How to backstab in Mortal Shell

How to backstab in Mortal Shell

Learning how to backstab in Mortal Shell seems like an apt strategy since the game can be rather difficult at times. Any chance to utilize stealth to even the odds just a little bit is worth it. So how do you backstab in Mortal Shell, or better yet, can you even do it?

How to backstab in Mortal Shell

How to backstab in Mortal Shell

The answer is no, you cannot backstab in Mortal Shell. You can tiptoe all you want near an enemy’s back and swing, but you’ll just club them normally as if they already saw you. There seems to be no way to execute an enemy from behind and do some sort of powerful sneaky attack like you can do in Soulslike games like Bloodborne, Nioh 2, and Dark Souls.

But that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. There are ways to do a powerful attack even if it isn’t technically a sneak attack. Your running heavy attack is rather powerful, which you can perform by sprinting and the pressing the heavy attack button. However, you can even do this attack just by tapping the sprint button for a quick second beforehand. There’s no need to build up to a full sprint first.

There are also stronger weapons that can make these sneak attack even better. The Smoldering Mace and Martyr’s Blade are both heavy weapons that you can easily switch to once you find the Shrine of Ash and Crypt of Martyrs areas, respectively. These both have strong attacks that are slower, but will work more effectively if the enemy doesn’t see you. Wailing on them with a heavy attack or two and then quickly hardening to counter is an effective strategy. Getting the jump on enemies is vital sometimes and this blitzkrieg strategy of attacking and then hardening is very effective on most enemies.

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