You'll have to complete appropriate achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Keep Away! (25) - Win a Ranked Capture the Flag game without the other team capturing your flag
King Me! (25) - Win a Ranked King of Time game by at least 5 kills
Anytime, Anyplace (25) - Win a Ranked match on every map
I Don't Rent, I Own (25) - Win a Ranked Deathmatch game by at least 5 kills
Jack of All Frags (25) - Win a Ranked match in every game mode
Not Even Close (25) - Win a Ranked 1v1 game without dying once
Nuclear Winter Wonderland (25) - Win a Ranked Meltdown Madness game by at least 30 seconds.
That Guy Is Swift (25) - Complete a level without dying on Skilled difficulty
The Forgotten - Elite (20) - Complete Act 3 "The Forgotten" on Elite difficulty
The Stronghold - Elite (20) - Complete Act 2 "The Stronghold" on Elite difficulty
Yoink! (20) - Retrieve 50 flags in Capture the Flag
Alpha District - Elite (20) - Complete Act 1 "Alpha District" on Elite difficulty
Are You Cheating? (20) - Score 30 headshots with any weapon in multiplayer games
Bullets Are Expensive (20) - Kill 25 opponents with melee attacks in multiplayer games
Munitions Plant - Elite (20) - Complete Act 4 "Munitions Plant" on Elite difficulty
MVP (20) - Capture 25 flags in Capture the Flag
Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.