Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies Faq / Walkthrough






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        A C E  C O M B A T   4


                    *  S H A T T E R E D  S K I E S *

|GUIDE BY: Paul Michael (vhayste®)


|Type: Faq / Walkthrough

|Version: NA_



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 Welcome to my faq for the game Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies. I just got

the game so I was only able to create a faq for it just now. Im a fan of the

Ace Combat series but I was only able to get hold of AC4,5 and 0. To get to

the point, please drop me a message if you think there should be added,

missing or some corrections on any details found in this faq.

This document is comprised of mission guides, aircraft and weapon details as

well as some useful tips and miscellaneous info. Spoilers will be avoided as

much as possible. And also, Im using the same faq format for my guide for

Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War to save time and effort.

If the mission seems to hard for you, I suggest taking the tutorial or

restarting the game in easy or very easy mode. I will try to lay down the

details as much as possible but completing the game is entirely up to you.

Let's start the briefing. 

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| ------------- STORYLINE

      A massive asteroid, codenamed Ulysses 1994 XF-04 struck the continent

      of Usea, taking the lives of 500,000 people and leaving thousands of

      others as refugees. Erusea, used this as an oppurtunity to occupy the

      continent. Thier supremacy is achieved because of their possession of

      a superweapon named "Stonehenge", a battery of giant railguns

      originally developed to shoot down asteroids but proved to be useful

      against planes as well.

      Independent States Allied Forces (ISAF) was driven back to the eastern

      coast of Usea and has suffered major blows against its forces. They

      had many attempts to destroy the Stonehenge but the unsuccessful

      attempts forced the dwindling ISAF forces to thier vulnerable and

      relocated territory of North Point.

      You play as mobius1, a pilot working for ISAF. Your mission is to

      help turn the tide of war and bring Erusia to its knees...

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| ------------- CONTROLS (NORMAL)

     L UP   : pitch down

     L DOWN : pitch up

     L LEFT/RIGHT : roll left/right

     Circle   : fires missile or special weapon

     X        : fires machine gun

     Square   : map (pressure sensitive)

     Triangle : switch target (hold to look at the target)

     R1 :thrust / afterburners

     L1 : air brake

     L2 : yaw left

     R2 : yaw right

     R3 : look back

     R  : camera control

     Start  : pause menu

     Select : toggles between missiles or special weapons

     D-PAD DOWN  : change view

     DPAD UP:    : autopilot


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This walkthrough is completed using NORMAL mode. If you seemed to be stuck

on a mission, read the guide carefully or check out other guides as well.

Your dogfighting and bomb running skills are needed to accomplish almost all


You can also try switching to easy mode and complete the game there. Note

that when you selected SP New game after game completion, previously aquired

medals, planes and credits are carried over.

Mission objectives that are marked * is the updated mission objective.

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OPERATION:  Umbrella

DATE:       09/19-2004

TIME:       1405


OBJECTIVES: Intercept the enemy bombers before they reach the HQ

TIME LMT:   10 mins

Because ISAF's defense force is extremely weak at this time, you're just

about the only thing between the Erusians and victory.  Your objective is to

eliminate the bombers before they can get past the island.

 This is the first mission and it will not be that hard. There are 6 TU-95's

that you need to destroy and they are slow. Minus the fighter escorts, there

should be no problem bringing them down.

Proceed on taking the bombers near you, then the fighter escorts if possible.

Just destroy all targets and mission completes. If you want to earn more

credits, leave one bomber alive then engage on the escorts. More enemies

killed means more score and credits.


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DATE:       10/05-2004

TIME:       1329


OBJECTIVES: Destroy the bombers on the airbase

TIME LMT:   15 mins

 Hit your afterburners then fly low. Take out the substation then climb up

a bit and proceed to the airport. Eliminate all the AA weapons first and also

the enemy planes that are taking off. The bombers can take a few hits before

getting destroyed so make good use of bombs here. Bomb or destroy the other

non-mission targets to gain more credits for this mission.

There could be some airborne enemies as well but they shouldnt be hard.

Destroy the targets to complete the mission.

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OPERATION:  Whiteout

DATE:       10/10-2004

TIME:       1628


OBJECTIVES: Destroy the radars to help Allied force's escape.

TIME LMT:   15 mins each for OBJ1 and 2

 The radar bases have some AA defense systems and has two locations. From

your starting position, fly towards the initial fighters and get rid of them.

Then sweep the radar base and head to the next one. Just repeat the process

and make sure that you clear the area completely to get more points and



You just need to proceed to the return line, land on the airstrip.


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OPERATION:  Hunting Hawk

DATE:       11/07-2004

TIME:       1226


OBJECTIVES: Destroy the enemy cargo planes before they exit the area.

TIME LMT:   12 mins

 The main problem here would be the E-767 jammers and the fighter escorts.

To make your job easier, go after the jammer aircrafts first. They are in the

epicenter of the interference radius. There will be some fighter escorts as

well but try to engage them only after destroying the jammers.

If you managed to destroy the escorts, new enemy waves will appear after

destroying the C-17s' one by one. Use this to score more points. Mission

completes after all targets are eliminated

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OPERATION:   Early bird

DATE:        11/19-2004

TIME:        0550


OBJECTIVES:  Score at least 2000 pts within the time limit.

TIME LMT:  10 mins OBJ1; 3:30 mins OBJ2

 During the entire mission duration, avoid enemy fighters since they do take

time to shoot down and they're only worth 60 pts. You need to concentrate on

high valued targets or bomb closed together targets. When you start, descend

a bit then destroy the tanker below. Turn to your left and approach the

oil facility. It is recommended to attack this first since the targets here

are worth more points. Bomb the oil tanks and use your missiles against the

smoketacks. You can also proceed to the west of the oil refinery and destroy

the pumping  stations. If you worked fast enough, you should have enough time

to fly to the oil rigs and score a few additional scores. You can continue

destroying targets even after you reached the quota.


