Drakengard 3 Weapon List

Weapon List


Weapon Location
Azure Cleaver Chapter 4, Verse 1 (shop)
Duchess's Dance Chapter 5, Verse 3 (shop)
Electroshocker Chapter 3, Verse 5 (shop)
Everlasting Ring Gift from Octa
Imperial Coffin Book Club Sanctity (Accord mission)
Ring of Lament Chapter 4, Verse 2 (chest)
Rule of Divine Law Gift from Octa
Skyward Wind Branch B, Verse 1 (shop)
Vidofnir's Blade Branch C, Verse 2 (shop)
Widow's Sin Lost Verse 1 (shop)

Combat Bracers

Weapon Location
Azure Arms Comet's Trail (Accord mission)
Captain's Guard Gift from Decadus
Crimson Impalers Chapter 5, Verse 2 (chest)
Darklord's Flame Branch B, Verse 3 (chest)
Darkseal Order Lost Verse 1 (chest)
Deathly Briars Lost Verse 1 (shop)
Golden Petals Chapter 3, Verse 3 (chest)
Iceborn Slayers Chapter 3, Verse 2 (shop)
Imperial Claws Chapter 4, Verse 2 (shop)
Masochistic Joy Gift from Decadus
Tyrant's Playthings Branch C, Verse 3 (shop)


Weapon Location
Bloodwyrm's Flame Branch B, Verse 2 (shop)
Conjurer's Staff Chapter 5, Verse 2 (shop)
Eternal Wail Chapter 3, Verse 5 (shop)
Final Knell Branch C, Verse 4 (chest)
Guardian's Oath Chapter 3, Verse 1 (shop)
Imperial Tears Branch C, Verse 1 (shop)
Robber King Chapter 4, Verse 2 (shop)
Seer's Lure Chapter 5, Verse 3 (chest)
Sins of the Fallen Gift from Dito
Spear of Empathy Flint Stint (Accord mission)
Thunder Princess Chapter 2, Verse 2
Twisted Hunger Gift from Dito


Weapon Location
Bloodletter Chapter 5, Verse 3 (shop)
Broken Iron Shooting Stars (Accord mission)
Ceremonial Blade Chapter 2, Verse 1 (chest)
Cries and Whispers Gift from Cent
Eternal Voice Chapter 1, Verse 1 (chest)
False Pact Gift from Cent
Feral King's Wildblade Lost Verse 2 (shop)
Gaia's Flame Branch B, Verse 1 (chest)
Imperial Fang Branch C, Verse 2 (shop)
Moonfire Branch C, Verse 1 (chest)
Mourning Thorn Lost Verse 3 (shop)
Once a Woman Branch C, Verse 3 (chest)
Saintly Brimstone Chapter 4, Verse 1 (shop)
Sinful Scream Chapter 1 (shop)
Skyward Thunder Branch B, Verse 3 (shop)
Thunder Lord Chapter 2, Verse 2 (shop)
Virginal Sin On the Move (Accord mission)
Zero's Blade Default weapon
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