Black Ops 4 Quadruple XP – Is it Possible?

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 continues to dominate the online multiplayer market, thanks in part to its double XP weekend events. Is it possible, however, to get Black Ops 4 quadruple XP? Some players are wondering if there’s a way to work the system in their favor and get four times as many points from matches. So, is this possible or not?

Black Ops 4 Quadruple XP – What are Double XP Weekends?

Double XP weekends, such as the one that’s taking place this weekend for Thanksgiving, give Black Ops 4 players two times as many experience points (XP) for completing matches. Kills, assists, revives, and capturing points all help towards you getting a better XP score at the end of matches, so it’s worth actually getting good at Black Ops 4 to level up faster, unlock new items and skins, and generally look awesome compared to your mates.

Black Ops 4 Quadruple XP – What are Players Trying to Achieve With This?

Some soft drinks companies print a Black Ops 4 double XP code, underneath the ring pull of promotional cans, to take advantage of gamers playing Treyarch’s latest game. Players can then redeem these codes on their Black Ops 4 account, and earn double XP in matches to rank up faster.

Now, some players think that they can stack these double XP weekends up with these codes to give themselves a bigger XP boost with four times as many points. It’s a novel idea, but is it actually a workaround that cheats the system?

Black Ops 4 Quadruple XP – Does it Work?

In a word, no. Activision and Treyarch will have been aware of something like this occurring, and have implemented a system in their game that prevents players from taking advantage of it.

If you input a code found on an energy drink into Black Ops 4 during a double XP weekend, the code won’t take effect until the double XP weekend is over. This means that your dream of earning quadruple XP in Black Ops 4 is only a pipedream. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’ll have to stick to double XP as the maximum you can get.

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