By completing certain objectives in the game, you'll unlock special awards and titles.
- Builder - Build 10 buildings.
- Caravaneer - Have 6 units in your caravan.
- Collector - Collect 20 different goods.
- Craftsman - Produce 1 craft.
- Diplomat - Have 10 contracts.
- Distiller - Collect whiskey, sake, and vodka.
- Donkey Lover - Own 15 donkeys.
- Failed Larcenist - Fail at stealing 250 times.
- Great Builder - Build 25 buildings.
- Great Caravaneer - Have 12 units in your caravan.
- Great Collector - Collect 40 different goods.
- Great Craftsman - Produce 4 different crafts.
- Great Larcenist - Steal from 25 locations.
- Great Rogue - Have bad relations with 15 players.
- Great Saboteur - Sabotage 25 locations.
- Great Salesman - Fulfill 15 sales requests.
- Great Settler - Build 4 settlements.
- Great Traveler - Visit 16 countries.
- Great Treasure Hunter - Find 40 treasures.
- Great Wayfarer - Visit 500 locations.
- Larcenist - Steal from 10 locations.
- Master Builder - Build 75 buildings.
- Master Caravaneer - Have 25 units in your caravan.
- Master Collector - Collect 60 different goods.
- Master Craftsman - Produce 12 different crafts.
- Master Larcenist - Steal from 75 locations.
- Master Rogue - Have bad relations with 40 players.
- Master Saboteur - Sabotage 50 locations.
- Master Salesman - Fulfill 45 sales requests.
- Master Settler - Built 10 settlements.
- Master Traveler - Visit 50 countries.
- Master Treasure Hunter - Find 125 treasures.
- Master Wayfarer - Visit 2000 locations.
- Rogue - Have bad relations with 5 players.
- Saboteur - Sabotage 10 locations.
- Salesman - Fulfill 5 sales requests.
- Settler - Build 1 settlement.
- Sushi Chef - Collect salmon filet, trout filet, and white rice.
- Traveler - Visit 4 countries.
- Treasure Hunter - Find 15 treasures.
- Vegetarian - Collect barley, chicpeas, potatoes, rice, and rye.
- Wayfarer - Visit 100 locations.
- Worthy - Recieve 25 respects.