The dreaded Yellow Squadron shows up. You need to hit the afterburners and

escape the area. Its too early for you to face them yet. Mission completes

after reaching return line.


         - MIR-2000

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OPERATION:  Rough Seas

DATE:       11/23-2004

TIME:       1200


OBJECTIVES: Score at least 3000 pts within the time limit.

TIME LMT:   15 mins

 There are 4 diffrent areas where you can execute the attack and earn points.

They are the shipyard, submarine docks and the retreating fleet. From your

starting position, you should be able to see the retreating enemy fleet,

roughly consisting of an aircraft carrier, one aegis, 2 battleships and one

cruiser. Take them all out since they are worth big points.

After that, you can either take the submarine docks on the east or the

shipyard on the north. Well, the submarine docks is roughly protected by

some AA installations and a few fighters. The shipyard has fighters and

docked ships with AA installations. Whatever you choose, you need to work

quickly on eliminating any AA threat from the ground first then the targets.

When attacking the submarine docks, you need to aim for the opening of the

tunnels they are docked. Otherwise, you'll trash your shots. Bombs will not

affect them as well.

There is also a lightly defended supply facilities in the northeastern area.

These has some large, harmless supply ships worth big points and some oil

tanks that you can dispatch by bombing the center of them.

You can continue destroying targets as long as you have spare time and ammo.

MIssion completes after time expires.


         - TND-1D5

         - F/A-18C

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OPERATION:  Blackout

DATE:       12/16-2004

TIME:       1640


OBJECTIVES: Destroy the solar panels to halt enemy productions

TIME LMT:   15 mins OBJ1; 10 mins OBJ2

 You and some allied fighters will be deployed in enemy territory to launch

an attack to a massive solar power plant. Bombs are useful in this mission

but if you're confident, you can just sweep the panel and gunning them.

Start of by clearing enemy fighters rushing in your direction. Take care of

the AA installations in the ground to make your work a little bit easier. The

only target is the radar but it would really help to destroy all 36 solar

panels to have more points. Watch out of AA guns, SAMS, and flak guns. There

are also pillboxes worth a few easy points as well.

Take out as many targets as possible before destroying the mission targets.

You can go after the enemy fighters as well.

Once the control room and solar tower is destroyed, mission completes.


Multiple Stongehenge rounds detected!! You need to fly below 2,000 feet to

avoid getting hit. You need to fly into the ravine. There are some attack

helicopters and planes dispatched in the area but they dont pose much of a

problem. Just struggle your way to the return line and mission completes.

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OPERATION:  Countdown

DATE:       12/31-2004

TIME:       1335


OBJECTIVES: Score at least 800 points within the time limit.

TIME LMT:   7 mins OBJ1; 6 mins, OBJ 2.

 Alright, this is one of the most frustrating missions of the game. You have

a lot of planes to shoot, yes. But you have very limited time. You can't afford

to miss shots continously. Recommended SP weapons here would be QAAMs, XMAA and

XLAAs. From your starting position, arm a XMAA or XLAA then fire once you get

all the four lockons. QAAMs can be fired on the enemy's six then leave it to

pursue the target.

Yellow squadron is here too, and you need to get rid of them by tagging one of

them with a missile or machine gun shots. Take note also of an E-767 and KC-10

planes, they are worth 140 pts each and are located just above the actual

battle airspace. ALso, planes that are refueling on the KC-10 is vulnerable..

take this oppurtunity to score some easy kills.

This mission can be frustrating since although its not hard to bag down bandits

the problem is that the scores for each plane is kinda low. Unless you have

some superior or better planes, it would be challenging to get an S on your

first try.

There is a hidden plane here, the SR-71 "Blackbird"at 40,000 ft. The plane

is really fast and is worth big points BUT I dont suggest chasing this one on

your first playthrough. The best way to bag this is by using XLAA, XMAA or

QAAM. Just continue scoring until time runs out. Hopefully, you should meet

the required points. You can refuel by going to the return line in your map.


Several B-2 Stealth bombers are heading its way to the launching facility.

They cant be easily tracked through the radar but are readily traced on the

large map. You need to destroy them before they bomb the facility.

They will also come along with fighter escorts so be prepared to engage when

you have the chance. You can rush towards them, fire some XLAAs or XMAAs

forward, then slow down and turn around to finish the job. They are easy

targets for ordinary missiles and machine guns so take them out in whatever

way you please. After the last bomber is shot down and there are still time,

you can go back and bag as many remaining fighters as you can until time runs

out. Mission completes.


         - MIG-29A

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OPERATION:  Bunker Shot

DATE:       01/24-2005

TIME:       1700


OBJECTIVES: Provide close air support to allied invasion forces. Score at

            least 2200 points during the time limit.

TIME LMT:   10 mins OBJ1; 7 mins OBJ2

 You need to clear targets out area by area to save time. This is primarily

a air-to-ground operation during the first half, then changes to AA during

the mission update. Proceed NE from your starting position to clear out the

eastern beachead.

Clear out the targets on the ground using bombs on grouped enemies, and

missiles on radars, pillboxes and the like. Avoid engaging into dogfighting

at the moment, just concentrate on clearing out ground targets. Proceed to

the other area after eliminating all or most of the targets in the initial


Keep busy clearing out the area. There is also a group of howitzers and

launchers behind the mountains in the north that are easy points.

Once done, step on the afterburners and proceed to the west beach. The

enemies here are very scattered for bombs to be efficient so prepare to spend

a lot of missiles here. Just destroy as many ground targets as time permits

or simply head back to base, refuel and rearm AA SP weapons for your plane.

Mission update will appear after time for first obj expires...


An A-10 attacker squadron has been dispatched by the enemy to deal with the

advancing allied forces. Shoot them down before they deal serious damage to

the invasion force.

