An Outer Wilds PC profile creation bug is stopping players from being able to create a game. Those that have experienced it are just stuck on the main menu and can’t figure out how to actually play this acclaimed indie title. To find out how to fix this issue, you’ll want to read our Outer Wilds PC profile creation bug guide and try out some of our suggestions.
Outer Wilds PC Profile Creation Bug | Create game error
Right then, the Outer Wilds PC profile creation bug is as simplistic as it sounds. Players download the game and load it up, as you would do with any other title. However, as soon as the main menu loads in, you might have experienced a problem that others have too.
People have reported that they’re able to move past the game’s main screen and head to the “Create” and “Exit Game” menu. When they click on the “Create” option to start a new game, however, nothing seems to happen. It’s an issue that plenty of PC players have reported in this Reddit thread, and we suspect there are others out there who will want to learn how to resolve it too.
Outer Wilds PC Profile Creation Bug | How to fix
Luckily for you, there are a couple of Outer Wilds PC profile creation bug fixes that you can attempt to try and resolve this issue.
Firstly, make sure that you have no controllers, joysticks, or other unnecessary dongles plugged into your PC. Some have found that removing Xbox One and PS4 controllers, or even HOTAS joysticks, solved the problem for them.
If that doesn’t work, you can try configuring your controller through Steam. Launch Steam, and click on the controller icon in the top right to enter Big Picture mode. From here, open up “Settings” and then “Controller Settings”. Make sure the corresponding “Configuration Support” for Xbox One or PS4 is toggled on. Plug in your gamepad, and follow the instructions onscreen to finalize its configuration.
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