Lost Odyssey Seed Guide

Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360)

Seed Guide

Written by: Ari Margo (GameFAQs: Kythlyn)

Version: 2.16

Copyright 2008 Ari Margo

This is a free document that is not intended for commercial

use. It is free to be distributed FREELY at GameFAQs and

other videogame websites as long as the document remains

unaltered with my name on it. It may NOT be used to make

money in ANY FORM. All information provided in this guide

was obtained by myself by playing the game unless otherwise




Table of Contents:

[A1] Introduction to 99 Seeds Guide

[A2] 99 Seeds Guide (in order of appearance)

[A3] Introduction to 99 Seeds List

[A4] 99 Seeds List (sorted by location)

[A5] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

[A6] Pipots & Prizes

[A7] Missable Seeds at the Auction House

[B1] Introduction to Slot Seeds

[B2] 48 Slot Seeds Guide

[C1] Introduction to Spikey Seed Quest

[C2] Spikey Seed Quest

[D1] Closing (Coming Soon, Special Thanks, Version Info, Contact Info)

You can search for the beginning of each section by using the numbers above

in brackets.


[A1] Introduction to 99 Seeds Guide:

The purpose of this guide is to explain how to get all 99 seeds in the order

as they appear in the game. Why bother? Well, if you're a completionist this

is clearly the kind of challenge you live for. On the other hand, if you're

an achievement junkie, this quest is mandatory, as the prize for 99 seeds

teaches a skill needed for all of the immortal character skill achievements.

Last but certainly not least, there are several useful items you can get.

The guide is divided by Disc Number and by sets of 20 Seeds, which is the

number required to get each of the prizes (except 19 for the last prize).

Each section has a header that is the name of the part of the world as

described on the map screen. There is then further detail describing the

name of each area as it appears on the menu screen. Finally, each seed is

then numbered and described. Please keep in mind that the number for each

seed is simply the order in which I discovered it and that if you follow

this guide exactly, you will not miss a single one at its earliest time

available. The numbers are not referenced in the game itself or anywhere

else aside from this guide.

You can search for a specific seed by using its number in


For example: (01) (10)

Any seeds that have associated frequently asked questions will also have

a searchable number in parenthesis.

For example: (FAQ20)

This FAQ was designed to avoid plot spoilers. The guide will, however,

reveal the names of almost every location in the game and the order

in which you travel to them.


[A2] 99 Seeds Guide (in order of appearance):









The Great Gate of Uhra

(01) On top of the tower there is a pot.

Monorail - The Great Gate Station

(02) Behind two talking soldiers at the northern end of the area there is

a poster.

The Central Station Square

(03) Next to the taxi there is a woman sitting on a bench. It is in an object

next to her.

(04) Near the eastern exit there is a poster.

Uhra - Main Street

(05) Check the poster next to a large open archway on the way to the council


(06) Across the street outside the inn there is a dark object close to

where some people are looking up at a screen.

Virno's Tavern

(07) The lower of two pots on 2nd floor.

Tolsan's Inn

(08) On the way up the stairs in a pot.

Uhra - Residential Area

(09) There is a poster on the left side of the park near the steps.

(10) Head up from the park, it is in the 2nd gold pot from the right.

(11) In a grey object between the 2nd and 3rd gold pot from the right.

(12) Directly below the previous Seed in a dark object.

Gongora's Mansion - Research Lab

(13) In an object in the top right corner of the area (you will be locked

out after you leave the mansion and you will not be able to revisit

until Disc 4).



Ipsilon Mountains - Valley Road

(14) After entering this level, check the 1st tree you can ram into on the

right after the save point.

(15) Another tree you can ram into. From this tree you will be able to see

two brown pots in the background.

Ipsilon Mountains - Near Mountain Hut

(16) On the left side there is a tree that you can ram into from the

lower level. It is the second tree on the left you can ram into.

(17) Ram into a tree on the bottom right side of the area next to a couple

of pots.

Ipsilon Mountains - Mountain Hut

(18) Pot on the right as soon as you enter.

Ipsilon Mountains - Cart Track

(19) Towards the exit of this area is a cart you can push off the side.



Building Material Warehouse

(20) Get past the guards (FAQ20), climb down the ladder and it will be in

a pot below the weapons dealer.

