Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt

Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt | How to grapple up the train car

The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt in Far Cry New Dawn has you scaling up a collapsed bridge in search of loot. This is another treasure hunt where you’ll be using your grapple a lot, and it can take some patience to reach your goal. We’ll show you how to grapple up to the bridge and make your way across the treacherous path in the Far Cry New Dawn Best Laid Plans treasure hunt.

Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt location

How to grapple up the boxcar to the top of the bridge in the Best Laid Plans treasure hunt in Far Cry New Dawn

Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt note location

To start the Best Laid Plans treasure hunt, you’ll need to find a note in a metal box near the base of the collapsed bridge. The letter is from a survivor and details some of the struggles their group had before you arrived. The note reads:

Survivor Note

Turns out the bridge couldn’t hold the train. Jerome barely got out alive, and we lost at least a year’s worth of supplies.

I don’t think we can build much of Prosperity now without help from the outside.

Still, first chance we get someone with a grappling hook should head up into this mess and salvage what they can. Might as well make the best of this.


To get to this stash of supplies, you need to grapple up to the bridge and make the perilous journey over to the cache. To do so, you’ll need to start by climbing to the top of a nearby boxcar which is dangling precariously off a section of the crumbled bridge.

Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt box car

This part can be a bit confusing unless you’re paying attention. In most places in the game as long as you have a line of sight to a grapple icon you can throw your hook and climb up. Not here, though. You need to be standing in a particular spot to use your grappling hook to climb up the boxcar.

Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt boxcar entrance

To start your journey to the treasure, you need to crawl into the boxcar laying on its side beneath the one you need to climb up through. Trying to grapple from outside of the car won’t work.

How to get to the loot in the Best Laid Plans treasure hunt in Far Cry New Dawn

Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt grapple 2

Once you climbed onto the open door of the boxcar, look up and grapple again. You can climb up through the open side of another boxcar. Be careful when you reach the top as your character sometimes likes to do a little hop when you release your grapple, which can end with you zooming right out the other side of the boxcar and to the ground.

Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt grapple 3


Now, look up and to your left, and you’ll see a pole you can grapple to. You can then run up a small ramp and find another note. The letter fills you in a bit more on the backstory of the Prosperity group before your arrival in Hope County.

It reads:

Survivor Note

Pastor Jerome,

I’m hearing more rumors about a group out west led by some guide called “Rush.” It sounds like he’s built up a bunch of settlements up the coast.

More than that, he’s headed our way.

Once we get Prosperity up and running, maybe we should reach out. We could always use more expertise and he might be able to help us with our Highwaymen problem.


Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt note 2

Now, continue over the boxes and the overturned railcar. Across the bridge, you’ll see yet another spot you can grapple to. This time you’ll have to swing and grapple to the next point. Wait until you’re arcing towards the next position and hit the prompt when it appears onscreen.

Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt grapple 4

Climb up and cross over the narrow beams. At the end of your path, you can again grapple onto a wrecked train car. Swing wide and grapple to the next location when prompted, then swing again and latch onto the end of the boxcar. You can now climb up and enter the treasure area.

Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt grapple 6

Far Cry New Dawn Best Laid Plans treasure hunt rewards

Far Cry New Dawn The Best Laid Plans treasure hunt loot

For completing the hunt, you’ll get three perk magazines, 45 Far Cry Credits, random crafting material, and Titanium from the safe.

Unlike most treasure hunts, we didn’t find any notes or audio logs amongst the treasure here. You can just grab the loot and go.

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