How to open the locked chests in Mortal Shell

How to open the locked chests in Mortal Shell

Knowing how to unlock the locked chests in Mortal Shell will give you an edge. These peculiar chests are filled with goodies that you’ll need to upgrade and up your game. But they’re locked and the game doesn’t give you any indication on how to pry them open. So how do you open the chests in Fallgrim in Mortal Shell?

How to open the locked chests in Mortal Shell

How to open the locked chests in Mortal Shell

There’s no key, per se, to open these chests. However, these chests will open once you progress further in the game and kill the bosses. Each main boss in three areas you go to gives you a Gland upon their defeat. This glowing Gland hangs upon your character and is when the world shifts and the fog rolls in with the stronger enemies. You can see the orange gland on the character’s waist in the above picture.

But this is also when the chests open up and are able to be looted. You can open these chests for as long as you are carrying a Gland on you. Again, this means that you will also have to deal with stronger enemies in your quest for booty. Once you turn the Gland into the Old Prisoner, the game will go back to normal and the chests will shut.

There are three glands so you can choose when you go around and open these chests. Some items can only be found in these chests like the items that let you switch weapons wherever you are.

How to open the locked chests in Mortal Shell

But if you’ve turned in all of the Glands or just want to have the fog roll back in, you can talk to the shady figure in the Fallgrim Tower named Thestys. He’s next to the racks that let you switch weapons right in front of the Old Prisoner. You can pay him to return to the foggy areas, but it’s probably better to save your Glimpses and just do it while you have a Gland.

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