* Here you will find the first Pipot. Your prizes for 20 seeds are the

Adamantis Sword and Adamantis Ring.






Sea of Baus - Reef Shallows

(21) In a clam on the winding path.

Sea of Baus - Beach of the Wastes

(22) The first machine you see.

(23) The machine furthest to the right towards the beginning of the area.



Numara Palace - Facade

(24) On the far right just outside the palace you will see a red fruit.

(25) On the far left just outside the palace you will see a red fruit.

Numara - White Square

(26) At the north end of the area on the right side you will a red

fruit (the lower of 3).

(27) South of the Inn you will see a red fruit (the lower of 2).

Thelran's Inn

(28) The glowing plant to the left of the innkeeper.

(29) The glowing plant to the right of the innkeeper.

(30) On the 2nd floor, in the lower left room in a glowing plant.

Numara - Main Street

(31) A red fruit outside of Ninn's Boutique (the lower of 2).

(32) A red fruit in the alley next to Ninn's Boutique (the lower

of 2).

(33) A red fruit in the bridge between the northern and southern

roads (the lower of 3).

(34) A red fruit outside of Artist's Salon (the lower of 2).

(35) A red fruit in the alley next to Nalia's Item Shop.

Ninn's Boutique

(36) In the main room check the glowing plant on the right.

Nalia's Item Shop

(37) In the middle drawer in the back room (FAQ37).

City of Numara - Canal Street

(38) After crossing the large bridge there is a red fruit on the

right side (the lowest of 3).

(39) There is a smaller bridge later on. The red fruit is on the

left side (the lowest of 3).

Ghost Town - Funeral Beach

(40) To the right of the Pipot and the blue doors is a pot.

* Outside the house at "Ghost Town - Funeral Beach" you will

find the second Pipot. Your prize for 40 seeds is an Earth







Crimson Forest - Maze of Gloom

(41) On the left path there is tall triangular object.

Crimson Forest - Near Swamp

(42) In the middle of the map there is a tiny dead end facing south

with a triangular object.






Crimson Forest - Maze of Gloom

(43) Take the second lift from the top right corner of the map (FAQ43)

and it will be in a triangular object nearby (must be on Disc 2 or




Numara Palace - Corridor Garden

(44) In a pot as you run down the path to the right on the lower

level (before 1st elevator).

(45) In a pot past the 2nd elevator on the upper level.

(46) Back on the lower level to the left of the 2nd elevator in a pot.

(47) Back on the 2nd level, just below the 3rd elevator in a pot.



Mountain Village Tosca

(48) In a pot on the right side of the inn next to a waterfall.

Deeno Family House

(49) In a pot up the ladder.

Tolty's Inn

(50) The lower of two cabinets next to the save point in the right

side bedroom.

(51) The lower of two cabinets in the left side bedroom.

* Here is the 3rd Pipot, although there are not yet enough seeds

for the 3rd prize.



The Black Cave - Maze of Darkness

(52) As you follow the path, eventually there will be a place you

can jump down towards a chest.

The Black Cave - Helltrap

(53) Treasure chest right next to the save point.

* (Side note, if you're curious about how to get the treasure chest on

top of the pillar below, you have to fall into the highest of three

small pits. Grab a firefly so you can see where there are three small

pits close to each other and fall into the top one.)



Saman - Main Street

(54) There is a pot under a lamp post with two red flags.

(55) There is a pot outside of Audun's Item Shop.

Kersen's Inn

(56) A pot in the room on the 1st floor.

(57) A pot in the right side room on the 2nd floor.

Audun's Item Shop

(58) A pot on the left as you walk in.

Emelo's Tavern

(59) A pot in the back of the room.

Erlio Family House

(60) A pot on the left side of the room.

* The "Erlio Family House" has the 4th Pipot. The prize for 60

seeds is a Power Bangle.






Samanese Merchant Ship

(61) After entering the ship, look in a cabinet on the right side.






Ice Canyon - Ice Gorge

(62) Shortly after entering, hug the left side of the wall and a

path will lead up and around to a treasure chest.

Ice Canyon - Blizzard Peak

(63) Follow the right side of the path up and back in the direction

you came from. You will pass 3 wind traps. After you pass them,

intentionally fall off the cliff and you will land next to the

treasure chest.



