Cheat Mode
Enter the following code at the main menu:
[Up], [Down], [Up], [Up], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Down], [Down] - Malstrum Mansion.Hints
Achievements (Steam)
When You complete each condition You'll get the allotted achievements:
Tower Champion 1 - Complete Tower Challenge Number 1.
Tower Champion 2 - Complete Tower Challenge Number 2.
Tower Champion 3 - Complete Tower Challenge Number 3.
Tower Champion 4 - Complete Tower Challenge Number 4.
Tower Champion 5 - Complete Tower Challenge Number 5.
Body Launcher - Throw an enemy into another.
Untouchable - Land 50 deflect kicks.
Zenozoik Adventurer - Complete the game.
Door Hater - Annoy the man behind the door.
Easter Egg - Find the secret easter egg.
Flame Master - Capture 30 fireballs with the torch.
Heavy Brawler - Defeat a heavy enemy without getting hit.
Light the Path - Ignite all pyres.
Almost Number One - Bring the Hunter down to 1 healthpoint in melee combat.
Animal Cruelty - Kill 50% of the harmless animals in the game.
Metamoq's pupil - Learn all advanced combat techniques.
Street Fighter - Beat the game without using weapons unless it is absolutely necessary.
Target Practice - Shoot 21 Mucalosaurus Worshippers from the boat.
Monocrome Adventurer - Input the Malstrum's Mansion secret code.
Secret Easter Egg
Go to chapter 4: Corwid of the Free. In the second scene, while you are in the cage, look at the tree behind and to the left of you if you were to face the large monster. The Easter Eggs are located under that tree.
Explore the galaxy in the franchise's first open-world game.