Fallout 76 Failed to Find World error fix

Fallout 76 Failed to Find World error fix

Sometimes when loading Fallout 76, players will encounter the Failed to Find World error. Each time you connect to a game, it loads a world instance, and most of the time, the process goes off without a hitch. However, sometimes Fallout 76 will fail to find a world, and this error is indicative of several issues.

How to fix Failed to Find World error in Fallout 76


When you get the Failed to Find World error in Fallout 76, it’s usually due to a connection issue. The message itself isn’t beneficial as it doesn’t tell you why the game failed to find a world to join. Usually, this issue occurs when the connection to the Fallout servers times out. This problem can be because of something on your end, but most of the time, it’s going to be due to issues with the server.

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Usually, the Failed to Find World error will occur when the Fallout 76 servers are down. This can be because Bethesda is pushing a new update or because of technical failures or maintenance. The official twitter will typically post about any scheduled or emergency downtime, so check there if you’re having issues connecting. Regardless of the cause, you shouldn’t have to wait more than a few hours for the error to go away.

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If for some reason you think the error is caused by something on your end, you can try the following fixes:

  • Reset the computer or console you’re trying to play the game on.
  • Reset your router and modem.
  • Check to see if other online games work on the console or PC you’re attempting to play Fallout 76 on.
  • Check the status of the online service your copy of Fallout 76 uses to connect (PSN, Xbox Live, Steam, Bethesda).

If other games are working, it’s almost 100% an issue on Bethesda’s end. If not, you’re likely dealing with an online service outage. If all else fails, you can uninstall and reinstall the game and check if that helps.

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