If you managed to equip some good AA weapons here, there should be no problem

eliminating the A-10s. To make your job easier, kill all other A-10s except

for one. Then engage the escort fighters. Destroy the last A-10 to end


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OPERATION:  Woodpecker

DATE:       02/28-2005

TIME:       1415


OBJECTIVES: Score at least 3000 pts during time limit.

TIME LMT:   20 mins

This is one long mission and there is always a potential of messing up at

any point of the operation. The targets are grouped into several areas, not

to mention that you need to contend with AA artillery, fighters and

trechearous terrains. The four areas are the Scion Air Base, VTOL base,

supply base and the submarine docks. You may need to refuel after taking

care of two areas.

Whatever are you choose to attack first, its up to you. I will divide the

strategies for each area.

SCION AIR BASE: The enemy got a great vantage point here. So, take care of

the planes that are taxing in the runway. Take care of them before they get

airborne; take out the AA installations and the small supply dock by the

river. Bomb the remaining enemy facilities then proceed to the next target


VTOL base: The VTOL base is composed of several entrenched enemy positions.

The bases are actually vertical holes carved out of the mountain. You need to

get near to the hole, fly up to 2000 fr, then brake, turn around and shoot a

bomb directly to the hole. This manuever will guarantee destrcution of all

targets inside the hole. There may be some harriers already flying to just

get behind them and bag them for additional scores.

SUPPLY BASE: This one's a little bit tricky. There are a lot of scattered

enemy AA installations and some enemy supply units. Try clearing the area of

AA positions and gunboats then just bomb the supply units.

SUBMARINE DOCKS: There are some gunboats here and a few AA installations. The

subs can only be destroyed by bombs or flying low and firing a missile to the

opening of the shelter. There is also a mobile sub that surfaces, destroy

it when you have the chance. Otherwise it will take cover in the shelter and

you need to get into proper firing position to take it down.

As long as you destroy targets effectively and fast, there should be no

problem meeting or exceeding the required points.


         - EF-2000

         - R-M01

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OPERATION:  Noah's Ark

DATE:       03/14-2005

TIME:       1531


OBJECTIVES: Escort the two passenger planes to safety.

TIME LMT:   5 mins, 30 secs

Alright, this is one of the missions I scream "idiocrity". They are sending

you alone to escort two passenger planes under attack by enemy fighters. The

passenger planes contains the engineers that designed the Stonehenge and their

families. Apparently, they are willing to provide invaluable data to ISAF. The

bad thing is Eurasia wants them dead to keep the secret of thier superweapon

from reaching ISAF.

The target passenger planes that you need to protect are Air Ixiom Flight 701

and Flight 702. Flight 701 cannot raise to higher altitude due to cabin

pressure and can only fly in 6000 ft. Great. 702 is above, in 23000 feet. You

just need to make sure that not one of them gets shot down. Easy, right?


When you get near the pssngr planes, you will see 702 being attacked by a

F/A-18. Max thrust, then engage the enemy fighter. After that two Mig-29s will

appear and begin attacking 701 below. So, max thrust again and eliminate the

two fighters as quickly as possible. After getting rid of the two Migs, three

F-14's will pursue 702 above. So fly hard up and quickly destroy them. Lastly,

two Mig-29s and two SU-35s will try to shoot 701 down. Head down, keep them

busy and down them all. Mission completes after that.

 MISC INFO: 701's Flight attendant is named "Nagase", one of your wingmen in

ACE COMBAT 5: Unsung War. There is no details however, if they are the same


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OPERATION:  Stone Crusher

DATE:       04/14-2005

TIME:       1531


OBJECTIVES: Destroy Stonehenge

TIME LMT:   15 mins

 Alright, its the big day. You will launch a massive airstrike to destroy

Stonehenge. The whole battery is protected by a jammer, several SAM and AA

installations, and a lot of enemy fighters that seems to immune to the

railguns' desctructive shockwave. Not to mention Stonehenge itself.

This is one of my personal favorite missions since you will be always on your

toes here. One wrong move and you will be vaporized in mid-air. And this is

undeniably, one of the hardest missions you'll encounter.

The first step is to destroy the jammer located in the center of the

superweapon. You should've noticed that your missile lockon is disabled

within the jammer's field of effect.

Approach the target(s) in high speed, low altitude. This will make it harder

for them to hit you. Upon reaching the battery itself, you can gun the jammer

or just bomb it. Upon achieving missile lockon capability back, begin taking

out the individual railgun's defenses. You may need to fly in low speeds here

so that you can make quick and accurate lockons. Each railgun requires four

missile hits to get destroyed. They have weak spots but I suggest just go for

the main shaft where the base and turret is connected. Its the easiest spot

to hit and its always exposed. I suggest leaving one railgun standing before

engaging the SAMS and enemy planes. This lessens the risk of getting hit.

Once you cleared the skies (and hopefully, you should still have enough

missiles), destroy the last remaining target and mission... updates. LOl.


Yellow Squadron has been sighted and they want you dead for destroying the

oversized toy guns. They will engage you and you will be caught in one hell of

a dogfight. Your ears may bleed with all the missile warnings on your hud so

its recommended to get away from the group so that one Yellow will be

separated. Then you can concentrate on bringing it down.

This part of the mission is the hardest part of it since I ended up using my

guns (I ran out of missiles) and luckily landing good hits that shot down a

feared Yellow fighter.

Hopefully, your piloting skills are enough to help you survive the next



         - F-2A

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OPERATION:  Blind Man's Bluff

DATE:       05/07-2005

TIME:       0105


OBJECTIVES: Score at least 1300 during time limit

TIME LMT:   7 mins OBJ1; 4 mins OBJ2

 An allied recon plane is returning from a recon mission and has some

mechanical problems. Also, the enemy deployed airship noise jammers (looks

like mini-Kirovs). Because of the that, the U2 is having a hard time

navigating the ravine, and in danger of crashing due to bad weather

conditions as well.