Abandoned Apartment (Enter from the north end of Low Town via stairway)

(64) Down a flight of stairs in a pot.

(65) Move the object on the wall next to the above mentioned pot.

Bargel's Inn (Enter via Abandoned Apartment's Elevator to 9th floor)

(66) In a pot next to the innkeeper.

Rosa's Restaurant

(67) Pot in the middle of the restaurant.

Gohtza Station - Waiting Room

(68) Of the two pots at the bottom end of the area, it is in the left one.



Back Alley - City of Uhra (As Seth)

(69) Keep left when entering the area and you will find it in a gold pot.

(70) In a dark object near a dead end pointing north (there is a gold pot


Barkus' Arms and Armor Emporium (As Seth, enter via 2nd floor door next

to the inn's upstairs exit)

(71) In a gold pot at the bottom of the steps.

Uhra - Main Street (As Seth, via back exit of Inn)

(72) Head down and you will see two barrels you can kick. It is in the

right one.

Back Alley - Near Castle (As Seth)

(73) Turn right when entering the area, go up a ladder and it's in the

first gold pot you see.



Snow-Covered Trail (As Cooke)

(74) In the lower of two chests right next to the save point.

Old Gohtza - Eastern District (As Jansen)

(75) There is a hydrant type object at the top of a staircase

(closest one to the train tracks).

East-Bound Track (As Jansen)

(76) Check the boxes on the right side of the track as you head north.

It will be in the 3rd one.



Uhra Sewers - Treatment Plant (As Seth)

(77) On the lower level of the treatment plant in the top right area

of the map there is a gold pot next to a ladder and a bridge.

There is an unrelated treasure chest above on screen as well.

(78) There is a hidden pot on the right side right before the exit

to this area (after the lowering the water).

Uhra Sewers - Conduit (As Seth)

(79) After your first trip through "Uhra Sewers - Magic Tank" you

will descend a staircase and reach a 4-way crossroad (the

stairs you came from, a path and two bridges). Take the

bridge down and you will find a pot.



Gohtzan Refugee Camp (As Jansen)

(80) A pot just north of the save point

* The "Refugee Camp - Medical Camp" has the 5th Pipot. The

prize for 80 seeds is a Gigantes Brooch.

* See the "Spikey Seed Quest" section for information that is relevant

at this time.






Crashed Magic Train Site

(81) A sparkle, about half way through the area. At the fork, head right.

It is before the area with the save point (next to the wreckage on the


Burning Cave - Path of Steam

(82) Once you get to the steam geysers head towards a dead end on the

right with a sparkle.

Burning Cave - Path of Poison Mist

(83) When you reach the first steam geysers in this area you will see a

sparkle on the middle one.






Port - Eastern Coast of Sama

(84) From the port, submerge and head north to a column of


Port - Eastern Continent-East Lakefront

(85) From the port (FAQ85), submerge and head north. Hug

the right wall and you will find a column of bubbles shortly.

Port - Western Shore of Uhra

(86) From the port, submerge and head south, and then east along the coast.

Continue following the coast east and you will reach the column of

bubbles (north of the Sea of Baus).



Castle of Uhra - Station Square

(87) There are two treasure chests on the top left side of the area. Check

the left one.

Monorail - The Castle Station

(88) There are two pots on the left side of the area. It's in the top one.

* The 6th Pipot is here.

Secret Cave

(89) In the secret cave (FAQ89) after jumping the gap with the pipe, take

a few steps up, bash through the wall and check the treasure chest.



Port - Northern Coast of Numara

(90) From the port (FAQ90), submerge and follow the land northwest. You will

reach the column of bubbles shortly.



Chamber of Flowers

(91) Check the bottom left side of the area for a cabinet.

Numara Palace - Winds Chamber

(92) Check the top right side of the area for a cabinet.

Numara Palace - Waves Chamber

(93) Check the top right side of the area for a cabinet.

Numara Palace - Queen's Chamber

(94) Inside a pot near the treasure chest on the lower left of the mini-map.

Port of Numara - Terminal Building

(95) Immediately after entering, check the wall to the right for a

white cabinet.



* The 7th Pipot is here.

The White Boa - Brig (Access via Engine Area)

(96) Check the first jail cell for a treasure chest.



