There’s a Division 2 PC mouse stuttering bug doing the rounds that’s impacting how people play it. The issue causes people’s CPU usage to stay at 100 per cent, no matter what they try. See what our Division 2 PC mouse stuttering bug fix is by reading on below.
The Division 2 PC mouse stuttering bug
The Division 2 PC mouse stuttering bug, as we mentioned, is causing heaps of problems for players. By sending their CPU use up to its maximum level, it’s causing some computers to slow right down and make playing the game impossible.
Threads have sprouted up on the official Ubisoft technical forums with players seeking a fix to this issue. One user, going by the name eightbit_orc, revealed that playing with an Xbox One controller made the game play normally. When switching to a mouse, however, the problem cropped back up again.
How to fix The Division 2 PC Mouse Stuttering Bug
To fix The Division 2 PC mouse stuttering bug, there are a couple of things you can try. If your CPU usage is stuck at 100 per cent, and you use an Nvidia graphics card you can head to this guide to find a solution. If you happen to have a Corsair iCUE driver, you can disable SDK in your game’s third-party settings and this will resolve the issue too.
For the rest of you, there is a fix that might work. Bear in mind, however, that Ubisoft themselves have advised against changing any of registry settings as they could impact how the game runs. Use this fix at your own risk.
According to forum user Vartolu94, you can create a text file within the game’s registry to sort it out. To do this, copy and paste the following text into a text file — [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution OptionsTheDivision2.exePerfOptions]”CpuPriorityClass”=dword:00000001 — and then change the end of the file’s name from .txt to .reg.
Execute this file and it will apparently set The Division 2‘s priority to normal. This reduces the CPU usage, and allows you to use your mouse properly.
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