You can only use guns here and the airships are really small so you need to

fly slowly so dont miss a lot of them. They will appear as black dots so you

really need to rely on your eyes.

Just meet or exceed the required points and mission updates.


An enemy squadron has appeared to shoot down the U2. Intercept them at once.

There are two EF-2000's and two F-15Es that you need to shoot down. If you

manged to get this far, then these enemies shouldnt be that hard.

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DATE:       06/15-2005

TIME:       0256


OBJECTIVES: Destroy the cruise missiles (TGT)

TIME LMT:   20 mins

 Again, alone. Against several cruise missiles and oblivion. The ISAF

forces are now mobilizing because of the destruction of Stonehenge. The enemy

launched several cruise missiles to hamper their advance. (with all the

fighters of ISAF you are the only one assigned to intercept the cruise

missiles. geezz....)

Alright, you need a fast plane here with AA SP weapons. Just keep in mind

that even if these are just cruise missiles, they move and fly like planes


You may also want to keep on the afterburners to keep up with the cruise

missiles since they can get out of sight quickly if you dont keep your eyes

on them. You can ignore the XB-70 or F-22 ace for your first try since they

are really hard to take down if you dont have the proper planes.

Alright, the first set of missiles will be approaching from the north. Try to

get in level with them then just fire on sight. After destroying it, you will

have another warning that a second wave of missiles are on their way. Head

back north and intercept the missiles.

This wave has more missiles and unfortunately, they will split into two so

you need to work fast to destroy them both. There are really no special trick

on this one. Just work your way on getting a clear shot then fire. Once you

destroyed the two groups of cruise missiles, the largest one will appear

along with two F-22 escorts. Try not to engage the fighters since this last

cruise missile really evades a lot.

After making it a big firecracker, mission completes.

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DATE:       07/10-2005

TIME:       0000


OBJECTIVES: Score at least 2000 points within the time limit

TIME LMT:   10 mins each for OBJ1 and OBJ2

 The ISAF forces are now marching to liberate the town/city of San Salvacion.

This is the place where the narrator boy lives and where much of the

cutscenes takes place. And also, there are diffrent zones you need to clear.

Yellow squadron planes are also running about the area so you can shoot them

down if you want to. That will take some time and several missiles though, Im

warning you. For the first part of the mission, just use bombs as your SP


GOVERNMENT COMPLEX: This area doesnt have that many targets. Just get it


quickly. Take care of the helicopters, launchers and AA guns on the shore.

Proceed to the next area when done.

NEW CITY: There are some SAM and AA installations here on top of the buildings

and also some scattered choppers behind them. You need to also attack tanks

from above to make sure the missiles will hit them.

SAN PROFETTA AIRPORT: This area can net you a lot of points since there are

grounded planes as easy targets. If you have bombs, drop it on the center of

the packed targets to get the most out of your bombing run. You can also

engage some enemy planes if you want to; just make sure that you dont spend

too much time bagging them.

OLD TOWNE: This is the part of town where most enemy targets are

concentrating. Take care of the AA and SAMs first before engaging the other

targets. There are also a couple of Yellows and some planes to engage if you

want to.

Just make sure to go back to base and rearm with AA SP weapons for the

mission update.


The enemy knew they had lost San Salvacion to Allied forces so they deployed

a bomber squadron to level the whole place. They will approach the city from

the northwest so intercept them an prevent them from bombing the city.

If you're able to rearm AA weapons then you should'nt have not problems. If

not try sticking with the old fashioned but effective way of downing them

with missiles. Mission completes after the last bomber is shot down.


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OPERATION:  Sandstorm

DATE:       08/15-2005

TIME:       0145


OBJECTIVES: Score at least 3500 within the time limit.

TIME LMT:   20 mins

 The Erusians have set up a large tank force in Whiskey Corridor to defend

their capital city. Although outnumbered, the ground forces have no choice

but to attempt to break through  and capture the capital to end the war.

Alright, I dont personally like the strategy of this operation. "Miracle in

the Air?". You gotta be kidding.

Alright, you need to get a good multirole or attacker for this one. The

majority of targets are ground based but there are also a fair number of

aerial targets as well. UGBLs are the weapon of choice here so arm that one.

And since this mission is long and there are a lot of targets, you may need

to refuel, probably more than once.

You have diffrent combat areas which you can clear. The defensive lines are

separated into 3 sections, the eastern, central and western def lines. You

also have Old Anchorhead city and enemy HQ. The enemy fighters are annoying

here since they tend to stick with you a lot and attempt to shoot you down

while you're in a middle of a sweet bombing run. They deserve to be swatted

and become one with the desert sands.

DEFENSIVE LINES: The three defensive lines follow the same setup. AA

artilleries, tank formations, fighters and some defensive facilities as well.

Use your bombs on tank formations with 3+ units. As you destroy them, more

tanks will appear. Repeat the process, and just make sure that every shot

counts to save time. Just make sure that you eliminate all AA threats as much

as possible before going after other targets.

Pillboxes and tents are all good targets as well. use missiles on pboxes and

bomb the group of tents. After clearing the defensive lines, you can either

proceed to Old Anchorhead or the enemy HQ.

(enemy) HQ: This facility is the nerve center of all field operations and

capturing this is a hude advantage to the ISAF forces. Take out the flak guns,

SAMs, and AA guns  around the area.  There are also tank formations around

the HQ that you can bomb  and you can destroy the HQ building for a measly

100 pts.

OLD ANCHORHEAD CITY: This is an abandoned city that is used for operations by

the Erusians. Take care of the AA artilleries and choppers. Then go after the

tanks and the artillery formation just north of the old city. A few bombs

should be enough to get rid of them.

Just clear as many enemies as you can within the time limit and Im sure

you'll exceed the required points.