Port - Western Shore of Uhra

(97) Navigate the White Boa north and then east from the port, and then

south and through the ice so that you are in the center lake of the

northern continent. Launch the Nautilus and submerge. Head west from

there and you will soon see a column of bubbles. Further west is

another column of bubbles which is your target.



Kelolon Village

(98) (FAQ98) In the large open area of the map on the bottom right corner

you will find a gold pot.



Pirate Fortress

(99) (FAQ99) Ride the gondola and head right. Climb two ladders and you will

see two pots. Check the right one.

* Back on the White Boa, turn in your last 19 seeds for a Pipot Collar.

Congratulations on finding all 99 Seeds!


[A3] Introduction to 99 Seeds List:

The list below contains all 99 Seeds sorted by location. Reference the above

section for specific details on finding the Seeds. Seeds with an *asterisk*

next to them are missable and can be purchased from the Auction House if

missed in their original locations. Once again, the numbers used here exist

only in this guide and are not actually in the game.

For your quick reference, here is a list of which discs the seeds first

become available on.

Disc 1: 01-42

Disc 2: 43-61

Disc 3: 62-83

Disc 4: 84-99


[A4] 99 Seeds List (sorted by location):



01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 69 70 71 72 73 77* 78* 79* 87 88 89



14 15 16 17 18 19






21* 22* 23*



24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 44 45 46 47 91 92 93 94 95



41 42 43



48 49 50 51



52 53



54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61*



62 63



64 65 66 67* 68* 74* 75* 76*






81 82 83



84 85 86 90 97











[A5] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: (FAQ20) How do I get past the guards?

A: Talk to the top guard, sprint down and talk to the bottom guard. This will

get both guards to walk away from their posts. Run back up and pull the

top box as far as you can. It's okay if you get caught after you have

moved the box, its position will not reset. Now do the opposite, talk to

the bottom guard, sprint up and talk to the top guard. They will again

start pacing away from their posts. Run back down and push the second

box as far as you can. This should leave enough room for you to get by

and down the ladder.

Q: (FAQ37) How do I get into the back room?

A: There is a girl at "Numara - White Square" with pointy ears. Play

with her (just run up and talk to her when she runs away). She will

then appear again at "Numara - Main Street" and again want to play.

Agree and you will find her in the (now unlocked) back room of

"Nalia's Item Shop". At a certain point on Disc 2, parts of

"Numara - Main Street" will become inaccessible, however these places

will become available again on Disc 4.

Q: (FAQ43) I can't find the 2nd lift! Where is it?

A: Make sure you're in "Crimson Forest - Maze of Gloom" and make your way

to the top right corner of the area. From there, head west and follow

the wall up to the 2nd lift. Ride the lift and follow the path and

you should be able to find the seed.

Q: (FAQ85) How do I get to Port - "Eastern Continent-East Lakefront"?

A: Sail southeast from the Port - "Eastern Coast of Sama" and stay to the

right of the hypercurrents (the white water on the map). Eventually

you will reach a continent as you head further south. At the north end

of that continent, you will see a U shaped land mass. Submerge in the

mouth of the U and continue south until you reach the Port and the

entrance to "The Great Ancient Ruins".

Q: (FAQ89) How I get to the secret cave?

A: Go to Gongora's Mansion in Uhra, go through the left door in the left

corridor and break the seal.

Q: (FAQ90) How do I get through the hypercurrents to reach this area?

A: Complete "The Great Ancient Ruins" dungeon (see FAQ85 above for

directions to the dungeon).

Q: (FAQ98) How do I get to Kelolon Village?

A: From Port "Western Shore of Uhra", navigate the White Boa north

and then east from the port, and then south and through the ice so that

you are in the center lake of the northern continent. Launch the Nautilus

and head southeast. You will soon see a small river heading south. Follow

that river underwater and when you reach the end of it, go up to the

surface and land.

Q: (FAQ99) How do I get to the Pirate Fortress?

A: From Port "Eastern Coast of Saman", steer the White Boa northeast until

you reach the very top right corner of the map. Approach the weak ice

from the north and land.


