thought of the long-awaited game since its launch on Kickstarter, check out our deep review here.

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