         - SU-37

         - F-15 ACTIVE

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OPERATION:  Autumn Thunder

DATE:       09/19-2005

TIME:       1820


OBJECTIVES: Score at least 2100 pts within the time limit.

TIME LMT:   12 mins OBJ1; 18 mins OBJ2

 The Allied forces have penetrated the capital and will move in to occupy it

completely. You need to destroy all enemy resistance and end the war once and

for all! (what a tearjerker, LOL.)

To start off the mission,  I strongly suggest to get the SU-37 "TERMINATOR".

Its the cheapest, has QAAMs and has good stats. You will definitely need

something good to keep up with the best. Buy the bomb for the SU-37 for this

mission. I personally selected the F-15 ACTIVE on my first playthrough and

ended up having a tough time for these last two missions.

 MISC INFO: The Yellow Squadron are comprised of yellow SU-37s.

Start the mission by proceeding north, destroy the intercepting fighters or

not; just proceed to the bridge and clear it out of enemies. After that, turn

west towards Johnson Memorial Bridge. Destroy the ship then target the bridge

itself to make it collapse along with enemy tanks crossing it. Destroying the

bridge is needed to cutoff reinforcements from joining the main force.

Now go to the sunken part of the city. There are a few AA installations on

top of the buildings and a couple of subs hiding behind them. Its recommended

to fly over the buildings to get a clear shot of the subs and destroy them.

Continue destroying ground targets. (They respawn as you destroy them). After

clearing all of them or before the time runs out, head back to base and rearm

yourself with QAAMs then head out.

Mission updates after time expires.... Its the time of reckoning...


The Yellow squadron will appear to make a one last stand for Erusea. As long

as you have the SU-37 and QAAMs, this part of the mission is not that hard.

Just lockon and fire. It it doesnt hit it, its a good way to distract them

and prevent your hands from getting full or  while you are struggling to get

into perfect firing position.

If not, then prepare for the most tight and challenging dogfights you'll ever

encounter throughout the game. The Yellows fight with teamwork. If you get a

lock with one of them, expect the others are tracking you in your six. You

need to make sharp turns and crazy loops to evade them. It will frustrate you.

Mission completes once the last Yellow is shot down.


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OPERATION:  Judgment Day

DATE:       09/26-2005

TIME:       0800


OBJECTIVES: Destroy the 3 central generators to open the vent

            Destroy the missile in the main silo

TIME LMT:   20 mins OBJ1; 30 mins OBJ2

 The cinematics and the music is perfect for this last mission. You need to

get all the inspiration you need to complete the tasks ahead. The remaining

Erusean forces have taken control of Megalith, a massive fortress-like

facility capable of launching ballistic missiles in very long ranges.

Originally designed to intercept asteroids in mid orbit or free fall, the

Megalith is capable of targetting any territory within the continent.

The S-37A will be available now. This is the second best plane in the game.

But you wont definitely have the budget to purchase this for the meantime so

just let it aside. This plane is also necessary to obtain S ranks on missions


 MISC INFO: The S-37A will be later known as SU-47 "Berkut" in the later

Ace Combat titles.

ISAF is generous enough to provide you with your own Mobius Squadron. You

will need them since you will be facing the last 15 aircrafts of Erusea. And

all of them are Yellows. If you have the QAAMs, destroying them will be a

breeze. Just fire all of your QAAMs to individual targets, confirm the kill

then go back and reload. I was able to maintain all my squadron members alive

using that strategy.

If you have a diffrent plane and/or doesnt have QAAM's then you'll need more

luck and piloting skills to engage them. Equip your XLAAs and XMAAs. Fly

toward them and make sure that you are the SAME level/ altitude. Get a full

four lock on with the XL/XMAAs and fire it away! If timed correctly, four

yellows will be destroyed at once. Just fight your way until all of them are


Now the Hard part. Sorry, dude. You really need to do this. You need to fly

through the two tunnels to destroy the generators. The last generator is

located on the tight passage that runs east-west. MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE THE N

ORMAL MISSILES SELECTED and not the SP weapons. Don't nag if you approach the

target with no lock-on and has an X on it.

Alright, general pointers. When you fly inside the tunnel, delicate flying is

all that matters. One thing to take note is the speed. Try flying between

200- 300 mph, and try not to go slower than that or the plane will stall.

Another thing is that you need to be between 40-100 feet. Anything lower or

higher will restrict your movement and you will definitely kiss the wall.

I've been flying inside diffrent similar tunnels already (in other AC games)

and those tips are the most effective.

Alright, approach the tunnel slowly. Try to fly straight. Once you get a

lockon, wait for a clear shot before firing the missile. Head out, turn back

and enter the other tunnel. Do the same thing the exit out. This time, go to

either side of the main silo and approach the trench there very slowly. The

last generator is on the center. Destroy it and you will be notified that

the central vent is now open. Four silos with cruise missiles will open up.

Destroy them as fast as you can (they're 300 pts each) then prepare to enter

the central vent. Relax, you're only a few seconds away from victory.

Enter the central vent slowly. Once you get the clear lockon, hit the brakes

then fire the missile. Release the brakes after confirming the destruction of

the target. Then you need to control the plane very slowly then fly up to

the opening. This part of the mission is where there is the highest risk of

messing things up. Hold your breath and....

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Watch the ending and the credits.

 SIDENOTE: Not that hard, eh? XD

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    SP NEW GAME      ------------ This allows your previously acquired

                                  credits, aircraft, gametime etc when you

                                  start your new game.

    SCENE VIEWER     ------------ This feature allows you to watch all the

                                  scenes during the campaign.

    FREE MISSION     ------------ This feature gives you the chance to play

                                  previous campaign missions. You can also

                                  attempt to obtain a rank S on this mode as

                                  well. No credits will be obtained, however.