[A6] Pipots & Prizes:



Grand Staff Construction Base

Make your way to the northeast part of the map and here you will find the

first Pipot next to a staircase. If you have found all the seeds so far,

including the one in this area, then you will get your first prizes:

* Adamantis Sword - Power 28

* Adamantis Ring - Water Lv 1, Bio Killer Lv 1, MP Absorb Lv 1



Ghost Town - Funeral Beach

The second Pipot is right next to the bright blue door. If you have

found all the seeds so far, including the one in this area, you will

get your next prize:

* Earth Charm - Earth Resistance Up



Old Man Bosso's House

Up the ladder is the 3rd Pipot, although there are not yet enough

seeds for the 3rd prize.



Erlio Family House

Here you will find the 4th Pipot and at this point if you find all the

seeds in the city you will have exactly enough for your next prize:

* Power Bangle - Attack Boost 1



Refugee Camp - Medical Camp

Here is the 5th Pipot. Once again there are exactly enough seeds for

the next prize at this point:

* Gigantes Brooch - HP Max Up 3



Monorail - The Castle Station

The 6th Pipot is here but there are not enough seeds for the last prize.



The White Boa - Pilothouse

At the bottom of this area is the 7th Pipot. When you first arrive here

you will not have enough seeds for the final prize.



Pirate Fortress

The 8th and final Pipot is here conveniently with the last seed. Just

follow the penguin to find it. The final prize awaits you:

* Pipot Collar - Absorb Earth


[A7] Missable Seeds at the Auction House:

If you were not following this guide or if for some reason you missed one

of the seeds and the seed's location is no longer accessible due to the plot

having advanced, don't worry! You can still buy any of those missable seeds

at the Auction House in the City of Saman.

Below is a list of the seeds that it is possible to miss. This list was

confirmed by GameFAQs user shurakaretny.



Seeds 21, 22 and 23



Seed 61



Seeds 67, 68, 74, 75 and 76



Seeds 77, 78 and 79.


[B1] Introduction to Slot Seeds:

The purpose of this guide is to help players find all of the Slot Seeds in

the game. Why bother? Slot Seeds can be used to increase the number of

Skill Slots available for the immortal characters in the game. Basically

you will have more opportunities to customize your characters with more

powerful combinations of skills if you get as many Slot Seeds as possible.

The guide is divided by Disc Number.

Each section has a header that is the name of the part of the world as

described on the map screen. There is then further detail describing the

name of each area as it appears on the menu screen. Finally, each Slot Seed

is then numbered and described. Please keep in mind that the number for each

Slot Seed is not referenced in the game itself or anywhere else aside from

this guide. The guide lists the Slot Seeds in the order in which they

become available in the game. The only exception to this is the Slot Seeds

on Disc 4, many of which become available simultaneously.

You can search for a specific Slot Seed by using the format below.

For example: {01} {10}

The guide below was based on the list submitted by Duarian (a

GameFAQs user), who gave permission for me to use the Slot Seed Location

Guide he had posted on the GameFAQS Message board in this FAQ. It has been

reformatted based on my experience with the game, to match the 99 Seeds

Guide above and to minimize spoilers.


[B2] 48 Slot Seeds Guide:






Ipsilon Mountains - Valley Road

{01} Examine the yellow pot.

Ipsilon Mountains - Peak

{02) You can steal the Slot Seed from this boss, but you don't need to

because bosses that have Slot Seeds drop them every time!

Ipsilon Mountains - Mining Site

{03} Go down one level and smash through the rocks. Follow the path to a

treasure chest.



Sea of Baus - Beach of Wastes

{04} Ram the machine in the center of the area.



The White Boa - Engine Room

{05} After sneaking by the sleeping guard you can press a button on the

wall and find the Slot Seed in a treasure chest.



Numara - White Square

{06} Talk to the little girl with pointy ears, and then when she runs

off, talk to her again.

Numara - Main Street

{07} There is a ladder in the back of Ninn's Boutique. Follow the path

across the river and down another ladder. There will be a treasure


Ghost Town

{08} Go behind the house with the blue door to the end of the map to find

a treasure chest.



Sorcerer's Shrine - Dungeon Shrine

{09} In the last area before the boss (with the save point), avoid the

Earth Colossi and continue to the right to find a treasure chest.






Numara Palace - Corridor Garden

{10} When you get to the second floor you will find the Slot Seed in a pot

before the next elevator.



