How to switch classes in Mortal Shell

How to switch classes in Mortal Shell

Knowing how to switch classes in Mortal Shell can be a lifesaver. They are all distinct and each has strong suits that can better fit an area or enemy. But you can’t just switch shells all willy nilly. So how do you change classes in Mortal Shell?

How to switch classes in Mortal Shell

How to switch classes in Mortal Shell

There is only one free way to switch classes or shells in Mortal Shell. This is in the Fallgrim Tower next to the Sester and Old Prisoner (the beast you bring the Glands to). Once you find all of the classes, you’ll see them in tombs right next to the Sester. Just go up to the one you want to switch to and interact with it.

The only other way to switch is going to cost you. There are consumable items in the world that let you change shells. These items are called Effigy of Tiel, Effigy of Solomon, Effigy of Harros, and Effigy of Eredrim. Once consumed, these will let you swap to the shell in question. If you don’t remember what shell is what, you can view their names in the menu. Tiel is the thief-like character with a ton of stamina, Solomon is the scholar with a lot of Resolve, Eredrim is the tanky knight, and Harros is the balanced knight.

These four items are scattered throughout the game and sold within shops (Vlas’ shop only has Harros’ effigy, but the Corrupted Sester’s shop sells all of them for cheap and has an infinite amount of them). You can put these on your quick select item menu for easy access. There are enough of these lying around to switch classes semi-frequently but not enough to do so every time you get the urge. It isn’t like switching weapons.

Just be warned. Don’t use these items if you died and left one of your shells still out in the world. This will make it so you will switch back to the old class when you grab your shell. To combat this, add the your desired class’ item to your quick select, grab your old shell, then use the item to switch to the one you want.

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