    TRIAL MISSION    ------------ This mode is will allow to undertake

                                  trial missions with diffrent requirements.

                                  A good thing to test your skills.

    EXTRA DIFFICULTIES ---------- Hard, Expert and Ace modes now available.

                                  (Note: You need to finish game in one

                                  difficulty to unlock its higher diff)

    SECRET PLANE (X-02) --------- If you completed the game in normal mode

                                  with all S ranks, the X-02 will be available

                                  for purchase. This is the best plane in the



    These are unlocked by shooting down the Ace using the plane. There are

    some exceptions specially with the F-4E. SU-37 and the X-02 . These aces

    don't appear originally on the map, you need to get near thier estimated

    location. They will appear as red arrows in your map.

    1.  F-5    -- North of the Allenfort Air Base

    2.  A-10   -- North of the enemy airbase

    3.  F-16   -- South of the second radar station (the westernmost one)

    4.  Mir2K  -- Northwest of the westernmost E-767 jammer plane

    5.  MIG-29 -- South of the far western pumping station on the map

    6   F-14   -- North of the northernmost wave of enemies on the map

    7.  TND-IDS-- North of the solar tower

    8.  F-18   -- after refueling during the mission, the ace will appear to

                  the east of the main combat area

    9.  F-15C  -- North of the central beachead combat area

    10. RF-01  -- northwest of the sub base, near the corner of the map

    11. SU-35  -- The ace will appear with about 90 secs left in the mission

                  time limit.

    12. F-2    -- North of the Stonehenge

    13. F-15E  -- After mission update where the enemy fighters appears, the

                  ace will be located in the north east

    14. F-22   -- North east of the map

    15. EF-2K  -- Center of the map, from your starting point

                  (between the two southern combat zones)

    16. F-117  -- Northwest of the westernmost combat zone (It has stealth so

                  try moving 2 grids north then 1 to the west)

    17. F-15A  -- Far northwestern corner of the map, past the city

    18. S-37A  -- North of megalith.

    F-4E  --- Beat the game once

    SU-37 --- Shoot down the other aces in the game. (This is Yellow 13's

              legendary paint scheme)

    X-02  --- Get rank S on all missions in expert mode.

    The planes' second paint schemes for each plane requires you to have a

    rank A or S for that mission.

    MISSION 1 --- F-5E

    MISSION 2 --- F-16C

    MISSION 3 --- A-10A

    MISSION 4 --- MIR-2000

    MISSION 5 --- F-14A

    MISSION 6 --- TND-ID5

    MISSION 7 --- F/A-18C

    MISSION 8 --- F-15C

    MISSION 9 --- MIG-29A

    MISSION 10 -- F-117A

    MISSION 11 -- EF-2000

    MISSION 12 -- R-M01

    MISSION 13 -- F-15E

    MISSION 14 -- F-2A

    MISSION 15 -- SU-35

    MISSION 16 -- F-22A

    MISSION 17 -- F-15 ACTIVE

    MISSION 18 -- S-37A

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    ||>>SAAM (Semi-active Air-to-Air Missile)


        The target must remain on the targetting circle as the missile

        tracks its target. It has long range and its a good way to snipe a

        target on its 5-7 oclock angles. Has firepower equivalent to 2-3


    ||>>QAAM (Quick-manuever Air-to-Air Missile)


        If you played AC4, you'll know how ungodly these SP weapons are. They

        will keep on tracking a target and will only give up when it runs out

        of fuel. Its also a good way to distract a target while taking your

        oppurtunity to take him down. Firepower equivalent to 2 missiles.

    ||>>XLAA (Advanced Long Range Air-to-Air Missile)


        This has a multilock function that can lock in 4 targets and best

        used when rushing the enemies in thier 12 or 6. Firepower equivalent

        to 2 missiles. It has exceptional range that can be used to bring

        down multiple targets adistance.

    ||>>XMAA (Advanced Medium-range Air-to-Air Missile)


        This has a multilock function that can lock in 4 targets and best

        used when rushing the enemies in thier 12 or 6. Firepower equivalent

        to 2 missiles. It has medium range but is longer than the conventional


    ||>>NPB (Napalm Bomb)


        This comes with a fair amount of ammo but that doesnt make up this

        Sp weapon's lack of decent damage and blast radius. One of the most

        useless SP weapons in the game.

    ||>>RCL (Rocket Launcher)


        Generally weak, this SP wpn can justify its existence when targeting

        stationary targets. When activated, it launches multiple volleys of

        small rockets. Effective when attacking grouped enemies.

    ||>>UGB (Unguided Bomb, Small)


        This is a free fall bomb that has a larger blast radius and damage

        than the NPB but still a bit miss when engaging a group of enemies.

        You can deploy two of these bombs at the same time, so it is more

        effective when engaging larger, tougher, stationary targets.

    ||>>UGBL (Unguided Bomb, Large)


        One of the most effective bombs in the game, the UGBL has great

        blast radius and damage. It can eliminate grouped targets in one

        drop. Because of this destructive potential, this SP wpn's ammo is

        limited so use with discretion.

    ||>>FAEB (Fuel Air Explosive Bomb)


        Unfortunately, the effectiveness and power of this sp weapon is

        drastically  reduced after its AC4 days. The area of damage is wide

        but the damage will depend on the dropping and area of the blast

        radius. This makes the bomb unpredictable. Just use a UGBL instead.

    ||>>XAGM: (Advanced Air-to-Ground Missile)


        This SP wpn has good trajectory, locks on to multiple targets but has

        very limited ammo. You may want to save this for the main targets.