Tosca Village - Tolty's Inn

{11} Upstairs in the left room in a treasure chest.

{12} There's a girl next to the Kelolon Statue who initiates a minigame.

Complete it to earn the Slot Seed.



Black Cave

{13} Steal from the Boss.

* This Slot Seed can be obtained twice if you allow the Boss to run away

after stealing a Slot Seed. You can get a second Slot Seed by

fighting it again, and stealing a second time. If you do this, by the

end of the game you can have 49 Slot Seeds instead of 48. In case

you are wondering, no, you cannot get more than one extra Slot Seed

this way. The Boss will only run away once.



Saman - House of Riordan the Merchant

{14} Inside a pot.

Samanese Merchant Ship (Experimental Staff)

{15} Check the treasure chest at the end of the dock.






Ice Canyon - Snow Plateau

{16} Another boss battle where you have the option of stealing the Slot

Seed even though it would drop it anyway.



Aurora - Bound Train - Freight Car

{17} Find the sparkle in the first car.



Castle of Uhra - Station Square (As Seth)

{18} Open the treasure chest next to the save point.



Old Gohtza - Western District (As Jansen)

{19} Search carefully and you will find a hidden path with a treasure chest.

Gohtza Low Town - Backyard (As Jansen)

{20} Take the elevator down to the Backyard and check the buckets.

Old Gohtza - Eastern District (As Jansen)

{21} There is a treasure chest hidden by some train tracks.






Port - Western Shore of Uhra

{22} Submerge immediately and you will see the column of bubbles.



{23} During the boss attack minigame examine the schools of fish. You might

need to leave the last boss alive (but asleep) so you can prolong the

battle and search for more items. When I played, the Slot Seed was the

very last one and there was only one boss left.



Port - Northern Shore of Ipsilon

{24} Launch the Nautilus and submerge. From there, locate the area on the map

just to the right of where you broke through the ice and search there.

It is northeast of the port.

(To get to this port, navigate the White Boa from the port at the

"Western Shore of Uhra". Head north, then east and finally south and

through the ice so that you are in the center lake of the northern

continent. The port is directly south from the ice.)



Pirate Fortress

{25} Find most of the missing pirates and return to Pirate Fortress.

There are 6 of them in total:

1. Sea of Baus

2. Sorceress' Mansion

3. City of Saman

4. Kelolon Village

5. Underwater, northwest of Kelolon Village (west of the ice).

6. In the Queen's Chamber on the White Boa.

After finding all 6 (update: you don't need all 6 to get the Slot Seed,

but if you did get all 6, continue reading), return to Pirate Fortress

and visit the workshop. You will be rewarded with an ultimate weapon

for one of your characters and a ring. After that, leave Pirate

Fortress and then go back in. You will see a scene with a guy next to

the gondola who will finally give you the Slot Seed.



Grand Staff - Second Boiler

{26} Climb the first ladder you see. There will be a kickable object at the

other end of the platform.



Temple of Enlightenment

{27} You will have to ride the platforms to reach the treasure chest in the

middle of the first area.

Temple of Enlightenment - Square of Eternity

{28} There is a treasure chest in the middle of the bottom platform.

Temple of Enlightenment

{29} Examine the Spirit Sorcerer.



Grand Staff - Maintenance Lift

{30} Raise the lift to the second level and rotate left so that you can reach

the platform on the northwest corner of the map with the treasure chest.



Gohtza Low Town - Backyard (Prizes)

{31} The Kelolon Battalion!

{32} The Festival of Magic

{33} Pure Gluttony

{34} Two Eyeballs

{35} Puppet Master

{36} Poor Little Kelolon!

{37} Art of Inner Sight

{38} The Mantalas Return!

{39} Against all Odds

{40} Meat Eaters

{41} A Germ of Annoyance

{42} Shared Frontline

{43} Enter Kelolon Commander!

{44} Absence of Immortals

{45} Ah, Fireworks Forever!

{46} Manny Fever

{47} Kelolon Battalion Head

{48} The Immortal One


[C1] Spikey Seed Quest Introduction:

This is a brief guide to the series of delivery quests that begins in the

REFUGEE CAMP. Why bother? The prize for this quest is yet another unique

accessory with a very useful skill (check the end of the guide for details).

