apex legends caustic legendary skin aim bug

Apex Legends Caustic legendary skin aim bug fix

An Apex Legends Caustic legendary skin aim bug is making it impossible for players to properly aim down their sights while wearing the Sixth Sense skin. The problem only affects people playing with this outfit, so find out more about the Apex Legends Caustic legendary skin aim bug fix is with our help.

Apex Legends Caustic legendary skin aim bug

Apex Legends Caustic legendary skin aim bug fix sixth sense

The Apex Legends Caustic legendary skin aim bug only affects players who use Caustic’s legendary outfit. This skin causes a glitch that stops players from being able to see everything in front of them when aiming down the sights.

One Reddit user named onebigtaco uploaded a 30-second clip of the error in question. The footage shows onebigtaco picking up the Prowler SMG and aiming down its sights. Around a third of the screen is obscured by the holo scope on this weapon, which would definitely put you at a disadvantage in combat.

Despite swapping guns and picking other ones up, the issue returns after a couple of weapon swaps and leaves players facing the same predicament.

Apex Legends Caustic legendary skin aim bug fix

Apex Legends Caustic legendary skin aim bug fix

Right now there isn’t an official Apex Legends Caustic legendary skin aim bug fix. Onebigtaco took the error to the EA forums to make Respawn and EA aware of the issue, but no-one has confirmed that they’ve seen his message or sent it to the development team.

The most logical solution to this is to not use Caustic’s Sixth Sense legendary skin for the time being. If you do, you’re likely to run into this glitch yourself, and it could be the difference between surviving and, well, not.

The other thing you can try is to remove the holo sight from the Prowler and use a different scope. Some players, such as Reddit user Sadness_Is_Life, had success with this while using the legendary skin, so try it for yourself.

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