        Targets are destroyed with missile like prejectiles so there are no

        blast radius with each impact.

    ||>>LASM (Long range Air-to-Surface Missile)


        The main use of this Sp weapon is to take out enemy naval ships from

        great distances. Although it doesnt have any one shot kill potential

        on ships, its enough to soften them up for a single missile shot or

        a few machine gun rounds.

    ||>>LAGM (Long range Air-to-Ground Missile)


        Similar to LASM in a way, but has some small blast radius that can

        take out nearby enemy installments around the locked on target.

    ||>>BDSP  (Bomblet Dispenser)


        Very effective in targets lined up or just grouped enemies, this

        dispenser launches small bombletts to the targetted area. The bomblets

        are not that strong but with thier number, its sure to hit the target.

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     <AICRAFT ROLE; the type of combat role the plane is designed for>

    COST:   <Amount of credits to purchase for first (1P), second (2P) and

              third (3P) paint schemes>

     SPD:    <speed of the plane; includes acceleration and top speed>

     MOB:    <mobility; the faster the plane turns and moves>

     DEF:    <defense; higher defense, less missile and bullet damage>

     AIR:    <effectiveness against air targets>

     GND:    <effectiveness against ground targets>

     STB:    <stability; the minimum speed the plane can fly before stalling>

              [<range  0 - 20|MAX>


     GUN:    <machine gun ammo>

     MSL:    <missile capacity>

     SPL:    <special weapon type, (capacity) --- price>

     NOTES:  <author's note>

| Loading.... OK


     F-4E "PHANTOM II" (default aircraft)




           1P: 52,000

           2P: 52,000

           3P: 41,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [            

     STB:  [          


     GUN:  650

     MSL:  48

     SPL:  UGB  (12) --- default

           RCL  (64) --- 41,000

     NOTES: This is your default aircraft. Good for earlier missions

     F-5E "TIGER II" (Complete Mission 1)




           1P: 76,000

           2P: 76,000

           3P: 99,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [          

     AIR:  [           

     GND:  [            

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  650

     MSL:  52

     SPL:  UGBM (8) --- default

           NPB  (6) --- 32,000

     NOTES: Nothing special but this plane is pretty balanced out. This plane

            can handle light dogfights and ground engagements.

     F-16C "FIGHTING FALCON" (Complete Mission 3)




           1P: 97,000

           2P: 97,000

           3P: 126,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [            

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  700

     MSL:  52

     SPL:  UGB  (14) --- default

           XAGM (12) --- 52,000

     NOTES: A fairly good plane for earlier missions. Its primarily designed

            to engage ground targets, this will be your first fighter/

            attacker. Although, its low stability means you can't really

            brake hard or you'll stall.

     A-10A "THUNDERBOLT II" (Complete Mission 5)




           1P: 123,000

           2P: 123,000

           3P: 160,000

     SPD:  [            

     MOB:  [            

     DEF:  [|MAX             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [|MAX           

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  850

     MSL:  56

     SPL:  UGBL (12) --- default

           XAGM (16) --- 58,000

           CLB  (12) --- 55,000

     NOTES: As an attacker, the superb defense and anti-ground rating of this

            plane is needed to do some clean, low-altitude bombing runs. It

            has good stability so that you can fly slow without stalling.

            The only thing to look out for are enemy planes. Avoid them as

            much as possible when using the A-10.

     MIRAGE 2000 (Complete Mission 5)




           1P: 110,000

           2P: 110,000

           3P: 143,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [            

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  700

     MSL:  52

     SPL:  UGB  (16) --- default

           LASM (10) --- 56,000

     NOTES: Well, this is a better armed than the F-16. The only fault is,

            by the time you get this plane, it will be overshadowed by better

            planes like the F-14 and F/A-18C.

     F-14A "TOMCAT" (Complete Mission 6)




           1P: 188,000

           2P: 188,000

           3P: 244,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [            

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  750

     MSL:  64

     SPL:  XLAA (16) --- default

           UGBM (10) --- 52,000

     NOTES: The plane is rather large and bulky, but the XLAA provides much

            needed anti-air potential. It also has UGBMs but due to limited

            payload, you wont be able to use this plane against heavy ground


     F/A-18C "HORNET"  (Complete Mission 6)




           1P: 170,000

           2P: 170,000

           3P: 221,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [            

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  700

     MSL:  60

     SPL:  UGBM (10) --- default

           LASM (14) --- 72,000

           XMAA (14) --- 71,000

     NOTES: The Hornet's stats are pretty much all above average and the

            really good weapon loadout makes it up as a multirole fighter.

            Can engage in both medium-heavy air and ground engagements.

     TND-1D5  (Complete Mission 6)




           1P: 172,000

           2P: 172,000

           3P: 224,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [            

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  750

     MSL:  58

     SPL:  BDSP (12) --- default

           GPB  (8) --- 76,000

           LASM (12) --- 70,000

     NOTES: Another great plane for engaging heavy surface targets. Great

            speed, defense and anti-ground rating. Perfect for those heavily

            fortified and clumped together targets. Can also engage on light

            air combat ro defend itself.

     F-15C "EAGLE" (Complete Mission 8)




           1P: 272,000

           2P: 272,000

           3P: 354,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [            

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  800

     MSL:  68

     SPL:  UGBM (12) --- default

           XMAA (16) --- 95,000

     NOTES: Another great all around fighter. Pretty balanced stats and has

            XMAAs to further increase its anti-air potential.

     MiG-29A "FULCRUM" (Complete Mission 8)




           1P: 259,000

           2P: 259,000

           3P: 337,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [            

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  750

     MSL:  64

     SPL:  UGBS (18) --- default

           RCL  (72) --- 81,000

     NOTES: Although this plane has really bad SP weapons, its great speed

            and mobility makes it a great for air combat missions and

            dogfighting. It can also engage ground targets when needed.

     F-117A "NIGHTHAWK"  (Complete Mission 10)




           1P: 386,000

           2P: 386,000

           3P: 502,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [           

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [           

     GND:  [            

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  650

     MSL:  54

     SPL:  UGBL (14) --- default

           GPB  (14) --- 126,000

           CLB  (14) --- 106,000

     NOTES: Consider this as the stealth version of A-10, with added speed

            and mobility. Well, stat wise this attacker may fare well but you

            really need to decide wether you'll keep this or the A-10.