Once again you will need this skill for several achievements and it is a

must for completionists.

The quest itself is a very easy (albeit time consuming), especially

considering that the items you receive are described in the game with the

exact detail of where you need to go next. Nevertheless, this Seed Guide

would not be complete without out it.


[C2] Spikey Seed Quest:

When you first reach the REFUGEE CAMP talk to a man in the left side of

the area and agree to help get his food rations. Sprint to the campfire and

talk to a woman and she will give you the food (if you're too slow,

you can try again later). Run back to the man and he will give you a

"Spikey Seed".

Take the "Spikey Seed" to the Pipot here in the at "Refugee Camp -

Medical Camp" and it will give you the "Prickley Seed."

Take the "Prickley Seed" to the Pipot at the "Erlio Family House" in the

CITY OF SAMAN and it will give you a "Solid Seed".

In the CITY OF UHRA, go to "Monorail - The Castle Station" and give the

"Solid Seed" to the Pipot. It will give you a "Tough Seed".

Travel to the STATE OF NUMARA (via the Port) and find the Pipot at the

"Ghost Town - Funeral Beach". Trade your "Tough Seed" for a "Fuzzy Seed".

Take the "Fuzzy Seed" to the GRAND STAFF CONSTRUCTION BASE and deliver it

to the Pipot there. Now you will have a "Rough Seed".

TOSCA VILLAGE has the Pipot excited about the "Rough Seed". It is in "Old

Man Bosso's House". It has a "Smooth Seed" for you.

The Pipot on board the WHITE BOA wants the "Smooth Seed". Go to "The White

Boa - Pilothouse" to deliver it. It will give you a "Puffy Seed".

Go to PIRATE FORTRESS and follow the penguin to the Pipot. Give it the

"Puffy Seed" and you will finally get your prize:

* Bracelet of Efficiency - MP Conservation


[D1] Closing:

Coming Soon


* More FAQs including greater detail for troublesome seeds.

* Cleanup spelling, punctuation and grammar.

* Anything you want, feel free to e-mail your requests.

Special Thanks To


Return of Mercer (GameFAQs user), who was the first person to post a

list of all 99 Seeds on the Lost Odyssey GameFAQs Message Board.

Duarian (GameFAQs user), who gave permission for me to use the Slot Seed

Location Guide he had posted on the GameFAQS Message board for reference

in this FAQ.

shurakaretny (GameFAQs user), who provided the list of which Seeds could

be purchased from the Auction House.

trobinson97 (GameFAQs user), who suggested the 99 Seeds List sorted by area.

wolfpack122 (GameFAQs user), who provided more detail for Slot Seed #24.

brandogirl80 (GameFAQs user), who provided more detail for Seed #81 and

Seed #86.

schmutzmeisteR and Madnapanda (GameFAQs user), who both provided additional

detail for Slot Seed #25.

fizjig (GameFAQs user) who provided additional detail for Seed #16.

Everyone that encouraged me to keep writing after Mercer's list came out. I

was so close to giving up! Thanks everyone!

Special thanks to GameFAQs Staff for maintaining one of the best gaming

websites on the net.

Version Information


1.00: First Version, 99 Seeds guide complete with several FAQs.

2.00: Added some acknowledgments, corrected some spelling, punctuation and

grammar. Reorganized the document for new sections. Added a bit to

the FAQ section. Slot Seed Guide added! Spikey Seed Quest added! 8th

Pipot added!

2.01: Added section on Missable Seeds. More spelling and grammar

corrections. Added some additional information to certain seeds and

FAQs (including a list of the six locations of the pirates for Slot

Seed #25).

2.10: Added 99 Seeds List. Fixed a few typos.

2.11: Corrected Slot Seed #24. Additional acknowledgments.

2.12: Minor correction to Slot Seed #30.

2.13: Several spelling and grammatical corrections. Additional detail added

to Seed #81 & Seed #86. Added yet more information to Slot Seed #25.

2.14: Revised the description on Slot Seed #25 (again).

2.15: Revised the description on Slot Seed #25 (and again).

2.16: Revised the description on Seed #16. Updated acknowledgments.

Contact Information


If you want to contact me for any reason, I can be e-mailed at:

gamefaqs AT ari DOT itgo DOT com
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