Battlefield 5 1.20 update patch notes

Battlefield 5 1.20 Update Patch Notes

A brand-new Battlefield 5 update is available to download and install right now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Skip to the end of this guide to have a read through the complete list of Battlefield 5 1.20 update patch notes. If you’d rather stick with us a little while longer, however, you can read through the 1.20 update highlights down below. Please bear in mind, however, that the Battlefield 5 version 1.20 update doesn’t bring anything new to the table. This is a hotfix that attempts to fix a few problems that arose from the 1.19 update. Read on for all the details.

Battlefield 5 1.20 Update Patch Notes | Highlights

Battlefield 5 1.20 update patch notes

As stated above, this update is a hotfix for a few issues that were discovered after the release of the last major patch in Battlefield 5. As such, there are only three total patch notes to tell you about (skip to the end to read the patch notes). Despite its small number of patch notes, though, the 1.20 update is actually relatively large in terms of download size. On PC, the update will take up around 4 GB of space, whereas it is just over 1 GB on PS4, and around 1.5 GB on Xbox One. Find out what it fixed below.

General Fixes

There are only three patch notes within this update, but each of them should make your Battlefield 5 experience all the smoother and better. General stability improvements have been made to help make the game smoother for you, for example. Face paints for Axis male soldiers should now be functional again thanks to the update, too.

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The main fix in the 1.20 update, however, is one that applies to hit registration. Hit registration should now be improved in all areas of the game (although especially when using airplanes). Although this is just a small list of fixes, the developers do have a list of prioritized issues, that you can take a look at here.

Battlefield 5 1.20 Update Patch Notes

Battlefield 5 1.20 update patch notes

Read through the full list of Battlefield 5 1.20 update patch notes, courtesy of EA and DICE:

  • Fix for hit registration which was the most noticeable when using airplanes. Players should see improvements across the entire game, as we have learned that this was affecting all Vehicles and Infantry under certain circumstances.
  • Face paints for the Axis male soldiers are once again functional
  • Stability improvements to the game client
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