     EF-2000 "TYPHOON"  (Complete Mission 10)




           1P: 351,000

           2P: 351,000

           3P: 456,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  800

     MSL:  64

     SPL:  XLAA (16) --- default

           UGBM (14) --- 104,000

     NOTES: This is one great plane to use until later of the game. It has

            XLAA by default and if you check out, it's pretty much fast and

            agile and great for tight / heavy dogfights. It can engage

            ground targets as well since it has a good number of UGBMs.

     R-MO1  (Complete Mission 10)




           1P: 370,000

           2P: 370,000

           3P: 481,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  800

     MSL:  64

     SPL:  SOD  (14) --- default

           XMAA (18) --- 108,000

           LASM (16) --- 111,000

     NOTES: A modified version of the TYPHOON, with improved air to ground

            capabilities and a diffrent SP weapon loadout. The XMAAs are good

            but for practical reasons, I suggest saving your money and just

            get the TYPHOON since has XLAAs by default.

     F-15E "STRIKE EAGLE"  (Complete Mission 12)




           1P: 505,000

           2P: 505,000

           3P: 657,000

     SPD:  [                 

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  850

     MSL:  72

     SPL:  UGBL (14) --- default

           XMAA (10) --- 117,000

           CLB  (14) --- 119,000

     NOTES: Pretty good stats and good weapon loadout. Probably the best

            multirole fighter in the game. Its great on engaging both

            land and air targets. Has good weapon load capacity also.

     F-2A   (Complete Mission 12)




           1P: 505,000

           2P: 505,000

           3P: 657,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  800

     MSL:  68

     SPL:  UGBM (16) --- default

           LASM (18) --- 121,000

           RCL  (80) --- 99,000

     NOTES: The stats of the F-2A resembles a multirole fighter but it is

            entirely an attacker, just like the A-10, F-117 and TND. Its

            SP weapon loadout speaks for itself. Just get the F-15E because

            it is more adaptable to almost any combat scenarios.

     SU-35 "SUPER FLANKER"   (Complete Mission 15)




           1P: 589,000

           2P: 589,000

           3P: 766,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  850

     MSL:  72

     SPL:  XLAA (18) --- default

           UGBM (16) --- 133,000

     NOTES: I would rather forget this one. Although it has XLAAs and great

            stats, I suggest saving your credits since you are only one

            mission away to unlock the last few and best planes in the game.

     F-22A "RAPTOR"   (Complete Mission 16)




           1P: 643,000

           2P: 643,000

           3P: 836,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [            


     GUN:  850

     MSL:  74

     SPL:  XMAA (22) --- default

           GPB (16)  --- 163,000

     NOTES: This is one of the best planes in real life. It has stealth

            capabilities, excellent weapon loadout, not to mention

            excellent rating on all categories. But I rather choose the SU-37

            as I mentioned in the walkthrough.

     SU-37 "TERMINATOR"   (Complete Mission 16)




           1P: 618,000

           2P: 618,000

           3P: 803,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [           


     GUN:  850

     MSL:  74

     SPL:  QAAM (08)  --- default

           UGBL (16)  --- 139,000

           LASM (20)  --- 146,000

     NOTES: This is one great fighter until you get the S-37 or the X-02. The

            QAAMs own any plane. The UGBLs and LASMS are great ground weapons

            which balances it for ground attacks as well. The TERMINATOR is

            what the Yellow Squadron is using. (and appeared in the movie


     F-15S/MTD    "ACTIVE"   (Complete Mission 16)




           1P: 620,000

           2P: 620,000

           3P: 806,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [           


     GUN:  900

     MSL:  78

     SPL:  XMAA (22)  --- default

           FAEB (08)  --- 286,000

     NOTES: It has the most powerful bomb in the game, the Fuel-Air Explosive

            Bomb. Also, the XMAAs are good addition to its already large

            payload. It has superb mobility which makes this perfect to

            air combats as well. Unfortunately, the RAPTOR and the TERMINATOR

            overshadows this one in terms of overall stats and usability.

     S-37A   (Complete Mission 17)




           1P: 889,000

           2P: 889,000

           3P: 1,560,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [             

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [           


     GUN:  900

     MSL:  78

     SPL:  QAAM (10)  --- default

           UGBL (18)  --- 286,000

     NOTES: This is the best plane to use until you get the X-02. It has

            great weapon payload, not to mention good QAAM and UGBL

            capacity. It the perfect plane for every mission.

     X-02 "WYVERN"   (Obtain Rank S in all missions in Normal Mode)




           1P: 1,414,000

           2P: 1,414,000

           3P: 1,838,000

     SPD:  [             

     MOB:  [             

     DEF:  [            

     AIR:  [             

     GND:  [           

     STB:  [           


     GUN:  950

     MSL:  82

     SPL:  XLAA (26)

           BDSP (24)

           QAAM (16)

     NOTES: This the best plane you'll get. It has superb weapon payload and

            capacity. But the plane is somewhat overpriced. Although it

            has lowered defense compared to the other planes beforehand,

            it excels on almost anywhere.

            It looks futuristically cool, too.




....primarily to all the gaming sites that hosted my authored faqs. I really

appreciate it. Specially to the people of

....also to all the Filipino gamers that are actively participating and

contributing, helping their fellow gamers alike. my friends, family and office mates.

and to you for reading!

Please visit my site and checkout my other faqs.

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|->> Disconnecting Comlink... OK|

|->> Securing Passthrough connection...OK_

|->> Unregistering active ports...DONE_

|->> Logging off...DONE_

|->> Shutting off...

|->> Termina offline. _







Submitted by vhayste - Created 9/18/06 (Last Modified 9/25/06)

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